import os, sys, pprint, re, json, pathlib, hashlib, subprocess, glob executePath = os.getcwd() scriptPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def finish(code): global executePath os.chdir(executePath) sys.exit(code) def error(text): print('[ERROR] ' + text) finish(1) forcedSections = sys.argv[1:] win = (sys.platform == 'win32') mac = (sys.platform == 'darwin') win32 = win and (os.environ['Platform'] == 'x86') win64 = win and (os.environ['Platform'] == 'x64') if win and not 'COMSPEC' in os.environ: error('COMSPEC environment variable is not set.') if win and not win32 and not win64: error('Make sure to run from Native Tools Command Prompt.') os.chdir(scriptPath + '/../../../..') dirSep = '\\' if win else '/' pathSep = ';' if win else ':' libsLoc = 'Libraries' if not win64 else 'Libraries/win64' keysLoc = 'cache_keys' rootDir = os.getcwd() libsDir = rootDir + dirSep + libsLoc thirdPartyDir = rootDir + dirSep + 'ThirdParty' usedPrefix = libsDir + dirSep + 'local' if not os.path.isdir(libsDir + '/' + keysLoc): pathlib.Path(libsDir + '/' + keysLoc).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isdir(thirdPartyDir + '/' + keysLoc): pathlib.Path(thirdPartyDir + '/' + keysLoc).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pathPrefixes = [ 'ThirdParty\\Strawberry\\perl\\bin', 'ThirdParty\\Python27', 'ThirdParty\\NASM', 'ThirdParty\\jom', 'ThirdParty\\cmake\\bin', 'ThirdParty\\yasm', 'ThirdParty\\gyp', 'ThirdParty\\Ninja', ] if win else [ 'ThirdParty/gyp', 'ThirdParty/depot_tools', ] pathPrefix = '' for singlePrefix in pathPrefixes: pathPrefix = pathPrefix + rootDir + dirSep + singlePrefix + pathSep environment = { 'MAKE_THREADS_CNT': '-j8', 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET': '10.12', 'UNGUARDED': '-Werror=unguarded-availability-new', 'MIN_VER': '-mmacosx-version-min=10.12', 'USED_PREFIX': usedPrefix, 'ROOT_DIR': rootDir, 'LIBS_DIR': libsDir, 'SPECIAL_TARGET': 'win' if win32 else 'win64' if win64 else 'mac', 'X8664': 'x86' if win32 else 'x64', 'WIN32X64': 'Win32' if win32 else 'x64', 'PATH_PREFIX': pathPrefix, } ignoreInCacheForThirdParty = [ 'USED_PREFIX', 'LIBS_DIR', 'SPECIAL_TARGET', 'X8664', 'WIN32X64', ] environmentKeyString = '' envForThirdPartyKeyString = '' for key in environment: part = key + '=' + environment[key] + ';' environmentKeyString += part if not key in ignoreInCacheForThirdParty: envForThirdPartyKeyString += part environmentKey = hashlib.sha1(environmentKeyString.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() envForThirdPartyKey = hashlib.sha1(envForThirdPartyKeyString.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() modifiedEnv = os.environ.copy() for key in environment: modifiedEnv[key] = environment[key] modifiedEnv['PATH'] = environment['PATH_PREFIX'] + modifiedEnv['PATH'] def computeFileHash(path): sha1 = hashlib.sha1() with open(path, 'rb') as f: while True: data = * 1024) if not data: break sha1.update(data) return sha1.hexdigest() def computeCacheKey(stage): if (stage['location'] == 'ThirdParty'): envKey = envForThirdPartyKey else: envKey = environmentKey objects = [ envKey, stage['location'], stage['name'], stage['version'], stage['commands'] ] for pattern in stage['dependencies']: pathlist = glob.glob(libsDir + '/' + pattern) items = [pattern] if len(pathlist) == 0: pathlist = glob.glob(thirdPartyDir + '/' + pattern) if len(pathlist) == 0: error('Nothing found: ' + pattern) for path in pathlist: if not os.path.exists(path): error('Not found: ' + path) items.append(computeFileHash(path)) objects.append(':'.join(items)) return hashlib.sha1(';'.join(objects).