/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "inline_bots/inline_results_inner.h" #include "api/api_common.h" #include "chat_helpers/send_context_menu.h" // SendMenu::FillSendMenu #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "facades.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include namespace InlineBots { namespace Layout { Inner::Inner( QWidget *parent, not_null controller) : RpWidget(parent) , _controller(controller) , _updateInlineItems([=] { updateInlineItems(); }) , _previewTimer([=] { showPreview(); }) { resize(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::buttonRadius, st::inlineResultsMinHeight); setMouseTracking(true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); _controller->session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { update(); }, lifetime()); subscribe(controller->gifPauseLevelChanged(), [this] { if (!_controller->isGifPausedAtLeastFor(Window::GifPauseReason::InlineResults)) { update(); } }); _controller->session().changes().peerUpdates( Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Rights ) | rpl::filter([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { return (update.peer.get() == _inlineQueryPeer); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { auto isRestricted = (_restrictedLabel != nullptr); if (isRestricted != isRestrictedView()) { auto h = countHeight(); if (h != height()) resize(width(), h); } }, lifetime()); } void Inner::visibleTopBottomUpdated( int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { _visibleBottom = visibleBottom; if (_visibleTop != visibleTop) { _visibleTop = visibleTop; _lastScrolled = crl::now(); } } void Inner::checkRestrictedPeer() { if (_inlineQueryPeer) { const auto error = Data::RestrictionError( _inlineQueryPeer, ChatRestriction::f_send_inline); if (error) { if (!_restrictedLabel) { _restrictedLabel.create(this, *error, st::stickersRestrictedLabel); _restrictedLabel->show(); _restrictedLabel->move(st::inlineResultsLeft - st::buttonRadius, st::stickerPanPadding); _restrictedLabel->resizeToNaturalWidth(width() - (st::inlineResultsLeft - st::buttonRadius) * 2); if (_switchPmButton) { _switchPmButton->hide(); } update(); } return; } } if (_restrictedLabel) { _restrictedLabel.destroy(); if (_switchPmButton) { _switchPmButton->show(); } update(); } } bool Inner::isRestrictedView() { checkRestrictedPeer(); return (_restrictedLabel != nullptr); } int Inner::countHeight() { if (isRestrictedView()) { return st::stickerPanPadding + _restrictedLabel->height() + st::stickerPanPadding; } else if (_rows.isEmpty() && !_switchPmButton) { return st::stickerPanPadding + st::normalFont->height + st::stickerPanPadding; } auto result = st::stickerPanPadding; if (_switchPmButton) { result += _switchPmButton->height() + st::inlineResultsSkip; } for (int i = 0, l = _rows.count(); i < l; ++i) { result += _rows[i].height; } return result + st::stickerPanPadding; } QString Inner::tooltipText() const { if (const auto lnk = ClickHandler::getActive()) { return lnk->tooltip(); } return QString(); } QPoint Inner::tooltipPos() const { return _lastMousePos; } bool Inner::tooltipWindowActive() const { return Ui::AppInFocus() && Ui::InFocusChain(window()); } rpl::producer<> Inner::inlineRowsCleared() const { return _inlineRowsCleared.events(); } Inner::~Inner() = default; void Inner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); QRect r = e ? e->rect() : rect(); if (r != rect()) { p.setClipRect(r); } p.fillRect(r, st::emojiPanBg); paintInlineItems(p, r); } void Inner::paintInlineItems(Painter &p, const QRect &r) { if (_restrictedLabel) { return; } if (_rows.isEmpty() && !