/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/calls_call.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_app_config.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "boxes/rate_call_box.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "base/openssl_help.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_dh_utils.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio_track.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "calls/calls_panel.h" #include "webrtc/webrtc_video_track.h" #include "webrtc/webrtc_media_devices.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "facades.h" #include #include namespace tgcalls { class InstanceImpl; class InstanceImplLegacy; class InstanceImplReference; void SetLegacyGlobalServerConfig(const std::string &serverConfig); } // namespace tgcalls namespace Calls { namespace { constexpr auto kMinLayer = 65; constexpr auto kHangupTimeoutMs = 5000; constexpr auto kSha256Size = 32; const auto kDefaultVersion = "2.4.4"_q; #ifndef DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_WEBRTC_INTEGRATION const auto RegisterTag = tgcalls::Register(); //const auto RegisterTagReference = tgcalls::Register(); #endif // DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_WEBRTC_INTEGRATION const auto RegisterTagLegacy = tgcalls::Register(); void AppendEndpoint( std::vector &list, const MTPPhoneConnection &connection) { connection.match([&](const MTPDphoneConnection &data) { if (data.vpeer_tag().v.length() != 16) { return; } tgcalls::Endpoint endpoint = { .endpointId = (int64_t)data.vid().v, .host = tgcalls::EndpointHost{ .ipv4 = data.vip().v.toStdString(), .ipv6 = data.vipv6().v.toStdString() }, .port = (uint16_t)data.vport().v, .type = tgcalls::EndpointType::UdpRelay, }; const auto tag = data.vpeer_tag().v; if (tag.size() >= 16) { memcpy(endpoint.peerTag, tag.data(), 16); } list.push_back(std::move(endpoint)); }, [&](const MTPDphoneConnectionWebrtc &data) { }); } void AppendServer( std::vector &list, const MTPPhoneConnection &connection) { connection.match([&](const MTPDphoneConnection &data) { }, [&](const MTPDphoneConnectionWebrtc &data) { const auto host = qs(data.vip()); const auto hostv6 = qs(data.vipv6()); const auto port = uint16_t(data.vport().v); if (data.is_stun()) { const auto pushStun = [&](const QString &host) { if (host.isEmpty()) { return; } list.push_back(tgcalls::RtcServer{ .host = host.toStdString(), .port = port, .isTurn = false }); }; pushStun(host); pushStun(hostv6); } const auto username = qs(data.vusername()); const auto password = qs(data.vpassword()); if (data.is_turn() && !username.isEmpty() && !password.isEmpty()) { const auto pushTurn = [&](const QString &host) { list.push_back(tgcalls::RtcServer{ .host = host.toStdString(), .port = port, .login = username.toStdString(), .password = password.toStdString(), .isTurn = true, }); }; pushTurn(host); pushTurn(hostv6); } }); } constexpr auto kFingerprintDataSize = 256; uint64 ComputeFingerprint(bytes::const_span authKey) { Expects(authKey.size() == kFingerprintDataSize); auto hash = openssl::Sha1(authKey); return (gsl::to_integer(hash[19]) << 56) | (gsl::to_integer(hash[18]) << 48) | (gsl::to_integer(hash[17]) << 40) | (gsl::to_integer(hash[16]) << 32) | (gsl::to_integer(hash[15]) << 24) | (gsl::to_integer(hash[14]) << 16) | (gsl::to_integer(hash[13]) << 8) | (gsl::to_integer(hash[12])); } [[nodiscard]] QVector WrapVersions( const std::vector &data) { auto result = QVector(); result.reserve(data.size()); for (const auto &version : data) { result.push_back(MTP_string(version)); } return result; } [[nodiscard]] QVector CollectVersionsForApi() { return WrapVersions(tgcalls::Meta::Versions() | ranges::action::reverse); } [[nodiscard]] Webrtc::VideoState StartVideoState(bool enabled) { using State = Webrtc::VideoState; return