/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; using std::deque; using std::cout; bool do_mkdir(const char *path) { // from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/675039/how-can-i-create-directory-tree-in-c-linux struct stat statbuf; if (stat(path, &statbuf) != 0) { /* Directory does not exist. EEXIST for race condition */ if (mkdir(path, S_IRWXU) != 0 && errno != EEXIST) return false; } else if (!S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { errno = ENOTDIR; return false; } return true; } bool _debug = false; FILE *_logFile = 0; void openLog() { if (!_debug || _logFile) return; if (!do_mkdir("DebugLogs")) { return; } time_t timer; time(&timer); struct tm *t = localtime(&timer); static const int maxFileLen = 65536; char logName[maxFileLen]; sprintf(logName, "DebugLogs/%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d_upd.txt", t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec); _logFile = fopen(logName, "w"); } void closeLog() { if (!_logFile) return; fclose(_logFile); _logFile = 0; } void writeLog(const char *format, ...) { if (!_logFile) return; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vfprintf(_logFile, format, args); fprintf(_logFile, "\n"); fflush(_logFile); va_end(args); } bool copyFile(const char *from, const char *to) { FILE *ffrom = fopen(from, "rb"), *fto = fopen(to, "wb"); if (!ffrom) { if (fto) fclose(fto); return false; } if (!fto) { fclose(ffrom); return false; } static const int BufSize = 65536; char buf[BufSize]; while (size_t size = fread(buf, 1, BufSize, ffrom)) { fwrite(buf, 1, size, fto); } struct stat fst; // from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5486774/keeping-fileowner-and-permissions-after-copying-file-in-c //let's say this wont fail since you already worked OK on that fp if (fstat(fileno(ffrom), &fst) != 0) { fclose(ffrom); fclose(fto); return false; } //update to the same uid/gid if (fchown(fileno(fto), fst.st_uid, fst.st_gid) != 0) { fclose(ffrom); fclose(fto); return false; } //update the permissions if (fchmod(fileno(fto), fst.st_mode) != 0) { fclose(ffrom); fclose(fto); return false; } fclose(ffrom); fclose(fto); return true; } bool remove_directory(const string &path) { // from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2256945/removing-a-non-empty-directory-programmatically-in-c-or-c DIR *d = opendir(path.c_str()); writeLog("Removing dir '%s'", path.c_str()); if (!d) { writeLog("Could not open dir '%s'", path.c_str()); return false; } while (struct dirent *p = readdir(d)) { /* Skip the names "." and ".." as we don't want to recurse on them. */ if (!strcmp(p->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(p->d_name, "..")) continue; string fname = path + '/' + p->d_name; struct stat statbuf; writeLog("Trying to get stat() for '%s'", fname.c_str()); if (!stat(fname.c_str(), &statbuf)) { if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { if (!remove_directory(fname.c_str())) { closedir(d); return false; } } else { writeLog("Unlinking file '%s'", fname.c_str()); if (unlink(fname.c_str())) { writeLog("Failed to unlink '%s'", fname.c_str()); closedir(d); return false; } } } else { writeLog("Failed to call stat() on '%s'", fname.c_str()); } } closedir(d); writeLog("Finally removing dir '%s'", path.c_str()); return !rmdir(path.c_str()); } bool mkpath(const char *path) { int status = 0, pathsize = strlen(path) + 1; char *copypath = new char[pathsize]; memcpy(copypath, path, pathsize); char *pp = copypath, *sp; while (status == 0 && (sp = strchr(pp, '/')) != 0) { if (sp != pp) { /* Neither root nor double slash in path */ *sp = '\0'; if (!do_mkdir(copypath)) { delete[] copypath; return false; } *sp = '/'; } pp = sp + 1; } delete[] copypath; return do_mkdir(path); } string exeName, exeDir, workDir; bool equal(string a, string b) { std::transform(a.begin(), a.end(), a.begin(), ::tolower); std::transform(b.begin(), b.end(), b.begin(), ::tolower); return a == b; } void delFolder() { string delPath = workDir + "tupdates/ready", delFolder = workDir + "tupdates"; writeLog("Fully clearing path '%s'..", delPath.c_str()); if (!remove_directory(delPath)) { writeLog("Error: failed to clear path! :("); } rmdir(delFolder.c_str()); } bool update() { writeLog("Update started.."); string updDir = workDir + "tupdates/ready"; deque dirs; dirs.push_back(updDir); deque from, to, forcedirs; do { string dir = dirs.front(); dirs.pop_front(); string toDir = exeDir; if (dir.size() > updDir.size() + 1) { toDir += (dir.substr(updDir.size() + 1) + '/'); forcedirs.push_back(toDir); writeLog("Parsing dir '%s' in update tree..", toDir.c_str()); } DIR *d = opendir(dir.c_str()); if (!d) { writeLog("Failed to open dir %s", dir.c_str()); return false; } while (struct dirent *p = readdir(d)) { /* Skip the names "." and ".." as we don't want to recurse