_switchPmButton) { p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(st::noContactsColor); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), (height() / 3) * 2 + st::normalFont->height), tr::lng_inline_bot_no_results(tr::now), style::al_center); return; } auto gifPaused = _controller->isGifPausedAtLeastFor(Window::GifPauseReason::InlineResults); InlineBots::Layout::PaintContext context(crl::now(), false, gifPaused, false); auto top = st::stickerPanPadding; if (_switchPmButton) { top += _switchPmButton->height() + st::inlineResultsSkip; } auto fromx = rtl() ? (width() - r.x() - r.width()) : r.x(); auto tox = rtl() ? (width() - r.x()) : (r.x() + r.width()); for (auto row = 0, rows = _rows.size(); row != rows; ++row) { auto &inlineRow = _rows[row]; if (top >= r.top() + r.height()) break; if (top + inlineRow.height > r.top()) { auto left = st::inlineResultsLeft - st::buttonRadius; if (row == rows - 1) context.lastRow = true; for (int col = 0, cols = inlineRow.items.size(); col < cols; ++col) { if (left >= tox) break; auto item = inlineRow.items.at(col); auto w = item->width(); if (left + w > fromx) { p.translate(left, top); item->paint(p, r.translated(-left, -top), &context); p.translate(-left, -top); } left += w; if (item->hasRightSkip()) { left += st::inlineResultsSkip; } } } top += inlineRow.height; } } void Inner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); _pressed = _selected; ClickHandler::pressed(); _previewTimer.callOnce(QApplication::startDragTime()); } void Inner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _previewTimer.cancel(); auto pressed = std::exchange(_pressed, -1); auto activated = ClickHandler::unpressed(); if (_previewShown) { _previewShown = false; return; } _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); if (_selected < 0 || _selected != pressed || !activated) { return; } if (dynamic_cast(activated.get())) { int row = _selected / MatrixRowShift, column = _selected % MatrixRowShift; selectInlineResult(row, column); } else { ActivateClickHandler(window(), activated, e->button()); } } void Inner::selectInlineResult(int row, int column) { selectInlineResult(row, column, Api::SendOptions()); } void Inner::selectInlineResult( int row, int column, Api::SendOptions options) { if (row >= _rows.size() || column >= _rows.at(row).items.size()) { return; } auto item = _rows[row].items[column]; if (const auto inlineResult = item->getResult()) { if (inlineResult->onChoose(item)) { _resultSelectedCallback({ .result = inlineResult, .bot = _inlineBot, .options = std::move(options) }); } } } void Inner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); } void Inner::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { clearSelection(); Ui::Tooltip::Hide(); } void Inner::leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { clearSelection(); } void Inner::enterFromChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { _lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); } void Inner::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) { if (_selected < 0 || _pressed >= 0) { return; } const auto row = _selected / MatrixRowShift; const auto column = _selected % MatrixRowShift; const auto type = _sendMenuType ? _sendMenuType() : SendMenu::Type::Disabled; _menu = base::make_unique_q(this); const auto send = [=](Api::SendOptions options) { selectInlineResult(row, column, options); }; SendMenu::FillSendMenu( _menu, type, SendMenu::DefaultSilentCallback(send), SendMenu::DefaultScheduleCallback(this, type, send)); if (!