/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "style.h" #include "lang.h" #include "history.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "application.h" #include "fileuploader.h" #include "window.h" #include "gui/filedialog.h" #include "audio.h" #include "localstorage.h" TextParseOptions _textNameOptions = { 0, // flags 4096, // maxw 1, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // lang-dependent }; TextParseOptions _textDlgOptions = { 0, // flags 0, // maxw is style-dependent 1, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // lang-dependent }; TextParseOptions _historyTextOptions = { TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextParseHashtags | TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText | TextParseMono, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // dir }; TextParseOptions _historyBotOptions = { TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextParseHashtags | TextParseBotCommands | TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText | TextParseMono, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // dir }; TextParseOptions _historyTextNoMonoOptions = { TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextParseHashtags | TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // dir }; TextParseOptions _historyBotNoMonoOptions = { TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextParseHashtags | TextParseBotCommands | TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // dir }; namespace { TextParseOptions _historySrvOptions = { TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextParseHashtags | TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // lang-dependent }; TextParseOptions _webpageTitleOptions = { TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // dir }; TextParseOptions _webpageDescriptionOptions = { TextParseLinks | TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // dir }; TextParseOptions _twitterDescriptionOptions = { TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextTwitterMentions | TextParseHashtags | TextTwitterHashtags | TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // dir }; TextParseOptions _instagramDescriptionOptions = { TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextInstagramMentions | TextParseHashtags | TextInstagramHashtags | TextParseMultiline | TextParseRichText, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // dir }; inline void _initTextOptions() { _historySrvOptions.dir = _textNameOptions.dir = _textDlgOptions.dir = cLangDir(); _textDlgOptions.maxw = st::dlgMaxWidth * 2; _webpageTitleOptions.maxw = st::msgMaxWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right() - st::webPageLeft; _webpageTitleOptions.maxh = st::webPageTitleFont->height * 2; _webpageDescriptionOptions.maxw = st::msgMaxWidth - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right() - st::webPageLeft; _webpageDescriptionOptions.maxh = st::webPageDescriptionFont->height * 3; } AnimatedGif animated; inline HistoryReply *toHistoryReply(HistoryItem *item) { return item ? item->toHistoryReply() : 0; } inline const HistoryReply *toHistoryReply(const HistoryItem *item) { return item ? item->toHistoryReply() : 0; } inline HistoryForwarded *toHistoryForwarded(HistoryItem *item) { return item ? item->toHistoryForwarded() : 0; } inline const HistoryForwarded *toHistoryForwarded(const HistoryItem *item) { return item ? item->toHistoryForwarded() : 0; } inline const TextParseOptions &itemTextOptions(HistoryItem *item) { return itemTextOptions(item->history(), item->from()); } inline const TextParseOptions &itemTextNoMonoOptions(HistoryItem *item) { return itemTextNoMonoOptions(item->history(), item->from()); } } const TextParseOptions &itemTextOptions(History *h, PeerData *f) { if ((h->peer->isUser() && h->peer->asUser()->botInfo) || (f->isUser() && f->asUser()->botInfo) || (h->peer->isChat() && h->peer->asChat()->botStatus >= 0) || (h->peer->isMegagroup() && h->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus >= 0)) { return _historyBotOptions; } return _historyTextOptions; } const TextParseOptions &itemTextNoMonoOptions(History *h, PeerData *f) { if ((h->peer->isUser() && h->peer->asUser()->botInfo) || (f->isUser() && f->asUser()->botInfo) || (h->peer->isChat() && h->peer->asChat()->botStatus >= 0) || (h->peer->isMegagroup() && h->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus >= 0)) { return _historyBotNoMonoOptions; } return _historyTextNoMonoOptions; } void historyInit() { _initTextOptions(); } void startGif(HistoryItem *row, const QString &file) { if (row == animated.msg) { stopGif(); } else { animated.start(row, file); } } void itemReplacedGif(HistoryItem *oldItem, HistoryItem *newItem) { if (oldItem == animated.msg) { animated.msg = newItem; } } void itemRemovedGif(HistoryItem *item) { if (item == animated.msg) { animated.stop(true); } } void stopGif() { animated.stop(); } void DialogRow::paint(Painter &p, int32 w, bool act, bool sel, bool onlyBackground) const { QRect fullRect(0, 0, w, st::dlgHeight); p.fillRect(fullRect, (act ? st::dlgActiveBG : (sel ? st::dlgHoverBG : st::dlgBG))->b); if (onlyBackground) return; p.drawPixmap(st::dlgPaddingHor, st::dlgPaddingVer, history->peer->photo->pix(st::dlgPhotoSize)); int32 nameleft = st::dlgPaddingHor + st::dlgPhotoSize + st::dlgPhotoPadding; int32 namewidth = w - nameleft - st::dlgPaddingHor; QRect rectForName(nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgNameTop, namewidth, st::msgNameFont->height); // draw chat icon if (history->peer->isChat() || history->peer->isMegagroup()) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChatImgPos.x(), rectForName.top() + st::dlgChatImgPos.y()), App::sprite(), (act ? st::dlgActiveChatImg : st::dlgChatImg)); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dlgImgSkip); } else if (history->peer->isChannel()) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChannelImgPos.x(), rectForName.top() + st::dlgChannelImgPos.y()), App::sprite(), (act ? st::dlgActiveChannelImg : st::dlgChannelImg)); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dlgImgSkip); } HistoryItem *last = history->lastMsg; if (!last) { p.setFont(st::dlgHistFont->f); p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveColor : st::dlgSystemColor)->p); if (history->typing.isEmpty() && history->sendActions.isEmpty()) { p.drawText(nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgFont->height + st::dlgFont->ascent + st::dlgSep, lang(lng_empty_history)); } else { history->typingText.drawElided(p, nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgFont->height + st::dlgSep, namewidth); } } else { // draw date QDateTime now(QDateTime::currentDateTime()), lastTime(last->date); QDate nowDate(now.date()), lastDate(lastTime.date()); QString dt; if (lastDate == nowDate) { dt = lastTime.toString(cTimeFormat()); } else if (lastDate.year() == nowDate.year() && lastDate.weekNumber() == nowDate.weekNumber()) { dt = langDayOfWeek(lastDate); } else { dt = lastDate.toString(qsl("d.MM.yy")); } int32 dtWidth = st::dlgDateFont->width(dt); rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - dtWidth - st::dlgDateSkip); p.setFont(st::dlgDateFont->f); p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveDateColor : st::dlgDateColor)->p); p.drawText(rectForName.left() + rectForName.width() + st::dlgDateSkip, rectForName.top() + st::msgNameFont->height - st::msgDateFont->descent, dt); // draw check if (last->needCheck()) { const style::sprite *check; if (last->id > 0) { if (last->unread()) { check = act ? &st::dlgActiveCheckImg : &st::dlgCheckImg; } else { check = act ? &st::dlgActiveDblCheckImg: &st::dlgDblCheckImg; } } else { check = act ? &st::dlgActiveSendImg : &st::dlgSendImg; } rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - check->pxWidth() - st::dlgCheckSkip); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(rectForName.left() + rectForName.width() + st::dlgCheckLeft, rectForName.top() + st::dlgCheckTop), App::sprite(), *check); } // draw unread int32 lastWidth = namewidth, unread = history->unreadCount; if (history->peer->migrateFrom()) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(history->peer->migrateFrom()->id)) { unread += h->unreadCount; } } if (unread) { QString unreadStr = QString::number(unread); int32 unreadWidth = st::dlgUnreadFont->width(unreadStr); int32 unreadRectWidth = unreadWidth + 2 * st::dlgUnreadPaddingHor; int32 unreadRectHeight = st::dlgUnreadFont->height + 2 * st::dlgUnreadPaddingVer; int32 unreadRectLeft = w - st::dlgPaddingHor - unreadRectWidth; int32 unreadRectTop = st::dlgHeight - st::dlgPaddingVer - unreadRectHeight; lastWidth -= unreadRectWidth + st::dlgUnreadPaddingHor; p.setBrush((act ? st::dlgActiveUnreadBG : (history->mute ? st::dlgUnreadMutedBG : st::dlgUnreadBG))->b); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.drawRoundedRect(unreadRectLeft, unreadRectTop, unreadRectWidth, unreadRectHeight, st::dlgUnreadRadius, st::dlgUnreadRadius); p.setFont(st::dlgUnreadFont->f); p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveUnreadColor : st::dlgUnreadColor)->p); p.drawText(unreadRectLeft + st::dlgUnreadPaddingHor, unreadRectTop + st::dlgUnreadPaddingVer + st::dlgUnreadFont->ascent, unreadStr); } if (history->typing.isEmpty() && history->sendActions.isEmpty()) { last->drawInDialog(p, QRect(nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgFont->height + st::dlgSep, lastWidth, st::dlgFont->height), act, history->textCachedFor, history->lastItemTextCache); } else { p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveColor : st::dlgSystemColor)->p); history->typingText.drawElided(p, nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgFont->height + st::dlgSep, lastWidth); } } p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveColor : st::dlgNameColor)->p); history->peer->dialogName().drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width()); } void FakeDialogRow::paint(Painter &p, int32 w, bool act, bool sel, bool onlyBackground) const { QRect fullRect(0, 0, w, st::dlgHeight); p.fillRect(fullRect, (act ? st::dlgActiveBG : (sel ? st::dlgHoverBG : st::dlgBG))->b); if (onlyBackground) return; History *history = _item->history(); p.drawPixmap(st::dlgPaddingHor, st::dlgPaddingVer, history->peer->photo->pix(st::dlgPhotoSize)); int32 nameleft = st::dlgPaddingHor + st::dlgPhotoSize + st::dlgPhotoPadding; int32 namewidth = w - nameleft - st::dlgPaddingHor; QRect rectForName(nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgNameTop, namewidth, st::msgNameFont->height); // draw chat icon if (history->peer->isChat() || history->peer->isMegagroup()) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChatImgPos.x(), rectForName.top() + st::dlgChatImgPos.y()), App::sprite(), (act ? st::dlgActiveChatImg : st::dlgChatImg)); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dlgImgSkip); } else if (history->peer->isChannel()) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChannelImgPos.x(), rectForName.top() + st::dlgChannelImgPos.y()), App::sprite(), (act ? st::dlgActiveChannelImg : st::dlgChannelImg)); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dlgImgSkip); } // draw date QDateTime now(QDateTime::currentDateTime()), lastTime(_item->date); QDate nowDate(now.date()), lastDate(lastTime.date()); QString dt; if (lastDate == nowDate) { dt = lastTime.toString(cTimeFormat()); } else if (lastDate.year() == nowDate.year() && lastDate.weekNumber() == nowDate.weekNumber()) { dt = langDayOfWeek(lastDate); } else { dt = lastDate.toString(qsl("d.MM.yy")); } int32 dtWidth = st::dlgDateFont->width(dt); rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - dtWidth - st::dlgDateSkip); p.setFont(st::dlgDateFont->f); p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveDateColor : st::dlgDateColor)->p); p.drawText(rectForName.left() + rectForName.width() + st::dlgDateSkip, rectForName.top() + st::msgNameFont->height - st::msgDateFont->descent, dt); // draw check if (_item->needCheck()) { const style::sprite *check; if (_item->id > 0) { if (_item->unread()) { check = act ? &st::dlgActiveCheckImg : &st::dlgCheckImg; } else { check = act ? &st::dlgActiveDblCheckImg : &st::dlgDblCheckImg; } } else { check = act ? &st::dlgActiveSendImg : &st::dlgSendImg; } rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - check->pxWidth() - st::dlgCheckSkip); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(rectForName.left() + rectForName.width() + st::dlgCheckLeft, rectForName.top() + st::dlgCheckTop), App::sprite(), *check); } // draw unread int32 lastWidth = namewidth; _item->drawInDialog(p, QRect(nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgFont->height + st::dlgSep, lastWidth, st::dlgFont->height), act, _cacheFor, _cache); p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveColor : st::dlgNameColor)->p); history->peer->dialogName().drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width()); } History::History(const PeerId &peerId) : width(0), height(0) , unreadCount(0) , inboxReadBefore(1) , outboxReadBefore(1) , showFrom(0) , unreadBar(0) , peer(App::peer(peerId)) , oldLoaded(false) , newLoaded(true) , lastMsg(0) , draftToId(0) , lastWidth(0) , lastScrollTop(ScrollMax) , lastShowAtMsgId(ShowAtUnreadMsgId) , mute(isNotifyMuted(peer->notify)) , lastKeyboardInited(false) , lastKeyboardUsed(false) , lastKeyboardId(0) , lastKeyboardFrom(0) , sendRequestId(0) , textCachedFor(0) , lastItemTextCache(st::dlgRichMinWidth) , posInDialogs(0) , typingText(st::dlgRichMinWidth) { if (peer->isChannel() || (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo)) { outboxReadBefore = INT_MAX; } for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { overviewCount[i] = -1; // not loaded yet } } void History::clearLastKeyboard() { lastKeyboardInited = true; lastKeyboardId = 0; lastKeyboardFrom = 0; } bool History::updateTyping(uint64 ms, uint32 dots, bool force) { if (!ms) ms = getms(true); bool changed = force; for (TypingUsers::iterator i = typing.begin(), e = typing.end(); i != e;) { if (ms >= i.value()) { i = typing.erase(i); changed = true; } else { ++i; } } for (SendActionUsers::iterator i = sendActions.begin(); i != sendActions.cend();) { if (ms >= i.value().until) { i = sendActions.erase(i); changed = true; } else { ++i; } } if (changed) { QString newTypingStr; int32 cnt = typing.size(); if (cnt > 2) { newTypingStr = lng_many_typing(lt_count, cnt); } else if (cnt > 1) { newTypingStr = lng_users_typing(lt_user, typing.begin().key()->firstName, lt_second_user, (typing.end() - 1).key()->firstName); } else if (cnt) { newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_typing) : lng_user_typing(lt_user, typing.begin().key()->firstName); } else if (!sendActions.isEmpty()) { switch (sendActions.begin().value().type) { case SendActionRecordVideo: newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_send_action_record_video) : lng_user_action_record_video(lt_user, sendActions.begin().key()->firstName); break; case SendActionUploadVideo: newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_send_action_upload_video) : lng_user_action_upload_video(lt_user, sendActions.begin().key()->firstName); break; case SendActionRecordAudio: newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_send_action_record_audio) : lng_user_action_record_audio(lt_user, sendActions.begin().key()->firstName); break; case SendActionUploadAudio: newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_send_action_upload_audio) : lng_user_action_upload_audio(lt_user, sendActions.begin().key()->firstName); break; case SendActionUploadPhoto: newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_send_action_upload_photo) : lng_user_action_upload_photo(lt_user, sendActions.begin().key()->firstName); break; case SendActionUploadFile: newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_send_action_upload_file) : lng_user_action_upload_file(lt_user, sendActions.begin().key()->firstName); break; case SendActionChooseLocation: newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_send_action_geo_location) : lng_user_action_geo_location(lt_user, sendActions.begin().key()->firstName); break; case SendActionChooseContact: newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_send_action_choose_contact) : lng_user_action_choose_contact(lt_user, sendActions.begin().key()->firstName); break; } } if (!newTypingStr.isEmpty()) { newTypingStr += qsl("..."); } if (typingStr != newTypingStr) { typingText.setText(st::dlgHistFont, (typingStr = newTypingStr), _textNameOptions); } } if (!typingStr.isEmpty()) { if (typingText.lastDots(dots % 4)) { changed = true; } } if (changed && App::main()) { if (!dialogs.isEmpty()) App::main()->dlgUpdated(dialogs[0]); if (App::main()->historyPeer() == peer) { App::main()->topBar()->update(); } } return changed; } void History::eraseFromOverview(MediaOverviewType type, MsgId msgId) { if (overviewIds[type].isEmpty()) return; History::MediaOverviewIds::iterator i = overviewIds[type].find(msgId); if (i == overviewIds[type].cend()) return; overviewIds[type].erase(i); for (History::MediaOverview::iterator i = overview[type].begin(), e = overview[type].end(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == msgId) { overview[type].erase(i); if (overviewCount[type] > 0) { --overviewCount[type]; if (!overviewCount[type]) { overviewCount[type] = -1; } } break; } } if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); } ChannelHistory::ChannelHistory(const PeerId &peer) : History(peer), unreadCountAll(0), _onlyImportant(!isMegagroup()), _otherOldLoaded(false), _otherNewLoaded(true), _collapseMessage(0), _joinedMessage(0) { } bool ChannelHistory::isSwitchReadyFor(MsgId switchId, MsgId &fixInScrollMsgId, int32 &fixInScrollMsgTop) { if (switchId == SwitchAtTopMsgId) { if (_onlyImportant) { if (isMegagroup()) switchMode(); return true; } int32 bottomUnderScrollTop = 0; HistoryItem *atTopItem = App::main()->atTopImportantMsg(bottomUnderScrollTop); if (atTopItem) { fixInScrollMsgId = atTopItem->id; fixInScrollMsgTop = atTopItem->y + atTopItem->block()->y + atTopItem->height() - bottomUnderScrollTop - height; if (_otherList.indexOf(atTopItem) >= 0) { switchMode(); return true; } return false; } if (!_otherList.isEmpty()) { switchMode(); return true; } return false; } if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(channelId(), switchId)) { HistoryItemType itemType = item->type(); if (itemType == HistoryItemGroup || itemType == HistoryItemCollapse) { if (isMegagroup()) return true; if (itemType == HistoryItemGroup && !_onlyImportant) return true; if (itemType == HistoryItemCollapse && _onlyImportant) return true; bool willNeedCollapse = (itemType == HistoryItemGroup); HistoryItem *prev = findPrevItem(item); if (prev) { fixInScrollMsgId = prev->id; fixInScrollMsgTop = prev->y + prev->block()->y + prev->height() - height; if (_otherList.indexOf(prev) >= 0) { switchMode(); insertCollapseItem(fixInScrollMsgId); return true; } return false; } if (itemType == HistoryItemGroup) { fixInScrollMsgId = qMax(static_cast(item)->minId(), 1); fixInScrollMsgTop = item->y + item->block()->y - height; if (oldLoaded && _otherOldLoaded) { switchMode(); insertCollapseItem(fixInScrollMsgId); return true; } } else if (itemType == HistoryItemCollapse) { fixInScrollMsgId = qMax(static_cast(item)->wasMinId(), 1); fixInScrollMsgTop = item->y + item->block()->y - height; if (oldLoaded && _otherOldLoaded) { switchMode(); return true; } } return false; } if (item->history() == this) { if (_onlyImportant && !item->isImportant()) { if (_otherList.indexOf(item) >= 0) { switchMode(); return true; } return false; } else if (!item->detached()) { return true; } } } else if (switchId < 0) { LOG(("App Error: isSwitchReadyFor() switchId not found!")); switchMode(); return true; } return false; } void ChannelHistory::getSwitchReadyFor(MsgId switchId, MsgId &fixInScrollMsgId, int32 &fixInScrollMsgTop) { if (!isSwitchReadyFor(switchId, fixInScrollMsgId, fixInScrollMsgTop)) { if (switchId > 0) { if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(channelId(), switchId)) { if (_onlyImportant && !item->isImportant()) { _otherList.clear(); _otherNewLoaded = _otherOldLoaded = false; switchMode(); } else { clear(true); newLoaded = oldLoaded = false; lastWidth = 0; } } else { clear(true); newLoaded = oldLoaded = false; lastWidth = 0; } } else { _otherList.clear(); _otherNewLoaded = _otherOldLoaded = false; switchMode(); } } } void ChannelHistory::insertCollapseItem(MsgId wasMinId) { if (_onlyImportant || isMegagroup()) return; bool insertAfter = false; for (int32 blockIndex = 1, blocksCount = blocks.size(); blockIndex < blocksCount; ++blockIndex) { // skip first date block HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); for (int32 itemIndex = 0, itemsCount = block->items.size(); itemIndex < itemsCount; ++itemIndex) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(itemIndex); if (insertAfter || item->id > wasMinId || (item->id == wasMinId && !item->isImportant())) { _collapseMessage = new HistoryCollapse(this, block, wasMinId, item->date); if (!addNewInTheMiddle(_collapseMessage, blockIndex, itemIndex)) { _collapseMessage = 0; } return; } else if (item->id == wasMinId && item->isImportant()) { insertAfter = true; } } } } void ChannelHistory::getRangeDifference() { MsgId fromId = 0, toId = 0; for (int32 blockIndex = 0, blocksCount = blocks.size(); blockIndex < blocksCount; ++blockIndex) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); for (int32 itemIndex = 0, itemsCount = block->items.size(); itemIndex < itemsCount; ++itemIndex) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(itemIndex); if (item->type() == HistoryItemMsg && item->id > 0) { fromId = item->id; break; } else if (item->type() == HistoryItemGroup) { fromId = static_cast(item)->minId() + 1; break; } } if (fromId) break; } if (!fromId) return; for (int32 blockIndex = blocks.size(); blockIndex > 0;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(--blockIndex); for (int32 itemIndex = block->items.size(); itemIndex > 0;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(--itemIndex); if (item->type() == HistoryItemMsg && item->id > 0) { toId = item->id; break; } else if (item->type() == HistoryItemGroup) { toId = static_cast(item)->maxId() - 1; break; } } if (toId) break; } if (fromId > 0 && peer->asChannel()->pts() > 0) { if (_rangeDifferenceRequestId) { MTP::cancel(_rangeDifferenceRequestId); } _rangeDifferenceFromId = fromId; _rangeDifferenceToId = toId; MTP_LOG(0, ("getChannelDifference { good - after channelDifferenceTooLong was received, validating history part }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); getRangeDifferenceNext(peer->asChannel()->pts()); } } void ChannelHistory::getRangeDifferenceNext(int32 pts) { if (!App::main() || _rangeDifferenceToId < _rangeDifferenceFromId) return; int32 limit = _rangeDifferenceToId + 1 - _rangeDifferenceFromId; _rangeDifferenceRequestId = MTP::send(MTPupdates_GetChannelDifference(peer->asChannel()->inputChannel, MTP_channelMessagesFilter(MTP_int(0), MTP_vector(1, MTP_messageRange(MTP_int(_rangeDifferenceFromId), MTP_int(_rangeDifferenceToId)))), MTP_int(pts), MTP_int(limit)), App::main()->rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotRangeDifference, peer->asChannel())); } void ChannelHistory::addNewGroup(const MTPMessageGroup &group) { if (group.type() != mtpc_messageGroup) return; const MTPDmessageGroup &d(group.c_messageGroup()); if (onlyImportant()) { _otherNewLoaded = false; } else if (_otherNewLoaded) { if (_otherList.isEmpty() || _otherList.back()->type() != HistoryItemGroup) { _otherList.push_back(regItem(new HistoryGroup(this, 0, d, _otherList.isEmpty() ? date(d.vdate) : _otherList.back()->date))); } else { static_cast(_otherList.back())->uniteWith(d.vmin_id.v, d.vmax_id.v, d.vcount.v); } } if (onlyImportant()) { if (newLoaded) { HistoryItem *prev = blocks.isEmpty() ? 0 : blocks.back()->items.back(); HistoryBlock *to = 0; bool newBlock = blocks.isEmpty(); if (newBlock) { to = new HistoryBlock(this); to->y = height; } else { to = blocks.back(); height -= to->height; } prev = addMessageGroupAfterPrevToBlock(d, prev, to); height += to->height; if (newBlock) { HistoryBlock *dateBlock = new HistoryBlock(this); HistoryItem *dayItem = createDayServiceMsg(this, dateBlock, blocks.front()->items.front()->date); dateBlock->items.push_back(dayItem); int32 dh = dayItem->resize(width); dateBlock->height = dh; for (Blocks::iterator i = blocks.begin(), e = blocks.end(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->y += dh; } blocks.push_front(dateBlock); // date block height += dh; } } } else { setNotLoadedAtBottom(); } } HistoryJoined *ChannelHistory::insertJoinedMessage(bool unread) { if (_joinedMessage || !peer->asChannel()->amIn() || peer->asChannel()->migrateFrom()) { return _joinedMessage; } UserData *inviter = (peer->asChannel()->inviter > 0) ? App::userLoaded(peer->asChannel()->inviter) : 0; if (!inviter) return 0; if (peerToUser(inviter->id) == MTP::authedId()) unread = false; int32 flags = (unread ? MTPDmessage::flag_unread : 0); QDateTime inviteDate = peer->asChannel()->inviteDate; if (unread) _maxReadMessageDate = inviteDate; if (isEmpty()) { HistoryBlock *to = new HistoryBlock(this); bool newBlock = true; _joinedMessage = new HistoryJoined(this, to, inviteDate, inviter, flags); if (!addNewItem(to, newBlock, regItem(_joinedMessage), unread)) { _joinedMessage = 0; } return _joinedMessage; } HistoryItem *lastSeenDateItem = 0; for (int32 blockIndex = blocks.size(); blockIndex > 1;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(--blockIndex); for (int32 itemIndex = block->items.size(); itemIndex > 0;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(--itemIndex); HistoryItemType type = item->type(); if (type == HistoryItemMsg || type == HistoryItemGroup) { if (item->date <= inviteDate) { ++itemIndex; if (item->date.date() != inviteDate.date()) { HistoryDateMsg *joinedDateItem = new HistoryDateMsg(this, block, inviteDate.date()); if (addNewInTheMiddle(joinedDateItem, blockIndex, itemIndex)) { ++itemIndex; } } _joinedMessage = new HistoryJoined(this, block, inviteDate, inviter, flags); if (!addNewInTheMiddle(_joinedMessage, blockIndex, itemIndex)) { _joinedMessage = 0; } if (lastSeenDateItem && lastSeenDateItem->date.date() == inviteDate.date()) { lastSeenDateItem->destroy(); } if (lastMsgDate.isNull() || inviteDate >= lastMsgDate) { setLastMessage(_joinedMessage); if (unread) { newItemAdded(_joinedMessage); } } return _joinedMessage; } else { lastSeenDateItem = 0; } } else if (type == HistoryItemDate) { lastSeenDateItem = item; } } } // adding new item to new block int32 addToH = 0, skip = 0; if (!blocks.isEmpty()) { // remove date block if (width) addToH = -blocks.front()->height; delete blocks.front(); blocks.pop_front(); } HistoryItem *till = blocks.isEmpty() ? 0 : blocks.front()->items.front(); HistoryBlock *block = new HistoryBlock(this); _joinedMessage = new HistoryJoined(this, block, inviteDate, inviter, flags); if (regItem(_joinedMessage)) { addItemAfterPrevToBlock(_joinedMessage, 0, block); } else { _joinedMessage = 0; } if (till && _joinedMessage && inviteDate.date() != till->date.date()) { HistoryItem *dayItem = createDayServiceMsg(this, block, till->date); block->items.push_back(dayItem); if (width) { dayItem->y = block->height; block->height += dayItem->resize(width); } } if (!block->items.isEmpty()) { blocks.push_front(block); if (width) { addToH += block->height; ++skip; } } else { delete block; } if (!blocks.isEmpty()) { HistoryBlock *dateBlock = new HistoryBlock(this); HistoryItem *dayItem = createDayServiceMsg(this, dateBlock, blocks.front()->items.front()->date); dateBlock->items.push_back(dayItem); if (width) { int32 dh = dayItem->resize(width); dateBlock->height = dh; if (skip) { blocks.front()->y += dh; } addToH += dh; ++skip; } blocks.push_front(dateBlock); // date block } if (width && addToH) { for (Blocks::iterator i = blocks.begin(), e = blocks.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (skip) { --skip; } else { (*i)->y += addToH; } } height += addToH; } if (!lastMsgDate.isNull() && inviteDate >= lastMsgDate) { setLastMessage(_joinedMessage); if (unread) { newItemAdded(_joinedMessage); } } return _joinedMessage; } void ChannelHistory::checkJoinedMessage(bool createUnread) { if (_joinedMessage || peer->asChannel()->inviter <= 0 || peer->asChannel()->migrateFrom()) { return; } if (isEmpty()) { if (loadedAtTop() && loadedAtBottom()) { if (insertJoinedMessage(createUnread)) { setLastMessage(_joinedMessage); } return; } } QDateTime inviteDate = peer->asChannel()->inviteDate; QDateTime firstDate, lastDate; for (int32 blockIndex = 1, blocksCount = blocks.size(); blockIndex < blocksCount; ++blockIndex) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); int32 itemIndex = 0, itemsCount = block->items.size(); for (; itemIndex < itemsCount; ++itemIndex) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(itemIndex); HistoryItemType type = item->type(); if (type == HistoryItemMsg || type == HistoryItemGroup) { firstDate = item->date; break; } } if (itemIndex < itemsCount) break; } for (int32 blockIndex = blocks.size(); blockIndex > 1;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(--blockIndex); int32 itemIndex = block->items.size(); for (; itemIndex > 0;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(--itemIndex); HistoryItemType type = item->type(); if (type == HistoryItemMsg || type == HistoryItemGroup) { lastDate = item->date; ++itemIndex; break; } } if (itemIndex) break; } if (!firstDate.isNull() && !lastDate.isNull() && (firstDate <= inviteDate || loadedAtTop()) && (lastDate > inviteDate || loadedAtBottom())) { bool willBeLastMsg = (inviteDate >= lastDate); if (insertJoinedMessage(createUnread && willBeLastMsg) && willBeLastMsg) { setLastMessage(_joinedMessage); } } } void ChannelHistory::removeJoinedMessage() { if (_joinedMessage) { _joinedMessage->destroy(); _joinedMessage = 0; } } void ChannelHistory::checkMaxReadMessageDate() { if (_maxReadMessageDate.isValid()) return; for (int32 blockIndex = blocks.size(); blockIndex > 0;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(--blockIndex); for (int32 itemIndex = block->items.size(); itemIndex > 0;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(--itemIndex); if ((item->isImportant() || isMegagroup()) && !item->unread()) { _maxReadMessageDate = item->date; return; } } } if (loadedAtTop()) { _maxReadMessageDate = date(MTP_int(peer->asChannel()->date)); } } const QDateTime &ChannelHistory::maxReadMessageDate() { return _maxReadMessageDate; } HistoryItem *ChannelHistory::addNewChannelMessage(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type) { if (type == NewMessageExisting) return addToHistory(msg); HistoryItem *result = addNewToBlocks(msg, type); if (result) addNewToOther(result, type); return result; } HistoryItem *ChannelHistory::addNewToBlocks(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type) { bool isImportantFlags = isImportantChannelMessage(idFromMessage(msg), flagsFromMessage(msg)); bool isImportant = (isChannel() && !isMegagroup()) ? isImportantFlags : true; if (!loadedAtBottom()) { HistoryItem *item = addToHistory(msg); if (item && isImportant) { setLastMessage(item); if (type == NewMessageUnread) { newItemAdded(item); } } return item; } if (!isImportant && onlyImportant()) { HistoryItem *item = addToHistory(msg), *prev = isEmpty() ? 0 : blocks.back()->items.back(); HistoryItem *group = addMessageGroupAfterPrev(item, prev); if (group && group != prev) { height += group->height(); } return item; } if (!isImportantFlags && !onlyImportant() && !isEmpty() && type == NewMessageLast) { clear(true); } HistoryBlock *to = 0; bool newBlock = blocks.isEmpty(); if (newBlock) { to = new HistoryBlock(this); } else { to = blocks.back(); } return addNewItem(to, newBlock, createItem(to, msg, (type == NewMessageUnread)), (type == NewMessageUnread)); } void ChannelHistory::addNewToOther(HistoryItem *item, NewMessageType type) { if (!_otherNewLoaded || isMegagroup()) return; if (!item->isImportant()) { if (onlyImportant()) { if (type == NewMessageLast) { _otherList.clear(); _otherOldLoaded = false; } } else { if (_otherList.isEmpty() || _otherList.back()->type() != HistoryItemGroup) { _otherList.push_back(regItem(new HistoryGroup(this, 0, item, _otherList.isEmpty() ? item->date : _otherList.back()->date))); } else { static_cast(_otherList.back())->uniteWith(item); } return; } } _otherList.push_back(item); } void ChannelHistory::switchMode() { if (isMegagroup() && !_onlyImportant) return; OtherList savedList; if (!blocks.isEmpty()) { savedList.reserve(((blocks.size() - 2) * MessagesPerPage + blocks.back()->items.size()) * (onlyImportant() ? 