/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "core/task_queue.h" namespace base { namespace { auto MainThreadId = QThread::currentThreadId(); const auto MaxThreadsCount = qMax(QThread::idealThreadCount(), 2); template class Thread : public QThread { public: Thread(Lambda code) : _code(std::move(code)) { } void run() override { _code(); } private: Lambda _code; }; template object_ptr> MakeThread(Lambda code) { return object_ptr>(std::move(code)); } } // namespace class TaskQueue::TaskQueueList { public: TaskQueueList(); void Register(TaskQueue *queue); void Unregister(TaskQueue *queue); bool IsInList(TaskQueue *queue) const; void Clear(); bool Empty(int list_index_) const; TaskQueue *TakeFirst(int list_index_); private: void Insert(TaskQueue *queue, int list_index_); void Remove(TaskQueue *queue, int list_index_); TaskQueue *Tail() { return &tail_; } const TaskQueue *Tail() const { return &tail_; } TaskQueue tail_ = { Type::Special, Priority::Normal }; TaskQueue *(lists_[kQueuesListsCount]); }; class TaskQueue::TaskThreadPool { struct Private { }; public: TaskThreadPool(const Private &) { } static const QSharedPointer &Instance(); void AddQueueTask(TaskQueue *queue, Task &&task); void RemoveQueue(TaskQueue *queue); ~TaskThreadPool(); private: void ThreadFunction(); std::vector> threads_; QMutex queues_mutex_; // queues_mutex_ must be locked when working with the list. TaskQueueList queue_list_; QWaitCondition thread_condition_; bool stopped_ = false; int tasks_in_process_ = 0; int background_tasks_in_process_ = 0; }; TaskQueue::TaskQueueList::TaskQueueList() { for (auto &list : lists_) { list = &tail_; } } void TaskQueue::TaskQueueList::Register(TaskQueue *queue) { t_assert(!queue->SerialTaskInProcess()); Insert(queue, kAllQueuesList); if (queue->priority_ == Priority::Normal) { Insert(queue, kOnlyNormalQueuesList); } } void TaskQueue::TaskQueueList::Unregister(TaskQueue *queue) { Remove(queue, kAllQueuesList); if (queue->priority_ == Priority::Normal) { Remove(queue, kOnlyNormalQueuesList); } } void TaskQueue::TaskQueueList::Insert(TaskQueue *queue, int list_index_) { t_assert(list_index_ < kQueuesListsCount); auto tail = Tail(); if (lists_[list_index_] == tail) { lists_[list_index_] = queue; } auto &list_entry = queue->list_entries_[list_index_]; t_assert(list_entry.after == nullptr); if ((list_entry.before = tail->list_entries_[list_index_].before)) { list_entry.before->list_entries_[list_index_].after = queue; } list_entry.after = tail; tail->list_entries_[list_index_].before = queue; } void TaskQueue::TaskQueueList::Remove(TaskQueue *queue, int list_index_) { t_assert(list_index_ < kQueuesListsCount); auto &list_entry = queue->list_entries_[list_index_]; t_assert(list_entry.after != nullptr); if (lists_[list_index_] == queue) { lists_[list_index_] = list_entry.after; } else { t_assert(list_entry.before != nullptr); list_entry.before->list_entries_[list_index_].after = list_entry.after; } list_entry.after->list_entries_[list_index_].before = list_entry.before; list_entry.before = list_entry.after = nullptr; } bool TaskQueue::TaskQueueList::IsInList(TaskQueue *queue) const { if (queue->list_entries_[kAllQueuesList].after) { return true; } t_assert(queue->list_entries_[kOnlyNormalQueuesList].after == nullptr); return false; } void TaskQueue::TaskQueueList::Clear() { auto tail = Tail(); for (int i = 0; i < kQueuesListsCount; ++i) { for (auto j = lists_[i], next = j; j != tail; j = next) { auto &list_entry = j->list_entries_[i]; next = list_entry.after; list_entry.before = list_entry.after = nullptr; } lists_[i] = tail; } } bool TaskQueue::TaskQueueList::Empty(int list_index_) const { t_assert(list_index_ < kQueuesListsCount); auto list = lists_[list_index_]; t_assert(list != nullptr); return (list->list_entries_[list_index_].after == nullptr); } TaskQueue *TaskQueue::TaskQueueList::TakeFirst(int list_index_) { t_assert(!Empty(list_index_)); auto queue = lists_[list_index_]; Unregister(queue); // log_msgs.push_back("Unregistered from list in TakeFirst"); return queue; } void TaskQueue::TaskThreadPool::AddQueueTask(TaskQueue *queue, Task &&task) { QMutexLocker lock(&queues_mutex_); queue->tasks_.push_back(std::move(task)); auto list_was_empty = queue_list_.Empty(kAllQueuesList); auto threads_count = threads_.size(); auto all_threads_processing = (threads_count == tasks_in_process_); auto some_threads_are_vacant = !all_threads_processing && list_was_empty; auto will_create_thread = !some_threads_are_vacant && (threads_count < MaxThreadsCount); if (!queue->SerialTaskInProcess()) { if (!queue_list_.IsInList(queue)) { queue_list_.Register(queue); } } if (will_create_thread) { threads_.push_back(MakeThread([this]() { ThreadFunction(); })); threads_.back()->start(); } else if (some_threads_are_vacant) { t_assert(threads_count > tasks_in_process_); thread_condition_.wakeOne(); } } void TaskQueue::TaskThreadPool::RemoveQueue(TaskQueue *queue) { QMutexLocker lock(&queues_mutex_); if (queue_list_.IsInList(queue)) { queue_list_.Unregister(queue); } if (queue->destroyed_flag_) { *queue->destroyed_flag_ = true; } } TaskQueue::TaskThreadPool::~TaskThreadPool() { { QMutexLocker lock(&queues_mutex_); queue_list_.Clear(); stopped_ = true; } thread_condition_.wakeAll(); for (auto &thread : threads_) { thread->wait(); } } const QSharedPointer &TaskQueue::TaskThreadPool::Instance() { // static static auto Pool = MakeShared(Private()); return Pool; } void TaskQueue::TaskThreadPool::ThreadFunction() { // Flag marking that the previous processed task was // with a Background priority. We count all the background // tasks being processed. bool background_task = false; // Saved serial queue pointer. When we process a serial // queue task we don't return the queue to the list until // the task is processed and we return it on the next cycle. TaskQueue *serial_queue = nullptr; bool serial_queue_destroyed = false; bool task_was_processed = false; while (true) { Task task; { QMutexLocker lock(&queues_mutex_); // Finish the previous task processing. if (task_was_processed) { --tasks_in_process_; } if (background_task) { --background_tasks_in_process_; background_task = false; } if (serial_queue) { if (!serial_queue_destroyed) { serial_queue->destroyed_flag_ = nullptr; if (!serial_queue->tasks_.empty()) { queue_list_.Register(serial_queue); } } serial_queue = nullptr; serial_queue_destroyed = false; } // Wait for a task to appear in the queues list. while (queue_list_.Empty(kAllQueuesList)) { if (stopped_) { return; } thread_condition_.wait(&queues_mutex_); } // Select a task we will be processing. auto processing_background = (background_tasks_in_process_ > 0); auto take_only_normal = processing_background && !queue_list_.Empty(kOnlyNormalQueuesList); auto take_from_list_ = take_only_normal ? kOnlyNormalQueuesList : kAllQueuesList; auto queue = queue_list_.TakeFirst(take_from_list_); t_assert(!queue->tasks_.empty()); task = std::move(queue->tasks_.front()); queue->tasks_.pop_front(); if (queue->type_ == Type::Serial) { // Serial queues are returned in the list for processing // only after the task is finished. serial_queue = queue; t_assert(serial_queue->destroyed_flag_ == nullptr); serial_queue->destroyed_flag_ = &serial_queue_destroyed; } else if (!queue->tasks_.empty()) { queue_list_.Register(queue); } ++tasks_in_process_; task_was_processed = true; if (queue->priority_ == Priority::Background) { ++background_tasks_in_process_; background_task = true; } } task(); } } TaskQueue::TaskQueue(Type type, Priority priority) : type_(type) , priority_(priority) { if (type_ != Type::Main && type_ != Type::Special) { weak_thread_pool_ = TaskThreadPool::Instance(); } } TaskQueue::~TaskQueue() { if (type_ != Type::Main && type_ != Type::Special) { if (auto thread_pool = weak_thread_pool_.toStrongRef()) { thread_pool->RemoveQueue(this); } } } void TaskQueue::Put(Task &&task) { if (type_ == Type::Main) { QMutexLocker lock(&tasks_mutex_); tasks_.push_back(std::move(task)); Sandbox::MainThreadTaskAdded(); } else { t_assert(type_ != Type::Special); TaskThreadPool::Instance()->AddQueueTask(this, std::move(task)); } } void TaskQueue::ProcessMainTasks() { // static t_assert(QThread::currentThreadId() == MainThreadId); while (ProcessOneMainTask()) { } } void TaskQueue::ProcessMainTasks(TimeMs max_time_spent) { // static t_assert(QThread::currentThreadId() == MainThreadId); auto start_time = getms(); while (ProcessOneMainTask()) { if (getms() >= start_time + max_time_spent) { break; } } } bool TaskQueue::ProcessOneMainTask() { // static Task task; { QMutexLocker lock(&Main().tasks_mutex_); auto &tasks = Main().tasks_; if (tasks.empty()) { return false; } task = std::move(tasks.front()); tasks.pop_front(); } task(); return true; } bool TaskQueue::IsMyThread() const { if (type_ == Type::Main) { return (QThread::currentThreadId() == MainThreadId); } t_assert(type_ != Type::Special); return false; } // Default queues. TaskQueue &TaskQueue::Main() { // static static TaskQueue MainQueue { Type::Main, Priority::Normal }; return MainQueue; } TaskQueue &TaskQueue::Normal() { // static static TaskQueue NormalQueue { Type::Concurrent, Priority::Normal }; return NormalQueue; } TaskQueue &TaskQueue::Background() { // static static TaskQueue BackgroundQueue { Type::Concurrent, Priority::Background }; return BackgroundQueue; } } // namespace base