/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/history_widget.h" #include "api/api_editing.h" #include "api/api_bot.h" #include "api/api_chat_participants.h" #include "api/api_report.h" #include "api/api_sending.h" #include "api/api_text_entities.h" #include "api/api_send_progress.h" #include "api/api_unread_things.h" #include "ui/boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "boxes/delete_messages_box.h" #include "boxes/send_files_box.h" #include "boxes/share_box.h" #include "boxes/edit_caption_box.h" #include "boxes/premium_limits_box.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_peer_permissions_box.h" // ShowAboutGigagroup. #include "boxes/peers/edit_peer_requests_box.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "ui/toasts/common_toasts.h" #include "ui/special_buttons.h" #include "ui/emoji_config.h" #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_prepare.h" #include "ui/chat/choose_theme_controller.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/inner_dropdown.h" #include "ui/widgets/dropdown_menu.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "ui/effects/message_sending_animation_controller.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" // Ui::Text::ToUpper #include "ui/text/format_values.h" #include "ui/chat/forward_options_box.h" #include "ui/chat/message_bar.h" #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_send_files_way.h" #include "ui/chat/choose_send_as.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "ui/special_buttons.h" #include "ui/controls/emoji_button.h" #include "ui/controls/send_button.h" #include "ui/controls/send_as_button.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h" #include "base/event_filter.h" #include "base/qt_signal_producer.h" #include "base/qt/qt_key_modifiers.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "base/call_delayed.h" #include "data/notify/data_notify_settings.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_drafts.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_web_page.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_forum.h" #include "data/data_forum_topic.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_chat_filters.h" #include "data/data_scheduled_messages.h" #include "data/data_sponsored_messages.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_histories.h" #include "data/data_group_call.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h" #include "data/stickers/data_custom_emoji.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history_message.h" #include "history/history_drag_area.h" #include "history/history_inner_widget.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/history_unread_things.h" #include "history/view/controls/history_view_compose_search.h" #include "history/view/controls/history_view_forward_panel.h" #include "history/view/controls/history_view_voice_record_bar.h" #include "history/view/controls/history_view_ttl_button.h" #include "history/view/reactions/history_view_reactions_button.h" #include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h" #include "history/view/history_view_service_message.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "history/view/history_view_scheduled_section.h" #include "history/view/history_view_schedule_box.h" #include "history/view/history_view_webpage_preview.h" #include "history/view/history_view_top_bar_widget.h" #include "history/view/history_view_contact_status.h" #include "history/view/history_view_context_menu.h" #include "history/view/history_view_pinned_tracker.h" #include "history/view/history_view_pinned_section.h" #include "history/view/history_view_pinned_bar.h" #include "history/view/history_view_group_call_bar.h" #include "history/view/history_view_item_preview.h" #include "history/view/history_view_requests_bar.h" #include "history/view/history_view_sticker_toast.h" #include "history/view/media/history_view_media.h" #include "profile/profile_block_group_members.h" #include "info/info_memento.h" #include "core/click_handler_types.h" #include "chat_helpers/tabbed_panel.h" #include "chat_helpers/tabbed_selector.h" #include "chat_helpers/tabbed_section.h" #include "chat_helpers/bot_keyboard.h" #include "chat_helpers/message_field.h" #include "menu/menu_send.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "storage/localimageloader.h" #include "storage/storage_account.h" #include "storage/file_upload.h" #include "storage/storage_media_prepare.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio_capture.h" #include "media/player/media_player_instance.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "base/options.h" #include "base/qthelp_regex.h" #include "ui/boxes/report_box.h" #include "ui/chat/pinned_bar.h" #include "ui/chat/group_call_bar.h" #include "ui/chat/requests_bar.h" #include "ui/chat/chat_theme.h" #include "ui/chat/chat_style.h" #include "ui/chat/continuous_scroll.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/item_text_options.h" #include "ui/unread_badge.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_session_settings.h" #include "main/session/send_as_peers.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "window/window_adaptive.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "window/window_slide_animation.h" #include "window/window_peer_menu.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_results_widget.h" #include "inline_bots/bot_attach_web_view.h" #include "info/profile/info_profile_values.h" // SharedMediaCountValue. #include "chat_helpers/emoji_suggestions_widget.h" #include "core/crash_reports.h" #include "core/shortcuts.h" #include "core/ui_integration.h" #include "support/support_common.h" #include "support/support_autocomplete.h" #include "support/support_preload.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_key.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "api/api_bot.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_profile.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include "styles/style_info.h" #include #include const char kOptionAutoScrollInactiveChat[] = "auto-scroll-inactive-chat"; namespace { constexpr auto kMessagesPerPageFirst = 10; constexpr auto kMessagesPerPage = 10; constexpr auto kPreloadHeightsCount = 3; // when 3 screens to scroll left make a preload request constexpr auto kScrollToVoiceAfterScrolledMs = 1000; constexpr auto kSkipRepaintWhileScrollMs = 100; constexpr auto kShowMembersDropdownTimeoutMs = 300; constexpr auto kDisplayEditTimeWarningMs = 300 * 1000; constexpr auto kFullDayInMs = 86400 * 1000; constexpr auto kSaveDraftTimeout = crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kSaveDraftAnywayTimeout = 5 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kSaveCloudDraftIdleTimeout = 14 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kRefreshSlowmodeLabelTimeout = crl::time(200); constexpr auto kCommonModifiers = 0 | Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::MetaModifier | Qt::ControlModifier; const auto kPsaAboutPrefix = "cloud_lng_about_psa_"; base::options::toggle AutoScrollInactiveChat({ .id = kOptionAutoScrollInactiveChat, .name = "Enable auto-scroll of inactive chat", .description = "Enable auto-scrolling chat for new messages, " "even when the window is not in focus.", }); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer ActivePeerValue( not_null controller) { return controller->activeChatValue( ) | rpl::map([](Dialogs::Key key) { const auto history = key.history(); return history ? history->peer.get() : nullptr; }); } } // namespace HistoryWidget::HistoryWidget( QWidget *parent, not_null controller) : Window::AbstractSectionWidget( parent, controller, ActivePeerValue(controller)) , _api(&controller->session().mtp()) , _updateEditTimeLeftDisplay([=] { updateField(); }) , _fieldBarCancel(this, st::historyReplyCancel) , _previewTimer([=] { requestPreview(); }) , _previewState(Data::PreviewState::Allowed) , _topBar(this, controller) , _scroll( this, controller->chatStyle()->value(lifetime(), st::historyScroll), false) , _updateHistoryItems([=] { updateHistoryItemsByTimer(); }) , _cornerButtons( _scroll.data(), controller->chatStyle(), static_cast(this)) , _fieldAutocomplete(this, controller) , _supportAutocomplete(session().supportMode() ? object_ptr(this, &session()) : nullptr) , _send(std::make_shared(this)) , _unblock(this, tr::lng_unblock_button(tr::now).toUpper(), st::historyUnblock) , _botStart(this, tr::lng_bot_start(tr::now).toUpper(), st::historyComposeButton) , _joinChannel( this, tr::lng_profile_join_channel(tr::now).toUpper(), st::historyComposeButton) , _muteUnmute( this, tr::lng_channel_mute(tr::now).toUpper(), st::historyComposeButton) , _reportMessages(this, QString(), st::historyComposeButton) , _attachToggle(this, st::historyAttach) , _tabbedSelectorToggle(this, st::historyAttachEmoji) , _botKeyboardShow(this, st::historyBotKeyboardShow) , _botKeyboardHide(this, st::historyBotKeyboardHide) , _botCommandStart(this, st::historyBotCommandStart) , _voiceRecordBar(std::make_unique( this, controller, _send, st::historySendSize.height())) , _forwardPanel(std::make_unique([=] { updateField(); })) , _field( this, st::historyComposeField, Ui::InputField::Mode::MultiLine, tr::lng_message_ph()) , _kbScroll(this, st::botKbScroll) , _keyboard(_kbScroll->setOwnedWidget(object_ptr( controller, this))) , _membersDropdownShowTimer([=] { showMembersDropdown(); }) , _highlighter( &session().data(), [=](const HistoryItem *item) { return item->mainView(); }, [=](const HistoryView::Element *view) { session().data().requestViewRepaint(view); }) , _saveDraftTimer([=] { saveDraft(); }) , _saveCloudDraftTimer([=] { saveCloudDraft(); }) , _topShadow(this) { setAcceptDrops(true); session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { update(); }, lifetime()); _scroll->scrolls( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { handleScroll(); }, lifetime()); _scroll->geometryChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next(crl::guard(_list, [=] { _list->onParentGeometryChanged(); }), lifetime()); _scroll->addContentRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (_history && _history->loadedAtBottom() && session().data().sponsoredMessages().append(_history)) { if (_list) { _list->setCanHaveFromUserpicsSponsored(true); } _scroll->contentAdded(); } }, lifetime()); _fieldBarCancel->addClickHandler([=] { cancelFieldAreaState(); }); _send->addClickHandler([=] { sendButtonClicked(); }); SendMenu::SetupMenuAndShortcuts( _send.get(), [=] { return sendButtonMenuType(); }, [=] { sendSilent(); }, [=] { sendScheduled(); }); _unblock->addClickHandler([=] { unblockUser(); }); _botStart->addClickHandler([=] { sendBotStartCommand(); }); _joinChannel->addClickHandler([=] { joinChannel(); }); _muteUnmute->addClickHandler([=] { toggleMuteUnmute(); }); _reportMessages->addClickHandler([=] { reportSelectedMessages(); }); connect( _field, &Ui::InputField::submitted, [=](Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { sendWithModifiers(modifiers); }); connect(_field, &Ui::InputField::cancelled, [=] { escape(); }); connect(_field, &Ui::InputField::tabbed, [=] { fieldTabbed(); }); connect(_field, &Ui::InputField::resized, [=] { fieldResized(); }); connect(_field, &Ui::InputField::focused, [=] { fieldFocused(); }); connect(_field, &Ui::InputField::changed, [=] { fieldChanged(); }); connect( controller->widget()->windowHandle(), &QWindow::visibleChanged, this, [=] { windowIsVisibleChanged(); }); initTabbedSelector(); _attachToggle->setClickedCallback([=] { base::call_delayed(st::historyAttach.ripple.hideDuration, this, [=] { chooseAttach(); }); }); const auto rawTextEdit = _field->rawTextEdit().get(); rpl::merge( _field->scrollTop().changes() | rpl::to_empty, base::qt_signal_producer( rawTextEdit, &QTextEdit::cursorPositionChanged) ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { saveDraftDelayed(); }, _field->lifetime()); connect(rawTextEdit, &QTextEdit::cursorPositionChanged, this, [=] { checkFieldAutocomplete(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); _fieldBarCancel->hide(); _topBar->hide(); _scroll->hide(); _kbScroll->hide(); controller->chatStyle()->paletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _scroll->updateBars(); }, lifetime()); _forwardPanel->itemsUpdated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); }, lifetime()); InitMessageField(controller, _field, [=]( not_null document) { if (_peer && Data::AllowEmojiWithoutPremium(_peer)) { return true; } showPremiumToast(document); return false; }); _keyboard->sendCommandRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Bot::SendCommandRequest r) { sendBotCommand(r); }, lifetime()); _fieldAutocomplete->mentionChosen( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](FieldAutocomplete::MentionChosen data) { auto replacement = QString(); auto entityTag = QString(); if (data.mention.isEmpty()) { replacement = data.user->firstName; if (replacement.isEmpty()) { replacement = data.user->name(); } entityTag = PrepareMentionTag(data.user); } else { replacement = '@' + data.mention; } _field->insertTag(replacement, entityTag); }, lifetime()); _fieldAutocomplete->hashtagChosen( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](FieldAutocomplete::HashtagChosen data) { insertHashtagOrBotCommand(data.hashtag, data.method); }, lifetime()); _fieldAutocomplete->botCommandChosen( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](FieldAutocomplete::BotCommandChosen data) { insertHashtagOrBotCommand(data.command, data.method); }, lifetime()); _fieldAutocomplete->setModerateKeyActivateCallback([=](int key) { const auto context = [=](FullMsgId itemId) { return _list->prepareClickContext(Qt::LeftButton, itemId); }; return !_keyboard->isHidden() && _keyboard->moderateKeyActivate( key, context); }); _fieldAutocomplete->choosingProcesses( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](FieldAutocomplete::Type type) { if (!_history) { return; } if (type == FieldAutocomplete::Type::Stickers) { session().sendProgressManager().update( _history, Api::SendProgressType::ChooseSticker); } }, lifetime()); _fieldAutocomplete->setSendMenuType([=] { return sendMenuType(); }); if (_supportAutocomplete) { supportInitAutocomplete(); } _fieldLinksParser = std::make_unique(_field); _fieldLinksParser->list().changes( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QStringList &&parsed) { if (_previewState == Data::PreviewState::EmptyOnEdit && _parsedLinks != parsed) { _previewState = Data::PreviewState::Allowed; } _parsedLinks = std::move(parsed); checkPreview(); }, lifetime()); _field->rawTextEdit()->installEventFilter(this); _field->rawTextEdit()->installEventFilter(_fieldAutocomplete); _field->setMimeDataHook([=]( not_null data, Ui::InputField::MimeAction action) { if (action == Ui::InputField::MimeAction::Check) { return canSendFiles(data); } else if (action == Ui::InputField::MimeAction::Insert) { return confirmSendingFiles(data, std::nullopt, data->text()); } Unexpected("action in MimeData hook."); }); const auto allow = [=](const auto&) { return _peer && _peer->isSelf(); }; const auto suggestions = Ui::Emoji::SuggestionsController::Init( this, _field, &controller->session(), { .suggestCustomEmoji = true, .allowCustomWithoutPremium = allow }); _raiseEmojiSuggestions = [=] { suggestions->raise(); }; updateFieldSubmitSettings(); _field->hide(); _send->hide(); _unblock->hide(); _botStart->hide(); _joinChannel->hide(); _muteUnmute->hide(); _reportMessages->hide(); initVoiceRecordBar(); _attachToggle->hide(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->hide(); _botKeyboardShow->hide(); _botKeyboardHide->hide(); _botCommandStart->hide(); session().attachWebView().requestBots(); session().attachWebView().attachBotsUpdates( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshAttachBotsMenu(); }, lifetime()); _botKeyboardShow->addClickHandler([=] { toggleKeyboard(); }); _botKeyboardHide->addClickHandler([=] { toggleKeyboard(); }); _botCommandStart->addClickHandler([=] { startBotCommand(); }); _topShadow->hide(); _attachDragAreas = DragArea::SetupDragAreaToContainer( this, crl::guard(this, [=](not_null d) { return _history && _canSendMessages && !isRecording(); }), crl::guard(this, [=](bool f) { _field->setAcceptDrops(f); }), crl::guard(this, [=] { updateControlsGeometry(); })); _attachDragAreas.document->setDroppedCallback([=](const QMimeData *data) { confirmSendingFiles(data, false); Window::ActivateWindow(controller); }); _attachDragAreas.photo->setDroppedCallback([=](const QMimeData *data) { confirmSendingFiles(data, true); Window::ActivateWindow(controller); }); session().data().newItemAdded( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null item) { newItemAdded(item); }, lifetime()); session().data().historyChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null history) { handleHistoryChange(history); }, lifetime()); session().data().viewResizeRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null view) { const auto item = view->data(); const auto history = item->history(); if (item->mainView() == view && (history == _history || history == _migrated)) { updateHistoryGeometry(); } }, lifetime()); session().data().itemDataChanges( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null item) { return !_list && (item->mainView() != nullptr); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null item) { item->mainView()->itemDataChanged(); }, lifetime()); Core::App().settings().largeEmojiChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { crl::on_main(this, [=] { updateHistoryGeometry(); }); }, lifetime()); session().data().animationPlayInlineRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null item) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { if (const auto media = view->media()) { media->playAnimation(); } } }, lifetime()); session().data().webPageUpdates( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null page) { return (_previewData == page.get()); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updatePreview(); }, lifetime()); session().data().channelDifferenceTooLong( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null channel) { return _peer == channel.get(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _cornerButtons.updateJumpDownVisibility(); preloadHistoryIfNeeded(); }, lifetime()); session().data().userIsBotChanges( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null user) { return (_peer == user.get()); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null user) { _list->notifyIsBotChanged(); _list->updateBotInfo(); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); }, lifetime()); session().data().botCommandsChanges( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null peer) { return _peer && (_peer == peer); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (updateCmdStartShown()) { updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } if (_fieldAutocomplete->clearFilteredBotCommands()) { checkFieldAutocomplete(); } }, lifetime()); using EntryUpdateFlag = Data::EntryUpdate::Flag; session().changes().entryUpdates( EntryUpdateFlag::HasPinnedMessages | EntryUpdateFlag::ForwardDraft ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::EntryUpdate &update) { if (_pinnedTracker && (update.flags & EntryUpdateFlag::HasPinnedMessages) && ((update.entry.get() == _history) || (update.entry.get() == _migrated))) { checkPinnedBarState(); } if (update.flags & EntryUpdateFlag::ForwardDraft) { updateForwarding(); } }, lifetime()); using HistoryUpdateFlag = Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag; session().changes().historyUpdates( HistoryUpdateFlag::MessageSent | HistoryUpdateFlag::BotKeyboard | HistoryUpdateFlag::CloudDraft | HistoryUpdateFlag::UnreadMentions | HistoryUpdateFlag::UnreadReactions | HistoryUpdateFlag::UnreadView | HistoryUpdateFlag::TopPromoted | HistoryUpdateFlag::ClientSideMessages ) | rpl::filter([=](const Data::HistoryUpdate &update) { return (_history == update.history.get()); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::HistoryUpdate &update) { const auto flags = update.flags; if (flags & HistoryUpdateFlag::MessageSent) { synteticScrollToY(_scroll->scrollTopMax()); } if (flags & HistoryUpdateFlag::BotKeyboard) { updateBotKeyboard(update.history); } if (flags & HistoryUpdateFlag::CloudDraft) { applyCloudDraft(update.history); } if (flags & HistoryUpdateFlag::ClientSideMessages) { updateSendButtonType(); } if ((flags & HistoryUpdateFlag::UnreadMentions) || (flags & HistoryUpdateFlag::UnreadReactions)) { _cornerButtons.updateUnreadThingsVisibility(); } if (flags & HistoryUpdateFlag::UnreadView) { unreadCountUpdated(); } if (flags & HistoryUpdateFlag::TopPromoted) { updateHistoryGeometry(); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); this->update(); } }, lifetime()); using MessageUpdateFlag = Data::MessageUpdate::Flag; session().changes().messageUpdates( MessageUpdateFlag::Destroyed | MessageUpdateFlag::Edited | MessageUpdateFlag::ReplyMarkup | MessageUpdateFlag::BotCallbackSent ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::MessageUpdate &update) { const auto flags = update.flags; if (flags & MessageUpdateFlag::Destroyed) { itemRemoved(update.item); return; } if (flags & MessageUpdateFlag::Edited) { itemEdited(update.item); } if (flags & MessageUpdateFlag::ReplyMarkup) { if (_keyboard->forMsgId() == update.item->fullId()) { updateBotKeyboard(update.item->history(), true); } } if (flags & MessageUpdateFlag::BotCallbackSent) { botCallbackSent(update.item); } }, lifetime()); session().changes().realtimeMessageUpdates( MessageUpdateFlag::NewUnreadReaction ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::MessageUpdate &update) { maybeMarkReactionsRead(update.item); }, lifetime()); using MediaSwitch = Media::Player::Instance::Switch; Media::Player::instance()->switchToNextEvents( ) | rpl::filter([=](const MediaSwitch &pair) { return (pair.from.type() == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const MediaSwitch &pair) { scrollToCurrentVoiceMessage(pair.from.contextId(), pair.to); }, lifetime()); using PeerUpdateFlag = Data::PeerUpdate::Flag; session().changes().peerUpdates( PeerUpdateFlag::Rights | PeerUpdateFlag::Migration | PeerUpdateFlag::UnavailableReason | PeerUpdateFlag::IsBlocked | PeerUpdateFlag::Admins | PeerUpdateFlag::Members | PeerUpdateFlag::OnlineStatus | PeerUpdateFlag::Notifications | PeerUpdateFlag::ChannelAmIn | PeerUpdateFlag::ChannelLinkedChat | PeerUpdateFlag::Slowmode | PeerUpdateFlag::BotStartToken | PeerUpdateFlag::MessagesTTL | PeerUpdateFlag::ChatThemeEmoji | PeerUpdateFlag::FullInfo ) | rpl::filter([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { return (update.peer.get() == _peer); }) | rpl::map([](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { return update.flags; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Data::PeerUpdate::Flags flags) { if (flags & PeerUpdateFlag::Rights) { checkPreview(); updateStickersByEmoji(); updateFieldPlaceholder(); } if (flags & PeerUpdateFlag::Migration) { handlePeerMigration(); } if (flags & PeerUpdateFlag::Notifications) { updateNotifyControls(); } if (flags & PeerUpdateFlag::UnavailableReason) { const auto unavailable = _peer->computeUnavailableReason(); if (!unavailable.isEmpty()) { closeCurrent(); if (const auto primary = Core::App().primaryWindow()) { primary->show(Ui::MakeInformBox(unavailable)); } return; } } if (flags & PeerUpdateFlag::BotStartToken) { updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } if (flags & PeerUpdateFlag::Slowmode) { updateSendButtonType(); } if (flags & (PeerUpdateFlag::IsBlocked | PeerUpdateFlag::Admins | PeerUpdateFlag::Members | PeerUpdateFlag::OnlineStatus | PeerUpdateFlag::Rights | PeerUpdateFlag::ChannelAmIn | PeerUpdateFlag::ChannelLinkedChat)) { handlePeerUpdate(); } if (flags & PeerUpdateFlag::MessagesTTL) { checkMessagesTTL(); } if ((flags & PeerUpdateFlag::ChatThemeEmoji) && _list) { const auto emoji = _peer->themeEmoji(); if (Data::CloudThemes::TestingColors() && !emoji.isEmpty()) { _peer->owner().cloudThemes().themeForEmojiValue( emoji ) | rpl::filter_optional( ) | rpl::take( 1 ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::CloudTheme &theme) { const auto &themes = _peer->owner().cloudThemes(); const auto text = themes.prepareTestingLink(theme); if (!text.isEmpty()) { _field->setText(text); } }, _list->lifetime()); } } if (flags & PeerUpdateFlag::FullInfo) { fullInfoUpdated(); } }, lifetime()); using Type = Data::DefaultNotify; rpl::merge( session().data().notifySettings().defaultUpdates(Type::User), session().data().notifySettings().defaultUpdates(Type::Group), session().data().notifySettings().defaultUpdates(Type::Broadcast) ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateNotifyControls(); }, lifetime()); session().data().itemVisibilityQueries( ) | rpl::filter([=]( const Data::Session::ItemVisibilityQuery &query) { return !