/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "chat_helpers/message_field.h" #include "history/history_widget.h" #include "history/history.h" // History::session #include "history/history_item.h" // HistoryItem::originalText #include "base/qthelp_regex.h" #include "base/qthelp_url.h" #include "boxes/abstract_box.h" #include "ui/wrap/vertical_layout.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "core/event_filter.h" #include "chat_helpers/emoji_suggestions_widget.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace { using EditLinkAction = Ui::InputField::EditLinkAction; using EditLinkSelection = Ui::InputField::EditLinkSelection; constexpr auto kParseLinksTimeout = crl::time(1000); const auto kMentionTagStart = qstr("mention://user."); bool IsMentionLink(const QString &link) { return link.startsWith(kMentionTagStart); } // For mention tags save and validate userId, ignore tags for different userId. class FieldTagMimeProcessor : public Ui::InputField::TagMimeProcessor { public: QString mimeTagFromTag(const QString &tagId) override { return ConvertTagToMimeTag(tagId); } QString tagFromMimeTag(const QString &mimeTag) override { if (IsMentionLink(mimeTag)) { auto match = QRegularExpression(":(\\d+)$").match(mimeTag); if (!match.hasMatch() || match.capturedRef(1).toInt() != Auth().userId()) { return QString(); } return mimeTag.mid(0, mimeTag.size() - match.capturedLength()); } return mimeTag; } }; class EditLinkBox : public BoxContent { public: EditLinkBox( QWidget*, not_null session, const QString &text, const QString &link, Fn callback); void setInnerFocus() override; protected: void prepare() override; private: const not_null _session; QString _startText; QString _startLink; Fn _callback; Fn _setInnerFocus; }; //bool ValidateUrl(const QString &value) { // const auto match = qthelp::RegExpDomain().match(value); // if (!match.hasMatch() || match.capturedStart() != 0) { // return false; // } // const auto protocolMatch = RegExpProtocol().match(value); // return protocolMatch.hasMatch() // && IsGoodProtocol(protocolMatch.captured(1)); //} EditLinkBox::EditLinkBox( QWidget*, not_null session, const QString &text, const QString &link, Fn callback) : _session(session) , _startText(text) , _startLink(link) , _callback(std::move(callback)) { Expects(_callback != nullptr); } void EditLinkBox::setInnerFocus() { Expects(_setInnerFocus != nullptr); _setInnerFocus(); } void EditLinkBox::prepare() { const auto content = Ui::CreateChild(this); const auto text = content->add( object_ptr( content, st::defaultInputField, tr::lng_formatting_link_text(), _startText), st::markdownLinkFieldPadding); text->setInstantReplaces(Ui::InstantReplaces::Default()); text->setInstantReplacesEnabled( _session->settings().replaceEmojiValue()); Ui::Emoji::SuggestionsController::Init( getDelegate()->outerContainer(), text, _session); const auto url = content->add( object_ptr( content, st::defaultInputField, tr::lng_formatting_link_url(), _startLink.trimmed()), st::markdownLinkFieldPadding); const auto submit = [=] { const auto linkText = text->getLastText(); const auto linkUrl = qthelp::validate_url(url->getLastText()); if (linkText.isEmpty()) { text->showError(); return; } else if (linkUrl.isEmpty()) { url->showError(); return; } const auto weak = make_weak(this); _callback(linkText, linkUrl); if (weak) { closeBox(); } }; connect(text, &Ui::InputField::submitted, [=] { url->setFocusFast(); }); connect(url, &Ui::InputField::submitted, [=] { if (text->getLastText().isEmpty()) { text->setFocusFast(); } else { submit(); } }); setTitle(url->getLastText().isEmpty() ? tr::lng_formatting_link_create_title() : tr::lng_formatting_link_edit_title()); addButton(tr::lng_formatting_link_create(), submit); addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { closeBox(); }); content->resizeToWidth(st::boxWidth); content->moveToLeft(0, 0); setDimensions(st::boxWidth, content->height()); _setInnerFocus = [=] { (_startText.isEmpty() ? text : url)->setFocusFast(); }; } TextWithEntities StripSupportHashtag(TextWithEntities &&text) { static const auto expression = QRegularExpression( qsl("\\n?