/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "ui/grouped_layout.h" namespace Ui { namespace { int Round(float64 value) { return int(std::round(value)); } class Layouter { public: Layouter( const std::vector &sizes, int maxWidth, int minWidth, int spacing); std::vector layout() const; private: static std::vector CountRatios(const std::vector &sizes); static std::string CountProportions(const std::vector &ratios); std::vector layoutTwo() const; std::vector layoutThree() const; std::vector layoutFour() const; std::vector layoutOne() const; std::vector layoutTwoTopBottom() const; std::vector layoutTwoLeftRightEqual() const; std::vector layoutTwoLeftRight() const; std::vector layoutThreeLeftAndOther() const; std::vector layoutThreeTopAndOther() const; std::vector layoutFourLeftAndOther() const; std::vector layoutFourTopAndOther() const; const std::vector &_sizes; const std::vector _ratios; const std::string _proportions; const int _count = 0; const int _maxWidth = 0; const int _maxHeight = 0; const int _minWidth = 0; const int _spacing = 0; const float64 _averageRatio = 1.; const float64 _maxSizeRatio = 1.; }; class ComplexLayouter { public: ComplexLayouter( const std::vector &ratios, float64 averageRatio, int maxWidth, int minWidth, int spacing); std::vector layout() const; private: struct Attempt { std::vector lineCounts; std::vector heights; }; static std::vector CropRatios( const std::vector &ratios, float64 averageRatio); const std::vector _ratios; const int _count = 0; const int _maxWidth = 0; const int _maxHeight = 0; const int _minWidth = 0; const int _spacing = 0; const float64 _averageRatio = 1.; }; Layouter::Layouter( const std::vector &sizes, int maxWidth, int minWidth, int spacing) : _sizes(sizes) , _ratios(CountRatios(_sizes)) , _proportions(CountProportions(_ratios)) , _count(int(_ratios.size())) // All apps currently use square max size first. // In complex case they use maxWidth * 4 / 3 as maxHeight. , _maxWidth(maxWidth) , _maxHeight(maxWidth) , _minWidth(minWidth) , _spacing(spacing) , _averageRatio(ranges::accumulate(_ratios, 1.) / _count) , _maxSizeRatio(_maxWidth / float64(_maxHeight)) { } std::vector Layouter::CountRatios(const std::vector &sizes) { return ranges::view::all( sizes ) | ranges::view::transform([](const QSize &size) { return size.width() / float64(size.height()); }) | ranges::to_vector; } std::string Layouter::CountProportions(const std::vector &ratios) { return ranges::view::all( ratios ) | ranges::view::transform([](float64 ratio) { return (ratio > 1.2) ? 'w' : (ratio < 0.8) ? 'n' : 'q'; }) | ranges::to_(); } std::vector Layouter::layout() const { if (!_count) { return {}; } else if (_count == 1) { return layoutOne(); } using namespace rpl::mappers; if (_count >= 5 || ranges::find_if(_ratios, _1 > 2) != _ratios.end()) { return ComplexLayouter( _ratios, _averageRatio, _maxWidth, _minWidth, _spacing).layout(); } if (_count == 2) { return layoutTwo(); } else if (_count == 3) { return layoutThree(); } return layoutFour(); } std::vector Layouter::layoutTwo() const { Expects(_count == 2); if ((_proportions == "ww") && (_averageRatio > 1.4 * _maxSizeRatio) && (_ratios[1] - _ratios[0] < 0.2)) { return layoutTwoTopBottom(); } else if (_proportions == "ww" || _proportions == "qq") { return layoutTwoLeftRightEqual(); } return layoutTwoLeftRight(); } std::vector Layouter::layoutThree() const { Expects(_count == 3); auto result = std::vector(_count); if (_proportions[0] == 'n') { return layoutThreeLeftAndOther(); } return layoutThreeTopAndOther(); } std::vector