enabled ? State::Active : State::Inactive; } } // namespace Call::Call( not_null delegate, not_null user, Type type, bool video) : _delegate(delegate) , _user(user) , _api(&_user->session().mtp()) , _type(type) , _videoIncoming(std::make_unique(StartVideoState(video))) , _videoOutgoing(std::make_unique(StartVideoState(video))) { _discardByTimeoutTimer.setCallback([=] { hangup(); }); if (_type == Type::Outgoing) { setState(State::Requesting); } else { startWaitingTrack(); } setupOutgoingVideo(); } void Call::generateModExpFirst(bytes::const_span randomSeed) { auto first = MTP::CreateModExp(_dhConfig.g, _dhConfig.p, randomSeed); if (first.modexp.empty()) { LOG(("Call Error: Could not compute mod-exp first.")); finish(FinishType::Failed); return; } _randomPower = std::move(first.randomPower); if (_type == Type::Incoming) { _gb = std::move(first.modexp); } else { _ga = std::move(first.modexp); _gaHash = openssl::Sha256(_ga); } } bool Call::isIncomingWaiting() const { if (type() != Call::Type::Incoming) { return false; } return (state() == State::Starting) || (state() == State::WaitingIncoming); } void Call::start(bytes::const_span random) { // Save config here, because it is possible that it changes between // different usages inside the same call. _dhConfig = _delegate->getDhConfig(); Assert(_dhConfig.g != 0); Assert(!_dhConfig.p.empty()); generateModExpFirst(random); const auto state = _state.current(); if (state == State::Starting || state == State::Requesting) { if (_type == Type::Outgoing) { startOutgoing(); } else { startIncoming(); } } else if (state == State::ExchangingKeys && _answerAfterDhConfigReceived) { answer(); } } void Call::startOutgoing() { Expects(_type == Type::Outgoing); Expects(_state.current() == State::Requesting); Expects(_gaHash.size() == kSha256Size); const auto flags = _videoCapture ? MTPphone_RequestCall::Flag::f_video : MTPphone_RequestCall::Flag(0); _api.request(MTPphone_RequestCall( MTP_flags(flags), _user->inputUser, MTP_int(rand_value()), MTP_bytes(_gaHash), MTP_phoneCallProtocol( MTP_flags(MTPDphoneCallProtocol::Flag::f_udp_p2p | MTPDphoneCallProtocol::Flag::f_udp_reflector), MTP_int(kMinLayer), MTP_int(tgcalls::Meta::MaxLayer()), MTP_vector(CollectVersionsForApi())) )).done([=](const MTPphone_PhoneCall &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_phone_phoneCall); setState(State::Waiting); auto &call = result.c_phone_phoneCall(); _user->session().data().processUsers(call.vusers()); if (call.vphone_call().type() != mtpc_phoneCallWaiting) { LOG(("Call Error: Expected phoneCallWaiting in response to phone.requestCall()")); finish(FinishType::Failed); return; } auto &phoneCall = call.vphone_call(); auto &waitingCall = phoneCall.c_phoneCallWaiting(); _id = waitingCall.vid().v; _accessHash = waitingCall.vaccess_hash().v; if (_finishAfterRequestingCall != FinishType::None) { if (_finishAfterRequestingCall == FinishType::Failed) { finish(_finishAfterRequestingCall); } else { hangup(); } return; } const auto &config = _user->session().serverConfig(); _discardByTimeoutTimer.callOnce(config.callReceiveTimeoutMs); handleUpdate(phoneCall); }).fail([this](const RPCError &error) { handleRequestError(error); }).send(); } void Call::startIncoming() { Expects(_type == Type::Incoming); Expects(_state.current() == State::Starting); _api.request(MTPphone_ReceivedCall( MTP_inputPhoneCall(MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash)) )).done([=](const MTPBool &result) { if (_state.current() == State::Starting) { setState(State::WaitingIncoming); } }).fail([=](const RPCError &error) { handleRequestError(error); }).send(); } void Call::answer() { _delegate->callRequestPermissionsOrFail(crl::guard(this, [=] { actuallyAnswer(); })); } void Call::actuallyAnswer() { Expects(_type == Type::Incoming); const auto state = _state.current(); if (state != State::Starting && state != State::WaitingIncoming) { if (state != State::ExchangingKeys || !