// This file is part of Desktop App Toolkit, // a set of libraries for developing nice desktop applications. // // For license and copyright information please follow this link: // https://github.com/desktop-app/legal/blob/master/LEGAL // #include "ui/controls/call_mute_button.h" #include "base/flat_map.h" #include "ui/abstract_button.h" #include "ui/paint/blobs.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "ui/widgets/call_button.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "base/openssl_help.h" #include "styles/palette.h" #include "styles/style_widgets.h" #include "styles/style_calls.h" #include namespace Ui { namespace { using Radiuses = Paint::Blob::Radiuses; constexpr auto kMaxLevel = 1.; constexpr auto kLevelDuration = 100. + 500. * 0.33; constexpr auto kScaleBig = 0.807 - 0.1; constexpr auto kScaleSmall = 0.704 - 0.1; constexpr auto kScaleBigMin = 0.878; constexpr auto kScaleSmallMin = 0.926; constexpr auto kScaleBigMax = (float)(kScaleBigMin + kScaleBig); constexpr auto kScaleSmallMax = (float)(kScaleSmallMin + kScaleSmall); constexpr auto kMainRadiusFactor = (float)(50. / 57.); constexpr auto kGlowPaddingFactor = 1.2; constexpr auto kGlowMinScale = 0.6; constexpr auto kGlowAlpha = 150; constexpr auto kOverrideColorBgAlpha = 76; constexpr auto kOverrideColorRippleAlpha = 50; constexpr auto kShiftDuration = crl::time(300); constexpr auto kSwitchStateDuration = crl::time(120); constexpr auto kSwitchLabelDuration = crl::time(180); // Switch state from Connecting animation. constexpr auto kSwitchRadialDuration = crl::time(350); constexpr auto kSwitchCirclelDuration = crl::time(275); constexpr auto kBlobsScaleEnterDuration = crl::time(400); constexpr auto kSwitchStateFromConnectingDuration = kSwitchRadialDuration + kSwitchCirclelDuration + kBlobsScaleEnterDuration; constexpr auto kRadialEndPartAnimation = float(kSwitchRadialDuration) / kSwitchStateFromConnectingDuration; constexpr auto kBlobsWidgetPartAnimation = 1. - kRadialEndPartAnimation; constexpr auto kFillCirclePartAnimation = float(kSwitchCirclelDuration) / (kSwitchCirclelDuration + kBlobsScaleEnterDuration); constexpr auto kBlobPartAnimation = float(kBlobsScaleEnterDuration) / (kSwitchCirclelDuration + kBlobsScaleEnterDuration); constexpr auto kOverlapProgressRadialHide = 1.2; constexpr auto kRadialFinishArcShift = 1200; auto MuteBlobs() { return std::vector{ { .segmentsCount = 9, .minScale = kScaleSmallMin / kScaleSmallMax, .minRadius = st::callMuteMinorBlobMinRadius * kScaleSmallMax * kMainRadiusFactor, .maxRadius = st::callMuteMinorBlobMaxRadius * kScaleSmallMax * kMainRadiusFactor, .speedScale = 1., .alpha = (76. / 255.), }, { .segmentsCount = 12, .minScale = kScaleBigMin / kScaleBigMax, .minRadius = st::callMuteMajorBlobMinRadius * kScaleBigMax * kMainRadiusFactor, .maxRadius = st::callMuteMajorBlobMaxRadius * kScaleBigMax * kMainRadiusFactor, .speedScale = 1., .alpha = (76. / 255.), }, }; } auto Colors() { using Vector = std::vector; using Colors = anim::gradient_colors; return base::flat_map{ { CallMuteButtonType::ForceMuted, Colors(QGradientStops{ { .0, st::groupCallForceMuted3->c }, { .5, st::groupCallForceMuted2->c }, { 1., st::groupCallForceMuted1->c } }) }, { CallMuteButtonType::RaisedHand, Colors(QGradientStops{ { .0, st::groupCallForceMuted3->c }, { .5, st::groupCallForceMuted2->c }, { 1., st::groupCallForceMuted1->c } }) }, { CallMuteButtonType::Active, Colors(Vector{ st::groupCallLive1->c, st::groupCallLive2->c }) }, { CallMuteButtonType::Connecting, Colors(st::callIconBg->c) }, { CallMuteButtonType::Muted, Colors(Vector{ st::groupCallMuted1->c, st::groupCallMuted2->c }) }, }; } bool IsMuted(CallMuteButtonType type) { return (type != CallMuteButtonType::Active); } bool IsConnecting(CallMuteButtonType type) { return (type == CallMuteButtonType::Connecting); } bool IsInactive(CallMuteButtonType type) { return IsConnecting(type) || (type == CallMuteButtonType::ForceMuted) || (type == CallMuteButtonType::RaisedHand); } auto Clamp(float64 value) { return std::clamp(value, 0., 1.); } void ComputeRadialFinish( int &value, float64 progress, int to = -RadialState::kFull) { value = anim::interpolate(value, to, Clamp(progress)); } } // namespace class AnimatedLabel final : public RpWidget { public: AnimatedLabel( QWidget *parent, rpl::producer &&text, crl::time duration, int additionalHeight, const style::FlatLabel &st = st::defaultFlatLabel); int height() const; private: int realHeight() const; void setText(const QString &text); const style::FlatLabel &_st; const crl::time _duration; const int _additionalHeight; const TextParseOptions _options; Text::String _text; Text::String _previousText; Animations::Simple _animation; }; AnimatedLabel::AnimatedLabel( QWidget *parent, rpl::producer &&text, crl::time duration, int additionalHeight, const style::FlatLabel &st) : RpWidget(parent) , _st(st) , _duration(duration) , _additionalHeight(additionalHeight) , _options({ 0, 0, 0, Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto }) { std::move( text ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QString &value) { setText(value); }, lifetime()); paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { Painter p(this); const auto progress = _animation.value(1.); p.setFont(_st.style.font); p.setPen(_st.textFg); p.setTextPalette(_st.palette); const auto textHeight = height(); const auto diffHeight = realHeight() - textHeight; const auto center = (diffHeight) / 2; p.setOpacity(1. - progress); if (p.opacity()) { _previousText.draw( p, 0, anim::interpolate(center, diffHeight, progress), width(), style::al_center); } p.setOpacity(progress); if (p.opacity()) { _text.draw( p, 0, anim::interpolate(0, center, progress), width(), style::al_center); } }, lifetime()); } int AnimatedLabel::height() const { return _st.style.font->height; } int AnimatedLabel::realHeight() const { return RpWidget::height(); } void AnimatedLabel::setText(const QString &text) { if (_text.toString() == text) { return; } _previousText = _text; _text.setText(_st.style, text, _options); const auto width = std::max( _st.style.font->width(_text.toString()), _st.style.font->width(_previousText.toString())); resize(width + _additionalHeight, height() + _additionalHeight * 2); _animation.stop(); _animation.start([=] { update(); }, 0., 1., _duration); } class BlobsWidget final : public RpWidget { public: BlobsWidget( not_null parent, rpl::producer &&hideBlobs); void setLevel(float level); void setBlobBrush(QBrush brush); void setGlowBrush(QBrush brush); [[nodiscard]] QRectF innerRect() const; [[nodiscard]] float64 switchConnectingProgress() const; void setSwitchConnectingProgress(float64 progress); private: void init(); Paint::Blobs _blobs; const float _circleRadius; QBrush _blobBrush; QBrush _glowBrush; int _center = 0; QRectF _circleRect; float64 _switchConnectingProgress = 0.; crl::time _blobsLastTime = 0; crl::time _blobsHideLastTime = 0; float64 _blobsScaleEnter = 0.; crl::time _blobsScaleLastTime = 0; bool _hideBlobs = true; Animations::Basic _animation; }; BlobsWidget::BlobsWidget( not_null parent, rpl::producer &&hideBlobs) : RpWidget(parent) , _blobs(MuteBlobs(), kLevelDuration, kMaxLevel) , _circleRadius(st::callMuteButtonActive.bgSize / 2.) , _blobBrush(Qt::transparent) , _glowBrush(Qt::transparent) , _blobsLastTime(crl::now()) , _blobsScaleLastTime(crl::now()) { init(); std::move( hideBlobs ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool hide) { if (_hideBlobs != hide) { const auto now = crl::now(); if ((now - _blobsScaleLastTime) >= kBlobsScaleEnterDuration) { _blobsScaleLastTime = now; } _hideBlobs = hide; } if (hide) { setLevel(0.); } _blobsHideLastTime = hide ? crl::now() : 0; if (!hide && !_animation.animating()) { _animation.start(); } }, lifetime()); } void BlobsWidget::init() { setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); const auto cutRect = [](Painter &p, const QRectF &r) { p.save(); p.setOpacity(1.); p.setBrush(st::groupCallBg); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.drawEllipse(r); p.restore(); }; { const auto s = _blobs.maxRadius() * 2 * kGlowPaddingFactor; resize(s, s); } sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QSize size) { _center = size.width() / 2; { const auto &r = _circleRadius; const auto left = (size.width() - r * 2.) / 2.; const auto add = st::callConnectingRadial.thickness / 2; _circleRect = QRectF(left, left, r * 2, r * 2).marginsAdded( style::margins(add, add, add, add)); } }, lifetime()); paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { Painter p(this); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); // Glow. const auto s = kGlowMinScale + (1. - kGlowMinScale) * _blobs.currentLevel(); p.translate(_center, _center); p.scale(s, s); p.translate(-_center, -_center); p.fillRect(rect(), _glowBrush); p.resetTransform(); // Blobs. p.translate(_center, _center); const auto scale = (_switchConnectingProgress > 0.) ? anim::easeOutBack( 1., _blobsScaleEnter * (1. - Clamp( _switchConnectingProgress / kBlobPartAnimation))) : _blobsScaleEnter; _blobs.paint(p, _blobBrush, scale); p.translate(-_center, -_center); if (scale < 1.) { cutRect(p, _circleRect); } // Main circle. const auto circleProgress = Clamp(_switchConnectingProgress - kBlobPartAnimation) / kFillCirclePartAnimation; const auto skipColoredCircle = (circleProgress == 1.); if (!skipColoredCircle) { p.setBrush(_blobBrush); p.drawEllipse(_circleRect); } if (_switchConnectingProgress > 0.) { p.resetTransform(); const auto mF = (_circleRect.width() / 2) * (1. - circleProgress); const auto cutOutRect = _circleRect.marginsRemoved( QMarginsF(mF, mF, mF, mF)); if (!skipColoredCircle) { p.setBrush(st::callConnectingRadial.color); p.setOpacity(circleProgress); p.drawEllipse(_circleRect); } p.setOpacity(1.); cutRect(p, cutOutRect); p.setBrush(st::callIconBg); p.drawEllipse(cutOutRect); } }, lifetime()); _animation.init([=](crl::time now) { if (const auto &last = _blobsHideLastTime; (last > 0) && (now - last >= kBlobsScaleEnterDuration)) { _animation.stop(); return false; } _blobs.updateLevel(now - _blobsLastTime); _blobsLastTime = now; const auto dt = Clamp( (now - _blobsScaleLastTime) / float64(kBlobsScaleEnterDuration)); _blobsScaleEnter = _hideBlobs ? (1. - anim::easeInCirc(1., dt)) : anim::easeOutBack(1., dt); update(); return true; }); shownValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool shown) { if (shown) { _animation.start(); } else { _animation.stop(); } }, lifetime()); } QRectF