/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/chat/group_call_bar.h" #include "ui/chat/group_call_userpics.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" #include "styles/style_calls.h" #include "styles/style_info.h" // st::topBarArrowPadding, like TopBarWidget. #include "styles/style_window.h" // st::columnMinimalWidthLeft #include "styles/palette.h" #include namespace Ui { GroupCallScheduledLeft::GroupCallScheduledLeft(TimeId date) : _date(date) , _datePrecise(computePreciseDate()) , _timer([=] { update(); }) { update(); base::unixtime::updates( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { restart(); }, _lifetime); } crl::time GroupCallScheduledLeft::computePreciseDate() const { return crl::now() + (_date - base::unixtime::now()) * crl::time(1000); } void GroupCallScheduledLeft::setDate(TimeId date) { if (_date == date) { return; } _date = date; restart(); } void GroupCallScheduledLeft::restart() { _datePrecise = computePreciseDate(); _timer.cancel(); update(); } rpl::producer GroupCallScheduledLeft::text(Negative negative) const { return (negative == Negative::Show) ? _text.value() : _textNonNegative.value(); } rpl::producer GroupCallScheduledLeft::late() const { return _late.value(); } void GroupCallScheduledLeft::update() { const auto now = crl::now(); const auto duration = (_datePrecise - now); const auto left = crl::time(base::SafeRound(std::abs(duration) / 1000.)); const auto late = (duration < 0) && (left > 0); _late = late; constexpr auto kDay = 24 * 60 * 60; if (left >= kDay) { const auto days = (left / kDay); _textNonNegative = tr::lng_days(tr::now, lt_count, days); _text = late ? tr::lng_days(tr::now, lt_count, -days) : _textNonNegative.current(); } else { const auto hours = left / (60 * 60); const auto minutes = (left % (60 * 60)) / 60; const auto seconds = (left % 60); _textNonNegative = (hours > 0) ? (u"%1:%2:%3"_q .arg(hours, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(minutes, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(seconds, 2, 10, QChar('0'))) : (u"%1:%2"_q .arg(minutes, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(seconds, 2, 10, QChar('0'))); _text = (late ? QString(QChar(0x2212)) : QString()) + _textNonNegative.current(); } if (left >= kDay) { _timer.callOnce((left % kDay) * crl::time(1000)); } else { const auto fraction = (std::abs(duration) + 500) % 1000; if (fraction < 400 || fraction > 600) { const auto next = std::abs(duration) % 1000; _timer.callOnce((duration < 0) ? (1000 - next) : next); } else if (!_timer.isActive()) { _timer.callEach(1000); } } } GroupCallBar::GroupCallBar( not_null parent, rpl::producer content, rpl::producer &&hideBlobs) : _wrap(parent, object_ptr(parent)) , _inner(_wrap.entity()) , _shadow(std::make_unique(_wrap.parentWidget())) , _userpics(std::make_unique( st::historyGroupCallUserpics, std::move(hideBlobs), [=] { updateUserpics(); })) { _wrap.hide(anim::type::instant); _shadow->hide(); _wrap.entity()->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect clip) { QPainter(_wrap.entity()).fillRect(clip, st::historyPinnedBg); }, lifetime()); _wrap.setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); auto copy = std::move( content ) | rpl::start_spawning(_wrap.lifetime()); rpl::duplicate( copy ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](GroupCallBarContent &&content) { _content = content; _userpics->update(_content.users, !_wrap.isHidden()); _inner->update(); refreshScheduledProcess(); }, lifetime()); if (!_open && !_join) { refreshScheduledProcess(); } std::move( copy ) | rpl::map([=](const GroupCallBarContent &content) { return !content.shown; }) | rpl::start_with_next_done([=](bool hidden) { _shouldBeShown = !hidden; if (!