_a_show.animating() && (_history == query.item->history()) && (query.item->mainView() != nullptr) && isVisible(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=]( const Data::Session::ItemVisibilityQuery &query) { if (const auto view = query.item->mainView()) { auto top = _list->itemTop(view); if (top >= 0) { auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); if (top + view->height() > scrollTop && top < scrollTop + _scroll->height()) { *query.isVisible = true; } } } }, lifetime()); _topBar->membersShowAreaActive( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool active) { setMembersShowAreaActive(active); }, _topBar->lifetime()); _topBar->forwardSelectionRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { forwardSelected(); }, _topBar->lifetime()); _topBar->deleteSelectionRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { confirmDeleteSelected(); }, _topBar->lifetime()); _topBar->clearSelectionRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { clearSelected(); }, _topBar->lifetime()); _topBar->cancelChooseForReportRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { setChooseReportMessagesDetails({}, nullptr); }, _topBar->lifetime()); _topBar->searchRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { searchInChat(); }, _topBar->lifetime()); session().api().sendActions( ) | rpl::filter([=](const Api::SendAction &action) { return (action.history == _history); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Api::SendAction &action) { const auto lastKeyboardUsed = lastForceReplyReplied(FullMsgId( action.history->peer->id, action.replyTo)); if (action.options.scheduled) { cancelReply(lastKeyboardUsed); crl::on_main(this, [=, history = action.history] { controller->showSection( std::make_shared(history)); }); } else { fastShowAtEnd(action.history); if (cancelReply(lastKeyboardUsed) && !action.clearDraft) { saveCloudDraft(); } } if (action.options.handleSupportSwitch) { handleSupportSwitch(action.history); } }, lifetime()); if (session().supportMode()) { session().data().chatListEntryRefreshes( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { crl::on_main(this, [=] { checkSupportPreload(true); }); }, lifetime()); } controller->materializeLocalDraftsRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { saveFieldToHistoryLocalDraft(); }, lifetime()); setupScheduledToggle(); setupSendAsToggle(); orderWidgets(); setupShortcuts(); } void HistoryWidget::setGeometryWithTopMoved( const QRect &newGeometry, int topDelta) { _topDelta = topDelta; bool willBeResized = (size() != newGeometry.size()); if (geometry() != newGeometry) { auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(this); setGeometry(newGeometry); if (!weak) { return; } } if (!willBeResized) { resizeEvent(nullptr); } _topDelta = 0; } Dialogs::EntryState HistoryWidget::computeDialogsEntryState() const { return Dialogs::EntryState{ .key = _history, .section = Dialogs::EntryState::Section::History, .currentReplyToId = replyToId(), }; } void HistoryWidget::refreshJoinChannelText() { if (const auto channel = _peer ? _peer->asChannel() : nullptr) { _joinChannel->setText((channel->isBroadcast() ? tr::lng_profile_join_channel(tr::now) : (channel->requestToJoin() && !channel->amCreator()) ? tr::lng_profile_apply_to_join_group(tr::now) : tr::lng_profile_join_group(tr::now)).toUpper()); } } void HistoryWidget::refreshTopBarActiveChat() { const auto state = computeDialogsEntryState(); _topBar->setActiveChat(state, _history->sendActionPainter()); if (_inlineResults) { _inlineResults->setCurrentDialogsEntryState(state); } } void HistoryWidget::refreshTabbedPanel() { if (_peer && controller()->hasTabbedSelectorOwnership()) { createTabbedPanel(); } else { setTabbedPanel(nullptr); } } void HistoryWidget::initVoiceRecordBar() { { auto scrollHeight = rpl::combine( _scroll->topValue(), _scroll->heightValue() ) | rpl::map([](int top, int height) { return top + height - st::historyRecordLockPosition.y(); }); _voiceRecordBar->setLockBottom(std::move(scrollHeight)); } _voiceRecordBar->setSendButtonGeometryValue(_send->geometryValue()); _voiceRecordBar->setStartRecordingFilter([=] { const auto error = [&]() -> std::optional { if (_peer) { if (const auto error = Data::RestrictionError( _peer, ChatRestriction::SendMedia)) { return error; } if (const auto error = Data::RestrictionError( _peer, UserRestriction::SendVoiceMessages)) { return error; } } return std::nullopt; }(); if (error) { controller()->show(Ui::MakeInformBox(*error)); return true; } else if (showSlowmodeError()) { return true; } return false; }); const auto applyLocalDraft = [=] { if (_history && _history->localDraft({})) { applyDraft(); } }; _voiceRecordBar->sendActionUpdates( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const auto &data) { if (!_history) { return; } session().sendProgressManager().update( _history, data.type, data.progress); }, lifetime()); _voiceRecordBar->sendVoiceRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const auto &data) { if (!canWriteMessage() || data.bytes.isEmpty() || !_history) { return; } auto action = prepareSendAction(data.options); session().api().sendVoiceMessage( data.bytes, data.waveform, data.duration, action); _voiceRecordBar->clearListenState(); applyLocalDraft(); }, lifetime()); _voiceRecordBar->cancelRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next(applyLocalDraft, lifetime()); _voiceRecordBar->lockShowStarts( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _cornerButtons.updateJumpDownVisibility(); _cornerButtons.updateUnreadThingsVisibility(); }, lifetime()); _voiceRecordBar->updateSendButtonTypeRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateSendButtonType(); }, lifetime()); _voiceRecordBar->lockViewportEvents( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null e) { _scroll->viewportEvent(e); }, lifetime()); _voiceRecordBar->recordingTipRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = Window::Show(controller()).toastParent(), .text = { tr::lng_record_hold_tip(tr::now) }, }); }, lifetime()); _voiceRecordBar->hideFast(); } void HistoryWidget::initTabbedSelector() { refreshTabbedPanel(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->addClickHandler([=] { if (_tabbedPanel && _tabbedPanel->isHidden()) { _tabbedPanel->showAnimated(); } else { toggleTabbedSelectorMode(); } }); const auto selector = controller()->tabbedSelector(); base::install_event_filter(this, selector, [=](not_null e) { if (_tabbedPanel && e->type() == QEvent::ParentChange) { setTabbedPanel(nullptr); } return base::EventFilterResult::Continue; }); auto filter = rpl::filter([=] { return !isHidden(); }); using Selector = TabbedSelector; selector->emojiChosen( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return !isHidden() && !_field->isHidden(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](ChatHelpers::EmojiChosen data) { Ui::InsertEmojiAtCursor(_field->textCursor(), data.emoji); }, lifetime()); rpl::merge( selector->fileChosen() | filter, _fieldAutocomplete->stickerChosen(), selector->customEmojiChosen() | filter, controller()->stickerOrEmojiChosen() | filter ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](ChatHelpers::FileChosen data) { controller()->hideLayer(anim::type::normal); if (const auto info = data.document->sticker() ; info && info->setType == Data::StickersType::Emoji) { if (data.document->isPremiumEmoji() && !session().premium() && (!_peer || !Data::AllowEmojiWithoutPremium(_peer))) { showPremiumToast(data.document); } else if (!_field->isHidden()) { Data::InsertCustomEmoji(_field.data(), data.document); } } else { controller()->sendingAnimation().appendSending( data.messageSendingFrom); const auto localId = data.messageSendingFrom.localId; sendExistingDocument(data.document, data.options, localId); } }, lifetime()); selector->photoChosen( ) | filter | rpl::start_with_next([=](ChatHelpers::PhotoChosen data) { sendExistingPhoto(data.photo, data.options); }, lifetime()); selector->inlineResultChosen( ) | filter | rpl::filter([=](const ChatHelpers::InlineChosen &data) { if (!data.recipientOverride) { return true; } else if (data.recipientOverride != _peer) { showHistory(data.recipientOverride->id, ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } return (data.recipientOverride == _peer); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](ChatHelpers::InlineChosen data) { sendInlineResult(data); }, lifetime()); selector->contextMenuRequested( ) | filter | rpl::start_with_next([=] { selector->showMenuWithType(sendMenuType()); }, lifetime()); selector->choosingStickerUpdated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Selector::Action &data) { if (!_history) { return; } const auto type = Api::SendProgressType::ChooseSticker; if (data != Selector::Action::Cancel) { session().sendProgressManager().update(_history, type); } else { session().sendProgressManager().cancel(_history, type); } }, lifetime()); } void HistoryWidget::supportInitAutocomplete() { _supportAutocomplete->hide(); _supportAutocomplete->insertRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QString &text) { supportInsertText(text); }, _supportAutocomplete->lifetime()); _supportAutocomplete->shareContactRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Support::Contact &contact) { supportShareContact(contact); }, _supportAutocomplete->lifetime()); } void HistoryWidget::supportInsertText(const QString &text) { _field->setFocus(); _field->textCursor().insertText(text); _field->ensureCursorVisible(); } void HistoryWidget::supportShareContact(Support::Contact contact) { if (!_history) { return; } supportInsertText(contact.comment); contact.comment = _field->getLastText(); const auto submit = [=](Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { const auto history = _history; if (!history) { return; } auto options = Api::SendOptions{ .sendAs = prepareSendAction({}).options.sendAs, }; auto action = Api::SendAction(history); send(options); options.handleSupportSwitch = Support::HandleSwitch(modifiers); action.options = options; session().api().shareContact( contact.phone, contact.firstName, contact.lastName, action); }; const auto box = controller()->show(Box( controller(), _history, contact, crl::guard(this, submit))); box->boxClosing( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _field->document()->undo(); }, lifetime()); } void HistoryWidget::scrollToCurrentVoiceMessage(FullMsgId fromId, FullMsgId toId) { if (crl::now() <= _lastUserScrolled + kScrollToVoiceAfterScrolledMs) { return; } if (!_list) { return; } auto from = session().data().message(fromId); auto to = session().data().message(toId); if (!from || !to) { return; } // If history has pending resize items, the scrollTopItem won't be updated. // And the scrollTop will be reset back to scrollTopItem + scrollTopOffset. handlePendingHistoryUpdate(); if (const auto toView = to->mainView()) { auto toTop = _list->itemTop(toView); if (toTop >= 0 && !isItemCompletelyHidden(from)) { auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); auto scrollBottom = scrollTop + _scroll->height(); auto toBottom = toTop + toView->height(); if ((toTop < scrollTop && toBottom < scrollBottom) || (toTop > scrollTop && toBottom > scrollBottom)) { animatedScrollToItem(to->id); } } } } void HistoryWidget::animatedScrollToItem(MsgId msgId) { Expects(_history != nullptr); if (hasPendingResizedItems()) { updateListSize(); } auto to = session().data().message(_history->peer, msgId); if (_list->itemTop(to) < 0) { return; } auto scrollTo = std::clamp( itemTopForHighlight(to->mainView()), 0, _scroll->scrollTopMax()); animatedScrollToY(scrollTo, to); } void HistoryWidget::animatedScrollToY(int scrollTo, HistoryItem *attachTo) { Expects(_history != nullptr); if (hasPendingResizedItems()) { updateListSize(); } // Attach our scroll animation to some item. auto itemTop = _list->itemTop(attachTo); auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); if (itemTop < 0 && !_history->isEmpty()) { attachTo = _history->blocks.back()->messages.back()->data(); itemTop = _list->itemTop(attachTo); } if (itemTop < 0 || (scrollTop == scrollTo)) { synteticScrollToY(scrollTo); return; } _scrollToAnimation.stop(); auto maxAnimatedDelta = _scroll->height(); auto transition = anim::sineInOut; if (scrollTo > scrollTop + maxAnimatedDelta) { scrollTop = scrollTo - maxAnimatedDelta; synteticScrollToY(scrollTop); transition = anim::easeOutCubic; } else if (scrollTo + maxAnimatedDelta < scrollTop) { scrollTop = scrollTo + maxAnimatedDelta; synteticScrollToY(scrollTop); transition = anim::easeOutCubic; } else { // In local showHistory() we forget current scroll state, // so we need to restore it synchronously, otherwise we may // jump to the bottom of history in some updateHistoryGeometry() call. synteticScrollToY(scrollTop); } const auto itemId = attachTo->fullId(); const auto relativeFrom = scrollTop - itemTop; const auto relativeTo = scrollTo - itemTop; _scrollToAnimation.start( [=] { scrollToAnimationCallback(itemId, relativeTo); }, relativeFrom, relativeTo, st::slideDuration, anim::sineInOut); } void HistoryWidget::scrollToAnimationCallback( FullMsgId attachToId, int relativeTo) { auto itemTop = _list->itemTop(session().data().message(attachToId)); if (itemTop < 0) { _scrollToAnimation.stop(); } else { synteticScrollToY(qRound(_scrollToAnimation.value(relativeTo)) + itemTop); } if (!_scrollToAnimation.animating()) { preloadHistoryByScroll(); checkReplyReturns(); } } void HistoryWidget::enqueueMessageHighlight( not_null view) { _highlighter.enqueue(view); } float64 HistoryWidget::highlightOpacity( not_null item) const { return _highlighter.progress(item); } int HistoryWidget::itemTopForHighlight( not_null view) const { if (const auto group = session().data().groups().find(view->data())) { if (const auto leader = group->items.front()->mainView()) { view = leader; } } const auto itemTop = _list->itemTop(view); Assert(itemTop >= 0); const auto reactionCenter = view->data()->hasUnreadReaction() ? view->reactionButtonParameters({}, {}).center.y() : -1; const auto visibleAreaHeight = _scroll->height(); const auto viewHeight = view->height(); const auto heightLeft = (visibleAreaHeight - viewHeight); if (heightLeft >= 0) { return std::max(itemTop - (heightLeft / 2), 0); } else if (reactionCenter >= 0) { const auto maxSize = st::reactionInfoImage; // Show message right till the bottom. const auto forBottom = itemTop + viewHeight - visibleAreaHeight; // Show message bottom and some space below for the effect. const auto bottomResult = forBottom + maxSize; // Show the reaction button center in the middle. const auto byReactionResult = itemTop + reactionCenter - visibleAreaHeight / 2; // Show the reaction center and some space above it for the effect. const auto maxAllowed = itemTop + reactionCenter - 2 * maxSize; return std::max( std::min(maxAllowed, std::max(bottomResult, byReactionResult)), 0); } return itemTop; } void HistoryWidget::start() { session().data().stickers().updated( Data::StickersType::Stickers ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateStickersByEmoji(); }, lifetime()); session().data().stickers().notifySavedGifsUpdated(); } void HistoryWidget::insertHashtagOrBotCommand( QString str, FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod method) { if (!_peer) { return; } // Send bot command at once, if it was not inserted by pressing Tab. if (str.at(0) == '/' && method != FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod::ByTab) { sendBotCommand({ _peer, str, FullMsgId(), replyToId() }); session().api().finishForwarding(prepareSendAction({})); setFieldText(_field->getTextWithTagsPart(_field->textCursor().position())); } else { _field->insertTag(str); } } InlineBotQuery HistoryWidget::parseInlineBotQuery() const { return (isChoosingTheme() || _editMsgId) ? InlineBotQuery() : ParseInlineBotQuery(&session(), _field); } AutocompleteQuery HistoryWidget::parseMentionHashtagBotCommandQuery() const { const auto result = (isChoosingTheme() || (_inlineBot && !_inlineLookingUpBot)) ? AutocompleteQuery() : ParseMentionHashtagBotCommandQuery(_field); if (result.query.isEmpty()) { return result; } else if (result.query[0] == '#' && cRecentWriteHashtags().isEmpty() && cRecentSearchHashtags().isEmpty()) { session().local().readRecentHashtagsAndBots(); } else if (result.query[0] == '@' && cRecentInlineBots().isEmpty()) { session().local().readRecentHashtagsAndBots(); } else if (result.query[0] == '/' && ((_peer->isUser() && !_peer->asUser()->isBot()) || _editMsgId)) { return AutocompleteQuery(); } return result; } void HistoryWidget::updateInlineBotQuery() { if (!_history) { return; } const auto query = parseInlineBotQuery(); if (_inlineBotUsername != query.username) { _inlineBotUsername = query.username; if (_inlineBotResolveRequestId) { _api.request(_inlineBotResolveRequestId).cancel(); _inlineBotResolveRequestId = 0; } if (query.lookingUpBot) { _inlineBot = nullptr; _inlineLookingUpBot = true; const auto username = _inlineBotUsername; _inlineBotResolveRequestId = _api.request(MTPcontacts_ResolveUsername( MTP_string(username) )).done([=](const MTPcontacts_ResolvedPeer &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_contacts_resolvedPeer); const auto &data = result.c_contacts_resolvedPeer(); const auto resolvedBot = [&]() -> UserData* { if (const auto user = session().data().processUsers( data.vusers())) { if (user->isBot() && !user->botInfo->inlinePlaceholder.isEmpty()) { return user; } } return nullptr; }(); session().data().processChats(data.vchats()); _inlineBotResolveRequestId = 0; const auto query = parseInlineBotQuery(); if (_inlineBotUsername == query.username) { applyInlineBotQuery( query.lookingUpBot ? resolvedBot : query.bot, query.query); } else { clearInlineBot(); } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _inlineBotResolveRequestId = 0; if (username == _inlineBotUsername) { clearInlineBot(); } }).send(); } else { applyInlineBotQuery(query.bot, query.query); } } else if (query.lookingUpBot) { if (!_inlineLookingUpBot) { applyInlineBotQuery(_inlineBot, query.query); } } else { applyInlineBotQuery(query.bot, query.query); } } void HistoryWidget::applyInlineBotQuery(UserData *bot, const QString &query) { if (bot) { if (_inlineBot != bot) { _inlineBot = bot; _inlineLookingUpBot = false; inlineBotChanged(); } if (!_inlineResults) { _inlineResults.create(this, controller()); _inlineResults->setResultSelectedCallback([=]( InlineBots::ResultSelected result) { if (result.open) { const auto request = result.result->openRequest(); if (const auto photo = request.photo()) { controller()->openPhoto(photo, {}, {}); } else if (const auto document = request.document()) { controller()->openDocument(document, {}, {}); } } else { sendInlineResult(result); } }); _inlineResults->setCurrentDialogsEntryState( computeDialogsEntryState()); _inlineResults->setSendMenuType([=] { return sendMenuType(); }); _inlineResults->requesting( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool requesting) { _tabbedSelectorToggle->setLoading(requesting); }, _inlineResults->lifetime()); updateControlsGeometry(); orderWidgets(); } _inlineResults->queryInlineBot(_inlineBot, _peer, query); if (!_fieldAutocomplete->isHidden()) { _fieldAutocomplete->hideAnimated(); } } else { clearInlineBot(); } } void HistoryWidget::orderWidgets() { _voiceRecordBar->raise(); _send->raise(); if (_contactStatus) { _contactStatus->bar().raise(); } if (_pinnedBar) { _pinnedBar->raise(); } if (_requestsBar) { _requestsBar->raise(); } if (_groupCallBar) { _groupCallBar->raise(); } if (_chooseTheme) { _chooseTheme->raise(); } _topShadow->raise(); _fieldAutocomplete->raise(); if (_membersDropdown) { _membersDropdown->raise(); } if (_inlineResults) { _inlineResults->raise(); } if (_tabbedPanel) { _tabbedPanel->raise(); } _raiseEmojiSuggestions(); _attachDragAreas.document->raise(); _attachDragAreas.photo->raise(); } bool HistoryWidget::updateStickersByEmoji() { if (!_peer) { return false; } const auto emoji = [&] { const auto errorForStickers = Data::RestrictionError( _peer, ChatRestriction::SendStickers); if (!_editMsgId && !errorForStickers) { const auto &text = _field->getTextWithTags().text; auto length = 0; if (const auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(text, &length)) { if (text.size() <= length) { return emoji; } } } return EmojiPtr(nullptr); }(); _fieldAutocomplete->showStickers(emoji); return (emoji != nullptr); } void HistoryWidget::toggleChooseChatTheme(not_null peer) { const auto update = [=] { updateInlineBotQuery(); updateControlsGeometry(); updateControlsVisibility(); }; if (peer.get() != _peer) { return; } else if (_chooseTheme) { if (isChoosingTheme()) { const auto was = base::take(_chooseTheme); if (Ui::InFocusChain(this)) { setInnerFocus(); } update(); } return; } else if (_voiceRecordBar->isActive()) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = Window::Show(controller()).toastParent(), .text = { tr::lng_chat_theme_cant_voice(tr::now) }, }); return; } _chooseTheme = std::make_unique( this, controller(), peer); _chooseTheme->shouldBeShownValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next(update, _chooseTheme->lifetime()); } Ui::ChatTheme *HistoryWidget::customChatTheme() const { return _list ? _list->theme().get() : nullptr; } void HistoryWidget::fieldChanged() { const auto updateTyping = (_textUpdateEvents & TextUpdateEvent::SendTyping); InvokeQueued(this, [=] { updateInlineBotQuery(); const auto choosingSticker = updateStickersByEmoji(); if (_history && !_inlineBot && !_editMsgId && !choosingSticker && updateTyping) { session().sendProgressManager().update( _history, Api::SendProgressType::Typing); } }); updateSendButtonType(); if (!HasSendText(_field)) { _previewState = Data::PreviewState::Allowed; _fieldIsEmpty = true; } else if (_fieldIsEmpty) { _fieldIsEmpty = false; if (_kbShown) { toggleKeyboard(); } } if (updateCmdStartShown()) { updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } _saveCloudDraftTimer.cancel(); if (!_peer || !(_textUpdateEvents & TextUpdateEvent::SaveDraft)) { return; } _saveDraftText = true; saveDraft(true); } void HistoryWidget::saveDraftDelayed() { if (!_peer || !(_textUpdateEvents & TextUpdateEvent::SaveDraft)) { return; } if (!_field->textCursor().position() && !_field->textCursor().anchor() && !_field->scrollTop().current()) { if (!session().local().hasDraftCursors(_peer->id)) { return; } } saveDraft(true); } void HistoryWidget::saveDraft(bool delayed) { if (!_peer) { return; } else if (delayed) { auto ms = crl::now(); if (!_saveDraftStart) { _saveDraftStart = ms; return _saveDraftTimer.callOnce(kSaveDraftTimeout); } else if (ms - _saveDraftStart < kSaveDraftAnywayTimeout) { return _saveDraftTimer.callOnce(kSaveDraftTimeout); } } writeDrafts(); } void HistoryWidget::saveFieldToHistoryLocalDraft() { if (!_history) return; const auto topicRootId = MsgId(); if (_editMsgId) { _history->setLocalEditDraft(std::make_unique( _field, _editMsgId, topicRootId, _previewState, _saveEditMsgRequestId)); } else { if (_replyToId || !_field->empty()) { _history->setLocalDraft(std::make_unique( _field, _replyToId, topicRootId, _previewState)); } else { _history->clearLocalDraft({}); } _history->clearLocalEditDraft({}); } } void HistoryWidget::saveCloudDraft() { controller()->session().api().saveCurrentDraftToCloud(); } void HistoryWidget::writeDraftTexts() { Expects(_history != nullptr); session().local().writeDrafts(_history); if (_migrated) { _migrated->clearDrafts(); session().local().writeDrafts(_migrated); } } void HistoryWidget::writeDraftCursors() { Expects(_history != nullptr); session().local().writeDraftCursors(_history); if (_migrated) { _migrated->clearDrafts(); session().local().writeDraftCursors(_migrated); } } void HistoryWidget::writeDrafts() { const auto save = (_history != nullptr) && (_saveDraftStart > 0); _saveDraftStart = 0; _saveDraftTimer.cancel(); if (save) { if (_saveDraftText) { writeDraftTexts(); } writeDraftCursors(); } _saveDraftText = false; if (!_editMsgId && !_inlineBot) { _saveCloudDraftTimer.callOnce(kSaveCloudDraftIdleTimeout); } } bool HistoryWidget::isRecording() const { return _voiceRecordBar->isRecording(); } void HistoryWidget::activate() { if (_history) { if (!_historyInited) { updateHistoryGeometry(true); } else if (hasPendingResizedItems()) { updateHistoryGeometry(); } } controller()->widget()->setInnerFocus(); } void HistoryWidget::setInnerFocus() { if (_scroll->isHidden()) { setFocus(); } else if (_list) { if (isSearching()) { _composeSearch->setInnerFocus(); } else if (_chooseTheme && _chooseTheme->shouldBeShown()) { _chooseTheme->setFocus(); } else if (_nonEmptySelection || (_list && _list->wasSelectedText()) || isRecording() || isBotStart() || isBlocked() || !_canSendMessages) { _list->setFocus(); } else { _field->setFocus(); } } } bool HistoryWidget::notify_switchInlineBotButtonReceived(const QString &query, UserData *samePeerBot, MsgId samePeerReplyTo) { if (samePeerBot) { if (_history) { const auto textWithTags = TextWithTags{ '@' + samePeerBot->username() + ' ' + query, TextWithTags::Tags(), }; MessageCursor cursor = { int(textWithTags.text.size()), int(textWithTags.text.size()), QFIXED_MAX }; _history->setLocalDraft(std::make_unique( textWithTags, 0, // replyTo 0, // topicRootId cursor, Data::PreviewState::Allowed)); applyDraft(); return true; } } else if (const auto bot = _peer ? _peer->asUser() : nullptr) { const auto to = bot->isBot() ? bot->botInfo->inlineReturnTo : Dialogs::EntryState(); const auto history = to.key.history(); if (!history) { return false; } bot->botInfo->inlineReturnTo = Dialogs::EntryState(); using Section = Dialogs::EntryState::Section; const auto textWithTags = TextWithTags{ '@' + bot->username() + ' ' + query, TextWithTags::Tags(), }; MessageCursor cursor = { int(textWithTags.text.size()), int(textWithTags.text.size()), QFIXED_MAX }; auto draft = std::make_unique( textWithTags, to.currentReplyToId, to.rootId, cursor, Data::PreviewState::Allowed); if (to.section == Section::Scheduled) { history->setDraft(Data::DraftKey::Scheduled(), std::move(draft)); controller()->showSection( std::make_shared(history)); } else { history->setLocalDraft(std::move(draft)); if (to.section == Section::Replies) { controller()->showRepliesForMessage(history, to.rootId); } else if (history == _history) { applyDraft(); } else { controller()->showPeerHistory(history->peer); } } return true; } return false; } void HistoryWidget::setupShortcuts() { Shortcuts::Requests( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return _history && Ui::AppInFocus() && Ui::InFocusChain(this) && !Ui::isLayerShown() && (Core::App().activeWindow() == &controller()->window()); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null request) { using Command = Shortcuts::Command; request->check(Command::Search, 1) && request->handle([=] { searchInChat(); return true; }); if (session().supportMode()) { request->check( Command::SupportToggleMuted ) && request->handle([=] { toggleMuteUnmute(); return true; }); } }, lifetime()); } void HistoryWidget::pushReplyReturn(not_null item) { if (item->history() != _history && item->history() != _migrated) { return; } _cornerButtons.pushReplyReturn(item); updateControlsVisibility(); } QVector HistoryWidget::replyReturns() const { return _cornerButtons.replyReturns(); } void HistoryWidget::setReplyReturns( PeerId peer, QVector replyReturns) { if (!