BlobsWidget::innerRect() const { return _circleRect; } void BlobsWidget::setBlobBrush(QBrush brush) { if (_blobBrush == brush) { return; } _blobBrush = brush; } void BlobsWidget::setGlowBrush(QBrush brush) { if (_glowBrush == brush) { return; } _glowBrush = brush; } void BlobsWidget::setLevel(float level) { if (_blobsHideLastTime) { return; } _blobs.setLevel(level); } float64 BlobsWidget::switchConnectingProgress() const { return _switchConnectingProgress; } void BlobsWidget::setSwitchConnectingProgress(float64 progress) { _switchConnectingProgress = progress; } CallMuteButton::CallMuteButton( not_null parent, rpl::producer &&hideBlobs, CallMuteButtonState initial) : _state(initial) , _st(st::callMuteButtonActive) , _blobs(base::make_unique_q( parent, rpl::combine( rpl::single(anim::Disabled()) | rpl::then(anim::Disables()), std::move(hideBlobs), _state.value( ) | rpl::map([](const CallMuteButtonState &state) { return IsInactive(state.type); }) ) | rpl::map([](bool animDisabled, bool hide, bool isBadState) { return isBadState || !(!animDisabled && !hide); }))) , _content(base::make_unique_q(parent)) , _centerLabel(base::make_unique_q( parent, _state.value( ) | rpl::map([](const CallMuteButtonState &state) { return state.subtext.isEmpty() ? state.text : QString(); }), kSwitchLabelDuration, st::callMuteButtonLabelAdditional, _st.label)) , _label(base::make_unique_q( parent, _state.value( ) | rpl::map([](const CallMuteButtonState &state) { return state.subtext.isEmpty() ? QString() : state.text; }), kSwitchLabelDuration, st::callMuteButtonLabelAdditional, _st.label)) , _sublabel(base::make_unique_q( parent, _state.value( ) | rpl::map([](const CallMuteButtonState &state) { return state.subtext; }), kSwitchLabelDuration, st::callMuteButtonLabelAdditional, st::callMuteButtonSublabel)) , _colors(Colors()) , _iconState(initialState()) { init(); } CallMuteButton::IconState CallMuteButton::initialState() { _icons[0].emplace(Lottie::IconDescriptor{ .path = u":/gui/icons/calls/hand_muted_active.json"_q, .color = st::groupCallIconFg, //.sizeOverride = st::groupCallMuteButtonIconSize, .frame = 22, }); _icons[1].emplace(Lottie::IconDescriptor{ .path = u":/gui/icons/calls/active_hand.json"_q, .color = st::groupCallIconFg, //.sizeOverride = st::groupCallMuteButtonIconSize, .frame = 1, }); _icons[2].emplace(Lottie::IconDescriptor{ .path = u":/gui/icons/calls/raised_hand_1.json"_q, .color = st::groupCallIconFg, //.sizeOverride = st::groupCallMuteButtonIconSize, .frame = 1, }); _icons[3].emplace(Lottie::IconDescriptor{ .path = u":/gui/icons/calls/raised_hand_2.json"_q, .color = st::groupCallIconFg, //.sizeOverride = st::groupCallMuteButtonIconSize, .frame = 1, }); return iconStateFrom(_state.current().type); } CallMuteButton::IconState CallMuteButton::iconStateFrom( CallMuteButtonType previous) { const auto current = _state.current().type; switch (previous) { case CallMuteButtonType::Active: { switch (current) { case CallMuteButtonType::Active: { return { // Active .icon = &*_icons[0], .frameFrom = 41, .frameTo = 41, .otherJumpToFrame = 0, }; } break; case CallMuteButtonType::Connecting: case CallMuteButtonType::Muted: { return { // Active -> Muted .icon = &*_icons[0], .frameFrom = 42, .frameTo = 62, }; } break; case CallMuteButtonType::ForceMuted: case CallMuteButtonType::RaisedHand: { return { // Active -> Hand .icon = &*_icons[1], .frameFrom = 0, .frameTo = 22, .otherJumpToFrame = 0, }; } break; } } break; case CallMuteButtonType::Connecting: case CallMuteButtonType::Muted: { switch (current) { case CallMuteButtonType::Active: { return { // Muted -> Active .icon = &*_icons[0], .frameFrom = 21, .frameTo = 41, .otherJumpToFrame = 0, }; } break; case CallMuteButtonType::Connecting: case CallMuteButtonType::Muted: { return { // Muted .icon = &*_icons[0], .frameFrom = 22, .frameTo = 22, }; } break; case CallMuteButtonType::ForceMuted: case CallMuteButtonType::RaisedHand: { return { // Muted -> Hand .icon = &*_icons[0], .frameFrom = 63, .frameTo = 83, .otherJumpToFrame = 22, }; } break; } } break; case CallMuteButtonType::ForceMuted: case CallMuteButtonType::RaisedHand: { switch (current) { case CallMuteButtonType::Active: { return { // Hand -> Active .icon = &*_icons[1], .frameFrom = 22, .frameTo = 0, .otherJumpToFrame = 42, }; } break; case CallMuteButtonType::Connecting: case CallMuteButtonType::Muted: { return { // Hand -> Muted .icon = &*_icons[0], .frameFrom = 0, .frameTo = 20, }; } break; case CallMuteButtonType::ForceMuted: case CallMuteButtonType::RaisedHand: { return { // Hand .icon = &*_icons[0], .frameFrom = 0, .frameTo = 0, .otherJumpToFrame = 22, }; } break; } } break; } Unexpected("State in CallMuteButton::iconStateFrom."); } CallMuteButton::IconState CallMuteButton::randomWavingState() { switch (openssl::RandomValue() % 7) { case 0: return { .icon = &*_icons[2], .frameFrom = 0, .frameTo = 120 }; case 1: return { .icon = &*_icons[2], .frameFrom = 120, .frameTo = 240 }; case 2: return { .icon = &*_icons[2], .frameFrom = 240, .frameTo = 420 }; case 3: return { .icon = &*_icons[2], .frameFrom = 420, .frameTo = 540 }; case 4: return { .icon = &*_icons[3], .frameFrom = 0, .frameTo = 240 }; case 5: return { .icon = &*_icons[3], .frameFrom = 240, .frameTo = 480 }; case 6: return { .icon = &*_icons[3], .frameFrom = 480, .frameTo = 660 }; } Unexpected("Value in CallMuteButton::randomWavingState."); } void CallMuteButton::init() { _content->resize(_st.button.width, _st.button.height); // Label text. _label->show(); rpl::combine( _content->geometryValue(), _label->sizeValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect my, QSize size) { updateLabelGeometry(my, size); }, _label->lifetime()); _label->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); _sublabel->show(); rpl::combine( _content->geometryValue(), _sublabel->sizeValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect my, QSize size) { updateSublabelGeometry(my, size); }, _sublabel->lifetime()); _sublabel->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); _centerLabel->show(); rpl::combine( _content->geometryValue(), _centerLabel->sizeValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect my, QSize size) { updateCenterLabelGeometry(my, size); }, _centerLabel->lifetime()); _centerLabel->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); rpl::combine( _radialInfo.rawShowProgress.value(), anim::Disables() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](float64 value, bool disabled) { auto &info = _radialInfo; info.realShowProgress = (1. - value) / kRadialEndPartAnimation; const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { _content->update(); }); if (((value == 0.) || disabled) && _radial) { _radial->stop(); _radial = nullptr; return; } if ((value > 0.) && !disabled && !