/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "style.h" #include "gui/scrollarea.h" // flick scroll taken from http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/demos-embedded-anomaly-src-flickcharm-cpp.html ScrollShadow::ScrollShadow(ScrollArea *parent, const style::flatScroll *st) : QWidget(parent), _st(st) { setVisible(false); } void ScrollShadow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); p.fillRect(rect(), _st->shColor->b); } void ScrollShadow::changeVisibility(bool shown) { setVisible(shown); } ScrollBar::ScrollBar(ScrollArea *parent, bool vert, const style::flatScroll *st) : QWidget(parent), _area(parent), _st(st), _vertical(vert), _over(false), _overbar(false), _moving(false), _topSh(false), _bottomSh(false), _connected(vert ? parent->verticalScrollBar() : parent->horizontalScrollBar()), _scrollMax(_connected->maximum()), _hideIn(-1), a_bg((_st->hiding ? st::transparent : _st->bgColor)->c), a_bar((_st->hiding ? st::transparent : _st->barColor)->c) { recountSize(); _hideTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_hideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onHideTimer())); connect(_connected, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateBar())); connect(_connected, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(int, int)), this, SLOT(updateBar())); updateBar(); } void ScrollBar::recountSize() { setGeometry(_vertical ? QRect(_area->width() - _st->width, 0, _st->width, _area->height()) : QRect(0, _area->height() - _st->width, _area->width(), _st->width)); } void ScrollBar::updateBar() { QRect newBar; if (_connected->maximum() != _scrollMax) { int32 oldMax = _scrollMax, newMax = _connected->maximum(); _scrollMax = newMax; _area->rangeChanged(oldMax, newMax, _vertical); } if (_vertical) { int sh = _area->scrollHeight(), rh = height() - 2 * _st->deltay, h = sh ? int32((rh * int64(_area->height())) / sh) : 0; if (h >= rh || !_area->scrollTopMax() || rh < _st->minHeight) { if (!isHidden()) hide(); if (_topSh) emit topShadowVisibility(_topSh = (_st->topsh < 0)); if (_bottomSh) emit bottomShadowVisibility(_bottomSh = (_st->bottomsh < 0)); return; } if (h <= _st->minHeight) h = _st->minHeight; int stm = _area->scrollTopMax(), y = stm ? int32(((rh - h) * int64(_area->scrollTop())) / stm) : 0; if (y > rh - h) y = rh - h; newBar = QRect(_st->deltax, y + _st->deltay, width() - 2 * _st->deltax, h); } else { int sw = _area->scrollWidth(), rw = width() - 2 * _st->deltay, w = sw ? int32((rw * int64(_area->width())) / sw) : 0; if (w >= rw || !_area->scrollLeftMax() || rw < _st->minHeight) { if (!isHidden()) hide(); return; } if (w <= _st->minHeight) w = _st->minHeight; int slm = _area->scrollLeftMax(), x = slm ? int32(((rw - w) * int64(_area->scrollLeft())) / slm) : 0; if (x > rw - w) x = rw - w; newBar = QRect(x + _st->deltay, _st->deltax, w, height() - 2 * _st->deltax); } if (newBar != _bar) { _bar = newBar; update(); } if (_vertical) { bool newTopSh = (_st->topsh < 0) || (_area->scrollTop() > _st->topsh), newBottomSh = (_st->bottomsh < 0) || (_area->scrollTop() < _area->scrollTopMax() - _st->bottomsh); if (newTopSh != _topSh) emit topShadowVisibility(_topSh = newTopSh); if (newBottomSh != _bottomSh) emit bottomShadowVisibility(_bottomSh = newBottomSh); } if (isHidden()) show(); } void ScrollBar::onHideTimer() { _hideIn = -1; a_bg.start(st::transparent->c); a_bar.start(st::transparent->c); anim::start(this); } void ScrollBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { if (!_bar.width() && !