/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_document_resolver.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_cloud_themes.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_auto_download.h" #include "media/clip/media_clip_reader.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_session_settings.h" #include "lottie/lottie_animation.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme_preview.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "storage/file_download.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include #include namespace Data { namespace { constexpr auto kReadAreaLimit = 12'032 * 9'024; constexpr auto kWallPaperThumbnailLimit = 960; constexpr auto kGoodThumbQuality = 87; enum class FileType { Video, VideoSticker, AnimatedSticker, WallPaper, WallPatternPNG, WallPatternSVG, Theme, }; [[nodiscard]] bool MayHaveGoodThumbnail(not_null owner) { return owner->isVideoFile() || owner->isAnimation() || owner->isWallPaper() || owner->isTheme() || (owner->sticker() && owner->sticker()->isAnimated()); } [[nodiscard]] QImage PrepareGoodThumbnail( const QString &path, QByteArray data, FileType type) { if (type == FileType::Video || type == FileType::VideoSticker) { auto result = ::Media::Clip::PrepareForSending(path, data); if (result.isWebmSticker && type == FileType::Video) { result.thumbnail = Images::Opaque(std::move(result.thumbnail)); } return result.thumbnail; } else if (type == FileType::AnimatedSticker) { return Lottie::ReadThumbnail(Lottie::ReadContent(data, path)); } else if (type == FileType::Theme) { return Window::Theme::GeneratePreview(data, path); } else if (type == FileType::WallPatternSVG) { return Images::Read({ .path = path, .content = std::move(data), .maxSize = QSize( kWallPaperThumbnailLimit, kWallPaperThumbnailLimit), .gzipSvg = true, }).image; } auto buffer = QBuffer(&data); auto file = QFile(path); auto device = data.isEmpty() ? static_cast(&file) : &buffer; auto reader = QImageReader(device); const auto size = reader.size(); if (!reader.canRead() || (size.width() * size.height() > kReadAreaLimit)) { return QImage(); } auto result = reader.read(); if (!result.width() || !result.height()) { return QImage(); } return (result.width() > kWallPaperThumbnailLimit || result.height() > kWallPaperThumbnailLimit) ? result.scaled( kWallPaperThumbnailLimit, kWallPaperThumbnailLimit, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) : result; } } // namespace VideoPreviewState::VideoPreviewState(DocumentMedia *media) : _media(media) , _usingThumbnail(media ? media->owner()->hasVideoThumbnail() : false) { } void VideoPreviewState::automaticLoad(Data::FileOrigin origin) const { Expects(_media != nullptr); if (_usingThumbnail) { _media->videoThumbnailWanted(origin); } else { _media->automaticLoad(origin, nullptr); } } ::Media::Clip::ReaderPointer VideoPreviewState::makeAnimation( Fn callback) const { Expects(_media != nullptr); Expects(loaded()); return _usingThumbnail ? ::Media::Clip::MakeReader( _media->videoThumbnailContent(), std::move(callback)) : ::Media::Clip::MakeReader( _media->owner()->location(), _media->bytes(), std::move(callback)); } bool VideoPreviewState::usingThumbnail() const { return _usingThumbnail; } bool VideoPreviewState::loading() const { return _usingThumbnail ? _media->owner()->videoThumbnailLoading() : _media ? _media->owner()->loading() : false; } bool VideoPreviewState::loaded() const { return _usingThumbnail ? !_media->videoThumbnailContent().isEmpty() : _media ? _media->loaded() : false; } DocumentMedia::DocumentMedia(not_null owner) : _owner(owner) { } // NB! Right now DocumentMedia can outlive Main::Session! // In DocumentData::collectLocalData a shared_ptr is sent on_main. // In case this is a problem the ~Gif code should be rewritten. DocumentMedia::~DocumentMedia() = default; not_null DocumentMedia::owner() const { return _owner; } void DocumentMedia::goodThumbnailWanted() { _flags |= Flag::GoodThumbnailWanted; } Image *DocumentMedia::goodThumbnail() const { Expects((_flags & Flag::GoodThumbnailWanted) != 0); if (!_goodThumbnail) { ReadOrGenerateThumbnail(_owner); } return _goodThumbnail.get(); } void DocumentMedia::setGoodThumbnail(QImage thumbnail) { if (!