2 : 1)); for (Blocks::const_iterator i = blocks.cbegin(), e = blocks.cend(); i != e; ++i) { HistoryBlock *block = *i; for (HistoryBlock::Items::const_iterator j = block->items.cbegin(), end = block->items.cend(); j != end; ++j) { HistoryItem *item = *j; HistoryItemType itemType = item->type(); if (itemType == HistoryItemMsg || itemType == HistoryItemGroup) { savedList.push_back(item); } } } } bool savedNewLoaded = newLoaded, savedOldLoaded = oldLoaded; clear(true); newLoaded = _otherNewLoaded; oldLoaded = _otherOldLoaded; if (int32 count = _otherList.size()) { blocks.reserve(qCeil(count / float64(MessagesPerPage)) + 1); createInitialDateBlock(_otherList.front()->date); HistoryItem *prev = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < count;) { HistoryBlock *block = new HistoryBlock(this); int32 willAddToBlock = qMin(int32(MessagesPerPage), count - i); block->items.reserve(willAddToBlock); for (int32 till = i + willAddToBlock; i < till; ++i) { HistoryItem *item = _otherList.at(i); item->attach(block); prev = addItemAfterPrevToBlock(item, prev, block); } block->y = height; blocks.push_back(block); height += block->height; } } _otherList = savedList; _otherNewLoaded = savedNewLoaded; _otherOldLoaded = savedOldLoaded; _onlyImportant = !_onlyImportant; lastWidth = 0; checkJoinedMessage(); } void ChannelHistory::cleared() { _collapseMessage = 0; _joinedMessage = 0; } HistoryGroup *ChannelHistory::findGroup(MsgId msgId) const { // find message group using binary search if (!_onlyImportant) return findGroupInOther(msgId); HistoryBlock *block = findGroupBlock(msgId); if (!block) return 0; int32 itemIndex = 0; if (block->items.size() > 1) for (int32 minItem = 0, maxItem = block->items.size();;) { for (int32 startCheckItem = (minItem + maxItem) / 2, checkItem = startCheckItem;;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(checkItem); // out msgs could be a mess in monotonic ids if ((item->id > 0 && !item->out()) || item->type() == HistoryItemGroup) { MsgId threshold = (item->id > 0) ? item->id : static_cast(item)->minId(); if (threshold > msgId) { maxItem = startCheckItem; } else { minItem = checkItem; } break; } if (++checkItem == maxItem) { maxItem = startCheckItem; break; } } if (minItem + 1 == maxItem) { itemIndex = minItem; break; } } HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(itemIndex); if (item->type() != HistoryItemGroup) return 0; HistoryGroup *result = static_cast(item); return (result->minId() < msgId && result->maxId() > msgId) ? result : 0; } HistoryBlock *ChannelHistory::findGroupBlock(MsgId msgId) const { // find block with message group using binary search if (isEmpty()) return 0; int32 blockIndex = 0; if (blocks.size() > 1) for (int32 minBlock = 0, maxBlock = blocks.size();;) { for (int32 startCheckBlock = (minBlock + maxBlock) / 2, checkBlock = startCheckBlock;;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(checkBlock); HistoryBlock::Items::const_iterator i = block->items.cbegin(), e = block->items.cend(); for (; i != e; ++i) { // out msgs could be a mess in monotonic ids if (((*i)->id > 0 && !(*i)->out()) || (*i)->type() == HistoryItemGroup) { MsgId threshold = ((*i)->id > 0) ? (*i)->id : static_cast(*i)->minId(); if (threshold > msgId) { maxBlock = startCheckBlock; } else { minBlock = checkBlock; } break; } } if (i != e) { break; } if (++checkBlock == maxBlock) { maxBlock = startCheckBlock; break; } } if (minBlock + 1 == maxBlock) { blockIndex = minBlock; break; } } return blocks.at(blockIndex); } HistoryGroup *ChannelHistory::findGroupInOther(MsgId msgId) const { // find message group using binary search in _otherList if (_otherList.isEmpty()) return 0; int32 otherIndex = 0; if (_otherList.size() > 1) for (int32 minOther = 0, maxOther = _otherList.size();;) { for (int32 startCheckOther = (minOther + maxOther) / 2, checkOther = startCheckOther;;) { HistoryItem *item = _otherList.at(checkOther); // out msgs could be a mess in monotonic ids if ((item->id > 0 && !item->out()) || item->type() == HistoryItemGroup) { MsgId threshold = (item->id > 0) ? item->id : static_cast(item)->minId(); if (threshold > msgId) { maxOther = startCheckOther; } else { minOther = checkOther; } break; } if (++checkOther == maxOther) { maxOther = startCheckOther; break; } } if (minOther + 1 == maxOther) { otherIndex = minOther; break; } } HistoryItem *item = _otherList.at(otherIndex); if (item->type() != HistoryItemGroup) return 0; HistoryGroup *result = static_cast(item); return (result->minId() < msgId && result->maxId() > msgId) ? result : 0; } HistoryItem *ChannelHistory::findPrevItem(HistoryItem *item) const { if (item->detached()) return 0; int32 itemIndex = item->block()->items.indexOf(item); int32 blockIndex = blocks.indexOf(item->block()); if (itemIndex < 0 || blockIndex < 0) return 0; for (++blockIndex, ++itemIndex; blockIndex > 0;) { --blockIndex; HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); if (!itemIndex) itemIndex = block->items.size(); for (; itemIndex > 0;) { --itemIndex; if (block->items.at(itemIndex)->type() == HistoryItemMsg) { return block->items.at(itemIndex); } } } return 0; } void ChannelHistory::messageDetached(HistoryItem *msg) { if (_collapseMessage == msg) { _collapseMessage = 0; } else if (_joinedMessage == msg) { _joinedMessage = 0; } } void ChannelHistory::messageDeleted(HistoryItem *msg) { int32 otherIndex = _otherList.indexOf(msg); if (otherIndex >= 0) _otherList.removeAt(otherIndex); if (msg->isImportant()) { // unite message groups around this important message in _otherList if (!_onlyImportant && otherIndex > 0 && otherIndex < _otherList.size()) { if (HistoryGroup *groupPrev = (_otherList[otherIndex - 1]->type() == HistoryItemGroup) ? static_cast(_otherList[otherIndex - 1]) : 0) { if (HistoryGroup *groupNext = (_otherList[otherIndex]->type() == HistoryItemGroup) ? static_cast(_otherList[otherIndex]) : 0) { groupPrev->uniteWith(groupNext); groupNext->destroy(); } } } } else { messageWithIdDeleted(msg->id); } } void ChannelHistory::messageWithIdDeleted(MsgId msgId) { if (HistoryGroup *group = findGroup(msgId)) { if (!group->decrementCount()) { group->destroy(); } } } bool DialogsList::del(const PeerId &peerId, DialogRow *replacedBy) { RowByPeer::iterator i = rowByPeer.find(peerId); if (i == rowByPeer.cend()) return false; DialogRow *row = i.value(); emit App::main()->dialogRowReplaced(row, replacedBy); if (row == current) { current = row->next; } for (DialogRow *change = row->next; change != end; change = change->next) { change->pos--; } end->pos--; remove(row); delete row; --count; rowByPeer.erase(i); return true; } void DialogsIndexed::peerNameChanged(PeerData *peer, const PeerData::Names &oldNames, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &oldChars) { if (sortMode == DialogsSortByName) { DialogRow *mainRow = list.adjustByName(peer); if (!mainRow) return; History *history = mainRow->history; PeerData::NameFirstChars toRemove = oldChars, toAdd; for (PeerData::NameFirstChars::const_iterator i = peer->chars.cbegin(), e = peer->chars.cend(); i != e; ++i) { PeerData::NameFirstChars::iterator j = toRemove.find(*i); if (j == toRemove.cend()) { toAdd.insert(*i); } else { toRemove.erase(j); DialogsIndex::iterator k = index.find(*i); if (k != index.cend()) { k.value()->adjustByName(peer); } } } for (PeerData::NameFirstChars::const_iterator i = toRemove.cbegin(), e = toRemove.cend(); i != e; ++i) { DialogsIndex::iterator j = index.find(*i); if (j != index.cend()) { j.value()->del(peer->id, mainRow); } } if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) { for (PeerData::NameFirstChars::const_iterator i = toAdd.cbegin(), e = toAdd.cend(); i != e; ++i) { DialogsIndex::iterator j = index.find(*i); if (j == index.cend()) { j = index.insert(*i, new DialogsList(sortMode)); } j.value()->addByName(history); } } } else { DialogsList::RowByPeer::const_iterator i = list.rowByPeer.find(peer->id); if (i == list.rowByPeer.cend()) return; DialogRow *mainRow = i.value(); History *history = mainRow->history; PeerData::NameFirstChars toRemove = oldChars, toAdd; for (PeerData::NameFirstChars::const_iterator i = peer->chars.cbegin(), e = peer->chars.cend(); i != e; ++i) { PeerData::NameFirstChars::iterator j = toRemove.find(*i); if (j == toRemove.cend()) { toAdd.insert(*i); } else { toRemove.erase(j); } } for (PeerData::NameFirstChars::const_iterator i = toRemove.cbegin(), e = toRemove.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (sortMode == DialogsSortByDate) history->dialogs.remove(*i); DialogsIndex::iterator j = index.find(*i); if (j != index.cend()) { j.value()->del(peer->id, mainRow); } } for (PeerData::NameFirstChars::const_iterator i = toAdd.cbegin(), e = toAdd.cend(); i != e; ++i) { DialogsIndex::iterator j = index.find(*i); if (j == index.cend()) { j = index.insert(*i, new DialogsList(sortMode)); } if (sortMode == DialogsSortByDate) { history->dialogs.insert(*i, j.value()->addToEnd(history)); } else { j.value()->addToEnd(history); } } } } void DialogsIndexed::clear() { for (DialogsIndex::iterator i = index.begin(), e = index.end(); i != e; ++i) { delete i.value(); } index.clear(); list.clear(); } History *Histories::find(const PeerId &peerId) { Map::const_iterator i = map.constFind(peerId); return (i == map.cend()) ? 0 : i.value(); } History *Histories::findOrInsert(const PeerId &peerId, int32 unreadCount, int32 maxInboxRead) { Map::const_iterator i = map.constFind(peerId); if (i == map.cend()) { i = map.insert(peerId, peerIsChannel(peerId) ? static_cast(new ChannelHistory(peerId)) : (new History(peerId))); i.value()->setUnreadCount(unreadCount, false); i.value()->inboxReadBefore = maxInboxRead + 1; } return i.value(); } void Histories::clear() { App::historyClearMsgs(); for (Map::const_iterator i = map.cbegin(), e = map.cend(); i != e; ++i) { delete i.value(); } App::historyClearItems(); typing.clear(); map.clear(); } void Histories::regSendAction(History *history, UserData *user, const MTPSendMessageAction &action) { if (action.type() == mtpc_sendMessageCancelAction) { history->unregTyping(user); return; } uint64 ms = getms(true); switch (action.type()) { case mtpc_sendMessageTypingAction: history->typing[user] = ms + 6000; break; case mtpc_sendMessageRecordVideoAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionRecordVideo, ms + 6000)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageUploadVideoAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionUploadVideo, ms + 6000, action.c_sendMessageUploadVideoAction().vprogress.v)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageRecordAudioAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionRecordAudio, ms + 6000)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageUploadAudioAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionUploadAudio, ms + 6000, action.c_sendMessageUploadAudioAction().vprogress.v)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageUploadPhotoAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionUploadPhoto, ms + 6000, action.c_sendMessageUploadPhotoAction().vprogress.v)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageUploadDocumentAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionUploadFile, ms + 6000, action.c_sendMessageUploadDocumentAction().vprogress.v)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageGeoLocationAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionChooseLocation, ms + 6000)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageChooseContactAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionChooseContact, ms + 6000)); break; default: return; } user->madeAction(); TypingHistories::const_iterator i = typing.find(history); if (i == typing.cend()) { typing.insert(history, ms); history->typingFrame = 0; } history->updateTyping(ms, history->typingFrame, true); anim::start(this); } bool Histories::animStep(float64) { uint64 ms = getms(true); for (TypingHistories::iterator i = typing.begin(), e = typing.end(); i != e;) { uint32 typingFrame = (ms - i.value()) / 150; i.key()->updateTyping(ms, typingFrame); if (i.key()->typing.isEmpty() && i.key()->sendActions.isEmpty()) { i = typing.