_peer || _peer->id != peer) { return; } _cornerButtons.setReplyReturns(std::move(replyReturns)); } void HistoryWidget::fastShowAtEnd(not_null history) { if (_history != history) { return; } clearAllLoadRequests(); setMsgId(ShowAtUnreadMsgId); _pinnedClickedId = FullMsgId(); _minPinnedId = std::nullopt; if (_history->isReadyFor(_showAtMsgId)) { historyLoaded(); } else { firstLoadMessages(); doneShow(); } } void HistoryWidget::applyDraft(FieldHistoryAction fieldHistoryAction) { InvokeQueued(this, [=] { updateStickersByEmoji(); }); if (_voiceRecordBar->isActive()) { return; } const auto editDraft = _history ? _history->localEditDraft({}) : nullptr; const auto draft = editDraft ? editDraft : _history ? _history->localDraft({}) : nullptr; auto fieldAvailable = canWriteMessage(); if (!draft || (!_history->localEditDraft({}) && !fieldAvailable)) { auto fieldWillBeHiddenAfterEdit = (!fieldAvailable && _editMsgId != 0); clearFieldText(0, fieldHistoryAction); _field->setFocus(); _processingReplyItem = _replyEditMsg = nullptr; _processingReplyId = _replyToId = 0; setEditMsgId(0); if (fieldWillBeHiddenAfterEdit) { updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } refreshTopBarActiveChat(); return; } _textUpdateEvents = 0; setFieldText(draft->textWithTags, 0, fieldHistoryAction); _field->setFocus(); draft->cursor.applyTo(_field); _textUpdateEvents = TextUpdateEvent::SaveDraft | TextUpdateEvent::SendTyping; // Save links from _field to _parsedLinks without generating preview. _previewState = Data::PreviewState::Cancelled; _fieldLinksParser->parseNow(); _parsedLinks = _fieldLinksParser->list().current(); _previewState = draft->previewState; _processingReplyItem = _replyEditMsg = nullptr; _processingReplyId = _replyToId = 0; if (const auto editDraft = _history->localEditDraft({})) { setEditMsgId(editDraft->msgId); } else { setEditMsgId(0); } updateCmdStartShown(); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); refreshTopBarActiveChat(); if (_editMsgId) { updateReplyEditTexts(); if (!_replyEditMsg) { requestMessageData(_editMsgId); } } else if (!readyToForward()) { const auto draft = _history->localDraft({}); _processingReplyId = draft ? draft->msgId : MsgId(); processReply(); } } void HistoryWidget::applyCloudDraft(History *history) { Expects(!session().supportMode()); if (_history == history && !_editMsgId) { applyDraft(Ui::InputField::HistoryAction::NewEntry); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } } bool HistoryWidget::insideJumpToEndInsteadOfToUnread() const { if (session().supportMode()) { return true; } else if (!_historyInited) { return false; } _history->calculateFirstUnreadMessage(); const auto unread = _history->firstUnreadMessage(); const auto visibleBottom = _scroll->scrollTop() + _scroll->height(); return unread && _list->itemTop(unread) <= visibleBottom; } void HistoryWidget::showHistory( const PeerId &peerId, MsgId showAtMsgId, bool reload) { _pinnedClickedId = FullMsgId(); _minPinnedId = std::nullopt; const auto wasDialogsEntryState = computeDialogsEntryState(); const auto startBot = (showAtMsgId == ShowAndStartBotMsgId); if (startBot) { showAtMsgId = ShowAtTheEndMsgId; } _highlighter.clear(); controller()->sendingAnimation().clear(); _topToast.hide(anim::type::instant); if (_history) { if (_peer->id == peerId && !reload) { updateForwarding(); if (showAtMsgId == ShowAtUnreadMsgId && insideJumpToEndInsteadOfToUnread()) { showAtMsgId = ShowAtTheEndMsgId; } else if (showAtMsgId == ShowForChooseMessagesMsgId) { if (_chooseForReport) { clearSelected(); _chooseForReport->active = true; _list->setChooseReportReason(_chooseForReport->reason); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); updateTopBarChooseForReport(); } return; } if (!IsServerMsgId(showAtMsgId) && !IsServerMsgId(-showAtMsgId)) { // To end or to unread. destroyUnreadBar(); } const auto canShowNow = _history->isReadyFor(showAtMsgId); if (!canShowNow) { delayedShowAt(showAtMsgId); } else { _history->forgetScrollState(); if (_migrated) { _migrated->forgetScrollState(); } clearDelayedShowAt(); const auto skipId = (_migrated && showAtMsgId < 0) ? FullMsgId(_migrated->peer->id, -showAtMsgId) : (showAtMsgId > 0) ? FullMsgId(_history->peer->id, showAtMsgId) : FullMsgId(); if (skipId) { _cornerButtons.skipReplyReturn(skipId); } setMsgId(showAtMsgId); if (_historyInited) { const auto to = countInitialScrollTop(); const auto item = getItemFromHistoryOrMigrated( _showAtMsgId); animatedScrollToY( std::clamp(to, 0, _scroll->scrollTopMax()), item); } else { historyLoaded(); } } _topBar->update(); update(); if (const auto user = _peer->asUser()) { if (const auto &info = user->botInfo) { if (startBot) { if (wasDialogsEntryState.key) { info->inlineReturnTo = wasDialogsEntryState; } sendBotStartCommand(); _history->clearLocalDraft({}); applyDraft(); _send->finishAnimating(); } } } return; } else { session().data().sponsoredMessages().clearItems(_history); session().data().hideShownSpoilers(); _composeSearch = nullptr; } session().sendProgressManager().update( _history, Api::SendProgressType::Typing, -1); session().data().histories().sendPendingReadInbox(_history); session().sendProgressManager().cancelTyping(_history); } _cornerButtons.clearReplyReturns(); if (_history) { if (Ui::InFocusChain(this)) { // Removing focus from list clears selected and updates top bar. setFocus(); } controller()->session().api().saveCurrentDraftToCloud(); if (_migrated) { _migrated->clearDrafts(); // use migrated draft only once } _history->showAtMsgId = _showAtMsgId; destroyUnreadBarOnClose(); _pinnedBar = nullptr; _pinnedTracker = nullptr; _groupCallBar = nullptr; _requestsBar = nullptr; _chooseTheme = nullptr; _membersDropdown.destroy(); _scrollToAnimation.stop(); setHistory(nullptr); _list = nullptr; _peer = nullptr; _canSendMessages = false; _silent.destroy(); updateBotKeyboard(); } else { Assert(_list == nullptr); } HistoryView::Element::ClearGlobal(); _saveEditMsgRequestId = 0; _processingReplyItem = _replyEditMsg = nullptr; _processingReplyId = _editMsgId = _replyToId = 0; _previewData = nullptr; _previewCache.clear(); _fieldBarCancel->hide(); _membersDropdownShowTimer.cancel(); _scroll->takeWidget().destroy(); clearInlineBot(); _showAtMsgId = showAtMsgId; _historyInited = false; _contactStatus = nullptr; if (peerId) { _peer = session().data().peer(peerId); _canSendMessages = _peer->canWrite(); _contactStatus = std::make_unique( controller(), this, _peer, false); _contactStatus->bar().heightValue() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateControlsGeometry(); }, _contactStatus->bar().lifetime()); orderWidgets(); controller()->tabbedSelector()->setCurrentPeer(_peer); } refreshTabbedPanel(); if (_peer) { _unblock->setText(((_peer->isUser() && _peer->asUser()->isBot() && !_peer->asUser()->isSupport()) ? tr::lng_restart_button(tr::now) : tr::lng_unblock_button(tr::now)).toUpper()); } _nonEmptySelection = false; _itemRevealPending.clear(); _itemRevealAnimations.clear(); _itemsRevealHeight = 0; if (_peer) { setHistory(_peer->owner().history(_peer)); if (_migrated && !_migrated->isEmpty() && (!_history->loadedAtTop() || !_migrated->loadedAtBottom())) { _migrated->clear(History::ClearType::Unload); } _history->setFakeUnreadWhileOpened(true); if (_showAtMsgId == ShowForChooseMessagesMsgId) { _showAtMsgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; if (_chooseForReport) { _chooseForReport->active = true; } } else { _chooseForReport = nullptr; } refreshTopBarActiveChat(); updateTopBarSelection(); if (_peer->isChannel()) { updateNotifyControls(); session().data().notifySettings().request(_peer); refreshSilentToggle(); } else if (_peer->isRepliesChat()) { updateNotifyControls(); } refreshScheduledToggle(); refreshSendAsToggle(); if (_showAtMsgId == ShowAtUnreadMsgId) { if (_history->scrollTopItem) { _showAtMsgId = _history->showAtMsgId; } } else { _history->forgetScrollState(); if (_migrated) { _migrated->forgetScrollState(); } } _scroll->hide(); _list = _scroll->setOwnedWidget( object_ptr(this, _scroll, controller(), _history)); _list->show(); if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { channel->updateFull(); if (!channel->isBroadcast()) { channel->flagsValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshJoinChannelText(); }, _list->lifetime()); } else { refreshJoinChannelText(); } } controller()->adaptive().changes( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _history->forceFullResize(); if (_migrated) { _migrated->forceFullResize(); } updateHistoryGeometry(); update(); }, _list->lifetime()); if (_chooseForReport && _chooseForReport->active) { _list->setChooseReportReason(_chooseForReport->reason); } updateTopBarChooseForReport(); _updateHistoryItems.cancel(); setupPinnedTracker(); setupGroupCallBar(); setupRequestsBar(); checkMessagesTTL(); if (_history->scrollTopItem || (_migrated && _migrated->scrollTopItem) || _history->isReadyFor(_showAtMsgId)) { historyLoaded(); } else { firstLoadMessages(); doneShow(); } handlePeerUpdate(); session().local().readDraftsWithCursors(_history); applyDraft(); _send->finishAnimating(); updateControlsGeometry(); if (const auto user = _peer->asUser()) { if (const auto &info = user->botInfo) { if (startBot) { if (wasDialogsEntryState.key) { info->inlineReturnTo = wasDialogsEntryState; } sendBotStartCommand(); } } } if (!_history->folderKnown()) { session().data().histories().requestDialogEntry(_history); } // Must be done before unreadCountUpdated(), or we auto-close. if (_history->unreadMark()) { session().data().histories().changeDialogUnreadMark( _history, false); } if (_migrated && _migrated->unreadMark()) { session().data().histories().changeDialogUnreadMark( _migrated, false); } unreadCountUpdated(); // set _historyDown badge. showAboutTopPromotion(); { _scroll->setTrackingContent(false); const auto checkState = crl::guard(this, [=, history = _history] { if (history != _history) { return; } auto &sponsored = session().data().sponsoredMessages(); using State = Data::SponsoredMessages::State; const auto state = sponsored.state(_history); if (state == State::AppendToEnd) { _scroll->setTrackingContent( sponsored.canHaveFor(_history)); } else if (state == State::InjectToMiddle) { if (_list) { _list->setCanHaveFromUserpicsSponsored(true); } injectSponsoredMessages(); } }); session().data().sponsoredMessages().request( _history, checkState); checkState(); } } else { _chooseForReport = nullptr; refreshTopBarActiveChat(); updateTopBarSelection(); checkMessagesTTL(); clearFieldText(); doneShow(); } updateForwarding(); updateOverStates(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); if (_history) { controller()->setActiveChatEntry({ _history, FullMsgId(_history->peer->id, _showAtMsgId) }); } update(); controller()->floatPlayerAreaUpdated(); session().data().itemVisibilitiesUpdated(); crl::on_main(this, [=] { controller()->widget()->setInnerFocus(); }); } void HistoryWidget::setHistory(History *history) { if (_history == history) { return; } const auto was = _attachBotsMenu && _history && _history->peer->isUser(); const auto now = _attachBotsMenu && history && history->peer->isUser(); if (was && !now) { _attachToggle->removeEventFilter(_attachBotsMenu.get()); _attachBotsMenu->hideFast(); } else if (now && !was) { _attachToggle->installEventFilter(_attachBotsMenu.get()); } const auto unloadHeavyViewParts = [](History *history) { if (history) { history->owner().unloadHeavyViewParts( history->delegateMixin()->delegate()); history->forceFullResize(); } }; if (_history) { unregisterDraftSources(); clearAllLoadRequests(); clearSupportPreloadRequest(); const auto wasHistory = base::take(_history); const auto wasMigrated = base::take(_migrated); unloadHeavyViewParts(wasHistory); unloadHeavyViewParts(wasMigrated); } if (history) { _history = history; _migrated = _history ? _history->migrateFrom() : nullptr; registerDraftSource(); } refreshAttachBotsMenu(); } void HistoryWidget::injectSponsoredMessages() const { session().data().sponsoredMessages().inject( _history, _showAtMsgId, _scroll->height() * 2, _scroll->width()); } void HistoryWidget::refreshAttachBotsMenu() { _attachBotsMenu = nullptr; if (!_history) { return; } _attachBotsMenu = InlineBots::MakeAttachBotsMenu( this, _history->peer, [=] { return prepareSendAction({}); }, [=](bool compress) { chooseAttach(compress); }); if (!_attachBotsMenu) { return; } _attachBotsMenu->setOrigin( Ui::PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomLeft); _attachToggle->installEventFilter(_attachBotsMenu.get()); _attachBotsMenu->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { moveFieldControls(); }, _attachBotsMenu->lifetime()); } void HistoryWidget::unregisterDraftSources() { if (!_history) { return; } session().local().unregisterDraftSource( _history, Data::DraftKey::Local({})); session().local().unregisterDraftSource( _history, Data::DraftKey::LocalEdit({})); } void HistoryWidget::registerDraftSource() { if (!_history) { return; } const auto editMsgId = _editMsgId; const auto draft = [=] { return Storage::MessageDraft{ editMsgId ? editMsgId : _replyToId, _field->getTextWithTags(), _previewState, }; }; auto draftSource = Storage::MessageDraftSource{ .draft = draft, .cursor = [=] { return MessageCursor(_field); }, }; session().local().registerDraftSource( _history, (editMsgId ? Data::DraftKey::LocalEdit({}) : Data::DraftKey::Local({})), std::move(draftSource)); } void HistoryWidget::setEditMsgId(MsgId msgId) { unregisterDraftSources(); _editMsgId = msgId; if (_history) { refreshSendAsToggle(); orderWidgets(); } registerDraftSource(); } void HistoryWidget::clearDelayedShowAt() { _delayedShowAtMsgId = -1; clearDelayedShowAtRequest(); } void HistoryWidget::clearDelayedShowAtRequest() { Expects(_history != nullptr); if (_delayedShowAtRequest) { _history->owner().histories().cancelRequest(_delayedShowAtRequest); _delayedShowAtRequest = 0; } } void HistoryWidget::clearSupportPreloadRequest() { Expects(_history != nullptr); if (_supportPreloadRequest) { auto &histories = _history->owner().histories(); histories.cancelRequest(_supportPreloadRequest); _supportPreloadRequest = 0; } } void HistoryWidget::clearAllLoadRequests() { Expects(_history != nullptr); auto &histories = _history->owner().histories(); clearDelayedShowAtRequest(); if (_firstLoadRequest) { histories.cancelRequest(_firstLoadRequest); _firstLoadRequest = 0; } if (_preloadRequest) { histories.cancelRequest(_preloadRequest); _preloadRequest = 0; } if (_preloadDownRequest) { histories.cancelRequest(_preloadDownRequest); _preloadDownRequest = 0; } } void HistoryWidget::updateFieldSubmitSettings() { const auto settings = _isInlineBot ? Ui::InputField::SubmitSettings::None : Core::App().settings().sendSubmitWay(); _field->setSubmitSettings(settings); } void HistoryWidget::updateNotifyControls() { if (!_peer || (!_peer->isChannel() && !_peer->isRepliesChat())) { return; } _muteUnmute->setText((_history->muted() ? tr::lng_channel_unmute(tr::now) : tr::lng_channel_mute(tr::now)).toUpper()); if (!session().data().notifySettings().silentPostsUnknown(_peer)) { if (_silent) { _silent->setChecked( session().data().notifySettings().silentPosts(_peer)); updateFieldPlaceholder(); } else if (hasSilentToggle()) { refreshSilentToggle(); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } } } void HistoryWidget::refreshSilentToggle() { if (!_silent && hasSilentToggle()) { _silent.create(this, _peer->asChannel()); orderWidgets(); } else if (_silent && !hasSilentToggle()) { _silent.destroy(); } } void HistoryWidget::setupScheduledToggle() { controller()->activeChatValue( ) | rpl::map([=](Dialogs::Key key) -> rpl::producer<> { if (const auto history = key.history()) { return session().data().scheduledMessages().updates(history); } return rpl::never(); }) | rpl::flatten_latest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshScheduledToggle(); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); }, lifetime()); } void HistoryWidget::refreshScheduledToggle() { const auto has = _history && _canSendMessages && (session().data().scheduledMessages().count(_history) > 0); if (!_scheduled && has) { _scheduled.create(this, st::historyScheduledToggle); _scheduled->show(); _scheduled->addClickHandler([=] { controller()->showSection( std::make_shared(_history)); }); orderWidgets(); // Raise drag areas to the top. } else if (_scheduled && !has) { _scheduled.destroy(); } } void HistoryWidget::setupSendAsToggle() { session().sendAsPeers().updated( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null peer) { return (peer == _peer); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshSendAsToggle(); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); orderWidgets(); }, lifetime()); } void HistoryWidget::refreshSendAsToggle() { Expects(_peer != nullptr); if (_editMsgId || !session().sendAsPeers().shouldChoose(_peer)) { _sendAs.destroy(); return; } else if (_sendAs) { return; } _sendAs.create(this, st::sendAsButton); Ui::SetupSendAsButton(_sendAs.data(), controller()); } bool HistoryWidget::contentOverlapped(const QRect &globalRect) { return (_attachDragAreas.document->overlaps(globalRect) || _attachDragAreas.photo->overlaps(globalRect) || _fieldAutocomplete->overlaps(globalRect) || (_tabbedPanel && _tabbedPanel->overlaps(globalRect)) || (_inlineResults && _inlineResults->overlaps(globalRect))); } bool HistoryWidget::canWriteMessage() const { if (!_history || !_canSendMessages) { return false; } if (isBlocked() || isJoinChannel() || isMuteUnmute() || isBotStart()) { return false; } if (isSearching()) { return false; } return true; } std::optional HistoryWidget::writeRestriction() const { auto result = _peer ? Data::RestrictionError(_peer, ChatRestriction::SendMessages) : std::nullopt; if (result) { return result; } else if (_peer && _peer->isForum()) { return tr::lng_forum_replies_only(tr::now); } return std::nullopt; } void HistoryWidget::updateControlsVisibility() { if (!_a_show.animating()) { _topShadow->setVisible(_peer != nullptr); _topBar->setVisible(_peer != nullptr); } _cornerButtons.updateJumpDownVisibility(); _cornerButtons.updateUnreadThingsVisibility(); if (!_history || _a_show.animating()) { hideChildWidgets(); return; } if (_pinnedBar) { _pinnedBar->show(); } if (_groupCallBar) { _groupCallBar->show(); } if (_requestsBar) { _requestsBar->show(); } if (_firstLoadRequest && !_scroll->isHidden()) { _scroll->hide(); } else if (!_firstLoadRequest && _scroll->isHidden()) { _scroll->show(); } if (_contactStatus) { _contactStatus->show(); } if (isChoosingTheme() || (!editingMessage() && (isSearching() || isBlocked() || isJoinChannel() || isMuteUnmute() || isBotStart() || isReportMessages()))) { const auto toggle = [&](Ui::FlatButton *shown) { const auto toggleOne = [&](not_null button) { if (button.get() != shown) { button->hide(); } else if (button->isHidden()) { button->clearState(); button->show(); } }; toggleOne(_reportMessages); toggleOne(_joinChannel); toggleOne(_muteUnmute); toggleOne(_botStart); toggleOne(_unblock); }; if (isChoosingTheme()) { _chooseTheme->show(); setInnerFocus(); toggle(nullptr); } else if (isReportMessages()) { toggle(_reportMessages); } else if (isBlocked()) { toggle(_unblock); } else if (isJoinChannel()) { toggle(_joinChannel); } else if (isMuteUnmute()) { toggle(_muteUnmute); } else if (isBotStart()) { toggle(_botStart); } _kbShown = false; _fieldAutocomplete->hide(); if (_supportAutocomplete) { _supportAutocomplete->hide(); } _send->hide(); if (_silent) { _silent->hide(); } if (_scheduled) { _scheduled->hide(); } if (_ttlInfo) { _ttlInfo->hide(); } if (_sendAs) { _sendAs->hide(); } _kbScroll->hide(); _fieldBarCancel->hide(); _attachToggle->hide(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->hide(); _botKeyboardShow->hide(); _botKeyboardHide->hide(); _botCommandStart->hide(); if (_botMenuButton) { _botMenuButton->hide(); } if (_tabbedPanel) { _tabbedPanel->hide(); } if (_voiceRecordBar) { _voiceRecordBar->hideFast(); } if (_inlineResults) { _inlineResults->hide(); } hideFieldIfVisible(); } else if (editingMessage() || _canSendMessages) { checkFieldAutocomplete(); _unblock->hide(); _botStart->hide(); _joinChannel->hide(); _muteUnmute->hide(); _reportMessages->hide(); _send->show(); updateSendButtonType(); _field->show(); if (_kbShown) { _kbScroll->show(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->hide(); _botKeyboardHide->show(); _botKeyboardShow->hide(); _botCommandStart->hide(); } else if (_kbReplyTo) { _kbScroll->hide(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->show(); _botKeyboardHide->hide(); _botKeyboardShow->hide(); _botCommandStart->hide(); } else { _kbScroll->hide(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->show(); _botKeyboardHide->hide(); if (_keyboard->hasMarkup()) { _botKeyboardShow->show(); _botCommandStart->hide(); } else { _botKeyboardShow->hide(); _botCommandStart->setVisible(_cmdStartShown); } } _attachToggle->show(); if (_botMenuButton) { _botMenuButton->show(); } if (_silent) { _silent->setVisible(!_editMsgId); } if (_scheduled) { _scheduled->show(); } if (_ttlInfo) { _ttlInfo->show(); } if (_sendAs) { _sendAs->show(); } updateFieldPlaceholder(); if (_editMsgId || _replyToId || readyToForward() || (_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0) || _kbReplyTo) { if (_fieldBarCancel->isHidden()) { _fieldBarCancel->show(); updateControlsGeometry(); update(); } } else { _fieldBarCancel->hide(); } } else { _fieldAutocomplete->hide(); if (_supportAutocomplete) { _supportAutocomplete->hide(); } _send->hide(); _unblock->hide(); _botStart->hide(); _joinChannel->hide(); _muteUnmute->hide(); _reportMessages->hide(); _attachToggle->hide(); if (_silent) { _silent->hide(); } if (_scheduled) { _scheduled->hide(); } if (_ttlInfo) { _ttlInfo->hide(); } if (_sendAs) { _sendAs->hide(); } if (_botMenuButton) { _botMenuButton->hide(); } _kbScroll->hide(); _fieldBarCancel->hide(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->hide(); _botKeyboardShow->hide(); _botKeyboardHide->hide(); _botCommandStart->hide(); if (_tabbedPanel) { _tabbedPanel->hide(); } if (_voiceRecordBar) { _voiceRecordBar->hideFast(); } if (_composeSearch) { _composeSearch->hideAnimated(); } if (_inlineResults) { _inlineResults->hide(); } _kbScroll->hide(); hideFieldIfVisible(); } //checkTabbedSelectorToggleTooltip(); updateMouseTracking(); } void HistoryWidget::hideFieldIfVisible() { if (_field->isHidden()) { return; } else if (InFocusChain(_field)) { setFocus(); } _field->hide(); updateControlsGeometry(); update(); } void HistoryWidget::showAboutTopPromotion() { Expects(_history != nullptr); Expects(_list != nullptr); if (!_history->useTopPromotion() || _history->topPromotionAboutShown()) { return; } _history->markTopPromotionAboutShown(); const auto type = _history->topPromotionType(); const auto custom = type.isEmpty() ? QString() : Lang::GetNonDefaultValue(kPsaAboutPrefix + type.toUtf8()); const auto text = type.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_proxy_sponsor_about(tr::now, Ui::Text::RichLangValue) : custom.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_about_psa_default(tr::now, Ui::Text::RichLangValue) : Ui::Text::RichLangValue(custom); showInfoTooltip(text, nullptr); } void HistoryWidget::updateMouseTracking() { const auto trackMouse = !_fieldBarCancel->isHidden(); setMouseTracking(trackMouse); } void HistoryWidget::destroyUnreadBar() { if (_history) _history->destroyUnreadBar(); if (_migrated) _migrated->destroyUnreadBar(); } void HistoryWidget::destroyUnreadBarOnClose() { if (!_history || !_historyInited) { return; } else if (_scroll->scrollTop() == _scroll->scrollTopMax()) { destroyUnreadBar(); return; } const auto top = unreadBarTop(); if (top && *top < _scroll->scrollTop()) { destroyUnreadBar(); return; } } void HistoryWidget::newItemAdded(not_null item) { if (_history != item->history() || !