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def keyPath(stage): return stage['directory'] + '/' + keysLoc + '/' + stage['name'] def checkCacheKey(stage): if not 'key' in stage: error('Key not set in stage: ' + stage['name']) key = keyPath(stage) if stage['name'] in forcedSections or not os.path.exists(key) or not os.path.exists(stage['directory'] + '/' + stage['name']): return False with open(key, 'r') as file: return ( == stage['key']) def clearCacheKey(stage): key = keyPath(stage) if os.path.exists(key): os.remove(key) def writeCacheKey(stage): if not 'key' in stage: error('Key not set in stage: ' + stage['name']) key = keyPath(stage) with open(key, 'w') as file: file.write(stage['key']) stages = [] def removeDir(folder): if win: return 'if exist ' + folder + ' rmdir /Q /S ' + folder + '\nif exist ' + folder + ' exit /b 1' return 'rm -rf ' + folder def filterByPlatform(commands): commands = commands.split('\n') result = '' dependencies = [] version = '0' skip = False for command in commands: m = re.match(r'(!?)([a-z0-9_]+):', command) if m and != 'depends' and != 'version': scopes ='_') inscope = 'common' in scopes if win and 'win' in scopes: inscope = True if win32 and 'win32' in scopes: inscope = True if win64 and 'win64' in scopes: inscope = True if mac and 'mac' in scopes: inscope = True # if linux and 'linux' in scopes: # inscope = True skip = inscope if == '!' else not inscope elif not skip: if m and == 'version': version = version + '.' + command[len(].strip() elif m and == 'depends': pattern = command[len(].strip() dependencies.append(pattern) else: command = command.strip() if len(command) > 0: result = result + command + '\n' return [result, dependencies, version] def stage(name, commands, location = 'Libraries'): if location == 'Libraries': directory = libsDir elif location == 'ThirdParty': directory = thirdPartyDir else: error('Unknown location: ' + location) [commands, dependencies, version] = filterByPlatform(commands) if len(commands) > 0: stages.append({ 'name': name, 'location': location, 'directory': directory, 'commands': commands, 'version': version, 'dependencies': dependencies }) def winFailOnEach(command): commands = command.split('\n') result = '' startingCommand = True for command in commands: command = re.sub(r'\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+)', r'%\1%', command) if'\$', command): error('Bad command: ' + command) appendCall = startingCommand and not re.match(r'(if|for) ', command) called = 'call ' + command if appendCall else command result = result + called if command.endswith('^'): startingCommand = False else: startingCommand = True result = result + '\r\nif %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%\r\n' return result def run(command): print(command) if win: if os.path.exists("command.bat"): os.remove("command.bat") with open("command.bat", 'w') as file: file.write('@echo OFF\r\n' + winFailOnEach(command)) result ="command.bat", shell=True, env=modifiedEnv).returncode == 0 if result and os.path.exists("command.bat"): os.remove("command.bat") return result elif'\%', command): error('Bad command: ' + command) else: return"set -e\n" + command, shell=True, env=modifiedEnv).returncode == 0 def runStages(): count = len(stages) index = 0 for stage in stages: index = index + 1 version = ('#' + str(stage['version'])) if (stage['version'] != '0') else '' prefix = '[' + str(index) + '/' + str(count) + '](' + stage['location'] + '/' + stage['name'] + version + ')' print(prefix + ': ', end = '') stage['key'] = computeCacheKey(stage) if checkCacheKey(stage): print('SKIPPING') else: clearCacheKey(stage) print('BUILDING') os.chdir(stage['directory']) commands = removeDir(stage['name']) + '\n' + stage['commands'] if not run(commands): print(prefix + ': FAILED') finish(1) writeCacheKey(stage) stage('patches', """ git clone cd patches git checkout 975d6fbf1b """) stage('depot_tools', """ mac: git clone """, 'ThirdParty') stage('gyp', """ git clone cd gyp git checkout d6c5dd51dc depends:patches/gyp.diff git apply $LIBS_DIR/patches/gyp.diff mac: ./ build """, 'ThirdParty') stage('yasm', """ mac: git clone -b macos_padding cd yasm ./ make $MAKE_THREADS_CNT """, 'ThirdParty') stage('macho_edit', """ mac: git clone cd macho_edit xcodebuild build -configuration Release -project macho_edit.xcodeproj -target macho_edit """, 'ThirdParty') stage('lzma', """ win: git clone cd lzma\\C\\Util\\LzmaLib msbuild LzmaLib.sln /property:Configuration=Debug /property:Platform="$X8664" msbuild LzmaLib.sln /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform="$X8664" """) stage('xz', """ !win: git clone -b v5.2.5 cd xz CFLAGS="$UNGUARDED" CPPFLAGS="$UNGUARDED" cmake -B build . \\ -D CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET:STRING=$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET \\ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=$USED_PREFIX cmake --build build $MAKE_THREADS_CNT cmake --install build """) stage('zlib', """ git clone cd zlib win: cd contrib\\vstudio\\vc14 msbuild zlibstat.vcxproj /property:Configuration=Debug /property:Platform="%X8664%" msbuild zlibstat.vcxproj /property:Configuration=ReleaseWithoutAsm /property:Platform="%X8664%" mac: CFLAGS="$MIN_VER $UNGUARDED" LDFLAGS="$MIN_VER" ./configure \\ --prefix=$USED_PREFIX make $MAKE_THREADS_CNT make install """) stage('mozjpeg', """ git clone -b v4.0.1-rc2 cd mozjpeg win: cmake . ^ -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ^ -A %WIN32X64% ^ -DWITH_JPEG8=ON ^ -DPNG_SUPPORTED=OFF cmake --build . --config Debug cmake --build . --config Release mac: cmake -B build . \\ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \\ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$USED_PREFIX \\ -D CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET:STRING=$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET \\ -D WITH_JPEG8=ON \\ -D PNG_SUPPORTED=OFF cmake --build build $MAKE_THREADS_CNT cmake --install build """) stage('openssl', """ git clone -b OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable openssl cd openssl win32: perl Configure no-shared no-tests debug-VC-WIN32 win64: perl Configure no-shared no-tests debug-VC-WIN64A win: nmake mkdir out.dbg move libcrypto.lib out.dbg move libssl.lib out.dbg move ossl_static.pdb out.dbg\\ossl_static nmake clean move out.dbg\\ossl_static out.dbg\\ossl_static.pdb win32: perl Configure no-shared no-tests VC-WIN32 win64: perl Configure no-shared no-tests VC-WIN64A win: nmake mkdir out move libcrypto.lib out move libssl.lib out move ossl_static.pdb out mac: ./Configure --prefix=$USED_PREFIX no-shared no-tests darwin64-x86_64-cc $MIN_VER make build_libs $MAKE_THREADS_CNT """) stage('opus', """ git clone -b td-v1.3.1 cd opus win: cd win32\\VS2015 msbuild opus.sln /property:Configuration=Debug /property:Platform="%WIN32X64%" msbuild opus.sln /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform="%WIN32X64%" mac: ./ CFLAGS="$MIN_VER $UNGUARDED" CPPFLAGS="$MIN_VER $UNGUARDED" LDFLAGS="$MIN_VER" ./configure --prefix=$USED_PREFIX make $MAKE_THREADS_CNT make install """) stage('rnnoise', """ git clone cd rnnoise mkdir out cd out win: cmake -A %WIN32X64% .. cmake --build . --config Debug cmake --build . --config Release !win: mkdir Debug cd Debug cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../.. ninja cd .. mkdir Release cd