#tsf[a-z0-9_-]*[\\s#a-z0-9_-]*$"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); const auto match = expression.match(text.text); if (!match.hasMatch()) { return std::move(text); } text.text.chop(match.capturedLength()); const auto length = text.text.size(); if (!length) { return TextWithEntities(); } for (auto i = text.entities.begin(); i != text.entities.end();) { auto &entity = *i; if (entity.offset() >= length) { i = text.entities.erase(i); continue; } else if (entity.offset() + entity.length() > length) { entity.shrinkFromRight(length - entity.offset()); } ++i; } return std::move(text); } } // namespace QString ConvertTagToMimeTag(const QString &tagId) { if (IsMentionLink(tagId)) { return tagId + ':' + QString::number(Auth().userId()); } return tagId; } QString PrepareMentionTag(not_null user) { return kMentionTagStart + QString::number(user->bareId()) + '.' + QString::number(user->accessHash()); } EntitiesInText ConvertTextTagsToEntities(const TextWithTags::Tags &tags) { EntitiesInText result; if (tags.isEmpty()) { return result; } result.reserve(tags.size()); for (const auto &tag : tags) { const auto push = [&]( EntityType type, const QString &data = QString()) { result.push_back( EntityInText(type, tag.offset, tag.length, data)); }; if (IsMentionLink(tag.id)) { if (auto match = qthelp::regex_match("^(\\d+\\.\\d+)(/|$)", tag.id.midRef(kMentionTagStart.size()))) { push(EntityType::MentionName, match->captured(1)); } } else if (tag.id == Ui::InputField::kTagBold) { push(EntityType::Bold); } else if (tag.id == Ui::InputField::kTagItalic) { push(EntityType::Italic); } else if (tag.id == Ui::InputField::kTagUnderline) { push(EntityType::Underline); } else if (tag.id == Ui::InputField::kTagStrikeOut) { push(EntityType::StrikeOut); } else if (tag.id == Ui::InputField::kTagCode) { push(EntityType::Code); } else if (tag.id == Ui::InputField::kTagPre) { // #TODO entities push(EntityType::Pre); } else /*if (ValidateUrl(tag.id)) */{ // We validate when we insert. push(EntityType::CustomUrl, tag.id); } } return result; } TextWithTags::Tags ConvertEntitiesToTextTags(const EntitiesInText &entities) { TextWithTags::Tags result; if (entities.isEmpty()) { return result; } result.reserve(entities.size()); for (const auto &entity : entities) { const auto push = [&](const QString &tag) { result.push_back({ entity.offset(), entity.length(), tag }); }; switch (entity.type()) { case EntityType::MentionName: { auto match = QRegularExpression(R"(^(\d+\.\d+)$)").match(entity.data()); if (match.hasMatch()) { push(kMentionTagStart + entity.data()); } } break; case EntityType::CustomUrl: { const auto url = entity.data(); if (Ui::InputField::IsValidMarkdownLink(url) && !IsMentionLink(url)) { push(url); } } break; case EntityType::Bold: push(Ui::InputField::kTagBold); break; case EntityType::Italic: push(Ui::InputField::kTagItalic); break; case EntityType::Underline: push(Ui::InputField::kTagUnderline); break; case EntityType::StrikeOut: push(Ui::InputField::kTagStrikeOut); break; case EntityType::Code: push(Ui::InputField::kTagCode); break; // #TODO entities case EntityType::Pre: push(Ui::InputField::kTagPre); break; } } return result; } std::unique_ptr MimeDataFromText( const TextForMimeData &text) { if (text.empty()) { return nullptr; } auto result = std::make_unique(); result->setText(text.expanded); auto tags = ConvertEntitiesToTextTags(text.rich.entities); if (!tags.isEmpty()) { for (auto &tag : tags) { tag.id = ConvertTagToMimeTag(tag.id); } result->setData( TextUtilities::TagsTextMimeType(), text.rich.text.toUtf8()); result->setData( TextUtilities::TagsMimeType(), TextUtilities::SerializeTags(tags)); } return result; } void SetClipboardText( const TextForMimeData &text, QClipboard::Mode mode) { if (auto data = MimeDataFromText(text)) { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(data.release(), mode); } } TextWithTags PrepareEditText(not_null item) { const auto original = item->history()->session().supportMode() ? StripSupportHashtag(item->originalText()) : item->originalText(); return TextWithTags{ original.text, ConvertEntitiesToTextTags(original.entities) }; } Fn DefaultEditLinkCallback( not_null session, not_null field) { const auto weak = make_weak(field); return [=]( EditLinkSelection selection, QString text, QString link, EditLinkAction