/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "mainwidget.h" #include #include #include #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_web_page.h" #include "data/data_game.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" #include "data/data_drafts.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_feed.h" #include "ui/special_buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "window/section_memento.h" #include "window/section_widget.h" #include "ui/widgets/dropdown_menu.h" #include "ui/focus_persister.h" #include "ui/resize_area.h" #include "ui/text_options.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "chat_helpers/message_field.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers.h" #include "info/info_memento.h" #include "info/info_controller.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_widget.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_key.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_widget.h" #include "history/history_message.h" #include "history/history_media.h" #include "history/view/history_view_service_message.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "lang/lang_cloud_manager.h" #include "boxes/add_contact_box.h" #include "storage/file_upload.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "boxes/sticker_set_box.h" #include "boxes/mute_settings_box.h" #include "boxes/peer_list_controllers.h" #include "boxes/download_path_box.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "shortcuts.h" #include "media/media_audio.h" #include "media/player/media_player_panel.h" #include "media/player/media_player_widget.h" #include "media/player/media_player_volume_controller.h" #include "media/player/media_player_instance.h" #include "media/player/media_player_float.h" #include "base/qthelp_regex.h" #include "base/qthelp_url.h" #include "base/flat_set.h" #include "window/player_wrap_widget.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "window/window_slide_animation.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "mtproto/dc_options.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "calls/calls_top_bar.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "storage/storage_facade.h" #include "storage/storage_shared_media.h" #include "storage/storage_user_photos.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" enum StackItemType { HistoryStackItem, SectionStackItem, }; class StackItem { public: StackItem(PeerData *peer) : _peer(peer) { } PeerData *peer() const { return _peer; } void setThirdSectionMemento( std::unique_ptr &&memento); std::unique_ptr takeThirdSectionMemento() { return std::move(_thirdSectionMemento); } void setThirdSectionWeak(QPointer section) { _thirdSectionWeak = section; } QPointer thirdSectionWeak() const { return _thirdSectionWeak; } virtual StackItemType type() const = 0; virtual ~StackItem() = default; private: PeerData *_peer = nullptr; QPointer _thirdSectionWeak; std::unique_ptr _thirdSectionMemento; }; class StackItemHistory : public StackItem { public: StackItemHistory( not_null history, MsgId msgId, QList replyReturns) : StackItem(history->peer) , history(history) , msgId(msgId) , replyReturns(replyReturns) { } StackItemType type() const override { return HistoryStackItem; } not_null history; MsgId msgId; QList replyReturns; }; class StackItemSection : public StackItem { public: StackItemSection( std::unique_ptr &&memento); StackItemType type() const override { return SectionStackItem; } Window::SectionMemento *memento() const { return _memento.get(); } private: std::unique_ptr _memento; }; void StackItem::setThirdSectionMemento( std::unique_ptr &&memento) { _thirdSectionMemento = std::move(memento); } StackItemSection::StackItemSection( std::unique_ptr &&memento) : StackItem(nullptr) , _memento(std::move(memento)) { } template MainWidget::Float::Float( QWidget *parent, not_null controller, not_null item, ToggleCallback toggle, DraggedCallback dragged) : animationSide(RectPart::Right) , column(Window::Column::Second) , corner(RectPart::TopRight) , widget( parent, controller, item, [this, toggle = std::move(toggle)](bool visible) { toggle(this, visible); }, [this, dragged = std::move(dragged)](bool closed) { dragged(this, closed); }) { } MainWidget::MainWidget( QWidget *parent, not_null controller) : RpWidget(parent) , _controller(controller) , _dialogsWidth(st::columnMinimalWidthLeft) , _thirdColumnWidth(st::columnMinimalWidthThird) , _sideShadow(this) , _dialogs(this, _controller) , _history(this, _controller) , _playerPlaylist( this, _controller, Media::Player::Panel::Layout::OnlyPlaylist) , _playerPanel(this, _controller, Media::Player::Panel::Layout::Full) { Messenger::Instance().mtp()->setUpdatesHandler(rpcDone(&MainWidget::updateReceived)); Messenger::Instance().mtp()->setGlobalFailHandler(rpcFail(&MainWidget::updateFail)); _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(true); updateScrollColors(); connect(_dialogs, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(dialogsCancelled())); connect(this, SIGNAL(dialogsUpdated()), _dialogs, SLOT(onListScroll())); connect(_history, SIGNAL(cancelled()), _dialogs, SLOT(activate())); connect(&noUpdatesTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(mtpPing())); connect(&_onlineTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateOnline())); connect(&_idleFinishTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkIdleFinish())); connect(&_bySeqTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(getDifference())); connect(&_byPtsTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onGetDifferenceTimeByPts())); connect(&_byMinChannelTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(getDifference())); connect(&_failDifferenceTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail())); connect(&updateNotifySettingTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onUpdateNotifySettings())); subscribe(Media::Player::Updated(), [this](const AudioMsgId &audioId) { if (audioId.type() != AudioMsgId::Type::Video) { handleAudioUpdate(audioId); } }); subscribe(Auth().calls().currentCallChanged(), [this](Calls::Call *call) { setCurrentCall(call); }); subscribe(_controller->dialogsListFocused(), [this](bool) { updateDialogsWidthAnimated(); }); subscribe(_controller->dialogsListDisplayForced(), [this](bool) { updateDialogsWidthAnimated(); }); rpl::merge( Auth().settings().dialogsWidthRatioChanges() | rpl::map([] { return rpl::empty_value(); }), Auth().settings().thirdColumnWidthChanges() | rpl::map([] { return rpl::empty_value(); }) ) | rpl::start_with_next( [this] { updateControlsGeometry(); }, lifetime()); subscribe(_controller->floatPlayerAreaUpdated(), [this] { checkFloatPlayerVisibility(); }); using namespace rpl::mappers; _controller->activeChatValue( ) | rpl::map([](Dialogs::Key key) { const auto peer = key.peer(); auto canWrite = peer ? Data::CanWriteValue(peer) : rpl::single(false); return std::move(canWrite) | rpl::map(tuple(key, _1)); }) | rpl::flatten_latest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](Dialogs::Key key, bool canWrite) { updateThirdColumnToCurrentChat(key, canWrite); }, lifetime()); QCoreApplication::instance()->installEventFilter(this); connect(&_updateMutedTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onUpdateMuted())); connect(&_viewsIncrementTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onViewsIncrement())); using Update = Window::Theme::BackgroundUpdate; subscribe(Window::Theme::Background(), [this](const Update &update) { if (update.type == Update::Type::New || update.type == Update::Type::Changed) { clearCachedBackground(); } }); connect(&_cacheBackgroundTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onCacheBackground())); _playerPanel->setPinCallback([this] { switchToFixedPlayer(); }); _playerPanel->setCloseCallback([this] { closeBothPlayers(); }); subscribe(Media::Player::instance()->titleButtonOver(), [this](bool over) { if (over) { _playerPanel->showFromOther(); } else { _playerPanel->hideFromOther(); } }); subscribe(Media::Player::instance()->playerWidgetOver(), [this](bool over) { if (over) { if (_playerPlaylist->isHidden()) { auto position = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()).x(); auto bestPosition = _playerPlaylist->bestPositionFor(position); if (rtl()) bestPosition = position + 2 * (position - bestPosition) - _playerPlaylist->width(); updateMediaPlaylistPosition(bestPosition); } _playerPlaylist->showFromOther(); } else { _playerPlaylist->hideFromOther(); } }); subscribe(Media::Player::instance()->tracksFinishedNotifier(), [this](AudioMsgId::Type type) { if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) { auto songState = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Song); if (!songState.id || IsStoppedOrStopping(songState.state)) { closeBothPlayers(); } } }); subscribe(Media::Player::instance()->trackChangedNotifier(), [this](AudioMsgId::Type type) { if (type == AudioMsgId::Type::Voice) { checkCurrentFloatPlayer(); } }); subscribe(Adaptive::Changed(), [this]() { handleAdaptiveLayoutUpdate(); }); _dialogs->show(); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { _history->hide(); } else { _history->show(); } orderWidgets(); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE Sandbox::startUpdateCheck(); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE } void MainWidget::checkCurrentFloatPlayer() { const auto state = Media::Player::instance()->current(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); const auto fullId = state.contextId(); const auto last = currentFloatPlayer(); if (last && !last->widget->detached() && last->widget->item()->fullId() == fullId) { return; } if (last) { last->widget->detach(); } if (const auto item = App::histItemById(fullId)) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { if (document->isVideoMessage()) { createFloatPlayer(item); } } } } } void MainWidget::createFloatPlayer(not_null item) { _playerFloats.push_back(std::make_unique( this, _controller, item, [this](not_null instance, bool visible) { instance->hiddenByWidget = !visible; toggleFloatPlayer(instance); }, [this](not_null instance, bool closed) { finishFloatPlayerDrag(instance, closed); })); currentFloatPlayer()->column = Auth().settings().floatPlayerColumn(); currentFloatPlayer()->corner = Auth().settings().floatPlayerCorner(); checkFloatPlayerVisibility(); } void MainWidget::toggleFloatPlayer(not_null instance) { auto visible = !instance->hiddenByHistory && !instance->hiddenByWidget && instance->widget->isReady(); if (instance->visible != visible) { instance->widget->resetMouseState(); instance->visible = visible; if (!instance->visibleAnimation.animating() && !instance->hiddenByDrag) { auto finalRect = QRect(getFloatPlayerPosition(instance), instance->widget->size()); instance->animationSide = getFloatPlayerSide(finalRect.center()); } instance->visibleAnimation.start([this, instance] { updateFloatPlayerPosition(instance); }, visible ? 0. : 1., visible ? 1. : 0., st::slideDuration, visible ? anim::easeOutCirc : anim::linear); updateFloatPlayerPosition(instance); } } void MainWidget::checkFloatPlayerVisibility() { auto instance = currentFloatPlayer(); if (!instance) { return; } auto amVisible = false; if (auto item = instance->widget->item()) { Auth().data().queryItemVisibility().notify({ item, &amVisible }, true); } instance->hiddenByHistory = amVisible; toggleFloatPlayer(instance); updateFloatPlayerPosition(instance); } void MainWidget::updateFloatPlayerPosition(not_null instance) { auto visible = instance->visibleAnimation.current(instance->visible ? 1. : 0.); if (visible == 0. && !instance->visible) { instance->widget->hide(); if (instance->widget->detached()) { InvokeQueued(instance->widget, [this, instance] { removeFloatPlayer(instance); }); } return; } if (!instance->widget->dragged()) { if (instance->widget->isHidden()) { instance->widget->show(); } auto dragged = instance->draggedAnimation.current(1.); auto position = QPoint(); if (instance->hiddenByDrag) { instance->widget->setOpacity(instance->widget->countOpacityByParent()); position = getFloatPlayerHiddenPosition(instance->dragFrom, instance->widget->size(), instance->animationSide); } else { instance->widget->setOpacity(visible * visible); position = getFloatPlayerPosition(instance); if (visible < 1.) { auto hiddenPosition = getFloatPlayerHiddenPosition(position, instance->widget->size(), instance->animationSide); position.setX(anim::interpolate(hiddenPosition.x(), position.x(), visible)); position.setY(anim::interpolate(hiddenPosition.y(), position.y(), visible)); } } if (dragged < 1.) { position.setX(anim::interpolate(instance->dragFrom.x(), position.x(), dragged)); position.setY(anim::interpolate(instance->dragFrom.y(), position.y(), dragged)); } instance->widget->move(position); } } QPoint MainWidget::getFloatPlayerHiddenPosition(QPoint position, QSize size, RectPart side) const { switch (side) { case RectPart::Left: return QPoint(-size.width(), position.y()); case RectPart::Top: return QPoint(position.x(), -size.height()); case RectPart::Right: return QPoint(width(), position.y()); case RectPart::Bottom: return QPoint(position.x(), height()); } Unexpected("Bad side in MainWidget::getFloatPlayerHiddenPosition()."); } QPoint MainWidget::getFloatPlayerPosition(not_null instance) const { auto section = getFloatPlayerSection(instance->column); auto rect = section->rectForFloatPlayer(); auto position = rect.topLeft(); if (IsBottomCorner(instance->corner)) { position.setY(position.y() + rect.height() - instance->widget->height()); } if (IsRightCorner(instance->corner)) { position.setX(position.x() + rect.width() - instance->widget->width()); } return mapFromGlobal(position); } RectPart MainWidget::getFloatPlayerSide(QPoint center) const { auto left = qAbs(center.x()); auto right = qAbs(width() - center.x()); auto top = qAbs(center.y()); auto bottom = qAbs(height() - center.y()); if (left < right && left < top && left < bottom) { return RectPart::Left; } else if (right < top && right < bottom) { return RectPart::Right; } else if (top < bottom) { return RectPart::Top; } return RectPart::Bottom; } void MainWidget::removeFloatPlayer(not_null instance) { auto widget = std::move(instance->widget); auto i = std::find_if(_playerFloats.begin(), _playerFloats.end(), [instance](auto &item) { return (item.get() == instance); }); Assert(i != _playerFloats.end()); _playerFloats.erase(i); // ~QWidget() can call HistoryInner::enterEvent() which can // lead to repaintHistoryItem() and we'll have an instance // in _playerFloats with destroyed widget. So we destroy the // instance first and only after that destroy the widget. widget.destroy(); } Window::AbstractSectionWidget *MainWidget::getFloatPlayerSection(Window::Column column) const { if (Adaptive::ThreeColumn()) { if (column == Window::Column::First) { return _dialogs; } else if (column == Window::Column::Second || !_thirdSection) { if (_mainSection) { return _mainSection; } return _history; } return _thirdSection; } else if (Adaptive::Normal()) { if (column == Window::Column::First) { return _dialogs; } else if (_mainSection) { return _mainSection; } return _history; } if (Adaptive::OneColumn() && selectingPeer()) { return _dialogs; } else if (_mainSection) { return _mainSection; } else if (!Adaptive::OneColumn() || _history->peer()) { return _history; } return _dialogs; } void MainWidget::updateFloatPlayerColumnCorner(QPoint center) { Expects(!_playerFloats.empty()); auto size = _playerFloats.back()->widget->size(); auto min = INT_MAX; auto column = Auth().settings().floatPlayerColumn(); auto corner = Auth().settings().floatPlayerCorner(); auto checkSection = [this, center, size, &min, &column, &corner]( Window::AbstractSectionWidget *widget, Window::Column widgetColumn) { auto rect = mapFromGlobal(widget->rectForFloatPlayer()); auto left = rect.x() + (size.width() / 2); auto right = rect.x() + rect.width() - (size.width() / 2); auto top = rect.y() + (size.height() / 2); auto bottom = rect.y() + rect.height() - (size.height() / 2); auto checkCorner = [&](QPoint point, RectPart checked) { auto distance = (point - center).manhattanLength(); if (min > distance) { min = distance; column = widgetColumn; corner = checked; } }; checkCorner({ left, top }, RectPart::TopLeft); checkCorner({ right, top }, RectPart::TopRight); checkCorner({ left, bottom }, RectPart::BottomLeft); checkCorner({ right, bottom }, RectPart::BottomRight); }; if (Adaptive::ThreeColumn()) { checkSection(_dialogs, Window::Column::First); if (_mainSection) { checkSection(_mainSection, Window::Column::Second); } else { checkSection(_history, Window::Column::Second); } if (_thirdSection) { checkSection(_thirdSection, Window::Column::Third); } } else if (Adaptive::Normal()) { checkSection(_dialogs, Window::Column::First); if (_mainSection) { checkSection(_mainSection, Window::Column::Second); } else { checkSection(_history, Window::Column::Second); } } else { if (Adaptive::OneColumn() && selectingPeer()) { checkSection(_dialogs, Window::Column::First); } else if (_mainSection) { checkSection(_mainSection, Window::Column::Second); } else if (!Adaptive::OneColumn() || _history->peer()) { checkSection(_history, Window::Column::Second); } else { checkSection(_dialogs, Window::Column::First); } } if (Auth().settings().floatPlayerColumn() != column) { Auth().settings().setFloatPlayerColumn(column); Auth().saveSettingsDelayed(); } if (Auth().settings().floatPlayerCorner() != corner) { Auth().settings().setFloatPlayerCorner(corner); Auth().saveSettingsDelayed(); } } void MainWidget::finishFloatPlayerDrag(not_null instance, bool closed) { instance->dragFrom = instance->widget->pos(); auto center = instance->widget->geometry().center(); if (closed) { instance->hiddenByDrag = true; instance->animationSide = getFloatPlayerSide(center); } updateFloatPlayerColumnCorner(center); instance->column = Auth().settings().floatPlayerColumn(); instance->corner = Auth().settings().floatPlayerCorner(); instance->draggedAnimation.finish(); instance->draggedAnimation.start([this, instance] { updateFloatPlayerPosition(instance); }, 0., 1., st::slideDuration, anim::sineInOut); updateFloatPlayerPosition(instance); if (closed) { if (auto item = instance->widget->item()) { auto voiceData = Media::Player::instance()->current(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); if (_player && voiceData.contextId() == item->fullId()) { _player->entity()->stopAndClose(); } } instance->widget->detach(); } } bool MainWidget::setForwardDraft(PeerId peerId, MessageIdsList &&items) { Expects(peerId != 0); const auto peer = App::peer(peerId); const auto error = GetErrorTextForForward( peer, Auth().data().idsToItems(items)); if (!error.isEmpty()) { Ui::show(Box(error), LayerOption::KeepOther); return false; } App::history(peer)->setForwardDraft(std::move(items)); if (_history->peer() == peer) { _history->cancelReply(); } Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); return true; } bool MainWidget::shareUrl( not_null peer, const QString &url, const QString &text) { if (!peer->canWrite()) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_share_cant))); return false; } TextWithTags textWithTags = { url + '\n' + text, TextWithTags::Tags() }; MessageCursor cursor = { url.size() + 1, url.size() + 1 + text.size(), QFIXED_MAX }; auto history = App::history(peer->id); history->setLocalDraft( std::make_unique(textWithTags, 0, cursor, false)); history->clearEditDraft(); if (_history->peer() == peer) { _history->applyDraft(); } else { Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } return true; } void MainWidget::replyToItem(not_null item) { if (_history->peer() == item->history()->peer || _history->peer() == item->history()->peer->migrateTo()) { _history->replyToMessage(item); } } bool MainWidget::onInlineSwitchChosen(const PeerId &peer, const QString &botAndQuery) { PeerData *p = App::peer(peer); if (!peer || !p->canWrite()) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_inline_switch_cant))); return false; } History *h = App::history(peer); TextWithTags textWithTags = { botAndQuery, TextWithTags::Tags() }; MessageCursor cursor = { botAndQuery.size(), botAndQuery.size(), QFIXED_MAX }; h->setLocalDraft(std::make_unique(textWithTags, 0, cursor, false)); h->clearEditDraft(); bool opened = _history->peer() && (_history->peer()->id == peer); if (opened) { _history->applyDraft(); } else { Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } return true; } void MainWidget::cancelForwarding(not_null history) { history->setForwardDraft({}); _history->updateForwarding(); } void MainWidget::finishForwarding(not_null history) { auto toForward = history->validateForwardDraft(); if (!toForward.empty()) { auto options = ApiWrap::SendOptions(history); Auth().api().forwardMessages(std::move(toForward), options); cancelForwarding(history); } Auth().data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); historyToDown(history); dialogsToUp(); } void MainWidget::updateMutedIn(TimeMs delay) { accumulate_max(delay, 24 * 3600 * 1000LL); if (!