_historyInited || item->isScheduled()) { return; } if (item->isSponsored()) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { view->resizeGetHeight(width()); updateHistoryGeometry( false, true, { ScrollChangeNoJumpToBottom, 0 }); } return; } // If we get here in non-resized state we can't rely on results of // markingMessagesRead() and mark chat as read. // If we receive N messages being not at bottom: // - on first message we set unreadcount += 1, firstUnreadMessage. // - on second we get wrong markingMessagesRead() and read both. session().data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); if (item->isSending()) { synteticScrollToY(_scroll->scrollTopMax()); } else if (_scroll->scrollTop() < _scroll->scrollTopMax()) { return; } if (item->showNotification()) { destroyUnreadBar(); if (markingMessagesRead()) { if (item->isUnreadMention() && !item->isUnreadMedia()) { session().api().markContentsRead(item); } session().data().histories().readInboxOnNewMessage(item); // Also clear possible scheduled messages notifications. // Side-effect: Also clears all notifications from forum topics. Core::App().notifications().clearFromHistory(_history); } } const auto view = item->mainView(); if (anim::Disabled() || !view) { return; } _itemRevealPending.emplace(item); } void HistoryWidget::maybeMarkReactionsRead(not_null item) { if (!_historyInited || !_list) { return; } const auto view = item->mainView(); const auto itemTop = _list->itemTop(view); if (itemTop <= 0 || !markingContentsRead()) { return; } const auto reactionCenter = view->reactionButtonParameters({}, {}).center.y(); const auto visibleTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); const auto visibleBottom = visibleTop + _scroll->height(); if (itemTop + reactionCenter < visibleTop || itemTop + view->height() > visibleBottom) { return; } session().api().markContentsRead(item); } void HistoryWidget::unreadCountUpdated() { if (_history->unreadMark() || (_migrated && _migrated->unreadMark())) { crl::on_main(this, [=, history = _history] { if (history == _history) { closeCurrent(); _cancelRequests.fire({}); } }); } else { _cornerButtons.updateJumpDownVisibility(_history->peer->isForum() ? 0 : _history->chatListBadgesState().unreadCounter); } } void HistoryWidget::closeCurrent() { if (controller()->isPrimary()) { controller()->showBackFromStack(); } else { controller()->window().close(); } } void HistoryWidget::messagesFailed(const MTP::Error &error, int requestId) { if (error.type() == u"CHANNEL_PRIVATE"_q && _peer->isChannel() && _peer->asChannel()->invitePeekExpires()) { _peer->asChannel()->privateErrorReceived(); } else if (error.type() == u"CHANNEL_PRIVATE"_q || error.type() == u"CHANNEL_PUBLIC_GROUP_NA"_q || error.type() == u"USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL"_q) { auto was = _peer; closeCurrent(); if (const auto primary = Core::App().primaryWindow()) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = Window::Show(primary).toastParent(), .text = { (was && was->isMegagroup()) ? tr::lng_group_not_accessible(tr::now) : tr::lng_channel_not_accessible(tr::now) }, }); } return; } LOG(("RPC Error: %1 %2: %3").arg( QString::number(error.code()), error.type(), error.description())); if (_preloadRequest == requestId) { _preloadRequest = 0; } else if (_preloadDownRequest == requestId) { _preloadDownRequest = 0; } else if (_firstLoadRequest == requestId) { _firstLoadRequest = 0; closeCurrent(); } else if (_delayedShowAtRequest == requestId) { _delayedShowAtRequest = 0; } } void HistoryWidget::messagesReceived( not_null peer, const MTPmessages_Messages &messages, int requestId) { Expects(_history != nullptr); bool toMigrated = (peer == _peer->migrateFrom()); if (peer != _peer && !toMigrated) { if (_preloadRequest == requestId) { _preloadRequest = 0; } else if (_preloadDownRequest == requestId) { _preloadDownRequest = 0; } else if (_firstLoadRequest == requestId) { _firstLoadRequest = 0; } else if (_delayedShowAtRequest == requestId) { _delayedShowAtRequest = 0; } return; } auto count = 0; const QVector emptyList, *histList = &emptyList; switch (messages.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { auto &d(messages.c_messages_messages()); _history->owner().processUsers(d.vusers()); _history->owner().processChats(d.vchats()); histList = &d.vmessages().v; count = histList->size(); } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { auto &d(messages.c_messages_messagesSlice()); _history->owner().processUsers(d.vusers()); _history->owner().processChats(d.vchats()); histList = &d.vmessages().v; count = d.vcount().v; } break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { auto &d(messages.c_messages_channelMessages()); if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { channel->ptsReceived(d.vpts().v); channel->processTopics(d.vtopics()); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when no channel was passed! (HistoryWidget::messagesReceived)")); } _history->owner().processUsers(d.vusers()); _history->owner().processChats(d.vchats()); histList = &d.vmessages().v; count = d.vcount().v; } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesNotModified: { LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! (HistoryWidget::messagesReceived)")); } break; } if (_preloadRequest == requestId) { addMessagesToFront(peer, *histList); _preloadRequest = 0; preloadHistoryIfNeeded(); } else if (_preloadDownRequest == requestId) { addMessagesToBack(peer, *histList); _preloadDownRequest = 0; preloadHistoryIfNeeded(); if (_history->loadedAtBottom()) { checkActivation(); } } else if (_firstLoadRequest == requestId) { if (toMigrated) { _history->clear(History::ClearType::Unload); } else if (_migrated) { _migrated->clear(History::ClearType::Unload); } addMessagesToFront(peer, *histList); _firstLoadRequest = 0; if (_history->loadedAtTop() && _history->isEmpty() && count > 0) { firstLoadMessages(); return; } historyLoaded(); } else if (_delayedShowAtRequest == requestId) { if (toMigrated) { _history->clear(History::ClearType::Unload); } else if (_migrated) { _migrated->clear(History::ClearType::Unload); } clearAllLoadRequests(); _firstLoadRequest = -1; // hack - don't updateListSize yet _history->getReadyFor(_delayedShowAtMsgId); if (_history->isEmpty()) { addMessagesToFront(peer, *histList); } _firstLoadRequest = 0; if (_history->loadedAtTop() && _history->isEmpty() && count > 0) { firstLoadMessages(); return; } const auto skipId = (_migrated && _delayedShowAtMsgId < 0) ? FullMsgId(_migrated->peer->id, -_delayedShowAtMsgId) : (_delayedShowAtMsgId > 0) ? FullMsgId(_history->peer->id, _delayedShowAtMsgId) : FullMsgId(); if (skipId) { _cornerButtons.skipReplyReturn(skipId); } _delayedShowAtRequest = 0; setMsgId(_delayedShowAtMsgId); historyLoaded(); } if (session().supportMode()) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { checkSupportPreload(); }); } } void HistoryWidget::historyLoaded() { _historyInited = false; doneShow(); } void HistoryWidget::windowShown() { updateControlsGeometry(); } bool HistoryWidget::markingMessagesRead() const { return markingContentsRead() && !session().supportMode(); } bool HistoryWidget::markingContentsRead() const { return _history && _list && _historyInited && !_firstLoadRequest && !_delayedShowAtRequest && !_a_show.animating() && controller()->widget()->markingAsRead(); } void HistoryWidget::checkActivation() { if (_list) { _list->checkActivation(); } } void HistoryWidget::firstLoadMessages() { if (!_history || _firstLoadRequest) { return; } auto from = _history; auto offsetId = MsgId(); auto offset = 0; auto loadCount = kMessagesPerPage; if (_showAtMsgId == ShowAtUnreadMsgId) { if (const auto around = _migrated ? _migrated->loadAroundId() : 0) { _history->getReadyFor(_showAtMsgId); from = _migrated; offset = -loadCount / 2; offsetId = around; } else if (const auto around = _history->loadAroundId()) { _history->getReadyFor(_showAtMsgId); offset = -loadCount / 2; offsetId = around; } else { _history->getReadyFor(ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } } else if (_showAtMsgId == ShowAtTheEndMsgId) { _history->getReadyFor(_showAtMsgId); loadCount = kMessagesPerPageFirst; } else if (_showAtMsgId > 0) { _history->getReadyFor(_showAtMsgId); offset = -loadCount / 2; offsetId = _showAtMsgId; } else if (_showAtMsgId < 0 && _history->peer->isChannel()) { if (_showAtMsgId < 0 && -_showAtMsgId < ServerMaxMsgId && _migrated) { _history->getReadyFor(_showAtMsgId); from = _migrated; offset = -loadCount / 2; offsetId = -_showAtMsgId; } else if (_showAtMsgId == SwitchAtTopMsgId) { _history->getReadyFor(_showAtMsgId); } } const auto offsetDate = 0; const auto maxId = 0; const auto minId = 0; const auto historyHash = uint64(0); const auto history = from; const auto type = Data::Histories::RequestType::History; auto &histories = history->owner().histories(); _firstLoadRequest = histories.sendRequest(history, type, [=](Fn finish) { return history->session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetHistory( history->peer->input, MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(offsetDate), MTP_int(offset), MTP_int(loadCount), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId), MTP_long(historyHash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { messagesReceived(history->peer, result, _firstLoadRequest); finish(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { messagesFailed(error, _firstLoadRequest); finish(); }).send(); }); } void HistoryWidget::loadMessages() { if (!_history || _preloadRequest) { return; } if (_history->isEmpty() && _migrated && _migrated->isEmpty()) { return firstLoadMessages(); } auto loadMigrated = _migrated && (_history->isEmpty() || _history->loadedAtTop() || (!_migrated->isEmpty() && !_migrated->loadedAtBottom())); const auto from = loadMigrated ? _migrated : _history; if (from->loadedAtTop()) { return; } const auto offsetId = from->minMsgId(); const auto addOffset = 0; const auto loadCount = offsetId ? kMessagesPerPage : kMessagesPerPageFirst; const auto offsetDate = 0; const auto maxId = 0; const auto minId = 0; const auto historyHash = uint64(0); const auto history = from; const auto type = Data::Histories::RequestType::History; auto &histories = history->owner().histories(); _preloadRequest = histories.sendRequest(history, type, [=](Fn finish) { return history->session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetHistory( history->peer->input, MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(offsetDate), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(loadCount), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId), MTP_long(historyHash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { messagesReceived(history->peer, result, _preloadRequest); finish(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { messagesFailed(error, _preloadRequest); finish(); }).send(); }); } void HistoryWidget::loadMessagesDown() { if (!_history || _preloadDownRequest) { return; } if (_history->isEmpty() && _migrated && _migrated->isEmpty()) { return firstLoadMessages(); } auto loadMigrated = _migrated && !(_migrated->isEmpty() || _migrated->loadedAtBottom() || (!_history->isEmpty() && !_history->loadedAtTop())); auto from = loadMigrated ? _migrated : _history; if (from->loadedAtBottom()) { session().data().sponsoredMessages().request(_history, nullptr); return; } const auto loadCount = kMessagesPerPage; auto addOffset = -loadCount; auto offsetId = from->maxMsgId(); if (!offsetId) { if (loadMigrated || !_migrated) return; ++offsetId; ++addOffset; } const auto offsetDate = 0; const auto maxId = 0; const auto minId = 0; const auto historyHash = uint64(0); const auto history = from; const auto type = Data::Histories::RequestType::History; auto &histories = history->owner().histories(); _preloadDownRequest = histories.sendRequest(history, type, [=](Fn finish) { return history->session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetHistory( history->peer->input, MTP_int(offsetId + 1), MTP_int(offsetDate), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(loadCount), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId), MTP_long(historyHash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { messagesReceived(history->peer, result, _preloadDownRequest); finish(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { messagesFailed(error, _preloadDownRequest); finish(); }).send(); }); } void HistoryWidget::delayedShowAt(MsgId showAtMsgId) { if (!_history || (_delayedShowAtRequest && _delayedShowAtMsgId == showAtMsgId)) { return; } clearAllLoadRequests(); _delayedShowAtMsgId = showAtMsgId; auto from = _history; auto offsetId = MsgId(); auto offset = 0; auto loadCount = kMessagesPerPage; if (_delayedShowAtMsgId == ShowAtUnreadMsgId) { if (const auto around = _migrated ? _migrated->loadAroundId() : 0) { from = _migrated; offset = -loadCount / 2; offsetId = around; } else if (const auto around = _history->loadAroundId()) { offset = -loadCount / 2; offsetId = around; } else { loadCount = kMessagesPerPageFirst; } } else if (_delayedShowAtMsgId == ShowAtTheEndMsgId) { loadCount = kMessagesPerPageFirst; } else if (_delayedShowAtMsgId > 0) { offset = -loadCount / 2; offsetId = _delayedShowAtMsgId; } else if (_delayedShowAtMsgId < 0 && _history->peer->isChannel()) { if (_delayedShowAtMsgId < 0 && -_delayedShowAtMsgId < ServerMaxMsgId && _migrated) { from = _migrated; offset = -loadCount / 2; offsetId = -_delayedShowAtMsgId; } } const auto offsetDate = 0; const auto maxId = 0; const auto minId = 0; const auto historyHash = uint64(0); const auto history = from; const auto type = Data::Histories::RequestType::History; auto &histories = history->owner().histories(); _delayedShowAtRequest = histories.sendRequest(history, type, [=](Fn finish) { return history->session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetHistory( history->peer->input, MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(offsetDate), MTP_int(offset), MTP_int(loadCount), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId), MTP_long(historyHash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { messagesReceived(history->peer, result, _delayedShowAtRequest); finish(); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { messagesFailed(error, _delayedShowAtRequest); finish(); }).send(); }); } void HistoryWidget::handleScroll() { if (!_itemsRevealHeight) { preloadHistoryIfNeeded(); } visibleAreaUpdated(); if (!_itemsRevealHeight) { updatePinnedViewer(); } const auto now = crl::now(); if (!_synteticScrollEvent) { _lastUserScrolled = now; } const auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); if (scrollTop != _lastScrollTop) { if (!_synteticScrollEvent) { checkLastPinnedClickedIdReset(_lastScrollTop, scrollTop); } _lastScrolled = now; _lastScrollTop = scrollTop; } } bool HistoryWidget::isItemCompletelyHidden(HistoryItem *item) const { const auto view = item ? item->mainView() : nullptr; if (!view) { return true; } auto top = _list ? _list->itemTop(item) : -2; if (top < 0) { return true; } auto bottom = top + view->height(); auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); auto scrollBottom = scrollTop + _scroll->height(); return (top >= scrollBottom || bottom <= scrollTop); } void HistoryWidget::visibleAreaUpdated() { if (_list && !_scroll->isHidden()) { const auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); const auto scrollBottom = scrollTop + _scroll->height(); _list->visibleAreaUpdated(scrollTop, scrollBottom); controller()->floatPlayerAreaUpdated(); session().data().itemVisibilitiesUpdated(); } } void HistoryWidget::preloadHistoryIfNeeded() { if (_firstLoadRequest || _delayedShowAtRequest || _scroll->isHidden() || !_peer || !_historyInited) { return; } _cornerButtons.updateJumpDownVisibility(); _cornerButtons.updateUnreadThingsVisibility(); if (!_scrollToAnimation.animating()) { preloadHistoryByScroll(); checkReplyReturns(); } } void HistoryWidget::preloadHistoryByScroll() { if (_firstLoadRequest || _delayedShowAtRequest || _scroll->isHidden() || !_peer || !_historyInited) { return; } auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); auto scrollTopMax = _scroll->scrollTopMax(); auto scrollHeight = _scroll->height(); if (scrollTop + kPreloadHeightsCount * scrollHeight >= scrollTopMax) { loadMessagesDown(); } if (scrollTop <= kPreloadHeightsCount * scrollHeight) { loadMessages(); } if (session().supportMode()) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { checkSupportPreload(); }); } } void HistoryWidget::checkSupportPreload(bool force) { if (!_history || _firstLoadRequest || _preloadRequest || _preloadDownRequest || (_supportPreloadRequest && !force) || controller()->activeChatEntryCurrent().key.history() != _history) { return; } const auto setting = session().settings().supportSwitch(); const auto command = Support::GetSwitchCommand(setting); const auto descriptor = !command ? Dialogs::RowDescriptor() : (*command == Shortcuts::Command::ChatNext) ? controller()->resolveChatNext() : controller()->resolveChatPrevious(); auto history = descriptor.key.history(); if (!history || _supportPreloadHistory == history) { return; } clearSupportPreloadRequest(); _supportPreloadHistory = history; _supportPreloadRequest = Support::SendPreloadRequest(history, [=] { _supportPreloadRequest = 0; _supportPreloadHistory = nullptr; crl::on_main(this, [=] { checkSupportPreload(); }); }); } void HistoryWidget::checkReplyReturns() { if (_firstLoadRequest || _scroll->isHidden() || !_peer || !_historyInited) { return; } auto scrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); auto scrollTopMax = _scroll->scrollTopMax(); auto scrollHeight = _scroll->height(); while (const auto replyReturn = _cornerButtons.replyReturn()) { auto below = !replyReturn->mainView() && (replyReturn->history() == _history) && !_history->isEmpty() && (replyReturn->id < _history->blocks.back()->messages.back()->data()->id); if (!below) { below = !replyReturn->mainView() && (replyReturn->history() == _migrated) && !_history->isEmpty(); } if (!below) { below = !replyReturn->mainView() && _migrated && (replyReturn->history() == _migrated) && !_migrated->isEmpty() && (replyReturn->id < _migrated->blocks.back()->messages.back()->data()->id); } if (!below && replyReturn->mainView()) { below = (scrollTop >= scrollTopMax) || (_list->itemTop(replyReturn) < scrollTop + scrollHeight / 2); } if (below) { _cornerButtons.calculateNextReplyReturn(); } else { break; } } } void HistoryWidget::cancelInlineBot() { auto &textWithTags = _field->getTextWithTags(); if (textWithTags.text.size() > _inlineBotUsername.size() + 2) { setFieldText( { '@' + _inlineBotUsername + ' ', TextWithTags::Tags() }, TextUpdateEvent::SaveDraft, Ui::InputField::HistoryAction::NewEntry); } else { clearFieldText( TextUpdateEvent::SaveDraft, Ui::InputField::HistoryAction::NewEntry); } } void HistoryWidget::windowIsVisibleChanged() { InvokeQueued(this, [=] { preloadHistoryIfNeeded(); }); } void HistoryWidget::saveEditMsg() { Expects(_history != nullptr); if (_saveEditMsgRequestId) { return; } const auto item = session().data().message(_history->peer, _editMsgId); if (!item) { cancelEdit(); return; } const auto webPageId = (_previewState != Data::PreviewState::Allowed) ? CancelledWebPageId : ((_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0) ? _previewData->id : WebPageId(0)); const auto textWithTags = _field->getTextWithAppliedMarkdown(); const auto prepareFlags = Ui::ItemTextOptions( _history, session().user()).flags; auto sending = TextWithEntities(); auto left = TextWithEntities { textWithTags.text, TextUtilities::ConvertTextTagsToEntities(textWithTags.tags) }; TextUtilities::PrepareForSending(left, prepareFlags); if (!TextUtilities::CutPart(sending, left, MaxMessageSize)) { const auto suggestModerateActions = false; controller()->show( Box(item, suggestModerateActions)); return; } else if (!left.text.isEmpty()) { const auto remove = left.text.size(); controller()->show(Ui::MakeInformBox( tr::lng_edit_limit_reached(tr::now, lt_count, remove))); return; } const auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(this); const auto history = _history; const auto done = [=](mtpRequestId requestId) { crl::guard(weak, [=] { if (requestId == _saveEditMsgRequestId) { _saveEditMsgRequestId = 0; cancelEdit(); } })(); if (const auto editDraft = history->localEditDraft({})) { if (editDraft->saveRequestId == requestId) { history->clearLocalEditDraft({}); history->session().local().writeDrafts(history); } } }; const auto fail = [=](const QString &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (const auto editDraft = history->localEditDraft({})) { if (editDraft->saveRequestId == requestId) { editDraft->saveRequestId = 0; } } crl::guard(weak, [=] { if (requestId == _saveEditMsgRequestId) { _saveEditMsgRequestId = 0; } if (ranges::contains(Api::kDefaultEditMessagesErrors, error)) { controller()->show(Ui::MakeInformBox(tr::lng_edit_error())); } else if (error == u"MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED"_q) { cancelEdit(); } else if (error == u"MESSAGE_EMPTY"_q) { _field->selectAll(); _field->setFocus(); } else { controller()->show(Ui::MakeInformBox(tr::lng_edit_error())); } update(); })(); }; auto options = Api::SendOptions(); options.removeWebPageId = (webPageId == CancelledWebPageId); _saveEditMsgRequestId = Api::EditTextMessage( item, sending, options, done, fail); } void HistoryWidget::hideChildWidgets() { if (Ui::InFocusChain(this)) { // Removing focus from list clears selected and updates top bar. setFocus(); } if (_tabbedPanel) { _tabbedPanel->hideFast(); } if (_pinnedBar) { _pinnedBar->hide(); } if (_groupCallBar) { _groupCallBar->hide(); } if (_requestsBar) { _requestsBar->hide(); } if (_voiceRecordBar) { _voiceRecordBar->hideFast(); } if (_composeSearch) { _composeSearch->hideAnimated(); } if (_chooseTheme) { _chooseTheme->hide(); } if (_contactStatus) { _contactStatus->hide(); } hideChildren(); } void HistoryWidget::hideSelectorControlsAnimated() { _fieldAutocomplete->hideAnimated(); if (_supportAutocomplete) { _supportAutocomplete->hide(); } if (_tabbedPanel) { _tabbedPanel->hideAnimated(); } if (_inlineResults) { _inlineResults->hideAnimated(); } } Api::SendAction HistoryWidget::prepareSendAction( Api::SendOptions options) const { auto result = Api::SendAction(_history, options); result.replyTo = replyToId(); result.topicRootId = 0; result.options.sendAs = _sendAs ? _history->session().sendAsPeers().resolveChosen( _history->peer).get() : nullptr; return result; } void HistoryWidget::send(Api::SendOptions options) { if (!_history) { return; } else if (_editMsgId) { saveEditMsg(); return; } else if (!options.scheduled && showSlowmodeError()) { return; } if (_voiceRecordBar->isListenState()) { _voiceRecordBar->requestToSendWithOptions(options); return; } if (!options.scheduled) { _cornerButtons.clearReplyReturns(); } const auto webPageId = (_previewState != Data::PreviewState::Allowed) ? CancelledWebPageId : ((_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0) ? _previewData->id : WebPageId(0)); auto message = ApiWrap::MessageToSend(prepareSendAction(options)); message.textWithTags = _field->getTextWithAppliedMarkdown(); message.webPageId = webPageId; if (_canSendMessages) { const auto topicRootId = _replyEditMsg ? _replyEditMsg->topicRootId() : 0; const auto error = GetErrorTextForSending( _peer, { .topicRootId = topicRootId, .forward = &_forwardPanel->items(), .text = &message.textWithTags, .ignoreSlowmodeCountdown = (options.scheduled != 0), }); if (!error.isEmpty()) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = Window::Show(controller()).toastParent(), .text = { error }, }); return; } } session().api().sendMessage(std::move(message)); clearFieldText(); _saveDraftText = true; _saveDraftStart = crl::now(); saveDraft(); hideSelectorControlsAnimated(); if (_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill) previewCancel(); _field->setFocus(); if (!_keyboard->hasMarkup() && _keyboard->forceReply() && !_kbReplyTo) { toggleKeyboard(); } session().changes().historyUpdated( _history, (options.scheduled ? Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::ScheduledSent : Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::MessageSent)); } void HistoryWidget::sendWithModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { send({ .handleSupportSwitch = Support::HandleSwitch(modifiers) }); } void HistoryWidget::sendSilent() { send({ .silent = true }); } void HistoryWidget::sendScheduled() { if (!_list) { return; } const auto callback = [=](Api::SendOptions options) { send(options); }; controller()->show( HistoryView::PrepareScheduleBox(_list, sendMenuType(), callback), Ui::LayerOption::KeepOther); } SendMenu::Type HistoryWidget::sendMenuType() const { return !_peer ? SendMenu::Type::Disabled : _peer->isSelf() ? SendMenu::Type::Reminder : HistoryView::CanScheduleUntilOnline(_peer) ? SendMenu::Type::ScheduledToUser : SendMenu::Type::Scheduled; } auto HistoryWidget::computeSendButtonType() const { using Type = Ui::SendButton::Type; if (_editMsgId) { return Type::Save; } else if (_isInlineBot) { return Type::Cancel; } else if (showRecordButton()) { return Type::Record; } return Type::Send; } SendMenu::Type HistoryWidget::sendButtonMenuType() const { return (computeSendButtonType() == Ui::SendButton::Type::Send) ? sendMenuType() : SendMenu::Type::Disabled; } void HistoryWidget::unblockUser() { if (const auto user = _peer ? _peer->asUser() : nullptr) { Window::PeerMenuUnblockUserWithBotRestart(user); } else { updateControlsVisibility(); } } void HistoryWidget::sendBotStartCommand() { if (!_peer || !_peer->isUser() || !_peer->asUser()->isBot() || !_canSendMessages) { updateControlsVisibility(); return; } session().api().sendBotStart(_peer->asUser()); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } void HistoryWidget::joinChannel() { if (!_peer || !_peer->isChannel() || !isJoinChannel()) { updateControlsVisibility(); return; } session().api().joinChannel(_peer->asChannel()); } void HistoryWidget::toggleMuteUnmute() { const auto wasMuted = _history->muted(); const auto muteForSeconds = Data::MuteValue{ .unmute = wasMuted, .forever = !wasMuted, }; session().data().notifySettings().update(_peer, muteForSeconds); } void HistoryWidget::reportSelectedMessages() { if (!