/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "lang/lang_instance.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "lang/lang_file_parser.h" #include "storage/serialize_common.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" namespace Lang { namespace { constexpr auto kDefaultLanguage = str_const("en"); constexpr auto kLangValuesLimit = 20000; constexpr str_const kLegacyLanguages[] = { "en", "it", "es", "de", "nl", "pt_BR", "ko", }; class ValueParser { public: ValueParser(const QByteArray &key, LangKey keyIndex, const QByteArray &value); QString takeResult() { Expects(!_failed); return std::move(_result); } std::map takePluralValues() { Expects(!_failed); return std::move(_plural); } bool parse(); private: void appendToResult(const char *nextBegin); void appendToPlural(const char *nextBegin); bool feedPluralValue(); bool logError(const QString &text); bool readTag(); const QByteArray &_key; LangKey _keyIndex = kLangKeysCount; QLatin1String _currentTag; ushort _currentTagIndex = 0; QString _currentTagReplacer; QString _pluralValue; int _pluralIndex = 0; bool _pluralNumericFound = false; bool _failed = true; const char *_begin, *_ch, *_end; QString _result; std::map _plural; OrderedSet _tagsUsed; }; ValueParser::ValueParser(const QByteArray &key, LangKey keyIndex, const QByteArray &value) : _key(key) , _keyIndex(keyIndex) , _begin(value.constData()) , _ch(_begin) , _end(_begin + value.size()) { } void ValueParser::appendToResult(const char *nextBegin) { if (_ch > _begin) _result.append(QString::fromUtf8(_begin, _ch - _begin)); _begin = nextBegin; } void ValueParser::appendToPlural(const char *nextBegin) { if (_ch > _begin) _pluralValue.append(QString::fromUtf8(_begin, _ch - _begin)); _begin = nextBegin; } bool ValueParser::feedPluralValue() { appendToPlural(_ch + 1); if (_pluralIndex >= kTagsPluralVariants) { return logError("Too many values inside counted tag"); } auto pluralKeyIndex = GetSubkeyIndex(_keyIndex, _currentTagIndex, _pluralIndex); if (pluralKeyIndex == kLangKeysCount) { return logError("Unexpected counted tag"); } else { _plural.emplace(pluralKeyIndex, _pluralValue); } ++_pluralIndex; _pluralValue = QString(); _pluralNumericFound = false; return true; }; bool ValueParser::logError(const QString &text) { _failed = true; auto loggedKey = (_currentTag.size() > 0) ? (_key + QString(':') + _currentTag) : QString(_key); LOG(("Lang Error: %1 (key '%2')").arg(text).arg(loggedKey)); return false; } bool ValueParser::readTag() { auto tagStart = _ch; auto isTagChar = [](QChar ch) { if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { return true; } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'z') { return true; } else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { return true; } return (ch == '_'); }; while (_ch != _end && isTagChar(*_ch)) { ++_ch; } if (_ch == tagStart) { return logError("Expected tag name"); } _currentTag = QLatin1String(tagStart, _ch - tagStart); if (_ch == _end || (*_ch != '}' && *_ch != ':')) { return logError("Expected '}' or ':' after tag name"); } _currentTagIndex = GetTagIndex(_currentTag); if (_currentTagIndex == kTagsCount) { return logError("Unknown tag"); } if (!IsTagReplaced(_keyIndex, _currentTagIndex)) { return logError("Unexpected tag"); } if (_tagsUsed.contains(_currentTagIndex)) { return logError("Repeated tag"); } _tagsUsed.insert(_currentTagIndex); if (_currentTagReplacer.isEmpty()) { _currentTagReplacer = QString(4, TextCommand); _currentTagReplacer[1] = TextCommandLangTag; } _currentTagReplacer[2] = QChar(0x0020 + _currentTagIndex); return true; } bool ValueParser::parse() { _failed = false; _result.reserve(_end - _begin); for (; _ch != _end; ++_ch) { if (*_ch == '{') { appendToResult(_ch); ++_ch; if (!readTag()) { return false; } _result.append(_currentTagReplacer); _begin = _ch + 1; if (*_ch == ':') { _pluralIndex = 0; while (_ch != _end && *_ch != '}') { if (*_ch == '|') { if (!feedPluralValue()) { return false; } } else if (*_ch == '\\') { if (_ch + 1 >= _end) { return logError("Unexpected end of file inside counted tag"); } if (*(_ch + 1) == '{' || *(_ch + 1) == '#' || *(_ch + 1) == '}') { appendToPlural(_ch + 1); } } else if (*_ch == '{') { return logError("Unexpected tag inside counted tag"); } else if (*_ch == '#') { if (_pluralNumericFound) { return logError("Replacement '#' double used inside counted tag"); } _pluralNumericFound = true; appendToPlural(_ch + 