_updateMutedTimer.isActive() || _updateMutedTimer.remainingTime() > delay) { _updateMutedTimer.start(delay); } } void MainWidget::onUpdateMuted() { App::updateMuted(); } bool MainWidget::onSendPaths(const PeerId &peerId) { Expects(peerId != 0); auto peer = App::peer(peerId); if (!peer->canWrite()) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_forward_send_files_cant))); return false; } else if (auto megagroup = peer->asMegagroup()) { if (megagroup->restricted(ChannelRestriction::f_send_media)) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_restricted_send_media))); return false; } } Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtTheEndMsgId); return _history->confirmSendingFiles(cSendPaths()); } void MainWidget::onFilesOrForwardDrop( const PeerId &peerId, const QMimeData *data) { Expects(peerId != 0); if (data->hasFormat(qsl("application/x-td-forward"))) { if (!setForwardDraft(peerId, Auth().data().takeMimeForwardIds())) { // We've already released the mouse button, so the forwarding is cancelled. if (_hider) { _hider->startHide(); noHider(_hider); } } } else { auto peer = App::peer(peerId); if (!peer->canWrite()) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_forward_send_files_cant))); return; } Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtTheEndMsgId); _history->confirmSendingFiles(data); } } void MainWidget::notify_botCommandsChanged(UserData *bot) { _history->notify_botCommandsChanged(bot); } void MainWidget::notify_inlineBotRequesting(bool requesting) { _history->notify_inlineBotRequesting(requesting); } void MainWidget::notify_replyMarkupUpdated(const HistoryItem *item) { _history->notify_replyMarkupUpdated(item); } void MainWidget::notify_inlineKeyboardMoved(const HistoryItem *item, int oldKeyboardTop, int newKeyboardTop) { _history->notify_inlineKeyboardMoved(item, oldKeyboardTop, newKeyboardTop); } bool MainWidget::notify_switchInlineBotButtonReceived(const QString &query, UserData *samePeerBot, MsgId samePeerReplyTo) { return _history->notify_switchInlineBotButtonReceived(query, samePeerBot, samePeerReplyTo); } void MainWidget::notify_userIsBotChanged(UserData *bot) { _history->notify_userIsBotChanged(bot); } void MainWidget::notify_migrateUpdated(PeerData *peer) { _history->notify_migrateUpdated(peer); } void MainWidget::notify_historyMuteUpdated(History *history) { _dialogs->notify_historyMuteUpdated(history); } bool MainWidget::cmd_search() { if (Ui::isLayerShown() || !isActiveWindow()) return false; if (_mainSection) { return _mainSection->cmd_search(); } return _history->cmd_search(); } bool MainWidget::cmd_next_chat() { if (Ui::isLayerShown() || !isActiveWindow()) return false; return _history->cmd_next_chat(); } bool MainWidget::cmd_previous_chat() { if (Ui::isLayerShown() || !isActiveWindow()) return false; return _history->cmd_previous_chat(); } void MainWidget::noHider(HistoryHider *destroyed) { if (_hider == destroyed) { _hider = nullptr; if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { if (_forwardConfirm) { _forwardConfirm->closeBox(); _forwardConfirm = nullptr; } if (_mainSection || (_history->peer() && _history->peer()->id)) { auto animationParams = ([this] { if (_mainSection) { return prepareMainSectionAnimation(_mainSection); } return prepareHistoryAnimation(_history->peer() ? _history->peer()->id : 0); })(); _dialogs->hide(); if (_mainSection) { _mainSection->showAnimated(Window::SlideDirection::FromRight, animationParams); } else { _history->showAnimated(Window::SlideDirection::FromRight, animationParams); } checkFloatPlayerVisibility(); } } else { if (_forwardConfirm) { _forwardConfirm->deleteLater(); _forwardConfirm = nullptr; } } } } void MainWidget::hiderLayer(object_ptr h) { if (App::passcoded()) { return; } _hider = std::move(h); connect(_hider, SIGNAL(forwarded()), _dialogs, SLOT(onCancelSearch())); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { dialogsToUp(); _hider->hide(); auto animationParams = prepareDialogsAnimation(); if (_mainSection) { _mainSection->hide(); } else { _history->hide(); } if (_dialogs->isHidden()) { _dialogs->show(); updateControlsGeometry(); _dialogs->showAnimated(Window::SlideDirection::FromLeft, animationParams); } } else { _hider->show(); updateControlsGeometry(); _dialogs->activate(); } checkFloatPlayerVisibility(); } void MainWidget::showForwardLayer(MessageIdsList &&items) { hiderLayer(object_ptr(this, std::move(items))); } void MainWidget::showSendPathsLayer() { hiderLayer(object_ptr(this)); } void MainWidget::deleteLayer(FullMsgId itemId) { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { const auto suggestModerateActions = true; Ui::show(Box(item, suggestModerateActions)); } } void MainWidget::cancelUploadLayer(not_null item) { const auto itemId = item->fullId(); Auth().uploader().pause(itemId); const auto stopUpload = [=] { Ui::hideLayer(); if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { const auto history = item->history(); item->destroy(); if (!history->lastMessageKnown()) { Auth().api().requestDialogEntry(history); } Auth().data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); } Auth().uploader().unpause(); }; const auto continueUpload = [=] { Auth().uploader().unpause(); }; Ui::show(Box( lang(lng_selected_cancel_sure_this), lang(lng_selected_upload_stop), lang(lng_continue), stopUpload, continueUpload)); } void MainWidget::deletePhotoLayer(PhotoData *photo) { if (!photo) return; Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_delete_photo_sure), lang(lng_box_delete), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this, photo] { Ui::hideLayer(); auto me = App::self(); if (!me) return; if (me->userpicPhotoId() == photo->id) { Messenger::Instance().peerClearPhoto(me->id); } else if (photo->peer && !photo->peer->isUser() && photo->peer->userpicPhotoId() == photo->id) { Messenger::Instance().peerClearPhoto(photo->peer->id); } else { MTP::send(MTPphotos_DeletePhotos(MTP_vector(1, MTP_inputPhoto(MTP_long(photo->id), MTP_long(photo->access))))); Auth().storage().remove(Storage::UserPhotosRemoveOne(me->bareId(), photo->id)); } }))); } void MainWidget::shareUrlLayer(const QString &url, const QString &text) { // Don't allow to insert an inline bot query by share url link. if (url.trimmed().startsWith('@')) { return; } hiderLayer(object_ptr(this, url, text)); } void MainWidget::inlineSwitchLayer(const QString &botAndQuery) { hiderLayer(object_ptr(this, botAndQuery)); } bool MainWidget::selectingPeer(bool withConfirm) const { return _hider ? (withConfirm ? _hider->withConfirm() : true) : false; } bool MainWidget::selectingPeerForInlineSwitch() { return selectingPeer() ? !_hider->botAndQuery().isEmpty() : false; } void MainWidget::offerPeer(PeerId peer) { Ui::hideLayer(); if (_hider->offerPeer(peer) && Adaptive::OneColumn()) { _forwardConfirm = Ui::show(Box(_hider->offeredText(), lang(lng_forward_send), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { _hider->forward(); if (_forwardConfirm) _forwardConfirm->closeBox(); if (_hider) _hider->offerPeer(0); }), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { if (_hider && _forwardConfirm) _hider->offerPeer(0); }))); } } void MainWidget::dialogsActivate() { _dialogs->activate(); } bool MainWidget::leaveChatFailed(PeerData *peer, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (error.type() == qstr("USER_NOT_PARTICIPANT") || error.type() == qstr("CHAT_ID_INVALID") || error.type() == qstr("PEER_ID_INVALID")) { // left this chat already deleteConversation(peer); return true; } return false; } void MainWidget::deleteHistoryAfterLeave(PeerData *peer, const MTPUpdates &updates) { sentUpdatesReceived(updates); deleteConversation(peer); } void MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart(DeleteHistoryRequest request, const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) { auto peer = request.peer; auto &d = result.c_messages_affectedHistory(); if (peer && peer->isChannel()) { peer->asChannel()->ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v); } else { ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v); } auto offset = d.voffset.v; if (offset <= 0) { cRefReportSpamStatuses().remove(peer->id); Local::writeReportSpamStatuses(); return; } auto flags = MTPmessages_DeleteHistory::Flags(0); if (request.justClearHistory) { flags |= MTPmessages_DeleteHistory::Flag::f_just_clear; } MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory(MTP_flags(flags), peer->input, MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart, request)); } void MainWidget::deleteMessages( not_null peer, const QVector &ids, bool forEveryone) { if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { MTP::send( MTPchannels_DeleteMessages( channel->inputChannel, MTP_vector(ids)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::messagesAffected, peer)); } else { auto flags = MTPmessages_DeleteMessages::Flags(0); if (forEveryone) { flags |= MTPmessages_DeleteMessages::Flag::f_revoke; } MTP::send( MTPmessages_DeleteMessages( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_vector(ids)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::messagesAffected, peer)); } } void MainWidget::deletedContact(UserData *user, const MTPcontacts_Link &result) { auto &d(result.c_contacts_link()); App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(1, d.vuser)); App::feedUserLink(MTP_int(peerToUser(user->id)), d.vmy_link, d.vforeign_link); } void MainWidget::removeDialog(Dialogs::Key key) { _dialogs->removeDialog(key); } void MainWidget::deleteConversation( not_null peer, bool deleteHistory) { if (_controller->activeChatCurrent().peer() == peer) { Ui::showChatsList(); } if (const auto history = App::historyLoaded(peer->id)) { Auth().data().setPinnedDialog(history, false); removeDialog(history); if (const auto channel = peer->asMegagroup()) { channel->addFlags(MTPDchannel::Flag::f_left); if (const auto from = channel->mgInfo->migrateFromPtr) { if (const auto migrated = App::historyLoaded(from)) { migrated->updateChatListExistence(); } } } history->clear(); if (deleteHistory) { history->markFullyLoaded(); } } if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { channel->ptsWaitingForShortPoll(-1); } if (deleteHistory) { DeleteHistoryRequest request = { peer, false }; MTP::send( MTPmessages_DeleteHistory( MTP_flags(0), peer->input, MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart, request)); } } void MainWidget::deleteAndExit(ChatData *chat) { PeerData *peer = chat; MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteChatUser(chat->inputChat, App::self()->inputUser), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryAfterLeave, peer), rpcFail(&MainWidget::leaveChatFailed, peer)); } void MainWidget::addParticipants( not_null chatOrChannel, const std::vector> &users) { if (auto chat = chatOrChannel->asChat()) { for_const (auto user, users) { MTP::send( MTPmessages_AddChatUser( chat->inputChat, user->inputUser, MTP_int(ForwardOnAdd)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived), rpcFail(&MainWidget::addParticipantFail, { user, chat }), 0, 5); } } else if (auto channel = chatOrChannel->asChannel()) { QVector inputUsers; inputUsers.reserve(qMin(int(users.size()), int(MaxUsersPerInvite))); for (auto i = users.cbegin(), e = users.cend(); i != e; ++i) { inputUsers.push_back((*i)->inputUser); if (inputUsers.size() == MaxUsersPerInvite) { MTP::send( MTPchannels_InviteToChannel( channel->inputChannel, MTP_vector(inputUsers)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::inviteToChannelDone, { channel }), rpcFail(&MainWidget::addParticipantsFail, { channel }), 0, 5); inputUsers.clear(); } } if (!inputUsers.isEmpty()) { MTP::send( MTPchannels_InviteToChannel( channel->inputChannel, MTP_vector(inputUsers)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::inviteToChannelDone, { channel }), rpcFail(&MainWidget::addParticipantsFail, { channel }), 0, 5); } } } bool MainWidget::addParticipantFail(UserAndPeer data, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; QString text = lang(lng_failed_add_participant); if (error.type() == qstr("USER_LEFT_CHAT")) { // trying to return a user who has left } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_KICKED")) { // trying to return a user who was kicked by admin text = lang(lng_cant_invite_banned); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED")) { text = lang(lng_cant_invite_privacy); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT")) { // trying to return user who does not have me in contacts text = lang(lng_failed_add_not_mutual); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_ALREADY_PARTICIPANT") && data.user->botInfo) { text = lang(lng_bot_already_in_group); } else if (error.type() == qstr("PEER_FLOOD")) { text = PeerFloodErrorText((data.peer->isChat() || data.peer->isMegagroup()) ? PeerFloodType::InviteGroup : PeerFloodType::InviteChannel); } Ui::show(Box(text)); return false; } bool MainWidget::addParticipantsFail( not_null channel, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; QString text = lang(lng_failed_add_participant); if (error.type() == qstr("USER_LEFT_CHAT")) { // trying to return banned user to his group } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_KICKED")) { // trying to return a user who was kicked by admin text = lang(lng_cant_invite_banned); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED")) { text = lang(channel->isMegagroup() ? lng_cant_invite_privacy : lng_cant_invite_privacy_channel); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT")) { // trying to return user who does not have me in contacts text = lang(channel->isMegagroup() ? lng_failed_add_not_mutual : lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel); } else if (error.type() == qstr("PEER_FLOOD")) { text = PeerFloodErrorText(PeerFloodType::InviteGroup); } Ui::show(Box(text)); return false; } bool MainWidget::sendMessageFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (error.type() == qstr("PEER_FLOOD")) { Ui::show(Box(PeerFloodErrorText(PeerFloodType::Send))); return true; } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL")) { const auto link = textcmdLink( Messenger::Instance().createInternalLinkFull(qsl("spambot")), lang(lng_cant_more_info)); const auto text = lng_error_public_groups_denied(lt_more_info, link); Ui::show(Box(text)); return true; } return false; } void MainWidget::onCacheBackground() { if (Window::Theme::Background()->tile()) { auto &bg = Window::Theme::Background()->pixmapForTiled(); auto result = QImage(_willCacheFor.width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), _willCacheFor.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_RGB32); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); { QPainter p(&result); auto left = 0; auto top = 0; auto right = _willCacheFor.width(); auto bottom = _willCacheFor.height(); auto w = bg.width() / cRetinaFactor(); auto h = bg.height() / cRetinaFactor(); auto sx = 0; auto sy = 0; auto cx = qCeil(_willCacheFor.width() / w); auto cy = qCeil(_willCacheFor.height() / h); for (int i = sx; i < cx; ++i) { for (int j = sy; j < cy; ++j) { p.drawPixmap(QPointF(i * w, j * h), bg); } } } _cachedX = 0; _cachedY = 0; _cachedBackground = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(result)); } else { auto &bg = Window::Theme::Background()->pixmap(); QRect to, from; Window::Theme::ComputeBackgroundRects(_willCacheFor, bg.size(), to, from); _cachedX = to.x(); _cachedY = to.y(); _cachedBackground = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(bg.toImage().copy(from).scaled(to.width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), to.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); _cachedBackground.