_list || !_chooseForReport || !_list->getSelectionState().count) { return; } const auto ids = _list->getSelectedItems(); const auto peer = _peer; const auto reason = _chooseForReport->reason; const auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(_list.data()); controller()->window().show(Box([=](not_null box) { Ui::ReportDetailsBox(box, [=](const QString &text) { if (weak) { clearSelected(); controller()->clearChooseReportMessages(); } const auto toastParent = Window::Show(controller()).toastParent(); Api::SendReport(toastParent, peer, reason, text, ids); box->closeBox(); }); })); } History *HistoryWidget::history() const { return _history; } PeerData *HistoryWidget::peer() const { return _peer; } // Sometimes _showAtMsgId is set directly. void HistoryWidget::setMsgId(MsgId showAtMsgId) { if (_showAtMsgId != showAtMsgId) { _showAtMsgId = showAtMsgId; if (_history) { controller()->setActiveChatEntry({ _history, FullMsgId(_history->peer->id, _showAtMsgId) }); } } } MsgId HistoryWidget::msgId() const { return _showAtMsgId; } void HistoryWidget::showAnimated( Window::SlideDirection direction, const Window::SectionSlideParams ¶ms) { _showDirection = direction; _a_show.stop(); _cacheUnder = params.oldContentCache; // If we show pinned bar here, we don't want it to change the // calculated and prepared scrollTop of the messages history. _preserveScrollTop = true; show(); _topBar->finishAnimating(); _cornerButtons.finishAnimations(); if (_pinnedBar) { _pinnedBar->finishAnimating(); } if (_groupCallBar) { _groupCallBar->finishAnimating(); } if (_requestsBar) { _requestsBar->finishAnimating(); } _topShadow->setVisible(params.withTopBarShadow ? false : true); _preserveScrollTop = false; _stickerToast = nullptr; _cacheOver = controller()->content()->grabForShowAnimation(params); hideChildWidgets(); if (params.withTopBarShadow) _topShadow->show(); if (_showDirection == Window::SlideDirection::FromLeft) { std::swap(_cacheUnder, _cacheOver); } _a_show.start([=] { animationCallback(); }, 0., 1., st::slideDuration, Window::SlideAnimation::transition()); if (_history) { _topBar->show(); _topBar->setAnimatingMode(true); } activate(); } void HistoryWidget::animationCallback() { update(); if (!_a_show.animating()) { _cornerButtons.finishAnimations(); if (_pinnedBar) { _pinnedBar->finishAnimating(); } if (_groupCallBar) { _groupCallBar->finishAnimating(); } if (_requestsBar) { _requestsBar->finishAnimating(); } _cacheUnder = _cacheOver = QPixmap(); doneShow(); synteticScrollToY(_scroll->scrollTop()); } } void HistoryWidget::doneShow() { _topBar->setAnimatingMode(false); updateBotKeyboard(); updateControlsVisibility(); if (!_historyInited) { updateHistoryGeometry(true); } else { handlePendingHistoryUpdate(); } // If we show pinned bar here, we don't want it to change the // calculated and prepared scrollTop of the messages history. _preserveScrollTop = true; preloadHistoryIfNeeded(); updatePinnedViewer(); if (_pinnedBar) { _pinnedBar->finishAnimating(); } if (_groupCallBar) { _groupCallBar->finishAnimating(); } if (_requestsBar) { _requestsBar->finishAnimating(); } checkActivation(); controller()->widget()->setInnerFocus(); _preserveScrollTop = false; checkSuggestToGigagroup(); } void HistoryWidget::cornerButtonsShowAtPosition( Data::MessagePosition position) { if (position == Data::UnreadMessagePosition) { showHistory(_peer->id, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } else if (_peer && position.fullId.peer == _peer->id) { showHistory(_peer->id, position.fullId.msg); } else if (_migrated && position.fullId.peer == _migrated->peer->id) { showHistory(_peer->id, -position.fullId.msg); } } Data::Thread *HistoryWidget::cornerButtonsThread() { return _history; } FullMsgId HistoryWidget::cornerButtonsCurrentId() { return (_migrated && _showAtMsgId < 0) ? FullMsgId(_migrated->peer->id, -_showAtMsgId) : (_history && _showAtMsgId > 0) ? FullMsgId(_history->peer->id, _showAtMsgId) : FullMsgId(); } void HistoryWidget::checkSuggestToGigagroup() { const auto group = _peer ? _peer->asMegagroup() : nullptr; if (!group || !group->owner().suggestToGigagroup(group)) { return; } InvokeQueued(_list, [=] { if (!Ui::isLayerShown()) { group->owner().setSuggestToGigagroup(group, false); group->session().api().request(MTPhelp_DismissSuggestion( group->input, MTP_string("convert_to_gigagroup") )).send(); controller()->show(Box([=](not_null box) { box->setTitle(tr::lng_gigagroup_suggest_title()); box->addRow( object_ptr( box, tr::lng_gigagroup_suggest_text( ) | Ui::Text::ToRichLangValue(), st::infoAboutGigagroup)); box->addButton( tr::lng_gigagroup_suggest_more(), AboutGigagroupCallback(group, controller())); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); })); } }); } void HistoryWidget::finishAnimating() { if (!_a_show.animating()) { return; } _a_show.stop(); _topShadow->setVisible(_peer != nullptr); _topBar->setVisible(_peer != nullptr); _cornerButtons.finishAnimations(); } void HistoryWidget::chooseAttach( std::optional overrideSendImagesAsPhotos) { if (_editMsgId) { controller()->show(Ui::MakeInformBox(tr::lng_edit_caption_attach())); return; } if (!_peer || !_canSendMessages) { return; } else if (const auto error = Data::RestrictionError( _peer, ChatRestriction::SendMedia)) { Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = Window::Show(controller()).toastParent(), .text = { *error }, }); return; } else if (showSlowmodeError()) { return; } const auto filter = (overrideSendImagesAsPhotos == true) ? FileDialog::ImagesOrAllFilter() : FileDialog::AllOrImagesFilter(); FileDialog::GetOpenPaths(this, tr::lng_choose_files(tr::now), filter, crl::guard(this, [=]( FileDialog::OpenResult &&result) { if (result.paths.isEmpty() && result.remoteContent.isEmpty()) { return; } if (!result.remoteContent.isEmpty()) { auto read = Images::Read({ .content = result.remoteContent, }); if (!read.image.isNull() && !read.animated) { confirmSendingFiles( std::move(read.image), std::move(result.remoteContent), overrideSendImagesAsPhotos); } else { uploadFile(result.remoteContent, SendMediaType::File); } } else { const auto premium = controller()->session().user()->isPremium(); auto list = Storage::PrepareMediaList( result.paths, st::sendMediaPreviewSize, premium); list.overrideSendImagesAsPhotos = overrideSendImagesAsPhotos; confirmSendingFiles(std::move(list)); } }), nullptr); } void HistoryWidget::sendButtonClicked() { const auto type = _send->type(); if (type == Ui::SendButton::Type::Cancel) { cancelInlineBot(); } else if (type != Ui::SendButton::Type::Record) { send({}); } } void HistoryWidget::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { if (hasMouseTracking()) { mouseMoveEvent(nullptr); } } void HistoryWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { auto pos = e ? e->pos() : mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); updateOverStates(pos); } void HistoryWidget::updateOverStates(QPoint pos) { auto inReplyEditForward = QRect(st::historyReplySkip, _field->y() - st::historySendPadding - st::historyReplyHeight, width() - st::historyReplySkip - _fieldBarCancel->width(), st::historyReplyHeight).contains(pos) && (_editMsgId || replyToId() || readyToForward()); auto inClickable = inReplyEditForward; _inReplyEditForward = inReplyEditForward; if (inClickable != _inClickable) { _inClickable = inClickable; setCursor(_inClickable ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } void HistoryWidget::leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { // e -- from enterEvent() of child TWidget if (hasMouseTracking()) { updateOverStates(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); } } void HistoryWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_replyForwardPressed) { _replyForwardPressed = false; update(0, _field->y() - st::historySendPadding - st::historyReplyHeight, width(), st::historyReplyHeight); } } void HistoryWidget::sendBotCommand(const Bot::SendCommandRequest &request) { // replyTo != 0 from ReplyKeyboardMarkup, == 0 from command links if (_peer != request.peer.get()) { return; } else if (showSlowmodeError()) { return; } const auto lastKeyboardUsed = (_keyboard->forMsgId() == FullMsgId(_peer->id, _history->lastKeyboardId)) && (_keyboard->forMsgId() == FullMsgId(_peer->id, request.replyTo)); // 'bot' may be nullptr in case of sending from FieldAutocomplete. const auto toSend = (request.replyTo/* || !bot*/) ? request.command : Bot::WrapCommandInChat(_peer, request.command, request.context); auto message = Api::MessageToSend(prepareSendAction({})); message.textWithTags = { toSend, TextWithTags::Tags() }; message.action.replyTo = request.replyTo ? ((!_peer->isUser()/* && (botStatus == 0 || botStatus == 2)*/) ? request.replyTo : replyToId()) : 0; session().api().sendMessage(std::move(message)); if (request.replyTo) { if (_replyToId == request.replyTo) { cancelReply(); saveCloudDraft(); } if (_keyboard->singleUse() && _keyboard->hasMarkup() && lastKeyboardUsed) { if (_kbShown) toggleKeyboard(false); _history->lastKeyboardUsed = true; } } _field->setFocus(); } void HistoryWidget::hideSingleUseKeyboard(PeerData *peer, MsgId replyTo) { if (!_peer || _peer != peer) return; bool lastKeyboardUsed = (_keyboard->forMsgId() == FullMsgId(_peer->id, _history->lastKeyboardId)) && (_keyboard->forMsgId() == FullMsgId(_peer->id, replyTo)); if (replyTo) { if (_replyToId == replyTo) { cancelReply(); saveCloudDraft(); } if (_keyboard->singleUse() && _keyboard->hasMarkup() && lastKeyboardUsed) { if (_kbShown) toggleKeyboard(false); _history->lastKeyboardUsed = true; } } } bool HistoryWidget::insertBotCommand(const QString &cmd) { if (!canWriteMessage()) { return false; } auto insertingInlineBot = !cmd.isEmpty() && (cmd.at(0) == '@'); auto toInsert = cmd; if (!toInsert.isEmpty() && !insertingInlineBot) { auto bot = _peer->isUser() ? _peer : (HistoryView::Element::HoveredLink() ? HistoryView::Element::HoveredLink()->data()->fromOriginal().get() : nullptr); if (bot && (!bot->isUser() || !bot->asUser()->isBot())) { bot = nullptr; } auto username = bot ? bot->asUser()->username() : QString(); auto botStatus = _peer->isChat() ? _peer->asChat()->botStatus : (_peer->isMegagroup() ? _peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus : -1); if (toInsert.indexOf('@') < 0 && !username.isEmpty() && (botStatus == 0 || botStatus == 2)) { toInsert += '@' + username; } } toInsert += ' '; if (!insertingInlineBot) { auto &textWithTags = _field->getTextWithTags(); TextWithTags textWithTagsToSet; QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl("^/[A-Za-z_0-9]{0,64}(@[A-Za-z_0-9]{0,32})?(\\s|$)")).match(textWithTags.text); if (m.hasMatch()) { textWithTagsToSet = _field->getTextWithTagsPart(m.capturedLength()); } else { textWithTagsToSet = textWithTags; } textWithTagsToSet.text = toInsert + textWithTagsToSet.text; for (auto &tag : textWithTagsToSet.tags) { tag.offset += toInsert.size(); } _field->setTextWithTags(textWithTagsToSet); QTextCursor cur(_field->textCursor()); cur.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); _field->setTextCursor(cur); } else { setFieldText( { toInsert, TextWithTags::Tags() }, TextUpdateEvent::SaveDraft, Ui::InputField::HistoryAction::NewEntry); _field->setFocus(); return true; } return false; } bool HistoryWidget::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { const auto k = static_cast(e); if ((k->modifiers() & kCommonModifiers) == Qt::ControlModifier) { if (k->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // Cmd + Up is used instead of Home. if (!_field->textCursor().atStart()) { return false; } #endif return replyToPreviousMessage(); } else if (k->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // Cmd + Down is used instead of End. if (!_field->textCursor().atEnd()) { return false; } #endif return replyToNextMessage(); } } } return TWidget::eventFilter(obj, e); } bool HistoryWidget::floatPlayerHandleWheelEvent(QEvent *e) { return _peer ? _scroll->viewportEvent(e) : false; } QRect HistoryWidget::floatPlayerAvailableRect() { return _peer ? mapToGlobal(_scroll->geometry()) : mapToGlobal(rect()); } bool HistoryWidget::readyToForward() const { return _canSendMessages && !_forwardPanel->empty(); } bool HistoryWidget::hasSilentToggle() const { return _peer && _peer->isChannel() && !_peer->isMegagroup() && _peer->canWrite() && !session().data().notifySettings().silentPostsUnknown(_peer); } void HistoryWidget::handleSupportSwitch(not_null updated) { if (_history != updated || !session().supportMode()) { return; } const auto setting = session().settings().supportSwitch(); if (auto method = Support::GetSwitchMethod(setting)) { crl::on_main(this, std::move(method)); } } bool HistoryWidget::isBotStart() const { const auto user = _peer ? _peer->asUser() : nullptr; if (!user || !user->isBot() || !_canSendMessages) { return false; } else if (!user->botInfo->startToken.isEmpty()) { return true; } else if (_history->isEmpty() && !_history->lastMessage()) { return true; } return false; } bool HistoryWidget::isReportMessages() const { return _peer && _chooseForReport && _chooseForReport->active; } bool HistoryWidget::isBlocked() const { return _peer && _peer->isUser() && _peer->asUser()->isBlocked(); } bool HistoryWidget::isJoinChannel() const { return _peer && _peer->isChannel() && !_peer->asChannel()->amIn(); } bool HistoryWidget::isChoosingTheme() const { return _chooseTheme && _chooseTheme->shouldBeShown(); } bool HistoryWidget::isMuteUnmute() const { return _peer && ((_peer->isBroadcast() && !_peer->asChannel()->canPublish()) || (_peer->isGigagroup() && !_peer->asChannel()->canWrite()) || _peer->isRepliesChat()); } bool HistoryWidget::isSearching() const { return _composeSearch != nullptr; } bool HistoryWidget::showRecordButton() const { return Media::Capture::instance()->available() && !_voiceRecordBar->isListenState() && !_voiceRecordBar->isRecordingByAnotherBar() && !HasSendText(_field) && !readyToForward() && !_editMsgId; } bool HistoryWidget::showInlineBotCancel() const { return _inlineBot && !_inlineLookingUpBot; } void HistoryWidget::updateSendButtonType() { using Type = Ui::SendButton::Type; const auto type = computeSendButtonType(); _send->setType(type); // This logic is duplicated in RepliesWidget. const auto disabledBySlowmode = _peer && _peer->slowmodeApplied() && (_history->latestSendingMessage() != nullptr); const auto delay = [&] { return (type != Type::Cancel && type != Type::Save && _peer) ? _peer->slowmodeSecondsLeft() : 0; }(); _send->setSlowmodeDelay(delay); _send->setDisabled(disabledBySlowmode && (type == Type::Send || type == Type::Record)); if (delay != 0) { base::call_delayed( kRefreshSlowmodeLabelTimeout, this, [=] { updateSendButtonType(); }); } } bool HistoryWidget::updateCmdStartShown() { const auto bot = (_peer && _peer->isUser() && _peer->asUser()->isBot()) ? _peer->asUser() : nullptr; bool cmdStartShown = false; if (_history && _peer && ((_peer->isChat() && _peer->asChat()->botStatus > 0) || (_peer->isMegagroup() && _peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus > 0))) { if (!isBotStart() && !isBlocked() && !_keyboard->hasMarkup() && !_keyboard->forceReply() && !_editMsgId) { if (!HasSendText(_field)) { cmdStartShown = true; } } } const auto commandsChanged = (_cmdStartShown != cmdStartShown); auto buttonChanged = false; if (!bot || (bot->botInfo->botMenuButtonUrl.isEmpty() && bot->botInfo->commands.empty())) { buttonChanged = (_botMenuButton != nullptr); _botMenuButton.destroy(); } else if (!_botMenuButton) { buttonChanged = true; _botMenuButtonText = bot->botInfo->botMenuButtonText; _botMenuButton.create( this, (_botMenuButtonText.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_bot_menu_button() : rpl::single(_botMenuButtonText)), st::historyBotMenuButton); orderWidgets(); _botMenuButton->setTextTransform( Ui::RoundButton::TextTransform::NoTransform); _botMenuButton->setFullRadius(true); _botMenuButton->setClickedCallback([=] { const auto user = _peer ? _peer->asUser() : nullptr; const auto bot = (user && user->isBot()) ? user : nullptr; if (bot && !bot->botInfo->botMenuButtonUrl.isEmpty()) { session().attachWebView().requestMenu(controller(), bot); } else if (!_fieldAutocomplete->isHidden()) { _fieldAutocomplete->hideAnimated(); } else { _fieldAutocomplete->showFiltered(_peer, "/", true); } }); _botMenuButton->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { if (width > st::historyBotMenuMaxWidth) { _botMenuButton->setFullWidth(st::historyBotMenuMaxWidth); } else { updateFieldSize(); } }, _botMenuButton->lifetime()); } const auto textChanged = _botMenuButton && (_botMenuButtonText != bot->botInfo->botMenuButtonText); if (textChanged) { _botMenuButtonText = bot->botInfo->botMenuButtonText; _botMenuButton->setText(_botMenuButtonText.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_bot_menu_button() : rpl::single(_botMenuButtonText)); } _cmdStartShown = cmdStartShown; return commandsChanged || buttonChanged || textChanged; } void HistoryWidget::searchInChat() { if (!_history) { return; } else if (controller()->isPrimary()) { controller()->content()->searchInChat(_history); } else if (!_composeSearch) { const auto search = [=] { const auto update = [=] { updateControlsVisibility(); updateBotKeyboard(); updateFieldPlaceholder(); updateControlsGeometry(); }; _composeSearch = std::make_unique( this, controller(), _history); update(); setInnerFocus(); _composeSearch->destroyRequests( ) | rpl::take( 1 ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _composeSearch = nullptr; update(); setInnerFocus(); }, _composeSearch->lifetime()); }; if (!preventsClose(search)) { search(); } } } bool HistoryWidget::kbWasHidden() const { return _history && (_keyboard->forMsgId() == FullMsgId( _history->peer->id, _history->lastKeyboardHiddenId)); } void HistoryWidget::toggleKeyboard(bool manual) { auto fieldEnabled = canWriteMessage() && !_a_show.animating(); if (_kbShown || _kbReplyTo) { _botKeyboardHide->hide(); if (_kbShown) { if (fieldEnabled) { _botKeyboardShow->show(); } if (manual && _history) { _history->lastKeyboardHiddenId = _keyboard->forMsgId().msg; } _kbScroll->hide(); _kbShown = false; _field->setMaxHeight(computeMaxFieldHeight()); _kbReplyTo = nullptr; if (!readyToForward() && (!_previewData || _previewData->pendingTill < 0) && !_editMsgId && !_replyToId) { _fieldBarCancel->hide(); updateMouseTracking(); } } else { if (_history) { _history->clearLastKeyboard(); } else { updateBotKeyboard(); } } } else if (!_keyboard->hasMarkup() && _keyboard->forceReply()) { _botKeyboardHide->hide(); _botKeyboardShow->hide(); if (fieldEnabled) { _botCommandStart->show(); } _kbScroll->hide(); _kbShown = false; _field->setMaxHeight(computeMaxFieldHeight()); _kbReplyTo = (_peer->isChat() || _peer->isChannel() || _keyboard->forceReply()) ? session().data().message(_keyboard->forMsgId()) : nullptr; if (_kbReplyTo && !_editMsgId && !_replyToId && fieldEnabled) { updateReplyToName(); updateReplyEditText(_kbReplyTo); } if (manual && _history) { _history->lastKeyboardHiddenId = 0; } } else if (fieldEnabled) { _botKeyboardHide->show(); _botKeyboardShow->hide(); _kbScroll->show(); _kbShown = true; const auto maxheight = computeMaxFieldHeight(); const auto kbheight = qMin(_keyboard->height(), maxheight - (maxheight / 2)); _field->setMaxHeight(maxheight - kbheight); _kbReplyTo = (_peer->isChat() || _peer->isChannel() || _keyboard->forceReply()) ? session().data().message(_keyboard->forMsgId()) : nullptr; if (_kbReplyTo && !_editMsgId && !_replyToId) { updateReplyToName(); updateReplyEditText(_kbReplyTo); } if (manual && _history) { _history->lastKeyboardHiddenId = 0; } } updateControlsGeometry(); updateFieldPlaceholder(); if (_botKeyboardHide->isHidden() && canWriteMessage() && !_a_show.animating()) { _tabbedSelectorToggle->show(); } else { _tabbedSelectorToggle->hide(); } updateField(); } void HistoryWidget::startBotCommand() { setFieldText( { qsl("/"), TextWithTags::Tags() }, 0, Ui::InputField::HistoryAction::NewEntry); } void HistoryWidget::setMembersShowAreaActive(bool active) { if (!active) { _membersDropdownShowTimer.cancel(); } if (active && _peer && (_peer->isChat() || _peer->isMegagroup())) { if (_membersDropdown) { _membersDropdown->otherEnter(); } else if (!_membersDropdownShowTimer.isActive()) { _membersDropdownShowTimer.callOnce(kShowMembersDropdownTimeoutMs); } } else if (_membersDropdown) { _membersDropdown->otherLeave(); } } void HistoryWidget::showMembersDropdown() { if (!_peer) { return; } if (!_membersDropdown) { _membersDropdown.create(this, st::membersInnerDropdown); _membersDropdown->setOwnedWidget( object_ptr( this, controller(), _peer, st::membersInnerItem)); _membersDropdown->resizeToWidth(st::membersInnerWidth); _membersDropdown->setMaxHeight(countMembersDropdownHeightMax()); _membersDropdown->moveToLeft(0, _topBar->height()); _membersDropdown->setHiddenCallback([this] { _membersDropdown.destroyDelayed(); }); } _membersDropdown->otherEnter(); } bool HistoryWidget::pushTabbedSelectorToThirdSection( not_null thread, const Window::SectionShow ¶ms) { if (!_tabbedPanel) { return true; } else if (!thread->canWrite()) { Core::App().settings().setTabbedReplacedWithInfo(true); controller()->showPeerInfo(thread, params.withThirdColumn()); return false; } Core::App().settings().setTabbedReplacedWithInfo(false); controller()->resizeForThirdSection(); controller()->showSection( std::make_shared(), params.withThirdColumn()); return true; } bool HistoryWidget::returnTabbedSelector() { createTabbedPanel(); moveFieldControls(); return true; } void HistoryWidget::createTabbedPanel() { setTabbedPanel(std::make_unique( this, controller(), controller()->tabbedSelector())); } void HistoryWidget::setTabbedPanel(std::unique_ptr panel) { _tabbedPanel = std::move(panel); if (const auto raw = _tabbedPanel.get()) { _tabbedSelectorToggle->installEventFilter(raw); _tabbedSelectorToggle->setColorOverrides(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); } else { _tabbedSelectorToggle->setColorOverrides( &st::historyAttachEmojiActive, &st::historyRecordVoiceFgActive, &st::historyRecordVoiceRippleBgActive); } } bool HistoryWidget::preventsClose(Fn &&continueCallback) const { if (_voiceRecordBar->isActive()) { _voiceRecordBar->showDiscardBox(std::move(continueCallback)); return true; } return false; } void HistoryWidget::toggleTabbedSelectorMode() { if (!_history) { return; } if (_tabbedPanel) { if (controller()->canShowThirdSection() && !controller()->adaptive().isOneColumn()) { Core::App().settings().setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(true); Core::App().saveSettingsDelayed(); pushTabbedSelectorToThirdSection( _history, Window::SectionShow::Way::ClearStack); } else { _tabbedPanel->toggleAnimated(); } } else { controller()->closeThirdSection(); } } void HistoryWidget::recountChatWidth() { const auto layout = (width() < st::adaptiveChatWideWidth) ? Window::Adaptive::ChatLayout::Normal : Window::Adaptive::ChatLayout::Wide; controller()->adaptive().setChatLayout(layout); } void HistoryWidget::moveFieldControls() { auto keyboardHeight = 0; auto bottom = height(); auto maxKeyboardHeight = computeMaxFieldHeight() - _field->height(); _keyboard->resizeToWidth(width(), maxKeyboardHeight); if (_kbShown) { keyboardHeight = qMin(_keyboard->height(), maxKeyboardHeight); bottom -= keyboardHeight; _kbScroll->setGeometryToLeft(0, bottom, width(), keyboardHeight); } // (_botMenuButton) _attachToggle (_sendAs) ---- _inlineResults ------------------------------ _tabbedPanel ------ _fieldBarCancel // (_attachDocument|_attachPhoto) _field (_ttlInfo) (_scheduled) (_silent|_cmdStart|_kbShow) (_kbHide|_tabbedSelectorToggle) _send // (_botStart|_unblock|_joinChannel|_muteUnmute|_reportMessages) auto buttonsBottom = bottom - _attachToggle->height(); auto left = st::historySendRight; if (_botMenuButton) { const auto skip = st::historyBotMenuSkip; _botMenuButton->moveToLeft(left + skip, buttonsBottom + skip); left += skip + _botMenuButton->width(); } _attachToggle->moveToLeft(left, buttonsBottom); left += _attachToggle->width(); if (_sendAs) { _sendAs->moveToLeft(left, buttonsBottom); left += _sendAs->width(); } _field->moveToLeft(left, bottom - _field->height() - st::historySendPadding); auto right = st::historySendRight; _send->moveToRight(right, buttonsBottom); right += _send->width(); _voiceRecordBar->moveToLeft(0, bottom - _voiceRecordBar->height()); _tabbedSelectorToggle->moveToRight(right, buttonsBottom); _botKeyboardHide->moveToRight(right, buttonsBottom); right += _botKeyboardHide->width(); _botKeyboardShow->moveToRight(right, buttonsBottom); _botCommandStart->moveToRight(right, buttonsBottom); if (_silent) { _silent->moveToRight(right, buttonsBottom); } const auto kbShowShown = _history && !_kbShown && _keyboard->hasMarkup(); if (kbShowShown || _cmdStartShown || _silent) { right += _botCommandStart->width(); } if (_scheduled) { _scheduled->moveToRight(right, buttonsBottom); right += _scheduled->width(); } if (_ttlInfo) { _ttlInfo->move(width() - right - _ttlInfo->width(), buttonsBottom); } _fieldBarCancel->moveToRight(0, _field->y() - st::historySendPadding - _fieldBarCancel->height()); if (_inlineResults) { _inlineResults->moveBottom(_field->y() - st::historySendPadding); } if (_tabbedPanel) { _tabbedPanel->moveBottomRight(buttonsBottom, width()); } if (_attachBotsMenu) { _attachBotsMenu->moveToLeft( 0, buttonsBottom - _attachBotsMenu->height()); } const auto fullWidthButtonRect = myrtlrect( 0, bottom - _botStart->height(), width(), _botStart->height()); _botStart->setGeometry(fullWidthButtonRect); _unblock->setGeometry(fullWidthButtonRect); _joinChannel->setGeometry(fullWidthButtonRect); _muteUnmute->setGeometry(fullWidthButtonRect); _reportMessages->setGeometry(fullWidthButtonRect); } void HistoryWidget::updateFieldSize() { auto kbShowShown = _history && !