_bar.height()) { hide(); return; } if (!a_bg.current().alpha() && !a_bar.current().alpha()) return; QPainter p(this); int32 deltax = _vertical ? _st->deltax : _st->deltay, deltay = _vertical ? _st->deltay : _st->deltax; p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); if (_st->round) { p.setBrush(a_bg.current()); p.drawRoundedRect(QRect(deltax, deltay, width() - 2 * deltax, height() - 2 * deltay), _st->round, _st->round); p.setBrush(a_bar.current()); p.drawRoundedRect(_bar, _st->round, _st->round); } else { p.fillRect(QRect(deltax, deltay, width() - 2 * deltax, height() - 2 * deltay), a_bg.current()); p.fillRect(_bar, a_bar.current()); } } bool ScrollBar::animStep(float64 ms) { float64 dt = ms / _st->duration; bool res = true; if (dt >= 1) { a_bg.finish(); a_bar.finish(); res = false; } else { a_bg.update(dt, anim::linear); a_bar.update(dt, anim::linear); } update(); return res; } void ScrollBar::hideTimeout(int64 dt) { if (_hideIn < 0) { a_bg.start((_over ? _st->bgOverColor : _st->bgColor)->c); a_bar.start((_overbar ? _st->barOverColor : _st->barColor)->c); anim::start(this); } _hideIn = dt; if (!_moving && _hideIn >= 0) { _hideTimer.start(_hideIn); } } void ScrollBar::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { _hideTimer.stop(); setMouseTracking(true); _over = true; a_bg.start(_st->bgOverColor->c); a_bar.start(_st->barColor->c); anim::start(this); } void ScrollBar::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { if (!_moving) { setMouseTracking(false); a_bg.start(_st->bgColor->c); a_bar.start(_st->barColor->c); anim::start(this); if (_hideIn >= 0) { _hideTimer.start(_hideIn); } } _over = _overbar = false; } void ScrollBar::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { bool newOverBar = _bar.contains(e->pos()); if (_overbar != newOverBar) { _overbar = newOverBar; if (!_moving) { a_bar.start((newOverBar ? _st->barOverColor : _st->barColor)->c); a_bg.start(_st->bgOverColor->c); anim::start(this); } } if (_moving) { int delta = 0, barDelta = _vertical ? (_area->height() - _bar.height()) : (_area->width() - _bar.width()); if (barDelta) { QPoint d = (e->globalPos() - _dragStart); delta = int32((_vertical ? (d.y() * int64(_area->scrollTopMax())) : (d.x() * int64(_area->scrollLeftMax()))) / barDelta); } _connected->setValue(_startFrom + delta); } } void ScrollBar::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (!width() || !height()) return; _dragStart = e->globalPos(); _moving = true; if (_overbar) { _startFrom = _connected->value(); } else { _startFrom = _vertical ? int32((e->pos().y() * int64(_area->scrollTopMax())) / height()) : ((e->pos().x() * int64(_area->scrollLeftMax())) / width()); _connected->setValue(_startFrom); if (!_overbar) { _overbar = true; a_bar.start(_st->barOverColor->c); a_bg.start(_st->bgOverColor->c); anim::start(this); } } emit _area->scrollStarted(); } void ScrollBar::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_moving) { _moving = false; bool a = false; if (!_overbar) { if (!_over || _hideIn) { a_bar.start(_st->barColor->c); a = true; } } if (!_over) { if (_hideIn) { a_bg.start(_st->bgColor->c); a = true; } if (_hideIn >= 0) { _hideTimer.start(_hideIn); } } if (a) anim::start(this); emit _area->scrollFinished(); } if (!_over) { setMouseTracking(false); } } void ScrollBar::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { updateBar(); } ScrollArea::ScrollArea(QWidget *parent, const style::flatScroll &st, bool handleTouch) : QScrollArea(parent), _st(st), hor(this, false, &_st), vert(this, true, &_st), topSh(this, &_st), bottomSh(this, &_st), _touchEnabled(handleTouch), _touchScroll(false), _touchPress(false), _touchRightButton(false), _touchScrollState(TouchScrollManual), _touchPrevPosValid(false), _touchWaitingAcceleration(false), _touchSpeedTime(0), _touchAccelerationTime(0), _touchTime(0), _widgetAcceptsTouch(false) { connect(horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(scrolled())); connect(verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(scrolled())); connect(&vert, SIGNAL(topShadowVisibility(bool)), &topSh, SLOT(changeVisibility(bool))); connect(&vert, SIGNAL(bottomShadowVisibility(bool)), &bottomSh, SLOT(changeVisibility(bool))); if (_st.hiding) { connect(this, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onScrolled())); } setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame | QFrame::Plain); viewport()->setAutoFillBackground(false); _horValue = horizontalScrollBar()->value(); _vertValue = verticalScrollBar()->value(); if (_touchEnabled) { viewport()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents); _touchTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_touchTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTouchTimer())); connect(&_touchScrollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTouchScrollTimer())); } } void ScrollArea::touchDeaccelerate(int32 elapsed) { int32 x = _touchSpeed.x(); int32 y = _touchSpeed.y(); _touchSpeed.setX((x == 0) ? x : (x > 0) ? qMax(0, x - elapsed) : qMin(0, x + elapsed)); _touchSpeed.setY((y == 0) ? y : (y > 0) ? qMax(0, y - elapsed) : qMin(0, y + elapsed)); } void ScrollArea::onScrolled() { int32 horValue = horizontalScrollBar()->value(), vertValue = verticalScrollBar()->value(); if (_horValue != horValue) { _horValue = horValue; if (_st.hiding) { hor.hideTimeout(_st.hiding); } } if (_vertValue != vertValue) { _vertValue = vertValue; if (_st.hiding) { vert.hideTimeout(_st.hiding); } } } int ScrollArea::scrollWidth() const { return scrollLeftMax() + width(); } int ScrollArea::scrollHeight() const { return scrollTopMax() + height(); } int ScrollArea::scrollLeftMax() const { return horizontalScrollBar()->maximum(); } int ScrollArea::scrollTopMax() const { return verticalScrollBar()->maximum(); } int ScrollArea::scrollLeft() const { return horizontalScrollBar()->value(); } int ScrollArea::scrollTop() const { return verticalScrollBar()->value(); } void ScrollArea::onTouchTimer() { _touchRightButton = true; } void ScrollArea::onTouchScrollTimer() { uint64 nowTime = getms(); if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAcceleration && _touchWaitingAcceleration && (nowTime - _touchAccelerationTime) > 40) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollManual; touchResetSpeed(); } else if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAuto || _touchScrollState == TouchScrollAcceleration) { int32 elapsed = int32(nowTime - _touchTime); QPoint delta = _touchSpeed * elapsed / 1000; bool hasScrolled = touchScroll(delta); if (_touchSpeed.isNull() || !hasScrolled) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollManual; _touchScroll = false; _touchScrollTimer.stop(); } else { _touchTime = nowTime; } touchDeaccelerate(elapsed); } } void ScrollArea::touchUpdateSpeed() { const uint64 nowTime = getms(); if (_touchPrevPosValid) { const int elapsed = nowTime - _touchSpeedTime; if (elapsed) { const QPoint newPixelDiff = (_touchPos - _touchPrevPos); const QPoint pixelsPerSecond = newPixelDiff * (1000 / elapsed); // fingers are inacurates, we ignore small changes to avoid stopping the autoscroll because // of a small horizontal offset when scrolling vertically const int newSpeedY = (qAbs(pixelsPerSecond.y()) > FingerAccuracyThreshold) ? pixelsPerSecond.y() : 0; const int newSpeedX = (qAbs(pixelsPerSecond.x()) > FingerAccuracyThreshold) ? pixelsPerSecond.x() : 0; if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAuto) { const int oldSpeedY = _touchSpeed.y(); const int oldSpeedX = _touchSpeed.x(); if ((oldSpeedY <= 0 && newSpeedY <= 0) || ((oldSpeedY >= 0 && newSpeedY >= 0) && (oldSpeedX <= 0 && newSpeedX <= 0)) || (oldSpeedX >= 0 && newSpeedX >= 0)) { _touchSpeed.setY(snap((oldSpeedY + (newSpeedY / 4)), -MaxScrollAccelerated, +MaxScrollAccelerated)); _touchSpeed.setX(snap((oldSpeedX + (newSpeedX / 4)), -MaxScrollAccelerated, +MaxScrollAccelerated)); } else { _touchSpeed = QPoint(); } } else { // we average the speed to avoid strange effects with the last delta if (!