Release cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../.. ninja """) stage('libiconv', """ mac: VERSION=1.16 rm -f libiconv.tar.gz wget -O libiconv.tar.gz$VERSION.tar.gz rm -rf libiconv-$VERSION tar -xvzf libiconv.tar.gz rm libiconv.tar.gz mv libiconv-$VERSION libiconv cd libiconv CFLAGS="$MIN_VER $UNGUARDED" CPPFLAGS="$MIN_VER $UNGUARDED" LDFLAGS="$MIN_VER" ./configure --enable-static --prefix=$USED_PREFIX make $MAKE_THREADS_CNT make install """) stage('ffmpeg', """ git clone ffmpeg cd ffmpeg git checkout release/4.4 win: SET PATH_BACKUP_=%PATH% SET PATH=%ROOT_DIR%\\ThirdParty\\msys64\\usr\\bin;%PATH% set CHERE_INVOKING=enabled_from_arguments set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit depends:patches/ bash --login ../patches/ SET PATH=%PATH_BACKUP_% mac: CFLAGS=`freetype-config --cflags` LDFLAGS=`freetype-config --libs` PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/X11/lib/pkgconfig depends:patches/ depends:yasm/yasm depends:macho_edit/build/Release/macho_edit cp ../patches/ ./ ./configure --prefix=$USED_PREFIX \ --extra-cflags="$MIN_VER $UNGUARDED -DCONFIG_SAFE_BITSTREAM_READER=1" \ --extra-cxxflags="$MIN_VER $UNGUARDED -DCONFIG_SAFE_BITSTREAM_READER=1" \ --extra-ldflags="$MIN_VER" \ --x86asmexe=`pwd`/ \ --enable-protocol=file \ --enable-libopus \ --disable-programs \ --disable-doc \ --disable-network \ --disable-everything \ --enable-hwaccel=h264_videotoolbox \ --enable-hwaccel=hevc_videotoolbox \ --enable-hwaccel=mpeg1_videotoolbox \ --enable-hwaccel=mpeg2_videotoolbox \ --enable-hwaccel=mpeg4_videotoolbox \ --enable-decoder=aac \ --enable-decoder=aac_at \ --enable-decoder=aac_fixed \ --enable-decoder=aac_latm \ --enable-decoder=aasc \ --enable-decoder=alac \ --enable-decoder=alac_at \ --enable-decoder=flac \ --enable-decoder=gif \ --enable-decoder=h264 \ --enable-decoder=hevc \ --enable-decoder=mp1 \ --enable-decoder=mp1float \ --enable-decoder=mp2 \ --enable-decoder=mp2float \ --enable-decoder=mp3 \ --enable-decoder=mp3adu \ --enable-decoder=mp3adufloat \ --enable-decoder=mp3float \ --enable-decoder=mp3on4 \ --enable-decoder=mp3on4float \ --enable-decoder=mpeg4 \ --enable-decoder=msmpeg4v2 \ --enable-decoder=msmpeg4v3 \ --enable-decoder=opus \ --enable-decoder=pcm_alaw \ --enable-decoder=pcm_alaw_at \ --enable-decoder=pcm_f32be \ --enable-decoder=pcm_f32le \ --enable-decoder=pcm_f64be \ --enable-decoder=pcm_f64le \ --enable-decoder=pcm_lxf \ --enable-decoder=pcm_mulaw \ --enable-decoder=pcm_mulaw_at \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s16be \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s16be_planar \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s16le \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s16le_planar \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s24be \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s24daud \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s24le \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s24le_planar \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s32be \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s32le \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s32le_planar \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s64be \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s64le \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s8 \ --enable-decoder=pcm_s8_planar \ --enable-decoder=pcm_u16be \ --enable-decoder=pcm_u16le \ --enable-decoder=pcm_u24be \ --enable-decoder=pcm_u24le \ --enable-decoder=pcm_u32be \ --enable-decoder=pcm_u32le \ --enable-decoder=pcm_u8 \ --enable-decoder=vorbis \ --enable-decoder=wavpack \ --enable-decoder=wmalossless \ --enable-decoder=wmapro \ --enable-decoder=wmav1 \ --enable-decoder=wmav2 \ --enable-decoder=wmavoice \ --enable-encoder=libopus \ --enable-parser=aac \ --enable-parser=aac_latm \ --enable-parser=flac \ --enable-parser=h264 \ --enable-parser=hevc \ --enable-parser=mpeg4video \ --enable-parser=mpegaudio \ --enable-parser=opus \ --enable-parser=vorbis \ --enable-demuxer=aac \ --enable-demuxer=flac \ --enable-demuxer=gif \ --enable-demuxer=h264 \ --enable-demuxer=hevc \ --enable-demuxer=m4v \ --enable-demuxer=mov \ --enable-demuxer=mp3 \ --enable-demuxer=ogg \ --enable-demuxer=wav \ --enable-muxer=ogg \ --enable-muxer=opus make $MAKE_THREADS_CNT make install """) stage('openal-soft', """ git clone -b wasapi_exact_device_time cd openal-soft cd build win: cmake .. ^ -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ^ -A %WIN32X64% ^ -D LIBTYPE:STRING=STATIC ^ -D FORCE_STATIC_VCRT=ON msbuild OpenAL.vcxproj /property:Configuration=Debug /property:Platform="%WIN32X64%" msbuild OpenAL.vcxproj /property:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo /property:Platform="%WIN32X64%" mac: CFLAGS=$UNGUARDED CPPFLAGS=$UNGUARDED cmake \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$USED_PREFIX \ -D ALSOFT_EXAMPLES=OFF \ -D LIBTYPE:STRING=STATIC \ -D CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET:STRING=$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET .. make $MAKE_THREADS_CNT make install """) stage('breakpad', """ git clone cd breakpad git checkout bc8fb886 depends:patches/breakpad.diff git apply ../patches/breakpad.diff git clone src/testing win: cd src\\client\\windows gyp --no-circular-check breakpad_client.gyp --format=ninja cd ..\\.. ninja -C out/Debug common crash_generation_client exception_handler ninja -C out/Release common crash_generation_client exception_handler cd tools\\windows\\dump_syms gyp dump_syms.gyp --format=ninja cd ..\\..\\.. ninja -C out/Release dump_syms mac: git clone src/third_party/lss cd src/third_party/lss git checkout a91633d1 cd ../../.. cd src/client/mac xcodebuild -project Breakpad.xcodeproj -target Breakpad -configuration Debug build xcodebuild -project Breakpad.xcodeproj -target Breakpad -configuration Release build cd ../../tools/mac/dump_syms xcodebuild -project dump_syms.xcodeproj -target dump_syms -configuration Release build """) stage('crashpad', """ mac: git clone cd crashpad git checkout feb3aa3923 depends:patches/crashpad.diff git apply ../patches/crashpad.diff cd third_party/mini_chromium git clone cd mini_chromium git checkout 7c5b0c1ab4 depends:patches/mini_chromium.diff git apply ../../../../patches/mini_chromium.diff cd ../../gtest git clone gtest cd gtest git checkout d62d6c6556 cd ../../.. build/ -Dmac_deployment_target=10.10 ninja -C out/Debug base crashpad_util crashpad_client crashpad_handler ninja -C out/Release base crashpad_util crashpad_client crashpad_handler """) stage('tg_angle', """ win: git clone cd tg_angle git checkout ec51cc6 mkdir out cd out mkdir Debug cd Debug cmake -G Ninja ^ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ^ -DTG_ANGLE_SPECIAL_TARGET=%SPECIAL_TARGET% ^ -DTG_ANGLE_ZLIB_INCLUDE_PATH=%LIBS_DIR%/zlib ../.. ninja cd .. mkdir Release cd Release cmake -G Ninja ^ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^ -DTG_ANGLE_SPECIAL_TARGET=%SPECIAL_TARGET% ^ -DTG_ANGLE_ZLIB_INCLUDE_PATH=%LIBS_DIR%/zlib ../.. ninja cd ..\\..\\.. """) stage('qt_5_15_2', """ git clone git:// qt_5_15_2 cd qt_5_15_2 perl init-repository --module-subset=qtbase,qtimageformats,qtsvg git checkout v5.15.2 git submodule update qtbase qtimageformats qtsvg depends:patches/qtbase_5_15_2/*.patch cd qtbase win: for /r %%i in (..