/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "info/info_layer_widget.h" #include "info/info_content_widget.h" #include "info/info_top_bar.h" #include "info/info_memento.h" #include "ui/rp_widget.h" #include "ui/focus_persister.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/cached_round_corners.h" #include "window/section_widget.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "window/main_window.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "styles/style_info.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" namespace Info { LayerWidget::LayerWidget( not_null controller, not_null memento) : _controller(controller) , _contentWrap(this, controller, Wrap::Layer, memento) { setupHeightConsumers(); controller->window().replaceFloatPlayerDelegate(floatPlayerDelegate()); } LayerWidget::LayerWidget( not_null controller, not_null memento) : _controller(controller) , _contentWrap(memento->takeContent(this, Wrap::Layer)) { setupHeightConsumers(); controller->window().replaceFloatPlayerDelegate(floatPlayerDelegate()); } auto LayerWidget::floatPlayerDelegate() -> not_null<::Media::Player::FloatDelegate*> { return static_cast<::Media::Player::FloatDelegate*>(this); } not_null LayerWidget::floatPlayerWidget() { return this; } void LayerWidget::floatPlayerToggleGifsPaused(bool paused) { constexpr auto kReason = Window::GifPauseReason::RoundPlaying; if (paused) { _controller->enableGifPauseReason(kReason); } else { _controller->disableGifPauseReason(kReason); } } auto LayerWidget::floatPlayerGetSection(Window::Column column) -> not_null<::Media::Player::FloatSectionDelegate*> { Expects(_contentWrap != nullptr); return _contentWrap; } void LayerWidget::floatPlayerEnumerateSections(Fn widget, Window::Column widgetColumn)> callback) { Expects(_contentWrap != nullptr); callback(_contentWrap, Window::Column::Second); } bool LayerWidget::floatPlayerIsVisible(not_null item) { return false; } void LayerWidget::floatPlayerDoubleClickEvent( not_null item) { _controller->showMessage(item); } void LayerWidget::setupHeightConsumers() { Expects(_contentWrap != nullptr); _contentWrap->scrollTillBottomChanges( ) | rpl::filter([this] { if (!_inResize) { return true; } _pendingResize = true; return false; }) | rpl::start_with_next([this] { resizeToWidth(width()); }, lifetime()); _contentWrap->grabbingForExpanding( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool grabbing) { if (grabbing) { _savedHeight = _contentWrapHeight; _savedHeightAnimation = base::take(_heightAnimation); setContentHeight(_desiredHeight); } else { _heightAnimation = base::take(_savedHeightAnimation); setContentHeight(_savedHeight); } }, lifetime()); _contentWrap->desiredHeightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](int height) { if (!height) { // New content arrived. _heightAnimated = _heightAnimation.animating(); return; } std::swap(_desiredHeight, height); if (!height || (_heightAnimated && !_heightAnimation.animating())) { _heightAnimated = true; setContentHeight(_desiredHeight); } else { _heightAnimated = true; _heightAnimation.start([=] { setContentHeight(_heightAnimation.value(_desiredHeight)); }, _contentWrapHeight, _desiredHeight, st::slideDuration); resizeToWidth(width()); } }, lifetime()); } void LayerWidget::setContentHeight(int height) { if (_contentWrapHeight == height) { return; } _contentWrapHeight = height; if (_inResize) { _pendingResize = true; } else if (_contentWrap) { resizeToWidth(width()); } } void LayerWidget::showFinished() { floatPlayerShowVisible(); _contentWrap->showFast(); } void LayerWidget::parentResized() { if (!_contentWrap) { return; } auto parentSize = parentWidget()->size(); auto parentWidth = parentSize.width(); if (parentWidth < MinimalSupportedWidth()) { Ui::FocusPersister persister(this); restoreFloatPlayerDelegate(); auto memento = std::make_shared(std::move(_contentWrap)); // We want to call hideSpecialLayer synchronously to avoid glitches, // but we can't destroy LayerStackWidget from its' resizeEvent, // because QWidget has such code for resizing: // // QResizeEvent e(r.size(), olds); // QApplication::sendEvent(q, &e); // if (q->windowHandle()) // q->update(); // // So we call it queued. It would be cool to call it 'right after' // the resize event handling was finished. InvokeQueued(this, [=] { _controller->hideSpecialLayer(anim::type::instant); }); _controller->showSection( std::move(memento), Window::SectionShow( Window::SectionShow::Way::Forward, anim::type::instant, anim::activation::background)); // // There was a layout logic which caused layer info to become a // third column info if the window size allows, but it was decided // to keep layer info and third column info separated. // //} else if (_controller->canShowThirdSectionWithoutResize()) { // takeToThirdSection(); } else { auto newWidth = qMin( parentWidth - 2 * st::infoMinimalLayerMargin, st::infoDesiredWidth); resizeToWidth(newWidth); } } bool LayerWidget::takeToThirdSection() { return false; // // There was a layout logic which caused layer info to become a // third column info if the window size allows, but it was decided // to keep layer info and third column info separated. // //Ui::FocusPersister persister(this); //auto