/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_shared_media.h" #include #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_domain.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "storage/storage_facade.h" #include "storage/storage_shared_media.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_scheduled_messages.h" #include "data/data_sparse_ids.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "info/info_memento.h" #include "info/info_controller.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "core/crash_reports.h" namespace { using Type = Storage::SharedMediaType; bool IsItemGoodForType(const not_null item, Type type) { const auto media = item->media(); if (!media || media->webpage()) { return false; } const auto photo = media->photo(); const auto photoType = (type == Type::Photo); const auto photoVideoType = (type == Type::PhotoVideo); if ((photoType || photoVideoType) && photo) { return true; } const auto document = media->document(); if (!document) { return false; } const auto voiceType = (type == Type::VoiceFile); const auto voiceDoc = document->isVoiceMessage(); const auto roundType = (type == Type::RoundFile); const auto roundDoc = document->isVideoMessage(); const auto audioType = (type == Type::MusicFile); const auto audioDoc = document->isAudioFile(); const auto gifType = (type == Type::GIF); const auto gifDoc = document->isGifv(); const auto videoType = (type == Type::Video); const auto videoDoc = document->isVideoFile(); const auto voiceRoundType = (type == Type::RoundVoiceFile); const auto fileType = (type == Type::File); return (audioType && audioDoc) || (voiceType && voiceDoc) || (roundType && roundDoc) || (voiceRoundType && (roundDoc || voiceDoc)) || (gifType && gifDoc) || ((videoType || photoVideoType) && videoDoc) || (fileType && (document->isTheme() || document->isImage() || !document->canBeStreamed())); } } // namespace std::optional SharedMediaOverviewType( Storage::SharedMediaType type) { switch (type) { case Type::Photo: case Type::Video: case Type::MusicFile: case Type::File: case Type::RoundVoiceFile: case Type::Link: return type; } return std::nullopt; } void SharedMediaShowOverview( Storage::SharedMediaType type, not_null history) { if (SharedMediaOverviewType(type)) { const auto &windows = history->session().windows(); if (windows.empty()) { Core::App().domain().activate(&history->session().account()); if (windows.empty()) { return; } } windows.front()->showSection(std::make_shared( history->peer, Info::Section(type))); } } bool SharedMediaAllowSearch(Storage::SharedMediaType type) { switch (type) { case Type::MusicFile: case Type::File: case Type::Link: return true; default: return false; } } rpl::producer SharedMediaViewer( not_null session, Storage::SharedMediaKey key, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { Expects(IsServerMsgId(key.messageId) || (key.messageId == 0)); Expects((key.messageId != 0) || (limitBefore == 0 && limitAfter == 0)); return [=](auto consumer) { auto lifetime = rpl::lifetime(); auto builder = lifetime.make_state( key.messageId, limitBefore, limitAfter); auto requestMediaAround = [ peer = session->data().peer(key.peerId), type = key.type ](const SparseIdsSliceBuilder::AroundData &data) { peer->session().api().requestSharedMedia( peer, type, data.aroundId, data.direction); }; builder->insufficientAround( ) | rpl::start_with_next(requestMediaAround, lifetime); auto pushNextSnapshot = [=] { consumer.put_next(builder->snapshot()); }; using SliceUpdate = Storage::SharedMediaSliceUpdate; session->storage().sharedMediaSliceUpdated( ) | rpl::filter([=](const SliceUpdate &update) { return (update.peerId == key.peerId) && (update.type == key.type); }) | rpl::filter([=](const SliceUpdate &update) { return builder->applyUpdate(update.data); }) | rpl::start_with_next(pushNextSnapshot, lifetime); using OneRemoved = Storage::SharedMediaRemoveOne; session->storage().sharedMediaOneRemoved( ) | rpl::filter([=](const OneRemoved &update) { return (update.peerId == key.peerId) && update.types.test(key.type); }) | rpl::filter([=](const OneRemoved &update) { return builder->removeOne(update.messageId); }) | rpl::start_with_next(pushNextSnapshot, lifetime); using AllRemoved = Storage::SharedMediaRemoveAll; session->storage().sharedMediaAllRemoved( ) | rpl::filter([=](const AllRemoved &update) { return (update.peerId == key.peerId) && (update.types.test(key.type)); }) | rpl::filter([=] { return builder->removeAll(); }) | rpl::start_with_next(pushNextSnapshot, lifetime); using InvalidateBottom = Storage::SharedMediaInvalidateBottom; session->storage().sharedMediaBottomInvalidated( ) | rpl::filter([=](const InvalidateBottom &update) { return (update.peerId == key.peerId); }) | rpl::filter([=] { return builder->invalidateBottom(); }) | rpl::start_with_next(pushNextSnapshot, lifetime); using Result = Storage::SharedMediaResult; session->storage().query(Storage::SharedMediaQuery( key, limitBefore, limitAfter )) | rpl::filter([=](const Result &result) { return builder->applyInitial(result); }) | rpl::start_with_next_done( pushNextSnapshot, [=] { builder->checkInsufficient(); }, lifetime); return lifetime; }; } rpl::producer SharedScheduledMediaViewer( not_null session, SharedMediaMergedKey key, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { Expects(!IsServerMsgId(key.mergedKey.universalId)); Expects((key.mergedKey.universalId != 0) || (limitBefore == 0 && limitAfter == 0)); const auto history = session->data().history(key.mergedKey.peerId); return rpl::single( rpl::empty_value() ) | rpl::then( session->data().scheduledMessages().updates(history) ) | rpl::map([=] { const auto list = session->data().scheduledMessages().list(history); auto items = ranges::views::all( list.ids ) | ranges::views::transform([=](const FullMsgId &fullId) { return session->data().message(fullId); }) | ranges::views::filter([=](HistoryItem *item) { return item ? IsItemGoodForType(item, key.type) : false; }) | ranges::to_vector; ranges::sort(items, ranges::less(), &HistoryItem::position); auto finishMsgIds = ranges::views::all( items ) | ranges::views::transform([=](not_null item) { return item->fullId().msg; }) | ranges::to_vector; const auto fullCount = finishMsgIds.size(); auto unsorted = SparseUnsortedIdsSlice( std::move(finishMsgIds), fullCount, list.skippedBefore, list.skippedAfter); return SparseIdsMergedSlice( key.mergedKey, std::move(unsorted)); }); } rpl::producer SharedMediaMergedViewer( not_null session, SharedMediaMergedKey key, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { auto createSimpleViewer = [=]( PeerId peerId, SparseIdsSlice::Key simpleKey, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { return SharedMediaViewer( session, Storage::SharedMediaKey( peerId, key.type, simpleKey), limitBefore, limitAfter ); }; return SparseIdsMergedSlice::CreateViewer( key.mergedKey, limitBefore, limitAfter, std::move(createSimpleViewer)); } SharedMediaWithLastSlice::SharedMediaWithLastSlice( not_null session, Key key) : SharedMediaWithLastSlice( session, key, SparseIdsMergedSlice(ViewerKey(key)), EndingSlice(key)) { } SharedMediaWithLastSlice::SharedMediaWithLastSlice( not_null session, Key key, SparseIdsMergedSlice slice, std::optional ending) : _session(session) , _key(key) , _slice(std::move(slice)) , _ending(std::move(ending)) , _lastPhotoId(LastPeerPhotoId(session, key.peerId)) , _isolatedLastPhoto(_key.type == Type::ChatPhoto ? IsLastIsolated(session, _slice, _ending, _lastPhotoId) : false) { } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::fullCount() const { return Add( _slice.fullCount(), _isolatedLastPhoto | [](bool isolated) { return isolated ? 1 : 0; }); } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::skippedBeforeImpl() const { return _slice.skippedBefore(); } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::skippedBefore() const { return _reversed ? skippedAfterImpl() : skippedBeforeImpl(); } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::skippedAfterImpl() const { return isolatedInSlice() ? Add( _slice.skippedAfter(), lastPhotoSkip()) : (lastPhotoSkip() | [](int) { return 0; }); } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::skippedAfter() const { return _reversed ? skippedBeforeImpl() : skippedAfterImpl(); } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::indexOfImpl(Value value) const { return std::get_if(&value) ? _slice.indexOf(*std::get_if(&value)) : (isolatedInSlice() || !_lastPhotoId || (*std::get_if>(&value))->id != *_lastPhotoId) ? std::nullopt : Add(_slice.size() - 1, lastPhotoSkip()); } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::indexOf(Value value) const { const auto result = indexOfImpl(value); if (result && (*result < 0 || *result >= size())) { // Should not happen. auto info = QStringList(); info.push_back("slice:" + QString::number(_slice.size())); info.push_back(_slice.fullCount() ? QString::number(*_slice.fullCount()) : QString("-")); info.push_back(_slice.skippedBefore() ? QString::number(*_slice.skippedBefore()) : QString("-")); info.push_back(_slice.skippedAfter() ? QString::number(*_slice.skippedAfter()) : QString("-")); info.push_back("ending:" + (_ending ? QString::number(_ending->size()) : QString("-"))); info.push_back((_ending && _ending->fullCount()) ? QString::number(*_ending->fullCount()) : QString("-")); info.push_back((_ending && _ending->skippedBefore()) ? QString::number(*_ending->skippedBefore()) : QString("-")); info.push_back((_ending && _ending->skippedAfter()) ? QString::number(*_ending->skippedAfter()) : QString("-")); if (const auto msgId = std::get_if(&value)) { info.push_back("value:" + QString::number(msgId->channel.bare)); info.push_back(QString::number(msgId->msg)); const auto index = _slice.indexOf(*std::get_if(&value)); info.push_back("index:" + (index ? QString::number(*index) : QString("-"))); } else if (const auto photo = std::get_if>(&value)) { info.push_back("value:" + QString::number((*photo)->id)); } else { info.push_back("value:bad"); } info.push_back("isolated:" + QString(Logs::b(isolatedInSlice()))); info.push_back("last:" + (_lastPhotoId ? QString::number(*_lastPhotoId) : QString("-"))); info.push_back("isolated_last:" + (_isolatedLastPhoto ? QString(Logs::b(*_isolatedLastPhoto)) : QString("-"))); info.push_back("skip:" + (lastPhotoSkip() ? QString::number(*lastPhotoSkip()) : QString("-"))); CrashReports::SetAnnotation("DebugInfo", info.join(',')); Unexpected("Result in SharedMediaWithLastSlice::indexOf"); } return _reversed ? (result | func::negate | func::add(size() - 1)) : result; } int SharedMediaWithLastSlice::size() const { return _slice.size() + ((!isolatedInSlice() && lastPhotoSkip() == 1) ? 1 : 0); } SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Value SharedMediaWithLastSlice::operator[](int index) const { Expects(index >= 0 && index < size()); if (_reversed) { index = size() - index - 1; } return (index < _slice.size()) ? Value(_slice[index]) : Value(_session->data().photo(*_lastPhotoId)); } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::distance( const Key &a, const Key &b) const { if (auto i = indexOf(ComputeId(a))) { if (auto j = indexOf(ComputeId(b))) { return *j - *i; } } return std::nullopt; } void SharedMediaWithLastSlice::reverse() { _reversed = !_reversed; } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::LastPeerPhotoId( not_null session, PeerId peerId) { if (const auto peer = session->data().peerLoaded(peerId)) { return peer->userpicPhotoUnknown() ? std::nullopt : base::make_optional(peer->userpicPhotoId()); } return std::nullopt; } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::IsLastIsolated( not_null session, const SparseIdsMergedSlice &slice, const std::optional &ending, std::optional lastPeerPhotoId) { if (!lastPeerPhotoId) { return std::nullopt; } else if (!*lastPeerPhotoId) { return false; } return LastFullMsgId(ending ? *ending : slice) | [&](FullMsgId msgId) { return session->data().message(msgId); } | [](HistoryItem *item) { return item ? item->media() : nullptr; } | [](Data::Media *media) { return media ? media->photo() : nullptr; } | [](PhotoData *photo) { return photo ? photo->id : 0; } | [&](PhotoId photoId) { return *lastPeerPhotoId != photoId; }; } std::optional SharedMediaWithLastSlice::LastFullMsgId( const SparseIdsMergedSlice &slice) { if (slice.fullCount() == 0) { return FullMsgId(); } else if (slice.size() == 0 || slice.skippedAfter() != 0) { return std::nullopt; } return slice[slice.size() - 1]; } rpl::producer SharedMediaWithLastViewer( not_null session, SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Key key, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { return [=](auto consumer) { auto viewerKey = SharedMediaMergedKey( SharedMediaWithLastSlice::ViewerKey(key), key.type); if (std::get_if>(&key.universalId)) { return SharedMediaMergedViewer( session, std::move(viewerKey), limitBefore, limitAfter ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](SparseIdsMergedSlice &&update) { consumer.put_next(SharedMediaWithLastSlice( session, key, std::move(update), std::nullopt)); }); } if (key.scheduled) { return SharedScheduledMediaViewer( session, std::move(viewerKey), limitBefore, limitAfter ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](SparseIdsMergedSlice &&update) { consumer.put_next(SharedMediaWithLastSlice( session, key, std::move(update), std::nullopt)); }); } return rpl::combine( SharedMediaMergedViewer( session, std::move(viewerKey), limitBefore, limitAfter), SharedMediaMergedViewer( session, SharedMediaMergedKey( SharedMediaWithLastSlice::EndingKey(key), key.type), 1, 1) ) | rpl::start_with_next([=]( SparseIdsMergedSlice &&viewer, SparseIdsMergedSlice &&ending) { consumer.put_next(SharedMediaWithLastSlice( session, key, std::move(viewer), std::move(ending))); }); }; } rpl::producer SharedMediaWithLastReversedViewer( not_null session, SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Key key, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { return SharedMediaWithLastViewer( session, key, limitBefore, limitAfter ) | rpl::map([](SharedMediaWithLastSlice &&slice) { slice.reverse(); return std::move(slice); }); }