_menu->actions().empty()) { _menu->popup(QCursor::pos()); } } void Inner::clearSelection() { if (_selected >= 0) { int srow = _selected / MatrixRowShift, scol = _selected % MatrixRowShift; Assert(srow >= 0 && srow < _rows.size() && scol >= 0 && scol < _rows.at(srow).items.size()); ClickHandler::clearActive(_rows.at(srow).items.at(scol)); setCursor(style::cur_default); } _selected = _pressed = -1; update(); } void Inner::hideFinished() { clearHeavyData(); } void Inner::clearHeavyData() { clearInlineRows(false); for (const auto &[result, layout] : _inlineLayouts) { layout->unloadHeavyPart(); } } bool Inner::inlineRowsAddItem(Result *result, Row &row, int32 &sumWidth) { auto layout = layoutPrepareInlineResult(result, (_rows.size() * MatrixRowShift) + row.items.size()); if (!layout) return false; layout->preload(); if (inlineRowFinalize(row, sumWidth, layout->isFullLine())) { layout->setPosition(_rows.size() * MatrixRowShift); } sumWidth += layout->maxWidth(); if (!row.items.isEmpty() && row.items.back()->hasRightSkip()) { sumWidth += st::inlineResultsSkip; } row.items.push_back(layout); return true; } bool Inner::inlineRowFinalize(Row &row, int32 &sumWidth, bool force) { if (row.items.isEmpty()) return false; auto full = (row.items.size() >= kInlineItemsMaxPerRow); auto big = (sumWidth >= st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft); if (full || big || force) { _rows.push_back(layoutInlineRow(row, (full || big) ? sumWidth : 0)); row = Row(); row.items.reserve(kInlineItemsMaxPerRow); sumWidth = 0; return true; } return false; } void Inner::inlineBotChanged() { refreshInlineRows(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, true); } void Inner::clearInlineRows(bool resultsDeleted) { if (resultsDeleted) { _selected = _pressed = -1; } else { clearSelection(); for_const (auto &row, _rows) { for_const (auto &item, row.items) { item->setPosition(-1); } } } _rows.clear(); } ItemBase *Inner::layoutPrepareInlineResult(Result *result, int32 position) { auto it = _inlineLayouts.find(result); if (it == _inlineLayouts.cend()) { if (auto layout = ItemBase::createLayout(this, result, _inlineWithThumb)) { it = _inlineLayouts.emplace(result, std::move(layout)).first; it->second->initDimensions(); } else { return nullptr; } } if (!it->second->maxWidth()) { return nullptr; } it->second->setPosition(position); return it->second.get(); } void Inner::deleteUnusedInlineLayouts() { if (_rows.isEmpty()) { // delete all _inlineLayouts.clear(); } else { for (auto i = _inlineLayouts.begin(); i != _inlineLayouts.cend();) { if (i->second->position() < 0) { i = _inlineLayouts.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } } Inner::Row &Inner::layoutInlineRow(Row &row, int32 sumWidth) { auto count = int(row.items.size()); Assert(count <= kInlineItemsMaxPerRow); // enumerate items in the order of growing maxWidth() // for that sort item indices by maxWidth() int indices[kInlineItemsMaxPerRow]; for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { indices[i] = i; } std::sort(indices, indices + count, [&row](int a, int b) -> bool { return row.items.at(a)->maxWidth() < row.items.at(b)->maxWidth(); }); row.height = 0; int availw = width() - (st::inlineResultsLeft - st::buttonRadius); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int index = indices[i]; int w = sumWidth ? (row.items.at(index)->maxWidth() * availw / sumWidth) : row.items.at(index)->maxWidth(); int actualw = qMax(w, int(st::inlineResultsMinWidth)); row.height = qMax(row.height, row.items.at(index)->resizeGetHeight(actualw)); if (sumWidth) { availw -= actualw; sumWidth -= row.items.at(index)->maxWidth(); if (index > 0 && row.items.at(index - 1)->hasRightSkip()) { availw -= st::inlineResultsSkip; sumWidth -= st::inlineResultsSkip; } } } return row; } void Inner::preloadImages() { for (auto row = 0, rows = _rows.size(); row != rows; ++row) { for (auto col = 0, cols = _rows[row].items.size(); col != cols; ++col) { _rows[row].items[col]->preload(); } } } void Inner::hideInlineRowsPanel() { clearInlineRows(false); } void Inner::clearInlineRowsPanel() { clearInlineRows(false); } void Inner::refreshSwitchPmButton(const CacheEntry *entry) { if (!entry || entry->switchPmText.isEmpty()) { _switchPmButton.destroy(); _switchPmStartToken.clear(); } else { if (!