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } _cachedFor = _willCacheFor; } Dialogs::IndexedList *MainWidget::contactsList() { return _dialogs->contactsList(); } Dialogs::IndexedList *MainWidget::dialogsList() { return _dialogs->dialogsList(); } Dialogs::IndexedList *MainWidget::contactsNoDialogsList() { return _dialogs->contactsNoDialogsList(); } void MainWidget::sendMessage(const MessageToSend &message) { const auto history = message.history; const auto peer = history->peer; auto &textWithTags = message.textWithTags; auto options = ApiWrap::SendOptions(history); options.clearDraft = message.clearDraft; options.replyTo = message.replyTo; options.generateLocal = true; options.webPageId = message.webPageId; Auth().api().sendAction(options); if (!peer->canWrite()) { return; } saveRecentHashtags(textWithTags.text); auto sending = TextWithEntities(); auto left = TextWithEntities { textWithTags.text, ConvertTextTagsToEntities(textWithTags.tags) }; auto prepareFlags = Ui::ItemTextOptions(history, App::self()).flags; TextUtilities::PrepareForSending(left, prepareFlags); HistoryItem *lastMessage = nullptr; while (TextUtilities::CutPart(sending, left, MaxMessageSize)) { auto newId = FullMsgId(peerToChannel(peer->id), clientMsgId()); auto randomId = rand_value(); TextUtilities::Trim(sending); App::historyRegRandom(randomId, newId); App::historyRegSentData(randomId, peer->id, sending.text); MTPstring msgText(MTP_string(sending.text)); auto flags = NewMessageFlags(peer) | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_entities; auto sendFlags = MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flags(0); if (message.replyTo) { flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id; sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id; } MTPMessageMedia media = MTP_messageMediaEmpty(); if (message.webPageId == CancelledWebPageId) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_no_webpage; } else if (message.webPageId) { auto page = Auth().data().webpage(message.webPageId); media = MTP_messageMediaWebPage( MTP_webPagePending( MTP_long(page->id), MTP_int(page->pendingTill))); flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_media; } bool channelPost = peer->isChannel() && !peer->isMegagroup(); bool silentPost = channelPost && peer->notifySilentPosts(); if (channelPost) { flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_views; flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_post; } if (!channelPost) { flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id; } else if (peer->asChannel()->addsSignature()) { flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_post_author; } if (silentPost) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_silent; } auto localEntities = TextUtilities::EntitiesToMTP(sending.entities); auto sentEntities = TextUtilities::EntitiesToMTP(sending.entities, TextUtilities::ConvertOption::SkipLocal); if (!sentEntities.v.isEmpty()) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_entities; } if (message.clearDraft) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_clear_draft; history->clearCloudDraft(); } auto messageFromId = channelPost ? 0 : Auth().userId(); auto messagePostAuthor = channelPost ? (Auth().user()->firstName + ' ' + Auth().user()->lastName) : QString(); lastMessage = history->addNewMessage( MTP_message( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(newId.msg), MTP_int(messageFromId), peerToMTP(peer->id), MTPnullFwdHeader, MTPint(), MTP_int(message.replyTo), MTP_int(unixtime()), msgText, media, MTPnullMarkup, localEntities, MTP_int(1), MTPint(), MTP_string(messagePostAuthor), MTPlong()), NewMessageUnread); history->sendRequestId = MTP::send( MTPmessages_SendMessage( MTP_flags(sendFlags), peer->input, MTP_int(message.replyTo), msgText, MTP_long(randomId), MTPnullMarkup, sentEntities), rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived, randomId), rpcFail(&MainWidget::sendMessageFail), 0, 0, history->sendRequestId); } history->lastSentMsg = lastMessage; finishForwarding(history); } void MainWidget::saveRecentHashtags(const QString &text) { bool found = false; QRegularExpressionMatch m; RecentHashtagPack recent(cRecentWriteHashtags()); for (int32 i = 0, next = 0; (m = TextUtilities::RegExpHashtag().match(text, i)).hasMatch(); i = next) { i = m.capturedStart(); next = m.capturedEnd(); if (m.hasMatch()) { if (!m.capturedRef(1).isEmpty()) { ++i; } if (!m.capturedRef(2).isEmpty()) { --next; } } const auto tag = text.mid(i + 1, next - i - 1); if (TextUtilities::RegExpHashtagExclude().match(tag).hasMatch()) { continue; } if (!found && cRecentWriteHashtags().isEmpty() && cRecentSearchHashtags().isEmpty()) { Local::readRecentHashtagsAndBots(); recent = cRecentWriteHashtags(); } found = true; Stickers::IncrementRecentHashtag(recent, tag); } if (found) { cSetRecentWriteHashtags(recent); Local::writeRecentHashtagsAndBots(); } } void MainWidget::unreadCountChanged(not_null history) { _history->unreadCountChanged(history); } TimeMs MainWidget::highlightStartTime(not_null item) const { return _history->highlightStartTime(item); } void MainWidget::sendBotCommand(PeerData *peer, UserData *bot, const QString &cmd, MsgId replyTo) { _history->sendBotCommand(peer, bot, cmd, replyTo); } void MainWidget::hideSingleUseKeyboard(PeerData *peer, MsgId replyTo) { _history->hideSingleUseKeyboard(peer, replyTo); } void MainWidget::app_sendBotCallback( not_null button, not_null msg, int row, int column) { _history->app_sendBotCallback(button, msg, row, column); } bool MainWidget::insertBotCommand(const QString &cmd) { return _history->insertBotCommand(cmd); } void MainWidget::searchMessages(const QString &query, Dialogs::Key inChat) { _dialogs->searchMessages(query, inChat); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { Ui::showChatsList(); } else { _dialogs->activate(); } } void MainWidget::itemEdited(not_null item) { if (_history->peer() == item->history()->peer || (_history->peer() && _history->peer() == item->history()->peer->migrateTo())) { _history->itemEdited(item); } } void MainWidget::checkLastUpdate(bool afterSleep) { auto n = getms(true); if (_lastUpdateTime && n > _lastUpdateTime + (afterSleep ? NoUpdatesAfterSleepTimeout : NoUpdatesTimeout)) { _lastUpdateTime = n; MTP::ping(); } } void MainWidget::messagesAffected( not_null peer, const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) { const auto &data = result.c_messages_affectedMessages(); if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { channel->ptsUpdateAndApply(data.vpts.v, data.vpts_count.v); } else { ptsUpdateAndApply(data.vpts.v, data.vpts_count.v); } if (const auto history = App::historyLoaded(peer)) { if (!history->lastMessageKnown()) { Auth().api().requestDialogEntry(history); } } } void MainWidget::handleAudioUpdate(const AudioMsgId &audioId) { using State = Media::Player::State; const auto document = audioId.audio(); auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(audioId.type()); if (state.id == audioId && state.state == State::StoppedAtStart) { state.state = State::Stopped; Media::Player::mixer()->clearStoppedAtStart(audioId); auto filepath = document->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveSaveFromData); if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { if (documentIsValidMediaFile(filepath)) { File::Launch(filepath); } } } if (state.id == audioId) { if (!Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) { createPlayer(); } } if (const auto item = App::histItemById(audioId.contextId())) { Auth().data().requestItemRepaint(item); } if (const auto items = InlineBots::Layout::documentItems()) { if (const auto i = items->find(document); i != items->end()) { for (const auto item : i->second) { item->update(); } } } } void MainWidget::switchToPanelPlayer() { if (_playerUsingPanel) return; _playerUsingPanel = true; _player->hide(anim::type::normal); _playerVolume.destroyDelayed(); _playerPlaylist->hideIgnoringEnterEvents(); Media::Player::instance()->usePanelPlayer().notify(true, true); } void MainWidget::switchToFixedPlayer() { if (!_playerUsingPanel) return; _playerUsingPanel = false; if (!_player) { createPlayer(); } else { _player->show(anim::type::normal); if (!_playerVolume) { _playerVolume.create(this); _player->entity()->volumeWidgetCreated(_playerVolume); updateMediaPlayerPosition(); } } Media::Player::instance()->usePanelPlayer().notify(false, true); _playerPanel->hideIgnoringEnterEvents(); } void MainWidget::closeBothPlayers() { if (_playerUsingPanel) { _playerUsingPanel = false; _player.destroyDelayed(); } else if (_player) { _player->hide(anim::type::normal); } _playerVolume.destroyDelayed(); Media::Player::instance()->usePanelPlayer().notify(false, true); _playerPanel->hideIgnoringEnterEvents(); _playerPlaylist->hideIgnoringEnterEvents(); Media::Player::instance()->stop(AudioMsgId::Type::Voice); Media::Player::instance()->stop(AudioMsgId::Type::Song); Shortcuts::disableMediaShortcuts(); } void MainWidget::createPlayer() { if (_playerUsingPanel) { return; } if (!_player) { _player.create(this); rpl::merge( _player->heightValue() | rpl::map([] { return true; }), _player->shownValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next( [this] { playerHeightUpdated(); }, _player->lifetime()); _player->entity()->setCloseCallback([this] { closeBothPlayers(); }); _playerVolume.create(this); _player->entity()->volumeWidgetCreated(_playerVolume); orderWidgets(); if (_a_show.animating()) { _player->show(anim::type::instant); _player->setVisible(false); Shortcuts::enableMediaShortcuts(); } else { _player->hide(anim::type::instant); } } if (_player && !_player->toggled()) { if (!_a_show.animating()) { _player->show(anim::type::normal); _playerHeight = _contentScrollAddToY = _player->contentHeight(); updateControlsGeometry(); Shortcuts::enableMediaShortcuts(); } } } void MainWidget::playerHeightUpdated() { if (!_player) { // Player could be already "destroyDelayed", but still handle events. return; } auto playerHeight = _player->contentHeight(); if (playerHeight != _playerHeight) { _contentScrollAddToY += playerHeight - _playerHeight; _playerHeight = playerHeight; updateControlsGeometry(); } if (!_playerHeight && _player->isHidden()) { auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(Media::Player::instance()->getActiveType()); if (!state.id || Media::Player::IsStoppedOrStopping(state.state)) { _playerVolume.destroyDelayed(); _player.destroyDelayed(); } } } void MainWidget::setCurrentCall(Calls::Call *call) { _currentCall = call; if (_currentCall) { subscribe(_currentCall->stateChanged(), [this](Calls::Call::State state) { using State = Calls::Call::State; if (state == State::Established) { createCallTopBar(); } else { destroyCallTopBar(); } }); } else { destroyCallTopBar(); } } void MainWidget::createCallTopBar() { Expects(_currentCall != nullptr); _callTopBar.create(this, object_ptr(this, _currentCall)); _callTopBar->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](int value) { callTopBarHeightUpdated(value); }, lifetime()); orderWidgets(); if (_a_show.animating()) { _callTopBar->show(anim::type::instant); _callTopBar->setVisible(false); } else { _callTopBar->hide(anim::type::instant); _callTopBar->show(anim::type::normal); _callTopBarHeight = _contentScrollAddToY = _callTopBar->height(); updateControlsGeometry(); } } void MainWidget::destroyCallTopBar() { if (_callTopBar) { _callTopBar->hide(anim::type::normal); } } void MainWidget::callTopBarHeightUpdated(int callTopBarHeight) { if (!callTopBarHeight && !_currentCall) { _callTopBar.destroyDelayed(); } if (callTopBarHeight != _callTopBarHeight) { _contentScrollAddToY += callTopBarHeight - _callTopBarHeight; _callTopBarHeight = callTopBarHeight; updateControlsGeometry(); } } void MainWidget::documentLoadProgress(FileLoader *loader) { if (auto documentId = loader ? loader->objId() : 0) { documentLoadProgress(Auth().data().document(documentId)); } } void MainWidget::documentLoadProgress(DocumentData *document) { if (document->loaded()) { document->performActionOnLoad(); } Auth().data().requestDocumentViewRepaint(document); Auth().documentUpdated.notify(document, true); if (!document->loaded() && document->isAudioFile()) { Media::Player::instance()->documentLoadProgress(document); } } void MainWidget::documentLoadFailed(FileLoader *loader, bool started) { auto documentId = loader ? loader->objId() : 0; if (!documentId) return; auto document = Auth().data().document(documentId); if (started) { auto failedFileName = loader->fileName(); Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_download_finish_failed), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this, document, failedFileName] { Ui::hideLayer(); if (document) document->save(failedFileName); }))); } else { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_download_path_failed), lang(lng_download_path_settings), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { Global::SetDownloadPath(QString()); Global::SetDownloadPathBookmark(QByteArray()); Ui::show(Box()); Global::RefDownloadPathChanged().notify(); }))); } if (document) { if (document->loading()) document->cancel(); document->status = FileDownloadFailed; } } void MainWidget::inlineResultLoadProgress(FileLoader *loader) { //InlineBots::Result *result = InlineBots::resultFromLoader(loader); //if (!result) return; //result->loaded(); //Ui::repaintInlineItem(); } void MainWidget::inlineResultLoadFailed(FileLoader *loader, bool started) { //InlineBots::Result *result = InlineBots::resultFromLoader(loader); //if (!result) return; //result->loaded(); //Ui::repaintInlineItem(); } void MainWidget::onSendFileConfirm( const std::shared_ptr &file) { _history->sendFileConfirmed(file); } bool MainWidget::onSendSticker(DocumentData *document) { return _history->onStickerSend(document); } void MainWidget::dialogsCancelled() { if (_hider) { _hider->startHide(); noHider(_hider); } _history->activate(); } void MainWidget::insertCheckedServiceNotification(const TextWithEntities &message, const MTPMessageMedia &media, int32 date) { auto flags = MTPDmessage::Flag::f_entities | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id | MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_clientside_unread; auto sending = TextWithEntities(), left = message; HistoryItem *item = nullptr; while (TextUtilities::CutPart(sending, left, MaxMessageSize)) { auto localEntities = TextUtilities::EntitiesToMTP(sending.entities); item = App::histories().addNewMessage( MTP_message( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(clientMsgId()), MTP_int(ServiceUserId), MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(Auth().userId())), MTPnullFwdHeader, MTPint(), MTPint(), MTP_int(date), MTP_string(sending.text), media, MTPnullMarkup, localEntities, MTPint(), MTPint(), MTPstring(), MTPlong()), NewMessageUnread); } Auth().data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); } void MainWidget::serviceHistoryDone(const MTPmessages_Messages &msgs) { auto handleResult = [&](auto &&result) { App::feedUsers(result.vusers); App::feedChats(result.vchats); App::feedMsgs(result.vmessages, NewMessageLast); }; switch (msgs.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: handleResult(msgs.c_messages_messages()); break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: handleResult(msgs.c_messages_messagesSlice()); break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages! (MainWidget::serviceHistoryDone)")); handleResult(msgs.c_messages_channelMessages()); break; case mtpc_messages_messagesNotModified: LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! (MainWidget::serviceHistoryDone)")); break; } App::wnd()->showDelayedServiceMsgs(); } bool MainWidget::serviceHistoryFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; App::wnd()->showDelayedServiceMsgs(); return false; } bool MainWidget::isIdle() const { return _isIdle; } void MainWidget::clearCachedBackground() { _cachedBackground = QPixmap(); _cacheBackgroundTimer.stop(); update(); } QPixmap MainWidget::cachedBackground(const QRect &forRect, int &x, int &y) { if (!_cachedBackground.isNull() && forRect == _cachedFor) { x = _cachedX; y = _cachedY; return _cachedBackground; } if (_willCacheFor != forRect || !_cacheBackgroundTimer.isActive()) { _willCacheFor = forRect; _cacheBackgroundTimer.start(CacheBackgroundTimeout); } return QPixmap(); } void MainWidget::updateScrollColors() { _history->updateScrollColors(); } void MainWidget::setChatBackground(const App::WallPaper &wp) { _background = std::make_unique(wp); _background->full->loadEvenCancelled(); checkChatBackground(); } bool MainWidget::chatBackgroundLoading() { return (_background != nullptr); } float64 MainWidget::chatBackgroundProgress() const { if (_background) { return _background->full->progress(); } return 1.; } void MainWidget::checkChatBackground() { if (_background) { if (_background->full->loaded()) { if (_background->full->isNull()) { Window::Theme::Background()->setImage(Window::Theme::kDefaultBackground); } else if (false || _background->id == Window::Theme::kInitialBackground || _background->id == Window::Theme::kDefaultBackground) { Window::Theme::Background()->setImage(_background->id); } else { Window::Theme::Background()->setImage(_background->id, _background->full->pix().toImage()); } _background = nullptr; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(update())); } } } ImagePtr MainWidget::newBackgroundThumb() { return _background ? _background->thumb : ImagePtr(); } void MainWidget::messageDataReceived(ChannelData *channel, MsgId msgId) { _history->messageDataReceived(channel, msgId); } void MainWidget::updateBotKeyboard(History *h) { _history->updateBotKeyboard(h); } void MainWidget::pushReplyReturn(not_null item) { _history->pushReplyReturn(item); } void MainWidget::setInnerFocus() { if (_hider || !_history->peer()) { if (_hider && _hider->wasOffered()) { _hider->setFocus(); } else if (!_hider && _mainSection) { _mainSection->setInnerFocus(); } else if (!_hider && _thirdSection) { _thirdSection->setInnerFocus(); } else { dialogsActivate(); } } else if (_mainSection) { _mainSection->setInnerFocus(); } else if (_history->peer() || !