Layouter::layoutFour() const { Expects(_count == 4); auto result = std::vector(_count); if (_proportions[0] == 'w') { return layoutFourTopAndOther(); } return layoutFourLeftAndOther(); } std::vector Layouter::layoutOne() const { Expects(_count == 1); const auto width = _maxWidth; const auto height = (_sizes[0].height() * width) / _sizes[0].width(); return { { QRect(0, 0, width, height), RectPart::Left | RectPart::Top | RectPart::Right | RectPart::Bottom }, }; } std::vector Layouter::layoutTwoTopBottom() const { Expects(_count == 2); const auto width = _maxWidth; const auto height = Round(std::min( width / _ratios[0], std::min( width / _ratios[1], (_maxHeight - _spacing) / 2.))); return { { QRect(0, 0, width, height), RectPart::Left | RectPart::Top | RectPart::Right }, { QRect(0, height + _spacing, width, height), RectPart::Left | RectPart::Bottom | RectPart::Right }, }; } std::vector Layouter::layoutTwoLeftRightEqual() const { Expects(_count == 2); const auto width = (_maxWidth - _spacing) / 2; const auto height = Round(std::min( width / _ratios[0], std::min(width / _ratios[1], _maxHeight * 1.))); return { { QRect(0, 0, width, height), RectPart::Top | RectPart::Left | RectPart::Bottom }, { QRect(width + _spacing, 0, width, height), RectPart::Top | RectPart::Right | RectPart::Bottom }, }; } std::vector Layouter::layoutTwoLeftRight() const { Expects(_count == 2); const auto minimalWidth = Round(_minWidth * 1.5); const auto secondWidth = std::min( Round(std::max( 0.4 * (_maxWidth - _spacing), (_maxWidth - _spacing) / _ratios[0] / (1. / _ratios[0] + 1. / _ratios[1]))), _maxWidth - _spacing - minimalWidth); const auto firstWidth = _maxWidth - secondWidth - _spacing; const auto height = std::min( _maxHeight, Round(std::min( firstWidth / _ratios[0], secondWidth / _ratios[1]))); return { { QRect(0, 0, firstWidth, height), RectPart::Top | RectPart::Left | RectPart::Bottom }, { QRect(firstWidth + _spacing, 0, secondWidth, height), RectPart::Top | RectPart::Right | RectPart::Bottom }, }; } std::vector Layouter::layoutThreeLeftAndOther() const { Expects(_count == 3); const auto firstHeight = _maxHeight; const auto thirdHeight = Round(std::min( (_maxHeight - _spacing) / 2., (_ratios[1] * (_maxWidth - _spacing) / (_ratios[2] + _ratios[1])))); const auto secondHeight = firstHeight - thirdHeight - _spacing; const auto rightWidth = std::max( _minWidth, Round(std::min( (_maxWidth - _spacing) / 2., std::min( thirdHeight * _ratios[2], secondHeight * _ratios[1])))); const auto leftWidth = std::min( Round(firstHeight * _ratios[0]), _maxWidth - _spacing - rightWidth); return { { QRect(0, 0, leftWidth, firstHeight), RectPart::Top | RectPart::Left | RectPart::Bottom }, { QRect(leftWidth + _spacing, 0, rightWidth, secondHeight), RectPart::Top | RectPart::Right }, { QRect(leftWidth + _spacing, secondHeight + _spacing, rightWidth, thirdHeight), RectPart::Bottom | RectPart::Right }, }; } std::vector Layouter::layoutThreeTopAndOther() const { Expects(_count == 3); const auto firstWidth = _maxWidth; const auto firstHeight = Round(std::min( firstWidth / _ratios[0], (_maxHeight - _spacing) * 0.66)); const auto secondWidth = (_maxWidth - _spacing) / 2; const auto secondHeight = std::min( _maxHeight - firstHeight - _spacing, Round(std::min( secondWidth / _ratios[1], secondWidth / _ratios[2]))); const auto thirdWidth = firstWidth - secondWidth - _spacing; return { { QRect(0, 0, firstWidth, firstHeight), RectPart::Left | RectPart::Top | RectPart::Right }, { QRect(0, firstHeight + _spacing, secondWidth, secondHeight), RectPart::Bottom | RectPart::Left }, { QRect(secondWidth + _spacing, firstHeight + _spacing, thirdWidth, secondHeight), RectPart::Bottom | RectPart::Right }, }; } std::vector Layouter::layoutFourTopAndOther() const { Expects(_count == 4); const auto w = _maxWidth; const auto h0 = Round(std::min( w / _ratios[0], (_maxHeight - _spacing) * 0.66)); const auto h = Round( (_maxWidth - 2 * _spacing) / (_ratios[1] + _ratios[2] + _ratios[3])); const auto w0 = std::max( _minWidth, Round(std::min( (_maxWidth - 2 * _spacing) * 0.4, h * _ratios[1]))); const auto w2 = Round(std::max( std::max( _minWidth * 1., (_maxWidth - 2 * _spacing) * 0.33), h * _ratios[3])); const auto w1 = w - w0 - w2 - 2 * _spacing; const auto h1 = std::min( _maxHeight - h0 - _spacing, h); return { { QRect(0, 0, w, h0), RectPart::Left | RectPart::Top | RectPart::Right }, { QRect(0, h0 + _spacing, w0, h1), RectPart::Bottom | RectPart::Left }, { QRect(w0 + _spacing, h0 + _spacing, w1, h1), RectPart::Bottom, }, { QRect(w0 + _spacing + w1 + _spacing, h0 + _spacing, w2, h1), RectPart::Right | RectPart::BottomLeft }, }; } std::vector Layouter::layoutFourLeftAndOther() const { Expects(_count == 4); const auto h = _maxHeight; const auto w0 = Round(std::min( h * _ratios[0], (_maxWidth - _spacing) * 0.6)); const auto w = Round( (_maxHeight - 2 * _spacing) / (1. / _ratios[1] + 1. / _ratios[2] + 1. / _ratios[3]) ); const auto h0 = Round(w / _ratios[1]); const auto h1 = Round(w / _ratios[2]); const auto h2 = h - h0 - h1 - 2 * _spacing; const auto w1 = std::max( _minWidth, std::min(_maxWidth - w0 - _spacing, w)); return { { QRect(0, 0, w0, h), RectPart::Top | RectPart::Left | RectPart::Bottom }, { QRect(w0 + _spacing, 0, w1, h0), RectPart::Top | RectPart::Right }, { QRect(w0 + _spacing, h0 + _spacing, w1, h1), RectPart::Right }, { QRect(w0 + _spacing, h0 + h1 + 2 * _spacing, w1, h2), RectPart::Bottom | RectPart::Right }, }; } ComplexLayouter::ComplexLayouter( const std::vector &ratios, float64 averageRatio, int maxWidth, int minWidth, int spacing) : _ratios(CropRatios(ratios, averageRatio)) , _count(int(_ratios.size())) // All apps currently use square max size first. // In complex case they use maxWidth * 4 / 3 as maxHeight. , _maxWidth(maxWidth) , _maxHeight(maxWidth * 4 / 3) , _minWidth(minWidth) , _spacing(spacing) , _averageRatio(averageRatio) { } std::vector ComplexLayouter::CropRatios( const std::vector &ratios, float64 averageRatio) { return ranges::view::all( ratios ) | ranges::view::transform([&](float64 ratio) { return (averageRatio > 1.1) ? snap(ratio, 1., 1.7) : snap(ratio, 0.66667, 1.); }) | ranges::to_vector; } std::vector ComplexLayouter::layout() const { Expects(_count > 1); auto result = std::vector(_count); auto attempts = std::vector(); const auto multiHeight = [&](int offset, int count) { const auto ratios = gsl::make_span(_ratios).subspan(offset, count); const auto sum = ranges::accumulate(ratios, 0.); return (_maxWidth - (count - 1) * _spacing) / sum; }; const auto pushAttempt = [&](std::vector lineCounts) { auto heights = std::vector(); heights.reserve(lineCounts.size()); auto offset = 0; for (auto count : lineCounts) { heights.push_back(multiHeight(offset, count)); offset += count; } attempts.push_back({ std::move(lineCounts), std::move(heights) }); }; for (auto first = 1; first != _count; ++first) { const auto second = _count - first; if (first > 3 || second > 3) { continue; } pushAttempt({ first, second }); } for (auto first = 1; first != _count - 1; ++first) { for (auto second = 1; second != _count - first; ++second) { const auto third = _count - first - second; if ((first > 3) || (second > ((_averageRatio < 0.85) ? 