_forceHidden) { _wrap.toggle(_shouldBeShown, anim::type::normal); } }, [=] { _forceHidden = true; _wrap.toggle(false, anim::type::normal); }, lifetime()); setupInner(); } GroupCallBar::~GroupCallBar() = default; void GroupCallBar::refreshOpenBrush() { Expects(_open != nullptr); const auto width = _open->width(); if (_openBrushForWidth == width) { return; } auto gradient = QLinearGradient(QPoint(width, 0), QPoint(0, 0)); gradient.setStops(QGradientStops{ { 0.0, st::groupCallForceMutedBar1->c }, { .7, st::groupCallForceMutedBar2->c }, { 1.0, st::groupCallForceMutedBar3->c } }); _openBrushOverride = QBrush(std::move(gradient)); _openBrushForWidth = width; _open->setBrushOverride(_openBrushOverride); } void GroupCallBar::refreshScheduledProcess() { const auto date = _content.scheduleDate; if (!date) { if (_scheduledProcess) { _scheduledProcess = nullptr; _open = nullptr; _openBrushForWidth = 0; } if (!_join) { _join = std::make_unique( _inner.get(), tr::lng_group_call_join(), st::groupCallTopBarJoin); setupRightButton(_join.get()); } } else if (!_scheduledProcess) { _scheduledProcess = std::make_unique(date); _join = nullptr; _open = std::make_unique( _inner.get(), _scheduledProcess->text(GroupCallScheduledLeft::Negative::Show), st::groupCallTopBarOpen); setupRightButton(_open.get()); _open->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshOpenBrush(); }, _open->lifetime()); } else { _scheduledProcess->setDate(date); } } void GroupCallBar::setupInner() { _inner->resize(0, st::historyReplyHeight); _inner->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect rect) { auto p = Painter(_inner); paint(p); }, _inner->lifetime()); // Clicks. _inner->setCursor(style::cur_pointer); _inner->events( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null event) { return (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress); }) | rpl::map([=] { return _inner->events( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null event) { return (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease); }) | rpl::take(1) | rpl::filter([=](not_null event) { return _inner->rect().contains( static_cast(event.get())->pos()); }); }) | rpl::flatten_latest( ) | rpl::to_empty | rpl::start_to_stream(_barClicks, _inner->lifetime()); _wrap.geometryValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect rect) { updateShadowGeometry(rect); updateControlsGeometry(rect); }, _inner->lifetime()); } void GroupCallBar::setupRightButton(not_null button) { rpl::combine( _inner->widthValue(), button->widthValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int outerWidth, int buttonWidth) { // Skip shadow of the bar above. const auto top = (st::historyReplyHeight - st::lineWidth - button->height()) / 2 + st::lineWidth; const auto narrow = (outerWidth < st::columnMinimalWidthLeft / 2); if (narrow) { button->moveToLeft( (outerWidth - buttonWidth) / 2, top, outerWidth); } else { button->moveToRight(top, top, outerWidth); } }, button->lifetime()); button->clicks() | rpl::start_to_stream(_joinClicks, button->lifetime()); } void GroupCallBar::paint(Painter &p) { p.fillRect(_inner->rect(), st::historyComposeAreaBg); const auto narrow = (_inner->width() < st::columnMinimalWidthLeft / 2); if (!narrow) { paintTitleAndStatus(p); paintUserpics(p); } } void GroupCallBar::paintTitleAndStatus(Painter &p) { const auto left = st::topBarArrowPadding.right(); const auto titleTop = st::msgReplyPadding.top(); const auto textTop = titleTop + st::msgServiceNameFont->height; const auto width = _inner->width(); const auto &font = st::defaultMessageBar.title.font; p.setPen(st::defaultMessageBar.textFg); p.setFont(font); const auto available = (_join ? _join->x() : _open->x()) - left; const auto titleWidth = font->width(_content.title); p.drawTextLeft( left, titleTop, width, (!