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } return !typing.isEmpty(); } void Histories::remove(const PeerId &peer) { Map::iterator i = map.find(peer); if (i != map.cend()) { typing.remove(i.value()); delete i.value(); map.erase(i); } } HistoryItem *Histories::addNewMessage(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type) { PeerId peer = peerFromMessage(msg); if (!peer) return 0; return findOrInsert(peer, 0, 0)->addNewMessage(msg, type); } HistoryItem *History::createItem(HistoryBlock *block, const MTPMessage &msg, bool applyServiceAction, bool returnExisting) { HistoryItem *result = 0; MsgId msgId = 0; switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_messageEmpty: msgId = msg.c_messageEmpty().vid.v; break; case mtpc_message: msgId = msg.c_message().vid.v; break; case mtpc_messageService: msgId = msg.c_messageService().vid.v; break; } HistoryItem *existing = App::histItemById(channelId(), msgId); if (existing) { bool regged = false; if (existing->detached() && block) { existing->attach(block); regged = true; } if (msg.type() == mtpc_message) { existing->updateMedia(msg.c_message().has_media() ? (&msg.c_message().vmedia) : 0, (block ? false : true)); } return (returnExisting || regged) ? existing : 0; } switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_messageEmpty: result = new HistoryServiceMsg(this, block, msg.c_messageEmpty().vid.v, date(), lang(lng_message_empty)); break; case mtpc_message: { const MTPDmessage m(msg.c_message()); int badMedia = 0; // 1 - unsupported, 2 - empty if (m.has_media()) switch (m.vmedia.type()) { case mtpc_messageMediaEmpty: case mtpc_messageMediaContact: break; case mtpc_messageMediaGeo: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaGeo().vgeo.type()) { case mtpc_geoPoint: break; case mtpc_geoPointEmpty: badMedia = 2; break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaVenue: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaVenue().vgeo.type()) { case mtpc_geoPoint: break; case mtpc_geoPointEmpty: badMedia = 2; break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaPhoto: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaPhoto().vphoto.type()) { case mtpc_photo: break; case mtpc_photoEmpty: badMedia = 2; break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaVideo: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaVideo().vvideo.type()) { case mtpc_video: break; case mtpc_videoEmpty: badMedia = 2; break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaAudio: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaAudio().vaudio.type()) { case mtpc_audio: break; case mtpc_audioEmpty: badMedia = 2; break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaDocument: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaDocument().vdocument.type()) { case mtpc_document: break; case mtpc_documentEmpty: badMedia = 2; break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaWebPage: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaWebPage().vwebpage.type()) { case mtpc_webPage: case mtpc_webPageEmpty: case mtpc_webPagePending: break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaUnsupported: default: badMedia = 1; break; } if (badMedia) { result = new HistoryServiceMsg(this, block, m.vid.v, date(m.vdate), lang((badMedia == 2) ? lng_message_empty : lng_media_unsupported), m.vflags.v, 0, m.has_from_id() ? m.vfrom_id.v : 0); } else { if ((m.has_fwd_date() && m.vfwd_date.v > 0) || (m.has_fwd_from_id() && peerFromMTP(m.vfwd_from_id) != 0)) { result = new HistoryForwarded(this, block, m); } else if (m.has_reply_to_msg_id() && m.vreply_to_msg_id.v > 0) { result = new HistoryReply(this, block, m); } else { result = new HistoryMessage(this, block, m); } if (m.has_reply_markup()) { App::feedReplyMarkup(channelId(), msgId, m.vreply_markup); } } } break; case mtpc_messageService: { const MTPDmessageService &d(msg.c_messageService()); result = new HistoryServiceMsg(this, block, d); if (applyServiceAction) { const MTPmessageAction &action(d.vaction); switch (d.vaction.type()) { case mtpc_messageActionChatAddUser: { const MTPDmessageActionChatAddUser &d(action.c_messageActionChatAddUser()); // App::user(App::peerFromUser(d.vuser_id)); added } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatJoinedByLink: { const MTPDmessageActionChatJoinedByLink &d(action.c_messageActionChatJoinedByLink()); // App::user(App::peerFromUser(d.vuser_id)); added } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatDeletePhoto: { ChatData *chat = peer->asChat(); if (chat) chat->setPhoto(MTP_chatPhotoEmpty()); } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatDeleteUser: { const MTPDmessageActionChatDeleteUser &d(action.c_messageActionChatDeleteUser()); if (lastKeyboardFrom == peerFromUser(d.vuser_id)) { clearLastKeyboard(); } // App::peer(App::peerFromUser(d.vuser_id)); left } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatEditPhoto: { const MTPDmessageActionChatEditPhoto &d(action.c_messageActionChatEditPhoto()); if (d.vphoto.type() == mtpc_photo) { const QVector &sizes(d.vphoto.c_photo().vsizes.c_vector().v); if (!sizes.isEmpty()) { PhotoData *photo = App::feedPhoto(d.vphoto.c_photo()); if (photo) photo->peer = peer; const MTPPhotoSize &smallSize(sizes.front()), &bigSize(sizes.back()); const MTPFileLocation *smallLoc = 0, *bigLoc = 0; switch (smallSize.type()) { case mtpc_photoSize: smallLoc = &smallSize.c_photoSize().vlocation; break; case mtpc_photoCachedSize: smallLoc = &smallSize.c_photoCachedSize().vlocation; break; } switch (bigSize.type()) { case mtpc_photoSize: bigLoc = &bigSize.c_photoSize().vlocation; break; case mtpc_photoCachedSize: bigLoc = &bigSize.c_photoCachedSize().vlocation; break; } if (smallLoc && bigLoc) { if (peer->isChat()) { peer->asChat()->setPhoto(MTP_chatPhoto(*smallLoc, *bigLoc), photo ? photo->id : 0); } else if (peer->isChannel()) { peer->asChannel()->setPhoto(MTP_chatPhoto(*smallLoc, *bigLoc), photo ? photo->id : 0); } peer->photo->load(); } } } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatEditTitle: { const MTPDmessageActionChatEditTitle &d(action.c_messageActionChatEditTitle()); ChatData *chat = peer->asChat(); if (chat) chat->updateName(qs(d.vtitle), QString(), QString()); } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatMigrateTo: { peer->asChat()->flags |= MTPDchat::flag_deactivated; //const MTPDmessageActionChatMigrateTo &d(action.c_messageActionChatMigrateTo()); //PeerData *channel = App::peerLoaded(peerFromChannel(d.vchannel_id)); } break; case mtpc_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom: { //const MTPDmessageActionChannelMigrateFrom &d(action.c_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom()); //PeerData *chat = App::peerLoaded(peerFromChat(d.vchat_id)); } break; } } } break; } return regItem(result, returnExisting); } HistoryItem *History::createItemForwarded(HistoryBlock *block, MsgId id, QDateTime date, int32 from, HistoryMessage *msg) { HistoryItem *result = 0; result = new HistoryForwarded(this, block, id, date, from, msg); return regItem(result); } HistoryItem *History::createItemDocument(HistoryBlock *block, MsgId id, int32 flags, MsgId replyTo, QDateTime date, int32 from, DocumentData *doc) { HistoryItem *result = 0; if (flags & MTPDmessage::flag_reply_to_msg_id && replyTo > 0) { result = new HistoryReply(this, block, id, flags, replyTo, date, from, doc); } else { result = new HistoryMessage(this, block, id, flags, date, from, doc); } return regItem(result); } HistoryItem *History::addNewService(MsgId msgId, QDateTime date, const QString &text, int32 flags, HistoryMedia *media, bool newMsg) { HistoryBlock *to = 0; bool newBlock = blocks.isEmpty(); if (newBlock) { to = new HistoryBlock(this); } else { to = blocks.back(); } return addNewItem(to, newBlock, regItem(new HistoryServiceMsg(this, to, msgId, date, text, flags, media)), newMsg); } HistoryItem *History::addNewMessage(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type) { if (isChannel()) return asChannelHistory()->addNewChannelMessage(msg, type); if (type == NewMessageExisting) return addToHistory(msg); if (!loadedAtBottom() || peer->migrateTo()) { HistoryItem *item = addToHistory(msg); if (item) { setLastMessage(item); if (type == NewMessageUnread) { newItemAdded(item); } } return item; } HistoryBlock *to = 0; bool newBlock = blocks.isEmpty(); if (newBlock) { to = new HistoryBlock(this); } else { to = blocks.back(); } return addNewItem(to, newBlock, createItem(to, msg, (type == NewMessageUnread)), (type == NewMessageUnread)); } HistoryItem *History::addToHistory(const MTPMessage &msg) { return createItem(0, msg, false, true); } HistoryItem *History::addNewForwarded(MsgId id, QDateTime date, int32 from, HistoryMessage *item) { HistoryBlock *to = 0; bool newBlock = blocks.isEmpty(); if (newBlock) { to = new HistoryBlock(this); } else { to = blocks.back(); } return addNewItem(to, newBlock, createItemForwarded(to, id, date, from, item), true); } HistoryItem *History::addNewDocument(MsgId id, int32 flags, MsgId replyTo, QDateTime date, int32 from, DocumentData *doc) { HistoryBlock *to = 0; bool newBlock = blocks.isEmpty(); if (newBlock) { to = new HistoryBlock(this); } else { to = blocks.back(); } return addNewItem(to, newBlock, createItemDocument(to, id, flags, replyTo, date, from, doc), true); } void History::createInitialDateBlock(const QDateTime &date) { HistoryBlock *dateBlock = new HistoryBlock(this); // date block HistoryItem *dayItem = createDayServiceMsg(this, dateBlock, date); dateBlock->items.push_back(dayItem); if (width) { int32 dh = dayItem->resize(width); dateBlock->height = dh; height += dh; for (int32 i = 0, l = blocks.size(); i < l; ++i) { blocks[i]->y += dh; } } blocks.push_front(dateBlock); } void History::addToOverview(HistoryItem *item, MediaOverviewType type) { if (overviewIds[type].constFind(item->id) == overviewIds[type].cend()) { overview[type].push_back(item->id); overviewIds[type].insert(item->id, NullType()); if (overviewCount[type] > 0) ++overviewCount[type]; if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); } } bool History::addToOverviewFront(HistoryItem *item, MediaOverviewType type) { if (overviewIds[type].constFind(item->id) == overviewIds[type].cend()) { overview[type].push_front(item->id); overviewIds[type].insert(item->id, NullType()); return true; } return false; } HistoryItem *History::addNewItem(HistoryBlock *to, bool newBlock, HistoryItem *adding, bool newMsg) { if (!adding) { if (newBlock) delete to; return adding; } if (newBlock) { createInitialDateBlock(adding->date); to->y = height; blocks.push_back(to); } else if (to->items.back()->date.date() != adding->date.date()) { HistoryItem *dayItem = createDayServiceMsg(this, to, adding->date); to->items.push_back(dayItem); dayItem->y = to->height; if (width) { int32 dh = dayItem->resize(width); to->height += dh; height += dh; } } to->items.push_back(adding); setLastMessage(adding); adding->y = to->height; if (width) { int32 dh = adding->resize(width); to->height += dh; height += dh; } if (newMsg) { newItemAdded(adding); } if (adding->indexInOverview()) { HistoryMedia *media = adding->getMedia(true); if (media) { HistoryMediaType mt = media->type(); MediaOverviewType t = mediaToOverviewType(mt); if (t != OverviewCount) { if (mt == MediaTypeDocument && static_cast(media)->document()->song()) { addToOverview(adding, OverviewAudioDocuments); } else { addToOverview(adding, t); } } } if (adding->hasTextLinks()) { addToOverview(adding, OverviewLinks); } } if (adding->from()->id) { if (adding->from()->isUser()) { QList *lastAuthors = 0; if (peer->isChat()) { lastAuthors = &peer->asChat()->lastAuthors; } else if (peer->isMegagroup() && !peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipants.isEmpty()) { lastAuthors = &peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipants; } if (lastAuthors) { int prev = lastAuthors->indexOf(adding->from()->asUser()); if (prev > 0) { lastAuthors->removeAt(prev); } if (prev) { lastAuthors->push_front(adding->from()->asUser()); } } } if (adding->hasReplyMarkup()) { int32 markupFlags = App::replyMarkup(channelId(), adding->id).flags; if (!(markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::flag_selective) || adding->mentionsMe()) { QMap *markupSenders = 0; if (peer->isChat()) { markupSenders = &peer->asChat()->markupSenders; } else if (peer->isMegagroup()) { markupSenders = &peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->markupSenders; } if (markupSenders) { markupSenders->insert(adding->from(), true); } if (markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_flag_ZERO) { // zero markup means replyKeyboardHide if (lastKeyboardFrom == adding->from()->id || (!lastKeyboardInited && !peer->isChat() && !peer->isMegagroup() && !adding->out())) { clearLastKeyboard(); } } else { bool botNotInChat = false; if (peer->isChat()) { botNotInChat = adding->from()->isUser() && (!peer->canWrite() || !peer->asChat()->participants.isEmpty()) && !peer->asChat()->participants.contains(adding->from()->asUser()); } else if (peer->isMegagroup()) { botNotInChat = adding->from()->isUser() && (!peer->canWrite() || !peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->bots.isEmpty()) && !peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->bots.contains(adding->from()->asUser()); } if (botNotInChat) { clearLastKeyboard(); } else { lastKeyboardInited = true; lastKeyboardId = adding->id; lastKeyboardFrom = adding->from()->id; lastKeyboardUsed = false; } } } } } return adding; } void History::unregTyping(UserData *from) { uint64 updateAtMs = 0; TypingUsers::iterator i = typing.find(from); if (i != typing.end()) { updateAtMs = getms(true); i.value() = updateAtMs; } SendActionUsers::iterator j = sendActions.find(from); if (j != sendActions.end()) { if (!updateAtMs) updateAtMs = getms(true); j.value().until = updateAtMs; } if (updateAtMs) { updateTyping(updateAtMs, 0, true); } } void History::newItemAdded(HistoryItem *item) { App::checkImageCacheSize(); if (item->from() && item->from()->isUser()) { unregTyping(item->from()->asUser()); item->from()->asUser()->madeAction(); } if (item->out()) { if (unreadBar) unreadBar->destroy(); if (!item->unread()) { outboxRead(item); } } else if (item->unread()) { bool skip = false; if (!isChannel() || peer->asChannel()->amIn()) { notifies.push_back(item); App::main()->newUnreadMsg(this, item); } } else if (!item->isGroupMigrate() || !peer->isMegagroup()) { inboxRead(item); } } HistoryItem *History::addItemAfterPrevToBlock(HistoryItem *item, HistoryItem *prev, HistoryBlock *block) { if (prev && prev->date.date() != item->date.date()) { HistoryItem *dayItem = createDayServiceMsg(this, prev->block(), item->date); prev->block()->items.push_back(dayItem); if (width) { dayItem->y = prev->block()->height; prev->block()->height += dayItem->resize(width); if (prev->block() != block) { height += dayItem->height(); } } } block->items.push_back(item); if (width) { item->y = block->height; block->height += item->resize(width); } return item; } HistoryItem *History::addMessageGroupAfterPrevToBlock(const MTPDmessageGroup &group, HistoryItem *prev, HistoryBlock *block) { if (prev && prev->type() == HistoryItemGroup) { static_cast(prev)->uniteWith(group.vmin_id.v, group.vmax_id.v, group.vcount.v); return prev; } return addItemAfterPrevToBlock(regItem(new HistoryGroup(this, block, group, prev ? prev->date : date(group.vdate))), prev, block); } HistoryItem *History::addMessageGroupAfterPrev(HistoryItem *newItem, HistoryItem *prev) { if (prev && prev->type() == HistoryItemGroup) { static_cast(prev)->uniteWith(newItem); return prev; } QDateTime date = prev ? prev->date : newItem->date; HistoryBlock *block = prev ? prev->block() : 0; if (!block) { createInitialDateBlock(date); block = new HistoryBlock(this); block->y = height; blocks.push_back(block); } return addItemAfterPrevToBlock(regItem(new HistoryGroup(this, block, newItem, date)), prev, block); } void History::addOlderSlice(const QVector &slice, const QVector *collapsed) { if (slice.isEmpty()) { oldLoaded = true; if (!collapsed || collapsed->isEmpty() || !isChannel()) { if (isChannel()) { asChannelHistory()->checkJoinedMessage(); asChannelHistory()->checkMaxReadMessageDate(); } return; } } const MTPMessageGroup *groupsBegin = (isChannel() && collapsed) ? collapsed->constData() : 0, *groupsIt = groupsBegin, *groupsEnd = (isChannel() && collapsed) ? (groupsBegin + collapsed->size()) : 0; int32 addToH = 0, skip = 0; if (!blocks.isEmpty()) { // remove date block if (width) addToH = -blocks.front()->height; delete blocks.front(); blocks.pop_front(); } HistoryItem *till = blocks.isEmpty() ? 0 : blocks.front()->items.front(), *prev = 0; HistoryBlock *block = new HistoryBlock(this); block->items.reserve(slice.size() + (collapsed ? collapsed->size() : 0)); for (QVector::const_iterator i = slice.cend(), e = slice.cbegin(); i != e;) { --i; HistoryItem *adding = createItem(block, *i, false); if (!adding) continue; for (; groupsIt != groupsEnd; ++groupsIt) { if (groupsIt->type() != mtpc_messageGroup) continue; const MTPDmessageGroup &group(groupsIt->c_messageGroup()); if (group.vmin_id.v >= adding->id) break; prev = addMessageGroupAfterPrevToBlock(group, prev, block); } prev = addItemAfterPrevToBlock(adding, prev, block); } for (; groupsIt != groupsEnd; ++groupsIt) { if (groupsIt->type() != mtpc_messageGroup) continue; const MTPDmessageGroup &group(groupsIt->c_messageGroup()); prev = addMessageGroupAfterPrevToBlock(group, prev, block); } while (till && prev && till->type() == HistoryItemGroup && prev->type() == HistoryItemGroup) { static_cast(prev)->uniteWith(static_cast(till)); till->detach(); delete till; if (blocks.front()->items.isEmpty()) { delete blocks.front(); blocks.pop_front(); } till = blocks.isEmpty() ? 0 : blocks.front()->items.front(); } if (till && prev && prev->date.date() != till->date.date()) { HistoryItem *dayItem = createDayServiceMsg(this, block, till->date); block->items.push_back(dayItem); if (width) { dayItem->y = block->height; block->height += dayItem->resize(width); } } if (!block->items.isEmpty()) { blocks.push_front(block); if (width) { addToH += block->height; ++skip; } if (loadedAtBottom()) { // add photos to overview and authors to lastAuthors / lastParticipants bool channel = isChannel(); int32 mask = 0; QList *lastAuthors = 0; QMap *markupSenders = 0; if (peer->isChat()) { lastAuthors = &peer->asChat()->lastAuthors; markupSenders = &peer->asChat()->markupSenders; } else if (peer->isMegagroup()) { if (!peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipants.isEmpty()) { lastAuthors = &peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipants; } markupSenders = &peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->markupSenders; } for (int32 i = block->items.size(); i > 0; --i) { HistoryItem *item = block->items[i - 1]; if (!item->indexInOverview()) continue; HistoryMedia *media = item->getMedia(true); if (media) { HistoryMediaType mt = media->type(); MediaOverviewType t = mediaToOverviewType(mt); if (t != OverviewCount) { if (mt == MediaTypeDocument && static_cast(media)->document()->song()) { if (addToOverviewFront(item, OverviewAudioDocuments)) mask |= (1 << OverviewAudioDocuments); } else { if (addToOverviewFront(item, t)) mask |= (1 << t); } } } if (item->hasTextLinks()) { if (addToOverviewFront(item, OverviewLinks)) mask |= (1 << OverviewLinks); } if (item->from()->id) { if (lastAuthors) { // chats if (item->from()->isUser() && !lastAuthors->contains(item->from()->asUser())) { lastAuthors->push_back(item->from()->asUser()); } } if (markupSenders) { // chats with bots if (!lastKeyboardInited && item->hasReplyMarkup() && !item->out()) { int32 markupFlags = App::replyMarkup(channelId(), item->id).flags; if (!(markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::flag_selective) || item->mentionsMe()) { bool wasKeyboardHide = markupSenders->contains(item->from()); if (!wasKeyboardHide) { markupSenders->insert(item->from(), true); } if (!(markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_flag_ZERO)) { if (!lastKeyboardInited) { bool botNotInChat = false; if (peer->isChat()) { botNotInChat = (!peer->canWrite() || !peer->asChat()->participants.isEmpty()) && item->from()->isUser() && !peer->asChat()->participants.contains(item->from()->asUser()); } else if (peer->isMegagroup()) { botNotInChat = (!peer->canWrite() || !peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->bots.isEmpty()) && item->from()->isUser() && !peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->bots.contains(item->from()->asUser()); } if (wasKeyboardHide || botNotInChat) { clearLastKeyboard(); } else { lastKeyboardInited = true; lastKeyboardId = item->id; lastKeyboardFrom = item->from()->id; lastKeyboardUsed = false; } } } } } } else if (!lastKeyboardInited && item->hasReplyMarkup() && !item->out()) { // conversations with bots int32 markupFlags = App::replyMarkup(channelId(), item->id).flags; if (!(markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::flag_selective) || item->mentionsMe()) { if (markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_flag_ZERO) { clearLastKeyboard(); } else { lastKeyboardInited = true; lastKeyboardId = item->id; lastKeyboardFrom = item->from()->id; lastKeyboardUsed = false; } } } } } for (int32 t = 0; t < OverviewCount; ++t) { if ((mask & (1 << t)) && App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, MediaOverviewType(t)); } } } else { delete block; } if (!blocks.isEmpty()) { HistoryBlock *dateBlock = new HistoryBlock(this); HistoryItem *dayItem = createDayServiceMsg(this, dateBlock, blocks.front()->items.front()->date); dateBlock->items.push_back(dayItem); if (width) { int32 dh = dayItem->resize(width); dateBlock->height = dh; if (skip) { blocks.front()->y += dh; } addToH += dh; ++skip; } blocks.push_front(dateBlock); // date block } if (width && addToH) { for (Blocks::iterator i = blocks.begin(), e = blocks.