_kbShown && _keyboard->hasMarkup(); auto fieldWidth = width() - _attachToggle->width() - st::historySendRight - _send->width() - _tabbedSelectorToggle->width(); if (_botMenuButton) fieldWidth -= st::historyBotMenuSkip + _botMenuButton->width(); if (_sendAs) fieldWidth -= _sendAs->width(); if (kbShowShown) fieldWidth -= _botKeyboardShow->width(); if (_cmdStartShown) fieldWidth -= _botCommandStart->width(); if (_silent && !_silent->isHidden()) fieldWidth -= _silent->width(); if (_scheduled) fieldWidth -= _scheduled->width(); if (_ttlInfo) fieldWidth -= _ttlInfo->width(); if (_field->width() != fieldWidth) { _field->resize(fieldWidth, _field->height()); } else { moveFieldControls(); } } void HistoryWidget::clearInlineBot() { if (_inlineBot || _inlineLookingUpBot) { _inlineBot = nullptr; _inlineLookingUpBot = false; inlineBotChanged(); _field->finishAnimating(); } if (_inlineResults) { _inlineResults->clearInlineBot(); } checkFieldAutocomplete(); } void HistoryWidget::inlineBotChanged() { bool isInlineBot = showInlineBotCancel(); if (_isInlineBot != isInlineBot) { _isInlineBot = isInlineBot; updateFieldPlaceholder(); updateFieldSubmitSettings(); updateControlsVisibility(); } } void HistoryWidget::fieldResized() { moveFieldControls(); updateHistoryGeometry(); updateField(); } void HistoryWidget::fieldFocused() { if (_list) { _list->clearSelected(true); } } void HistoryWidget::checkFieldAutocomplete() { if (!_history || _a_show.animating()) { return; } const auto autocomplete = parseMentionHashtagBotCommandQuery(); _fieldAutocomplete->showFiltered( _peer, autocomplete.query, autocomplete.fromStart); } void HistoryWidget::updateFieldPlaceholder() { if (!_editMsgId && _inlineBot && !_inlineLookingUpBot) { _field->setPlaceholder( rpl::single(_inlineBot->botInfo->inlinePlaceholder.mid(1)), _inlineBot->username().size() + 2); return; } _field->setPlaceholder([&]() -> rpl::producer { if (_editMsgId) { return tr::lng_edit_message_text(); } else if (!_history) { return tr::lng_message_ph(); } else if ((_kbShown || _keyboard->forceReply()) && !_keyboard->placeholder().isEmpty()) { return rpl::single(_keyboard->placeholder()); } else if (const auto channel = _history->peer->asChannel()) { if (channel->isBroadcast()) { return session().data().notifySettings().silentPosts(channel) ? tr::lng_broadcast_silent_ph() : tr::lng_broadcast_ph(); } else if (channel->adminRights() & ChatAdminRight::Anonymous) { return tr::lng_send_anonymous_ph(); } else { return tr::lng_message_ph(); } } else { return tr::lng_message_ph(); } }()); updateSendButtonType(); } bool HistoryWidget::showSendingFilesError( const Ui::PreparedList &list) const { const auto text = [&] { const auto error = _peer ? Data::RestrictionError( _peer, ChatRestriction::SendMedia) : std::nullopt; if (error) { return *error; } else if (!canWriteMessage()) { return tr::lng_forward_send_files_cant(tr::now); } if (_peer->slowmodeApplied() && !list.canBeSentInSlowmode()) { return tr::lng_slowmode_no_many(tr::now); } else if (const auto left = _peer->slowmodeSecondsLeft()) { return tr::lng_slowmode_enabled( tr::now, lt_left, Ui::FormatDurationWordsSlowmode(left)); } using Error = Ui::PreparedList::Error; switch (list.error) { case Error::None: return QString(); case Error::EmptyFile: case Error::Directory: case Error::NonLocalUrl: return tr::lng_send_image_empty( tr::now, lt_name, list.errorData); case Error::TooLargeFile: return u"(toolarge)"_q; } return tr::lng_forward_send_files_cant(tr::now); }(); if (text.isEmpty()) { return false; } else if (text == u"(toolarge)"_q) { const auto fileSize = list.files.back().size; controller()->show(Box(FileSizeLimitBox, &session(), fileSize)); return true; } Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = Window::Show(controller()).toastParent(), .text = { text }, }); return true; } bool HistoryWidget::confirmSendingFiles(const QStringList &files) { return confirmSendingFiles(files, QString()); } bool HistoryWidget::confirmSendingFiles(not_null data) { return confirmSendingFiles(data, std::nullopt); } bool HistoryWidget::confirmSendingFiles( const QStringList &files, const QString &insertTextOnCancel) { const auto premium = controller()->session().user()->isPremium(); return confirmSendingFiles( Storage::PrepareMediaList(files, st::sendMediaPreviewSize, premium), insertTextOnCancel); } bool HistoryWidget::confirmSendingFiles( Ui::PreparedList &&list, const QString &insertTextOnCancel) { if (showSendingFilesError(list)) { return false; } if (_editMsgId) { controller()->show(Ui::MakeInformBox(tr::lng_edit_caption_attach())); return false; } const auto cursor = _field->textCursor(); const auto position = cursor.position(); const auto anchor = cursor.anchor(); const auto text = _field->getTextWithTags(); auto box = Box( controller(), std::move(list), text, _peer, Api::SendType::Normal, sendMenuType()); _field->setTextWithTags({}); box->setConfirmedCallback(crl::guard(this, [=]( Ui::PreparedList &&list, Ui::SendFilesWay way, TextWithTags &&caption, Api::SendOptions options, bool ctrlShiftEnter) { sendingFilesConfirmed( std::move(list), way, std::move(caption), options, ctrlShiftEnter); })); box->setCancelledCallback(crl::guard(this, [=] { _field->setTextWithTags(text); auto cursor = _field->textCursor(); cursor.setPosition(anchor); if (position != anchor) { cursor.setPosition(position, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); } _field->setTextCursor(cursor); if (!insertTextOnCancel.isEmpty()) { _field->textCursor().insertText(insertTextOnCancel); } })); Window::ActivateWindow(controller()); const auto shown = controller()->show(std::move(box)); shown->setCloseByOutsideClick(false); return true; } void HistoryWidget::sendingFilesConfirmed( Ui::PreparedList &&list, Ui::SendFilesWay way, TextWithTags &&caption, Api::SendOptions options, bool ctrlShiftEnter) { Expects(list.filesToProcess.empty()); if (showSendingFilesError(list)) { return; } auto groups = DivideByGroups( std::move(list), way, _peer->slowmodeApplied()); const auto type = way.sendImagesAsPhotos() ? SendMediaType::Photo : SendMediaType::File; auto action = prepareSendAction(options); action.clearDraft = false; if ((groups.size() != 1 || !groups.front().sentWithCaption()) && !caption.text.isEmpty()) { auto message = Api::MessageToSend(action); message.textWithTags = base::take(caption); session().api().sendMessage(std::move(message)); } for (auto &group : groups) { const auto album = (group.type != Ui::AlbumType::None) ? std::make_shared() : nullptr; session().api().sendFiles( std::move(group.list), type, base::take(caption), album, action); } } bool HistoryWidget::confirmSendingFiles( QImage &&image, QByteArray &&content, std::optional overrideSendImagesAsPhotos, const QString &insertTextOnCancel) { if (image.isNull()) { return false; } auto list = Storage::PrepareMediaFromImage( std::move(image), std::move(content), st::sendMediaPreviewSize); list.overrideSendImagesAsPhotos = overrideSendImagesAsPhotos; return confirmSendingFiles(std::move(list), insertTextOnCancel); } bool HistoryWidget::canSendFiles(not_null data) const { if (!canWriteMessage()) { return false; } else if (data->hasImage()) { return true; } else if (const auto urls = base::GetMimeUrls(data); !urls.empty()) { if (ranges::all_of(urls, &QUrl::isLocalFile)) { return true; } } return false; } bool HistoryWidget::confirmSendingFiles( not_null data, std::optional overrideSendImagesAsPhotos, const QString &insertTextOnCancel) { if (!canWriteMessage()) { return false; } const auto hasImage = data->hasImage(); const auto premium = controller()->session().user()->isPremium(); if (const auto urls = base::GetMimeUrls(data); !urls.empty()) { auto list = Storage::PrepareMediaList( urls, st::sendMediaPreviewSize, premium); if (list.error != Ui::PreparedList::Error::NonLocalUrl) { if (list.error == Ui::PreparedList::Error::None || !hasImage) { const auto emptyTextOnCancel = QString(); list.overrideSendImagesAsPhotos = overrideSendImagesAsPhotos; confirmSendingFiles(std::move(list), emptyTextOnCancel); return true; } } } if (hasImage) { auto image = qvariant_cast(data->imageData()); if (!image.isNull()) { confirmSendingFiles( std::move(image), QByteArray(), overrideSendImagesAsPhotos, insertTextOnCancel); return true; } } return false; } void HistoryWidget::uploadFile( const QByteArray &fileContent, SendMediaType type) { if (!canWriteMessage()) return; session().api().sendFile(fileContent, type, prepareSendAction({})); } void HistoryWidget::handleHistoryChange(not_null history) { if (_list && (_history == history || _migrated == history)) { handlePendingHistoryUpdate(); updateBotKeyboard(); if (!_scroll->isHidden()) { const auto unblock = isBlocked(); const auto botStart = isBotStart(); const auto joinChannel = isJoinChannel(); const auto muteUnmute = isMuteUnmute(); const auto reportMessages = isReportMessages(); const auto update = false || (_reportMessages->isHidden() == reportMessages) || (!reportMessages && _unblock->isHidden() == unblock) || (!reportMessages && !unblock && _botStart->isHidden() == botStart) || (!reportMessages && !unblock && !botStart && _joinChannel->isHidden() == joinChannel) || (!reportMessages && !unblock && !botStart && !joinChannel && _muteUnmute->isHidden() == muteUnmute); if (update) { updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } } } } QPixmap HistoryWidget::grabForShowAnimation( const Window::SectionSlideParams ¶ms) { if (params.withTopBarShadow) { _topShadow->hide(); } _inGrab = true; updateControlsGeometry(); auto result = Ui::GrabWidget(this); _inGrab = false; updateControlsGeometry(); if (params.withTopBarShadow) { _topShadow->show(); } return result; } bool HistoryWidget::skipItemRepaint() { auto ms = crl::now(); if (_lastScrolled + kSkipRepaintWhileScrollMs <= ms) { return false; } _updateHistoryItems.callOnce( _lastScrolled + kSkipRepaintWhileScrollMs - ms); return true; } void HistoryWidget::updateHistoryItemsByTimer() { if (!_list) { return; } auto ms = crl::now(); if (_lastScrolled + kSkipRepaintWhileScrollMs <= ms) { _list->update(); } else { _updateHistoryItems.callOnce( _lastScrolled + kSkipRepaintWhileScrollMs - ms); } } void HistoryWidget::handlePendingHistoryUpdate() { if (hasPendingResizedItems() || _updateHistoryGeometryRequired) { updateHistoryGeometry(); _list->update(); } } void HistoryWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { //updateTabbedSelectorSectionShown(); recountChatWidth(); updateControlsGeometry(); } void HistoryWidget::updateControlsGeometry() { _topBar->resizeToWidth(width()); _topBar->moveToLeft(0, 0); _voiceRecordBar->resizeToWidth(width()); moveFieldControls(); const auto groupCallTop = _topBar->bottomNoMargins(); if (_groupCallBar) { _groupCallBar->move(0, groupCallTop); _groupCallBar->resizeToWidth(width()); } const auto requestsTop = groupCallTop + (_groupCallBar ? _groupCallBar->height() : 0); if (_requestsBar) { _requestsBar->move(0, requestsTop); _requestsBar->resizeToWidth(width()); } const auto pinnedBarTop = requestsTop + (_requestsBar ? _requestsBar->height() : 0); if (_pinnedBar) { _pinnedBar->move(0, pinnedBarTop); _pinnedBar->resizeToWidth(width()); } const auto contactStatusTop = pinnedBarTop + (_pinnedBar ? _pinnedBar->height() : 0); if (_contactStatus) { _contactStatus->bar().move(0, contactStatusTop); } const auto scrollAreaTop = contactStatusTop + (_contactStatus ? _contactStatus->bar().height() : 0); if (_scroll->y() != scrollAreaTop) { _scroll->moveToLeft(0, scrollAreaTop); _fieldAutocomplete->setBoundings(_scroll->geometry()); if (_supportAutocomplete) { _supportAutocomplete->setBoundings(_scroll->geometry()); } } updateHistoryGeometry(false, false, { ScrollChangeAdd, _topDelta }); updateFieldSize(); _cornerButtons.updatePositions(); if (_membersDropdown) { _membersDropdown->setMaxHeight(countMembersDropdownHeightMax()); } const auto isOneColumn = controller()->adaptive().isOneColumn(); const auto isThreeColumn = controller()->adaptive().isThreeColumn(); const auto topShadowLeft = (isOneColumn || _inGrab) ? 0 : st::lineWidth; const auto topShadowRight = (isThreeColumn && !_inGrab && _peer) ? st::lineWidth : 0; _topShadow->setGeometryToLeft( topShadowLeft, _topBar->bottomNoMargins(), width() - topShadowLeft - topShadowRight, st::lineWidth); } void HistoryWidget::itemRemoved(not_null item) { if (item == _replyEditMsg && _editMsgId) { cancelEdit(); } if (item == _replyEditMsg && _replyToId) { cancelReply(); } if (item == _processingReplyItem) { _processingReplyId = 0; _processingReplyItem = nullptr; } if (_kbReplyTo && item == _kbReplyTo) { toggleKeyboard(); _kbReplyTo = nullptr; } const auto i = _itemRevealAnimations.find(item); if (i != end(_itemRevealAnimations)) { _itemRevealAnimations.erase(i); revealItemsCallback(); } const auto j = _itemRevealPending.find(item); if (j != _itemRevealPending.end()) { _itemRevealPending.erase(j); } } void HistoryWidget::itemEdited(not_null item) { if (item.get() == _replyEditMsg) { updateReplyEditTexts(true); } } MsgId HistoryWidget::replyToId() const { return _replyToId ? _replyToId : (_kbReplyTo ? _kbReplyTo->id : 0); } int HistoryWidget::countInitialScrollTop() { if (_history->scrollTopItem || (_migrated && _migrated->scrollTopItem)) { return _list->historyScrollTop(); } else if (_showAtMsgId && (IsServerMsgId(_showAtMsgId) || IsServerMsgId(-_showAtMsgId))) { const auto item = getItemFromHistoryOrMigrated(_showAtMsgId); const auto itemTop = _list->itemTop(item); if (itemTop < 0) { setMsgId(0); Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = Window::Show(controller()).toastParent(), .text = { tr::lng_message_not_found(tr::now) }, }); return countInitialScrollTop(); } else { const auto view = item->mainView(); Assert(view != nullptr); enqueueMessageHighlight(view); const auto result = itemTopForHighlight(view); createUnreadBarIfBelowVisibleArea(result); return result; } } else if (_showAtMsgId == ShowAtTheEndMsgId) { return ScrollMax; } else if (const auto top = unreadBarTop()) { return *top; } else { _history->calculateFirstUnreadMessage(); return countAutomaticScrollTop(); } } void HistoryWidget::createUnreadBarIfBelowVisibleArea(int withScrollTop) { Expects(_history != nullptr); if (_history->unreadBar()) { return; } _history->calculateFirstUnreadMessage(); if (const auto unread = _history->firstUnreadMessage()) { if (_list->itemTop(unread) > withScrollTop) { createUnreadBarAndResize(); } } } void HistoryWidget::createUnreadBarAndResize() { if (!_history->firstUnreadMessage()) { return; } const auto was = base::take(_historyInited); _history->addUnreadBar(); if (hasPendingResizedItems()) { updateListSize(); } _historyInited = was; } int HistoryWidget::countAutomaticScrollTop() { Expects(_history != nullptr); Expects(_list != nullptr); if (const auto unread = _history->firstUnreadMessage()) { if (AutoScrollInactiveChat.value()) { return ScrollMax; } const auto firstUnreadTop = _list->itemTop(unread); const auto possibleUnreadBarTop = _scroll->scrollTopMax() + HistoryView::UnreadBar::height() - HistoryView::UnreadBar::marginTop(); if (firstUnreadTop < possibleUnreadBarTop) { createUnreadBarAndResize(); if (_history->unreadBar() != nullptr) { setMsgId(ShowAtUnreadMsgId); return countInitialScrollTop(); } } } return ScrollMax; } void HistoryWidget::updateHistoryGeometry( bool initial, bool loadedDown, const ScrollChange &change) { const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { _itemRevealPending.clear(); }); if (!_history || (initial && _historyInited) || (!initial && !_historyInited)) { return; } if (_firstLoadRequest || _a_show.animating()) { _updateHistoryGeometryRequired = true; return; // scrollTopMax etc are not working after recountHistoryGeometry() } auto newScrollHeight = height() - _topBar->height(); if (_pinnedBar) { newScrollHeight -= _pinnedBar->height(); } if (_groupCallBar) { newScrollHeight -= _groupCallBar->height(); } if (_requestsBar) { newScrollHeight -= _requestsBar->height(); } if (_contactStatus) { newScrollHeight -= _contactStatus->bar().height(); } if (isChoosingTheme()) { newScrollHeight -= _chooseTheme->height(); } else if (!editingMessage() && (isSearching() || isBlocked() || isBotStart() || isJoinChannel() || isMuteUnmute() || isReportMessages())) { newScrollHeight -= _unblock->height(); } else { if (editingMessage() || _canSendMessages) { newScrollHeight -= (_field->height() + 2 * st::historySendPadding); } else if (writeRestriction().has_value()) { newScrollHeight -= _unblock->height(); } if (_editMsgId || replyToId() || readyToForward() || (_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0)) { newScrollHeight -= st::historyReplyHeight; } if (_kbShown) { newScrollHeight -= _kbScroll->height(); } } if (newScrollHeight <= 0) { return; } const auto wasScrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); const auto wasAtBottom = (wasScrollTop == _scroll->scrollTopMax()); const auto needResize = (_scroll->width() != width()) || (_scroll->height() != newScrollHeight); if (needResize) { _scroll->resize(width(), newScrollHeight); // on initial updateListSize we didn't put the _scroll->scrollTop correctly yet // so visibleAreaUpdated() call will erase it with the new (undefined) value if (!initial) { visibleAreaUpdated(); } _fieldAutocomplete->setBoundings(_scroll->geometry()); if (_supportAutocomplete) { _supportAutocomplete->setBoundings(_scroll->geometry()); } _cornerButtons.updatePositions(); controller()->floatPlayerAreaUpdated(); } updateListSize(); _updateHistoryGeometryRequired = false; auto newScrollTop = 0; if (initial) { newScrollTop = countInitialScrollTop(); _historyInited = true; _scrollToAnimation.stop(); } else if (wasAtBottom && !loadedDown && !_history->unreadBar()) { newScrollTop = countAutomaticScrollTop(); } else { newScrollTop = std::min( _list->historyScrollTop(), _scroll->scrollTopMax()); if (change.type == ScrollChangeAdd) { newScrollTop += change.value; } else if (change.type == ScrollChangeNoJumpToBottom) { newScrollTop = wasScrollTop; } } const auto toY = std::clamp(newScrollTop, 0, _scroll->scrollTopMax()); synteticScrollToY(toY); } void HistoryWidget::revealItemsCallback() { auto height = 0; if (!_historyInited) { _itemRevealAnimations.clear(); } for (auto i = begin(_itemRevealAnimations) ; i != end(_itemRevealAnimations);) { if (!i->second.animation.animating()) { i = _itemRevealAnimations.erase(i); } else { height += anim::interpolate( i->second.startHeight, 0, i->second.animation.value(1.)); ++i; } } if (_itemsRevealHeight != height) { const auto wasScrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); const auto wasAtBottom = (wasScrollTop == _scroll->scrollTopMax()); if (!wasAtBottom) { height = 0; _itemRevealAnimations.clear(); } _itemsRevealHeight = height; _list->changeItemsRevealHeight(_itemsRevealHeight); const auto newScrollTop = (wasAtBottom && !_history->unreadBar()) ? countAutomaticScrollTop() : _list->historyScrollTop(); const auto toY = std::clamp(newScrollTop, 0, _scroll->scrollTopMax()); synteticScrollToY(toY); } } void HistoryWidget::startItemRevealAnimations() { for (const auto &item : base::take(_itemRevealPending)) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { if (const auto top = _list->itemTop(view); top >= 0) { if (const auto height = view->height()) { startMessageSendingAnimation(item); if (!_itemRevealAnimations.contains(item)) { auto &animation = _itemRevealAnimations[item]; animation.startHeight = height; _itemsRevealHeight += height; animation.animation.start( [=] { revealItemsCallback(); }, 0., 1., HistoryView::ListWidget::kItemRevealDuration, anim::easeOutCirc); if (item->out() || _history->peer->isSelf()) { _list->theme()->rotateComplexGradientBackground(); } } } } } } } void HistoryWidget::startMessageSendingAnimation( not_null item) { auto &sendingAnimation = controller()->sendingAnimation(); if (!sendingAnimation.hasLocalMessage(item->fullId().msg) || !sendingAnimation.checkExpectedType(item)) { return; } Assert(item->mainView() != nullptr); Assert(item->mainView()->media() != nullptr); auto globalEndTopLeft = rpl::merge( _scroll->innerResizes() | rpl::to_empty, session().data().newItemAdded() | rpl::to_empty, geometryValue() | rpl::to_empty, _scroll->geometryValue() | rpl::to_empty, _list->geometryValue() | rpl::to_empty ) | rpl::map([=] { const auto view = item->mainView(); const auto additional = (_list->height() == _scroll->height()) ? view->height() : 0; return _list->mapToGlobal(QPoint( 0, _list->itemTop(view) - additional)); }); sendingAnimation.startAnimation({ .globalEndTopLeft = std::move(globalEndTopLeft), .view = [=] { return item->mainView(); }, .paintContext = [=] { return _list->preparePaintContext({}); }, }); } void HistoryWidget::updateListSize() { Expects(_list != nullptr); _list->recountHistoryGeometry(); auto washidden = _scroll->isHidden(); if (washidden) { _scroll->show(); } startItemRevealAnimations(); _list->setItemsRevealHeight(_itemsRevealHeight); _list->updateSize(); if (washidden) { _scroll->hide(); } _updateHistoryGeometryRequired = true; } bool HistoryWidget::hasPendingResizedItems() const { if (!_list) { // Based on the crash reports there is a codepath (at least on macOS) // that leads from _list = _scroll->setOwnedWidget(...) right into // the HistoryWidget::paintEvent (by sending fake mouse move events // inside scroll area -> hiding tooltip window -> exposing the main // window -> syncing it backing store synchronously). // // So really we could get here with !_list && (_history != nullptr). return false; } return (_history && _history->hasPendingResizedItems()) || (_migrated && _migrated->hasPendingResizedItems()); } std::optional HistoryWidget::unreadBarTop() const { const auto bar = [&]() -> HistoryView::Element* { if (const auto bar = _migrated ? _migrated->unreadBar() : nullptr) { return bar; } return _history->unreadBar(); }(); if (bar) { const auto result = _list->itemTop(bar) + HistoryView::UnreadBar::marginTop(); if (bar->Has()) { return result + bar->Get()->height(); } return result; } return std::nullopt; } void HistoryWidget::addMessagesToFront( not_null peer, const QVector &messages) { _list->messagesReceived(peer, messages); if (!_firstLoadRequest) { updateHistoryGeometry(); updateBotKeyboard(); } } void HistoryWidget::addMessagesToBack( not_null peer, const QVector &messages) { const auto checkForUnreadStart = [&] { if (_history->unreadBar() || !_history->trackUnreadMessages()) { return false; } _history->calculateFirstUnreadMessage(); return !_history->firstUnreadMessage(); }(); _list->messagesReceivedDown(peer, messages); if (checkForUnreadStart) { _history->calculateFirstUnreadMessage(); createUnreadBarAndResize(); } if (!_firstLoadRequest) { updateHistoryGeometry(false, true, { ScrollChangeNoJumpToBottom, 0 }); } injectSponsoredMessages(); } void HistoryWidget::updateBotKeyboard(History *h, bool force) { if (h && h != _history && h != _migrated) { return; } const auto wasVisible = _kbShown || _kbReplyTo; const auto wasMsgId = _keyboard->forMsgId(); auto changed = false; if ((_replyToId && !_replyEditMsg) || _editMsgId || !_history) { changed = _keyboard->updateMarkup(nullptr, force); } else if (_replyToId && _replyEditMsg) { changed = _keyboard->updateMarkup(_replyEditMsg, force); } else { const auto keyboardItem = _history->lastKeyboardId ? session().data().message( _history->peer, _history->lastKeyboardId) : nullptr; changed = _keyboard->updateMarkup(keyboardItem, force); } updateCmdStartShown(); if (!changed) { return; } else if (_keyboard->forMsgId() != wasMsgId) { _kbScroll->scrollTo({ 0, 0 }); } bool hasMarkup = _keyboard->hasMarkup(), forceReply = _keyboard->forceReply() && (!_replyToId || !_replyEditMsg); if (hasMarkup || forceReply) { if (_keyboard->singleUse() && _keyboard->hasMarkup() && (_keyboard->forMsgId() == FullMsgId(_history->peer->id, _history->lastKeyboardId)) && _history->lastKeyboardUsed) { _history->lastKeyboardHiddenId = _history->lastKeyboardId; } if (!isSearching() && !isBotStart() && !isBlocked() && _canSendMessages && (wasVisible || (_replyToId && _replyEditMsg) || (!HasSendText(_field) && !kbWasHidden()))) { if (!_a_show.animating()) { if (hasMarkup) { _kbScroll->show(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->hide(); _botKeyboardHide->show(); } else { _kbScroll->hide(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->show(); _botKeyboardHide->hide(); } _botKeyboardShow->hide(); _botCommandStart->hide(); } const auto maxheight = computeMaxFieldHeight(); const auto kbheight = hasMarkup ? qMin(_keyboard->height(), maxheight - (maxheight / 2)) : 0; _field->setMaxHeight(maxheight - kbheight); _kbShown = hasMarkup; _kbReplyTo = (_peer->isChat() || _peer->isChannel() || _keyboard->forceReply()) ? session().data().message(_keyboard->forMsgId()) : nullptr; if (_kbReplyTo && !_replyToId) { updateReplyToName(); updateReplyEditText(_kbReplyTo); } } else { if (!_a_show.animating()) { _kbScroll->hide(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->show(); _botKeyboardHide->hide(); _botKeyboardShow->show(); _botCommandStart->hide(); } _field->setMaxHeight(computeMaxFieldHeight()); _kbShown = false; _kbReplyTo = nullptr; if (!readyToForward() && (!_previewData || _previewData->pendingTill < 0) && !_replyToId) { _fieldBarCancel->hide(); updateMouseTracking(); } } } else { if (!