/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/effects/reaction_fly_animation.h" #include "ui/text/text_custom_emoji.h" #include "ui/animated_icon.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "data/data_message_reactions.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "base/random.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" namespace Ui { namespace { constexpr auto kFlyDuration = crl::time(300); constexpr auto kMiniCopies = 7; constexpr auto kMiniCopiesDurationMax = crl::time(1400); constexpr auto kMiniCopiesDurationMin = crl::time(700); constexpr auto kMiniCopiesScaleInDuration = crl::time(200); constexpr auto kMiniCopiesScaleOutDuration = crl::time(200); constexpr auto kMiniCopiesMaxScaleMin = 0.6; constexpr auto kMiniCopiesMaxScaleMax = 0.9; } // namespace ReactionFlyAnimationArgs ReactionFlyAnimationArgs::translated(QPoint point) const { return { .id = id, .flyIcon = flyIcon, .flyFrom = flyFrom.translated(point), }; } auto ReactionFlyAnimation::flyCallback() { return [=] { if (!_fly.animating()) { _flyIcon = QImage(); startAnimations(); } if (_repaint) { _repaint(); } }; } auto ReactionFlyAnimation::callback() { return [=] { if (_repaint) { _repaint(); } }; } ReactionFlyAnimation::ReactionFlyAnimation( not_null<::Data::Reactions*> owner, ReactionFlyAnimationArgs &&args, Fn repaint, int size, Data::CustomEmojiSizeTag customSizeTag) : _owner(owner) , _repaint(std::move(repaint)) , _flyFrom(args.flyFrom) { const auto &list = owner->list(::Data::Reactions::Type::All); auto centerIcon = (DocumentData*)nullptr; auto aroundAnimation = (DocumentData*)nullptr; if (const auto customId = args.id.custom()) { const auto esize = Data::FrameSizeFromTag(customSizeTag) / style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto data = &owner->owner(); const auto document = data->document(customId); _custom = data->customEmojiManager().create( document, callback(), customSizeTag); _colored = std::make_unique(); _customSize = esize; _centerSizeMultiplier = _customSize / float64(size); aroundAnimation = owner->chooseGenericAnimation(document); } else { const auto i = ranges::find(list, args.id, &::Data::Reaction::id); if (i == end(list) || !i->centerIcon) { return; } centerIcon = i->centerIcon; aroundAnimation = i->aroundAnimation; _centerSizeMultiplier = 1.; } const auto resolve = [&]( std::unique_ptr &icon, DocumentData *document, int size) { if (!document) { return false; } const auto media = document->activeMediaView(); if (!media || !media->loaded()) { return false; } icon = MakeAnimatedIcon({ .generator = DocumentIconFrameGenerator(media), .sizeOverride = QSize(size, size), }); return true; }; if (!_custom && !resolve(_center, centerIcon, size)) { return; } resolve(_effect, aroundAnimation, size * 2); generateMiniCopies(size + size / 2); if (!args.flyIcon.isNull()) { _flyIcon = std::move(args.flyIcon); _fly.start(flyCallback(), 0., 1., kFlyDuration); } else if (!_center && !_effect && _miniCopies.empty()) { return; } else { startAnimations(); } _valid = true; } ReactionFlyAnimation::~ReactionFlyAnimation() = default; QRect ReactionFlyAnimation::paintGetArea( QPainter &p, QPoint origin, QRect target, const QColor &colored, QRect clip, crl::time now) const { if (_flyIcon.isNull()) { const auto wide = QRect( target.topLeft() - QPoint(target.width(), target.height()) / 2, target.size() * 2); const auto area = _miniCopies.empty() ? wide : QRect( target.topLeft() - QPoint(target.width(), target.height()), target.size() * 3); if (clip.isEmpty() || area.intersects(clip)) { paintCenterFrame(p, target, colored, now); if (const auto effect = _effect.get()) { p.drawImage(wide, effect->frame()); } paintMiniCopies(p, target.center(), colored, now); } return area; } const auto from = _flyFrom.translated(origin); const auto lshift = target.width() / 4; const auto rshift = target.width() / 2 - lshift; const auto margins = QMargins{ lshift, lshift, rshift, rshift }; target = target.marginsRemoved(margins); const auto progress = _fly.value(1.); const auto rect = QRect( anim::interpolate(from.x(), target.x(), progress), computeParabolicTop( _cached, from.y(), target.y(), st::reactionFlyUp, progress), anim::interpolate(from.width(), target.width(), progress), anim::interpolate(from.height(), target.height(), progress)); const auto wide = rect.marginsAdded(margins); if (clip.isEmpty() || wide.intersects(clip)) { if (progress < 1.) { p.setOpacity(1. - progress); p.drawImage(rect, _flyIcon); } if (progress > 0.) { p.setOpacity(progress); paintCenterFrame(p, wide, colored, now); } p.setOpacity(1.); } return wide; } void ReactionFlyAnimation::paintCenterFrame( QPainter &p, QRect target, const QColor &colored, crl::time