/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_auth_key.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_proxy_data.h" #include "base/timer.h" class MainWindow; class MainWidget; class FileUploader; class Translator; namespace Platform { class Integration; } // namespace Platform namespace Storage { class Databases; } // namespace Storage namespace Window { class Controller; } // namespace Window namespace Window { namespace Notifications { class System; } // namespace Notifications } // namespace Window namespace ChatHelpers { class EmojiKeywords; } // namespace ChatHelpers namespace App { void quit(); } // namespace App namespace Main { class Domain; class Account; class Session; } // namespace Main namespace Ui { namespace Animations { class Manager; } // namespace Animations namespace Emoji { class UniversalImages; } // namespace Emoji class BoxContent; } // namespace Ui namespace MTP { class Config; class Instance; class AuthKey; using AuthKeyPtr = std::shared_ptr; using AuthKeysList = std::vector; } // namespace MTP namespace Media { namespace Audio { class Instance; } // namespace Audio namespace View { class OverlayWidget; } // namespace View namespace Player { class FloatController; class FloatDelegate; } // namespace Player } // namespace Media namespace Lang { class Instance; class Translator; class CloudManager; } // namespace Lang namespace Data { struct CloudTheme; } // namespace Data namespace Stickers { class EmojiImageLoader; } // namespace Stickers namespace Export { class Manager; } // namespace Export namespace Calls { class Instance; } // namespace Calls namespace Core { class Launcher; struct LocalUrlHandler; class Application final : public QObject { public: struct ProxyChange { MTP::ProxyData was; MTP::ProxyData now; }; Application(not_null launcher); Application(const Application &other) = delete; Application &operator=(const Application &other) = delete; ~Application(); [[nodiscard]] Launcher &launcher() const { return *_launcher; } [[nodiscard]] Platform::Integration &platformIntegration() const { return *_platformIntegration; } void run(); [[nodiscard]] Ui::Animations::Manager &animationManager() const { return *_animationsManager; } [[nodiscard]] Window::Notifications::System ¬ifications() const { Expects(_notifications != nullptr); return *_notifications; } // Windows interface. bool hasActiveWindow(not_null session) const; void saveCurrentDraftsToHistories(); [[nodiscard]] Window::Controller *mainWindow() const; [[nodiscard]] Window::Controller *activeWindow() const; [[nodiscard]] Window::Controller *separateWindowForPeer( not_null peer) const; Window::Controller *ensureSeparateWindowForPeer( not_null peer); bool closeActiveWindow(); bool minimizeActiveWindow(); [[nodiscard]] QWidget *getFileDialogParent(); void notifyFileDialogShown(bool shown); void checkSystemDarkMode(); // Media view interface. void checkMediaViewActivation(); bool hideMediaView(); [[nodiscard]] QPoint getPointForCallPanelCenter() const; void startSettingsAndBackground(); [[nodiscard]] Settings &settings(); void saveSettingsDelayed(crl::time delay = kDefaultSaveDelay); void saveSettings(); // Fallback config and proxy. [[nodiscard]] MTP::Config &fallbackProductionConfig() const; void refreshFallbackProductionConfig(const MTP::Config &config); void constructFallbackProductionConfig(const QByteArray &serialized); void setCurrentProxy( const MTP::ProxyData &proxy, MTP::ProxyData::Settings settings); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer proxyChanges() const; void badMtprotoConfigurationError(); // Databases. [[nodiscard]] Storage::Databases &databases() { return *_databases; } // Domain component. [[nodiscard]] Main::Domain &domain() const { return *_domain; } [[nodiscard]] Main::Account &activeAccount() const; [[nodiscard]] bool someSessionExists() const; [[nodiscard]] Export::Manager &exportManager() const { return *_exportManager; } [[nodiscard]] bool exportPreventsQuit(); // Main::Session component. Main::Session *maybeActiveSession() const; [[nodiscard]] int unreadBadge() const; [[nodiscard]] bool unreadBadgeMuted() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> unreadBadgeChanges() const; // Media component. [[nodiscard]] Media::Audio::Instance &audio() { return *_audio; } // Langpack and emoji keywords. [[nodiscard]] Lang::Instance &langpack() { return *_langpack; } [[nodiscard]] Lang::CloudManager *langCloudManager() { return _langCloudManager.get(); } [[nodiscard]] bool