_touchSpeed.isNull()) { _touchSpeed.setX(snap((_touchSpeed.x() / 4) + (newSpeedX * 3 / 4), -MaxScrollFlick, +MaxScrollFlick)); _touchSpeed.setY(snap((_touchSpeed.y() / 4) + (newSpeedY * 3 / 4), -MaxScrollFlick, +MaxScrollFlick)); } else { _touchSpeed = QPoint(newSpeedX, newSpeedY); } } } } else { _touchPrevPosValid = true; } _touchSpeedTime = nowTime; _touchPrevPos = _touchPos; } void ScrollArea::touchResetSpeed() { _touchSpeed = QPoint(); _touchPrevPosValid = false; } bool ScrollArea::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) { bool res = QScrollArea::eventFilter(obj, e); if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchBegin || e->type() == QEvent::TouchUpdate || e->type() == QEvent::TouchEnd || e->type() == QEvent::TouchCancel) { QTouchEvent *ev = static_cast(e); if (_touchEnabled && ev->device()->type() == QTouchDevice::TouchScreen) { if (obj == widget()) { if (ev->type() != QEvent::TouchBegin || ev->touchPoints().isEmpty() || !widget() || !widget()->childAt(widget()->mapFromGlobal(ev->touchPoints().cbegin()->screenPos().toPoint()))) { touchEvent(ev); return true; } } } } return res; } bool ScrollArea::viewportEvent(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchBegin || e->type() == QEvent::TouchUpdate || e->type() == QEvent::TouchEnd || e->type() == QEvent::TouchCancel) { QTouchEvent *ev = static_cast(e); if (_touchEnabled && ev->device()->type() == QTouchDevice::TouchScreen) { if (ev->type() != QEvent::TouchBegin || ev->touchPoints().isEmpty() || !widget() || !widget()->childAt(widget()->mapFromGlobal(ev->touchPoints().cbegin()->screenPos().toPoint()))) { touchEvent(ev); return true; } } } return QScrollArea::viewportEvent(e); } void ScrollArea::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *e) { if (!e->touchPoints().isEmpty()) { _touchPrevPos = _touchPos; _touchPos = e->touchPoints().cbegin()->screenPos().toPoint(); } switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::TouchBegin: if (_touchPress || e->touchPoints().isEmpty()) return; _touchPress = true; if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAuto) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollAcceleration; _touchWaitingAcceleration = true; _touchAccelerationTime = getms(); touchUpdateSpeed(); _touchStart = _touchPos; } else { _touchScroll = false; _touchTimer.start(QApplication::startDragTime()); } _touchStart = _touchPrevPos = _touchPos; _touchRightButton = false; break; case QEvent::TouchUpdate: if (!_touchPress) return; if (!_touchScroll && (_touchPos - _touchStart).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { _touchTimer.stop(); _touchScroll = true; touchUpdateSpeed(); } if (_touchScroll) { if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollManual) { touchScrollUpdated(_touchPos); } else if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAcceleration) { touchUpdateSpeed(); _touchAccelerationTime = getms(); if (_touchSpeed.isNull()) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollManual; } } } break; case QEvent::TouchEnd: if (!