/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "boxes/peers/edit_contact_box.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_peer_common.h" #include "ui/wrap/vertical_layout.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/widgets/checkbox.h" #include "ui/widgets/input_fields.h" #include "ui/text/format_values.h" // Ui::FormatPhone #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "info/profile/info_profile_cover.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "api/api_peer_photo.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_info.h" namespace { QString UserPhone(not_null user) { const auto phone = user->phone(); return phone.isEmpty() ? user->owner().findContactPhone(peerToUser(user->id)) : phone; } void SendRequest( QPointer box, not_null user, bool sharePhone, const QString &first, const QString &last, const QString &phone, Fn done) { const auto wasContact = user->isContact(); using Flag = MTPcontacts_AddContact::Flag; user->session().api().request(MTPcontacts_AddContact( MTP_flags(sharePhone ? Flag::f_add_phone_privacy_exception : Flag(0)), user->inputUser, MTP_string(first), MTP_string(last), MTP_string(phone) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { user->setName( first, last, user->nameOrPhone, user->username()); user->session().api().applyUpdates(result); if (const auto settings = user->settings()) { const auto flags = PeerSetting::AddContact | PeerSetting::BlockContact | PeerSetting::ReportSpam; user->setSettings(*settings & ~flags); } if (box) { if (!wasContact) { Ui::Toast::Show( Ui::BoxShow(box.data()).toastParent(), tr::lng_new_contact_add_done(tr::now, lt_user, first)); } box->closeBox(); } done(); }).send(); } class Controller { public: Controller( not_null box, not_null window, not_null user); void prepare(); private: void setupContent(); void setupCover(); void setupNameFields(); void setupWarning(); void setupSharePhoneNumber(); void initNameFields( not_null first, not_null last, bool inverted); not_null _box; not_null _window; not_null _user; Ui::Checkbox *_sharePhone = nullptr; QString _phone; Fn _focus; Fn _save; Fn()> _updatedPersonalPhoto; }; Controller::Controller( not_null box, not_null window, not_null user) : _box(box) , _window(window) , _user(user) , _phone(UserPhone(user)) { } void Controller::prepare() { setupContent(); _box->setTitle(_user->isContact() ? tr::lng_edit_contact_title() : tr::lng_enter_contact_data()); _box->addButton(tr::lng_box_done(), _save); _box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { _box->closeBox(); }); _box->setFocusCallback(_focus); } void Controller::setupContent() { setupCover(); setupNameFields(); setupWarning(); setupSharePhoneNumber(); } void Controller::setupCover() { const auto cover = _box->addRow( object_ptr( _box, _window, _user, Info::Profile::Cover::Role::EditContact, (_phone.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_contact_mobile_hidden() : rpl::single(Ui::FormatPhone(_phone)))), style::margins()); _updatedPersonalPhoto = [=] { return cover->updatedPersonalPhoto(); }; } void Controller::setupNameFields() { const auto inverted = langFirstNameGoesSecond(); const auto first = _box->addRow( object_ptr( _box, st::defaultInputField, tr::lng_signup_firstname(), _user->firstName), st::addContactFieldMargin); auto preparedLast = object_ptr( _box, st::defaultInputField, tr::lng_signup_lastname(), _user->lastName); const auto last = inverted ? _box->insertRow( _box->rowsCount() - 1, std::move(preparedLast), st::addContactFieldMargin) : _box->addRow(std::move(preparedLast), st::addContactFieldMargin); initNameFields(first, last, inverted); } void Controller::initNameFields( not_null first, not_null last, bool inverted) { const auto getValue = [](not_null field) { return TextUtilities::SingleLine(field->getLastText()).trimmed(); }; if (inverted) { _box->setTabOrder(last, first); } _focus = [=] { const auto firstValue = getValue(first); const auto lastValue = getValue(last); const auto empty = firstValue.isEmpty() && lastValue.isEmpty(); const auto focusFirst = (inverted != empty); (focusFirst ? first : last)->setFocusFast(); }; _save = [=] { const auto firstValue = getValue(first); const auto lastValue = getValue(last); const auto empty = firstValue.isEmpty() && lastValue.isEmpty(); if (empty) { _focus(); (inverted ? last : first)->showError(); return; } const auto user = _user; const auto personal = _updatedPersonalPhoto ? _updatedPersonalPhoto() : std::nullopt; const auto done = [=] { if (personal) { if (personal->isNull()) { user->session().api().peerPhoto().clearPersonal(user); } else { user->session().api().peerPhoto().upload( user, base::duplicate(*personal)); } } }; SendRequest( Ui::MakeWeak(_box), user, _sharePhone && _sharePhone->checked(), firstValue, lastValue, _phone, done); }; const auto submit = [=] { const auto firstValue = first->getLastText().trimmed(); const auto lastValue = last->getLastText().trimmed(); const auto empty = firstValue.isEmpty() && lastValue.isEmpty(); if (inverted ? last->hasFocus() : empty) { first->setFocus(); } else if (inverted ? empty : first->hasFocus()) { last->setFocus(); } else { _save(); } }; QObject::connect(first, &Ui::InputField::submitted, submit); QObject::connect(last, &Ui::InputField::submitted, submit); first->setMaxLength(Ui::EditPeer::kMaxUserFirstLastName); first->setMaxLength(Ui::EditPeer::kMaxUserFirstLastName); } void Controller::setupWarning() { if (_user->isContact() || !_phone.isEmpty()) { return; } _box->addRow( object_ptr( _box, tr::lng_contact_phone_after(tr::now, lt_user, _user->shortName()), st::changePhoneLabel), st::addContactWarningMargin); } void Controller::setupSharePhoneNumber() { const auto settings = _user->settings(); if (!settings || !((*settings) & PeerSetting::NeedContactsException)) { return; } _sharePhone = _box->addRow( object_ptr( _box, tr::lng_contact_share_phone(tr::now), true, st::defaultBoxCheckbox), st::addContactWarningMargin); _box->addRow( object_ptr( _box, tr::lng_contact_phone_will_be_shared(tr::now, lt_user, _user->shortName()), st::changePhoneLabel), st::addContactWarningMargin); } } // namespace void EditContactBox( not_null box, not_null window, not_null user) { box->lifetime().make_state(box, window, user)->prepare(); }