_thirdSection) { _history->setInnerFocus(); } else { _thirdSection->setInnerFocus(); } } void MainWidget::scheduleViewIncrement(HistoryItem *item) { PeerData *peer = item->history()->peer; ViewsIncrement::iterator i = _viewsIncremented.find(peer); if (i != _viewsIncremented.cend()) { if (i.value().contains(item->id)) return; } else { i = _viewsIncremented.insert(peer, ViewsIncrementMap()); } i.value().insert(item->id, true); ViewsIncrement::iterator j = _viewsToIncrement.find(peer); if (j == _viewsToIncrement.cend()) { j = _viewsToIncrement.insert(peer, ViewsIncrementMap()); _viewsIncrementTimer.start(SendViewsTimeout); } j.value().insert(item->id, true); } void MainWidget::onViewsIncrement() { for (ViewsIncrement::iterator i = _viewsToIncrement.begin(); i != _viewsToIncrement.cend();) { if (_viewsIncrementRequests.contains(i.key())) { ++i; continue; } QVector ids; ids.reserve(i.value().size()); for (ViewsIncrementMap::const_iterator j = i.value().cbegin(), end = i.value().cend(); j != end; ++j) { ids.push_back(MTP_int(j.key())); } auto req = MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetMessagesViews(i.key()->input, MTP_vector(ids), MTP_bool(true)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::viewsIncrementDone, ids), rpcFail(&MainWidget::viewsIncrementFail), 0, 5); _viewsIncrementRequests.insert(i.key(), req); i = _viewsToIncrement.erase(i); } } void MainWidget::viewsIncrementDone(QVector ids, const MTPVector &result, mtpRequestId req) { auto &v = result.v; if (ids.size() == v.size()) { for (ViewsIncrementRequests::iterator i = _viewsIncrementRequests.begin(); i != _viewsIncrementRequests.cend(); ++i) { if (i.value() == req) { PeerData *peer = i.key(); ChannelId channel = peerToChannel(peer->id); for (int32 j = 0, l = ids.size(); j < l; ++j) { if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(channel, ids.at(j).v)) { item->setViewsCount(v.at(j).v); } } _viewsIncrementRequests.erase(i); break; } } } if (!_viewsToIncrement.isEmpty() && !_viewsIncrementTimer.isActive()) { _viewsIncrementTimer.start(SendViewsTimeout); } } bool MainWidget::viewsIncrementFail(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; for (ViewsIncrementRequests::iterator i = _viewsIncrementRequests.begin(); i != _viewsIncrementRequests.cend(); ++i) { if (i.value() == req) { _viewsIncrementRequests.erase(i); break; } } if (!_viewsToIncrement.isEmpty() && !_viewsIncrementTimer.isActive()) { _viewsIncrementTimer.start(SendViewsTimeout); } return false; } void MainWidget::createDialog(Dialogs::Key key) { _dialogs->createDialog(key); } void MainWidget::choosePeer(PeerId peerId, MsgId showAtMsgId) { if (selectingPeer()) { offerPeer(peerId); } else { Ui::showPeerHistory(peerId, showAtMsgId); } } void MainWidget::clearBotStartToken(PeerData *peer) { if (peer && peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->startToken = QString(); } } void MainWidget::ctrlEnterSubmitUpdated() { _history->updateFieldSubmitSettings(); } void MainWidget::ui_showPeerHistory( PeerId peerId, const SectionShow ¶ms, MsgId showAtMsgId) { if (auto peer = App::peerLoaded(peerId)) { if (peer->migrateTo()) { peer = peer->migrateTo(); peerId = peer->id; if (showAtMsgId > 0) showAtMsgId = -showAtMsgId; } auto restriction = peer->restrictionReason(); if (!restriction.isEmpty()) { if (params.activation != anim::activation::background) { Ui::show(Box(restriction)); } return; } } _controller->dialogsListFocused().set(false, true); _a_dialogsWidth.finish(); using Way = SectionShow::Way; auto way = params.way; bool back = (way == Way::Backward || !peerId); bool foundInStack = !peerId; if (foundInStack || (way == Way::ClearStack)) { for_const (auto &item, _stack) { clearBotStartToken(item->peer()); } _stack.clear(); } else { for (auto i = 0, s = int(_stack.size()); i < s; ++i) { if (_stack.at(i)->type() == HistoryStackItem && _stack.at(i)->peer()->id == peerId) { foundInStack = true; while (int(_stack.size()) > i + 1) { clearBotStartToken(_stack.back()->peer()); _stack.pop_back(); } _stack.pop_back(); if (!back) { back = true; } break; } } if (const auto activeChat = _controller->activeChatCurrent()) { if (const auto peer = activeChat.peer()) { if (way == Way::Forward && peer->id == peerId) { way = Way::ClearStack; } } } } const auto wasActivePeer = _controller->activeChatCurrent().peer(); if (params.activation != anim::activation::background) { Ui::hideSettingsAndLayer(); } if (_hider) { _hider->startHide(); _hider = nullptr; } auto animatedShow = [&] { if (_a_show.animating() || App::passcoded() || (params.animated == anim::type::instant)) { return false; } if (!peerId) { if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { return _dialogs->isHidden(); } else { return false; } } if (_history->isHidden()) { if (!Adaptive::OneColumn() && way == Way::ClearStack) { return false; } return (_mainSection != nullptr) || (Adaptive::OneColumn() && !_dialogs->isHidden()); } if (back || way == Way::Forward) { return true; } return false; }; auto animationParams = animatedShow() ? prepareHistoryAnimation(peerId) : Window::SectionSlideParams(); if (!back && (way != Way::ClearStack)) { // This may modify the current section, for example remove its contents. saveSectionInStack(); } if (_history->peer() && _history->peer()->id != peerId && way != Way::Forward) { clearBotStartToken(_history->peer()); } _history->showHistory(peerId, showAtMsgId); auto noPeer = !_history->peer(); auto onlyDialogs = noPeer && Adaptive::OneColumn(); if (_mainSection) { _mainSection->hide(); _mainSection->deleteLater(); _mainSection = nullptr; } updateControlsGeometry(); if (noPeer) { _controller->setActiveChatEntry(Dialogs::Key()); } if (onlyDialogs) { _history->hide(); if (!_a_show.animating()) { if (animationParams) { auto direction = back ? Window::SlideDirection::FromLeft : Window::SlideDirection::FromRight; _dialogs->showAnimated(direction, animationParams); } else { _dialogs->showFast(); } } } else { const auto nowActivePeer = _controller->activeChatCurrent().peer(); if (nowActivePeer && nowActivePeer != wasActivePeer) { if (const auto channel = nowActivePeer->asChannel()) { channel->ptsWaitingForShortPoll( WaitForChannelGetDifference); } _viewsIncremented.remove(nowActivePeer); } if (Adaptive::OneColumn() && !_dialogs->isHidden()) { _dialogs->hide(); } if (!_a_show.animating()) { if (!animationParams.oldContentCache.isNull()) { _history->showAnimated( back ? Window::SlideDirection::FromLeft : Window::SlideDirection::FromRight, animationParams); } else { _history->show(); if (App::wnd()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, App::wnd(), SLOT(setInnerFocus())); } } } } if (!_dialogs->isHidden()) { if (!back) { if (const auto history = _history->history()) { _dialogs->scrollToPeer(history, showAtMsgId); } } _dialogs->update(); } checkFloatPlayerVisibility(); } PeerData *MainWidget::ui_getPeerForMouseAction() { return _history->ui_getPeerForMouseAction(); } Dialogs::RowDescriptor MainWidget::chatListEntryBefore( const Dialogs::RowDescriptor &which) const { if (selectingPeer()) { return Dialogs::RowDescriptor(); } return _dialogs->chatListEntryBefore(which); } Dialogs::RowDescriptor MainWidget::chatListEntryAfter( const Dialogs::RowDescriptor &which) const { if (selectingPeer()) { return Dialogs::RowDescriptor(); } return _dialogs->chatListEntryAfter(which); } PeerData *MainWidget::peer() { return _history->peer(); } void MainWidget::saveSectionInStack() { if (_mainSection) { if (auto memento = _mainSection->createMemento()) { _stack.push_back(std::make_unique( std::move(memento))); _stack.back()->setThirdSectionWeak(_thirdSection.data()); } } else if (const auto history = _history->history()) { _stack.push_back(std::make_unique( history, _history->msgId(), _history->replyReturns())); _stack.back()->setThirdSectionWeak(_thirdSection.data()); } } void MainWidget::showSection( Window::SectionMemento &&memento, const SectionShow ¶ms) { if (_mainSection && _mainSection->showInternal( &memento, params)) { if (const auto entry = _mainSection->activeChat(); entry.key) { _controller->setActiveChatEntry(entry); } return; // // Now third section handles only its own showSection() requests. // General showSection() should show layer or main_section instead. // //} else if (_thirdSection && _thirdSection->showInternal( // &memento, // params)) { // return; } // If the window was not resized, but we've enabled // tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled or thirdSectionInfoEnabled // we need to update adaptive layout to Adaptive::ThirdColumn(). updateColumnLayout(); showNewSection( std::move(memento), params); } void MainWidget::updateColumnLayout() { updateWindowAdaptiveLayout(); } Window::SectionSlideParams MainWidget::prepareThirdSectionAnimation(Window::SectionWidget *section) { Expects(_thirdSection != nullptr); Window::SectionSlideParams result; result.withTopBarShadow = section->hasTopBarShadow(); if (!_thirdSection->hasTopBarShadow()) { result.withTopBarShadow = false; } for (auto &instance : _playerFloats) { instance->widget->hide(); } auto sectionTop = getThirdSectionTop(); result.oldContentCache = _thirdSection->grabForShowAnimation(result); for (auto &instance : _playerFloats) { if (instance->visible) { instance->widget->show(); } } return result; } Window::SectionSlideParams MainWidget::prepareShowAnimation( bool willHaveTopBarShadow) { Window::SectionSlideParams result; result.withTopBarShadow = willHaveTopBarShadow; if (selectingPeer() && Adaptive::OneColumn()) { result.withTopBarShadow = false; } else if (_mainSection) { if (!_mainSection->hasTopBarShadow()) { result.withTopBarShadow = false; } } else if (!_history->peer()) { result.withTopBarShadow = false; } for (auto &instance : _playerFloats) { instance->widget->hide(); } if (_player) { _player->hideShadow(); } auto playerVolumeVisible = _playerVolume && !_playerVolume->isHidden(); if (playerVolumeVisible) { _playerVolume->hide(); } auto playerPanelVisible = !_playerPanel->isHidden(); if (playerPanelVisible) { _playerPanel->hide(); } auto playerPlaylistVisible = !_playerPlaylist->isHidden(); if (playerPlaylistVisible) { _playerPlaylist->hide(); } auto sectionTop = getMainSectionTop(); if (selectingPeer() && Adaptive::OneColumn()) { result.oldContentCache = Ui::GrabWidget(this, QRect( 0, sectionTop, _dialogsWidth, height() - sectionTop)); } else if (_mainSection) { result.oldContentCache = _mainSection->grabForShowAnimation(result); } else { if (result.withTopBarShadow) { _history->grapWithoutTopBarShadow(); } else { _history->grabStart(); } if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { result.oldContentCache = Ui::GrabWidget(this, QRect( 0, sectionTop, _dialogsWidth, height() - sectionTop)); } else { _sideShadow->hide(); if (_thirdShadow) { _thirdShadow->hide(); } result.oldContentCache = Ui::GrabWidget(this, QRect( _dialogsWidth, sectionTop, width() - _dialogsWidth, height() - sectionTop)); _sideShadow->show(); if (_thirdShadow) { _thirdShadow->show(); } } _history->grabFinish(); } if (playerVolumeVisible) { _playerVolume->show(); } if (playerPanelVisible) { _playerPanel->show(); } if (playerPlaylistVisible) { _playerPlaylist->show(); } if (_player) { _player->showShadow(); } for (auto &instance : _playerFloats) { if (instance->visible) { instance->widget->show(); } } return result; } Window::SectionSlideParams MainWidget::prepareMainSectionAnimation(Window::SectionWidget *section) { return prepareShowAnimation(section->hasTopBarShadow()); } Window::SectionSlideParams MainWidget::prepareHistoryAnimation(PeerId historyPeerId) { return prepareShowAnimation(historyPeerId != 0); } Window::SectionSlideParams MainWidget::prepareDialogsAnimation() { return prepareShowAnimation(false); } void MainWidget::showNewSection( Window::SectionMemento &&memento, const SectionShow ¶ms) { using Column = Window::Column; auto saveInStack = (params.way == SectionShow::Way::Forward); auto thirdSectionTop = getThirdSectionTop(); auto newThirdGeometry = QRect( width() - st::columnMinimalWidthThird, thirdSectionTop, st::columnMinimalWidthThird, height() - thirdSectionTop); auto newThirdSection = (Adaptive::ThreeColumn() && params.thirdColumn) ? memento.createWidget( this, _controller, Column::Third, newThirdGeometry) : nullptr; if (newThirdSection) { saveInStack = false; } else if (auto layer = memento.createLayer(_controller, rect())) { if (params.activation != anim::activation::background) { Ui::hideLayer(anim::type::instant); } _controller->showSpecialLayer(std::move(layer)); return; } if (params.activation != anim::activation::background) { Ui::hideSettingsAndLayer(); } QPixmap animCache; _controller->dialogsListFocused().set(false, true); _a_dialogsWidth.finish(); auto mainSectionTop = getMainSectionTop(); auto newMainGeometry = QRect( _history->x(), mainSectionTop, _history->width(), height() - mainSectionTop); auto newMainSection = newThirdSection ? nullptr : memento.createWidget( this, _controller, Adaptive::OneColumn() ? Column::First : Column::Second, newMainGeometry); Assert(newMainSection || newThirdSection); auto animatedShow = [&] { if (_a_show.animating() || App::passcoded() || (params.animated == anim::type::instant) || memento.instant()) { return false; } if (!Adaptive::OneColumn() && params.way == SectionShow::Way::ClearStack) { return false; } else if (Adaptive::OneColumn() || (newThirdSection && _thirdSection) || (newMainSection && isMainSectionShown())) { return true; } return false; }(); auto animationParams = animatedShow ? (newThirdSection ? prepareThirdSectionAnimation(newThirdSection) : prepareMainSectionAnimation(newMainSection)) : Window::SectionSlideParams(); setFocus(); // otherwise dialogs widget could be focused. if (saveInStack) { // This may modify the current section, for example remove its contents. saveSectionInStack(); } auto &settingSection = newThirdSection ? _thirdSection : _mainSection; if (newThirdSection) { _thirdSection = std::move(newThirdSection); if (!_thirdShadow) { _thirdShadow.create(this); _thirdShadow->show(); orderWidgets(); } updateControlsGeometry(); } else { if (_mainSection) { _mainSection->hide(); _mainSection->deleteLater(); _mainSection = nullptr; } _mainSection = std::move(newMainSection); updateControlsGeometry(); _history->finishAnimating(); _history->showHistory(0, 0); _history->hide(); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) _dialogs->hide(); } if (animationParams) { auto back = (params.way == SectionShow::Way::Backward); auto direction = (back || settingSection->forceAnimateBack()) ? Window::SlideDirection::FromLeft : Window::SlideDirection::FromRight; settingSection->showAnimated(direction, animationParams); } else { settingSection->showFast(); } if (settingSection.data() == _mainSection.data()) { if (const auto entry = _mainSection->activeChat(); entry.key) { _controller->setActiveChatEntry(entry); } } checkFloatPlayerVisibility(); orderWidgets(); } void MainWidget::checkMainSectionToLayer() { if (!_mainSection) { return; } Ui::FocusPersister persister(this); if (auto layer = _mainSection->moveContentToLayer(rect())) { dropMainSection(_mainSection); _controller->showSpecialLayer( std::move(layer), anim::type::instant); } } void MainWidget::dropMainSection(Window::SectionWidget *widget) { if (_mainSection != widget) { return; } _mainSection.destroy(); _controller->showBackFromStack( SectionShow( anim::type::instant, anim::activation::background)); } bool MainWidget::isMainSectionShown() const { return _mainSection || _history->peer(); } bool MainWidget::isThirdSectionShown() const { return _thirdSection != nullptr; } bool MainWidget::stackIsEmpty() const { return _stack.empty(); } void MainWidget::showBackFromStack( const SectionShow ¶ms) { if (selectingPeer()) return; if (_stack.empty()) { _controller->clearSectionStack(params); if (App::wnd()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, App::wnd(), SLOT(setInnerFocus())); } return; } auto item = std::move(_stack.back()); _stack.pop_back(); if (auto currentHistoryPeer = _history->peer()) { clearBotStartToken(currentHistoryPeer); } _thirdSectionFromStack = item->takeThirdSectionMemento(); if (item->type() == HistoryStackItem) { auto historyItem = static_cast(item.get()); _controller->showPeerHistory( historyItem->peer()->id, params.withWay(SectionShow::Way::Backward), ShowAtUnreadMsgId); _history->setReplyReturns(historyItem->peer()->id, historyItem->replyReturns); } else if (item->type() == SectionStackItem) { auto sectionItem = static_cast(item.get()); showNewSection( std::move(*sectionItem->memento()), params.withWay(SectionShow::Way::Backward)); } if (_thirdSectionFromStack && _thirdSection) { _controller->showSection( std::move(*base::take(_thirdSectionFromStack)), SectionShow( SectionShow::Way::ClearStack, anim::type::instant, anim::activation::background)); } } void MainWidget::orderWidgets() { _dialogs->raise(); if (_callTopBar) { _callTopBar->raise(); } if (_player) { _player->raise(); } if (_playerVolume) { _playerVolume->raise(); } _sideShadow->raise(); if (_thirdShadow) { _thirdShadow->raise(); } if (_firstColumnResizeArea) { _firstColumnResizeArea->raise(); } if (_thirdColumnResizeArea) { _thirdColumnResizeArea->raise(); } _playerPlaylist->raise(); _playerPanel->raise(); for (auto &instance : _playerFloats) { instance->widget->raise(); } if (_hider) _hider->raise(); } QRect MainWidget::historyRect() const { QRect r(_history->historyRect()); r.moveLeft(r.left() + _history->x()); r.moveTop(r.top() + _history->y()); return r; } QPixmap MainWidget::grabForShowAnimation(const Window::SectionSlideParams ¶ms) { QPixmap result; for (auto &instance : _playerFloats) { instance->widget->hide(); } if (_player) { _player->hideShadow(); } auto playerVolumeVisible = _playerVolume && !_playerVolume->isHidden(); if (playerVolumeVisible) { _playerVolume->hide(); } auto playerPanelVisible = !_playerPanel->isHidden(); if (playerPanelVisible) { _playerPanel->hide(); } auto playerPlaylistVisible = !_playerPlaylist->isHidden(); if (playerPlaylistVisible) { _playerPlaylist->hide(); } auto sectionTop = getMainSectionTop(); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { result = Ui::GrabWidget(this, QRect( 0, sectionTop, _dialogsWidth, height() - sectionTop)); } else { _sideShadow->hide(); if (_thirdShadow) { _thirdShadow->hide(); } result = Ui::GrabWidget(this, QRect( _dialogsWidth, sectionTop, width() - _dialogsWidth, height() - sectionTop)); _sideShadow->show(); if (_thirdShadow) { _thirdShadow->show(); } } if (playerVolumeVisible) { _playerVolume->show(); } if (playerPanelVisible) { _playerPanel->show(); } if (playerPlaylistVisible) { _playerPlaylist->show(); } if (_player) { _player->showShadow(); } for (auto &instance : _playerFloats) { if (instance->visible) { instance->widget->show(); } } return result; } void MainWidget::repaintDialogRow( Dialogs::Mode list, not_null row) { _dialogs->repaintDialogRow(list, row); } void MainWidget::repaintDialogRow( not_null history, MsgId messageId) { _dialogs->repaintDialogRow(history, messageId); } void MainWidget::windowShown() { _history->windowShown(); } void MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived(uint64 randomId, const MTPUpdates &result) { feedUpdates(result, randomId); } bool MainWidget::deleteChannelFailed(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; //if (error.type() == qstr("CHANNEL_TOO_LARGE")) { // Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_cant_delete_channel))); //} return true; } void MainWidget::inviteToChannelDone( not_null channel, const MTPUpdates &updates) { sentUpdatesReceived(updates); Auth().api().requestParticipantsCountDelayed(channel); } void MainWidget::historyToDown(History *history) { _history->historyToDown(history); } void MainWidget::dialogsToUp() { _dialogs->dialogsToUp(); } void MainWidget::newUnreadMsg( not_null history, not_null item) { _history->newUnreadMsg(history, item); } void MainWidget::markActiveHistoryAsRead() { if (const auto activeHistory = _history->history()) { Auth().api().readServerHistory(activeHistory); } } void MainWidget::showAnimated(const QPixmap &bgAnimCache, bool back) { _showBack = back; (_showBack ? _cacheOver : _cacheUnder) = bgAnimCache; _a_show.finish(); showAll(); (_showBack ? _cacheUnder : _cacheOver) = Ui::GrabWidget(this); hideAll(); _a_show.start( [this] { animationCallback(); }, 0., 1., st::slideDuration, Window::SlideAnimation::transition()); show(); } void MainWidget::animationCallback() { update(); if (!