_answerAfterDhConfigReceived) { return; } } setState(State::ExchangingKeys); if (_gb.empty()) { _answerAfterDhConfigReceived = true; return; } else { _answerAfterDhConfigReceived = false; } _api.request(MTPphone_AcceptCall( MTP_inputPhoneCall(MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash)), MTP_bytes(_gb), MTP_phoneCallProtocol( MTP_flags(MTPDphoneCallProtocol::Flag::f_udp_p2p | MTPDphoneCallProtocol::Flag::f_udp_reflector), MTP_int(kMinLayer), MTP_int(tgcalls::Meta::MaxLayer()), MTP_vector(CollectVersionsForApi())) )).done([=](const MTPphone_PhoneCall &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_phone_phoneCall); auto &call = result.c_phone_phoneCall(); _user->session().data().processUsers(call.vusers()); if (call.vphone_call().type() != mtpc_phoneCallWaiting) { LOG(("Call Error: " "Not phoneCallWaiting in response to phone.acceptCall.")); finish(FinishType::Failed); return; } handleUpdate(call.vphone_call()); }).fail([=](const RPCError &error) { handleRequestError(error); }).send(); } void Call::setMuted(bool mute) { _muted = mute; if (_instance) { _instance->setMuteMicrophone(mute); } } void Call::setupOutgoingVideo() { static const auto hasDevices = [] { return !Webrtc::GetVideoInputList().empty(); }; const auto started = _videoOutgoing->state(); if (!hasDevices()) { _videoOutgoing->setState(Webrtc::VideoState::Inactive); } _videoOutgoing->stateValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Webrtc::VideoState state) { if (state != Webrtc::VideoState::Inactive && !hasDevices()) { _errors.fire({ ErrorType::NoCamera }); _videoOutgoing->setState(Webrtc::VideoState::Inactive); } else if (_state.current() != State::Established && state != started && !_videoCapture) { _errors.fire({ ErrorType::NotStartedCall }); _videoOutgoing->setState(started); } else if (state != Webrtc::VideoState::Inactive && _instance && !_instance->supportsVideo()) { _errors.fire({ ErrorType::NotVideoCall }); _videoOutgoing->setState(Webrtc::VideoState::Inactive); } else if (state != Webrtc::VideoState::Inactive) { // Paused not supported right now. #ifndef DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_WEBRTC_INTEGRATION Assert(state == Webrtc::VideoState::Active); if (!_videoCapture) { _videoCapture = _delegate->getVideoCapture(); _videoCapture->setOutput(_videoOutgoing->sink()); } if (_instance) { _instance->setVideoCapture(_videoCapture); } _videoCapture->setState(tgcalls::VideoState::Active); #endif // DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_WEBRTC_INTEGRATION } else if (_videoCapture) { _videoCapture->setState(tgcalls::VideoState::Inactive); } }, _lifetime); } not_null Call::videoIncoming() const { return _videoIncoming.get(); } not_null Call::videoOutgoing() const { return _videoOutgoing.get(); } crl::time Call::getDurationMs() const { return _startTime ? (crl::now() - _startTime) : 0; } void Call::hangup() { const auto state = _state.current(); if (state == State::Busy) { _delegate->callFinished(this); } else { auto missed = (state == State::Ringing || (state == State::Waiting && _type == Type::Outgoing)); auto declined = isIncomingWaiting(); auto reason = missed ? MTP_phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed() : declined ? MTP_phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy() : MTP_phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup(); finish(FinishType::Ended, reason); } } void Call::redial() { if (_state.current() != State::Busy) { return; } Assert(_instance == nullptr); _type = Type::Outgoing; setState(State::Requesting); _answerAfterDhConfigReceived = false; startWaitingTrack(); _delegate->callRedial(this); } QString Call::getDebugLog() const { return _instance ? QString::fromStdString(_instance->getDebugInfo()) : QString(); } void Call::startWaitingTrack() { _waitingTrack = Media::Audio::Current().createTrack(); auto trackFileName = Core::App().settings().getSoundPath( (_type == Type::Outgoing) ? qsl("call_outgoing") : qsl("call_incoming")); _waitingTrack->samplePeakEach(kSoundSampleMs); _waitingTrack->fillFromFile(trackFileName); _waitingTrack->playInLoop(); } void Call::sendSignalingData(const QByteArray &data) { _api.request(MTPphone_SendSignalingData( MTP_inputPhoneCall( MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash)), MTP_bytes(data) )).done([=](const MTPBool &result) { if (!mtpIsTrue(result)) { finish(FinishType::Failed); } }).fail([=](const RPCError &error) { handleRequestError(error); }).send(); } float64 Call::getWaitingSoundPeakValue() const { if (_waitingTrack) { auto when = crl::now() + kSoundSampleMs / 4; return _waitingTrack->getPeakValue(when); } return 0.; } bool Call::isKeyShaForFingerprintReady() const { return (_keyFingerprint != 0); } bytes::vector Call::getKeyShaForFingerprint() const { Expects(isKeyShaForFingerprintReady()); Expects(!_ga.empty()); auto encryptedChatAuthKey = bytes::vector(_authKey.size() + _ga.size(), gsl::byte {}); bytes::copy(gsl::make_span(encryptedChatAuthKey).subspan(0, _authKey.size()), _authKey); bytes::copy(gsl::make_span(encryptedChatAuthKey).subspan(_authKey.size(), _ga.size()), _ga); return openssl::Sha256(encryptedChatAuthKey); } bool Call::handleUpdate(const MTPPhoneCall &call) { switch (call.type()) { case mtpc_phoneCallRequested: { auto &data = call.c_phoneCallRequested(); if (_type != Type::Incoming || _id != 0 || peerToUser(_user->id) != data.vadmin_id().v) { Unexpected("phoneCallRequested call inside an existing call handleUpdate()"); } if (_user->session().userId() != data.vparticipant_id().v) { LOG(("Call Error: Wrong call participant_id %1, expected %2." ).arg(data.vparticipant_id().v ).arg(_user->session().userId())); finish(FinishType::Failed); return true; } _id = data.vid().v; _accessHash = data.vaccess_hash().v; auto gaHashBytes = bytes::make_span(data.vg_a_hash().v); if (gaHashBytes.size() != kSha256Size) { LOG(("Call Error: Wrong g_a_hash size %1, expected %2." ).arg(gaHashBytes.size() ).arg(kSha256Size)); finish(FinishType::Failed); return true; } _gaHash = bytes::make_vector(gaHashBytes); } return true; case mtpc_phoneCallEmpty: { auto &data = call.c_phoneCallEmpty(); if (data.vid().v != _id) { return false; } LOG(("Call Error: phoneCallEmpty received.")); finish(FinishType::Failed); } return true; case mtpc_phoneCallWaiting: { auto &data = call.c_phoneCallWaiting(); if (data.vid().v != _id) { return false; } if (_type == Type::Outgoing && _state.current() == State::Waiting && data.vreceive_date().value_or_empty() != 0) { const auto &config = _user->session().serverConfig(); _discardByTimeoutTimer.callOnce(config.callRingTimeoutMs); setState(State::Ringing); startWaitingTrack(); } } return true; case mtpc_phoneCall: { auto &data = call.c_phoneCall(); if (data.vid().v != _id) { return false; } if (_type == Type::Incoming && _state.current() == State::ExchangingKeys && !_instance) { startConfirmedCall(data); } } return true; case mtpc_phoneCallDiscarded: { auto &data = call.c_phoneCallDiscarded(); if (data.vid().v != _id) { return false; } if (data.is_need_debug()) { auto debugLog = _instance ? _instance->getDebugInfo() : std::string(); if (!debugLog.empty()) { user()->session().api().request(MTPphone_SaveCallDebug( MTP_inputPhoneCall( MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash)), MTP_dataJSON(MTP_string(debugLog)) )).send(); } } if (data.is_need_rating() && _id && _accessHash) { Ui::show(Box(&_user->session(), _id, _accessHash)); } const auto reason = data.vreason(); if (reason && reason->type() == mtpc_phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect) { LOG(("Call Info: Discarded with DISCONNECT reason.")); } if (reason && reason->type() == mtpc_phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy) { setState(State::Busy); } else if (_type == Type::Outgoing || _state.current() == State::HangingUp) { setState(State::Ended); } else { setState(State::EndedByOtherDevice); } } return true; case mtpc_phoneCallAccepted: { auto &data = call.c_phoneCallAccepted(); if (data.vid().v != _id) { return false; } if (_type != Type::Outgoing) { LOG(("Call Error: " "Unexpected phoneCallAccepted for an incoming call.")); finish(FinishType::Failed); } else if (checkCallFields(data)) { confirmAcceptedCall(data); } } return true; } Unexpected("phoneCall type inside an existing call handleUpdate()"); } void Call::updateRemoteMediaState( tgcalls::AudioState audio, tgcalls::VideoState video) { _remoteAudioState = [&] { using From = tgcalls::AudioState; using To = RemoteAudioState; switch (audio) { case From::Active: return To::Active; case From::Muted: return To::Muted; } Unexpected("Audio state in remoteMediaStateUpdated."); }(); _videoIncoming->setState([&] { using From = tgcalls::VideoState; using To = Webrtc::VideoState; switch (video) { case From::Inactive: return To::Inactive; case From::Paused: return To::Paused; case From::Active: return To::Active; } Unexpected("Video state in remoteMediaStateUpdated."); }()); } bool Call::handleSignalingData( const MTPDupdatePhoneCallSignalingData &data) { if (data.vphone_call_id().v != _id || !_instance) { return false; } auto prepared = ranges::view::all( data.vdata().v ) | ranges::view::transform([](char byte) { return static_cast(byte); }) | ranges::to_vector; _instance->receiveSignalingData(std::move(prepared)); return true; } void Call::confirmAcceptedCall(const MTPDphoneCallAccepted &call) { Expects(_type == Type::Outgoing); if (_state.current() == State::ExchangingKeys || _instance) { LOG(("Call Warning: Unexpected confirmAcceptedCall.")); return; } const auto firstBytes = bytes::make_span(call.vg_b().v); const auto computedAuthKey = MTP::CreateAuthKey( firstBytes, _randomPower, _dhConfig.p); if (computedAuthKey.empty()) { LOG(("Call Error: Could not compute mod-exp final.")); finish(FinishType::Failed); return; } MTP::AuthKey::FillData(_authKey, computedAuthKey); _keyFingerprint = ComputeFingerprint(_authKey); setState(State::ExchangingKeys); _api.request(MTPphone_ConfirmCall( MTP_inputPhoneCall(MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash)), MTP_bytes(_ga), MTP_long(_keyFingerprint), MTP_phoneCallProtocol( MTP_flags(MTPDphoneCallProtocol::Flag::f_udp_p2p | MTPDphoneCallProtocol::Flag::f_udp_reflector), MTP_int(kMinLayer), MTP_int(tgcalls::Meta::MaxLayer()), MTP_vector(CollectVersionsForApi())) )).done([=](const MTPphone_PhoneCall &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_phone_phoneCall); auto &call = result.c_phone_phoneCall(); _user->session().data().processUsers(call.vusers()); if (call.vphone_call().type() != mtpc_phoneCall) { LOG(("Call Error: Expected phoneCall in response to phone.confirmCall()")); finish(FinishType::Failed); return; } createAndStartController(call.vphone_call().c_phoneCall()); }).fail([=](const RPCError &error) { handleRequestError(error); }).send(); } void Call::startConfirmedCall(const MTPDphoneCall &call) { Expects(_type == Type::Incoming); auto firstBytes = bytes::make_span(call.vg_a_or_b().v); if (_gaHash != openssl::Sha256(firstBytes)) { LOG(("Call Error: Wrong g_a hash received.")); finish(FinishType::Failed); return; } _ga = bytes::vector(firstBytes.begin(), firstBytes.end()); auto computedAuthKey = MTP::CreateAuthKey(firstBytes, _randomPower, _dhConfig.p); if (computedAuthKey.empty()) { LOG(("Call Error: Could not compute mod-exp