offerLegacyLangPackSwitch() const; [[nodiscard]] bool canApplyLangPackWithoutRestart() const; [[nodiscard]] ChatHelpers::EmojiKeywords &emojiKeywords() { return *_emojiKeywords; } [[nodiscard]] auto emojiImageLoader() const -> const crl::object_on_queue & { return _emojiImageLoader; } // Internal links. void checkStartUrl(); bool openLocalUrl(const QString &url, QVariant context); bool openInternalUrl(const QString &url, QVariant context); [[nodiscard]] QString changelogLink() const; // Float player. void setDefaultFloatPlayerDelegate( not_null delegate); void replaceFloatPlayerDelegate( not_null replacement); void restoreFloatPlayerDelegate( not_null replacement); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer floatPlayerClosed() const; // Calls. Calls::Instance &calls() const { return *_calls; } void logout(Main::Account *account = nullptr); void forceLogOut( not_null account, const TextWithEntities &explanation); void checkLocalTime(); void lockByPasscode(); void unlockPasscode(); [[nodiscard]] bool passcodeLocked() const; rpl::producer passcodeLockChanges() const; rpl::producer passcodeLockValue() const; void checkAutoLock(crl::time lastNonIdleTime = 0); void checkAutoLockIn(crl::time time); void localPasscodeChanged(); [[nodiscard]] crl::time lastNonIdleTime() const; void updateNonIdle(); void registerLeaveSubscription(not_null widget); void unregisterLeaveSubscription(not_null widget); // Sandbox interface. void postponeCall(FnMut &&callable); void refreshGlobalProxy(); void quitPreventFinished(); void handleAppActivated(); void handleAppDeactivated(); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer appDeactivatedValue() const; void switchDebugMode(); void switchFreeType(); void writeInstallBetaVersionsSetting(); void preventOrInvoke(Fn &&callback); void call_handleObservables(); // Global runtime variables. void setScreenIsLocked(bool locked); bool screenIsLocked() const; static void RegisterUrlScheme(); protected: bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) override; private: static constexpr auto kDefaultSaveDelay = crl::time(1000); friend bool IsAppLaunched(); friend Application &App(); void clearEmojiSourceImages(); [[nodiscard]] auto prepareEmojiSourceImages() -> std::shared_ptr; void startLocalStorage(); void startShortcuts(); void startDomain(); void startEmojiImageLoader(); void startSystemDarkModeViewer(); friend void App::quit(); static void QuitAttempt(); void quitDelayed(); [[nodiscard]] bool readyToQuit(); void showOpenGLCrashNotification(); void clearPasscodeLock(); bool openCustomUrl( const QString &protocol, const std::vector &handlers, const QString &url, const QVariant &context); static Application *Instance; struct InstanceSetter { InstanceSetter(not_null instance) { Expects(Instance == nullptr); Instance = instance; } }; InstanceSetter _setter = { this }; const not_null _launcher; rpl::event_stream _proxyChanges; // Some fields are just moved from the declaration. struct Private; const std::unique_ptr _private; const std::unique_ptr _platformIntegration; const std::unique_ptr _databases; const std::unique_ptr _animationsManager; crl::object_on_queue _emojiImageLoader; base::Timer _clearEmojiImageLoaderTimer; const std::unique_ptr _audio; mutable std::unique_ptr _fallbackProductionConfig; // Notifications should be destroyed before _audio, after _domain. // Mutable because is created in run() after OpenSSL is inited. std::unique_ptr _notifications; const std::unique_ptr _domain; const std::unique_ptr _exportManager; const std::unique_ptr _calls; std::unique_ptr _window; base::flat_map< not_null, std::unique_ptr> _separateWindows; Window::Controller *_lastActiveWindow = nullptr; std::unique_ptr _mediaView; const std::unique_ptr _langpack; const std::unique_ptr _langCloudManager; const std::unique_ptr _emojiKeywords; std::unique_ptr _translator; QPointer _badProxyDisableBox; std::unique_ptr _floatPlayers; Media::Player::FloatDelegate *_defaultFloatPlayerDelegate = nullptr; Media::Player::FloatDelegate *_replacementFloatPlayerDelegate = nullptr; rpl::variable _passcodeLock; bool _screenIsLocked = false; crl::time _shouldLockAt = 0; base::Timer _autoLockTimer; std::optional _saveSettingsTimer; struct LeaveFilter { std::vector> registered; QPointer filter; }; base::flat_map, LeaveFilter> _leaveFilters; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; crl::time _lastNonIdleTime = 0; }; [[nodiscard]] bool IsAppLaunched(); [[nodiscard]] Application &App(); } // namespace Core