_a_show.animating()) { _cacheUnder = _cacheOver = QPixmap(); showAll(); activate(); } } void MainWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { if (_background) checkChatBackground(); Painter p(this); auto progress = _a_show.current(getms(), 1.); if (_a_show.animating()) { auto coordUnder = _showBack ? anim::interpolate(-st::slideShift, 0, progress) : anim::interpolate(0, -st::slideShift, progress); auto coordOver = _showBack ? anim::interpolate(0, width(), progress) : anim::interpolate(width(), 0, progress); auto shadow = _showBack ? (1. - progress) : progress; if (coordOver > 0) { p.drawPixmap(QRect(0, 0, coordOver, height()), _cacheUnder, QRect(-coordUnder * cRetinaFactor(), 0, coordOver * cRetinaFactor(), height() * cRetinaFactor())); p.setOpacity(shadow); p.fillRect(0, 0, coordOver, height(), st::slideFadeOutBg); p.setOpacity(1); } p.drawPixmap(coordOver, 0, _cacheOver); p.setOpacity(shadow); st::slideShadow.fill(p, QRect(coordOver - st::slideShadow.width(), 0, st::slideShadow.width(), height())); } } int MainWidget::getMainSectionTop() const { return _callTopBarHeight + _playerHeight; } int MainWidget::getThirdSectionTop() const { return 0; } void MainWidget::hideAll() { _dialogs->hide(); _history->hide(); if (_mainSection) { _mainSection->hide(); } if (_thirdSection) { _thirdSection->hide(); } _sideShadow->hide(); if (_thirdShadow) { _thirdShadow->hide(); } if (_player) { _player->setVisible(false); _playerHeight = 0; } for (auto &instance : _playerFloats) { instance->widget->hide(); } } void MainWidget::showAll() { if (cPasswordRecovered()) { cSetPasswordRecovered(false); Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_signin_password_removed))); } if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { _sideShadow->hide(); if (_hider) { _hider->hide(); if (!_forwardConfirm && _hider->wasOffered()) { _forwardConfirm = Ui::show(Box(_hider->offeredText(), lang(lng_forward_send), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { _hider->forward(); if (_forwardConfirm) _forwardConfirm->closeBox(); if (_hider) _hider->offerPeer(0); }), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { if (_hider && _forwardConfirm) _hider->offerPeer(0); })), LayerOption::CloseOther, anim::type::instant); } } if (selectingPeer()) { _dialogs->showFast(); _history->hide(); if (_mainSection) _mainSection->hide(); } else if (_mainSection) { _mainSection->show(); } else if (_history->peer()) { _history->show(); _history->updateControlsGeometry(); } else { _dialogs->showFast(); _history->hide(); } if (!selectingPeer()) { if (_mainSection) { _dialogs->hide(); } else if (isMainSectionShown()) { _dialogs->hide(); } } } else { _sideShadow->show(); if (_hider) { _hider->show(); if (_forwardConfirm) { _forwardConfirm = nullptr; Ui::hideLayer(anim::type::instant); if (_hider->wasOffered()) { _hider->setFocus(); } } } _dialogs->showFast(); if (_mainSection) { _mainSection->show(); } else { _history->show(); _history->updateControlsGeometry(); } if (_thirdSection) { _thirdSection->show(); } if (_thirdShadow) { _thirdShadow->show(); } } if (_player) { _player->setVisible(true); _playerHeight = _player->contentHeight(); } updateControlsGeometry(); if (auto instance = currentFloatPlayer()) { checkFloatPlayerVisibility(); if (instance->visible) { instance->widget->show(); } } App::wnd()->checkHistoryActivation(); } void MainWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { updateControlsGeometry(); } void MainWidget::updateControlsGeometry() { updateWindowAdaptiveLayout(); if (Auth().settings().dialogsWidthRatio() > 0) { _a_dialogsWidth.finish(); } if (!_a_dialogsWidth.animating()) { _dialogs->stopWidthAnimation(); } if (Adaptive::ThreeColumn()) { if (!_thirdSection && !_controller->takeThirdSectionFromLayer()) { auto params = Window::SectionShow( Window::SectionShow::Way::ClearStack, anim::type::instant, anim::activation::background); if (Auth().settings().tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled()) { _history->pushTabbedSelectorToThirdSection(params); } else if (Auth().settings().thirdSectionInfoEnabled()) { if (const auto key = _controller->activeChatCurrent()) { _controller->showSection( Info::Memento::Default(key), params.withThirdColumn()); } } } } else { _thirdSection.destroy(); _thirdShadow.destroy(); } auto mainSectionTop = getMainSectionTop(); auto dialogsWidth = qRound(_a_dialogsWidth.current(_dialogsWidth)); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { if (_callTopBar) { _callTopBar->resizeToWidth(dialogsWidth); _callTopBar->moveToLeft(0, 0); } if (_player) { _player->resizeToWidth(dialogsWidth); _player->moveToLeft(0, _callTopBarHeight); } auto mainSectionGeometry = QRect( 0, mainSectionTop, dialogsWidth, height() - mainSectionTop); _dialogs->setGeometry(mainSectionGeometry); _history->setGeometry(mainSectionGeometry); if (_hider) _hider->setGeometry(0, 0, dialogsWidth, height()); } else { auto thirdSectionWidth = _thirdSection ? _thirdColumnWidth : 0; if (_thirdSection) { auto thirdSectionTop = getThirdSectionTop(); _thirdSection->setGeometry( width() - thirdSectionWidth, thirdSectionTop, thirdSectionWidth, height() - thirdSectionTop); } accumulate_min(dialogsWidth, width() - st::columnMinimalWidthMain); auto mainSectionWidth = width() - dialogsWidth - thirdSectionWidth; _dialogs->setGeometryToLeft(0, 0, dialogsWidth, height()); _sideShadow->setGeometryToLeft(dialogsWidth, 0, st::lineWidth, height()); if (_thirdShadow) { _thirdShadow->setGeometryToLeft( width() - thirdSectionWidth - st::lineWidth, 0, st::lineWidth, height()); } if (_callTopBar) { _callTopBar->resizeToWidth(mainSectionWidth); _callTopBar->moveToLeft(dialogsWidth, 0); } if (_player) { _player->resizeToWidth(mainSectionWidth); _player->moveToLeft(dialogsWidth, _callTopBarHeight); } _history->setGeometryToLeft(dialogsWidth, mainSectionTop, mainSectionWidth, height() - mainSectionTop); if (_hider) { _hider->setGeometryToLeft(dialogsWidth, 0, mainSectionWidth, height()); } } if (_mainSection) { auto mainSectionGeometry = QRect(_history->x(), mainSectionTop, _history->width(), height() - mainSectionTop); _mainSection->setGeometryWithTopMoved(mainSectionGeometry, _contentScrollAddToY); } refreshResizeAreas(); updateMediaPlayerPosition(); updateMediaPlaylistPosition(_playerPlaylist->x()); _contentScrollAddToY = 0; for (auto &instance : _playerFloats) { updateFloatPlayerPosition(instance.get()); } } void MainWidget::refreshResizeAreas() { if (!Adaptive::OneColumn()) { ensureFirstColumnResizeAreaCreated(); _firstColumnResizeArea->setGeometryToLeft( _history->x(), 0, st::historyResizeWidth, height()); } else if (_firstColumnResizeArea) { _firstColumnResizeArea.destroy(); } if (Adaptive::ThreeColumn() && _thirdSection) { ensureThirdColumnResizeAreaCreated(); _thirdColumnResizeArea->setGeometryToLeft( _thirdSection->x(), 0, st::historyResizeWidth, height()); } else if (_thirdColumnResizeArea) { _thirdColumnResizeArea.destroy(); } } template void MainWidget::createResizeArea( object_ptr &area, MoveCallback &&moveCallback, FinishCallback &&finishCallback) { area.create(this); area->show(); area->addMoveLeftCallback( std::forward(moveCallback)); area->addMoveFinishedCallback( std::forward(finishCallback)); orderWidgets(); } void MainWidget::ensureFirstColumnResizeAreaCreated() { if (_firstColumnResizeArea) { return; } auto moveLeftCallback = [=](int globalLeft) { auto newWidth = globalLeft - mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)).x(); auto newRatio = (newWidth < st::columnMinimalWidthLeft / 2) ? 0. : float64(newWidth) / width(); Auth().settings().setDialogsWidthRatio(newRatio); }; auto moveFinishedCallback = [=] { if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { return; } if (Auth().settings().dialogsWidthRatio() > 0) { Auth().settings().setDialogsWidthRatio( float64(_dialogsWidth) / width()); } Local::writeUserSettings(); }; createResizeArea( _firstColumnResizeArea, std::move(moveLeftCallback), std::move(moveFinishedCallback)); } void MainWidget::ensureThirdColumnResizeAreaCreated() { if (_thirdColumnResizeArea) { return; } auto moveLeftCallback = [=](int globalLeft) { auto newWidth = mapToGlobal(QPoint(width(), 0)).x() - globalLeft; Auth().settings().setThirdColumnWidth(newWidth); }; auto moveFinishedCallback = [=] { if (!Adaptive::ThreeColumn() || !_thirdSection) { return; } Auth().settings().setThirdColumnWidth(snap( Auth().settings().thirdColumnWidth(), st::columnMinimalWidthThird, st::columnMaximalWidthThird)); Local::writeUserSettings(); }; createResizeArea( _thirdColumnResizeArea, std::move(moveLeftCallback), std::move(moveFinishedCallback)); } void MainWidget::updateDialogsWidthAnimated() { if (Auth().settings().dialogsWidthRatio() > 0) { return; } auto dialogsWidth = _dialogsWidth; updateWindowAdaptiveLayout(); if (!Auth().settings().dialogsWidthRatio() && (_dialogsWidth != dialogsWidth || _a_dialogsWidth.animating())) { _dialogs->startWidthAnimation(); _a_dialogsWidth.start( [this] { updateControlsGeometry(); }, dialogsWidth, _dialogsWidth, st::dialogsWidthDuration, anim::easeOutCirc); updateControlsGeometry(); } } bool MainWidget::saveThirdSectionToStackBack() const { return !_stack.empty() && _thirdSection != nullptr && _stack.back()->thirdSectionWeak() == _thirdSection.data(); } auto MainWidget::thirdSectionForCurrentMainSection( Dialogs::Key key) -> std::unique_ptr { if (_thirdSectionFromStack) { return std::move(_thirdSectionFromStack); } else if (const auto peer = key.peer()) { return std::make_unique( peer->id, Info::Memento::DefaultSection(key)); } else if (const auto feed = key.feed()) { return std::make_unique( feed, Info::Memento::DefaultSection(key)); } Unexpected("Key in MainWidget::thirdSectionForCurrentMainSection()."); } void MainWidget::updateThirdColumnToCurrentChat( Dialogs::Key key, bool canWrite) { auto saveOldThirdSection = [&] { if (saveThirdSectionToStackBack()) { _stack.back()->setThirdSectionMemento( _thirdSection->createMemento()); _thirdSection.destroy(); } }; auto params = Window::SectionShow( Window::SectionShow::Way::ClearStack, anim::type::instant, anim::activation::background); auto switchInfoFast = [&] { saveOldThirdSection(); // // Like in _controller->showPeerInfo() // if (Adaptive::ThreeColumn() && !Auth().settings().thirdSectionInfoEnabled()) { Auth().settings().setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(true); Auth().saveSettingsDelayed(); } _controller->showSection( std::move(*thirdSectionForCurrentMainSection(key)), params.withThirdColumn()); }; auto switchTabbedFast = [&] { saveOldThirdSection(); _history->pushTabbedSelectorToThirdSection(params); }; if (Adaptive::ThreeColumn() && Auth().settings().tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled() && key) { if (!canWrite) { switchInfoFast(); Auth().settings().setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(true); Auth().settings().setTabbedReplacedWithInfo(true); } else if (Auth().settings().tabbedReplacedWithInfo()) { Auth().settings().setTabbedReplacedWithInfo(false); switchTabbedFast(); } } else { Auth().settings().setTabbedReplacedWithInfo(false); if (!key) { if (_thirdSection) { _thirdSection.destroy(); _thirdShadow.destroy(); updateControlsGeometry(); } } else if (Adaptive::ThreeColumn() && Auth().settings().thirdSectionInfoEnabled()) { switchInfoFast(); } } } void MainWidget::updateMediaPlayerPosition() { _playerPanel->moveToRight(0, 0); if (_player && _playerVolume) { auto relativePosition = _player->entity()->getPositionForVolumeWidget(); auto playerMargins = _playerVolume->getMargin(); _playerVolume->moveToLeft(_player->x() + relativePosition.x() - playerMargins.left(), _player->y() + relativePosition.y() - playerMargins.top()); } } void MainWidget::updateMediaPlaylistPosition(int x) { if (_player) { auto playlistLeft = x; auto playlistWidth = _playerPlaylist->width(); auto playlistTop = _player->y() + _player->height(); auto rightEdge = width(); if (playlistLeft + playlistWidth > rightEdge) { playlistLeft = rightEdge - playlistWidth; } else if (playlistLeft < 0) { playlistLeft = 0; } _playerPlaylist->move(playlistLeft, playlistTop); } } int MainWidget::contentScrollAddToY() const { return _contentScrollAddToY; } void MainWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { } bool MainWidget::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn) { if (auto widget = qobject_cast(o)) { if (_history == widget || _history->isAncestorOf(widget) || (_mainSection && (_mainSection == widget || _mainSection->isAncestorOf(widget))) || (_thirdSection && (_thirdSection == widget || _thirdSection->isAncestorOf(widget)))) { _controller->dialogsListFocused().set(false); } else if (_dialogs == widget || _dialogs->isAncestorOf(widget)) { _controller->dialogsListFocused().set(true); } } } else if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { if (static_cast(e)->button() == Qt::BackButton) { _controller->showBackFromStack(); return true; } } else if (e->type() == QEvent::Wheel && !_playerFloats.empty()) { for (auto &instance : _playerFloats) { if (instance->widget == o) { auto section = getFloatPlayerSection( instance->column); return section->wheelEventFromFloatPlayer(e); } } } return TWidget::eventFilter(o, e); } void MainWidget::handleAdaptiveLayoutUpdate() { showAll(); _sideShadow->setVisible(!Adaptive::OneColumn()); if (_player) { _player->updateAdaptiveLayout(); } } void MainWidget::updateWindowAdaptiveLayout() { auto layout = _controller->computeColumnLayout(); auto dialogsWidthRatio = Auth().settings().dialogsWidthRatio(); // Check if we are in a single-column layout in a wide enough window // for the normal layout. If so, switch to the normal layout. if (layout.windowLayout == Adaptive::WindowLayout::OneColumn) { auto chatWidth = layout.chatWidth; //if (Auth().settings().tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled() // && chatWidth >= _history->minimalWidthForTabbedSelectorSection()) { // chatWidth -= _history->tabbedSelectorSectionWidth(); //} auto minimalNormalWidth = st::columnMinimalWidthLeft + st::columnMinimalWidthMain; if (chatWidth >= minimalNormalWidth) { // Switch layout back to normal in a wide enough window. layout.windowLayout = Adaptive::WindowLayout::Normal; layout.dialogsWidth = st::columnMinimalWidthLeft; layout.chatWidth = layout.bodyWidth - layout.dialogsWidth; dialogsWidthRatio = float64(layout.dialogsWidth) / layout.bodyWidth; } } // Check if we are going to create the third column and shrink the // dialogs widget to provide a wide enough chat history column. // Don't shrink the column on the first call, when window is inited. if (layout.windowLayout == Adaptive::WindowLayout::ThreeColumn && _started && _controller->window()->positionInited()) { //auto chatWidth = layout.chatWidth; //if (_history->willSwitchToTabbedSelectorWithWidth(chatWidth)) { // auto thirdColumnWidth = _history->tabbedSelectorSectionWidth(); // auto twoColumnsWidth = (layout.bodyWidth - thirdColumnWidth); // auto sameRatioChatWidth = twoColumnsWidth - qRound(dialogsWidthRatio * twoColumnsWidth); // auto desiredChatWidth = qMax(sameRatioChatWidth, HistoryView::WideChatWidth()); // chatWidth -= thirdColumnWidth; // auto extendChatBy = desiredChatWidth - chatWidth; // accumulate_min(extendChatBy, layout.dialogsWidth - st::columnMinimalWidthLeft); // if (extendChatBy > 0) { // layout.dialogsWidth -= extendChatBy; // layout.chatWidth += extendChatBy; // dialogsWidthRatio = float64(layout.dialogsWidth) / layout.bodyWidth; // } //} } Auth().settings().setDialogsWidthRatio(dialogsWidthRatio); auto useSmallColumnWidth = !Adaptive::OneColumn() && !dialogsWidthRatio && !_controller->forceWideDialogs(); _dialogsWidth = useSmallColumnWidth ? _controller->dialogsSmallColumnWidth() : layout.dialogsWidth; _thirdColumnWidth = layout.thirdWidth; if (layout.windowLayout != Global::AdaptiveWindowLayout()) { Global::SetAdaptiveWindowLayout(layout.windowLayout); Adaptive::Changed().notify(true); } } int MainWidget::backgroundFromY() const { return -getMainSectionTop(); } void MainWidget::searchInChat(Dialogs::Key chat) { _dialogs->searchInChat(chat); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { dialogsToUp(); Ui::showChatsList(); } else { _dialogs->activate(); } } void MainWidget::onUpdateNotifySettings() { if (this != App::main()) return; while (!updateNotifySettingPeers.empty()) { auto peer = *updateNotifySettingPeers.begin(); updateNotifySettingPeers.erase(updateNotifySettingPeers.begin()); MTP::send( MTPaccount_UpdateNotifySettings( MTP_inputNotifyPeer(peer->input), peer->notifySerialize()), RPCResponseHandler(), 0, updateNotifySettingPeers.empty() ? 0 : 10); } } void MainWidget::feedUpdateVector( const MTPVector &updates, bool skipMessageIds) { for_const (auto &update, updates.v) { if (skipMessageIds && update.type() == mtpc_updateMessageID) continue; feedUpdate(update); } Auth().data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); } void MainWidget::feedMessageIds(const MTPVector &updates) { for_const (auto &update, updates.v) { if (update.type() == mtpc_updateMessageID) { feedUpdate(update); } } } bool MainWidget::updateFail(const RPCError &e) { App::logOutDelayed(); return true; } void MainWidget::updSetState(int32 pts, int32 date, int32 qts, int32 seq) { if (pts) { _ptsWaiter.init(pts); } if (updDate < date && !