_radial) { _radial = std::make_unique( [=] { _content->update(); }, _radialInfo.st); _radial->start(); } if ((info.realShowProgress < 1.) && !info.isDirectionToShow) { if (_radial) { _radial->stop(anim::type::instant); _radial->start(); } info.state = std::nullopt; return; } if (value == 1.) { info.state = std::nullopt; } else { if (_radial && !info.state.has_value()) { info.state = _radial->computeState(); } } }, lifetime()); // State type. const auto previousType = lifetime().make_state(_state.current().type); setHandleMouseState(HandleMouseState::Disabled); const auto blobsInner = [&] { // The point of the circle at 45 degrees. const auto w = _blobs->innerRect().width(); const auto mF = (1 - std::cos(M_PI / 4.)) * (w / 2.); return _blobs->innerRect().marginsRemoved(QMarginsF(mF, mF, mF, mF)); }(); auto linearGradients = anim::linear_gradients( _colors, QPointF(blobsInner.x() + blobsInner.width(), blobsInner.y()), QPointF(blobsInner.x(), blobsInner.y() + blobsInner.height())); auto glowColors = [&] { auto copy = _colors; for (auto &[type, stops] : copy) { auto firstColor = IsInactive(type) ? st::groupCallBg->c : stops.stops[0].second; firstColor.setAlpha(kGlowAlpha); stops.stops = QGradientStops{ { 0., std::move(firstColor) }, { 1., QColor(Qt::transparent) } }; } return copy; }(); auto glows = anim::radial_gradients( std::move(glowColors), blobsInner.center(), _blobs->width() / 2); _state.value( ) | rpl::map([](const CallMuteButtonState &state) { return state.type; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](CallMuteButtonType type) { const auto previous = *previousType; *previousType = type; const auto mouseState = HandleMouseStateFromType(type); setHandleMouseState(HandleMouseState::Disabled); if (mouseState != HandleMouseState::Enabled) { setHandleMouseState(mouseState); } const auto fromConnecting = IsConnecting(previous); const auto toConnecting = IsConnecting(type); const auto radialShowFrom = fromConnecting ? 1. : 0.; const auto radialShowTo = toConnecting ? 1. : 0.; const auto from = (_switchAnimation.animating() && !fromConnecting) ? (1. - _switchAnimation.value(0.)) : 0.; const auto to = 1.; _radialInfo.isDirectionToShow = fromConnecting; scheduleIconState(iconStateFrom(previous)); auto callback = [=](float64 value) { const auto brushProgress = fromConnecting ? 1. : value; _blobs->setBlobBrush(QBrush( linearGradients.gradient(previous, type, brushProgress))); _blobs->setGlowBrush(QBrush( glows.gradient(previous, type, value))); _blobs->update(); const auto radialShowProgress = (radialShowFrom == radialShowTo) ? radialShowTo : anim::interpolateF(radialShowFrom, radialShowTo, value); if (radialShowProgress != _radialInfo.rawShowProgress.current()) { _radialInfo.rawShowProgress = radialShowProgress; _blobs->setSwitchConnectingProgress(Clamp( radialShowProgress / kBlobsWidgetPartAnimation)); } overridesColors(previous, type, value); if (value == to) { setHandleMouseState(mouseState); } }; _switchAnimation.stop(); const auto duration = (1. - from) * ((fromConnecting || toConnecting) ? kSwitchStateFromConnectingDuration : kSwitchStateDuration); _switchAnimation.start(std::move(callback), from, to, duration); }, lifetime()); // Icon rect. _content->sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QSize size) { const auto icon = st::groupCallMuteButtonIconSize; _muteIconRect = QRect( (size.width() - icon.width()) / 2, st::groupCallMuteButtonIconTop, icon.width(), icon.height()); }, lifetime()); // Paint. _content->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect clip) { Painter p(_content); _iconState.icon->paint(p, _muteIconRect.x(), _muteIconRect.y()); if (_radialInfo.state.has_value() && _switchAnimation.animating()) { const auto radialProgress = _radialInfo.realShowProgress; auto r = *_radialInfo.state; r.shown = 1.; if (_radialInfo.isDirectionToShow) { const auto to = r.arcFrom - kRadialFinishArcShift; ComputeRadialFinish(r.arcFrom, radialProgress, to); ComputeRadialFinish(r.arcLength, radialProgress); } else { r.arcLength = RadialState::kFull; } const auto opacity = (radialProgress > kOverlapProgressRadialHide) ? 