(_flags & Flag::GoodThumbnailWanted)) { return; } _goodThumbnail = std::make_unique(std::move(thumbnail)); _owner->session().notifyDownloaderTaskFinished(); } Image *DocumentMedia::thumbnailInline() const { if (!_inlineThumbnail && !_owner->inlineThumbnailIsPath()) { const auto bytes = _owner->inlineThumbnailBytes(); if (!bytes.isEmpty()) { auto image = Images::FromInlineBytes(bytes); if (image.isNull()) { _owner->clearInlineThumbnailBytes(); } else { _inlineThumbnail = std::make_unique(std::move(image)); } } } return _inlineThumbnail.get(); } const QPainterPath &DocumentMedia::thumbnailPath() const { if (_pathThumbnail.isEmpty() && _owner->inlineThumbnailIsPath()) { const auto bytes = _owner->inlineThumbnailBytes(); if (!bytes.isEmpty()) { _pathThumbnail = Images::PathFromInlineBytes(bytes); if (_pathThumbnail.isEmpty()) { _owner->clearInlineThumbnailBytes(); } } } return _pathThumbnail; } Image *DocumentMedia::thumbnail() const { return _thumbnail.get(); } void DocumentMedia::thumbnailWanted(Data::FileOrigin origin) { if (!_thumbnail) { _owner->loadThumbnail(origin); } } QSize DocumentMedia::thumbnailSize() const { if (const auto image = _thumbnail.get()) { return image->size(); } const auto &location = _owner->thumbnailLocation(); return { location.width(), location.height() }; } void DocumentMedia::setThumbnail(QImage thumbnail) { _thumbnail = std::make_unique(std::move(thumbnail)); _owner->session().notifyDownloaderTaskFinished(); } QByteArray DocumentMedia::videoThumbnailContent() const { return _videoThumbnailBytes; } QSize DocumentMedia::videoThumbnailSize() const { const auto &location = _owner->videoThumbnailLocation(); return { location.width(), location.height() }; } void DocumentMedia::videoThumbnailWanted(Data::FileOrigin origin) { if (_videoThumbnailBytes.isEmpty()) { _owner->loadVideoThumbnail(origin); } } void DocumentMedia::setVideoThumbnail(QByteArray content) { _videoThumbnailBytes = std::move(content); _videoThumbnailBytes.detach(); } void DocumentMedia::checkStickerLarge() { if (_sticker) { return; } const auto data = _owner->sticker(); if (!data) { return; } automaticLoad(_owner->stickerSetOrigin(), nullptr); if (data->isAnimated() || !loaded()) { return; } if (_bytes.isEmpty()) { const auto &loc = _owner->location(true); if (loc.accessEnable()) { _sticker = std::make_unique(loc.name()); loc.accessDisable(); } } else { _sticker = std::make_unique(_bytes); } } void DocumentMedia::automaticLoad( Data::FileOrigin origin, const HistoryItem *item) { if (_owner->status != FileReady || loaded() || _owner->cancelled()) { return; } else if (!item && !_owner->sticker() && !_owner->isAnimation()) { return; } const auto toCache = _owner->saveToCache(); if (!toCache && Core::App().settings().askDownloadPath()) { // We need a filename, but we're supposed to ask user for it. // No automatic download in this case. return; } const auto filename = toCache ? QString() : DocumentFileNameForSave(_owner); const auto shouldLoadFromCloud = !Data::IsExecutableName(filename) && (item ? Data::AutoDownload::Should( _owner->session().settings().autoDownload(), item->history()->peer, _owner) : Data::AutoDownload::Should( _owner->session().settings().autoDownload(), _owner)); const auto loadFromCloud = shouldLoadFromCloud ? LoadFromCloudOrLocal : LoadFromLocalOnly; _owner->save( origin, filename, loadFromCloud, true); } void DocumentMedia::collectLocalData(not_null local) { if (const auto image = local->_goodThumbnail.get()) { _goodThumbnail = std::make_unique(image->original()); } if (const auto image = local->_inlineThumbnail.get()) { _inlineThumbnail = std::make_unique(image->original()); } if (const auto image = local->_thumbnail.get()) { _thumbnail = std::make_unique(image->original()); } if (const auto image = local->_sticker.get()) { _sticker = std::make_unique(image->original()); } _bytes = local->_bytes; _videoThumbnailBytes = local->_videoThumbnailBytes; _flags = local->_flags; } void DocumentMedia::setBytes(const QByteArray &bytes) { if (!bytes.isEmpty()) { _bytes = bytes; } } QByteArray DocumentMedia::bytes() const { return _bytes; } bool DocumentMedia::loaded(bool check) const { return !_bytes.isEmpty() || !