final.")); finish(FinishType::Failed); return; } MTP::AuthKey::FillData(_authKey, computedAuthKey); _keyFingerprint = ComputeFingerprint(_authKey); createAndStartController(call); } void Call::createAndStartController(const MTPDphoneCall &call) { _discardByTimeoutTimer.cancel(); if (!checkCallFields(call) || _authKey.size() != 256) { return; } const auto &protocol = call.vprotocol().c_phoneCallProtocol(); const auto &serverConfig = _user->session().serverConfig(); auto encryptionKeyValue = std::make_shared>(); memcpy(encryptionKeyValue->data(), _authKey.data(), 256); const auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); tgcalls::Descriptor descriptor = { .config = tgcalls::Config{ .initializationTimeout = serverConfig.callConnectTimeoutMs / 1000., .receiveTimeout = serverConfig.callPacketTimeoutMs / 1000., .dataSaving = tgcalls::DataSaving::Never, .enableP2P = call.is_p2p_allowed(), .enableAEC = !Platform::IsMac10_7OrGreater(), .enableNS = true, .enableAGC = true, .enableVolumeControl = true, .maxApiLayer = protocol.vmax_layer().v, }, .encryptionKey = tgcalls::EncryptionKey( std::move(encryptionKeyValue), (_type == Type::Outgoing)), .mediaDevicesConfig = tgcalls::MediaDevicesConfig{ .audioInputId = settings.callInputDeviceId().toStdString(), .audioOutputId = settings.callOutputDeviceId().toStdString(), .inputVolume = 1.f,//settings.callInputVolume() / 100.f, .outputVolume = 1.f,//settings.callOutputVolume() / 100.f, }, .videoCapture = _videoCapture, .stateUpdated = [=](tgcalls::State state) { crl::on_main(weak, [=] { handleControllerStateChange(state); }); }, .signalBarsUpdated = [=](int count) { crl::on_main(weak, [=] { handleControllerBarCountChange(count); }); }, .remoteMediaStateUpdated = [=](tgcalls::AudioState audio, tgcalls::VideoState video) { crl::on_main(weak, [=] { updateRemoteMediaState(audio, video); }); }, .signalingDataEmitted = [=](const std::vector &data) { const auto bytes = QByteArray( reinterpret_cast(data.data()), data.size()); crl::on_main(weak, [=] { sendSignalingData(bytes); }); }, }; if (Logs::DebugEnabled()) { auto callLogFolder = cWorkingDir() + qsl("DebugLogs"); auto callLogPath = callLogFolder + qsl("/last_call_log.txt"); auto callLogNative = QDir::toNativeSeparators(callLogPath); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN descriptor.config.logPath.data = callLogNative.toStdWString(); #else // Q_OS_WIN const auto callLogUtf = QFile::encodeName(callLogNative); descriptor.config.logPath.data.resize(callLogUtf.size()); ranges::copy(callLogUtf, descriptor.config.logPath.data.begin()); #endif // Q_OS_WIN QFile(callLogPath).remove(); QDir().mkpath(callLogFolder); } for (const auto &connection : call.vconnections().v) { AppendEndpoint(descriptor.endpoints, connection); } for (const auto &connection : call.vconnections().v) { AppendServer(descriptor.rtcServers, connection); } if (Global::UseProxyForCalls() && (Global::ProxySettings() == MTP::ProxyData::Settings::Enabled)) { const auto &selected = Global::SelectedProxy(); if (selected.supportsCalls() && !selected.host.isEmpty()) { Assert(selected.type == MTP::ProxyData::Type::Socks5); descriptor.proxy = std::make_unique(); descriptor.proxy->host = selected.host.toStdString(); descriptor.proxy->port = selected.port; descriptor.proxy->login = selected.user.toStdString(); descriptor.proxy->password = selected.password.toStdString(); } } const auto version = call.vprotocol().match([&]( const MTPDphoneCallProtocol &data) { return data.vlibrary_versions().v; }).value(0, MTP_bytes(kDefaultVersion)).v; LOG(("Call Info: Creating instance with version '%1', allowP2P: %2" ).arg(QString::fromUtf8(version) ).arg(Logs::b(descriptor.config.enableP2P))); _instance = tgcalls::Meta::Create( version.toStdString(), std::move(descriptor)); if (!