@echo OFF FOR /F "tokens=1,2* delims= " %%i in (Version) do set "%%i=%%j" set "VersionForPacker=%AppVersion%" if %BetaVersion% neq 0 ( set "AppVersion=%BetaVersion%" set "AppVersionStrFull=%AppVersionStr%_%BetaVersion%" set "DevParam=-beta %BetaVersion%" set "BetaKeyFile=tbeta_%BetaVersion%_key" ) else ( if %DevChannel% neq 0 ( set "DevParam=-dev" set "AppVersionStrFull=%AppVersionStr%.dev" ) else ( set "DevParam=" set "AppVersionStrFull=%AppVersionStr%" ) ) echo. echo Building version %AppVersionStrFull% for Windows.. echo. set "UpdateFile=tupdate%AppVersion%" set "SetupFile=tsetup.%AppVersionStrFull%.exe" set "PortableFile=tportable.%AppVersionStrFull%.zip" set "HomePath=..\..\Telegram" set "ReleasePath=..\Win32\Deploy" set "DeployPath=%ReleasePath%\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%" set "SignPath=..\..\TelegramPrivate\Sign.bat" set "BinaryName=Telegram" set "DropboxSymbolsPath=Z:\Dropbox\Telegram\symbols" if %BetaVersion% neq 0 ( if exist %DeployPath%\ ( echo Deploy folder for version %AppVersionStr% already exists! exit /b 1 ) if exist %ReleasePath%\%BetaKeyFile% ( echo Beta version key file for version %AppVersion% already exists! exit /b 1 ) ) else ( if exist %ReleasePath%\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStr%.dev\ ( echo Deploy folder for version %AppVersionStr%.dev already exists! exit /b 1 ) if exist %ReleasePath%\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStr%\ ( echo Deploy folder for version %AppVersionStr% already exists! exit /b 1 ) if exist %ReleasePath%\tupdate%AppVersion% ( echo Update file for version %AppVersion% already exists! exit /b 1 ) ) cd SourceFiles\ if "%1" == "fast" ( echo Skipping touching of telegram.qrc.. ) else ( copy telegram.qrc /B+,,/Y ) cd ..\ if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error cd ..\ MSBuild Telegram.sln /property:Configuration=Deploy cd Telegram\ if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error echo . echo Version %AppVersionStrFull% build successfull. Preparing.. echo . echo Dumping debug symbols.. call ..\..\Libraries\breakpad\src\tools\windows\binaries\dump_syms.exe %ReleasePath%\%BinaryName%.pdb > %ReleasePath%\%BinaryName%.sym echo Done! set "PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\7-Zip;C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5" call %SignPath% %ReleasePath%\%BinaryName%.exe if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error call %SignPath% %ReleasePath%\Updater.exe if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error if %BetaVersion% equ 0 ( cd %ReleasePath% iscc /dMyAppVersion=%AppVersionStrSmall% /dMyAppVersionZero=%AppVersionStr% /dMyAppVersionFull=%AppVersionStrFull% %HomePath%\Setup.iss cd %HomePath% if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error call %SignPath% %ReleasePath%\tsetup.%AppVersionStrFull%.exe if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error ) cd %ReleasePath% call Packer.exe -version %VersionForPacker% -path %BinaryName%.exe -path Updater.exe %DevParam% cd %HomePath% if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error if %BetaVersion% neq 0 ( if not exist %ReleasePath%\%BetaKeyFile% ( echo Beta version key file not found! exit /b 1 ) FOR /F "tokens=1* delims= " %%i in (%ReleasePath%\%BetaKeyFile%) do set "BetaSignature=%%i" ) if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error if %BetaVersion% neq 0 ( set "UpdateFile=%UpdateFile%_%BetaSignature%" set "PortableFile=tbeta%BetaVersion%_%BetaSignature%.zip" ) for /f ^"usebackq^ eol^=^ ^ delims^=^" %%a in (%ReleasePath%\%BinaryName%.sym) do ( set "SymbolsHashLine=%%a" goto symbolslinedone ) :symbolslinedone FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4* delims= " %%i in ("%SymbolsHashLine%") do set "SymbolsHash=%%l" echo Copying %BinaryName%.sym to %DropboxSymbolsPath%\%BinaryName%.pdb\%SymbolsHash% if not exist %DropboxSymbolsPath%\%BinaryName%.pdb mkdir %DropboxSymbolsPath%\%BinaryName%.pdb if not exist %DropboxSymbolsPath%\%BinaryName%.pdb\%SymbolsHash% mkdir %DropboxSymbolsPath%\%BinaryName%.pdb\%SymbolsHash% xcopy %ReleasePath%\%BinaryName%.sym %DropboxSymbolsPath%\%BinaryName%.pdb\%SymbolsHash%\ echo Done! if not exist %ReleasePath%\deploy mkdir %ReleasePath%\deploy if not exist %ReleasePath%\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor% mkdir %ReleasePath%\deploy\%AppVersionStrMajor% mkdir %DeployPath% mkdir %DeployPath%\Telegram if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error move %ReleasePath%\Telegram.exe %DeployPath%\Telegram\ move %ReleasePath%\Updater.exe %DeployPath%\ move %ReleasePath%\Telegram.pdb %DeployPath%\ move %ReleasePath%\Updater.pdb %DeployPath%\ if %BetaVersion% equ 0 ( move %ReleasePath%\%SetupFile% %DeployPath%\ ) else ( move %ReleasePath%\%BetaKeyFile% %DeployPath%\ ) move %ReleasePath%\%UpdateFile% %DeployPath%\ if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error cd %DeployPath%\ 7z a -mx9 %PortableFile% Telegram\ cd ..\..\..\%HomePath%\ if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto error echo . echo Version %AppVersionStrFull% is ready for deploy! echo . set "FinalReleasePath=Z:\TBuild\tother\tsetup" set "FinalDeployPath=%FinalReleasePath%\%AppVersionStrMajor%\%AppVersionStrFull%" if not exist %DeployPath%\%UpdateFile% goto error if not exist %DeployPath%\%PortableFile% goto error if %BetaVersion% equ 0 ( if not exist %DeployPath%\%SetupFile% goto error ) if not exist %DeployPath%\%BinaryName%.pdb goto error if not exist %DeployPath%\Updater.exe goto error if not exist %DeployPath%\Updater.pdb goto error if not exist %FinalReleasePath%\%AppVersionStrMajor% mkdir %FinalReleasePath%\%AppVersionStrMajor% if not exist %FinalDeployPath% mkdir %FinalDeployPath% xcopy %DeployPath%\%UpdateFile% %FinalDeployPath%\ xcopy %DeployPath%\%PortableFile% %FinalDeployPath%\ if %BetaVersion% equ 0 ( xcopy %DeployPath%\%SetupFile% %FinalDeployPath%\ ) else ( xcopy %DeployPath%\%BetaKeyFile% %FinalDeployPath%\ /Y ) xcopy %DeployPath%\%BinaryName%.pdb %FinalDeployPath%\ xcopy %DeployPath%\Updater.exe %FinalDeployPath%\ xcopy %DeployPath%\Updater.pdb %FinalDeployPath%\ echo Version %AppVersionStrFull% is ready! goto eof :error echo ERROR occured! if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel% exit /b 1 :eof