_byMinChannelTimer.isActive()) { updDate = date; } if (qts && updQts < qts) { updQts = qts; } if (seq && seq != updSeq) { updSeq = seq; if (_bySeqTimer.isActive()) _bySeqTimer.stop(); for (QMap::iterator i = _bySeqUpdates.begin(); i != _bySeqUpdates.end();) { int32 s = i.key(); if (s <= seq + 1) { MTPUpdates v = i.value(); i = _bySeqUpdates.erase(i); if (s == seq + 1) { return feedUpdates(v); } } else { if (!_bySeqTimer.isActive()) _bySeqTimer.start(WaitForSkippedTimeout); break; } } } } void MainWidget::gotChannelDifference( ChannelData *channel, const MTPupdates_ChannelDifference &diff) { _channelFailDifferenceTimeout.remove(channel); int32 timeout = 0; bool isFinal = true; switch (diff.type()) { case mtpc_updates_channelDifferenceEmpty: { auto &d = diff.c_updates_channelDifferenceEmpty(); if (d.has_timeout()) timeout = d.vtimeout.v; isFinal = d.is_final(); channel->ptsInit(d.vpts.v); } break; case mtpc_updates_channelDifferenceTooLong: { auto &d = diff.c_updates_channelDifferenceTooLong(); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); auto history = App::historyLoaded(channel->id); if (history) { history->setNotLoadedAtBottom(); } App::feedMsgs(d.vmessages, NewMessageLast); if (history) { history->applyDialogFields( d.vunread_count.v, d.vread_inbox_max_id.v, d.vread_outbox_max_id.v); history->applyDialogTopMessage(d.vtop_message.v); history->setUnreadMentionsCount(d.vunread_mentions_count.v); if (_history->peer() == channel) { _history->updateHistoryDownVisibility(); _history->preloadHistoryIfNeeded(); } Auth().api().requestChannelRangeDifference(history); } if (d.has_timeout()) { timeout = d.vtimeout.v; } isFinal = d.is_final(); channel->ptsInit(d.vpts.v); } break; case mtpc_updates_channelDifference: { auto &d = diff.c_updates_channelDifference(); feedChannelDifference(d); if (d.has_timeout()) timeout = d.vtimeout.v; isFinal = d.is_final(); channel->ptsInit(d.vpts.v); } break; } channel->ptsSetRequesting(false); if (!isFinal) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getChannelDifference { good - after not final channelDifference was received }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); getChannelDifference(channel); } else if (_controller->activeChatCurrent().peer() == channel) { channel->ptsWaitingForShortPoll(timeout ? (timeout * 1000) : WaitForChannelGetDifference); } } void MainWidget::feedChannelDifference( const MTPDupdates_channelDifference &data) { App::feedUsers(data.vusers); App::feedChats(data.vchats); _handlingChannelDifference = true; feedMessageIds(data.vother_updates); App::feedMsgs(data.vnew_messages, NewMessageUnread); feedUpdateVector(data.vother_updates, true); _handlingChannelDifference = false; } bool MainWidget::failChannelDifference(ChannelData *channel, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; LOG(("RPC Error in getChannelDifference: %1 %2: %3").arg(error.code()).arg(error.type()).arg(error.description())); failDifferenceStartTimerFor(channel); return true; } void MainWidget::gotState(const MTPupdates_State &state) { auto &d = state.c_updates_state(); updSetState(d.vpts.v, d.vdate.v, d.vqts.v, d.vseq.v); _lastUpdateTime = getms(true); noUpdatesTimer.start(NoUpdatesTimeout); _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(false); _dialogs->loadDialogs(); updateOnline(); } void MainWidget::gotDifference(const MTPupdates_Difference &difference) { _failDifferenceTimeout = 1; switch (difference.type()) { case mtpc_updates_differenceEmpty: { auto &d = difference.c_updates_differenceEmpty(); updSetState(_ptsWaiter.current(), d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); _lastUpdateTime = getms(true); noUpdatesTimer.start(NoUpdatesTimeout); _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(false); } break; case mtpc_updates_differenceSlice: { auto &d = difference.c_updates_differenceSlice(); feedDifference(d.vusers, d.vchats, d.vnew_messages, d.vother_updates); auto &s = d.vintermediate_state.c_updates_state(); updSetState(s.vpts.v, s.vdate.v, s.vqts.v, s.vseq.v); _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(false); MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - after a slice of difference was received }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); getDifference(); } break; case mtpc_updates_difference: { auto &d = difference.c_updates_difference(); feedDifference(d.vusers, d.vchats, d.vnew_messages, d.vother_updates); gotState(d.vstate); } break; case mtpc_updates_differenceTooLong: { auto &d = difference.c_updates_differenceTooLong(); LOG(("API Error: updates.differenceTooLong is not supported by Telegram Desktop!")); } break; }; } bool MainWidget::getDifferenceTimeChanged(ChannelData *channel, int32 ms, ChannelGetDifferenceTime &channelCurTime, TimeMs &curTime) { if (channel) { if (ms <= 0) { ChannelGetDifferenceTime::iterator i = channelCurTime.find(channel); if (i != channelCurTime.cend()) { channelCurTime.erase(i); } else { return false; } } else { auto when = getms(true) + ms; ChannelGetDifferenceTime::iterator i = channelCurTime.find(channel); if (i != channelCurTime.cend()) { if (i.value() > when) { i.value() = when; } else { return false; } } else { channelCurTime.insert(channel, when); } } } else { if (ms <= 0) { if (curTime) { curTime = 0; } else { return false; } } else { auto when = getms(true) + ms; if (!curTime || curTime > when) { curTime = when; } else { return false; } } } return true; } void MainWidget::ptsWaiterStartTimerFor(ChannelData *channel, int32 ms) { if (getDifferenceTimeChanged(channel, ms, _channelGetDifferenceTimeByPts, _getDifferenceTimeByPts)) { onGetDifferenceTimeByPts(); } } void MainWidget::failDifferenceStartTimerFor(ChannelData *channel) { int32 ms = 0; ChannelFailDifferenceTimeout::iterator i; if (channel) { i = _channelFailDifferenceTimeout.find(channel); if (i == _channelFailDifferenceTimeout.cend()) { i = _channelFailDifferenceTimeout.insert(channel, 1); } ms = i.value() * 1000; } else { ms = _failDifferenceTimeout * 1000; } if (getDifferenceTimeChanged(channel, ms, _channelGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail, _getDifferenceTimeAfterFail)) { onGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail(); } if (channel) { if (i.value() < 64) i.value() *= 2; } else { if (_failDifferenceTimeout < 64) _failDifferenceTimeout *= 2; } } bool MainWidget::ptsUpdateAndApply(int32 pts, int32 ptsCount, const MTPUpdates &updates) { return _ptsWaiter.updateAndApply(nullptr, pts, ptsCount, updates); } bool MainWidget::ptsUpdateAndApply(int32 pts, int32 ptsCount, const MTPUpdate &update) { return _ptsWaiter.updateAndApply(nullptr, pts, ptsCount, update); } bool MainWidget::ptsUpdateAndApply(int32 pts, int32 ptsCount) { return _ptsWaiter.updateAndApply(nullptr, pts, ptsCount); } void MainWidget::feedDifference( const MTPVector &users, const MTPVector &chats, const MTPVector &msgs, const MTPVector &other) { Auth().checkAutoLock(); App::feedUsers(users); App::feedChats(chats); feedMessageIds(other); App::feedMsgs(msgs, NewMessageUnread); feedUpdateVector(other, true); } bool MainWidget::failDifference(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; LOG(("RPC Error in getDifference: %1 %2: %3").arg(error.code()).arg(error.type()).arg(error.description())); failDifferenceStartTimerFor(0); return true; } void MainWidget::onGetDifferenceTimeByPts() { auto now = getms(true), wait = 0LL; if (_getDifferenceTimeByPts) { if (_getDifferenceTimeByPts > now) { wait = _getDifferenceTimeByPts - now; } else { getDifference(); } } for (ChannelGetDifferenceTime::iterator i = _channelGetDifferenceTimeByPts.begin(); i != _channelGetDifferenceTimeByPts.cend();) { if (i.value() > now) { wait = wait ? qMin(wait, i.value() - now) : (i.value() - now); ++i; } else { getChannelDifference(i.key(), ChannelDifferenceRequest::PtsGapOrShortPoll); i = _channelGetDifferenceTimeByPts.erase(i); } } if (wait) { _byPtsTimer.start(wait); } else { _byPtsTimer.stop(); } } void MainWidget::onGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail() { auto now = getms(true), wait = 0LL; if (_getDifferenceTimeAfterFail) { if (_getDifferenceTimeAfterFail > now) { wait = _getDifferenceTimeAfterFail - now; } else { _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(false); MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { force - after get difference failed }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); getDifference(); } } for (auto i = _channelGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail.begin(); i != _channelGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail.cend();) { if (i.value() > now) { wait = wait ? qMin(wait, i.value() - now) : (i.value() - now); ++i; } else { getChannelDifference(i.key(), ChannelDifferenceRequest::AfterFail); i = _channelGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail.erase(i); } } if (wait) { _failDifferenceTimer.start(wait); } else { _failDifferenceTimer.stop(); } } void MainWidget::getDifference() { if (this != App::main()) return; _getDifferenceTimeByPts = 0; if (requestingDifference()) return; _bySeqUpdates.clear(); _bySeqTimer.stop(); noUpdatesTimer.stop(); _getDifferenceTimeAfterFail = 0; _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(true); MTP::send(MTPupdates_GetDifference(MTP_flags(0), MTP_int(_ptsWaiter.current()), MTPint(), MTP_int(updDate), MTP_int(updQts)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotDifference), rpcFail(&MainWidget::failDifference)); } void MainWidget::getChannelDifference(ChannelData *channel, ChannelDifferenceRequest from) { if (this != App::main() || !channel) return; if (from != ChannelDifferenceRequest::PtsGapOrShortPoll) { _channelGetDifferenceTimeByPts.remove(channel); } if (!channel->ptsInited() || channel->ptsRequesting()) return; if (from != ChannelDifferenceRequest::AfterFail) { _channelGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail.remove(channel); } channel->ptsSetRequesting(true); auto filter = MTP_channelMessagesFilterEmpty(); auto flags = MTPupdates_GetChannelDifference::Flag::f_force | 0; if (from != ChannelDifferenceRequest::PtsGapOrShortPoll) { if (!channel->ptsWaitingForSkipped()) { flags = 0; // No force flag when requesting for short poll. } } MTP::send(MTPupdates_GetChannelDifference(MTP_flags(flags), channel->inputChannel, filter, MTP_int(channel->pts()), MTP_int(MTPChannelGetDifferenceLimit)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotChannelDifference, channel), rpcFail(&MainWidget::failChannelDifference, channel)); } void MainWidget::mtpPing() { MTP::ping(); } void MainWidget::start(const MTPUser *self) { if (!self) { MTP::send(MTPusers_GetFullUser(MTP_inputUserSelf()), rpcDone(&MainWidget::startWithSelf)); return; } if (!Auth().validateSelf(*self)) { return; } Local::readSavedPeers(); cSetOtherOnline(0); if (auto user = App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(1, *self))) { user->loadUserpic(); } MTP::send(MTPupdates_GetState(), rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotState)); update(); _started = true; App::wnd()->sendServiceHistoryRequest(); Local::readInstalledStickers(); Local::readFeaturedStickers(); Local::readRecentStickers(); Local::readFavedStickers(); Local::readSavedGifs(); _history->start(); Messenger::Instance().checkStartUrl(); } bool MainWidget::started() { return _started; } void MainWidget::openPeerByName(const QString &username, MsgId msgId, const QString &startToken) { Messenger::Instance().hideMediaView(); PeerData *peer = App::peerByName(username); if (peer) { if (msgId == ShowAtGameShareMsgId) { if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo && !startToken.isEmpty()) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->shareGameShortName = startToken; AddBotToGroupBoxController::Start(peer->asUser()); } else { InvokeQueued(this, [this, peer] { _controller->showPeerHistory( peer->id, SectionShow::Way::Forward); }); } } else if (msgId == ShowAtProfileMsgId && !peer->isChannel()) { if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo && !peer->asUser()->botInfo->cantJoinGroups && !startToken.isEmpty()) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->startGroupToken = startToken; AddBotToGroupBoxController::Start(peer->asUser()); } else if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { // Always open bot chats, even from mention links. InvokeQueued(this, [this, peer] { _controller->showPeerHistory( peer->id, SectionShow::Way::Forward); }); } else { _controller->showPeerInfo(peer); } } else { if (msgId == ShowAtProfileMsgId || !peer->isChannel()) { // show specific posts only in channels / supergroups msgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; } if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->startToken = startToken; if (peer == _history->peer()) { _history->updateControlsVisibility(); _history->updateControlsGeometry(); } } InvokeQueued(this, [this, peer, msgId] { _controller->showPeerHistory( peer->id, SectionShow::Way::Forward, msgId); }); } } else { MTP::send(MTPcontacts_ResolveUsername(MTP_string(username)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::usernameResolveDone, qMakePair(msgId, startToken)), rpcFail(&MainWidget::usernameResolveFail, username)); } } void MainWidget::joinGroupByHash(const QString &hash) { Messenger::Instance().hideMediaView(); MTP::send(MTPmessages_CheckChatInvite(MTP_string(hash)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::inviteCheckDone, hash), rpcFail(&MainWidget::inviteCheckFail)); } void MainWidget::stickersBox(const MTPInputStickerSet &set) { Messenger::Instance().hideMediaView(); Ui::show(Box(set)); } void MainWidget::onSelfParticipantUpdated(ChannelData *channel) { auto history = App::historyLoaded(channel->id); if (_updatedChannels.contains(channel)) { _updatedChannels.remove(channel); if (!history) { history = App::history(channel); } if (history->isEmpty()) { Auth().api().requestDialogEntry(history); } else { history->checkJoinedMessage(true); } } else if (history) { history->checkJoinedMessage(); } Auth().data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); } bool MainWidget::contentOverlapped(const QRect &globalRect) { return (_history->contentOverlapped(globalRect) || _playerPanel->overlaps(globalRect) || _playerPlaylist->overlaps(globalRect) || (_playerVolume && _playerVolume->overlaps(globalRect))); } void MainWidget::usernameResolveDone(QPair msgIdAndStartToken, const MTPcontacts_ResolvedPeer &result) { Ui::hideLayer(); if (result.type() != mtpc_contacts_resolvedPeer) return; const auto &d(result.c_contacts_resolvedPeer()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); PeerId peerId = peerFromMTP(d.vpeer); if (!peerId) return; PeerData *peer = App::peer(peerId); MsgId msgId = msgIdAndStartToken.first; QString startToken = msgIdAndStartToken.second; if (msgId == ShowAtProfileMsgId && !peer->isChannel()) { if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo && !peer->asUser()->botInfo->cantJoinGroups && !startToken.isEmpty()) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->startGroupToken = startToken; AddBotToGroupBoxController::Start(peer->asUser()); } else if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { // Always open bot chats, even from mention links. InvokeQueued(this, [this, peer] { _controller->showPeerHistory( peer->id, SectionShow::Way::Forward); }); } else { _controller->showPeerInfo(peer); } } else { if (msgId == ShowAtProfileMsgId || !peer->isChannel()) { // show specific posts only in channels / supergroups msgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; } if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->startToken = startToken; if (peer == _history->peer()) { _history->updateControlsVisibility(); _history->updateControlsGeometry(); } } InvokeQueued(this, [this, peer, msgId] { _controller->showPeerHistory( peer->id, SectionShow::Way::Forward, msgId); }); } } bool MainWidget::usernameResolveFail(QString name, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (error.code() == 400) { Ui::show(Box(lng_username_not_found(lt_user, name))); } return true; } void MainWidget::inviteCheckDone(QString hash, const MTPChatInvite &invite) { switch (invite.type()) { case mtpc_chatInvite: { auto &d = invite.c_chatInvite(); auto participants = QVector(); if (d.has_participants()) { auto &v = d.vparticipants.v; participants.reserve(v.size()); for_const (auto &user, v) { if (auto feededUser = App::feedUser(user)) { participants.push_back(feededUser); } } } _inviteHash = hash; auto box = Box( qs(d.vtitle), d.is_channel() && !d.is_megagroup(), d.vphoto, d.vparticipants_count.v, participants); Ui::show(std::move(box)); } break; case mtpc_chatInviteAlready: { auto &d = invite.c_chatInviteAlready(); if (auto chat = App::feedChat(d.vchat)) { _controller->showPeerHistory( chat, SectionShow::Way::Forward); } } break; } } bool MainWidget::inviteCheckFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (error.code() == 400) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_group_invite_bad_link))); } return true; } void MainWidget::onInviteImport() { if (_inviteHash.isEmpty()) return; MTP::send( MTPmessages_ImportChatInvite(MTP_string(_inviteHash)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::inviteImportDone), rpcFail(&MainWidget::inviteImportFail)); } void MainWidget::inviteImportDone(const MTPUpdates &updates) { App::main()->sentUpdatesReceived(updates); Ui::hideLayer(); const QVector *v = 0; switch (updates.type()) { case mtpc_updates: v = &updates.c_updates().vchats.v; break; case mtpc_updatesCombined: v = &updates.c_updatesCombined().vchats.v; break; default: LOG(("API Error: unexpected update cons %1 (MainWidget::inviteImportDone)").arg(updates.type())); break; } if (v && !v->isEmpty()) { const auto &mtpChat = v->front(); const auto peerId = [&] { if (mtpChat.type() == mtpc_chat) { return peerFromChat(mtpChat.c_chat().vid.v); } else if (mtpChat.type() == mtpc_channel) { return peerFromChannel(mtpChat.c_channel().vid.v); } return PeerId(0); }(); if (const auto peer = App::peerLoaded(peerId)) { _controller->showPeerHistory( peer, SectionShow::Way::Forward); } } } bool MainWidget::inviteImportFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (error.type() == qstr("CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH")) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_join_channel_error))); } else if (error.code() == 400) { Ui::show(Box(lang(error.type() == qstr("USERS_TOO_MUCH") ? lng_group_invite_no_room : lng_group_invite_bad_link))); } return true; } void MainWidget::startWithSelf(const MTPUserFull &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_userFull); auto &d = result.c_userFull(); start(&d.vuser); if (auto user = App::self()) { Auth().api().processFullPeer(user, result); } } void MainWidget::applyNotifySetting( const MTPNotifyPeer ¬ifyPeer, const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings, History *history) { if (notifyPeer.type() != mtpc_notifyPeer) { // Ignore those for now, they were not ever used. return; } const auto &data = notifyPeer.c_notifyPeer(); const auto peer = App::peerLoaded(peerFromMTP(data.vpeer)); if (!peer || !peer->notifyChange(settings)) { return; } updateNotifySettingsLocal(peer, history); } void MainWidget::updateNotifySettings( not_null peer, Data::NotifySettings::MuteChange mute, Data::NotifySettings::SilentPostsChange silent, int muteForSeconds) { if (peer->notifyChange(mute, silent, muteForSeconds)) { updateNotifySettingsLocal(peer); updateNotifySettingPeers.insert(peer); updateNotifySettingTimer.start(NotifySettingSaveTimeout); } } void MainWidget::updateNotifySettingsLocal( not_null peer, History *history) { if (!history) { history = App::historyLoaded(peer->id); } const auto muteFinishesIn = peer->notifyMuteFinishesIn(); const auto muted = (muteFinishesIn > 0); if (history && history->changeMute(muted)) { // Notification already sent. } else { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed( peer, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::NotificationsEnabled); } if (muted) { App::regMuted(peer, muteFinishesIn); if (history) { Auth().notifications().clearFromHistory(history); } } else { App::unregMuted(peer); } } void MainWidget::incrementSticker(DocumentData *sticker) { if (!sticker || !sticker->sticker()) return; if (sticker->sticker()->set.type() == mtpc_inputStickerSetEmpty) return; bool writeRecentStickers = false; auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto it = sets.find(Stickers::CloudRecentSetId); if (it == sets.cend()) { if (it == sets.cend()) { it = sets.insert(Stickers::CloudRecentSetId, Stickers::Set( Stickers::CloudRecentSetId, uint64(0), lang(lng_recent_stickers), QString(), 0, // count 0, // hash MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special | 0, TimeId(0))); } else { it->title = lang(lng_recent_stickers); } } auto index = it->stickers.indexOf(sticker); if (index > 0) { it->stickers.removeAt(index); } if (index) { it->stickers.push_front(sticker); writeRecentStickers = true; } // Remove that sticker from old recent, now it is in cloud recent stickers. bool writeOldRecent = false; auto &recent = Stickers::GetRecentPack(); for (auto i = recent.begin(), e = recent.