/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "dropdown.h" namespace Media { namespace Clip { class Controller; } // namespace Clip } // namespace Media struct AudioPlaybackState; class MediaView : public TWidget, public RPCSender, public ClickHandlerHost { Q_OBJECT public: MediaView(); void hide(); void updateOver(QPoint mpos); void showPhoto(PhotoData *photo, HistoryItem *context); void showPhoto(PhotoData *photo, PeerData *context); void showDocument(DocumentData *doc, HistoryItem *context); void moveToScreen(); bool moveToNext(int32 delta); void preloadData(int32 delta); void leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override { // e -- from enterEvent() of child TWidget updateOverState(OverNone); } void enterFromChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override { // e -- from leaveEvent() of child TWidget updateOver(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); } void mediaOverviewUpdated(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type); void documentUpdated(DocumentData *doc); void changingMsgId(HistoryItem *row, MsgId newId); void updateDocSize(); void updateControls(); void updateDropdown(); void showSaveMsgFile(); void close(); void activateControls(); void onDocClick(); void clipCallback(Media::Clip::Notification notification); PeerData *ui_getPeerForMouseAction(); void clearData(); ~MediaView(); // ClickHandlerHost interface void clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) override; void clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) override; public slots: void onHideControls(bool force = false); void onDropdownHiding(); void onScreenResized(int screen); void onToMessage(); void onSaveAs(); void onDownload(); void onSaveCancel(); void onShowInFolder(); void onForward(); void onDelete(); void onOverview(); void onCopy(); void onMenuDestroy(QObject *obj); void receiveMouse(); void onDropdown(); void onCheckActive(); void onTouchTimer(); void updateImage(); protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) override; void touchEvent(QTouchEvent *e); bool event(QEvent *e) override; bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) override; private slots: void onVideoPauseResume(); void onVideoSeekProgress(int64 positionMs); void onVideoSeekFinished(int64 positionMs); void onVideoVolumeChanged(float64 volume); void onVideoToggleFullScreen(); void onVideoPlayProgress(const AudioMsgId &audioId); private: void displayPhoto(PhotoData *photo, HistoryItem *item); void displayDocument(DocumentData *doc, HistoryItem *item); void findCurrent(); void loadBack(); void setZoomLevel(int newZoom); void updateVideoPlaybackState(const AudioPlaybackState &state, bool reset = false); void updateSilentVideoPlaybackState(); void restartVideoAtSeekPosition(int64 positionMs); void createClipController(); void setClipControllerGeometry(); void initAnimation(); void createClipReader(); // Radial animation interface. float64 radialProgress() const; bool radialLoading() const; QRect radialRect() const; void radialStart(); uint64 radialTimeShift() const; // Computes the last OverviewChatPhotos PhotoData* from _history or _migrated. struct LastChatPhoto { HistoryItem *item; PhotoData *photo; }; LastChatPhoto computeLastOverviewChatPhoto(); void computeAdditionalChatPhoto(PeerData *peer, PhotoData *lastOverviewPhoto); void userPhotosLoaded(UserData *u, const MTPphotos_Photos &photos, mtpRequestId req); void deletePhotosDone(const MTPVector &result); bool deletePhotosFail(const RPCError &error); void updateHeader(); void snapXY(); void step_state(uint64 ms, bool timer); void step_radial(uint64 ms, bool timer); void paintDocRadialLoading(Painter &p, bool radial, float64 radialOpacity); QBrush _transparentBrush; PhotoData *_photo = nullptr; DocumentData *_doc = nullptr; MediaOverviewType _overview = OverviewCount; QRect _closeNav, _closeNavIcon; QRect _leftNav, _leftNavIcon, _rightNav, _rightNavIcon; QRect _headerNav, _nameNav, _dateNav; QRect _saveNav, _saveNavIcon, _moreNav, _moreNavIcon; bool _leftNavVisible = false; bool _rightNavVisible = false; bool _saveVisible = false; bool _headerHasLink = false; QString _dateText; QString _headerText; ChildWidget _clipController = { nullptr }; DocumentData *_autoplayVideoDocument = nullptr; bool _fullScreenVideo = false; int _fullScreenZoomCache = 0; Text _caption; QRect _captionRect; uint64 _animStarted; int _width = 0; int _x = 0, _y = 0, _w = 0, _h = 0; int _xStart = 0, _yStart = 0; int _zoom = 0; // < 0 - out, 0 - none, > 0 - in float64 _zoomToScreen = 0.; // for documents QPoint _mStart; bool _pressed = false; int32 _dragging = 0; QPixmap _current; std_::unique_ptr _gif; int32 _full = -1; // -1 - thumb, 0 - medium, 1 - full // Video without audio stream playback information. bool _videoIsSilent = false; bool _videoPaused = false; bool _videoStopped = false; int64 _videoPositionMs = 0; int64 _videoDurationMs = 0; int32 _videoFrequencyMs = 1000; // 1000 ms per second. bool fileShown() const; bool gifShown() const; void stopGif(); style::sprite _docIcon; style::color _docIconColor; QString _docName, _docSize, _docExt; int _docNameWidth = 0, _docSizeWidth = 0, _docExtWidth = 0; QRect _docRect, _docIconRect; int _docThumbx = 0, _docThumby = 0, _docThumbw = 0; LinkButton _docDownload, _docSaveAs, _docCancel; QRect _photoRadialRect; RadialAnimation _radial; History *_migrated = nullptr; History *_history = nullptr; // if conversation photos or files overview PeerData *_peer = nullptr; UserData *_user = nullptr; // if user profile photos overview // There can be additional first photo in chat photos overview, that is not // in the _history->overview[OverviewChatPhotos] (if the item was deleted). PhotoData *_additionalChatPhoto = nullptr; // We save the information about the reason of the current mediaview show: // did we open a peer profile photo or a photo from some message. // We use it when trying to delete a photo: if we've opened a peer photo, // then we'll delete group photo instead of the corresponding message. bool _firstOpenedPeerPhoto = false; PeerData *_from = nullptr; Text _fromName; int _index = -1; // index in photos or files array, -1 if just photo MsgId _msgid = 0; // msgId of current photo or file bool _msgmigrated = false; // msgId is from _migrated history ChannelId _channel = NoChannel; bool _canForward = false; bool _canDelete = false; mtpRequestId _loadRequest = 0; enum OverState { OverNone, OverLeftNav, OverRightNav, OverClose, OverHeader, OverName, OverDate, OverSave, OverMore, OverIcon, OverVideo, }; OverState _over = OverNone; OverState _down = OverNone; QPoint _lastAction, _lastMouseMovePos; bool _ignoringDropdown = false; Animation _a_state; enum ControlsState { ControlsShowing, ControlsShown, ControlsHiding, ControlsHidden, }; ControlsState _controlsState = ControlsShown; uint64 _controlsAnimStarted = 0; QTimer _controlsHideTimer; anim::fvalue a_cOpacity; bool _mousePressed = false; PopupMenu *_menu = nullptr; Dropdown _dropdown; IconedButton *_btnSaveCancel, *_btnToMessage, *_btnShowInFolder, *_btnSaveAs, *_btnCopy, *_btnForward, *_btnDelete, *_btnViewAll; QList _btns; bool _receiveMouse = true; bool _touchPress = false, _touchMove = false, _touchRightButton = false; QTimer _touchTimer; QPoint _touchStart; QPoint _accumScroll; QString _saveMsgFilename; uint64 _saveMsgStarted = 0; anim::fvalue _saveMsgOpacity = { 0 }; QRect _saveMsg; QTimer _saveMsgUpdater; Text _saveMsgText; typedef QMap Showing; Showing _animations; typedef QMap ShowingOpacities; ShowingOpacities _animOpacities; void updateOverRect(OverState state); bool updateOverState(OverState newState); float64 overLevel(OverState control) const; };