/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "data/data_cloud_file.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "spellcheck/spellcheck_types.h" // LanguageId. #include "ui/empty_userpic.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "ui/chat/message_bubble.h" struct WebPageData; class VoiceSeekClickHandler; class ReplyKeyboard; namespace Ui { struct ChatPaintContext; class ChatStyle; struct PeerUserpicView; } // namespace Ui namespace Ui::Text { struct GeometryDescriptor; } // namespace Ui::Text namespace Data { class Session; class Story; class SavedSublist; struct UnavailableReason; } // namespace Data namespace Media::Player { class RoundPainter; } // namespace Media::Player namespace Images { struct CornersMaskRef; } // namespace Images namespace HistoryView { class Element; class Document; class TranscribeButton; } // namespace HistoryView namespace style { struct BotKeyboardButton; } // namespace style struct HistoryMessageVia : public RuntimeComponent { void create(not_null owner, UserId userId); void resize(int32 availw) const; UserData *bot = nullptr; mutable QString text; mutable int width = 0; mutable int maxWidth = 0; ClickHandlerPtr link; }; struct HistoryMessageViews : public RuntimeComponent { static constexpr auto kMaxRecentRepliers = 3; struct Part { QString text; int textWidth = 0; int count = -1; }; std::vector recentRepliers; Part views; Part replies; Part repliesSmall; ChannelId commentsMegagroupId = 0; MsgId commentsRootId = 0; MsgId commentsInboxReadTillId = 0; MsgId commentsMaxId = 0; int forwardsCount = 0; }; struct HistoryMessageSigned : public RuntimeComponent { QString author; UserData *viaBusinessBot = nullptr; bool isAnonymousRank = false; }; struct HistoryMessageEdited : public RuntimeComponent { TimeId date = 0; }; class HiddenSenderInfo { public: HiddenSenderInfo( const QString &name, bool external, std::optional colorIndex = {}); QString name; QString firstName; QString lastName; uint8 colorIndex = 0; Ui::EmptyUserpic emptyUserpic; mutable Data::CloudImage customUserpic; [[nodiscard]] static ClickHandlerPtr ForwardClickHandler(); [[nodiscard]] const Ui::Text::String &nameText() const; [[nodiscard]] bool paintCustomUserpic( Painter &p, Ui::PeerUserpicView &view, int x, int y, int outerWidth, int size) const; inline bool operator==(const HiddenSenderInfo &other) const { return name == other.name; } inline bool operator!=(const HiddenSenderInfo &other) const { return !(*this == other); } private: mutable Ui::Text::String _nameText; }; struct HistoryMessageForwarded : public RuntimeComponent { void create( const HistoryMessageVia *via, not_null item) const; [[nodiscard]] bool forwardOfForward() const { return savedFromSender || savedFromHiddenSenderInfo; } TimeId originalDate = 0; PeerData *originalSender = nullptr; std::unique_ptr originalHiddenSenderInfo; QString originalPostAuthor; QString psaType; MsgId originalId = 0; mutable Ui::Text::String text = { 1 }; PeerData *savedFromPeer = nullptr; MsgId savedFromMsgId = 0; PeerData *savedFromSender = nullptr; std::unique_ptr savedFromHiddenSenderInfo; bool savedFromOutgoing = false; bool imported = false; bool story = false; }; struct HistoryMessageSavedMediaData : public RuntimeComponent { TextWithEntities text; std::unique_ptr media; }; struct HistoryMessageSaved : public RuntimeComponent { Data::SavedSublist *sublist = nullptr; }; class ReplyToMessagePointer final { public: ReplyToMessagePointer(HistoryItem *item = nullptr) : _data(item) { } ReplyToMessagePointer(ReplyToMessagePointer &&other) : _data(base::take(other._data)) { } ReplyToMessagePointer &operator=(ReplyToMessagePointer &&other) { _data = base::take(other._data); return *this; } ReplyToMessagePointer &operator=(HistoryItem *item) { _data = item; return *this; } [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return !_data; } [[nodiscard]] HistoryItem *get() const { return _data; } explicit operator bool() const { return !empty(); } [[nodiscard]] HistoryItem *operator->() const { return _data; } [[nodiscard]] HistoryItem &operator*() const { return *_data; } private: HistoryItem *_data = nullptr; }; class ReplyToStoryPointer final { public: ReplyToStoryPointer(Data::Story *story = nullptr) : _data(story) { } ReplyToStoryPointer(ReplyToStoryPointer &&other) : _data(base::take(other._data)) { } ReplyToStoryPointer &operator=(ReplyToStoryPointer &&other) { _data = base::take(other._data); return *this; } ReplyToStoryPointer &operator=(Data::Story *item) { _data = item; return *this; } [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return !