action) { if (action == EditLinkAction::Check) { return Ui::InputField::IsValidMarkdownLink(link) && !IsMentionLink(link); } Ui::show(Box(session, text, link, [=]( const QString &text, const QString &link) { if (const auto strong = weak.data()) { strong->commitMarkdownLinkEdit(selection, text, link); } }), LayerOption::KeepOther); return true; }; } void InitMessageField( not_null controller, not_null field) { field->setMinHeight(st::historySendSize.height() - 2 * st::historySendPadding); field->setMaxHeight(st::historyComposeFieldMaxHeight); field->setTagMimeProcessor(std::make_unique()); field->document()->setDocumentMargin(4.); field->setAdditionalMargin(ConvertScale(4) - 4); field->customTab(true); field->setInstantReplaces(Ui::InstantReplaces::Default()); field->setInstantReplacesEnabled( controller->session().settings().replaceEmojiValue()); field->setMarkdownReplacesEnabled(rpl::single(true)); field->setEditLinkCallback( DefaultEditLinkCallback(&controller->session(), field)); } bool HasSendText(not_null field) { const auto &text = field->getTextWithTags().text; for (const auto ch : text) { const auto code = ch.unicode(); if (code != ' ' && code != '\n' && code != '\r' && !chReplacedBySpace(code)) { return true; } } return false; } InlineBotQuery ParseInlineBotQuery(not_null field) { auto result = InlineBotQuery(); const auto &full = field->getTextWithTags(); const auto &text = full.text; const auto textLength = text.size(); auto inlineUsernameStart = 1; auto inlineUsernameLength = 0; if (textLength > 2 && text[0] == '@' && text[1].isLetter()) { inlineUsernameLength = 1; for (auto i = inlineUsernameStart + 1; i != textLength; ++i) { const auto ch = text[i]; if (ch.isLetterOrNumber() || ch.unicode() == '_') { ++inlineUsernameLength; continue; } else if (!ch.isSpace()) { inlineUsernameLength = 0; } break; } auto inlineUsernameEnd = inlineUsernameStart + inlineUsernameLength; auto inlineUsernameEqualsText = (inlineUsernameEnd == textLength); auto validInlineUsername = false; if (inlineUsernameEqualsText) { validInlineUsername = text.endsWith(qstr("bot")); } else if (inlineUsernameEnd < textLength && inlineUsernameLength) { validInlineUsername = text[inlineUsernameEnd].isSpace(); } if (validInlineUsername) { if (!full.tags.isEmpty() && (full.tags.front().offset < inlineUsernameStart + inlineUsernameLength)) { return InlineBotQuery(); } auto username = text.midRef(inlineUsernameStart, inlineUsernameLength); if (username != result.username) { result.username = username.toString(); if (const auto peer = Auth().data().peerByUsername(result.username)) { if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { result.bot = peer->asUser(); } else { result.bot = nullptr; } result.lookingUpBot = false; } else { result.bot = nullptr; result.lookingUpBot = true; } } if (result.lookingUpBot) { result.query = QString(); return result; } else if (result.bot && (!result.bot->isBot() || result.bot->botInfo->inlinePlaceholder.isEmpty())) { result.bot = nullptr; } else { result.query = inlineUsernameEqualsText ? QString() : text.mid(inlineUsernameEnd + 1); return result; } } else { inlineUsernameLength = 0; } } if (inlineUsernameLength < 3) { result.bot = nullptr; result.username = QString(); } result.query = QString(); return result; } AutocompleteQuery ParseMentionHashtagBotCommandQuery( not_null field) { auto result = AutocompleteQuery(); const auto cursor = field->textCursor(); if (cursor.hasSelection()) { return result; } const auto position = cursor.position(); const auto document = field->document(); const auto block = document->findBlock(position); for (auto item = block.begin(); !item.atEnd(); ++item) { const auto fragment = item.fragment(); if (!fragment.isValid()) { continue; } const auto fragmentPosition = fragment.position(); const auto fragmentEnd = fragmentPosition + fragment.length(); if (fragmentPosition >= position || fragmentEnd < position) { continue; } const auto format = fragment.charFormat(); if (format.isImageFormat()) { continue; } bool mentionInCommand = false; const auto text = fragment.text(); for (auto i = position - fragmentPosition; i != 0; --i) { if (text[i - 1] == '@') { if ((position - fragmentPosition - i < 1 || text[i].isLetter()) && (i < 2 || !