_scroll->isHidden()) { _kbScroll->hide(); _tabbedSelectorToggle->show(); _botKeyboardHide->hide(); _botKeyboardShow->hide(); _botCommandStart->setVisible(!_editMsgId); } _field->setMaxHeight(computeMaxFieldHeight()); _kbShown = false; _kbReplyTo = nullptr; if (!readyToForward() && (!_previewData || _previewData->pendingTill < 0) && !_replyToId && !_editMsgId) { _fieldBarCancel->hide(); updateMouseTracking(); } } refreshTopBarActiveChat(); updateFieldPlaceholder(); updateControlsGeometry(); update(); } void HistoryWidget::botCallbackSent(not_null item) { if (!item->isRegular() || _peer != item->history()->peer) { return; } const auto keyId = _keyboard->forMsgId(); const auto lastKeyboardUsed = (keyId == FullMsgId(_peer->id, item->id)) && (keyId == FullMsgId(_peer->id, _history->lastKeyboardId)); session().data().requestItemRepaint(item); if (_replyToId == item->id) { cancelReply(); } if (_keyboard->singleUse() && _keyboard->hasMarkup() && lastKeyboardUsed) { if (_kbShown) { toggleKeyboard(false); } _history->lastKeyboardUsed = true; } } int HistoryWidget::computeMaxFieldHeight() const { const auto available = height() - _topBar->height() - (_contactStatus ? _contactStatus->bar().height() : 0) - (_pinnedBar ? _pinnedBar->height() : 0) - (_groupCallBar ? _groupCallBar->height() : 0) - (_requestsBar ? _requestsBar->height() : 0) - ((_editMsgId || replyToId() || readyToForward() || (_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0)) ? st::historyReplyHeight : 0) - (2 * st::historySendPadding) - st::historyReplyHeight; // at least this height for history. return std::min(st::historyComposeFieldMaxHeight, available); } bool HistoryWidget::cornerButtonsIgnoreVisibility() { return _a_show.animating(); } std::optional HistoryWidget::cornerButtonsDownShown() { if (!_list || _firstLoadRequest) { return false; } if (_voiceRecordBar->isLockPresent()) { return false; } if (!_history->loadedAtBottom() || _cornerButtons.replyReturn()) { return true; } const auto top = _scroll->scrollTop() + st::historyToDownShownAfter; if (top < _scroll->scrollTopMax()) { return true; } const auto haveUnreadBelowBottom = [&](History *history) { if (!_list || !history || history->unreadCount() <= 0) { return false; } const auto unread = history->firstUnreadMessage(); if (!unread) { return false; } const auto top = _list->itemTop(unread); return (top >= _scroll->scrollTop() + _scroll->height()); }; if (haveUnreadBelowBottom(_history) || haveUnreadBelowBottom(_migrated)) { return true; } return false; } bool HistoryWidget::cornerButtonsUnreadMayBeShown() { return !_firstLoadRequest && !_voiceRecordBar->isLockPresent(); } bool HistoryWidget::cornerButtonsHas(HistoryView::CornerButtonType type) { return true; } void HistoryWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { const auto hasSecondLayer = (_editMsgId || _replyToId || readyToForward() || _kbReplyTo); _replyForwardPressed = hasSecondLayer && QRect( 0, _field->y() - st::historySendPadding - st::historyReplyHeight, st::historyReplySkip, st::historyReplyHeight).contains(e->pos()); if (_replyForwardPressed && !_fieldBarCancel->isHidden()) { updateField(); } else if (_inReplyEditForward) { if (readyToForward()) { _forwardPanel->editOptions(controller()); } else { controller()->showPeerHistory( _peer, Window::SectionShow::Way::Forward, _editMsgId ? _editMsgId : replyToId()); } } } void HistoryWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (!_history) return; const auto commonModifiers = e->modifiers() & kCommonModifiers; if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { e->ignore(); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Back) { controller()->showBackFromStack(); _cancelRequests.fire({}); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) { _scroll->keyPressEvent(e); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) { _scroll->keyPressEvent(e); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down && !commonModifiers) { _scroll->keyPressEvent(e); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up && !commonModifiers) { const auto item = _history ? _history->lastEditableMessage() : nullptr; if (item && _field->empty() && !_editMsgId && !_replyToId) { editMessage(item); return; } _scroll->keyPressEvent(e); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) { if (!_botStart->isHidden()) { sendBotStartCommand(); } if (!_canSendMessages) { const auto submitting = Ui::InputField::ShouldSubmit( Core::App().settings().sendSubmitWay(), e->modifiers()); if (submitting) { sendWithModifiers(e->modifiers()); } } } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_O && e->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { chooseAttach(); } else { e->ignore(); } } void HistoryWidget::handlePeerMigration() { const auto current = _peer->migrateToOrMe(); const auto chat = current->migrateFrom(); if (!chat) { return; } const auto channel = current->asChannel(); Assert(channel != nullptr); if (_peer != channel) { showHistory( channel->id, (_showAtMsgId > 0) ? (-_showAtMsgId) : _showAtMsgId); channel->session().api().chatParticipants().requestCountDelayed( channel); } else { _migrated = _history->migrateFrom(); _list->notifyMigrateUpdated(); setupPinnedTracker(); setupGroupCallBar(); setupRequestsBar(); updateHistoryGeometry(); } const auto from = chat->owner().historyLoaded(chat); const auto to = channel->owner().historyLoaded(channel); if (from && to && !from->isEmpty() && (!from->loadedAtBottom() || !to->loadedAtTop())) { from->clear(History::ClearType::Unload); } } bool HistoryWidget::replyToPreviousMessage() { if (!_history || _editMsgId || _history->peer->isForum()) { return false; } const auto fullId = FullMsgId(_history->peer->id, _replyToId); if (const auto item = session().data().message(fullId)) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { if (const auto previousView = view->previousDisplayedInBlocks()) { const auto previous = previousView->data(); controller()->showMessage(previous); replyToMessage(previous); return true; } } } else if (const auto previousView = _history->findLastDisplayed()) { const auto previous = previousView->data(); controller()->showMessage(previous); replyToMessage(previous); return true; } return false; } bool HistoryWidget::replyToNextMessage() { if (!_history || _editMsgId || _history->peer->isForum()) { return false; } const auto fullId = FullMsgId(_history->peer->id, _replyToId); if (const auto item = session().data().message(fullId)) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { if (const auto nextView = view->nextDisplayedInBlocks()) { const auto next = nextView->data(); controller()->showMessage(next); replyToMessage(next); } else { _highlighter.clear(); cancelReply(false); } return true; } } return false; } bool HistoryWidget::showSlowmodeError() { const auto text = [&] { if (const auto left = _peer->slowmodeSecondsLeft()) { return tr::lng_slowmode_enabled( tr::now, lt_left, Ui::FormatDurationWordsSlowmode(left)); } else if (_peer->slowmodeApplied()) { if (const auto item = _history->latestSendingMessage()) { if (const auto view = item->mainView()) { animatedScrollToItem(item->id); enqueueMessageHighlight(view); } return tr::lng_slowmode_no_many(tr::now); } } return QString(); }(); if (text.isEmpty()) { return false; } Ui::ShowMultilineToast({ .parentOverride = Window::Show(controller()).toastParent(), .text = { text }, }); return true; } void HistoryWidget::fieldTabbed() { if (_supportAutocomplete) { _supportAutocomplete->activate(_field.data()); } else if (!_fieldAutocomplete->isHidden()) { _fieldAutocomplete->chooseSelected(FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod::ByTab); } } void HistoryWidget::sendInlineResult(InlineBots::ResultSelected result) { if (!_peer || !_canSendMessages) { return; } else if (showSlowmodeError()) { return; } auto errorText = result.result->getErrorOnSend(_history); if (!errorText.isEmpty()) { controller()->show(Ui::MakeInformBox(errorText)); return; } controller()->sendingAnimation().appendSending( result.messageSendingFrom); auto action = prepareSendAction(result.options); action.generateLocal = true; session().api().sendInlineResult( result.bot, result.result, action, result.messageSendingFrom.localId); clearFieldText(); _saveDraftText = true; _saveDraftStart = crl::now(); saveDraft(); auto &bots = cRefRecentInlineBots(); const auto index = bots.indexOf(result.bot); if (index) { if (index > 0) { bots.removeAt(index); } else if (bots.size() >= RecentInlineBotsLimit) { bots.resize(RecentInlineBotsLimit - 1); } bots.push_front(result.bot); session().local().writeRecentHashtagsAndBots(); } hideSelectorControlsAnimated(); _field->setFocus(); } void HistoryWidget::updatePinnedViewer() { if (_firstLoadRequest || _delayedShowAtRequest || _scroll->isHidden() || !_history || !_historyInited || !_pinnedTracker) { return; } const auto visibleBottom = _scroll->scrollTop() + _scroll->height(); auto [view, offset] = _list->findViewForPinnedTracking(visibleBottom); const auto lessThanId = !view ? (ServerMaxMsgId - 1) : (view->history() != _history) ? (view->data()->id + (offset > 0 ? 1 : 0) - ServerMaxMsgId) : (view->data()->id + (offset > 0 ? 1 : 0)); const auto lastClickedId = !_pinnedClickedId ? (ServerMaxMsgId - 1) : (!_migrated || peerIsChannel(_pinnedClickedId.peer)) ? _pinnedClickedId.msg : (_pinnedClickedId.msg - ServerMaxMsgId); if (_pinnedClickedId && lessThanId <= lastClickedId && !_scrollToAnimation.animating()) { _pinnedClickedId = FullMsgId(); } if (_pinnedClickedId && !_minPinnedId) { _minPinnedId = Data::ResolveMinPinnedId( _peer, MsgId(0), // topicRootId _migrated ? _migrated->peer.get() : nullptr); } if (_pinnedClickedId && _minPinnedId && _minPinnedId >= _pinnedClickedId) { // After click on the last pinned message we should the top one. _pinnedTracker->trackAround(ServerMaxMsgId - 1); } else { _pinnedTracker->trackAround(std::min(lessThanId, lastClickedId)); } } void HistoryWidget::checkLastPinnedClickedIdReset( int wasScrollTop, int nowScrollTop) { if (_firstLoadRequest || _delayedShowAtRequest || _scroll->isHidden() || !_history || !_historyInited) { return; } if (wasScrollTop < nowScrollTop && _pinnedClickedId) { // User scrolled down. _pinnedClickedId = FullMsgId(); _minPinnedId = std::nullopt; updatePinnedViewer(); } } void HistoryWidget::setupPinnedTracker() { Expects(_history != nullptr); _pinnedTracker = std::make_unique(_history); _pinnedBar = nullptr; checkPinnedBarState(); } void HistoryWidget::checkPinnedBarState() { Expects(_pinnedTracker != nullptr); Expects(_list != nullptr); const auto hiddenId = _peer->canPinMessages() ? MsgId(0) : session().settings().hiddenPinnedMessageId(_peer->id); const auto currentPinnedId = Data::ResolveTopPinnedId( _peer, MsgId(0), // topicRootId _migrated ? _migrated->peer.get() : nullptr); const auto universalPinnedId = !currentPinnedId ? int32(0) : (_migrated && !peerIsChannel(currentPinnedId.peer)) ? (currentPinnedId.msg - ServerMaxMsgId) : currentPinnedId.msg; if (universalPinnedId == hiddenId) { if (_pinnedBar) { _pinnedBar->setContent(rpl::single(Ui::MessageBarContent())); _pinnedTracker->reset(); _hidingPinnedBar = base::take(_pinnedBar); const auto raw = _hidingPinnedBar.get(); base::call_delayed(st::defaultMessageBar.duration, this, [=] { if (_hidingPinnedBar.get() == raw) { clearHidingPinnedBar(); } }); } return; } if (_pinnedBar || !universalPinnedId) { return; } clearHidingPinnedBar(); _pinnedBar = std::make_unique(this, [=] { return controller()->isGifPausedAtLeastFor( Window::GifPauseReason::Any); }); auto pinnedRefreshed = Info::Profile::SharedMediaCountValue( _peer, MsgId(0), // topicRootId nullptr, Storage::SharedMediaType::Pinned ) | rpl::distinct_until_changed( ) | rpl::map([=](int count) { if (_pinnedClickedId) { _pinnedClickedId = FullMsgId(); _minPinnedId = std::nullopt; updatePinnedViewer(); } return (count > 1); }) | rpl::distinct_until_changed(); auto markupRefreshed = HistoryView::PinnedBarItemWithReplyMarkup( &session(), _pinnedTracker->shownMessageId()); rpl::combine( rpl::duplicate(pinnedRefreshed), rpl::duplicate(markupRefreshed) ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool many, HistoryItem *item) { refreshPinnedBarButton(many, item); }, _pinnedBar->lifetime()); _pinnedBar->setContent(rpl::combine( HistoryView::PinnedBarContent( &session(), _pinnedTracker->shownMessageId(), [bar = _pinnedBar.get()] { bar->customEmojiRepaint(); }), std::move(pinnedRefreshed), std::move(markupRefreshed) ) | rpl::map([](Ui::MessageBarContent &&content, bool, HistoryItem*) { return std::move(content); })); controller()->adaptive().oneColumnValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=, raw = _pinnedBar.get()](bool one) { raw->setShadowGeometryPostprocess([=](QRect geometry) { if (!one) { geometry.setLeft(geometry.left() + st::lineWidth); } return geometry; }); }, _pinnedBar->lifetime()); _pinnedBar->barClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { const auto id = _pinnedTracker->currentMessageId(); if (const auto item = session().data().message(id.message)) { controller()->showPeerHistory( item->history()->peer, Window::SectionShow::Way::Forward, item->id); if (const auto group = session().data().groups().find(item)) { // Hack for the case when a non-first item of an album // is pinned and we still want the 'show last after first'. _pinnedClickedId = group->items.front()->fullId(); } else { _pinnedClickedId = id.message; } _minPinnedId = std::nullopt; updatePinnedViewer(); } }, _pinnedBar->lifetime()); _pinnedBarHeight = 0; _pinnedBar->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int height) { _topDelta = _preserveScrollTop ? 0 : (height - _pinnedBarHeight); _pinnedBarHeight = height; updateHistoryGeometry(); updateControlsGeometry(); _topDelta = 0; }, _pinnedBar->lifetime()); orderWidgets(); if (_a_show.animating()) { _pinnedBar->hide(); } } void HistoryWidget::clearHidingPinnedBar() { if (!_hidingPinnedBar) { return; } if (const auto delta = -_pinnedBarHeight) { _pinnedBarHeight = 0; setGeometryWithTopMoved(geometry(), delta); } _hidingPinnedBar = nullptr; } void HistoryWidget::checkMessagesTTL() { if (!_peer || !_peer->messagesTTL()) { if (_ttlInfo) { _ttlInfo = nullptr; updateControlsGeometry(); updateControlsVisibility(); } } else if (!_ttlInfo || _ttlInfo->peer() != _peer) { _ttlInfo = std::make_unique( this, std::make_shared(controller()), _peer); orderWidgets(); updateControlsGeometry(); updateControlsVisibility(); } } void HistoryWidget::setChooseReportMessagesDetails( Ui::ReportReason reason, Fn callback) { if (!callback) { const auto refresh = _chooseForReport && _chooseForReport->active; _chooseForReport = nullptr; if (_list) { _list->clearChooseReportReason(); } if (refresh) { clearSelected(); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); updateTopBarChooseForReport(); } } else { _chooseForReport = std::make_unique( ChooseMessagesForReport{ .reason = reason, .callback = std::move(callback) }); } } void HistoryWidget::refreshPinnedBarButton(bool many, HistoryItem *item) { if (!_pinnedBar) { return; // It can be in process of hiding. } const auto openSection = [=] { const auto id = _pinnedTracker ? _pinnedTracker->currentMessageId() : HistoryView::PinnedId(); if (!id.message) { return; } controller()->showSection( std::make_shared( _history, ((!_migrated || peerIsChannel(id.message.peer)) ? id.message.msg : (id.message.msg - ServerMaxMsgId)))); }; if (const auto replyMarkup = item ? item->inlineReplyMarkup() : nullptr) { const auto &rows = replyMarkup->data.rows; if ((rows.size() == 1) && (rows.front().size() == 1)) { const auto text = rows.front().front().text; if (!text.isEmpty()) { auto button = object_ptr( this, rpl::single(text), st::historyPinnedBotButton); button->setTextTransform( Ui::RoundButton::TextTransform::NoTransform); button->setFullRadius(true); button->setClickedCallback([=] { Api::ActivateBotCommand( _list->prepareClickHandlerContext(item->fullId()), 0, 0); }); if (button->width() > st::historyPinnedBotButtonMaxWidth) { button->setFullWidth(st::historyPinnedBotButtonMaxWidth); } struct State { base::unique_qptr menu; }; const auto state = button->lifetime().make_state(); _pinnedBar->contextMenuRequested( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=, raw = button.data()] { state->menu = base::make_unique_q(raw); state->menu->addAction( tr::lng_settings_events_pinned(tr::now), openSection); state->menu->popup(QCursor::pos()); }, button->lifetime()); _pinnedBar->setRightButton(std::move(button)); return; } } } const auto close = !many; auto button = object_ptr( this, close ? st::historyReplyCancel : st::historyPinnedShowAll); button->clicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (close) { hidePinnedMessage(); } else { openSection(); } }, button->lifetime()); _pinnedBar->setRightButton(std::move(button)); } void HistoryWidget::setupGroupCallBar() { Expects(_history != nullptr); const auto peer = _history->peer; if (!peer->isChannel() && !peer->isChat()) { _groupCallBar = nullptr; return; } _groupCallBar = std::make_unique( this, HistoryView::GroupCallBarContentByPeer( peer, st::historyGroupCallUserpics.size, false), Core::App().appDeactivatedValue()); controller()->adaptive().oneColumnValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool one) { _groupCallBar->setShadowGeometryPostprocess([=](QRect geometry) { if (!one) { geometry.setLeft(geometry.left() + st::lineWidth); } return geometry; }); }, _groupCallBar->lifetime()); rpl::merge( _groupCallBar->barClicks(), _groupCallBar->joinClicks() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { const auto peer = _history->peer; if (peer->groupCall()) { controller()->startOrJoinGroupCall(peer, {}); } }, _groupCallBar->lifetime()); _groupCallBarHeight = 0; _groupCallBar->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int height) { _topDelta = _preserveScrollTop ? 0 : (height - _groupCallBarHeight); _groupCallBarHeight = height; updateHistoryGeometry(); updateControlsGeometry(); _topDelta = 0; }, _groupCallBar->lifetime()); orderWidgets(); if (_a_show.animating()) { _groupCallBar->hide(); } } void HistoryWidget::setupRequestsBar() { Expects(_history != nullptr); const auto peer = _history->peer; if (!peer->isChannel() && !peer->isChat()) { _requestsBar = nullptr; return; } _requestsBar = std::make_unique( this, HistoryView::RequestsBarContentByPeer( peer, st::historyRequestsUserpics.size, false)); controller()->adaptive().oneColumnValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool one) { _requestsBar->setShadowGeometryPostprocess([=](QRect geometry) { if (!one) { geometry.setLeft(geometry.left() + st::lineWidth); } return geometry; }); }, _requestsBar->lifetime()); _requestsBar->barClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { RequestsBoxController::Start(controller(), _peer); }, _requestsBar->lifetime()); _requestsBarHeight = 0; _requestsBar->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int height) { _topDelta = _preserveScrollTop ? 0 : (height - _requestsBarHeight); _requestsBarHeight = height; updateHistoryGeometry(); updateControlsGeometry(); _topDelta = 0; }, _requestsBar->lifetime()); orderWidgets(); if (_a_show.animating()) { _requestsBar->hide(); } } void HistoryWidget::requestMessageData(MsgId msgId) { if (!_peer) { return; } const auto peer = _peer; const auto callback = crl::guard(this, [=] { messageDataReceived(peer, msgId); }); session().api().requestMessageData(_peer, msgId, callback); } bool HistoryWidget::sendExistingDocument( not_null document, Api::SendOptions options, std::optional localId) { const auto error = _peer ? Data::RestrictionError(_peer, ChatRestriction::SendStickers) : std::nullopt; if (error) { controller()->show( Ui::MakeInformBox(*error), Ui::LayerOption::KeepOther); return false; } else if (!_peer || !_canSendMessages || showSlowmodeError() || ShowSendPremiumError(controller(), document)) { return false; } Api::SendExistingDocument( Api::MessageToSend(prepareSendAction(options)), document, localId); if (_fieldAutocomplete->stickersShown()) { clearFieldText(); //_saveDraftText = true; //_saveDraftStart = crl::now(); //saveDraft(); saveCloudDraft(); // won't be needed if SendInlineBotResult will clear the cloud draft } hideSelectorControlsAnimated(); _field->setFocus(); return true; } bool HistoryWidget::sendExistingPhoto( not_null photo, Api::SendOptions options) { const auto error = _peer ? Data::RestrictionError(_peer, ChatRestriction::SendMedia) : std::nullopt; if (error) { controller()->show( Ui::MakeInformBox(*error), Ui::LayerOption::KeepOther); return false; } else if (!_peer || !_canSendMessages) { return false; } else if (showSlowmodeError()) { return false; } Api::SendExistingPhoto( Api::MessageToSend(prepareSendAction(options)), photo); hideSelectorControlsAnimated(); _field->setFocus(); return true; } void HistoryWidget::showInfoTooltip( const TextWithEntities &text, Fn hiddenCallback) { _topToast.show( _scroll.data(), &session(), text, std::move(hiddenCallback)); } void HistoryWidget::showPremiumStickerTooltip( not_null view) { if (const auto media = view->data()->media()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { showPremiumToast(document); } } } void HistoryWidget::showPremiumToast(not_null document) { if (!_stickerToast) { _stickerToast = std::make_unique( controller(), this, [=] { _stickerToast = nullptr; }); } _stickerToast->showFor(document); } void HistoryWidget::setFieldText( const TextWithTags &textWithTags, TextUpdateEvents events, FieldHistoryAction fieldHistoryAction) { _textUpdateEvents = events; _field->setTextWithTags(textWithTags, fieldHistoryAction); auto cursor = _field->textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); _field->setTextCursor(cursor); _textUpdateEvents = TextUpdateEvent::SaveDraft | TextUpdateEvent::SendTyping; previewCancel(); _previewState = Data::PreviewState::Allowed; } void HistoryWidget::clearFieldText( TextUpdateEvents events, FieldHistoryAction fieldHistoryAction) { setFieldText(TextWithTags(), events, fieldHistoryAction); } void HistoryWidget::replyToMessage(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = session().data().message(itemId)) { replyToMessage(item); } } void HistoryWidget::replyToMessage(not_null item) { _processingReplyId = item->id; _processingReplyItem = item; processReply(); } void HistoryWidget::processReply() { const auto processContinue = [=] { return crl::guard(_list, [=] { if (!_peer || !_processingReplyId) { return; } else if (!_processingReplyItem) { _processingReplyItem = _peer->owner().message( _peer, _processingReplyId); if (!_processingReplyItem) { _processingReplyId = 0; } else { processReply(); } } }); }; const auto processCancel = [=] { _processingReplyId = 0; _processingReplyItem = nullptr; }; if (!_peer || !_processingReplyId) { return processCancel(); } else if (!_processingReplyItem) { session().api().requestMessageData( _peer, _processingReplyId, processContinue()); return; } else if (_processingReplyItem->history() == _migrated) { if (_processingReplyItem->isService()) { controller()->show(Ui::MakeInformBox(tr::lng_reply_cant())); } else { const auto itemId = _processingReplyItem->fullId(); controller()->show( Ui::MakeConfirmBox({ .text = tr::lng_reply_cant_forward(), .confirmed = crl::guard(this, [=] { controller()->content()->setForwardDraft( _history, { .ids = { 1, itemId } }); }), .confirmText = tr::lng_selected_forward(), })); } return processCancel(); } else if (_processingReplyItem->history() != _history || !_processingReplyItem->isRegular()) { return processCancel(); } else if (const auto forum = _peer->forum()) { const auto topicRootId = _processingReplyItem->topicRootId(); if (forum->topicDeleted(topicRootId)) { return processCancel(); } else if (const auto topic = forum->topicFor(topicRootId)) { if (!topic->canWrite()) { return processCancel(); } } else { forum->requestTopic(topicRootId, processContinue()); } } else if (!_peer->canWrite()) { return processCancel(); } setReplyFieldsFromProcessing(); } void HistoryWidget::setReplyFieldsFromProcessing() { if (!_processingReplyId || !_processingReplyItem) { return; } _history->setForwardDraft(MsgId(), {}); if (_composeSearch) { _composeSearch->hideAnimated(); } const auto id = base::take(_processingReplyId); const auto item = base::take(_processingReplyItem); if (_editMsgId) { if (const auto localDraft = _history->localDraft({})) { localDraft->msgId = id; } else { _history->setLocalDraft(std::make_unique( TextWithTags(), id, MsgId(), MessageCursor(), Data::PreviewState::Allowed)); } } else { _replyEditMsg = item; _replyToId = id; updateReplyEditText(_replyEditMsg); updateCanSendMessage(); updateBotKeyboard(); updateReplyToName(); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); updateField(); refreshTopBarActiveChat(); } _saveDraftText = true; _saveDraftStart = crl::now(); saveDraft(); if (!_field->isHidden()) { _field->setFocus(); } } void HistoryWidget::editMessage(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = session().data().message(itemId)) { editMessage(item); } } void HistoryWidget::editMessage(not_null item) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (media->allowsEditCaption()) { controller()->show(Box(controller(), item)); return; } } else if (_chooseTheme) { toggleChooseChatTheme(_peer); } else if (_voiceRecordBar->isActive()) { controller()->show( Ui::MakeInformBox(tr::lng_edit_caption_voice())); return; } else if (_composeSearch) { _composeSearch->hideAnimated(); } if (isRecording()) { // Just fix some strange inconsistency. _send->clearState(); } if (!_editMsgId) { if (_replyToId || !