localCopy = _controller; //auto memento = MoveMemento(std::move(_contentWrap)); //localCopy->hideSpecialLayer(anim::type::instant); //// When creating third section in response to the window //// size allowing it to fit without window resize we want //// to save that we didn't extend the window while showing //// the third section, so that when we close it we won't //// shrink the window size. //// //// See https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/issues/4091 //localCopy->session()().settings().setThirdSectionExtendedBy(0); //localCopy->session()().settings().setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(true); //localCopy->session()().saveSettingsDelayed(); //localCopy->showSection( // std::move(memento), // Window::SectionShow( // Window::SectionShow::Way::ClearStack, // anim::type::instant, // anim::activation::background)); //return true; } bool LayerWidget::showSectionInternal( not_null memento, const Window::SectionShow ¶ms) { if (_contentWrap && _contentWrap->showInternal(memento, params)) { if (params.activation != anim::activation::background) { _controller->parentController()->hideLayer(); } return true; } return false; } bool LayerWidget::closeByOutsideClick() const { return _contentWrap ? _contentWrap->closeByOutsideClick() : true; } int LayerWidget::MinimalSupportedWidth() { const auto minimalMargins = 2 * st::infoMinimalLayerMargin; return st::infoMinimalWidth + minimalMargins; } int LayerWidget::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { if (!parentWidget() || !_contentWrap || !newWidth) { return 0; } constexpr auto kMaxAttempts = 16; auto attempts = 0; while (true) { _inResize = true; const auto newGeometry = countGeometry(newWidth); _inResize = false; if (!_pendingResize) { const auto oldGeometry = geometry(); if (newGeometry != oldGeometry) { _contentWrap->forceContentRepaint(); } if (newGeometry.topLeft() != oldGeometry.topLeft()) { move(newGeometry.topLeft()); } floatPlayerUpdatePositions(); return newGeometry.height(); } _pendingResize = false; Assert(attempts++ < kMaxAttempts); } } QRect LayerWidget::countGeometry(int newWidth) { const auto &parentSize = parentWidget()->size(); const auto windowWidth = parentSize.width(); const auto windowHeight = parentSize.height(); const auto newLeft = (windowWidth - newWidth) / 2; const auto newTop = std::clamp( windowHeight / 24, st::infoLayerTopMinimal, st::infoLayerTopMaximal); const auto newBottom = newTop; const auto bottomRadius = st::boxRadius; const auto maxVisibleHeight = windowHeight - newTop; // Top rounding is included in _contentWrapHeight. auto desiredHeight = _contentWrapHeight + bottomRadius; accumulate_min(desiredHeight, maxVisibleHeight - newBottom); // First resize content to new width and get the new desired height. const auto contentLeft = 0; const auto contentTop = 0; const auto contentBottom = bottomRadius; const auto contentWidth = newWidth; auto contentHeight = desiredHeight - contentTop - contentBottom; const auto scrollTillBottom = _contentWrap->scrollTillBottom( contentHeight); auto additionalScroll = std::min(scrollTillBottom, newBottom); const auto expanding = (_desiredHeight > _contentWrapHeight); desiredHeight += additionalScroll; contentHeight += additionalScroll; _tillBottom = (desiredHeight >= maxVisibleHeight); if (_tillBottom) { additionalScroll += contentBottom; } _contentTillBottom = _tillBottom && !_contentWrap->scrollBottomSkip(); if (_contentTillBottom) { contentHeight += contentBottom; } _contentWrap->updateGeometry({ contentLeft, contentTop, contentWidth, contentHeight, }, expanding, additionalScroll, maxVisibleHeight); return QRect(newLeft, newTop, newWidth, desiredHeight); } void LayerWidget::doSetInnerFocus() { if (_contentWrap) { _contentWrap->setInnerFocus(); } } void LayerWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { auto p = QPainter(this); const auto clip = e->rect(); const auto radius = st::boxRadius; const auto &corners = Ui::CachedCornerPixmaps(Ui::BoxCorners); if (!_tillBottom) { const auto bottom = QRect{ 0, height() - radius, width(), radius }; if (clip.intersects(bottom)) { if (const auto rounding = _contentWrap->bottomSkipRounding()) { rounding->paint(p, rect(), RectPart::FullBottom); } else { Ui::FillRoundRect(p, bottom, st::boxBg, { .p = { QPixmap(), QPixmap(), corners.p[2], corners.p[3] } }); } } } else if (!_contentTillBottom) { const auto rounding = _contentWrap->bottomSkipRounding(); const auto &color = rounding ? rounding->color() : st::boxBg; p.fillRect(0, height() - radius, width(), radius, color); } if (_contentWrap->animatingShow()) { const auto top = QRect{ 0, 0, width(), radius }; if (clip.intersects(top)) { Ui::FillRoundRect(p, top, st::boxBg, { .p = { corners.p[0], corners.p[1], QPixmap(), QPixmap() } }); } p.fillRect(0, radius, width(), height() - 2 * radius, st::boxBg); } } void LayerWidget::restoreFloatPlayerDelegate() { if (!_floatPlayerDelegateRestored) { _floatPlayerDelegateRestored = true; _controller->window().restoreFloatPlayerDelegate( floatPlayerDelegate()); } } void LayerWidget::closeHook() { restoreFloatPlayerDelegate(); } LayerWidget::~LayerWidget() { if (!Core::Quitting()) { restoreFloatPlayerDelegate(); } } } // namespace Info