_owner->filepath(check).isEmpty(); } float64 DocumentMedia::progress() const { return (_owner->uploading() || _owner->loading()) ? _owner->progress() : (loaded() ? 1. : 0.); } bool DocumentMedia::canBePlayed(HistoryItem *item) const { return !_owner->inappPlaybackFailed() && _owner->useStreamingLoader() && (loaded() || _owner->canBeStreamed(item)); } bool DocumentMedia::thumbnailEnoughForSticker() const { const auto &location = owner()->thumbnailLocation(); const auto size = _thumbnail ? QSize(_thumbnail->width(), _thumbnail->height()) : location.valid() ? QSize(location.width(), location.height()) : QSize(); return (size.width() >= 128) || (size.height() >= 128); } void DocumentMedia::checkStickerSmall() { const auto data = _owner->sticker(); if ((data && data->isAnimated()) || thumbnailEnoughForSticker()) { _owner->loadThumbnail(_owner->stickerSetOrigin()); if (data && data->isAnimated()) { automaticLoad(_owner->stickerSetOrigin(), nullptr); } } else { checkStickerLarge(); } } Image *DocumentMedia::getStickerLarge() { checkStickerLarge(); return _sticker.get(); } Image *DocumentMedia::getStickerSmall() { const auto data = _owner->sticker(); if ((data && data->isAnimated()) || thumbnailEnoughForSticker()) { return thumbnail(); } return _sticker.get(); } void DocumentMedia::checkStickerLarge(not_null loader) { if (_sticker || !_owner->sticker()) { return; } if (auto image = loader->imageData(); !image.isNull()) { _sticker = std::make_unique(std::move(image)); } } void DocumentMedia::GenerateGoodThumbnail( not_null document, QByteArray data) { const auto type = document->isPatternWallPaperSVG() ? FileType::WallPatternSVG : document->isPatternWallPaperPNG() ? FileType::WallPatternPNG : document->isWallPaper() ? FileType::WallPaper : document->isTheme() ? FileType::Theme : !document->sticker() ? FileType::Video : document->sticker()->isLottie() ? FileType::AnimatedSticker : FileType::VideoSticker; auto location = document->location().isEmpty() ? nullptr : std::make_unique(document->location()); if (data.isEmpty() && !location) { document->setGoodThumbnailChecked(false); return; } const auto guard = base::make_weak(&document->owner().session()); crl::async([=, location = std::move(location)] { const auto filepath = (location && location->accessEnable()) ? location->name() : QString(); auto result = PrepareGoodThumbnail(filepath, data, type); auto bytes = QByteArray(); if (!result.isNull()) { auto buffer = QBuffer(&bytes); const auto format = (type == FileType::AnimatedSticker || type == FileType::VideoSticker) ? "WEBP" : (type == FileType::WallPatternPNG || type == FileType::WallPatternSVG) ? "PNG" : "JPG"; result.save(&buffer, format, kGoodThumbQuality); } if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { location->accessDisable(); } const auto cache = bytes.isEmpty() ? QByteArray("(failed)") : bytes; crl::on_main(guard, [=] { document->setGoodThumbnailChecked(true); if (const auto active = document->activeMediaView()) { active->setGoodThumbnail(result); } document->owner().cache().put( document->goodThumbnailCacheKey(), Storage::Cache::Database::TaggedValue{ base::duplicate(cache), kImageCacheTag }); }); }); } void DocumentMedia::CheckGoodThumbnail(not_null document) { if (!document->goodThumbnailChecked()) { ReadOrGenerateThumbnail(document); } } void DocumentMedia::ReadOrGenerateThumbnail( not_null document) { if (document->goodThumbnailGenerating() || document->goodThumbnailNoData() || !MayHaveGoodThumbnail(document)) { return; } document->setGoodThumbnailGenerating(); const auto guard = base::make_weak(&document->session()); const auto active = document->activeMediaView(); const auto got = [=](QByteArray value) { if (value.isEmpty()) { const auto bytes = active ? active->bytes() : QByteArray(); crl::on_main(guard, [=] { GenerateGoodThumbnail(document, bytes); }); } else if (active) { crl::async([=] { auto image = Images::Read({ .content = value }).image; crl::on_main(guard, [=, image = std::move(image)]() mutable { document->setGoodThumbnailChecked(true); if (const auto active = document->activeMediaView()) { active->setGoodThumbnail(std::move(image)); } }); }); } else { crl::on_main(guard, [=] { document->setGoodThumbnailChecked(true); }); } }; document->owner().cache().get(document->goodThumbnailCacheKey(), got); } } // namespace Data