1); _pluralValue.append(_currentTagReplacer); } ++_ch; } if (_ch == _end) { return logError("Unexpected end of value inside counted tag"); } if (!feedPluralValue()) { return false; } } _currentTag = QLatin1String(); } } appendToResult(_end); return true; } } // namespace QString DefaultLanguageId() { return str_const_toString(kDefaultLanguage); } void Instance::switchToId(const QString &id) { reset(); _id = id; } void Instance::chooseCustomFile() { auto filter = qsl("Language files (*.strings)"); auto title = qsl("Choose language .strings file"); FileDialog::GetOpenPath(title, filter, [weak = base::weak_unique_ptr(this)](const FileDialog::OpenResult &result) { if (!weak || result.paths.isEmpty()) { return; } auto filePath = result.paths.front(); Lang::FileParser loader(filePath, { lng_language_name }); if (loader.errors().isEmpty()) { weak->switchToCustomFile(filePath); } else { Ui::show(Box("Custom lang failed :(\n\nError: " + loader.errors())); } }); } void Instance::switchToCustomFile(const QString &filePath) { reset(); fillFromCustomFile(filePath); Local::writeLangPack(); updated().notify(); } void Instance::reset() { _values.clear(); _nonDefaultValues.clear(); _legacyId = kLegacyLanguageNone; _customFilePathAbsolute = QString(); _customFilePathRelative = QString(); _customFileContent = QByteArray(); _version = 0; fillDefaults(); } void Instance::fillDefaults() { Expects(_values.empty()); _values.reserve(kLangKeysCount); for (auto i = 0; i != kLangKeysCount; ++i) { _values.emplace_back(GetOriginalValue(LangKey(i))); } } QString Instance::cloudLangCode() const { if (isCustom() || id().isEmpty()) { if (_systemLanguage.isEmpty()) { _systemLanguage = Platform::SystemLanguage(); if (_systemLanguage.isEmpty()) { _systemLanguage = DefaultLanguageId(); } } return _systemLanguage; } return id(); } QByteArray Instance::serialize() const { auto size = Serialize::stringSize(_id); size += sizeof(qint32); // version size += Serialize::stringSize(_customFilePathAbsolute) + Serialize::stringSize(_customFilePathRelative); size += Serialize::bytearraySize(_customFileContent); size += sizeof(qint32); // _nonDefaultValues.size() for (auto &nonDefault : _nonDefaultValues) { size += Serialize::bytearraySize(nonDefault.first) + Serialize::bytearraySize(nonDefault.second); } auto result = QByteArray(); result.reserve(size); { QDataStream stream(&result, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); stream << _id << qint32(_version); stream << _customFilePathAbsolute << _customFilePathRelative << _customFileContent; stream << qint32(_nonDefaultValues.size()); for (auto &nonDefault : _nonDefaultValues) { stream << nonDefault.first << nonDefault.second; } } return result; } void Instance::fillFromSerialized(const QByteArray &data) { QDataStream stream(data); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); QString id; qint32 version = 0; QString customFilePathAbsolute, customFilePathRelative; QByteArray customFileContent; qint32 nonDefaultValuesCount = 0; stream >> id >> version; stream >> customFilePathAbsolute >> customFilePathRelative >> customFileContent; stream >> nonDefaultValuesCount; if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("Lang Error: Could not read data from serialized langpack.")); return; } if (nonDefaultValuesCount > kLangValuesLimit) { LOG(("Lang Error: Values count limit exceeded: %1").arg(nonDefaultValuesCount)); return; } if (!customFilePathAbsolute.isEmpty()) { auto currentCustomFileContent = Lang::FileParser::ReadFile(customFilePathAbsolute, customFilePathRelative); if (!currentCustomFileContent.isEmpty() && currentCustomFileContent != customFileContent) { loadFromCustomContent(customFilePathAbsolute, customFilePathRelative, currentCustomFileContent); Local::writeLangPack(); return; } } std::vector nonDefaultStrings; nonDefaultStrings.reserve(2 * nonDefaultValuesCount); for (auto i = 0; i != nonDefaultValuesCount; ++i) { QByteArray key, value; stream >> key >> value; if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("Lang Error: Could not read data from serialized langpack.")); return; } nonDefaultStrings.push_back(key); nonDefaultStrings.push_back(value); } _id = id; _version = version; _customFilePathAbsolute = customFilePathAbsolute; _customFilePathRelative = customFilePathRelative; _customFileContent = customFileContent; LOG(("Lang Info: Loaded cached, keys: %1").arg(nonDefaultValuesCount)); for (auto i = 