_content.scheduleDate ? (_content.livestream ? tr::lng_group_call_title_channel : tr::lng_group_call_title)(tr::now) : _content.title.isEmpty() ? (_content.livestream ? tr::lng_group_call_scheduled_title_channel : tr::lng_group_call_scheduled_title)(tr::now) : (titleWidth > available) ? font->elided(_content.title, available) : _content.title)); p.setPen(st::historyStatusFg); p.setFont(st::defaultMessageBar.text.font); const auto when = [&] { if (!_content.scheduleDate) { return QString(); } const auto parsed = base::unixtime::parse(_content.scheduleDate); const auto date = parsed.date(); const auto time = QLocale().toString( parsed.time(), Ui::Integration::Instance().timeFormat()); const auto today = QDate::currentDate(); if (date == today) { return tr::lng_group_call_starts_today(tr::now, lt_time, time); } else if (date == today.addDays(1)) { return tr::lng_group_call_starts_tomorrow( tr::now, lt_time, time); } else { return tr::lng_group_call_starts_date( tr::now, lt_date, langDayOfMonthFull(date), lt_time, time); } }(); p.drawTextLeft( left, textTop, width, (_content.scheduleDate ? (_content.title.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_group_call_starts_short : _content.livestream ? tr::lng_group_call_starts_channel : tr::lng_group_call_starts)(tr::now, lt_when, when) : _content.count > 0 ? tr::lng_group_call_members( tr::now, lt_count_decimal, _content.count) : tr::lng_group_call_no_members(tr::now))); } void GroupCallBar::paintUserpics(Painter &p) { const auto size = st::historyGroupCallUserpics.size; // Skip shadow of the bar above. const auto top = (st::historyReplyHeight - st::lineWidth - size) / 2 + st::lineWidth; _userpics->paint(p, _inner->width() / 2, top, size); } void GroupCallBar::updateControlsGeometry(QRect wrapGeometry) { const auto hidden = _wrap.isHidden() || !wrapGeometry.height(); if (_shadow->isHidden() != hidden) { _shadow->setVisible(!hidden); } } void GroupCallBar::setShadowGeometryPostprocess(Fn postprocess) { _shadowGeometryPostprocess = std::move(postprocess); updateShadowGeometry(_wrap.geometry()); } void GroupCallBar::updateShadowGeometry(QRect wrapGeometry) { const auto regular = QRect( wrapGeometry.x(), wrapGeometry.y() + wrapGeometry.height(), wrapGeometry.width(), st::lineWidth); _shadow->setGeometry(_shadowGeometryPostprocess ? _shadowGeometryPostprocess(regular) : regular); } void GroupCallBar::updateUserpics() { const auto widget = _wrap.entity(); const auto middle = widget->width() / 2; const auto width = _userpics->maxWidth(); widget->update( (middle - width / 2), 0, width, widget->height()); } void GroupCallBar::show() { if (!_forceHidden) { return; } _forceHidden = false; if (_shouldBeShown) { _wrap.show(anim::type::instant); _shadow->show(); } } void GroupCallBar::hide() { if (_forceHidden) { return; } _forceHidden = true; _wrap.hide(anim::type::instant); _shadow->hide(); } void GroupCallBar::raise() { _wrap.raise(); _shadow->raise(); } void GroupCallBar::finishAnimating() { _wrap.finishAnimating(); } void GroupCallBar::move(int x, int y) { _wrap.move(x, y); } void GroupCallBar::resizeToWidth(int width) { _wrap.entity()->resizeToWidth(width); _inner->resizeToWidth(width); } int GroupCallBar::height() const { return !_forceHidden ? _wrap.height() : _shouldBeShown ? st::historyReplyHeight : 0; } rpl::producer GroupCallBar::heightValue() const { return _wrap.heightValue(); } rpl::producer<> GroupCallBar::barClicks() const { return _barClicks.events(); } rpl::producer<> GroupCallBar::joinClicks() const { return _joinClicks.events() | rpl::to_empty; } } // namespace Ui