/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once namespace Data { struct BoostsOverview final { int mine = 0; int level = 0; int boostCount = 0; int currentLevelBoostCount = 0; int nextLevelBoostCount = 0; int premiumMemberCount = 0; float64 premiumMemberPercentage = 0; }; struct GiftCodeLink final { QString text; QString link; QString slug; }; struct Boost final { bool isGift = false; bool isGiveaway = false; bool isUnclaimed = false; QString id; UserId userId = UserId(0); FullMsgId giveawayMessage; QDateTime date; QDateTime expiresAt; int expiresAfterMonths = 0; GiftCodeLink giftCodeLink; int multiplier = 0; }; struct BoostsListSlice final { struct OffsetToken final { QString next; bool gifts = false; }; std::vector list; int multipliedTotal = 0; bool allLoaded = false; OffsetToken token; }; struct BoostPrepaidGiveaway final { int months = 0; uint64 id = 0; int quantity = 0; QDateTime date; }; struct BoostStatus final { BoostsOverview overview; BoostsListSlice firstSliceBoosts; BoostsListSlice firstSliceGifts; std::vector prepaidGiveaway; QString link; }; } // namespace Data