0, count = nonDefaultValuesCount * 2; i != count; i += 2) { applyValue(nonDefaultStrings[i], nonDefaultStrings[i + 1]); } } void Instance::loadFromContent(const QByteArray &content) { Lang::FileParser loader(content, [this](QLatin1String key, const QByteArray &value) { applyValue(QByteArray(key.data(), key.size()), value); }); if (!loader.errors().isEmpty()) { LOG(("Lang load errors: %1").arg(loader.errors())); } else if (!loader.warnings().isEmpty()) { LOG(("Lang load warnings: %1").arg(loader.warnings())); } } void Instance::loadFromCustomContent(const QString &absolutePath, const QString &relativePath, const QByteArray &content) { _id = qsl("custom"); _version = 0; _customFilePathAbsolute = absolutePath; _customFilePathRelative = relativePath; _customFileContent = content; loadFromContent(_customFileContent); } void Instance::fillFromCustomFile(const QString &filePath) { auto absolutePath = QFileInfo(filePath).absoluteFilePath(); auto relativePath = QDir().relativeFilePath(filePath); auto content = Lang::FileParser::ReadFile(absolutePath, relativePath); if (!content.isEmpty()) { loadFromCustomContent(absolutePath, relativePath, content); } } void Instance::fillFromLegacy(int legacyId, const QString &legacyPath) { if (legacyId == kLegacyDefaultLanguage) { _legacyId = legacyId; _id = str_const_toString(kLegacyLanguages[legacyId]); } else if (legacyId == kLegacyCustomLanguage) { auto absolutePath = QFileInfo(legacyPath).absoluteFilePath(); auto relativePath = QDir().relativeFilePath(absolutePath); auto content = Lang::FileParser::ReadFile(absolutePath, relativePath); if (!content.isEmpty()) { loadFromCustomContent(absolutePath, relativePath, content); } } else if (legacyId > kLegacyDefaultLanguage && legacyId < base::array_size(kLegacyLanguages)) { auto languageId = str_const_toString(kLegacyLanguages[_legacyId]); auto resourcePath = qsl(":/langs/lang_") + languageId + qsl(".strings"); auto content = Lang::FileParser::ReadFile(resourcePath, resourcePath); if (!content.isEmpty()) { _legacyId = legacyId; _id = languageId; _version = 0; loadFromContent(content); } } } void Instance::applyDifference(const MTPDlangPackDifference &difference) { auto updateLanguageId = qs(difference.vlang_code); auto isValidUpdate = (updateLanguageId == _id) || (_id.isEmpty() && updateLanguageId == DefaultLanguageId()); Expects(isValidUpdate); Expects(difference.vfrom_version.v <= _version); _version = difference.vversion.v; for_const (auto &mtpString, difference.vstrings.v) { switch (mtpString.type()) { case mtpc_langPackString: { auto &string = mtpString.c_langPackString(); applyValue(qba(string.vkey), qba(string.vvalue)); } break; case mtpc_langPackStringPluralized: { auto &string = mtpString.c_langPackStringPluralized(); auto key = qba(string.vkey); applyValue(key + "#zero", string.has_zero_value() ? qba(string.vzero_value) : QByteArray()); applyValue(key + "#one", string.has_one_value() ? qba(string.vone_value) : QByteArray()); applyValue(key + "#two", string.has_two_value() ? qba(string.vtwo_value) : QByteArray()); applyValue(key + "#few", string.has_few_value() ? qba(string.vfew_value) : QByteArray()); applyValue(key + "#many", string.has_many_value() ? qba(string.vmany_value) : QByteArray()); applyValue(key + "#other", qba(string.vother_value)); } break; case mtpc_langPackStringDeleted: { auto &string = mtpString.c_langPackStringDeleted(); auto key = qba(string.vkey); resetValue(key); for (auto plural : { "#zero", "#one", "#two", "#few", "#many", "#other" }) { resetValue(key + plural); } } break; default: Unexpected("LangPack string type in applyUpdate()."); } } } void Instance::resetValue(const QByteArray &key) { _nonDefaultValues.erase(key); auto keyIndex = GetKeyIndex(QLatin1String(key)); if (keyIndex != kLangKeysCount) { _values[keyIndex] = GetOriginalValue(keyIndex); } } void Instance::applyValue(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { _nonDefaultValues[key] = value; auto pluralValues = std::map(); auto keyIndex = GetKeyIndex(QLatin1String(key)); if (keyIndex == kLangKeysCount) { LOG(("Lang Error: Unknown key '%1'").arg(QString::fromLatin1(key))); return; } ValueParser parser(key, keyIndex, value); if (!parser.parse()) { return; } _values[keyIndex] = parser.takeResult(); for (auto &plural : parser.takePluralValues()) { _values[plural.first] = plural.second; } } Instance &Current() { return Messenger::Instance().langpack(); } } // namespace Lang