now) const { Expects(_center || _custom); const auto size = QSize( int(base::SafeRound(target.width() * _centerSizeMultiplier)), int(base::SafeRound(target.height() * _centerSizeMultiplier))); if (_center) { const auto rect = QRect( target.x() + (target.width() - size.width()) / 2, target.y() + (target.height() - size.height()) / 2, size.width(), size.height()); p.drawImage(rect, _center->frame()); } else { const auto scaled = (size.width() != _customSize); _colored->color = colored; _custom->paint(p, { .preview = QColor(0, 0, 0, 0), .colored = _colored.get(), .size = { _customSize, _customSize }, .now = now, .scale = (scaled ? (size.width() / float64(_customSize)) : 1.), .position = QPoint( target.x() + (target.width() - _customSize) / 2, target.y() + (target.height() - _customSize) / 2), .scaled = scaled, }); } } void ReactionFlyAnimation::paintMiniCopies( QPainter &p, QPoint center, const QColor &colored, crl::time now) const { Expects(_miniCopies.empty() || _custom != nullptr); if (!_minis.animating()) { return; } auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); const auto size = QSize(_customSize, _customSize); const auto preview = QColor(0, 0, 0, 0); const auto progress = _minis.value(1.); const auto middle = center - QPoint(_customSize / 2, _customSize / 2); const auto scaleIn = kMiniCopiesScaleInDuration / float64(kMiniCopiesDurationMax); const auto scaleOut = kMiniCopiesScaleOutDuration / float64(kMiniCopiesDurationMax); _colored->color = colored; auto context = Text::CustomEmoji::Context{ .preview = preview, .colored = _colored.get(), .size = size, .now = now, .scaled = true, }; for (const auto &mini : _miniCopies) { if (progress >= mini.duration) { continue; } const auto value = progress / mini.duration; context.scale = (progress < scaleIn) ? (mini.maxScale * progress / scaleIn) : (progress <= mini.duration - scaleOut) ? mini.maxScale : (mini.maxScale * (mini.duration - progress) / scaleOut); context.position = middle + QPoint( anim::interpolate(0, mini.finalX, value), computeParabolicTop( mini.cached, 0, mini.finalY, mini.flyUp, value)); _custom->paint(p, context); } } void ReactionFlyAnimation::generateMiniCopies(int size) { if (!_custom) { return; } const auto random = [] { constexpr auto count = 16384; return base::RandomIndex(count) / float64(count - 1); }; const auto between = [](int a, int b) { return (a > b) ? (b + base::RandomIndex(a - b + 1)) : (a + base::RandomIndex(b - a + 1)); }; _miniCopies.reserve(kMiniCopies); for (auto i = 0; i != kMiniCopies; ++i) { const auto maxScale = kMiniCopiesMaxScaleMin + (kMiniCopiesMaxScaleMax - kMiniCopiesMaxScaleMin) * random(); const auto duration = between( kMiniCopiesDurationMin, kMiniCopiesDurationMax); const auto maxSize = int(std::ceil(maxScale * _customSize)); const auto maxHalf = (maxSize + 1) / 2; _miniCopies.push_back({ .maxScale = maxScale, .duration = duration / float64(kMiniCopiesDurationMax), .flyUp = between(size / 4, size - maxHalf), .finalX = between(-size, size), .finalY = between(size - (size / 4), size), }); } } int ReactionFlyAnimation::computeParabolicTop( Parabolic &cache, int from, int to, int top, float64 progress) const { const auto t = progress; // result = a * t * t + b * t + c // y = a * t * t + b * t // shift = y_1 = y(1) = a + b // y_0 = y(t_0) = a * t_0 * t_0 + b * t_0 // 0 = 2 * a * t_0 + b // b = y_1 - a // a = y_1 / (1 - 2 * t_0) // b = 2 * t_0 * y_1 / (2 * t_0 - 1) // t_0 = (y_0 / y_1) +- sqrt((y_0 / y_1) * (y_0 / y_1 - 1)) const auto y_1 = to - from; if (cache.key != y_1) { const auto y_0 = std::min(0, y_1) - top; const auto ratio = y_1 ? (float64(y_0) / y_1) : 0.; const auto root = y_1 ? sqrt(ratio * (ratio - 1)) : 0.; const auto t_0 = !y_1 ? 0.5 : (y_1 > 0) ? (ratio + root) : (ratio - root); const auto a = y_1 ? (y_1 / (1 - 2 * t_0)) : (-4 * y_0); const auto b = y_1 - a; cache.key = y_1; cache.a = a; cache.b = b; } return int(base::SafeRound(cache.a * t * t + cache.b * t + from)); } void ReactionFlyAnimation::startAnimations() { if (const auto center = _center.get()) { _center->animate(callback()); } if (const auto effect = _effect.get()) { _effect->animate(callback()); } if (!_miniCopies.empty()) { _minis.start(callback(), 0., 1., kMiniCopiesDurationMax); } } void ReactionFlyAnimation::setRepaintCallback(Fn repaint) { _repaint = std::move(repaint); } bool ReactionFlyAnimation::flying() const { return !_flyIcon.isNull(); } float64 ReactionFlyAnimation::flyingProgress() const { return _fly.value(1.); } bool ReactionFlyAnimation::finished() const { return !_valid || (_flyIcon.isNull() && (!_center || !_center->animating()) && (!_effect || !_effect->animating()) && !_minis.animating()); } } // namespace HistoryView::Reactions