_switchPmButton) { _switchPmButton.create(this, nullptr, st::switchPmButton); _switchPmButton->show(); _switchPmButton->setTextTransform(Ui::RoundButton::TextTransform::NoTransform); _switchPmButton->addClickHandler([=] { switchPm(); }); } _switchPmButton->setText(rpl::single(entry->switchPmText)); _switchPmStartToken = entry->switchPmStartToken; const auto buttonTop = st::stickerPanPadding; _switchPmButton->move(st::inlineResultsLeft - st::buttonRadius, buttonTop); if (isRestrictedView()) { _switchPmButton->hide(); } } update(); } int Inner::refreshInlineRows(PeerData *queryPeer, UserData *bot, const CacheEntry *entry, bool resultsDeleted) { _inlineBot = bot; _inlineQueryPeer = queryPeer; refreshSwitchPmButton(entry); auto clearResults = [&] { if (!entry) { return true; } if (entry->results.empty() && entry->switchPmText.isEmpty()) { return true; } return false; }; auto clearResultsResult = clearResults(); // Clang workaround. if (clearResultsResult) { if (resultsDeleted) { clearInlineRows(true); deleteUnusedInlineLayouts(); } _inlineRowsCleared.fire({}); return 0; } clearSelection(); Assert(_inlineBot != 0); auto count = int(entry->results.size()); auto from = validateExistingInlineRows(entry->results); auto added = 0; if (count) { _rows.reserve(count); auto row = Row(); row.items.reserve(kInlineItemsMaxPerRow); auto sumWidth = 0; for (auto i = from; i != count; ++i) { if (inlineRowsAddItem(entry->results[i].get(), row, sumWidth)) { ++added; } } inlineRowFinalize(row, sumWidth, true); } auto h = countHeight(); if (h != height()) resize(width(), h); update(); _lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); return added; } int Inner::validateExistingInlineRows(const Results &results) { int count = results.size(), until = 0, untilrow = 0, untilcol = 0; for (; until < count;) { if (untilrow >= _rows.size() || _rows[untilrow].items[untilcol]->getResult() != results[until].get()) { break; } ++until; if (++untilcol == _rows[untilrow].items.size()) { ++untilrow; untilcol = 0; } } if (until == count) { // all items are layed out if (untilrow == _rows.size()) { // nothing changed return until; } for (int i = untilrow, l = _rows.size(), skip = untilcol; i < l; ++i) { for (int j = 0, s = _rows[i].items.size(); j < s; ++j) { if (skip) { --skip; } else { _rows[i].items[j]->setPosition(-1); } } } if (!untilcol) { // all good rows are filled _rows.resize(untilrow); return until; } _rows.resize(untilrow + 1); _rows[untilrow].items.resize(untilcol); _rows[untilrow] = layoutInlineRow(_rows[untilrow]); return until; } if (untilrow && !untilcol) { // remove last row, maybe it is not full --untilrow; untilcol = _rows[untilrow].items.size(); } until -= untilcol; for (int i = untilrow, l = _rows.size(); i < l; ++i) { for (int j = 0, s = _rows[i].items.size(); j < s; ++j) { _rows[i].items[j]->setPosition(-1); } } _rows.resize(untilrow); if (_rows.isEmpty()) { _inlineWithThumb = false; for (int i = until; i < count; ++i) { if (results.at(i)->hasThumbDisplay()) { _inlineWithThumb = true; break; } } } return until; } void Inner::inlineItemLayoutChanged(const ItemBase *layout) { if (_selected < 0 || !isVisible()) { return; } int row = _selected / MatrixRowShift, col = _selected % MatrixRowShift; if (row < _rows.size() && col < _rows.at(row).items.size()) { if (layout == _rows.at(row).items.at(col)) { updateSelected(); } } } void Inner::inlineItemRepaint(const ItemBase *layout) { auto ms = crl::now(); if (_lastScrolled + 100 <= ms) { update(); } else { _updateInlineItems.callOnce(_lastScrolled + 100 - ms); } } bool Inner::inlineItemVisible(const ItemBase *layout) { int32 position = layout->position(); if (position < 0 || !isVisible()) { return false; } int row = position / MatrixRowShift, col = position % MatrixRowShift; Assert((row < _rows.size()) && (col < _rows[row].items.size())); auto &inlineItems = _rows[row].items; int top = st::stickerPanPadding; for (int32 i = 0; i < row; ++i) { top += _rows.at(i).height; } return (top < _visibleBottom) && (top + _rows[row].items[col]->height() > _visibleTop); } Data::FileOrigin Inner::inlineItemFileOrigin() { return Data::FileOrigin(); } void Inner::updateSelected() { if (_pressed >= 0 && !