/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "lang.h" #include "style.h" #include "gui/filedialog.h" #include "boxes/photocropbox.h" #include "application.h" #include "intro/introsignup.h" #include "intro/intro.h" IntroSignup::IntroSignup(IntroWidget *parent) : IntroStage(parent), errorAlpha(0), a_photo(0), next(this, lang(lng_intro_finish), st::btnIntroNext), first(this, st::inpIntroName, lang(lng_signup_firstname)), last(this, st::inpIntroName, lang(lng_signup_lastname)) { setVisible(false); setGeometry(parent->innerRect()); connect(&next, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSubmitName())); connect(&checkRequest, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onCheckRequest())); setMouseTracking(true); } void IntroSignup::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { bool photoOver = QRect(_phLeft, _phTop, st::introPhotoSize, st::introPhotoSize).contains(e->pos()); if (photoOver != _photoOver) { _photoOver = photoOver; if (_photoSmall.isNull()) { a_photo.start(_photoOver ? 1 : 0); errorAlpha.restart(); anim::start(this); } } setCursor(_photoOver ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } void IntroSignup::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { mouseMoveEvent(e); if (QRect(_phLeft, _phTop, st::introPhotoSize, st::introPhotoSize).contains(e->pos())) { QStringList imgExtensions(cImgExtensions()); QString filter(qsl("Image files (*") + imgExtensions.join(qsl(" *")) + qsl(");;All files (*.*)")); QImage img; QString file; QByteArray remoteContent; if (filedialogGetOpenFile(file, remoteContent, lang(lng_choose_images), filter)) { if (!remoteContent.isEmpty()) { img = App::readImage(remoteContent); } else { if (!file.isEmpty()) { img = App::readImage(file); } } } else { return; } if (img.isNull() || img.width() > 10 * img.height() || img.height() > 10 * img.width()) { showError(lang(lng_bad_photo)); return; } PhotoCropBox *box = new PhotoCropBox(img, 0); connect(box, SIGNAL(ready(const QImage &)), this, SLOT(onPhotoReady(const QImage &))); App::wnd()->showLayer(box); } } void IntroSignup::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { bool trivial = (rect() == e->rect()); QPainter p(this); if (!trivial) { p.setClipRect(e->rect()); } if (trivial || e->rect().intersects(textRect)) { p.setFont(st::introHeaderFont->f); p.drawText(textRect, lang(lng_signup_title), style::al_top); p.setFont(st::introFont->f); p.drawText(textRect, lang(lng_signup_desc), style::al_bottom); } if (animating() || error.length()) { p.setOpacity(errorAlpha.current()); QRect errRect((width() - st::introErrWidth) / 2, (last.y() + last.height() + next.y() - st::introErrHeight) / 2, st::introErrWidth, st::introErrHeight); p.fillRect(errRect, st::introErrBG->b); p.setFont(st::introErrFont->f); p.setPen(st::introErrColor->p); p.drawText(errRect, error, QTextOption(style::al_center)); p.setOpacity(1); } if (_photoSmall.isNull()) { if (a_photo.current() < 1) { QRect pix(st::setPhotoImg); pix.moveTo(pix.x() + (pix.width() - st::introPhotoSize) / 2, pix.y() + (pix.height() - st::introPhotoSize) / 2); pix.setSize(QSize(st::introPhotoSize, st::introPhotoSize)); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(_phLeft, _phTop), App::sprite(), pix); } if (a_photo.current() > 0) { QRect pix(st::setOverPhotoImg); pix.moveTo(pix.x() + (pix.width() - st::introPhotoSize) / 2, pix.y() + (pix.height() - st::introPhotoSize) / 2); pix.setSize(QSize(st::introPhotoSize, st::introPhotoSize)); p.setOpacity(a_photo.current()); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(_phLeft, _phTop), App::sprite(), pix); p.setOpacity(1); } } else { p.drawPixmap(_phLeft, _phTop, _photoSmall); } } void IntroSignup::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _phLeft = (width() - next.width()) / 2; _phTop = st::introTextTop + st::introTextSize.height() + st::introCountry.top; if (e->oldSize().width() != width()) { next.move((width() - next.width()) / 2, st::introBtnTop); first.move((width() - next.width()) / 2 + next.width() - first.width(), _phTop); last.move((width() - next.width()) / 2 + next.width() - last.width(), first.y() + st::introCountry.height + st::introCountry.ptrSize.height() + st::introPhoneTop); } textRect = QRect((width() - st::introTextSize.width()) / 2, st::introTextTop, st::introTextSize.width(), st::introTextSize.height()); } void IntroSignup::showError(const QString &err) { if (!animating() && err == error) return; if (err.length()) { error = err; errorAlpha.start(1); } else { errorAlpha.start(0); } a_photo.restart(); anim::start(this); } bool IntroSignup::animStep(float64 ms) { float64 dt = ms / st::introErrDuration; bool res = true; if (dt >= 1) { res = false; errorAlpha.finish(); if (!errorAlpha.current()) { error = ""; } a_photo.finish(); } else { errorAlpha.update(dt, st::introErrFunc); a_photo.update(dt, anim::linear); } update(); return res; } void IntroSignup::activate() { show(); first.setFocus(); } void IntroSignup::deactivate() { hide(); } void IntroSignup::stopCheck() { checkRequest.stop(); } void IntroSignup::onCheckRequest() { int32 status = MTP::state(sentRequest); if (status < 0) { int32 leftms = -status; if (leftms >= 1000) { MTP::cancel(sentRequest); sentRequest = 0; if (!first.isEnabled()) { first.setDisabled(false); last.setDisabled(false); last.setFocus(); } } } if (!sentRequest && status == MTP::RequestSent) { stopCheck(); } } void IntroSignup::onPhotoReady(const QImage &img) { _photoBig = img; _photoSmall = QPixmap::fromImage(img.scaled(st::introPhotoSize, st::introPhotoSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation), Qt::ColorOnly); App::wnd()->hideLayer(); } void IntroSignup::nameSubmitDone(const MTPauth_Authorization &result) { stopCheck(); first.setDisabled(false); last.setDisabled(false); const MTPDauth_authorization &d(result.c_auth_authorization()); if (d.vuser.type() != mtpc_userSelf) { // wtf? showError(lang(lng_server_error)); return; } intro()->finish(d.vuser, _photoBig); } bool IntroSignup::nameSubmitFail(const RPCError &error) { stopCheck(); first.setDisabled(false); last.setDisabled(false); const QString &err = error.type(); if (err == "PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID" || err == "PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED" || err == "PHONE_CODE_EMPTY" || err == "PHONE_CODE_INVALID" || err == "PHONE_NUMBER_OCCUPIED") { intro()->onIntroBack(); return true; } else if (err == "FIRSTNAME_INVALID") { showError(lang(lng_bad_name)); first.setFocus(); return true; } else if (err == "LASTNAME_INVALID") { showError(lang(lng_bad_name)); last.setFocus(); return true; } if (QRegularExpression("^FLOOD_WAIT_(\\d+)$").match(err).hasMatch()) { showError(lang(lng_flood_error)); last.setFocus(); return true; } if (cDebug()) { // internal server error showError(err + ": " + error.description()); } else { showError(lang(lng_server_error)); } first.setFocus(); return false; } void IntroSignup::onInputChange() { showError(""); } void IntroSignup::onSubmitName(bool force) { if ((first.hasFocus() || first.text().trimmed().length()) && !last.text().trimmed().length()) { last.setFocus(); return; } else if (!first.text().trimmed().length()) { first.setFocus(); return; } if (!force && !first.isEnabled()) return; first.setDisabled(true); last.setDisabled(true); setFocus(); showError(""); firstName = first.text().trimmed(); lastName = last.text().trimmed(); sentRequest = MTP::send(MTPauth_SignUp(MTP_string(intro()->getPhone()), MTP_string(intro()->getPhoneHash()), MTP_string(intro()->getCode()), MTP_string(firstName), MTP_string(lastName)), rpcDone(&IntroSignup::nameSubmitDone), rpcFail(&IntroSignup::nameSubmitFail)); } void IntroSignup::onNext() { onSubmitName(); } void IntroSignup::onBack() { }