_data; } [[nodiscard]] Data::Story *get() const { return _data; } explicit operator bool() const { return !empty(); } [[nodiscard]] Data::Story *operator->() const { return _data; } [[nodiscard]] Data::Story &operator*() const { return *_data; } private: Data::Story *_data = nullptr; }; struct ReplyFields { [[nodiscard]] ReplyFields clone(not_null parent) const; TextWithEntities quote; std::unique_ptr externalMedia; PeerId externalSenderId = 0; QString externalSenderName; QString externalPostAuthor; PeerId externalPeerId = 0; MsgId messageId = 0; MsgId topMessageId = 0; StoryId storyId = 0; uint32 quoteOffset : 30 = 0; uint32 manualQuote : 1 = 0; uint32 topicPost : 1 = 0; }; [[nodiscard]] ReplyFields ReplyFieldsFromMTP( not_null item, const MTPMessageReplyHeader &reply); [[nodiscard]] FullReplyTo ReplyToFromMTP( not_null history, const MTPInputReplyTo &reply); struct HistoryMessageReply : public RuntimeComponent { HistoryMessageReply(); HistoryMessageReply(const HistoryMessageReply &other) = delete; HistoryMessageReply(HistoryMessageReply &&other) = delete; HistoryMessageReply &operator=( const HistoryMessageReply &other) = delete; HistoryMessageReply &operator=(HistoryMessageReply &&other); ~HistoryMessageReply(); void set(ReplyFields fields); void updateFields( not_null holder, MsgId messageId, MsgId topMessageId, bool topicPost); void updateData(not_null holder, bool force = false); // Must be called before destructor. void clearData(not_null holder); [[nodiscard]] bool external() const; [[nodiscard]] bool displayAsExternal( not_null holder) const; void itemRemoved( not_null holder, not_null removed); void storyRemoved( not_null holder, not_null removed); [[nodiscard]] const ReplyFields &fields() const { return _fields; } [[nodiscard]] PeerId externalPeerId() const { return _fields.externalPeerId; } [[nodiscard]] MsgId messageId() const { return _fields.messageId; } [[nodiscard]] StoryId storyId() const { return _fields.storyId; } [[nodiscard]] MsgId topMessageId() const { return _fields.topMessageId; } [[nodiscard]] bool topicPost() const { return _fields.topicPost; } [[nodiscard]] bool manualQuote() const { return _fields.manualQuote; } [[nodiscard]] bool unavailable() const { return _unavailable; } [[nodiscard]] bool displaying() const { return _displaying; } [[nodiscard]] bool multiline() const { return _multiline; } [[nodiscard]] bool acquireResolve(); void setTopMessageId(MsgId topMessageId); void refreshReplyToMedia(); DocumentId replyToDocumentId = 0; WebPageId replyToWebPageId = 0; ReplyToMessagePointer resolvedMessage; ReplyToStoryPointer resolvedStory; private: ReplyFields _fields; uint8 _unavailable : 1 = 0; uint8 _displaying : 1 = 0; uint8 _multiline : 1 = 0; uint8 _pendingResolve : 1 = 0; uint8 _requestedResolve : 1 = 0; }; struct HistoryMessageTranslation : public RuntimeComponent { TextWithEntities text; LanguageId to; bool requested = false; bool failed = false; bool used = false; }; struct HistoryMessageReplyMarkup : public RuntimeComponent { using Button = HistoryMessageMarkupButton; void createForwarded(const HistoryMessageReplyMarkup &original); void updateData(HistoryMessageMarkupData &&markup); [[nodiscard]] bool hiddenBy(Data::Media *media) const; HistoryMessageMarkupData data; std::unique_ptr inlineKeyboard; }; class ReplyMarkupClickHandler : public ClickHandler { public: ReplyMarkupClickHandler( not_null owner, int row, int column, FullMsgId context); QString tooltip() const override; void setFullDisplayed(bool full) { _fullDisplayed = full; } // Copy to clipboard support. QString copyToClipboardText() const override; QString copyToClipboardContextItemText() const override; // Finds the corresponding button in the items markup struct. // If the button is not found it returns nullptr. // Note: it is possible that we will point to the different button // than the one was used when constructing the handler, but not a big deal. const HistoryMessageMarkupButton *getButton() const; const HistoryMessageMarkupButton *getUrlButton() const; // We hold only FullMsgId, not HistoryItem*, because all click handlers // are activated async and the item may be already destroyed. void setMessageId(const FullMsgId &msgId) { _itemId = msgId; } void onClick(ClickContext context) const override; private: const not_null _owner; FullMsgId _itemId; int _row = 0; int _column = 0; bool _fullDisplayed = true; // Returns the full text of the corresponding button. QString buttonText() const; }; class ReplyKeyboard { private: struct Button; public: class Style { public: Style(const style::BotKeyboardButton &st) : _st(&st) { } virtual void startPaint( QPainter &p, const Ui::ChatStyle *st) const = 0; virtual const style::TextStyle &textStyle() const = 0; int buttonSkip() const; int buttonPadding() const; int buttonHeight() const; [[nodiscard]] virtual Images::CornersMaskRef buttonRounding( Ui::BubbleRounding outer, RectParts sides) const = 0; virtual void repaint(not_null item) const = 0; virtual ~Style() { } protected: virtual void paintButtonBg( QPainter &p, const Ui::ChatStyle *st, const QRect &rect, Ui::BubbleRounding rounding, float64 howMuchOver) const = 0; virtual void paintButtonIcon( QPainter &p, const Ui::ChatStyle *st, const QRect &rect, int outerWidth, HistoryMessageMarkupButton::Type type) const = 0; virtual void paintButtonLoading( QPainter &p, const Ui::ChatStyle *st, const QRect &rect, int outerWidth, Ui::BubbleRounding rounding) const = 0; virtual int minButtonWidth( HistoryMessageMarkupButton::Type type) const = 0; private: const style::BotKeyboardButton *_st; void paintButton( Painter &p, const Ui::ChatStyle *st, int outerWidth, const ReplyKeyboard::Button &button, Ui::BubbleRounding rounding) const; friend class ReplyKeyboard; }; ReplyKeyboard( not_null item, std::unique_ptr