/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include class Image; class HistoryItem; enum class ImageRoundRadius; namespace style { struct DialogRow; } // namespace style namespace Ui { } // namespace Ui namespace Data { class Forum; } // namespace Data namespace HistoryView { struct ToPreviewOptions; struct ItemPreviewImage; struct ItemPreview; } // namespace HistoryView namespace Dialogs::Ui { using namespace ::Ui; struct PaintContext; struct TopicJumpCache; class TopicsView; [[nodiscard]] TextWithEntities DialogsPreviewText(TextWithEntities text); class MessageView final { public: MessageView(); ~MessageView(); using ToPreviewOptions = HistoryView::ToPreviewOptions; using ItemPreviewImage = HistoryView::ItemPreviewImage; using ItemPreview = HistoryView::ItemPreview; void itemInvalidated(not_null item); [[nodiscard]] bool dependsOn(not_null item) const; [[nodiscard]] bool prepared( not_null item, Data::Forum *forum) const; void prepare( not_null item, Data::Forum *forum, Fn customEmojiRepaint, ToPreviewOptions options); void paint( Painter &p, const QRect &geometry, const PaintContext &context) const; [[nodiscard]] bool isInTopicJump(int x, int y) const; void addTopicJumpRipple( QPoint origin, not_null topicJumpCache, Fn updateCallback); void stopLastRipple(); private: struct LoadingContext; [[nodiscard]] int countWidth() const; void paintJumpToLast( Painter &p, const QRect &rect, const PaintContext &context, int width1) const; mutable const HistoryItem *_textCachedFor = nullptr; mutable Text::String _senderCache; mutable std::unique_ptr _topics; mutable Text::String _textCache; mutable std::vector _imagesCache; mutable std::unique_ptr _loadingContext; }; [[nodiscard]] HistoryView::ItemPreview PreviewWithSender( HistoryView::ItemPreview &&preview, const QString &sender, TextWithEntities topic); } // namespace Dialogs::Ui