#!/bin/bash # Installs libs and compiles tdesktop run() { info_msg "Build version: ${BUILD_VERSION}" downloadLibs prepare build check } downloadLibs() { travis_fold_start "download_libs" # Move telegram project to subfolder mkdir tdesktop mv -f Telegram tdesktop # Download libraries info_msg "QT-Version: ${_qtver}, SRC-Dir: ${srcdir}" echo -e "\nDownload and extract qt" qt_file=qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$_qtver.tar.xz echo -e "QT-File: ${qt_file}" wget "http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/${_qtver%.*}/$_qtver/single/$qt_file" tar xf $qt_file rm $qt_file echo -e "Clone Breakpad" git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/breakpad/breakpad breakpad echo -e "\nClone Linux Syscall Support" git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/linux-syscall-support breakpad-lss echo -e "\nLets view the folder content" ls travis_fold_end "download_libs" } prepare() { travis_fold_start "prepare" start_msg "Preparing the libraries..." cd "$srcdir/tdesktop" mkdir -p "$srcdir/Libraries" local qt_patch_file="$srcdir/tdesktop/Telegram/_qtbase_${_qtver//./_}_patch.diff" if [ "$qt_patch_file" -nt "$srcdir/Libraries/QtStatic" ]; then rm -rf "$srcdir/Libraries/QtStatic" mv "$srcdir/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-$_qtver" "$srcdir/Libraries/QtStatic" cd "$srcdir/Libraries/QtStatic/qtbase" patch -p1 -i "$qt_patch_file" fi if [ ! -h "$srcdir/Libraries/breakpad" ]; then ln -s "$srcdir/breakpad" "$srcdir/Libraries/breakpad" ln -s "$srcdir/breakpad-lss" "$srcdir/Libraries/breakpad/src/third_party/lss" fi sed -i 's/CUSTOM_API_ID//g' "$srcdir/tdesktop/Telegram/Telegram.pro" sed -i 's,LIBS += /usr/local/lib/libxkbcommon.a,,g' "$srcdir/tdesktop/Telegram/Telegram.pro" sed -i 's,LIBS += /usr/local/lib/libz.a,LIBS += -lz,g' "$srcdir/tdesktop/Telegram/Telegram.pro" local options="" if [[ $BUILD_VERSION == *"disable_autoupdate"* ]]; then options+="\nDEFINES += TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE" fi if [[ $BUILD_VERSION == *"disable_register_custom_scheme"* ]]; then options+="\nDEFINES += TDESKTOP_DISABLE_REGISTER_CUSTOM_SCHEME" fi if [[ $BUILD_VERSION == *"disable_crash_reports"* ]]; then options+="\nDEFINES += TDESKTOP_DISABLE_CRASH_REPORTS" fi if [[ $BUILD_VERSION == *"disable_network_proxy"* ]]; then options+="\nDEFINES += TDESKTOP_DISABLE_NETWORK_PROXY" fi options+='\nINCLUDEPATH += "/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include"' options+='\nINCLUDEPATH += "/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include"' options+='\nINCLUDEPATH += "/usr/include/opus"' options+='\nLIBS += -lcrypto -lssl' info_msg "Build options: ${options}" echo -e "${options}" >> "$srcdir/tdesktop/Telegram/Telegram.pro" success_msg "Prepare done! :)" travis_fold_end "prepare" } build() { start_msg "Building the projects..." info_msg "Build patched Qt" # Build patched Qt cd "$srcdir/Libraries/QtStatic" ./configure -prefix "$srcdir/qt" -release -opensource -confirm-license -qt-zlib \ -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-freetype -qt-harfbuzz -qt-pcre -qt-xcb \ -qt-xkbcommon-x11 -no-opengl -static -nomake examples -nomake tests make --silent module-qtbase module-qtimageformats make --silent module-qtbase-install_subtargets module-qtimageformats-install_subtargets export PATH="$srcdir/qt/bin:$PATH" info_msg "Build breakpad" # Build breakpad cd "$srcdir/Libraries/breakpad" ./configure make --silent info_msg "Build MetaStyle" # Build MetaStyle mkdir -p "$srcdir/tdesktop/Linux/DebugIntermediateStyle" cd "$srcdir/tdesktop/Linux/DebugIntermediateStyle" qmake CONFIG+=debug "../../Telegram/MetaStyle.pro" make --silent info_msg "Build MetaLang" # Build MetaLang mkdir -p "$srcdir/tdesktop/Linux/DebugIntermediateLang" cd "$srcdir/tdesktop/Linux/DebugIntermediateLang" qmake CONFIG+=debug "../../Telegram/MetaLang.pro" make --silent info_msg "Build Telegram Desktop" # Build Telegram Desktop mkdir -p "$srcdir/tdesktop/Linux/ReleaseIntermediate" cd "$srcdir/tdesktop/Linux/ReleaseIntermediate" qmake CONFIG+=release "../../Telegram/Telegram.pro" local pattern="^PRE_TARGETDEPS +=" grep "$pattern" "$srcdir/tdesktop/Telegram/Telegram.pro" | sed "s/$pattern//g" | xargs make qmake CONFIG+=release "../../Telegram/Telegram.pro" make } check() { local filePath="$srcdir/tdesktop/Linux/Release/Telegram" if test -f "$filePath"; then success_msg "Build successful done! :)" local size; size=$(stat -c %s "$filePath") success_msg "File size of ${filePath}: ${size} Bytes" else error_msg "Build error, output file does not exist" exit 1 fi } source ./.travis/common.sh run