/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "iv/iv_instance.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "core/shortcuts.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_cloud_file.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_photo_media.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "info/profile/info_profile_values.h" #include "iv/iv_controller.h" #include "iv/iv_data.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_domain.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/session/session_show.h" #include "media/streaming/media_streaming_loader.h" #include "storage/file_download.h" #include "storage/storage_domain.h" #include "ui/boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "ui/basic_click_handlers.h" #include "webview/webview_data_stream_memory.h" #include "webview/webview_interface.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "window/window_session_controller_link_info.h" namespace Iv { namespace { constexpr auto kGeoPointScale = 1; constexpr auto kGeoPointZoomMin = 13; constexpr auto kMaxLoadParts = 3; constexpr auto kKeepLoadingParts = 8; [[nodiscard]] QString LookupLocalPath( const std::shared_ptr show) { const auto &domain = show->session().account().domain(); const auto &base = domain.local().webviewDataPath(); static auto counter = 0; return base + u"/iv/"_q + QString::number(++counter); } [[nodiscard]] Storage::Cache::Key IvBaseCacheKey( not_null document) { auto big = document->bigFileBaseCacheKey(); big.low += 0x7FF; return big; } } // namespace class Shown final : public base::has_weak_ptr { public: Shown( std::shared_ptr show, not_null data, QString hash); [[nodiscard]] bool showing( not_null session, not_null data) const; [[nodiscard]] bool showingFrom(not_null session) const; [[nodiscard]] bool activeFor(not_null session) const; [[nodiscard]] bool active() const; void showJoinedTooltip(); void minimize(); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer events() const { return _events.events(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::lifetime &lifetime() { return _lifetime; } private: struct MapPreview { std::unique_ptr<::Data::CloudFile> file; QByteArray bytes; }; struct PartRequest { Webview::DataRequest request; QByteArray data; std::vector loaded; int64 offset = 0; }; struct FileLoad { not_null document; std::unique_ptr loader; std::vector requests; std::string mime; rpl::lifetime lifetime; }; void showLocal(Prepared result); void showWindowed(Prepared result); // Local. void showProgress(int index); void loadResource(int index); void finishLocal(const QString &path); [[nodiscard]] QString localRoot() const; void writeLocal(const QString &relative, const QByteArray &data); void loadPhoto(QString id, PhotoId photoId); void loadDocument(QString id, DocumentId documentId); void loadPage(QString id, QString tag); void loadMap(QString id, QString params); void writeEmbed(QString id, QString hash); // Windowed. void streamPhoto(PhotoId photoId, Webview::DataRequest request); void streamFile(DocumentId documentId, Webview::DataRequest request); void streamFile(FileLoad &file, Webview::DataRequest request); void processPartInFile( FileLoad &file, Media::Streaming::LoadedPart &&part); bool finishRequestWithPart( PartRequest &request, const Media::Streaming::LoadedPart &part); void streamMap(QString params, Webview::DataRequest request); void sendEmbed(QByteArray hash, Webview::DataRequest request); void fillChannelJoinedValues(const Prepared &result); void requestDone( Webview::DataRequest request, QByteArray bytes, std::string mime, int64 offset = 0, int64 total = 0); void requestFail(Webview::DataRequest request); const not_null _session; std::shared_ptr _show; QString _id; std::unique_ptr _controller; base::flat_map _files; base::flat_map> _inChannelValues; QString _localBase; base::flat_map _embeds; base::flat_map _maps; std::vector _resources; int _resource = -1; rpl::event_stream _events; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; Shown::Shown( std::shared_ptr show, not_null data, QString