/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_histories.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_key.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "storage/storage_facade.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" namespace Data { namespace { constexpr auto kLoadedChatsMinCount = 20; constexpr auto kShowChatNamesCount = 8; } // namespace Folder::Folder(not_null owner, FolderId id) : Entry(owner, Type::Folder) , _id(id) , _chatsList( &owner->session(), FilterId(), owner->maxPinnedChatsLimitValue(this, FilterId())) , _name(tr::lng_archived_name(tr::now)) , _chatListNameSortKey(owner->nameSortKey(_name)) { indexNameParts(); session().changes().peerUpdates( PeerUpdate::Flag::Name ) | rpl::filter([=](const PeerUpdate &update) { return ranges::contains(_lastHistories, update.peer, &History::peer); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { ++_chatListViewVersion; updateChatListEntryPostponed(); }, _lifetime); _chatsList.setAllAreMuted(true); _chatsList.unreadStateChanges( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return inChatList(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Dialogs::UnreadState &old) { ++_chatListViewVersion; notifyUnreadStateChange(old); updateChatListEntryPostponed(); }, _lifetime); _chatsList.fullSize().changes( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateChatListEntryPostponed(); }, _lifetime); } void Folder::updateChatListEntryPostponed() { if (_updateChatListEntryPostponed) { return; } _updateChatListEntryPostponed = true; Ui::PostponeCall(this, [=] { updateChatListEntry(); _updateChatListEntryPostponed = false; }); } FolderId Folder::id() const { return _id; } void Folder::indexNameParts() { // We don't want archive to be filtered in the chats list. //_nameWords.clear(); //_nameFirstLetters.clear(); //auto toIndexList = QStringList(); //auto appendToIndex = [&](const QString &value) { // if (!value.isEmpty()) { // toIndexList.push_back(TextUtilities::RemoveAccents(value)); // } //}; //appendToIndex(_name); //const auto appendTranslit = !toIndexList.isEmpty() // && cRussianLetters().match(toIndexList.front()).hasMatch(); //if (appendTranslit) { // appendToIndex(translitRusEng(toIndexList.front())); //} //auto toIndex = toIndexList.join(' '); //toIndex += ' ' + rusKeyboardLayoutSwitch(toIndex); //const auto namesList = TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(toIndex); //for (const auto &name : namesList) { // _nameWords.insert(name); // _nameFirstLetters.insert(name[0]); //} } void Folder::registerOne(not_null history) { if (_chatsList.indexed()->size() == 1) { updateChatListSortPosition(); if (!_chatsList.cloudUnreadKnown()) { owner().histories().requestDialogEntry(this); } } else { updateChatListEntry(); } applyChatListMessage(history->chatListMessage()); reorderLastHistories(); } void Folder::unregisterOne(not_null history) { if (_chatsList.empty()) { updateChatListExistence(); } if (_chatListMessage && _chatListMessage->history() == history) { computeChatListMessage(); } reorderLastHistories(); } int Folder::chatListNameVersion() const { return 1; } void Folder::oneListMessageChanged(HistoryItem *from, HistoryItem *to) { if (!applyChatListMessage(to) && _chatListMessage == from) { computeChatListMessage(); } if (from || to) { reorderLastHistories(); } } bool Folder::applyChatListMessage(HistoryItem *item) { if (!item) { return false; } else if (_chatListMessage && _chatListMessage->date() >= item->date()) { return false; } _chatListMessage = item; updateChatListEntry(); return true; } void Folder::computeChatListMessage() { auto &&items = ranges::views::all( *_chatsList.indexed() ) | ranges::views::filter([](not_null row) { return row->entry()->chatListMessage() != nullptr; }); const auto chatListDate = [](not_null row) { return row->entry()->chatListMessage()->date(); }; const auto top = ranges::max_element( items, ranges::less(), chatListDate); if (top == items.end()) { _chatListMessage = nullptr; } else { _chatListMessage = (*top)->entry()->chatListMessage(); } updateChatListEntry(); } void Folder::reorderLastHistories() { // We want first kShowChatNamesCount histories, by last message date. const auto pred = [](not_null a, not_null b) { const auto aItem = a->chatListMessage(); const auto bItem = b->chatListMessage(); const auto aDate = aItem ? aItem->date() : TimeId(0); const auto bDate = bItem ? bItem->date() : TimeId(0); return aDate > bDate; }; _lastHistories.erase(_lastHistories.begin(), _lastHistories.end()); _lastHistories.reserve(kShowChatNamesCount + 1); auto &&histories = ranges::views::all( *_chatsList.indexed() ) | ranges::views::transform([](not_null row) { return row->history(); }) | ranges::views::filter([](History *history) { return (history != nullptr); }) | ranges::views::transform([](History *history) { return not_null(history); }); for (const auto history : histories) { const auto i = ranges::upper_bound(_lastHistories, history, pred); if (size(_lastHistories) < kShowChatNamesCount || i != end(_lastHistories)) { _lastHistories.insert(i, history); } if (size(_lastHistories) > kShowChatNamesCount) { _lastHistories.pop_back(); } } ++_chatListViewVersion; updateChatListEntry(); } not_null Folder::chatsList() { return &_chatsList; } void Folder::loadUserpic() { } void Folder::paintUserpic( Painter &p, std::shared_ptr &view, int x, int y, int size) const { paintUserpic(p, x, y, size, nullptr, nullptr); } void Folder::paintUserpic( Painter &p, int x, int y, int size, const style::color &bg, const style::color &fg) const { paintUserpic(p, x, y, size, &bg, &fg); } void Folder::paintUserpic( Painter &p, int x, int y, int size, const style::color *overrideBg, const style::color *overrideFg) const { p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(overrideBg ? *overrideBg : st::historyPeerArchiveUserpicBg); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(x, y, size, size); } if (size == st::dialogsPhotoSize) { const auto rect = QRect{ x, y, size, size }; if (overrideFg) { st::dialogsArchiveUserpic.paintInCenter( p, rect, (*overrideFg)->c); } else { st::dialogsArchiveUserpic.paintInCenter(p, rect); } } else { p.save(); const auto ratio = size / float64(st::dialogsPhotoSize); p.translate(x + size / 2., y + size / 2.); p.scale(ratio, ratio); const auto skip = st::dialogsPhotoSize; const auto rect = QRect{ -skip, -skip, 2 * skip, 2 * skip }; if (overrideFg) { st::dialogsArchiveUserpic.paintInCenter( p, rect, (*overrideFg)->c); } else { st::dialogsArchiveUserpic.paintInCenter(p, rect); } p.restore(); } } const std::vector> &Folder::lastHistories() const { return _lastHistories; } uint32 Folder::chatListViewVersion() const { return _chatListViewVersion; } void Folder::requestChatListMessage() { if (!chatListMessageKnown()) { owner().histories().requestDialogEntry(this); } } TimeId Folder::adjustedChatListTimeId() const { return _chatListMessage ? _chatListMessage->date() : chatListTimeId(); } void Folder::applyDialog(const MTPDdialogFolder &data) { _chatsList.updateCloudUnread(data); if (const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer())) { const auto history = owner().history(peerId); const auto fullId = FullMsgId(peerId, data.vtop_message().v); history->setFolder(this, owner().message(fullId)); } else { _chatsList.clear(); updateChatListExistence(); } if (_chatsList.indexed()->size() < kLoadedChatsMinCount) { session().api().requestDialogs(this); } } void Folder::applyPinnedUpdate(const MTPDupdateDialogPinned &data) { const auto folderId = data.vfolder_id().value_or_empty(); if (folderId != 0) { LOG(("API Error: Nested folders detected.")); } owner().setChatPinned(this, FilterId(), data.is_pinned()); } int Folder::fixedOnTopIndex() const { return kArchiveFixOnTopIndex; } bool Folder::shouldBeInChatList() const { return !_chatsList.empty(); } int Folder::chatListUnreadCount() const { const auto state = chatListUnreadState(); return state.marks + (Core::App().settings().countUnreadMessages() ? state.messages : state.chats); } Dialogs::UnreadState Folder::chatListUnreadState() const { return _chatsList.unreadState(); } bool Folder::chatListUnreadMark() const { return false; } bool Folder::chatListMutedBadge() const { return true; } HistoryItem *Folder::chatListMessage() const { return _chatListMessage; } bool Folder::chatListMessageKnown() const { return true; } const QString &Folder::chatListName() const { return _name; } const base::flat_set &Folder::chatListNameWords() const { return _nameWords; } const base::flat_set &Folder::chatListFirstLetters() const { return _nameFirstLetters; } const QString &Folder::chatListNameSortKey() const { return _chatListNameSortKey; } } // namespace Data