0. : _blobs->switchConnectingProgress(); p.setOpacity(opacity); InfiniteRadialAnimation::Draw( p, r, _st.bgPosition, _radialInfo.st.size, _content->width(), QPen(_radialInfo.st.color), _radialInfo.st.thickness); } else if (_radial) { auto state = _radial->computeState(); state.shown = 1.; InfiniteRadialAnimation::Draw( p, std::move(state), _st.bgPosition, _radialInfo.st.size, _content->width(), QPen(_radialInfo.st.color), _radialInfo.st.thickness); } }, _content->lifetime()); } void CallMuteButton::scheduleIconState(const IconState &state) { if (_iconState != state) { if (_iconState.icon->animating()) { _scheduledState = state; } else { startIconState(state); } } else if (_scheduledState) { _scheduledState = std::nullopt; } } void CallMuteButton::startIconState(const IconState &state) { _iconState = state; _scheduledState = std::nullopt; _iconState.icon->animate( [=] { iconAnimationCallback(); }, _iconState.frameFrom, _iconState.frameTo); if (const auto other = state.otherJumpToFrame) { if (_iconState.icon == &*_icons[0]) { _icons[1]->jumpTo(*other, nullptr); } else { _icons[0]->jumpTo(*other, nullptr); } } } void CallMuteButton::iconAnimationCallback() { _content->update(_muteIconRect); if (!_iconState.icon->animating() && _scheduledState) { startIconState(*_scheduledState); } } void CallMuteButton::updateLabelsGeometry() { updateLabelGeometry(_content->geometry(), _label->size()); updateCenterLabelGeometry(_content->geometry(), _centerLabel->size()); updateSublabelGeometry(_content->geometry(), _sublabel->size()); } void CallMuteButton::updateLabelGeometry(QRect my, QSize size) { const auto skip = st::callMuteButtonSublabelSkip + st::callMuteButtonLabelsSkip; _label->moveToLeft( my.x() + (my.width() - size.width()) / 2 + _labelShakeShift, my.y() + my.height() - _label->height() - skip, my.width()); } void CallMuteButton::updateCenterLabelGeometry(QRect my, QSize size) { const auto skip = (st::callMuteButtonSublabelSkip / 2) + st::callMuteButtonLabelsSkip; _centerLabel->moveToLeft( my.x() + (my.width() - size.width()) / 2 + _labelShakeShift, my.y() + my.height() - _centerLabel->height() - skip, my.width()); } void CallMuteButton::updateSublabelGeometry(QRect my, QSize size) { const auto skip = st::callMuteButtonLabelsSkip; _sublabel->moveToLeft( my.x() + (my.width() - size.width()) / 2 + _labelShakeShift, my.y() + my.height() - _sublabel->height() - skip, my.width()); } void CallMuteButton::shake() { if (_shakeAnimation.animating()) { return; } const auto update = [=] { const auto fullProgress = _shakeAnimation.value(1.) * 6; const auto segment = std::clamp(int(std::floor(fullProgress)), 0, 5); const auto part = fullProgress - segment; const auto from = (segment == 0) ? 0. : (segment == 1 || segment == 3 || segment == 5) ? 1. : -1.; const auto to = (segment == 0 || segment == 2 || segment == 4) ? 