hash) : _session(&show->session()) , _show(show) , _id(data->id()) { const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); const auto base = /*local ? LookupLocalPath(show) : */QString(); data->prepare({ .saveToFolder = base }, [=](Prepared result) { result.hash = hash; crl::on_main(weak, [=, result = std::move(result)]() mutable { _embeds = std::move(result.embeds); fillChannelJoinedValues(result); if (!base.isEmpty()) { _localBase = base; showLocal(std::move(result)); } else { showWindowed(std::move(result)); } }); }); } void Shown::fillChannelJoinedValues(const Prepared &result) { for (const auto &id : result.channelIds) { const auto channelId = ChannelId(id.toLongLong()); const auto channel = _session->data().channel(channelId); if (!channel->isLoaded() && !channel->username().isEmpty()) { channel->session().api().request(MTPcontacts_ResolveUsername( MTP_string(channel->username()) )).done([=](const MTPcontacts_ResolvedPeer &result) { channel->owner().processUsers(result.data().vusers()); channel->owner().processChats(result.data().vchats()); }).send(); } _inChannelValues[id] = Info::Profile::AmInChannelValue(channel); } } void Shown::showLocal(Prepared result) { showProgress(0); QDir(_localBase).removeRecursively(); QDir().mkpath(_localBase); _resources = std::move(result.resources); writeLocal(localRoot(), result.content); } void Shown::showProgress(int index) { const auto count = int(_resources.size() + 1); _show->showToast(u"Saving %1 / %2..."_q.arg(index + 1).arg(count)); } void Shown::finishLocal(const QString &path) { if (path.isEmpty()) { _show->showToast(u"Failed!"_q); } else { _show->showToast(u"Done!"_q); File::Launch(path); } _id = QString(); } QString Shown::localRoot() const { return u"page.html"_q; } void Shown::writeLocal(const QString &relative, const QByteArray &data) { const auto path = _localBase + '/' + relative; QFileInfo(path).absoluteDir().mkpath("."); auto f = QFile(path); if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly) || f.write(data) != data.size()) { finishLocal({}); } else { crl::on_main(this, [=] { loadResource(_resource + 1); }); } } void Shown::loadResource(int index) { _resource = index; if (_resource == _resources.size()) { finishLocal(_localBase + '/' + localRoot()); return; } showProgress(_resource + 1); const auto id = QString::fromUtf8(_resources[_resource]); if (id.startsWith(u"photo/"_q)) { loadPhoto(id, id.mid(6).toULongLong()); } else if (id.startsWith(u"document/"_q)) { loadDocument(id, id.mid(9).toULongLong()); } else if (id.startsWith(u"iv/"_q)) { loadPage(id, id.mid(3)); } else if (id.startsWith(u"map/"_q)) { loadMap(id, id.mid(4)); } else if (id.startsWith(u"html/"_q)) { writeEmbed(id, id.mid(5)); } else { _show->show( Ui::MakeInformBox(u"Skipping resource %1..."_q.arg(id))); crl::on_main(this, [=] { loadResource(index + 1); }); } } void Shown::loadPhoto(QString id, PhotoId photoId) { const auto photo = _session->data().photo(photoId); const auto media = photo->createMediaView(); media->wanted(::Data::PhotoSize::Large, ::Data::FileOrigin()); const auto finish = [=](QByteArray bytes) { writeLocal(id, bytes); }; if (media->loaded()) { finish(media->imageBytes(::Data::PhotoSize::Large)); } else { photo->session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return media->loaded(); }) | rpl::take(1) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { finish(media->imageBytes(::Data::PhotoSize::Large)); }, _lifetime); } } void Shown::loadDocument(QString id, DocumentId documentId) { const auto path = _localBase + '/' + id; QFileInfo(path).absoluteDir().mkpath("."); const auto document = _session->data().document(documentId); document->save(::Data::FileOrigin(), path); if (!document->loading()) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { loadResource(_resource + 1); }); } document->session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return !document->loading(); }) | rpl::take(1) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { crl::on_main(this, [=] { loadResource(_resource + 1); }); }, _lifetime); } void Shown::loadPage(QString id, QString tag) { if (!id.endsWith(u".css"_q) && !id.endsWith(u".js"_q)) { finishLocal({}); return; } const auto pattern = u"^[a-zA-Z\\.