_touchPress) return; _touchPress = false; if (_touchScroll) { if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollManual) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollAuto; _touchPrevPosValid = false; _touchScrollTimer.start(15); _touchTime = getms(); } else if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAuto) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollManual; _touchScroll = false; touchResetSpeed(); } else if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAcceleration) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollAuto; _touchWaitingAcceleration = false; _touchPrevPosValid = false; } } else if (window() && widget()) { // one short tap -- like left mouse click, one long tap -- like right mouse click #ifdef Q_OS_WIN Qt::MouseButton btn(_touchRightButton ? Qt::RightButton : Qt::LeftButton); QPoint mapped(widget()->mapFromGlobal(_touchStart)), winMapped(window()->mapFromGlobal(_touchStart)); QMouseEvent pressEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, mapped, winMapped, _touchStart, btn, Qt::MouseButtons(btn), Qt::KeyboardModifiers()); pressEvent.accept(); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widget(), &pressEvent); QMouseEvent releaseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, mapped, winMapped, _touchStart, btn, Qt::MouseButtons(btn), Qt::KeyboardModifiers()); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widget(), &releaseEvent); if (_touchRightButton) { QContextMenuEvent contextEvent(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, mapped, _touchStart); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widget(), &contextEvent); } #endif } _touchTimer.stop(); _touchRightButton = false; break; case QEvent::TouchCancel: _touchPress = false; _touchScroll = false; _touchScrollState = TouchScrollManual; _touchTimer.stop(); break; } } void ScrollArea::touchScrollUpdated(const QPoint &screenPos) { _touchPos = screenPos; touchScroll(_touchPos - _touchPrevPos); touchUpdateSpeed(); } bool ScrollArea::touchScroll(const QPoint &delta) { int32 scTop = scrollTop(), scMax = scrollTopMax(), scNew = snap(scTop - delta.y(), 0, scMax); if (scNew == scTop) return false; scrollToY(scNew); return true; } void ScrollArea::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { QScrollArea::resizeEvent(e); hor.recountSize(); vert.recountSize(); topSh.setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, width(), qAbs(_st.topsh))); bottomSh.setGeometry(QRect(0, height() - qAbs(_st.bottomsh), width(), qAbs(_st.bottomsh))); emit geometryChanged(); } void ScrollArea::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *e) { QScrollArea::moveEvent(e); emit geometryChanged(); } void ScrollArea::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { if (_st.hiding) { hor.hideTimeout(_st.hiding); vert.hideTimeout(_st.hiding); } } void ScrollArea::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { if (_st.hiding) { hor.hideTimeout(0); vert.hideTimeout(0); } } void ScrollArea::scrollToY(int toTop, int toBottom) { int toMin = 0, toMax = scrollTopMax(); if (toTop < toMin) { toTop = toMin; } else if (toTop > toMax) { toTop = toMax; } bool exact = (toBottom < 0); int curTop = scrollTop(), curHeight = height(), curBottom = curTop + curHeight, scToTop = toTop; if (!exact && toTop >= curTop) { if (toBottom < toTop) toBottom = toTop; if (toBottom <= curBottom) return; scToTop = toBottom - curHeight; if (scToTop > toTop) scToTop = toTop; if (scToTop == curTop) return; } else { scToTop = toTop; } verticalScrollBar()->setValue(scToTop); } void ScrollArea::setWidget(QWidget *w) { if (widget() && _touchEnabled) { widget()->removeEventFilter(this); if (!_widgetAcceptsTouch) widget()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents, false); } QScrollArea::setWidget(w); if (w) { w->setAutoFillBackground(false); if (_touchEnabled) { w->installEventFilter(this); _widgetAcceptsTouch = w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents); w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents); } } } void ScrollArea::rangeChanged(int oldMax, int newMax, bool vertical) { }