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->first == sticker) { writeOldRecent = true; recent.erase(i); break; } } while (!recent.isEmpty() && it->stickers.size() + recent.size() > Global::StickersRecentLimit()) { writeOldRecent = true; recent.pop_back(); } if (writeOldRecent) { Local::writeUserSettings(); } // Remove that sticker from custom stickers, now it is in cloud recent stickers. bool writeInstalledStickers = false; auto custom = sets.find(Stickers::CustomSetId); if (custom != sets.cend()) { int removeIndex = custom->stickers.indexOf(sticker); if (removeIndex >= 0) { custom->stickers.removeAt(removeIndex); if (custom->stickers.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(custom); } writeInstalledStickers = true; } } if (writeInstalledStickers) { Local::writeInstalledStickers(); } if (writeRecentStickers) { Local::writeRecentStickers(); } _history->updateRecentStickers(); } void MainWidget::activate() { if (_a_show.animating()) return; if (!_mainSection) { if (_hider) { if (_hider->wasOffered()) { _hider->setFocus(); } else { _dialogs->activate(); } } else if (App::wnd() && !Ui::isLayerShown()) { if (!cSendPaths().isEmpty()) { showSendPathsLayer(); } else if (_history->peer()) { _history->activate(); } else { _dialogs->activate(); } } } App::wnd()->fixOrder(); } void MainWidget::destroyData() { _history->destroyData(); _dialogs->destroyData(); } bool MainWidget::isActive() const { return !_isIdle && isVisible() && !_a_show.animating(); } bool MainWidget::doWeReadServerHistory() const { return isActive() && !_mainSection && _history->doWeReadServerHistory(); } bool MainWidget::doWeReadMentions() const { return isActive() && !_mainSection && _history->doWeReadMentions(); } bool MainWidget::lastWasOnline() const { return _lastWasOnline; } TimeMs MainWidget::lastSetOnline() const { return _lastSetOnline; } int32 MainWidget::dlgsWidth() const { return _dialogs->width(); } MainWidget::~MainWidget() { if (App::main() == this) _history->showHistory(0, 0); if (HistoryHider *hider = _hider) { _hider = nullptr; delete hider; } Messenger::Instance().mtp()->clearGlobalHandlers(); } void MainWidget::updateOnline(bool gotOtherOffline) { if (this != App::main()) return; InvokeQueued(this, [] { Auth().checkAutoLock(); }); bool isOnline = App::wnd()->isActive(); int updateIn = Global::OnlineUpdatePeriod(); if (isOnline) { auto idle = psIdleTime(); if (idle >= Global::OfflineIdleTimeout()) { isOnline = false; if (!_isIdle) { _isIdle = true; _idleFinishTimer.start(900); } } else { updateIn = qMin(updateIn, int(Global::OfflineIdleTimeout() - idle)); } } auto ms = getms(true); if (isOnline != _lastWasOnline || (isOnline && _lastSetOnline + Global::OnlineUpdatePeriod() <= ms) || (isOnline && gotOtherOffline)) { if (_onlineRequest) { MTP::cancel(_onlineRequest); _onlineRequest = 0; } _lastWasOnline = isOnline; _lastSetOnline = ms; _onlineRequest = MTP::send(MTPaccount_UpdateStatus(MTP_bool(!isOnline))); if (App::self()) { App::self()->onlineTill = unixtime() + (isOnline ? (Global::OnlineUpdatePeriod() / 1000) : -1); Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed( App::self(), Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserOnlineChanged); } if (!isOnline) { // Went offline, so we need to save message draft to the cloud. saveDraftToCloud(); } _lastSetOnline = ms; } else if (isOnline) { updateIn = qMin(updateIn, int(_lastSetOnline + Global::OnlineUpdatePeriod() - ms)); } _onlineTimer.start(updateIn); } void MainWidget::saveDraftToCloud() { _history->saveFieldToHistoryLocalDraft(); auto peer = _history->peer(); if (auto history = App::historyLoaded(peer)) { writeDrafts(history); auto localDraft = history->localDraft(); auto cloudDraft = history->cloudDraft(); if (!Data::draftsAreEqual(localDraft, cloudDraft)) { Auth().api().saveDraftToCloudDelayed(history); } } } void MainWidget::applyCloudDraft(History *history) { _history->applyCloudDraft(history); } void MainWidget::writeDrafts(History *history) { Local::MessageDraft storedLocalDraft, storedEditDraft; MessageCursor localCursor, editCursor; if (auto localDraft = history->localDraft()) { if (!Data::draftsAreEqual(localDraft, history->cloudDraft())) { storedLocalDraft = Local::MessageDraft(localDraft->msgId, localDraft->textWithTags, localDraft->previewCancelled); localCursor = localDraft->cursor; } } if (auto editDraft = history->editDraft()) { storedEditDraft = Local::MessageDraft(editDraft->msgId, editDraft->textWithTags, editDraft->previewCancelled); editCursor = editDraft->cursor; } Local::writeDrafts(history->peer->id, storedLocalDraft, storedEditDraft); Local::writeDraftCursors(history->peer->id, localCursor, editCursor); } void MainWidget::checkIdleFinish() { if (this != App::main()) return; if (psIdleTime() < Global::OfflineIdleTimeout()) { _idleFinishTimer.stop(); _isIdle = false; updateOnline(); if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->checkHistoryActivation(); } else { _idleFinishTimer.start(900); } } void MainWidget::updateReceived(const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) { if (end <= from) return; Auth().checkAutoLock(); if (mtpTypeId(*from) == mtpc_new_session_created) { try { MTPNewSession newSession; newSession.read(from, end); } catch (mtpErrorUnexpected &) { } updSeq = 0; MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { after new_session_created }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); return getDifference(); } else { try { MTPUpdates updates; updates.read(from, end); _lastUpdateTime = getms(true); noUpdatesTimer.start(NoUpdatesTimeout); if (!requestingDifference()) { feedUpdates(updates); } } catch (mtpErrorUnexpected &) { // just some other type } } update(); } namespace { bool fwdInfoDataLoaded(const MTPMessageFwdHeader &header) { if (header.type() != mtpc_messageFwdHeader) { return true; } auto &info = header.c_messageFwdHeader(); if (info.has_channel_id()) { if (!App::channelLoaded(peerFromChannel(info.vchannel_id))) { return false; } if (info.has_from_id() && !App::user(peerFromUser(info.vfrom_id), PeerData::MinimalLoaded)) { return false; } } else { if (info.has_from_id() && !App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(info.vfrom_id))) { return false; } } return true; } bool mentionUsersLoaded(const MTPVector &entities) { for_const (auto &entity, entities.v) { auto type = entity.type(); if (type == mtpc_messageEntityMentionName) { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(entity.c_messageEntityMentionName().vuser_id))) { return false; } } else if (type == mtpc_inputMessageEntityMentionName) { auto &inputUser = entity.c_inputMessageEntityMentionName().vuser_id; if (inputUser.type() == mtpc_inputUser) { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(inputUser.c_inputUser().vuser_id))) { return false; } } } } return true; } enum class DataIsLoadedResult { NotLoaded = 0, FromNotLoaded = 1, MentionNotLoaded = 2, Ok = 3, }; DataIsLoadedResult allDataLoadedForMessage(const MTPMessage &msg) { switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: { const MTPDmessage &d(msg.c_message()); if (!d.is_post() && d.has_from_id()) { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vfrom_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::FromNotLoaded; } } if (d.has_via_bot_id()) { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vvia_bot_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } } if (d.has_fwd_from() && !fwdInfoDataLoaded(d.vfwd_from)) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } if (d.has_entities() && !mentionUsersLoaded(d.ventities)) { return DataIsLoadedResult::MentionNotLoaded; } } break; case mtpc_messageService: { const MTPDmessageService &d(msg.c_messageService()); if (!d.is_post() && d.has_from_id()) { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vfrom_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::FromNotLoaded; } } switch (d.vaction.type()) { case mtpc_messageActionChatAddUser: { for_const (const MTPint &userId, d.vaction.c_messageActionChatAddUser().vusers.v) { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(userId))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatJoinedByLink: { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vaction.c_messageActionChatJoinedByLink().vinviter_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatDeleteUser: { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vaction.c_messageActionChatDeleteUser().vuser_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } } break; } } break; } return DataIsLoadedResult::Ok; } } // namespace void MainWidget::feedUpdates(const MTPUpdates &updates, uint64 randomId) { switch (updates.type()) { case mtpc_updates: { auto &d = updates.c_updates(); if (d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq) { return; } if (d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) { _bySeqUpdates.insert(d.vseq.v, updates); return _bySeqTimer.start(WaitForSkippedTimeout); } } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); feedUpdateVector(d.vupdates); updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); } break; case mtpc_updatesCombined: { auto &d = updates.c_updatesCombined(); if (d.vseq_start.v) { if (d.vseq_start.v <= updSeq) { return; } if (d.vseq_start.v > updSeq + 1) { _bySeqUpdates.insert(d.vseq_start.v, updates); return _bySeqTimer.start(WaitForSkippedTimeout); } } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); feedUpdateVector(d.vupdates); updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); } break; case mtpc_updateShort: { auto &d = updates.c_updateShort(); feedUpdate(d.vupdate); updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, updSeq); } break; case mtpc_updateShortMessage: { auto &d = updates.c_updateShortMessage(); if (!App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v) || (d.has_via_bot_id() && !App::userLoaded(d.vvia_bot_id.v)) || (d.has_entities() && !mentionUsersLoaded(d.ventities)) || (d.has_fwd_from() && !fwdInfoDataLoaded(d.vfwd_from))) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - getting user for updateShortMessage }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); return getDifference(); } if (ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, updates)) { // Update date as well. updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, updSeq); } } break; case mtpc_updateShortChatMessage: { auto &d = updates.c_updateShortChatMessage(); bool noFrom = !App::userLoaded(d.vfrom_id.v); if (!App::chatLoaded(d.vchat_id.v) || noFrom || (d.has_via_bot_id() && !App::userLoaded(d.vvia_bot_id.v)) || (d.has_entities() && !mentionUsersLoaded(d.ventities)) || (d.has_fwd_from() && !fwdInfoDataLoaded(d.vfwd_from))) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - getting user for updateShortChatMessage }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); if (noFrom) { Auth().api().requestFullPeer(App::chatLoaded(d.vchat_id.v)); } return getDifference(); } if (ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, updates)) { // Update date as well. updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, updSeq); } } break; case mtpc_updateShortSentMessage: { auto &d = updates.c_updateShortSentMessage(); if (!IsServerMsgId(d.vid.v)) { LOG(("API Error: Bad msgId got from server: %1").arg(d.vid.v)); } else if (randomId) { PeerId peerId = 0; QString text; App::histSentDataByItem(randomId, peerId, text); const auto wasAlready = (peerId != 0) && (App::histItemById(peerToChannel(peerId), d.vid.v) != nullptr); feedUpdate(MTP_updateMessageID(d.vid, MTP_long(randomId))); // ignore real date if (peerId) { if (auto item = App::histItemById(peerToChannel(peerId), d.vid.v)) { if (d.has_entities() && !mentionUsersLoaded(d.ventities)) { Auth().api().requestMessageData( item->history()->peer->asChannel(), item->id, ApiWrap::RequestMessageDataCallback()); } const auto entities = d.has_entities() ? TextUtilities::EntitiesFromMTP(d.ventities.v) : EntitiesInText(); const auto media = d.has_media() ? &d.vmedia : nullptr; item->setText({ text, entities }); item->updateSentMedia(media); if (!wasAlready) { item->indexAsNewItem(); } } } } if (ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, updates)) { // Update date as well. updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, updSeq); } } break; case mtpc_updatesTooLong: { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - updatesTooLong received }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); return getDifference(); } break; } Auth().data().sendHistoryChangeNotifications(); } void MainWidget::feedUpdate(const MTPUpdate &update) { switch (update.type()) { // New messages. case mtpc_updateNewMessage: { auto &d = update.c_updateNewMessage(); DataIsLoadedResult isDataLoaded = allDataLoadedForMessage(d.vmessage); if (!requestingDifference() && isDataLoaded != DataIsLoadedResult::Ok) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - " "after not all data loaded in updateNewMessage }%1" ).arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); // This can be if this update was created by grouping // some short message update into an updates vector. return getDifference(); } ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update); } break; case mtpc_updateNewChannelMessage: { auto &d = update.c_updateNewChannelMessage(); auto channel = App::channelLoaded(peerToChannel(peerFromMessage(d.vmessage))); auto isDataLoaded = allDataLoadedForMessage(d.vmessage); if (!requestingDifference() && (!channel || isDataLoaded != DataIsLoadedResult::Ok)) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - " "after not all data loaded in updateNewChannelMessage }%1" ).arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); // Request last active supergroup participants if the 'from' user was not loaded yet. // This will optimize similar getDifference() calls for almost all next messages. if (isDataLoaded == DataIsLoadedResult::FromNotLoaded && channel && channel->isMegagroup()) { if (channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.size() < Global::ChatSizeMax() && (channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.empty() || channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.size() < channel->membersCount())) { Auth().api().requestLastParticipants(channel); } } if (!_byMinChannelTimer.isActive()) { // getDifference after timeout _byMinChannelTimer.start(WaitForSkippedTimeout); } return; } if (channel && !_handlingChannelDifference) { if (channel->ptsRequesting()) { // skip global updates while getting channel difference return; } channel->ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update); } else { Auth().api().applyUpdateNoPtsCheck(update); } } break; case mtpc_updateMessageID: { const auto &d = update.c_updateMessageID(); if (const auto fullId = App::histItemByRandom(d.vrandom_id.v)) { const auto channel = fullId.channel; const auto newId = d.vid.v; if (const auto local = App::histItemById(fullId)) { const auto existing = App::histItemById(channel, newId); if (existing && !local->mainView()) { const auto history = local->history(); local->destroy(); if (!history->lastMessageKnown()) { Auth().api().requestDialogEntry(history); } } else { if (existing) { existing->destroy(); } local->setRealId(d.vid.v); } } App::historyUnregRandom(d.vrandom_id.v); } App::historyUnregSentData(d.vrandom_id.v); } break; // Message contents being read. case mtpc_updateReadMessagesContents: { auto &d = update.c_updateReadMessagesContents(); ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update); } break; case mtpc_updateChannelReadMessagesContents: { auto &d = update.c_updateChannelReadMessagesContents(); auto channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v); if (!channel) { if (!