4 : 3)) || (third > 3)) { continue; } pushAttempt({ first, second, third }); } } for (auto first = 1; first != _count - 1; ++first) { for (auto second = 1; second != _count - first; ++second) { for (auto third = 1; third != _count - first - second; ++third) { const auto fourth = _count - first - second - third; if (first > 3 || second > 3 || third > 3 || fourth > 3) { continue; } pushAttempt({ first, second, third, fourth }); } } } auto optimalAttempt = (const Attempt*)nullptr; auto optimalDiff = 0.; for (const auto &attempt : attempts) { const auto &heights = attempt.heights; const auto &counts = attempt.lineCounts; const auto lineCount = int(counts.size()); const auto totalHeight = ranges::accumulate(heights, 0.) + _spacing * (lineCount - 1); const auto minLineHeight = ranges::min(heights); const auto maxLineHeight = ranges::max(heights); const auto bad1 = (minLineHeight < _minWidth) ? 1.5 : 1.; const auto bad2 = [&] { for (auto line = 1; line != lineCount; ++line) { if (counts[line - 1] > counts[line]) { return 1.5; } } return 1.; }(); const auto diff = std::abs(totalHeight - _maxHeight) * bad1 * bad2; if (!optimalAttempt || diff < optimalDiff) { optimalAttempt = &attempt; optimalDiff = diff; } } Assert(optimalAttempt != nullptr); const auto &optimalCounts = optimalAttempt->lineCounts; const auto &optimalHeights = optimalAttempt->heights; const auto rowCount = int(optimalCounts.size()); auto index = 0; auto y = 0.; for (auto row = 0; row != rowCount; ++row) { const auto colCount = optimalCounts[row]; const auto lineHeight = optimalHeights[row]; const auto height = Round(lineHeight); auto x = 0; for (auto col = 0; col != colCount; ++col) { const auto sides = RectPart::None | (row == 0 ? RectPart::Top : RectPart::None) | (row == rowCount - 1 ? RectPart::Bottom : RectPart::None) | (col == 0 ? RectPart::Left : RectPart::None) | (col == colCount - 1 ? RectPart::Right : RectPart::None); const auto ratio = _ratios[index]; const auto width = (col == colCount - 1) ? (_maxWidth - x) : Round(ratio * lineHeight); result[index] = { QRect(x, y, width, height), sides }; x += width + _spacing; ++index; } y += height + _spacing; } return result; } } // namespace std::vector LayoutMediaGroup( const std::vector &sizes, int maxWidth, int minWidth, int spacing) { return Layouter(sizes, maxWidth, minWidth, spacing).layout(); } RectParts GetCornersFromSides(RectParts sides) { const auto convert = [&]( RectPart side1, RectPart side2, RectPart corner) { return ((sides & side1) && (sides & side2)) ? corner : RectPart::None; }; return RectPart::None | convert(RectPart::Top, RectPart::Left, RectPart::TopLeft) | convert(RectPart::Top, RectPart::Right, RectPart::TopRight) | convert(RectPart::Bottom, RectPart::Left, RectPart::BottomLeft) | convert(RectPart::Bottom, RectPart::Right, RectPart::BottomRight); } QSize GetImageScaleSizeForGeometry(QSize original, QSize geometry) { const auto width = geometry.width(); const auto height = geometry.height(); auto tw = original.width(); auto th = original.height(); if (tw * height > th * width) { if (th > height || tw * height < 2 * th * width) { tw = (height * tw) / th; th = height; } else if (tw < width) { th = (width * th) / tw; tw = width; } } else { if (tw > width || th * width < 2 * tw * height) { th = (width * th) / tw; tw = width; } else if (tw > 0 && th < height) { tw = (height * tw) / th; th = height; } } if (tw < 1) tw = 1; if (th < 1) th = 1; return { tw, th }; } } // namespace Ui