1. : (segment == 1 || segment == 3) ? -1. : 0.; const auto shift = from * (1. - part) + to * part; _labelShakeShift = int(std::round(shift * st::shakeShift)); updateLabelsGeometry(); }; _shakeAnimation.start( update, 0., 1., kShiftDuration); } CallMuteButton::HandleMouseState CallMuteButton::HandleMouseStateFromType( CallMuteButtonType type) { switch (type) { case CallMuteButtonType::Active: case CallMuteButtonType::Muted: return HandleMouseState::Enabled; case CallMuteButtonType::Connecting: return HandleMouseState::Disabled; case CallMuteButtonType::ForceMuted: case CallMuteButtonType::RaisedHand: return HandleMouseState::Enabled; } Unexpected("Type in HandleMouseStateFromType."); } void CallMuteButton::setState(const CallMuteButtonState &state) { _state = state; } void CallMuteButton::setLevel(float level) { _level = level; _blobs->setLevel(level); } rpl::producer CallMuteButton::clicks() { return _content->clicks() | rpl::before_next([=] { const auto type = _state.current().type; if (type == CallMuteButtonType::ForceMuted || type == CallMuteButtonType::RaisedHand) { scheduleIconState(randomWavingState()); } }); } QSize CallMuteButton::innerSize() const { return innerGeometry().size(); } QRect CallMuteButton::innerGeometry() const { const auto &skip = _st.outerRadius; return QRect( _content->x(), _content->y(), _content->width() - 2 * skip, _content->width() - 2 * skip); } void CallMuteButton::moveInner(QPoint position) { const auto &skip = _st.outerRadius; _content->move(position - QPoint(skip, skip)); { const auto offset = QPoint( (_blobs->width() - _content->width()) / 2, (_blobs->height() - _content->width()) / 2); _blobs->move(_content->pos() - offset); } } void CallMuteButton::setVisible(bool visible) { _content->setVisible(visible); _blobs->setVisible(visible); } void CallMuteButton::raise() { _blobs->raise(); _content->raise(); } void CallMuteButton::lower() { _content->lower(); _blobs->lower(); } void CallMuteButton::setHandleMouseState(HandleMouseState state) { if (_handleMouseState == state) { return; } _handleMouseState = state; const auto handle = (_handleMouseState != HandleMouseState::Disabled); const auto pointer = (_handleMouseState == HandleMouseState::Enabled); _content->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, !handle); _content->setPointerCursor(pointer); } void CallMuteButton::overridesColors( CallMuteButtonType fromType, CallMuteButtonType toType, float64 progress) { const auto forceMutedToConnecting = [](CallMuteButtonType &type) { if (type == CallMuteButtonType::ForceMuted || type == CallMuteButtonType::RaisedHand) { type = CallMuteButtonType::Connecting; } }; forceMutedToConnecting(toType); forceMutedToConnecting(fromType); const auto toInactive = IsInactive(toType); const auto fromInactive = IsInactive(fromType); if (toInactive && (progress == 1)) { _colorOverrides.fire({ std::nullopt, std::nullopt }); return; } auto from = _colors.find(fromType)->second.stops[0].second; auto to = _colors.find(toType)->second.stops[0].second; auto fromRipple = from; auto toRipple = to; if (!toInactive) { toRipple.setAlpha(kOverrideColorRippleAlpha); to.setAlpha(kOverrideColorBgAlpha); } if (!fromInactive) { fromRipple.setAlpha(kOverrideColorRippleAlpha); from.setAlpha(kOverrideColorBgAlpha); } const auto resultBg = anim::color(from, to, progress); const auto resultRipple = anim::color(fromRipple, toRipple, progress); _colorOverrides.fire({ resultBg, resultRipple }); } rpl::producer CallMuteButton::colorOverrides() const { return _colorOverrides.events(); } rpl::lifetime &CallMuteButton::lifetime() { return _blobs->lifetime(); } CallMuteButton::~CallMuteButton() = default; } // namespace Ui