_byMinChannelTimer.isActive()) { // getDifference after timeout. _byMinChannelTimer.start(WaitForSkippedTimeout); } return; } auto possiblyReadMentions = base::flat_set(); for_const (auto &msgId, d.vmessages.v) { if (auto item = App::histItemById(channel, msgId.v)) { if (item->isMediaUnread()) { item->markMediaRead(); Auth().data().requestItemRepaint(item); } } else { // Perhaps it was an unread mention! possiblyReadMentions.insert(msgId.v); } } Auth().api().checkForUnreadMentions(possiblyReadMentions, channel); } break; // Edited messages. case mtpc_updateEditMessage: { auto &d = update.c_updateEditMessage(); ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update); } break; case mtpc_updateEditChannelMessage: { auto &d = update.c_updateEditChannelMessage(); auto channel = App::channelLoaded(peerToChannel(peerFromMessage(d.vmessage))); if (channel && !_handlingChannelDifference) { if (channel->ptsRequesting()) { // skip global updates while getting channel difference return; } else { channel->ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update); } } else { Auth().api().applyUpdateNoPtsCheck(update); } } break; // Messages being read. case mtpc_updateReadHistoryInbox: { auto &d = update.c_updateReadHistoryInbox(); ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update); } break; case mtpc_updateReadHistoryOutbox: { auto &d = update.c_updateReadHistoryOutbox(); if (ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { // We could've updated the double checks. // Better would be for history to be subscribed to outbox read events. _history->update(); } } break; case mtpc_updateReadChannelInbox: { auto &d = update.c_updateReadChannelInbox(); App::feedInboxRead(peerFromChannel(d.vchannel_id.v), d.vmax_id.v); } break; case mtpc_updateReadChannelOutbox: { auto &d = update.c_updateReadChannelOutbox(); auto peerId = peerFromChannel(d.vchannel_id.v); auto when = requestingDifference() ? 0 : unixtime(); App::feedOutboxRead(peerId, d.vmax_id.v, when); if (_history->peer() && _history->peer()->id == peerId) { _history->update(); } } break; case mtpc_updateReadFeed: { const auto &d = update.c_updateReadFeed(); const auto feedId = d.vfeed_id.v; if (const auto feed = Auth().data().feedLoaded(feedId)) { feed->setUnreadPosition( Data::FeedPositionFromMTP(d.vmax_position)); if (d.has_unread_count() && d.has_unread_muted_count()) { feed->setUnreadCounts( d.vunread_count.v, d.vunread_muted_count.v); } else { Auth().api().requestDialogEntry(feed); } } } break; // Deleted messages. case mtpc_updateDeleteMessages: { auto &d = update.c_updateDeleteMessages(); ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update); } break; case mtpc_updateDeleteChannelMessages: { auto &d = update.c_updateDeleteChannelMessages(); auto channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v); if (channel && !_handlingChannelDifference) { if (channel->ptsRequesting()) { // skip global updates while getting channel difference return; } channel->ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update); } else { Auth().api().applyUpdateNoPtsCheck(update); } } break; case mtpc_updateWebPage: { auto &d = update.c_updateWebPage(); // Update web page anyway. Auth().data().webpage(d.vwebpage); _history->updatePreview(); Auth().data().sendWebPageGameNotifications(); ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update); } break; case mtpc_updateChannelWebPage: { auto &d = update.c_updateChannelWebPage(); // Update web page anyway. Auth().data().webpage(d.vwebpage); _history->updatePreview(); Auth().data().sendWebPageGameNotifications(); auto channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v); if (channel && !_handlingChannelDifference) { if (channel->ptsRequesting()) { // skip global updates while getting channel difference return; } else { channel->ptsUpdateAndApply(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update); } } else { Auth().api().applyUpdateNoPtsCheck(update); } } break; case mtpc_updateUserTyping: { auto &d = update.c_updateUserTyping(); const auto userId = peerFromUser(d.vuser_id); const auto history = App::historyLoaded(userId); const auto user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (history && user) { const auto when = requestingDifference() ? 0 : unixtime(); App::histories().registerSendAction(history, user, d.vaction, when); } } break; case mtpc_updateChatUserTyping: { auto &d = update.c_updateChatUserTyping(); const auto history = [&]() -> History* { if (auto chat = App::chatLoaded(d.vchat_id.v)) { return App::historyLoaded(chat->id); } else if (auto channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchat_id.v)) { return App::historyLoaded(channel->id); } return nullptr; }(); const auto user = (d.vuser_id.v == Auth().userId()) ? nullptr : App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (history && user) { const auto when = requestingDifference() ? 0 : unixtime(); App::histories().registerSendAction(history, user, d.vaction, when); } } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipants: { App::feedParticipants(update.c_updateChatParticipants().vparticipants, true); } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipantAdd: { App::feedParticipantAdd(update.c_updateChatParticipantAdd()); } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipantDelete: { App::feedParticipantDelete(update.c_updateChatParticipantDelete()); } break; case mtpc_updateChatAdmins: { App::feedChatAdmins(update.c_updateChatAdmins()); } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipantAdmin: { App::feedParticipantAdmin(update.c_updateChatParticipantAdmin()); } break; case mtpc_updateUserStatus: { auto &d = update.c_updateUserStatus(); if (auto user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v)) { switch (d.vstatus.type()) { case mtpc_userStatusEmpty: user->onlineTill = 0; break; case mtpc_userStatusRecently: if (user->onlineTill > -10) { // don't modify pseudo-online user->onlineTill = -2; } break; case mtpc_userStatusLastWeek: user->onlineTill = -3; break; case mtpc_userStatusLastMonth: user->onlineTill = -4; break; case mtpc_userStatusOffline: user->onlineTill = d.vstatus.c_userStatusOffline().vwas_online.v; break; case mtpc_userStatusOnline: user->onlineTill = d.vstatus.c_userStatusOnline().vexpires.v; break; } Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed( user, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserOnlineChanged); } if (d.vuser_id.v == Auth().userId()) { if (d.vstatus.type() == mtpc_userStatusOffline || d.vstatus.type() == mtpc_userStatusEmpty) { updateOnline(true); if (d.vstatus.type() == mtpc_userStatusOffline) { cSetOtherOnline(d.vstatus.c_userStatusOffline().vwas_online.v); } } else if (d.vstatus.type() == mtpc_userStatusOnline) { cSetOtherOnline(d.vstatus.c_userStatusOnline().vexpires.v); } } } break; case mtpc_updateUserName: { auto &d = update.c_updateUserName(); if (auto user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v)) { if (user->contactStatus() != UserData::ContactStatus::Contact) { user->setName( TextUtilities::SingleLine(qs(d.vfirst_name)), TextUtilities::SingleLine(qs(d.vlast_name)), user->nameOrPhone, TextUtilities::SingleLine(qs(d.vusername))); } else { user->setName( TextUtilities::SingleLine(user->firstName), TextUtilities::SingleLine(user->lastName), user->nameOrPhone, TextUtilities::SingleLine(qs(d.vusername))); } } } break; case mtpc_updateUserPhoto: { auto &d = update.c_updateUserPhoto(); if (auto user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v)) { user->setPhoto(d.vphoto); user->loadUserpic(); if (mtpIsTrue(d.vprevious) || !user->userpicPhotoId()) { Auth().storage().remove(Storage::UserPhotosRemoveAfter( user->bareId(), user->userpicPhotoId())); } else { Auth().storage().add(Storage::UserPhotosAddNew( user->bareId(), user->userpicPhotoId())); } } } break; case mtpc_updateContactRegistered: { const auto &d = update.c_updateContactRegistered(); if (const auto user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v)) { if (App::history(user->id)->loadedAtBottom()) { App::history(user->id)->addNewService( clientMsgId(), d.vdate.v, lng_action_user_registered(lt_from, user->name), MTPDmessage::Flags(0)); } } } break; case mtpc_updateContactLink: { const auto &d = update.c_updateContactLink(); App::feedUserLink(d.vuser_id, d.vmy_link, d.vforeign_link); } break; case mtpc_updateNotifySettings: { auto &d = update.c_updateNotifySettings(); applyNotifySetting(d.vpeer, d.vnotify_settings); } break; case mtpc_updateDcOptions: { auto &d = update.c_updateDcOptions(); Messenger::Instance().dcOptions()->addFromList(d.vdc_options); } break; case mtpc_updateConfig: { Messenger::Instance().mtp()->requestConfig(); } break; case mtpc_updateUserPhone: { auto &d = update.c_updateUserPhone(); if (auto user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v)) { auto newPhone = qs(d.vphone); if (newPhone != user->phone()) { user->setPhone(newPhone); user->setName( user->firstName, user->lastName, ((user->contactStatus() == UserData::ContactStatus::Contact || isServiceUser(user->id) || user->isSelf() || user->phone().isEmpty()) ? QString() : App::formatPhone(user->phone())), user->username); Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed( user, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::UserPhoneChanged); } } } break; case mtpc_updateNewEncryptedMessage: { auto &d = update.c_updateNewEncryptedMessage(); } break; case mtpc_updateEncryptedChatTyping: { auto &d = update.c_updateEncryptedChatTyping(); } break; case mtpc_updateEncryption: { auto &d = update.c_updateEncryption(); } break; case mtpc_updateEncryptedMessagesRead: { auto &d = update.c_updateEncryptedMessagesRead(); } break; case mtpc_updatePhoneCall: { Calls::Current().handleUpdate(update.c_updatePhoneCall()); } break; case mtpc_updateUserBlocked: { auto &d = update.c_updateUserBlocked(); if (auto user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v)) { user->setBlockStatus(mtpIsTrue(d.vblocked) ? UserData::BlockStatus::Blocked : UserData::BlockStatus::NotBlocked); } } break; case mtpc_updateServiceNotification: { auto &d = update.c_updateServiceNotification(); if (d.is_popup()) { Ui::show(Box(qs(d.vmessage))); } else { App::wnd()->serviceNotification({ qs(d.vmessage), TextUtilities::EntitiesFromMTP(d.ventities.v) }, d.vmedia); emit App::wnd()->checkNewAuthorization(); } } break; case mtpc_updatePrivacy: { auto &d = update.c_updatePrivacy(); Auth().api().handlePrivacyChange(d.vkey.type(), d.vrules); } break; case mtpc_updatePinnedDialogs: { const auto &d = update.c_updatePinnedDialogs(); if (d.has_order()) { const auto &order = d.vorder.v; const auto allLoaded = [&] { for (const auto &dialogPeer : order) { switch (dialogPeer.type()) { case mtpc_dialogPeer: { const auto &peer = dialogPeer.c_dialogPeer(); const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(peer.vpeer); if (!App::historyLoaded(peerId)) { DEBUG_LOG(("API Error: " "pinned chat not loaded for peer %1" ).arg(peerId )); return false; } } break; case mtpc_dialogPeerFeed: { const auto &feed = dialogPeer.c_dialogPeerFeed(); const auto feedId = feed.vfeed_id.v; if (!Auth().data().feedLoaded(feedId)) { DEBUG_LOG(("API Error: " "pinned feed not loaded for feedId %1" ).arg(feedId )); return false; } } break; } } return true; }(); if (allLoaded) { Auth().data().applyPinnedDialogs(order); } else { _dialogs->loadPinnedDialogs(); } } else { _dialogs->loadPinnedDialogs(); } } break; case mtpc_updateDialogPinned: { const auto &d = update.c_updateDialogPinned(); switch (d.vpeer.type()) { case mtpc_dialogPeer: { const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(d.vpeer.c_dialogPeer().vpeer); if (const auto history = App::historyLoaded(peerId)) { Auth().data().setPinnedDialog(history, d.is_pinned()); } else { DEBUG_LOG(("API Error: " "pinned chat not loaded for peer %1" ).arg(peerId )); _dialogs->loadPinnedDialogs(); } } break; case mtpc_dialogPeerFeed: { const auto feedId = d.vpeer.c_dialogPeerFeed().vfeed_id.v; if (const auto feed = Auth().data().feedLoaded(feedId)) { Auth().data().setPinnedDialog(feed, d.is_pinned()); } else { DEBUG_LOG(("API Error: " "pinned feed not loaded for feedId %1" ).arg(feedId )); _dialogs->loadPinnedDialogs(); } } break; } } break; case mtpc_updateChannel: { auto &d = update.c_updateChannel(); if (const auto channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v)) { channel->inviter = UserId(0); if (!channel->amIn()) { if (const auto history = App::historyLoaded(channel->id)) { history->updateChatListExistence(); } } else if (!channel->amCreator() && App::history(channel->id)) { _updatedChannels.insert(channel, true); Auth().api().requestSelfParticipant(channel); } if (const auto feed = channel->feed()) { if (!feed->lastMessageKnown() || !feed->unreadCountKnown()) { Auth().api().requestDialogEntry(feed); } } else if (channel->amIn()) { const auto history = App::history(channel->id); if (!history->lastMessageKnown() || !history->unreadCountKnown()) { Auth().api().requestDialogEntry(history); } } } } break; case mtpc_updateChannelPinnedMessage: { auto &d = update.c_updateChannelPinnedMessage(); if (auto channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v)) { channel->setPinnedMessageId(d.vid.v); } } break; case mtpc_updateChannelTooLong: { auto &d = update.c_updateChannelTooLong(); if (auto channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v)) { if (!d.has_pts() || channel->pts() < d.vpts.v) { getChannelDifference(channel); } } } break; case mtpc_updateChannelMessageViews: { auto &d = update.c_updateChannelMessageViews(); if (auto item = App::histItemById(d.vchannel_id.v, d.vid.v)) { item->setViewsCount(d.vviews.v); } } break; case mtpc_updateChannelAvailableMessages: { auto &d = update.c_updateChannelAvailableMessages(); if (auto channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v)) { channel->setAvailableMinId(d.vavailable_min_id.v); } } break; ////// Cloud sticker sets case mtpc_updateNewStickerSet: { auto &d = update.c_updateNewStickerSet(); bool writeArchived = false; if (d.vstickerset.type() == mtpc_messages_stickerSet) { auto &set = d.vstickerset.c_messages_stickerSet(); if (set.vset.type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { auto &s = set.vset.c_stickerSet(); if (!s.has_installed_date()) { LOG(("API Error: " "updateNewStickerSet without install_date flag.")); } if (!s.is_masks()) { auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto it = sets.find(s.vid.v); if (it == sets.cend()) { it = sets.insert(s.vid.v, Stickers::Set( s.vid.v, s.vaccess_hash.v, Stickers::GetSetTitle(s), qs(s.vshort_name), s.vcount.v, s.vhash.v, s.vflags.v | MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date, s.has_installed_date() ? s.vinstalled_date.v : unixtime())); } else { it->flags |= MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date; if (!it->installDate) { it->installDate = unixtime(); } if (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) { it->flags &= ~MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived; writeArchived = true; } } auto inputSet = MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(it->id), MTP_long(it->access)); auto &v = set.vdocuments.v; it->stickers.clear(); it->stickers.reserve(v.size()); for (int i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) { const auto doc = Auth().data().document(v.at(i)); if (!doc->sticker()) continue; it->stickers.push_back(doc); if (doc->sticker()->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetID) { doc->sticker()->set = inputSet; } } it->emoji.clear(); auto &packs = set.vpacks.v; for (auto i = 0, l = packs.size(); i != l; ++i) { if (packs[i].type() != mtpc_stickerPack) continue; auto &pack = packs.at(i).c_stickerPack(); if (auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(qs(pack.vemoticon))) { emoji = emoji->original(); auto &stickers = pack.vdocuments.v; Stickers::Pack p; p.reserve(stickers.size()); for (auto j = 0, c = stickers.size(); j != c; ++j) { auto doc = Auth().data().document(stickers[j].v); if (!doc->sticker()) continue; p.push_back(doc); } it->emoji.insert(emoji, p); } } auto &order = Auth().data().stickerSetsOrderRef(); int32 insertAtIndex = 0, currentIndex = order.indexOf(s.vid.v); if (currentIndex != insertAtIndex) { if (currentIndex > 0) { order.removeAt(currentIndex); } order.insert(insertAtIndex, s.vid.v); } auto custom = sets.find(Stickers::CustomSetId); if (custom != sets.cend()) { for (int32 i = 0, l = it->stickers.size(); i < l; ++i) { int32 removeIndex = custom->stickers.indexOf(it->stickers.at(i)); if (removeIndex >= 0) custom->stickers.removeAt(removeIndex); } if (custom->stickers.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(custom); } } Local::writeInstalledStickers(); if (writeArchived) Local::writeArchivedStickers(); Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); } } } } break; case mtpc_updateStickerSetsOrder: { auto &d = update.c_updateStickerSetsOrder(); if (!d.is_masks()) { auto &order = d.vorder.v; auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSets(); Stickers::Order result; for (int i = 0, l = order.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (sets.constFind(order.at(i).v) == sets.cend()) { break; } result.push_back(order.at(i).v); } if (result.size() != Auth().data().stickerSetsOrder().size() || result.size() != order.size()) { Auth().data().setLastStickersUpdate(0); Auth().api().updateStickers(); } else { Auth().data().stickerSetsOrderRef() = std::move(result); Local::writeInstalledStickers(); Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); } } } break; case mtpc_updateStickerSets: { Auth().data().setLastStickersUpdate(0); Auth().api().updateStickers(); } break; case mtpc_updateRecentStickers: { Auth().data().setLastRecentStickersUpdate(0); Auth().api().updateStickers(); } break; case mtpc_updateFavedStickers: { Auth().data().setLastFavedStickersUpdate(0); Auth().api().updateStickers(); } break; case mtpc_updateReadFeaturedStickers: { // We read some of the featured stickers, perhaps not all of them. // Here we don't know what featured sticker sets were read, so we // request all of them once again. Auth().data().setLastFeaturedStickersUpdate(0); Auth().api().updateStickers(); } break; ////// Cloud saved GIFs case mtpc_updateSavedGifs: { Auth().data().setLastSavedGifsUpdate(0); Auth().api().updateStickers(); } break; ////// Cloud drafts case mtpc_updateDraftMessage: { auto &peerDraft = update.c_updateDraftMessage(); auto peerId = peerFromMTP(peerDraft.vpeer); auto &draftMessage = peerDraft.vdraft; if (draftMessage.type() == mtpc_draftMessage) { auto &draft = draftMessage.c_draftMessage(); Data::applyPeerCloudDraft(peerId, draft); } else { Data::clearPeerCloudDraft(peerId); } } break; ////// Cloud langpacks case mtpc_updateLangPack: { auto &langpack = update.c_updateLangPack(); Lang::CurrentCloudManager().applyLangPackDifference(langpack.vdifference); } break; case mtpc_updateLangPackTooLong: { Lang::CurrentCloudManager().requestLangPackDifference(); } break; } }