(text[i - 2].isLetterOrNumber() || text[i - 2] == '_'))) { result.fromStart = (i == 1) && (fragmentPosition == 0); result.query = text.mid(i - 1, position - fragmentPosition - i + 1); } else if ((position - fragmentPosition - i < 1 || text[i].isLetter()) && i > 2 && (text[i - 2].isLetterOrNumber() || text[i - 2] == '_') && !mentionInCommand) { mentionInCommand = true; --i; continue; } return result; } else if (text[i - 1] == '#') { if (i < 2 || !(text[i - 2].isLetterOrNumber() || text[i - 2] == '_')) { result.fromStart = (i == 1) && (fragmentPosition == 0); result.query = text.mid(i - 1, position - fragmentPosition - i + 1); } return result; } else if (text[i - 1] == '/') { if (i < 2) { result.fromStart = (i == 1) && (fragmentPosition == 0); result.query = text.mid(i - 1, position - fragmentPosition - i + 1); } return result; } if (position - fragmentPosition - i > 127 || (!mentionInCommand && (position - fragmentPosition - i > 63))) { break; } if (!text[i - 1].isLetterOrNumber() && text[i - 1] != '_') { break; } } break; } return result; } QtConnectionOwner::QtConnectionOwner(QMetaObject::Connection connection) : _data(connection) { } QtConnectionOwner::QtConnectionOwner(QtConnectionOwner &&other) : _data(base::take(other._data)) { } QtConnectionOwner &QtConnectionOwner::operator=(QtConnectionOwner &&other) { disconnect(); _data = base::take(other._data); return *this; } void QtConnectionOwner::disconnect() { QObject::disconnect(base::take(_data)); } QtConnectionOwner::~QtConnectionOwner() { disconnect(); } MessageLinksParser::MessageLinksParser(not_null field) : _field(field) , _timer([=] { parse(); }) { _connection = QObject::connect(_field, &Ui::InputField::changed, [=] { const auto length = _field->getTextWithTags().text.size(); const auto timeout = (std::abs(length - _lastLength) > 2) ? 0 : kParseLinksTimeout; if (!_timer.isActive() || timeout < _timer.remainingTime()) { _timer.callOnce(timeout); } _lastLength = length; }); _field->installEventFilter(this); } bool MessageLinksParser::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if (object == _field) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { const auto text = static_cast(event)->text(); if (!text.isEmpty() && text.size() < 3) { const auto ch = text[0]; if (false || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch.isSpace() || ch == QChar::LineSeparator) { _timer.callOnce(0); } } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::Drop) { _timer.callOnce(0); } } return QObject::eventFilter(object, event); } const rpl::variable &MessageLinksParser::list() const { return _list; } void MessageLinksParser::parse() { const auto &textWithTags = _field->getTextWithTags(); const auto &text = textWithTags.text; const auto &tags = textWithTags.tags; const auto &markdownTags = _field->getMarkdownTags(); if (text.isEmpty()) { _list = QStringList(); return; } const auto tagCanIntersectWithLink = [](const QString &tag) { return (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagBold) || (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagItalic) || (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagUnderline) || (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagStrikeOut); }; auto ranges = QVector(); auto tag = tags.begin(); const auto tagsEnd = tags.end(); const auto processTag = [&] { Expects(tag != tagsEnd); if (Ui::InputField::IsValidMarkdownLink(tag->id) && !IsMentionLink(tag->id)) { ranges.push_back({ tag->offset, tag->length, tag->id }); } ++tag; }; const auto processTagsBefore = [&](int offset) { while (tag != tagsEnd && (tag->offset + tag->length <= offset || tagCanIntersectWithLink(tag->id))) { processTag(); } }; const auto hasTagsIntersection = [&](int till) { if (tag == tagsEnd || tag->offset >= till) { return false; } while (tag != tagsEnd && tag->offset < till) { processTag(); } return true; }; auto markdownTag = markdownTags.begin(); const auto markdownTagsEnd = markdownTags.end(); const auto markdownTagsAllow = [&](int from, int length) { while (markdownTag != markdownTagsEnd && (markdownTag->adjustedStart + markdownTag->adjustedLength <= from || !markdownTag->closed || tagCanIntersectWithLink(markdownTag->tag))) { ++markdownTag; } if (markdownTag == markdownTagsEnd || markdownTag->adjustedStart >= from + length) { return true; } // Ignore http-links that are completely inside some tags. // This will allow sending http://test.com/__test__/test correctly. return (markdownTag->adjustedStart > from) || (markdownTag->adjustedStart + markdownTag->adjustedLength < from + length); }; const auto len = text.size(); const QChar *start = text.unicode(), *end = start + text.size(); for (auto offset = 0, matchOffset = offset; offset < len;) { auto m = qthelp::RegExpDomain().match(text, matchOffset); if (!m.hasMatch()) break; auto domainOffset = m.capturedStart(); auto protocol = m.captured(1).toLower(); auto topDomain = m.captured(3).toLower(); auto isProtocolValid = protocol.isEmpty() || TextUtilities::IsValidProtocol(protocol); auto isTopDomainValid = !protocol.isEmpty() || TextUtilities::IsValidTopDomain(topDomain); if (protocol.isEmpty() && domainOffset > offset + 1 && *(start + domainOffset - 1) == QChar('@')) { auto forMailName = text.mid(offset, domainOffset - offset - 1); auto mMailName = TextUtilities::RegExpMailNameAtEnd().match(forMailName); if (mMailName.hasMatch()) { offset = matchOffset = m.capturedEnd(); continue; } } if (!isProtocolValid || !isTopDomainValid) { offset = matchOffset = m.capturedEnd(); continue; } QStack parenth; const QChar *domainEnd = start + m.capturedEnd(), *p = domainEnd; for (; p < end; ++p) { QChar ch(*p); if (chIsLinkEnd(ch)) break; // link finished if (chIsAlmostLinkEnd(ch)) { const QChar *endTest = p + 1; while (endTest < end && chIsAlmostLinkEnd(*endTest)) { ++endTest; } if (endTest >= end || chIsLinkEnd(*endTest)) { break; // link finished at p } p = endTest; ch = *p; } if (ch == '(' || ch == '[' || ch == '{' || ch == '<') { parenth.push(p); } else if (ch == ')' || ch == ']' || ch == '}' || ch == '>') { if (parenth.isEmpty()) break; const QChar *q = parenth.pop(), open(*q); if ((ch == ')' && open != '(') || (ch == ']' && open != '[') || (ch == '}' && open != '{') || (ch == '>' && open != '<')) { p = q; break; } } } if (p > domainEnd) { // check, that domain ended if (domainEnd->unicode() != '/' && domainEnd->unicode() != '?') { matchOffset = domainEnd - start; continue; } } const auto range = LinkRange { domainOffset, static_cast(p - start - domainOffset), QString() }; processTagsBefore(domainOffset); if (!hasTagsIntersection(range.start + range.length)) { if (markdownTagsAllow(range.start, range.length)) { ranges.push_back(range); } } offset = matchOffset = p - start; } processTagsBefore(QFIXED_MAX); apply(text, ranges); } void MessageLinksParser::apply( const QString &text, const QVector &ranges) { const auto count = int(ranges.size()); const auto current = _list.current(); const auto computeLink = [&](const LinkRange &range) { return range.custom.isEmpty() ? text.midRef(range.start, range.length) : range.custom.midRef(0); }; const auto changed = [&] { if (current.size() != count) { return true; } for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { if (computeLink(ranges[i]) != current[i]) { return true; } } return false; }(); if (!changed) { return; } auto parsed = QStringList(); parsed.reserve(count); for (const auto &range : ranges) { parsed.push_back(computeLink(range).toString()); } _list = std::move(parsed); } void SetupSendMenu( not_null button, Fn type, Fn silent, Fn schedule) { if (!silent && !schedule) { return; } const auto menu = std::make_shared>(); const auto showMenu = [=] { const auto now = type(); if (now == SendMenuType::Disabled || (!silent && now == SendMenuType::SilentOnly)) { return false; } *menu = base::make_unique_q(button); if (silent && now != SendMenuType::Reminder) { (*menu)->addAction(tr::lng_send_silent_message(tr::now), silent); } if (schedule && now != SendMenuType::SilentOnly) { (*menu)->addAction( (now == SendMenuType::Scheduled ? tr::lng_schedule_message(tr::now) : tr::lng_reminder_message(tr::now)), schedule); } (*menu)->popup(QCursor::pos()); return true; }; Core::InstallEventFilter(button, [=](not_null e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::ContextMenu && showMenu()) { return Core::EventFilter::Result::Cancel; } return Core::EventFilter::Result::Continue; }); }