_previewShown) { return; } auto newSelected = -1; auto p = mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos); int sx = (rtl() ? width() - p.x() : p.x()) - (st::inlineResultsLeft - st::buttonRadius); int sy = p.y() - st::stickerPanPadding; if (_switchPmButton) { sy -= _switchPmButton->height() + st::inlineResultsSkip; } int row = -1, col = -1, sel = -1; ClickHandlerPtr lnk; ClickHandlerHost *lnkhost = nullptr; HistoryView::CursorState cursor = HistoryView::CursorState::None; if (sy >= 0) { row = 0; for (int rows = _rows.size(); row < rows; ++row) { if (sy < _rows[row].height) { break; } sy -= _rows[row].height; } } if (sx >= 0 && row >= 0 && row < _rows.size()) { auto &inlineItems = _rows[row].items; col = 0; for (int cols = inlineItems.size(); col < cols; ++col) { int width = inlineItems.at(col)->width(); if (sx < width) { break; } sx -= width; if (inlineItems.at(col)->hasRightSkip()) { sx -= st::inlineResultsSkip; } } if (col < inlineItems.size()) { sel = row * MatrixRowShift + col; auto result = inlineItems[col]->getState( QPoint(sx, sy), HistoryView::StateRequest()); lnk = result.link; cursor = result.cursor; lnkhost = inlineItems[col]; } else { row = col = -1; } } else { row = col = -1; } int srow = (_selected >= 0) ? (_selected / MatrixRowShift) : -1; int scol = (_selected >= 0) ? (_selected % MatrixRowShift) : -1; if (_selected != sel) { if (srow >= 0 && scol >= 0) { Assert(srow >= 0 && srow < _rows.size() && scol >= 0 && scol < _rows.at(srow).items.size()); _rows[srow].items[scol]->update(); } _selected = sel; if (row >= 0 && col >= 0) { Assert(row >= 0 && row < _rows.size() && col >= 0 && col < _rows.at(row).items.size()); _rows[row].items[col]->update(); } if (_previewShown && _selected >= 0 && _pressed != _selected) { _pressed = _selected; if (row >= 0 && col >= 0) { auto layout = _rows.at(row).items.at(col); if (const auto w = App::wnd()) { if (const auto previewDocument = layout->getPreviewDocument()) { w->showMediaPreview( Data::FileOrigin(), previewDocument); } else if (auto previewPhoto = layout->getPreviewPhoto()) { w->showMediaPreview(Data::FileOrigin(), previewPhoto); } } } } } if (ClickHandler::setActive(lnk, lnkhost)) { setCursor(lnk ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); Ui::Tooltip::Hide(); } if (lnk) { Ui::Tooltip::Show(1000, this); } } void Inner::showPreview() { if (_pressed < 0) return; int row = _pressed / MatrixRowShift, col = _pressed % MatrixRowShift; if (row < _rows.size() && col < _rows.at(row).items.size()) { auto layout = _rows.at(row).items.at(col); if (const auto w = App::wnd()) { if (const auto previewDocument = layout->getPreviewDocument()) { _previewShown = w->showMediaPreview(Data::FileOrigin(), previewDocument); } else if (const auto previewPhoto = layout->getPreviewPhoto()) { _previewShown = w->showMediaPreview(Data::FileOrigin(), previewPhoto); } } } } void Inner::updateInlineItems() { auto ms = crl::now(); if (_lastScrolled + 100 <= ms) { update(); } else { _updateInlineItems.callOnce(_lastScrolled + 100 - ms); } } void Inner::switchPm() { if (_inlineBot && _inlineBot->isBot()) { _inlineBot->botInfo->startToken = _switchPmStartToken; _inlineBot->botInfo->inlineReturnTo = _currentDialogsEntryState; Ui::showPeerHistory(_inlineBot, ShowAndStartBotMsgId); } } void Inner::setSendMenuType(Fn &&callback) { _sendMenuType = std::move(callback); } } // namespace Layout } // namespace InlineBots