on them. */ if (!strcmp(p->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(p->d_name, "..")) continue; string fname = dir + '/' + p->d_name; struct stat statbuf; if (!stat(fname.c_str(), &statbuf)) { if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { dirs.push_back(fname); writeLog("Added dir '%s' in update tree..", fname.c_str()); } else { string tofname = exeDir + fname.substr(updDir.size() + 1); if (equal(tofname, exeName)) { // bad update - has Updater - delete all dir writeLog("Error: bad update, has Updater! '%s' equal '%s'", tofname.c_str(), exeName.c_str()); delFolder(); return false; } from.push_back(fname); to.push_back(tofname); writeLog("Added file '%s' to be copied to '%s'", fname.c_str(), tofname.c_str()); } } else { writeLog("Could not get stat() for file %s", fname.c_str()); } } closedir(d); } while (!dirs.empty()); for (size_t i = 0; i < forcedirs.size(); ++i) { string forcedir = forcedirs[i]; writeLog("Forcing dir '%s'..", forcedir.c_str()); if (!forcedir.empty() && !mkpath(forcedir.c_str())) { writeLog("Error: failed to create dir '%s'..", forcedir.c_str()); delFolder(); return false; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < from.size(); ++i) { string fname = from[i], tofname = to[i]; writeLog("Copying file '%s' to '%s'..", fname.c_str(), tofname.c_str()); int copyTries = 0, triesLimit = 30; do { if (!copyFile(fname.c_str(), tofname.c_str())) { ++copyTries; usleep(100000); } else { break; } } while (copyTries < triesLimit); if (copyTries == triesLimit) { writeLog("Error: failed to copy, asking to retry.."); delFolder(); return false; } } writeLog("Update succeed! Clearing folder.."); delFolder(); return true; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { openLog(); writeLog("Updater started.."); bool needupdate = true, autostart = false, debug = false, tosettings = false, startintray = false, testmode = false; char *key = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (equal(argv[i], "-noupdate")) { needupdate = false; } else if (equal(argv[i], "-autostart")) { autostart = true; } else if (equal(argv[i], "-debug")) { debug = _debug = true; openLog(); } else if (equal(argv[i], "-startintray")) { startintray = true; } else if (equal(argv[i], "-testmode")) { testmode = true; } else if (equal(argv[i], "-tosettings")) { tosettings = true; } else if (equal(argv[i], "-key") && ++i < argc) { key = argv[i]; } else if (equal(argv[i], "-workpath") && ++i < argc) { workDir = argv[i]; } } if (needupdate) writeLog("Need to update!"); if (autostart) writeLog("From autostart!"); exeName = argv[0]; writeLog("Exe name is: %s", exeName.c_str()); if (exeName.size() >= 7) { if (equal(exeName.substr(exeName.size() - 7), "Updater")) { exeDir = exeName.substr(0, exeName.size() - 7); writeLog("Exe dir is: %s", exeDir.c_str()); if (needupdate) { if (workDir.empty()) { // old app launched writeLog("No workdir, trying to figure it out"); struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw && pw->pw_dir && strlen(pw->pw_dir)) { string tryDir = pw->pw_dir + string("/.TelegramDesktop/"); struct stat statbuf; writeLog("Trying to use '%s' as workDir, getting stat() for tupdates/ready", tryDir.c_str()); if (!stat((tryDir + "tupdates/ready").c_str(), &statbuf)) { writeLog("Stat got"); if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { writeLog("It is directory, using home work dir"); workDir = tryDir; } } } if (workDir.empty()) { workDir = exeDir; struct stat statbuf; writeLog("Trying to use current as workDir, getting stat() for tupdates/ready"); if (!stat("tupdates/ready", &statbuf)) { writeLog("Stat got"); if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { writeLog("It is directory, using current dir"); workDir = string(); } } } } else { writeLog("Passed workpath is '%s'", workDir.c_str()); } update(); } } else { writeLog("Error: bad exe name!"); } } else { writeLog("Error: short exe name!"); } static const int MaxLen = 65536, MaxArgsCount = 128; char path[MaxLen] = {0}; strcpy(path, (exeDir + "Telegram").c_str()); char *args[MaxArgsCount] = {0}, p_noupdate[] = "-noupdate", p_autostart[] = "-autostart", p_debug[] = "-debug", p_tosettings[] = "-tosettings", p_key[] = "-key", p_startintray[] = "-startintray", p_testmode[] = "-testmode"; int argIndex = 0; args[argIndex++] = path; args[argIndex++] = p_noupdate; if (autostart) args[argIndex++] = p_autostart; if (debug) args[argIndex++] = p_debug; if (startintray) args[argIndex++] = p_startintray; if (testmode) args[argIndex++] = p_testmode; if (tosettings) args[argIndex++] = p_tosettings; if (key) { args[argIndex++] = p_key; args[argIndex++] = key; } pid_t pid = fork(); switch (pid) { case -1: writeLog("fork() failed!"); return 1; case 0: execv(path, args); return 1; } writeLog("Executed Telegram, closing log and quiting.."); closeLog(); return 0; }