_instance) { LOG(("Call Error: Wrong library version: %1." ).arg(QString::fromUtf8(version))); finish(FinishType::Failed); return; } const auto raw = _instance.get(); if (_muted.current()) { raw->setMuteMicrophone(_muted.current()); } raw->setIncomingVideoOutput(_videoIncoming->sink()); raw->setAudioOutputDuckingEnabled(settings.callAudioDuckingEnabled()); } void Call::handleControllerStateChange(tgcalls::State state) { switch (state) { case tgcalls::State::WaitInit: { DEBUG_LOG(("Call Info: State changed to WaitingInit.")); setState(State::WaitingInit); } break; case tgcalls::State::WaitInitAck: { DEBUG_LOG(("Call Info: State changed to WaitingInitAck.")); setState(State::WaitingInitAck); } break; case tgcalls::State::Established: { DEBUG_LOG(("Call Info: State changed to Established.")); setState(State::Established); } break; case tgcalls::State::Failed: { auto error = _instance ? QString::fromStdString(_instance->getLastError()) : QString(); LOG(("Call Info: State changed to Failed, error: %1.").arg(error)); handleControllerError(error); } break; default: LOG(("Call Error: Unexpected state in handleStateChange: %1" ).arg(int(state))); } } void Call::handleControllerBarCountChange(int count) { setSignalBarCount(count); } void Call::setSignalBarCount(int count) { _signalBarCount = count; } template bool Call::checkCallCommonFields(const T &call) { auto checkFailed = [this] { finish(FinishType::Failed); return false; }; if (call.vaccess_hash().v != _accessHash) { LOG(("Call Error: Wrong call access_hash.")); return checkFailed(); } auto adminId = (_type == Type::Outgoing) ? _user->session().userId() : peerToUser(_user->id); auto participantId = (_type == Type::Outgoing) ? peerToUser(_user->id) : _user->session().userId(); if (call.vadmin_id().v != adminId) { LOG(("Call Error: Wrong call admin_id %1, expected %2.").arg(call.vadmin_id().v).arg(adminId)); return checkFailed(); } if (call.vparticipant_id().v != participantId) { LOG(("Call Error: Wrong call participant_id %1, expected %2.").arg(call.vparticipant_id().v).arg(participantId)); return checkFailed(); } return true; } bool Call::checkCallFields(const MTPDphoneCall &call) { if (!checkCallCommonFields(call)) { return false; } if (call.vkey_fingerprint().v != _keyFingerprint) { LOG(("Call Error: Wrong call fingerprint.")); finish(FinishType::Failed); return false; } return true; } bool Call::checkCallFields(const MTPDphoneCallAccepted &call) { return checkCallCommonFields(call); } void Call::setState(State state) { if (_state.current() == State::Failed) { return; } if (_state.current() == State::FailedHangingUp && state != State::Failed) { return; } if (_state.current() != state) { _state = state; if (true && state != State::Starting && state != State::Requesting && state != State::Waiting && state != State::WaitingIncoming && state != State::Ringing) { _waitingTrack.reset(); } if (false || state == State::Ended || state == State::EndedByOtherDevice || state == State::Failed || state == State::Busy) { // Destroy controller before destroying Call Panel, // so that the panel hide animation is smooth. destroyController(); } switch (state) { case State::Established: _startTime = crl::now(); break; case State::ExchangingKeys: _delegate->playSound(Delegate::Sound::Connecting); break; case State::Ended: _delegate->playSound(Delegate::Sound::Ended); [[fallthrough]]; case State::EndedByOtherDevice: _delegate->callFinished(this); break; case State::Failed: _delegate->playSound(Delegate::Sound::Ended); _delegate->callFailed(this); break; case State::Busy: _delegate->playSound(Delegate::Sound::Busy); break; } } } void Call::setCurrentAudioDevice(bool input, const QString &deviceId) { if (_instance) { const auto id = deviceId.toStdString(); if (input) { _instance->setAudioInputDevice(id); } else { _instance->setAudioOutputDevice(id); } } } void Call::setCurrentVideoDevice(const QString &deviceId) { if (_videoCapture) { _videoCapture->switchToDevice(deviceId.toStdString()); } } //void Call::setAudioVolume(bool input, float level) { // if (_instance) { // if (input) { // _instance->setInputVolume(level); // } else { // _instance->setOutputVolume(level); // } // } //} void Call::setAudioDuckingEnabled(bool enabled) { if (_instance) { _instance->setAudioOutputDuckingEnabled(enabled); } } void Call::finish(FinishType type, const MTPPhoneCallDiscardReason &reason) { Expects(type != FinishType::None); setSignalBarCount(kSignalBarFinished); auto finalState = (type == FinishType::Ended) ? State::Ended : State::Failed; auto hangupState = (type == FinishType::Ended) ? State::HangingUp : State::FailedHangingUp; const auto state = _state.current(); if (state == State::Requesting) { _finishByTimeoutTimer.call(kHangupTimeoutMs, [this, finalState] { setState(finalState); }); _finishAfterRequestingCall = type; return; } if (state == State::HangingUp || state == State::FailedHangingUp || state == State::EndedByOtherDevice || state == State::Ended || state == State::Failed) { return; } if (!_id) { setState(finalState); return; } setState(hangupState); auto duration = getDurationMs() / 1000; auto connectionId = _instance ? _instance->getPreferredRelayId() : 0; _finishByTimeoutTimer.call(kHangupTimeoutMs, [this, finalState] { setState(finalState); }); const auto flags = ((_videoIncoming->state() != Webrtc::VideoState::Inactive) || (_videoOutgoing->state() != Webrtc::VideoState::Inactive)) ? MTPphone_DiscardCall::Flag::f_video : MTPphone_DiscardCall::Flag(0); _api.request(MTPphone_DiscardCall( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_inputPhoneCall( MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(_accessHash)), MTP_int(duration), reason, MTP_long(connectionId) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { // Here 'this' could be destroyed by updates, so we set Ended after // updates being handled, but in a guarded way. crl::on_main(this, [=] { setState(finalState); }); _user->session().api().applyUpdates(result); }).fail([this, finalState](const RPCError &error) { setState(finalState); }).send(); } void Call::setStateQueued(State state) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { setState(state); }); } void Call::setFailedQueued(const QString &error) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { handleControllerError(error); }); } void Call::handleRequestError(const RPCError &error) { if (error.type() == qstr("USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED")) { Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_call_error_not_available(tr::now, lt_user, _user->name))); } else if (error.type() == qstr("PARTICIPANT_VERSION_OUTDATED")) { Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_call_error_outdated(tr::now, lt_user, _user->name))); } else if (error.type() == qstr("CALL_PROTOCOL_LAYER_INVALID")) { Ui::show(Box(Lang::Hard::CallErrorIncompatible().replace("{user}", _user->name))); } finish(FinishType::Failed); } void Call::handleControllerError(const QString &error) { if (error == u"ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE"_q) { Ui::show(Box( Lang::Hard::CallErrorIncompatible().replace( "{user}", _user->name))); } else if (error == u"ERROR_AUDIO_IO"_q) { Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_call_error_audio_io(tr::now))); } finish(FinishType::Failed); } void Call::destroyController() { if (_instance) { _instance->stop([](tgcalls::FinalState) { }); DEBUG_LOG(("Call Info: Destroying call controller..")); _instance.reset(); DEBUG_LOG(("Call Info: Call controller destroyed.")); } setSignalBarCount(kSignalBarFinished); } Call::~Call() { destroyController(); } void UpdateConfig(const std::string &data) { tgcalls::SetLegacyGlobalServerConfig(data); } } // namespace Calls