\\-_0-9]+$"_q; if (QRegularExpression(pattern).match(tag).hasMatch()) { auto file = QFile(u":/iv/"_q + tag); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { writeLocal(id, file.readAll()); return; } } finishLocal({}); } void Shown::loadMap(QString id, QString params) { using namespace ::Data; const auto i = _maps.find(params); if (i != end(_maps)) { writeLocal(id, i->second.bytes); return; } const auto parts = params.split(u'&'); if (parts.size() != 3) { finishLocal({}); return; } const auto point = GeoPointFromId(parts[0].toUtf8()); const auto size = parts[1].split(','); const auto zoom = parts[2].toInt(); if (size.size() != 2) { finishLocal({}); return; } const auto location = GeoPointLocation{ .lat = point.lat, .lon = point.lon, .access = point.access, .width = size[0].toInt(), .height = size[1].toInt(), .zoom = std::max(zoom, kGeoPointZoomMin), .scale = kGeoPointScale, }; const auto prepared = ImageWithLocation{ .location = ImageLocation( { location }, location.width, location.height) }; auto &preview = _maps.emplace(params, MapPreview()).first->second; preview.file = std::make_unique(); UpdateCloudFile( *preview.file, prepared, _session->data().cache(), kImageCacheTag, [=](FileOrigin origin) { /* restartLoader not used here */ }); const auto autoLoading = false; const auto finalCheck = [=] { return true; }; const auto done = [=](QByteArray bytes) { const auto i = _maps.find(params); Assert(i != end(_maps)); i->second.bytes = std::move(bytes); writeLocal(id, i->second.bytes); }; LoadCloudFile( _session, *preview.file, FileOrigin(), LoadFromCloudOrLocal, autoLoading, kImageCacheTag, finalCheck, done, [=](bool) { done("failed..."); }); } void Shown::writeEmbed(QString id, QString hash) { const auto i = _embeds.find(hash.toUtf8()); if (i != end(_embeds)) { writeLocal(id, i->second); } else { finishLocal({}); } } void Shown::showWindowed(Prepared result) { _controller = std::make_unique(); _controller->events( ) | rpl::start_to_stream(_events, _controller->lifetime()); _controller->dataRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Webview::DataRequest request) { const auto requested = QString::fromStdString(request.id); const auto id = QStringView(requested); if (id.startsWith(u"photo/")) { streamPhoto(id.mid(6).toULongLong(), std::move(request)); } else if (id.startsWith(u"document/"_q)) { streamFile(id.mid(9).toULongLong(), std::move(request)); } else if (id.startsWith(u"map/"_q)) { streamMap(id.mid(4).toUtf8(), std::move(request)); } else if (id.startsWith(u"html/"_q)) { sendEmbed(id.mid(5).toUtf8(), std::move(request)); } }, _controller->lifetime()); const auto domain = &_session->domain(); _controller->show( domain->local().webviewDataPath(), std::move(result), base::duplicate(_inChannelValues)); } void Shown::streamPhoto(PhotoId photoId, Webview::DataRequest request) { using namespace Data; const auto photo = _session->data().photo(photoId); if (photo->isNull()) { requestFail(std::move(request)); return; } const auto media = photo->createMediaView(); media->wanted(PhotoSize::Large, FileOrigin()); const auto check = [=] { if (!media->loaded() && !media->owner()->failed(PhotoSize::Large)) { return false; } requestDone( request, media->imageBytes(PhotoSize::Large), "image/jpeg"); return true; }; if (!check()) { photo->session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::filter( check ) | rpl::take(1) | rpl::start(_controller->lifetime()); } } void Shown::streamFile( DocumentId documentId, Webview::DataRequest request) { using namespace Data; const auto i = _files.find(documentId); if (i != end(_files)) { streamFile(i->second, std::move(request)); return; } const auto document = _session->data().document(documentId); auto loader = document->createStreamingLoader(FileOrigin(), false); if (!loader) { requestFail(std::move(request)); return; } auto &file = _files.emplace( documentId, FileLoad{ .document = document, .loader = std::move(loader), .mime = document->mimeString().toStdString(), }).first->second; file.loader->parts( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Media::Streaming::LoadedPart &&part) { const auto i = _files.find(documentId); Assert(i != end(_files)); processPartInFile(i->second, std::move(part)); }, file.lifetime); streamFile(file, std::move(request)); } void Shown::streamFile(FileLoad &file, Webview::DataRequest request) { constexpr auto kPart = Media::Streaming::Loader::kPartSize; const auto size = file.document->size; const auto last = int((size + kPart - 1) / kPart); const auto from = int(std::min(request.offset, size) / kPart); const auto till = (request.limit > 0) ? std::min(request.offset + request.limit, size) : size; const auto parts = std::min( int((till + kPart - 1) / kPart) - from, kMaxLoadParts); //auto base = IvBaseCacheKey(document); const auto length = std::min((from + parts) * kPart, size) - from * kPart; file.requests.push_back(PartRequest{ .request = std::move(request), .data = QByteArray(length, 0), .loaded = std::vector(parts, false), .offset = from * kPart, }); file.loader->resetPriorities(); const auto load = std::min(from + kKeepLoadingParts, last) - from; for (auto i = 0; i != load; ++i) { file.loader->load((from + i) * kPart); } } void Shown::processPartInFile( FileLoad &file, Media::Streaming::LoadedPart &&part) { for (auto i = begin(file.requests); i != end(file.requests);) { if (finishRequestWithPart(*i, part)) { auto done = base::take(*i); i = file.requests.erase(i); requestDone( std::move(done.request), done.data, file.mime, done.offset, file.document->size); } else { ++i; } } } bool Shown::finishRequestWithPart( PartRequest &request, const Media::Streaming::LoadedPart &part) { const auto offset = part.offset; if (offset == Media::Streaming::LoadedPart::kFailedOffset) { request.data = QByteArray(); return true; } else if (offset < request.offset || offset >= request.offset + request.data.size()) { return false; } constexpr auto kPart = Media::Streaming::Loader::kPartSize; const auto copy = std::min( int(part.bytes.size()), int(request.data.size() - (offset - request.offset))); const auto index = (offset - request.offset) / kPart; Assert(index < request.loaded.size()); if (request.loaded[index]) { return false; } request.loaded[index] = true; memcpy( request.data.data() + index * kPart, part.bytes.constData(), copy); return !ranges::contains(request.loaded, false); } void Shown::streamMap(QString params, Webview::DataRequest request) { using namespace ::Data; const auto parts = params.split(u'&'); if (parts.size() != 3) { finishLocal({}); return; } const auto point = GeoPointFromId(parts[0].toUtf8()); const auto size = parts[1].split(','); const auto zoom = parts[2].toInt(); if (size.size() != 2) { finishLocal({}); return; } const auto location = GeoPointLocation{ .lat = point.lat, .lon = point.lon, .access = point.access, .width = size[0].toInt(), .height = size[1].toInt(), .zoom = std::max(zoom, kGeoPointZoomMin), .scale = kGeoPointScale, }; const auto prepared = ImageWithLocation{ .location = ImageLocation( { location }, location.width, location.height) }; auto &preview = _maps.emplace(params, MapPreview()).first->second; preview.file = std::make_unique(); UpdateCloudFile( *preview.file, prepared, _session->data().cache(), kImageCacheTag, [=](FileOrigin origin) { /* restartLoader not used here */ }); const auto autoLoading = false; const auto finalCheck = [=] { return true; }; const auto done = [=](QByteArray bytes) { const auto i = _maps.find(params); Assert(i != end(_maps)); i->second.bytes = std::move(bytes); requestDone(request, i->second.bytes, "image/png"); }; LoadCloudFile( _session, *preview.file, FileOrigin(), LoadFromCloudOrLocal, autoLoading, kImageCacheTag, finalCheck, done, [=](bool) { done("failed..."); }); } void Shown::sendEmbed(QByteArray hash, Webview::DataRequest request) { const auto i = _embeds.find(hash); if (i != end(_embeds)) { requestDone(std::move(request), i->second, "text/html"); } else { requestFail(std::move(request)); } } void Shown::requestDone( Webview::DataRequest request, QByteArray bytes, std::string mime, int64 offset, int64 total) { if (bytes.isEmpty() && mime.empty()) { requestFail(std::move(request)); return; } crl::on_main([ done = std::move(request.done), data = std::move(bytes), mime = std::move(mime), offset, total ] { using namespace Webview; done({ .stream = std::make_unique(data, mime), .streamOffset = offset, .totalSize = total, }); }); } void Shown::requestFail(Webview::DataRequest request) { crl::on_main([done = std::move(request.done)] { done({}); }); } bool Shown::showing( not_null session, not_null data) const { return showingFrom(session) && (_id == data->id()); } bool Shown::showingFrom(not_null session) const { return (_session == session); } bool Shown::activeFor(not_null session) const { return showingFrom(session) && _controller; } bool Shown::active() const { return _controller && _controller->active(); } void Shown::showJoinedTooltip() { if (_controller) { _controller->showJoinedTooltip(); } } void Shown::minimize() { if (_controller) { _controller->minimize(); } } Instance::Instance() = default; Instance::~Instance() = default; void Instance::show( std::shared_ptr show, not_null data, QString hash) { const auto session = &show->session(); if (_shown && _shown->showing(session, data)) { return; } _shown = std::make_unique(show, data, hash); _shownSession = session; _shown->events() | rpl::start_with_next([=](Controller::Event event) { using Type = Controller::Event::Type; switch (event.type) { case Type::Close: _shown = nullptr; break; case Type::Quit: Shortcuts::Launch(Shortcuts::Command::Quit); break; case Type::OpenChannel: processOpenChannel(event.context); break; case Type::JoinChannel: processJoinChannel(event.context); break; case Type::OpenLink: UrlClickHandler::Open(event.context); break; } }, _shown->lifetime()); session->changes().peerUpdates( ::Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::ChannelAmIn ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const ::Data::PeerUpdate &update) { if (const auto channel = update.peer->asChannel()) { if (channel->amIn()) { if (_joining.remove(not_null(channel))) { _shown->showJoinedTooltip(); } } } }, _shown->lifetime()); if (!_tracking.contains(session)) { _tracking.emplace(session); session->lifetime().add([=] { _tracking.remove(session); for (auto i = begin(_joining); i != end(_joining);) { if (&(*i)->session() == session) { i = _joining.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } if (_shownSession == session) { _shownSession = nullptr; } if (_shown && _shown->showingFrom(session)) { _shown = nullptr; } }); } } void Instance::processOpenChannel(const QString &context) { if (!_shownSession) { return; } else if (const auto channelId = ChannelId(context.toLongLong())) { const auto channel = _shownSession->data().channel(channelId); if (channel->isLoaded()) { if (const auto window = Core::App().windowFor(channel)) { if (const auto controller = window->sessionController()) { controller->showPeerHistory(channel); _shown = nullptr; } } } else if (!channel->username().isEmpty()) { if (const auto window = Core::App().windowFor(channel)) { if (const auto controller = window->sessionController()) { controller->showPeerByLink({ .usernameOrId = channel->username(), }); _shown = nullptr; } } } } } void Instance::processJoinChannel(const QString &context) { if (!_shownSession) { return; } else if (const auto channelId = ChannelId(context.toLongLong())) { const auto channel = _shownSession->data().channel(channelId); _joining.emplace(channel); if (channel->isLoaded()) { _shownSession->api().joinChannel(channel); } else if (!channel->username().isEmpty()) { if (const auto window = Core::App().windowFor(channel)) { if (const auto controller = window->sessionController()) { controller->showPeerByLink({ .usernameOrId = channel->username(), .joinChannel = true, }); } } } } } bool Instance::hasActiveWindow(not_null session) const { return _shown && _shown->activeFor(session); } bool Instance::closeActive() { if (!_shown || !_shown->active()) { return false; } _shown = nullptr; return true; } bool Instance::minimizeActive() { if (!_shown || !_shown->active()) { return false; } _shown->minimize(); return true; } void Instance::closeAll() { _shown = nullptr; } } // namespace Iv