_field->empty()) { _history->setLocalDraft(std::make_unique( _field, _replyToId, MsgId(), // topicRootId _previewState)); } else { _history->clearLocalDraft({}); } } const auto editData = PrepareEditText(item); const auto cursor = MessageCursor { int(editData.text.size()), int(editData.text.size()), QFIXED_MAX }; const auto previewPage = [&]() -> WebPageData* { if (const auto media = item->media()) { return media->webpage(); } return nullptr; }(); const auto previewState = previewPage ? Data::PreviewState::Allowed : Data::PreviewState::EmptyOnEdit; _history->setLocalEditDraft(std::make_unique( editData, item->id, MsgId(), // topicRootId cursor, previewState)); applyDraft(); _previewData = previewPage; if (_previewData) { updatePreview(); } updateBotKeyboard(); if (!_field->isHidden()) _fieldBarCancel->show(); updateFieldPlaceholder(); updateMouseTracking(); updateReplyToName(); updateControlsGeometry(); updateField(); _saveDraftText = true; _saveDraftStart = crl::now(); saveDraft(); _field->setFocus(); } void HistoryWidget::hidePinnedMessage() { Expects(_pinnedBar != nullptr); const auto id = _pinnedTracker->currentMessageId(); if (!id.message) { return; } if (_peer->canPinMessages()) { Window::ToggleMessagePinned(controller(), id.message, false); } else { const auto callback = [=] { if (_pinnedTracker) { checkPinnedBarState(); } }; Window::HidePinnedBar( controller(), _peer, MsgId(0), // topicRootId crl::guard(this, callback)); } } bool HistoryWidget::lastForceReplyReplied(const FullMsgId &replyTo) const { return _peer && (replyTo.peer == _peer->id) && _keyboard->forceReply() && _keyboard->forMsgId() == FullMsgId(_peer->id, _history->lastKeyboardId) && _keyboard->forMsgId().msg == replyTo.msg; } bool HistoryWidget::lastForceReplyReplied() const { return _peer && _keyboard->forceReply() && _keyboard->forMsgId() == FullMsgId(_peer->id, _history->lastKeyboardId) && _keyboard->forMsgId().msg == replyToId(); } bool HistoryWidget::cancelReply(bool lastKeyboardUsed) { bool wasReply = false; if (_replyToId) { wasReply = true; _processingReplyItem = _replyEditMsg = nullptr; _processingReplyId = _replyToId = 0; mouseMoveEvent(0); if (!readyToForward() && (!_previewData || _previewData->pendingTill < 0) && !_kbReplyTo) { _fieldBarCancel->hide(); updateMouseTracking(); } updateBotKeyboard(); refreshTopBarActiveChat(); updateCanSendMessage(); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); update(); } else if (const auto localDraft = (_history ? _history->localDraft({}) : nullptr)) { if (localDraft->msgId) { if (localDraft->textWithTags.text.isEmpty()) { _history->clearLocalDraft({}); } else { localDraft->msgId = 0; } } } if (wasReply) { _saveDraftText = true; _saveDraftStart = crl::now(); saveDraft(); } if (!_editMsgId && _keyboard->singleUse() && _keyboard->forceReply() && lastKeyboardUsed) { if (_kbReplyTo) { toggleKeyboard(false); } } return wasReply; } void HistoryWidget::cancelReplyAfterMediaSend(bool lastKeyboardUsed) { if (cancelReply(lastKeyboardUsed)) { saveCloudDraft(); } } int HistoryWidget::countMembersDropdownHeightMax() const { int result = height() - st::membersInnerDropdown.padding.top() - st::membersInnerDropdown.padding.bottom(); result -= _tabbedSelectorToggle->height(); accumulate_min(result, st::membersInnerHeightMax); return result; } void HistoryWidget::cancelEdit() { if (!_editMsgId) { return; } _replyEditMsg = nullptr; setEditMsgId(0); _history->clearLocalEditDraft({}); applyDraft(); if (_saveEditMsgRequestId) { _history->session().api().request(_saveEditMsgRequestId).cancel(); _saveEditMsgRequestId = 0; } _saveDraftText = true; _saveDraftStart = crl::now(); saveDraft(); mouseMoveEvent(nullptr); if (!readyToForward() && (!_previewData || _previewData->pendingTill < 0) && !replyToId()) { _fieldBarCancel->hide(); updateMouseTracking(); } auto old = _textUpdateEvents; _textUpdateEvents = 0; fieldChanged(); _textUpdateEvents = old; updateControlsVisibility(); updateBotKeyboard(); updateFieldPlaceholder(); updateControlsGeometry(); update(); } void HistoryWidget::cancelFieldAreaState() { controller()->hideLayer(); _replyForwardPressed = false; if (_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0) { _previewState = Data::PreviewState::Cancelled; previewCancel(); _saveDraftText = true; _saveDraftStart = crl::now(); saveDraft(); } else if (_editMsgId) { cancelEdit(); } else if (readyToForward()) { _history->setForwardDraft(MsgId(), {}); } else if (_replyToId) { cancelReply(); } else if (_kbReplyTo) { toggleKeyboard(); } } void HistoryWidget::previewCancel() { _api.request(base::take(_previewRequest)).cancel(); _previewData = nullptr; _previewLinks.clear(); updatePreview(); } void HistoryWidget::checkPreview() { const auto previewRestricted = [&] { return _peer && _peer->amRestricted(ChatRestriction::EmbedLinks); }(); if (_previewState != Data::PreviewState::Allowed || previewRestricted) { previewCancel(); return; } const auto links = _parsedLinks.join(' '); if (_previewLinks != links) { _api.request(base::take(_previewRequest)).cancel(); _previewLinks = links; if (_previewLinks.isEmpty()) { if (_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0) { previewCancel(); } } else { const auto i = _previewCache.constFind(links); if (i == _previewCache.cend()) { _previewRequest = _api.request(MTPmessages_GetWebPagePreview( MTP_flags(0), MTP_string(links), MTPVector() )).done([=](const MTPMessageMedia &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotPreview(links, result, requestId); }).send(); } else if (i.value()) { _previewData = session().data().webpage(i.value()); updatePreview(); } else if (_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0) { previewCancel(); } } } } void HistoryWidget::requestPreview() { if (!_previewData || (_previewData->pendingTill <= 0) || _previewLinks.isEmpty()) { return; } const auto links = _previewLinks; _previewRequest = _api.request(MTPmessages_GetWebPagePreview( MTP_flags(0), MTP_string(links), MTPVector() )).done([=](const MTPMessageMedia &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { gotPreview(links, result, requestId); }).send(); } void HistoryWidget::gotPreview( QString links, const MTPMessageMedia &result, mtpRequestId req) { if (req == _previewRequest) { _previewRequest = 0; } if (result.type() == mtpc_messageMediaWebPage) { const auto &data = result.c_messageMediaWebPage().vwebpage(); const auto page = session().data().processWebpage(data); _previewCache.insert(links, page->id); if (page->pendingTill > 0 && page->pendingTill <= base::unixtime::now()) { page->pendingTill = -1; } if (links == _previewLinks && _previewState == Data::PreviewState::Allowed) { _previewData = (page->id && page->pendingTill >= 0) ? page.get() : nullptr; updatePreview(); } session().data().sendWebPageGamePollNotifications(); } else if (result.type() == mtpc_messageMediaEmpty) { _previewCache.insert(links, 0); if (links == _previewLinks && _previewState == Data::PreviewState::Allowed) { _previewData = nullptr; updatePreview(); } } } void HistoryWidget::updatePreview() { _previewTimer.cancel(); if (_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0) { _fieldBarCancel->show(); updateMouseTracking(); if (_previewData->pendingTill) { _previewTitle.setText( st::msgNameStyle, tr::lng_preview_loading(tr::now), Ui::NameTextOptions()); auto linkText = QStringView(_previewLinks).split(' ').at(0).toString(); _previewDescription.setText( st::messageTextStyle, linkText, Ui::DialogTextOptions()); const auto timeout = (_previewData->pendingTill - base::unixtime::now()); _previewTimer.callOnce(std::max(timeout, 0) * crl::time(1000)); } else { auto preview = HistoryView::TitleAndDescriptionFromWebPage(_previewData); if (preview.title.isEmpty()) { if (_previewData->document) { preview.title = tr::lng_attach_file(tr::now); } else if (_previewData->photo) { preview.title = tr::lng_attach_photo(tr::now); } } _previewTitle.setText( st::msgNameStyle, preview.title, Ui::NameTextOptions()); _previewDescription.setText( st::messageTextStyle, preview.description, Ui::DialogTextOptions()); } } else if (!readyToForward() && !replyToId() && !_editMsgId) { _fieldBarCancel->hide(); updateMouseTracking(); } updateControlsGeometry(); update(); } void HistoryWidget::fullInfoUpdated() { auto refresh = false; if (_list) { if (updateCanSendMessage()) { refresh = true; } checkFieldAutocomplete(); _list->updateBotInfo(); handlePeerUpdate(); checkSuggestToGigagroup(); } if (updateCmdStartShown()) { refresh = true; } else if (!_scroll->isHidden() && _unblock->isHidden() == isBlocked()) { refresh = true; } if (refresh) { updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } } void HistoryWidget::handlePeerUpdate() { bool resize = false; updateHistoryGeometry(); if (_peer->isChat() && _peer->asChat()->noParticipantInfo()) { session().api().requestFullPeer(_peer); } else if (_peer->isUser() && (_peer->asUser()->blockStatus() == UserData::BlockStatus::Unknown || _peer->asUser()->callsStatus() == UserData::CallsStatus::Unknown)) { session().api().requestFullPeer(_peer); } else if (auto channel = _peer->asMegagroup()) { if (!channel->mgInfo->botStatus) { session().api().chatParticipants().requestBots(channel); } if (channel->mgInfo->admins.empty()) { session().api().chatParticipants().requestAdmins(channel); } } if (!_a_show.animating()) { if (_unblock->isHidden() == isBlocked() || (!isBlocked() && _joinChannel->isHidden() == isJoinChannel())) { resize = true; } if (updateCanSendMessage()) { resize = true; } updateControlsVisibility(); if (resize) { updateControlsGeometry(); } } } bool HistoryWidget::updateCanSendMessage() { const auto replyTo = (_replyToId && !_editMsgId) ? _replyEditMsg : 0; const auto topic = replyTo ? replyTo->topic() : nullptr; const auto newCanSendMessages = topic ? topic->canWrite() : _peer->canWrite(); if (_canSendMessages == newCanSendMessages) { return false; } _canSendMessages = newCanSendMessages; if (!_canSendMessages) { cancelReply(); } refreshScheduledToggle(); refreshSilentToggle(); return true; } void HistoryWidget::forwardSelected() { if (!_list) { return; } const auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(this); Window::ShowForwardMessagesBox(controller(), getSelectedItems(), [=] { if (const auto strong = weak.data()) { strong->clearSelected(); } }); } void HistoryWidget::confirmDeleteSelected() { if (!_list) return; auto items = _list->getSelectedItems(); if (items.empty()) { return; } auto box = Box(&session(), std::move(items)); box->setDeleteConfirmedCallback(crl::guard(this, [=] { clearSelected(); })); controller()->show(std::move(box)); } void HistoryWidget::escape() { if (_composeSearch) { _composeSearch->hideAnimated(); } else if (_chooseForReport) { controller()->clearChooseReportMessages(); } else if (_nonEmptySelection && _list) { clearSelected(); } else if (_isInlineBot) { cancelInlineBot(); } else if (_editMsgId) { if (_replyEditMsg && PrepareEditText(_replyEditMsg) != _field->getTextWithTags()) { controller()->show(Ui::MakeConfirmBox({ .text = tr::lng_cancel_edit_post_sure(), .confirmed = crl::guard(this, [this](Fn &&close) { if (_editMsgId) { cancelEdit(); close(); } }), .confirmText = tr::lng_cancel_edit_post_yes(), .cancelText = tr::lng_cancel_edit_post_no(), })); } else { cancelEdit(); } } else if (!_fieldAutocomplete->isHidden()) { _fieldAutocomplete->hideAnimated(); } else if (_replyToId && _field->getTextWithTags().text.isEmpty()) { cancelReply(); } else if (auto &voice = _voiceRecordBar; voice->isActive()) { voice->showDiscardBox(nullptr, anim::type::normal); } else { _cancelRequests.fire({}); } } void HistoryWidget::clearSelected() { if (_list) { _list->clearSelected(); } } HistoryItem *HistoryWidget::getItemFromHistoryOrMigrated(MsgId genericMsgId) const { return (genericMsgId < 0 && -genericMsgId < ServerMaxMsgId && _migrated) ? session().data().message(_migrated->peer, -genericMsgId) : _peer ? session().data().message(_peer, genericMsgId) : nullptr; } MessageIdsList HistoryWidget::getSelectedItems() const { return _list ? _list->getSelectedItems() : MessageIdsList(); } void HistoryWidget::updateTopBarChooseForReport() { if (_chooseForReport && _chooseForReport->active) { _topBar->showChooseMessagesForReport( _chooseForReport->reason); } else { _topBar->clearChooseMessagesForReport(); } updateTopBarSelection(); updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } void HistoryWidget::updateTopBarSelection() { if (!_list) { _topBar->showSelected(HistoryView::TopBarWidget::SelectedState {}); return; } auto selectedState = _list->getSelectionState(); _nonEmptySelection = (selectedState.count > 0) || selectedState.textSelected; _topBar->showSelected(selectedState); if ((selectedState.count > 0) && _composeSearch) { _composeSearch->hideAnimated(); } const auto transparent = Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents; if (selectedState.count == 0) { _reportMessages->clearState(); _reportMessages->setAttribute(transparent); _reportMessages->setColorOverride(st::windowSubTextFg->c); } else if (_reportMessages->testAttribute(transparent)) { _reportMessages->setAttribute(transparent, false); _reportMessages->setColorOverride(std::nullopt); } _reportMessages->setText(Ui::Text::Upper(selectedState.count ? tr::lng_report_messages_count( tr::now, lt_count, selectedState.count) : tr::lng_report_messages_none(tr::now))); updateControlsVisibility(); updateHistoryGeometry(); if (!Ui::isLayerShown() && !Core::App().passcodeLocked()) { if (isSearching()) { _composeSearch->setInnerFocus(); } else if (_nonEmptySelection || (_list && _list->wasSelectedText()) || isRecording() || isBotStart() || isBlocked() || !_canSendMessages) { _list->setFocus(); } else { _field->setFocus(); } } _topBar->update(); update(); } void HistoryWidget::messageDataReceived( not_null peer, MsgId msgId) { if (!_peer || _peer != peer || !msgId) { return; } else if (_editMsgId == msgId || _replyToId == msgId) { updateReplyEditTexts(true); } } void HistoryWidget::updateReplyEditText(not_null item) { const auto context = Core::MarkedTextContext{ .session = &session(), .customEmojiRepaint = [=] { updateField(); }, }; _replyEditMsgText.setMarkedText( st::messageTextStyle, item->inReplyText(), Ui::DialogTextOptions(), context); if (!_field->isHidden() || isRecording()) { _fieldBarCancel->show(); updateMouseTracking(); } } void HistoryWidget::updateReplyEditTexts(bool force) { if (!force) { if (_replyEditMsg || (!_editMsgId && !_replyToId)) { return; } } if (!_replyEditMsg && _peer) { _replyEditMsg = session().data().message( _peer->id, _editMsgId ? _editMsgId : _replyToId); } if (_replyEditMsg) { updateReplyEditText(_replyEditMsg); updateBotKeyboard(); updateReplyToName(); updateField(); } else if (force) { if (_editMsgId) { cancelEdit(); } else { cancelReply(); } } } void HistoryWidget::updateForwarding() { _forwardPanel->update(_history, _history ? _history->resolveForwardDraft(MsgId()) : Data::ResolvedForwardDraft()); if (readyToForward()) { cancelReply(); } updateControlsVisibility(); updateControlsGeometry(); } void HistoryWidget::updateReplyToName() { if (_editMsgId) { return; } else if (!_replyEditMsg && (_replyToId || !_kbReplyTo)) { return; } const auto from = [&] { const auto item = _replyEditMsg ? _replyEditMsg : _kbReplyTo; if (const auto from = item->displayFrom()) { return from; } return item->author().get(); }(); _replyToName.setText( st::msgNameStyle, from->name(), Ui::NameTextOptions()); _replyToNameVersion = (_replyEditMsg ? _replyEditMsg : _kbReplyTo)->author()->nameVersion(); } void HistoryWidget::updateField() { if (_repaintFieldScheduled) { return; } _repaintFieldScheduled = true; const auto fieldAreaTop = _scroll->y() + _scroll->height(); rtlupdate(0, fieldAreaTop, width(), height() - fieldAreaTop); } void HistoryWidget::drawField(Painter &p, const QRect &rect) { _repaintFieldScheduled = false; auto backy = _field->y() - st::historySendPadding; auto backh = _field->height() + 2 * st::historySendPadding; auto hasForward = readyToForward(); auto drawMsgText = (_editMsgId || _replyToId) ? _replyEditMsg : _kbReplyTo; if (_editMsgId || _replyToId || (!hasForward && _kbReplyTo)) { if (!_editMsgId && drawMsgText && (_replyToNameVersion < drawMsgText->author()->nameVersion())) { updateReplyToName(); } backy -= st::historyReplyHeight; backh += st::historyReplyHeight; } else if (hasForward) { backy -= st::historyReplyHeight; backh += st::historyReplyHeight; } else if (_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0) { backy -= st::historyReplyHeight; backh += st::historyReplyHeight; } auto drawWebPagePreview = (_previewData && _previewData->pendingTill >= 0) && !_replyForwardPressed; p.setInactive( controller()->isGifPausedAtLeastFor(Window::GifPauseReason::Any)); p.fillRect(myrtlrect(0, backy, width(), backh), st::historyReplyBg); if (_editMsgId || _replyToId || (!hasForward && _kbReplyTo)) { auto replyLeft = st::historyReplySkip; (_editMsgId ? st::historyEditIcon : st::historyReplyIcon).paint(p, st::historyReplyIconPosition + QPoint(0, backy), width()); if (!drawWebPagePreview) { if (drawMsgText) { if (drawMsgText->media() && drawMsgText->media()->hasReplyPreview()) { if (const auto image = drawMsgText->media()->replyPreview()) { auto to = QRect(replyLeft, backy + st::msgReplyPadding.top(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height()); p.drawPixmap(to.x(), to.y(), image->pixSingle( image->size() / style::DevicePixelRatio(), { .options = Images::Option::RoundSmall, .outer = to.size(), })); } replyLeft += st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x(); } p.setPen(st::historyReplyNameFg); if (_editMsgId) { paintEditHeader(p, rect, replyLeft, backy); } else { _replyToName.drawElided(p, replyLeft, backy + st::msgReplyPadding.top(), width() - replyLeft - _fieldBarCancel->width() - st::msgReplyPadding.right()); } p.setPen(st::historyComposeAreaFg); _replyEditMsgText.draw(p, { .position = QPoint( replyLeft, backy + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgServiceNameFont->height), .availableWidth = width() - replyLeft - _fieldBarCancel->width() - st::msgReplyPadding.right(), .palette = &st::historyComposeAreaPalette, .spoiler = Ui::Text::DefaultSpoilerCache(), .now = crl::now(), .paused = p.inactive(), .elisionLines = 1, }); } else { p.setFont(st::msgDateFont); p.setPen(st::historyComposeAreaFgService); p.drawText(replyLeft, backy + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() - st::msgDateFont->height) / 2 + st::msgDateFont->ascent, st::msgDateFont->elided(tr::lng_profile_loading(tr::now), width() - replyLeft - _fieldBarCancel->width() - st::msgReplyPadding.right())); } } } else if (hasForward) { st::historyForwardIcon.paint(p, st::historyReplyIconPosition + QPoint(0, backy), width()); if (!drawWebPagePreview) { const auto x = st::historyReplySkip; const auto available = width() - x - _fieldBarCancel->width() - st::msgReplyPadding.right(); _forwardPanel->paint(p, x, backy, available, width()); } } if (drawWebPagePreview) { const auto textTop = backy + st::msgReplyPadding.top(); auto previewLeft = st::historyReplySkip + st::webPageLeft; p.fillRect( st::historyReplySkip, textTop, st::webPageBar, st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), st::msgInReplyBarColor); const auto to = QRect( previewLeft, textTop, st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height()); if (HistoryView::DrawWebPageDataPreview(p, _previewData, _peer, to)) { previewLeft += st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x(); } p.setPen(st::historyReplyNameFg); const auto elidedWidth = width() - previewLeft - _fieldBarCancel->width() - st::msgReplyPadding.right(); _previewTitle.drawElided( p, previewLeft, textTop, elidedWidth); p.setPen(st::historyComposeAreaFg); _previewDescription.drawElided( p, previewLeft, textTop + st::msgServiceNameFont->height, elidedWidth); } } void HistoryWidget::drawRestrictedWrite(Painter &p, const QString &error) { auto rect = myrtlrect(0, height() - _unblock->height(), width(), _unblock->height()); p.fillRect(rect, st::historyReplyBg); p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(st::windowSubTextFg); p.drawText(rect.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::historySendPadding, 0, st::historySendPadding, 0)), error, style::al_center); } void HistoryWidget::paintEditHeader(Painter &p, const QRect &rect, int left, int top) const { if (!rect.intersects(myrtlrect(left, top, width() - left, st::normalFont->height))) { return; } p.setFont(st::msgServiceNameFont); p.drawTextLeft(left, top + st::msgReplyPadding.top(), width(), tr::lng_edit_message(tr::now)); if (!_replyEditMsg || _replyEditMsg->history()->peer->canEditMessagesIndefinitely()) { return; } QString editTimeLeftText; int updateIn = -1; auto timeSinceMessage = ItemDateTime(_replyEditMsg).msecsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); auto editTimeLeft = (session().serverConfig().editTimeLimit * 1000LL) - timeSinceMessage; if (editTimeLeft < 2) { editTimeLeftText = qsl("0:00"); } else if (editTimeLeft > kDisplayEditTimeWarningMs) { updateIn = static_cast(qMin(editTimeLeft - kDisplayEditTimeWarningMs, qint64(kFullDayInMs))); } else { updateIn = static_cast(editTimeLeft % 1000); if (!updateIn) { updateIn = 1000; } ++updateIn; editTimeLeft = (editTimeLeft - 1) / 1000; // seconds editTimeLeftText = qsl("%1:%2").arg(editTimeLeft / 60).arg(editTimeLeft % 60, 2, 10, QChar('0')); } // Restart timer only if we are sure that we've painted the whole timer. if (rect.contains(myrtlrect(left, top, width() - left, st::normalFont->height)) && updateIn > 0) { _updateEditTimeLeftDisplay.callOnce(updateIn); } if (!editTimeLeftText.isEmpty()) { p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(st::historyComposeAreaFgService); p.drawText(left + st::msgServiceNameFont->width(tr::lng_edit_message(tr::now)) + st::normalFont->spacew, top + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgServiceNameFont->ascent, editTimeLeftText); } } bool HistoryWidget::paintShowAnimationFrame() { auto progress = _a_show.value(1.); if (!_a_show.animating()) { return false; } Painter p(this); auto animationWidth = width(); auto retina = cIntRetinaFactor(); auto fromLeft = (_showDirection == Window::SlideDirection::FromLeft); auto coordUnder = fromLeft ? anim::interpolate(-st::slideShift, 0, progress) : anim::interpolate(0, -st::slideShift, progress); auto coordOver = fromLeft ? anim::interpolate(0, animationWidth, progress) : anim::interpolate(animationWidth, 0, progress); auto shadow = fromLeft ? (1. - progress) : progress; if (coordOver > 0) { p.drawPixmap(QRect(0, 0, coordOver, height()), _cacheUnder, QRect(-coordUnder * retina, 0, coordOver * retina, height() * retina)); p.setOpacity(shadow); p.fillRect(0, 0, coordOver, height(), st::slideFadeOutBg); p.setOpacity(1); } p.drawPixmap(QRect(coordOver, 0, _cacheOver.width() / retina, height()), _cacheOver, QRect(0, 0, _cacheOver.width(), height() * retina)); p.setOpacity(shadow); st::slideShadow.fill(p, QRect(coordOver - st::slideShadow.width(), 0, st::slideShadow.width(), height())); return true; } void HistoryWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { if (paintShowAnimationFrame() || controller()->window().widget()->contentOverlapped(this, e)) { return; } if (hasPendingResizedItems()) { updateListSize(); } Window::SectionWidget::PaintBackground( controller(), controller()->currentChatTheme(), this, e->rect()); Painter p(this); const auto clip = e->rect(); if (_list) { if (!_field->isHidden() || isRecording()) { drawField(p, clip); } else if (const auto error = writeRestriction()) { drawRestrictedWrite(p, *error); } } else { const auto w = st::msgServiceFont->width(tr::lng_willbe_history(tr::now)) + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); const auto h = st::msgServiceFont->height + st::msgServicePadding.top() + st::msgServicePadding.bottom(); const auto tr = QRect( (width() - w) / 2, st::msgServiceMargin.top() + (height() - _field->height() - 2 * st::historySendPadding - h - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom()) / 2, w, h); const auto st = controller()->chatStyle(); HistoryView::ServiceMessagePainter::PaintBubble(p, st, tr); p.setPen(st->msgServiceFg()); p.setFont(st::msgServiceFont->f); p.drawTextLeft(tr.left() + st::msgPadding.left(), tr.top() + st::msgServicePadding.top(), width(), tr::lng_willbe_history(tr::now)); //AssertIsDebug(); //Ui::EmptyUserpic::PaintRepliesMessages(p, width() / 4, width() / 4, width(), width() / 2); } } QPoint HistoryWidget::clampMousePosition(QPoint point) { if (point.x() < 0) { point.setX(0); } else if (point.x() >= _scroll->width()) { point.setX(_scroll->width() - 1); } if (point.y() < _scroll->scrollTop()) { point.setY(_scroll->scrollTop()); } else if (point.y() >= _scroll->scrollTop() + _scroll->height()) { point.setY(_scroll->scrollTop() + _scroll->height() - 1); } return point; } bool HistoryWidget::touchScroll(const QPoint &delta) { const auto scTop = _scroll->scrollTop(); const auto scMax = _scroll->scrollTopMax(); const auto scNew = std::clamp(scTop - delta.y(), 0, scMax); if (scNew == scTop) { return false; } _scroll->scrollToY(scNew); return true; } void HistoryWidget::synteticScrollToY(int y) { _synteticScrollEvent = true; if (_scroll->scrollTop() == y) { visibleAreaUpdated(); } else { _scroll->scrollToY(y); } _synteticScrollEvent = false; } HistoryWidget::~HistoryWidget() { if (_history) { // Saving a draft on account switching. saveFieldToHistoryLocalDraft(); session().api().saveDraftToCloudDelayed(_history); setHistory(nullptr); session().data().itemVisibilitiesUpdated(); } setTabbedPanel(nullptr); }