\\..\\patches\\qtbase_5_15_2\\*) do git apply %%i cd .. SET ANGLE_DIR=%LIBS_DIR%\\tg_angle SET ANGLE_LIBS_DIR=%ANGLE_DIR%\\out SET MOZJPEG_DIR=%LIBS_DIR%\\mozjpeg SET OPENSSL_DIR=%LIBS_DIR%\\openssl SET OPENSSL_LIBS_DIR=%OPENSSL_DIR%\\out SET ZLIB_LIBS_DIR=%LIBS_DIR%\\zlib\\contrib\\vstudio\\vc14\\%X8664% configure -prefix "%LIBS_DIR%\\Qt-5.15.2" ^ -debug-and-release ^ -force-debug-info ^ -opensource ^ -confirm-license ^ -static ^ -static-runtime ^ -opengl es2 -no-angle ^ -I "%ANGLE_DIR%\\include" ^ -D "KHRONOS_STATIC=" ^ -D "DESKTOP_APP_QT_STATIC_ANGLE=" ^ QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL_ES2_DEBUG="%ANGLE_LIBS_DIR%\\Debug\\tg_angle.lib %ZLIB_LIBS_DIR%\ZlibStatDebug\zlibstat.lib d3d9.lib dxgi.lib dxguid.lib" ^ QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL_ES2_RELEASE="%ANGLE_LIBS_DIR%\\Release\\tg_angle.lib %ZLIB_LIBS_DIR%\ZlibStatReleaseWithoutAsm\zlibstat.lib d3d9.lib dxgi.lib dxguid.lib" ^ -egl ^ QMAKE_LIBS_EGL_DEBUG="%ANGLE_LIBS_DIR%\\Debug\\tg_angle.lib %ZLIB_LIBS_DIR%\ZlibStatDebug\zlibstat.lib d3d9.lib dxgi.lib dxguid.lib Gdi32.lib User32.lib" ^ QMAKE_LIBS_EGL_RELEASE="%ANGLE_LIBS_DIR%\\Release\\tg_angle.lib %ZLIB_LIBS_DIR%\ZlibStatReleaseWithoutAsm\zlibstat.lib d3d9.lib dxgi.lib dxguid.lib Gdi32.lib User32.lib" ^ -openssl-linked ^ -I "%OPENSSL_DIR%\include" ^ OPENSSL_LIBS_DEBUG="%OPENSSL_LIBS_DIR%.dbg\libssl.lib %OPENSSL_LIBS_DIR%.dbg\libcrypto.lib Ws2_32.lib Gdi32.lib Advapi32.lib Crypt32.lib User32.lib" ^ OPENSSL_LIBS_RELEASE="%OPENSSL_LIBS_DIR%\libssl.lib %OPENSSL_LIBS_DIR%\libcrypto.lib Ws2_32.lib Gdi32.lib Advapi32.lib Crypt32.lib User32.lib" ^ -I "%MOZJPEG_DIR%" ^ LIBJPEG_LIBS_DEBUG="%MOZJPEG_DIR%\Debug\jpeg-static.lib" ^ LIBJPEG_LIBS_RELEASE="%MOZJPEG_DIR%\Release\jpeg-static.lib" ^ -mp ^ -nomake examples ^ -nomake tests ^ -platform win32-msvc jom -j16 jom -j16 install mac: find ../../patches/qtbase_5_15_2 -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 git apply cd .. ./configure -prefix "$USED_PREFIX/Qt-5.15.2" \ -debug-and-release \ -force-debug-info \ -opensource \ -confirm-license \ -static \ -opengl desktop \ -no-openssl \ -securetransport \ -I "$USED_PREFIX/include" \ LIBJPEG_LIBS="$USED_PREFIX/lib/libjpeg.a" \ ZLIB_LIBS="$USED_PREFIX/lib/libz.a" \ -nomake examples \ -nomake tests \ -platform macx-clang make $MAKE_THREADS_CNT make install """) stage('tg_owt', """ git clone cd tg_owt git checkout 91d836dc84 git submodule init git submodule update src/third_party/libvpx/source/libvpx src/third_party/libyuv win: SET MOZJPEG_PATH=$LIBS_DIR/mozjpeg SET OPUS_PATH=$LIBS_DIR/opus/include SET FFMPEG_PATH=$LIBS_DIR/ffmpeg mac: MOZJPEG_PATH=$USED_PREFIX/include OPUS_PATH=$USED_PREFIX/include/opus FFMPEG_PATH=$USED_PREFIX/include common: mkdir out cd out mkdir Debug cd Debug cmake -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DTG_OWT_BUILD_AUDIO_BACKENDS=OFF \ -DTG_OWT_SPECIAL_TARGET=$SPECIAL_TARGET \ -DTG_OWT_LIBJPEG_INCLUDE_PATH=$MOZJPEG_PATH \ -DTG_OWT_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=$LIBS_DIR/openssl/include \ -DTG_OWT_OPUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$OPUS_PATH \ -DTG_OWT_FFMPEG_INCLUDE_PATH=$FFMPEG_PATH ../.. ninja cd .. mkdir Release cd Release cmake -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DTG_OWT_BUILD_AUDIO_BACKENDS=OFF \ -DTG_OWT_SPECIAL_TARGET=$SPECIAL_TARGET \ -DTG_OWT_LIBJPEG_INCLUDE_PATH=$MOZJPEG_PATH \ -DTG_OWT_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=$LIBS_DIR/openssl/include \ -DTG_OWT_OPUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$OPUS_PATH \ -DTG_OWT_FFMPEG_INCLUDE_PATH=$FFMPEG_PATH ../.. ninja """) runStages()