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (skip) { --skip; } else { (*i)->y += addToH; } } height += addToH; } if (isChannel()) { asChannelHistory()->checkJoinedMessage(); asChannelHistory()->checkMaxReadMessageDate(); } if (newLoaded && !lastMsg) setLastMessage(lastImportantMessage()); } void History::addNewerSlice(const QVector &slice, const QVector *collapsed) { bool wasEmpty = isEmpty(), wasLoadedAtBottom = loadedAtBottom(); if (slice.isEmpty()) { newLoaded = true; if (!lastMsg) setLastMessage(lastImportantMessage()); } if (!slice.isEmpty() || (isChannel() && collapsed && !collapsed->isEmpty())) { const MTPMessageGroup *groupsBegin = (isChannel() && collapsed) ? collapsed->constData() : 0, *groupsIt = groupsBegin, *groupsEnd = (isChannel() && collapsed) ? (groupsBegin + collapsed->size()) : 0; HistoryItem *prev = blocks.isEmpty() ? 0 : blocks.back()->items.back(); HistoryBlock *block = new HistoryBlock(this); block->items.reserve(slice.size() + (collapsed ? collapsed->size() : 0)); for (QVector::const_iterator i = slice.cend(), e = slice.cbegin(); i != e;) { --i; HistoryItem *adding = createItem(block, *i, false); if (!adding) continue; for (; groupsIt != groupsEnd; ++groupsIt) { if (groupsIt->type() != mtpc_messageGroup) continue; const MTPDmessageGroup &group(groupsIt->c_messageGroup()); if (group.vmin_id.v >= adding->id) break; prev = addMessageGroupAfterPrevToBlock(group, prev, block); } prev = addItemAfterPrevToBlock(adding, prev, block); } for (; groupsIt != groupsEnd; ++groupsIt) { if (groupsIt->type() != mtpc_messageGroup) continue; const MTPDmessageGroup &group(groupsIt->c_messageGroup()); prev = addMessageGroupAfterPrevToBlock(group, prev, block); } if (block->items.size()) { block->y = height; blocks.push_back(block); height += block->height; } else { newLoaded = true; setLastMessage(lastImportantMessage()); delete block; } } if (!wasLoadedAtBottom && loadedAtBottom()) { // add all loaded photos to overview int32 mask = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { if (overviewCount[i] == 0) continue; // all loaded if (!overview[i].isEmpty() || !overviewIds[i].isEmpty()) { overview[i].clear(); overviewIds[i].clear(); mask |= (1 << i); } } bool channel = isChannel(); for (int32 i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) { HistoryBlock *b = blocks[i]; for (int32 j = 0; j < b->items.size(); ++j) { HistoryItem *item = b->items[j]; if (!item->indexInOverview()) continue; HistoryMedia *media = item->getMedia(true); if (media) { HistoryMediaType mt = media->type(); MediaOverviewType t = mediaToOverviewType(mt); if (t != OverviewCount) { if (mt == MediaTypeDocument && static_cast(media)->document()->song()) { t = OverviewAudioDocuments; if (overviewCount[t] != 0) { overview[t].push_back(item->id); overviewIds[t].insert(item->id, NullType()); mask |= (1 << t); } } else { if (overviewCount[t] != 0) { overview[t].push_back(item->id); overviewIds[t].insert(item->id, NullType()); mask |= (1 << t); } } } } if (item->hasTextLinks()) { MediaOverviewType t = OverviewLinks; if (overviewCount[t] != 0) { overview[t].push_back(item->id); overviewIds[t].insert(item->id, NullType()); mask |= (1 << t); } } } } for (int32 t = 0; t < OverviewCount; ++t) { if ((mask & (1 << t)) && App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, MediaOverviewType(t)); } } if (wasEmpty && !isEmpty()) { HistoryBlock *dateBlock = new HistoryBlock(this); HistoryItem *dayItem = createDayServiceMsg(this, dateBlock, blocks.front()->items.front()->date); dateBlock->items.push_back(dayItem); int32 dh = dayItem->resize(width); dateBlock->height = dh; for (Blocks::iterator i = blocks.begin(), e = blocks.end(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->y += dh; } blocks.push_front(dateBlock); // date block height += dh; } if (isChannel()) asChannelHistory()->checkJoinedMessage(); } int32 History::countUnread(MsgId upTo) { int32 result = 0; for (Blocks::const_iterator i = blocks.cend(), e = blocks.cbegin(); i != e;) { --i; for (HistoryBlock::Items::const_iterator j = (*i)->items.cend(), en = (*i)->items.cbegin(); j != en;) { --j; if ((*j)->id > 0 && (*j)->id <= upTo) { break; } else if (!(*j)->out() && (*j)->unread() && (*j)->id > upTo) { ++result; } } } return result; } void History::updateShowFrom() { if (showFrom) return; for (Blocks::const_iterator i = blocks.cend(); i != blocks.cbegin();) { --i; for (HistoryBlock::Items::const_iterator j = (*i)->items.cend(); j != (*i)->items.cbegin();) { --j; if ((*j)->type() == HistoryItemMsg && (*j)->id > 0 && (!(*j)->out() || !showFrom)) { if ((*j)->id >= inboxReadBefore) { showFrom = *j; } else { return; } } } } } MsgId History::inboxRead(MsgId upTo) { if (upTo < 0) return upTo; if (unreadCount) { if (upTo && loadedAtBottom()) App::main()->historyToDown(this); setUnreadCount(upTo ? countUnread(upTo) : 0); } if (!upTo) upTo = msgIdForRead(); inboxReadBefore = qMax(inboxReadBefore, upTo + 1); if (App::main()) { if (!dialogs.isEmpty()) { App::main()->dlgUpdated(dialogs[0]); } if (peer->migrateTo()) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateTo()->id)) { if (!h->dialogs.isEmpty()) { App::main()->dlgUpdated(h->dialogs[0]); } } } } showFrom = 0; App::wnd()->notifyClear(this); clearNotifications(); return upTo; } MsgId History::inboxRead(HistoryItem *wasRead) { return inboxRead(wasRead ? wasRead->id : 0); } MsgId History::outboxRead(int32 upTo) { if (upTo < 0) return upTo; if (!upTo) upTo = msgIdForRead(); if (outboxReadBefore < upTo + 1) outboxReadBefore = upTo + 1; return upTo; } MsgId History::outboxRead(HistoryItem *wasRead) { return outboxRead(wasRead ? wasRead->id : 0); } HistoryItem *History::lastImportantMessage() const { if (isEmpty()) return 0; bool channel = isChannel(); for (int32 blockIndex = blocks.size(); blockIndex > 0;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(--blockIndex); for (int32 itemIndex = block->items.size(); itemIndex > 0;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(--itemIndex); if ((channel && !isMegagroup()) ? item->isImportant() : (item->type() == HistoryItemMsg)) { return item; } } } return 0; } void History::setUnreadCount(int32 newUnreadCount, bool psUpdate) { if (unreadCount != newUnreadCount) { if (newUnreadCount == 1) { if (loadedAtBottom()) showFrom = lastImportantMessage(); inboxReadBefore = qMax(inboxReadBefore, msgIdForRead()); } else if (!newUnreadCount) { showFrom = 0; inboxReadBefore = qMax(inboxReadBefore, msgIdForRead() + 1); } App::histories().unreadFull += newUnreadCount - unreadCount; if (mute) App::histories().unreadMuted += newUnreadCount - unreadCount; unreadCount = newUnreadCount; if (psUpdate && (!mute || cIncludeMuted())) App::wnd()->updateCounter(); if (unreadBar) { int32 count = unreadCount; if (peer->migrateTo()) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateTo()->id)) { count += h->unreadCount; } } unreadBar->setCount(count); } } } void History::setMute(bool newMute) { if (mute != newMute) { App::histories().unreadMuted += newMute ? unreadCount : (-unreadCount); mute = newMute; if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->updateCounter(); if (!dialogs.isEmpty() && App::main()) App::main()->dlgUpdated(dialogs[0]); } } void History::getNextShowFrom(HistoryBlock *block, int32 i) { if (i >= 0) { int32 l = block->items.size(); for (++i; i < l; ++i) { if (block->items[i]->type() == HistoryItemMsg) { showFrom = block->items[i]; return; } } } int32 j = blocks.indexOf(block), s = blocks.size(); if (j >= 0) { for (++j; j < s; ++j) { block = blocks[j]; for (int32 i = 0, l = block->items.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (block->items[i]->type() == HistoryItemMsg) { showFrom = block->items[i]; return; } } } } showFrom = 0; } void History::addUnreadBar() { if (unreadBar || !showFrom || showFrom->detached() || !unreadCount) return; int32 count = unreadCount; if (peer->migrateTo()) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateTo()->id)) { count += h->unreadCount; } } HistoryBlock *block = showFrom->block(); unreadBar = new HistoryUnreadBar(this, block, count, showFrom->date); if (!addNewInTheMiddle(unreadBar, blocks.indexOf(block), block->items.indexOf(showFrom))) { unreadBar = 0; } } HistoryItem *History::addNewInTheMiddle(HistoryItem *newItem, int32 blockIndex, int32 itemIndex) { if (!regItem(newItem)) { return 0; } if (blockIndex < 0 || itemIndex < 0 || blockIndex >= blocks.size() || itemIndex > blocks.at(blockIndex)->items.size()) { delete newItem; return 0; } HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); newItem->y = (itemIndex < block->items.size()) ? block->items.at(itemIndex)->y : block->height; block->items.insert(itemIndex, newItem); if (width) { int32 dh = newItem->resize(width), l = block->items.size(); for (++itemIndex; itemIndex < l; ++itemIndex) { block->items[itemIndex]->y += dh; } block->height += dh; for (++blockIndex, l = blocks.size(); blockIndex < l; ++blockIndex) { blocks[blockIndex]->y += dh; } height += dh; } return newItem; } void History::clearNotifications() { notifies.clear(); } bool History::loadedAtBottom() const { return newLoaded; } bool History::loadedAtTop() const { return oldLoaded; } bool History::isReadyFor(MsgId msgId, MsgId &fixInScrollMsgId, int32 &fixInScrollMsgTop) { if (msgId < 0 && -msgId < ServerMaxMsgId && peer->migrateFrom()) { // old group history return App::history(peer->migrateFrom()->id)->isReadyFor(-msgId, fixInScrollMsgId, fixInScrollMsgTop); } if (msgId != ShowAtTheEndMsgId && msgId != ShowAtUnreadMsgId && isChannel()) { return asChannelHistory()->isSwitchReadyFor(msgId, fixInScrollMsgId, fixInScrollMsgTop); } fixInScrollMsgId = 0; fixInScrollMsgTop = 0; if (msgId == ShowAtTheEndMsgId) { return loadedAtBottom(); } if (msgId == ShowAtUnreadMsgId) { if (peer->migrateFrom()) { // old group history if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateFrom()->id)) { if (h->unreadCount) { return h->isReadyFor(msgId, fixInScrollMsgId, fixInScrollMsgTop); } } } if (unreadCount) { if (!isEmpty()) { return (loadedAtTop() || minMsgId() <= inboxReadBefore) && (loadedAtBottom() || maxMsgId() >= inboxReadBefore); } return false; } return loadedAtBottom(); } HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(channelId(), msgId); return item && (item->history() == this) && !item->detached(); } void History::getReadyFor(MsgId msgId, MsgId &fixInScrollMsgId, int32 &fixInScrollMsgTop) { if (msgId < 0 && -msgId < ServerMaxMsgId && peer->migrateFrom()) { History *h = App::history(peer->migrateFrom()->id); h->getReadyFor(-msgId, fixInScrollMsgId, fixInScrollMsgTop); if (h->isEmpty()) { clear(true); newLoaded = oldLoaded = false; lastWidth = 0; } return; } if (msgId != ShowAtTheEndMsgId && msgId != ShowAtUnreadMsgId && isChannel()) { return asChannelHistory()->getSwitchReadyFor(msgId, fixInScrollMsgId, fixInScrollMsgTop); } if (msgId == ShowAtUnreadMsgId && peer->migrateFrom()) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateFrom()->id)) { if (h->unreadCount) { clear(true); newLoaded = oldLoaded = false; lastWidth = 0; h->getReadyFor(msgId, fixInScrollMsgId, fixInScrollMsgTop); return; } } } if (!isReadyFor(msgId, fixInScrollMsgId, fixInScrollMsgTop)) { clear(true); newLoaded = (msgId == ShowAtTheEndMsgId); oldLoaded = false; lastWidth = 0; } } void History::setNotLoadedAtBottom() { newLoaded = false; } namespace { uint32 _dialogsPosToTopShift = 0x80000000UL; } inline uint64 dialogPosFromDate(const QDateTime &date) { return (uint64(date.toTime_t()) << 32) | (++_dialogsPosToTopShift); } void History::setLastMessage(HistoryItem *msg) { if (msg) { if (!lastMsg) Local::removeSavedPeer(peer); lastMsg = msg; setPosInDialogsDate(msg->date); } else { lastMsg = 0; } if (!dialogs.isEmpty() && App::main()) App::main()->dlgUpdated(dialogs[0]); } void History::setPosInDialogsDate(const QDateTime &date) { bool updateDialog = (App::main() && (!peer->isChannel() || peer->asChannel()->amIn() || !dialogs.isEmpty())); if (peer->migrateTo() && dialogs.isEmpty()) { updateDialog = false; } if (!lastMsgDate.isNull() && lastMsgDate >= date) { if (!updateDialog || !dialogs.isEmpty()) { return; } } lastMsgDate = date; posInDialogs = dialogPosFromDate(lastMsgDate); if (updateDialog) { App::main()->createDialog(this); } } void History::fixLastMessage(bool wasAtBottom) { setLastMessage(wasAtBottom ? lastImportantMessage() : 0); } MsgId History::minMsgId() const { for (Blocks::const_iterator i = blocks.cbegin(), e = blocks.cend(); i != e; ++i) { for (HistoryBlock::Items::const_iterator j = (*i)->items.cbegin(), en = (*i)->items.cend(); j != en; ++j) { if ((*j)->id > 0) { return (*j)->id; } } } return 0; } MsgId History::maxMsgId() const { for (Blocks::const_iterator i = blocks.cend(), e = blocks.cbegin(); i != e;) { --i; for (HistoryBlock::Items::const_iterator j = (*i)->items.cend(), en = (*i)->items.cbegin(); j != en;) { --j; if ((*j)->id > 0) { return (*j)->id; } } } return 0; } MsgId History::msgIdForRead() const { MsgId result = (lastMsg && lastMsg->id > 0) ? lastMsg->id : 0; if (loadedAtBottom()) result = qMax(result, maxMsgId()); return result; } int32 History::geomResize(int32 newWidth, int32 *ytransform, HistoryItem *resizedItem) { if (width != newWidth) resizedItem = 0; // recount all items if (width != newWidth || resizedItem) { int32 y = 0; for (Blocks::iterator i = blocks.begin(), e = blocks.end(); i != e; ++i) { HistoryBlock *block = *i; bool updTransform = ytransform && (*ytransform >= block->y) && (*ytransform < block->y + block->height); if (updTransform) *ytransform -= block->y; if (block->y != y) { block->y = y; } y += block->geomResize(newWidth, ytransform, resizedItem); if (updTransform) { *ytransform += block->y; ytransform = 0; } } width = newWidth; height = y; } return height; } ChannelHistory *History::asChannelHistory() { return isChannel() ? static_cast(this) : 0; } const ChannelHistory *History::asChannelHistory() const { return isChannel() ? static_cast(this) : 0; } void History::clear(bool leaveItems) { if (unreadBar) { unreadBar->destroy(); } if (showFrom) { showFrom = 0; } if (!leaveItems) { setLastMessage(0); } for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { if (!overview[i].isEmpty() || !overviewIds[i].isEmpty()) { if (leaveItems) { if (overviewCount[i] == 0) overviewCount[i] = overview[i].size(); } else { overviewCount[i] = -1; // not loaded yet } overview[i].clear(); overviewIds[i].clear(); if (App::wnd() && !App::quiting()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, MediaOverviewType(i)); } } for (Blocks::const_iterator i = blocks.cbegin(), e = blocks.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (leaveItems) { (*i)->clear(true); } delete *i; } blocks.clear(); if (leaveItems) { lastKeyboardInited = false; } else { setUnreadCount(0); } height = 0; oldLoaded = false; if (peer->isChat()) { peer->asChat()->lastAuthors.clear(); peer->asChat()->markupSenders.clear(); } else if (isChannel()) { asChannelHistory()->cleared(); if (isMegagroup()) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->markupSenders.clear(); } } if (leaveItems && App::main()) App::main()->historyCleared(this); } void History::blockResized(HistoryBlock *block, int32 dh) { int32 i = blocks.indexOf(block), l = blocks.size(); if (i >= 0) { for (++i; i < l; ++i) { blocks[i]->y -= dh; } height -= dh; } } void History::clearUpto(MsgId msgId) { for (HistoryItem *item = isEmpty() ? 0 : blocks.back()->items.back(); item && (item->id < 0 || item->id >= msgId); item = isEmpty() ? 0 : blocks.back()->items.back()) { item->destroy(); } } void History::removeBlock(HistoryBlock *block) { int32 i = blocks.indexOf(block), h = block->height; if (i >= 0) { blocks.removeAt(i); int32 l = blocks.size(); if (i > 0 && l == 1) { // only fake block with date left removeBlock(blocks[0]); height = 0; } else if (h) { for (; i < l; ++i) { blocks[i]->y -= h; } height -= h; } } delete block; } int32 HistoryBlock::geomResize(int32 newWidth, int32 *ytransform, HistoryItem *resizedItem) { int32 y = 0; for (Items::iterator i = items.begin(), e = items.end(); i != e; ++i) { HistoryItem *item = *i; bool updTransform = ytransform && (*ytransform >= item->y) && (*ytransform < item->y + item->height()); if (updTransform) *ytransform -= item->y; item->y = y; if (!resizedItem || resizedItem == item) { y += item->resize(newWidth); } else { y += item->height(); } if (updTransform) { *ytransform += item->y; ytransform = 0; } } height = y; return height; } void HistoryBlock::clear(bool leaveItems) { if (leaveItems) { for (Items::const_iterator i = items.cbegin(), e = items.cend(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->detachFast(); } } else { for (Items::const_iterator i = items.cbegin(), e = items.cend(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } } items.clear(); } void HistoryBlock::removeItem(HistoryItem *item) { int32 i = items.indexOf(item), dh = 0; if (history->showFrom == item) { history->getNextShowFrom(this, i); } if (i < 0) { return; } bool createInitialDate = false; QDateTime initialDateTime; int32 myIndex = history->blocks.indexOf(this); if (myIndex >= 0 && item->type() != HistoryItemDate) { // fix message groups and date items if (item->isImportant()) { // unite message groups around this important message HistoryGroup *nextGroup = 0, *prevGroup = 0; HistoryCollapse *nextCollapse = 0; HistoryItem *prevItem = 0; for (int32 nextBlock = myIndex, nextIndex = qMin(items.size(), i + 1); nextBlock < history->blocks.size(); ++nextBlock) { HistoryBlock *block = history->blocks.at(nextBlock); for (; nextIndex < block->items.size(); ++nextIndex) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(nextIndex); if (item->type() == HistoryItemMsg) { break; } else if (item->type() == HistoryItemGroup) { nextGroup = static_cast(item); break; } else if (item->type() == HistoryItemCollapse) { nextCollapse = static_cast(item); break; } } if (nextIndex == block->items.size()) { nextIndex = 0; } else { break; } } for (int32 prevBlock = myIndex + 1, prevIndex = qMax(1, i); prevBlock > 0;) { --prevBlock; HistoryBlock *block = history->blocks.at(prevBlock); if (!prevIndex) prevIndex = block->items.size(); for (; prevIndex > 0;) { --prevIndex; HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(prevIndex); if (item->type() == HistoryItemMsg || item->type() == HistoryItemCollapse) { prevItem = item; ++prevIndex; break; } else if (item->type() == HistoryItemGroup) { prevGroup = static_cast(item); ++prevIndex; break; } } if (prevIndex != 0) { break; } } if (nextGroup && prevGroup) { prevGroup->uniteWith(nextGroup); nextGroup->destroy(); } else if (nextCollapse && (!prevItem || !prevItem->isImportant())) { nextCollapse->destroy(); } } // fix date items HistoryItem *nextItem = (i < items.size() - 1) ? items[i + 1] : ((myIndex < history->blocks.size() - 1) ? history->blocks[myIndex + 1]->items[0] : 0); if (nextItem && nextItem == history->unreadBar) { // skip unread bar if (i < items.size() - 2) { nextItem = items[i + 2]; } else if (i < items.size() - 1) { nextItem = ((myIndex < history->blocks.size() - 1) ? history->blocks[myIndex + 1]->items[0] : 0); } else if (myIndex < history->blocks.size() - 1) { if (0 < history->blocks[myIndex + 1]->items.size() - 1) { nextItem = history->blocks[myIndex + 1]->items[1]; } else if (myIndex < history->blocks.size() - 2) { nextItem = history->blocks[myIndex + 2]->items[0]; } else { nextItem = 0; } } else { nextItem = 0; } } if (!nextItem || nextItem->type() == HistoryItemDate) { // only if there is no next item or it is a date item HistoryItem *prevItem = (i > 0) ? items[i - 1] : 0; if (prevItem && prevItem == history->unreadBar) { // skip unread bar prevItem = (i > 1) ? items[i - 2] : 0; } if (prevItem) { if (prevItem->type() == HistoryItemDate) { prevItem->destroy(); --i; } } else if (myIndex > 0) { HistoryBlock *prevBlock = history->blocks[myIndex - 1]; if (prevBlock->items.isEmpty() || ((myIndex == 1) && (prevBlock->items.size() != 1 || prevBlock->items.front()->type() != HistoryItemDate))) { LOG(("App Error: Found bad history, with no first date block: %1").arg(history->blocks[0]->items.size())); } else if (prevBlock->items[prevBlock->items.size() - 1]->type() == HistoryItemDate) { prevBlock->items[prevBlock->items.size() - 1]->destroy(); if (nextItem && myIndex == 1) { // destroy next date (for creating initial then) initialDateTime = nextItem->date; createInitialDate = true; nextItem->destroy(); } } } } } // myIndex can be invalid now, because of destroying previous blocks dh = item->height(); items.remove(i); int32 l = items.size(); if ((!item->out() || item->fromChannel()) && item->unread() && history->unreadCount) { history->setUnreadCount(history->unreadCount - 1); } int32 itemType = item->type(); if (itemType == HistoryItemUnreadBar) { if (history->unreadBar == item) { history->unreadBar = 0; } } if (createInitialDate) { history->createInitialDateBlock(initialDateTime); } History *h = history; if (l) { for (; i < l; ++i) { items[i]->y -= dh; } height -= dh; history->blockResized(this, dh); } else { history->removeBlock(this); } } bool ItemAnimations::animStep(float64 ms) { for (Animations::iterator i = _animations.begin(); i != _animations.end();) { const HistoryItem *item = i.key(); if (item->animating()) { App::main()->msgUpdated(item); ++i; } else { i = _animations.erase(i); } } return !_animations.isEmpty(); } uint64 ItemAnimations::animate(const HistoryItem *item, uint64 ms) { if (_animations.isEmpty()) { _animations.insert(item, ms); anim::start(this); return 0; } Animations::const_iterator i = _animations.constFind(item); if (i == _animations.cend()) i = _animations.insert(item, ms); return ms - i.value(); } void ItemAnimations::remove(const HistoryItem *item) { _animations.remove(item); } namespace { ItemAnimations _itemAnimations; } ItemAnimations &itemAnimations() { return _itemAnimations; } HistoryItem::HistoryItem(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId msgId, int32 flags, QDateTime msgDate, int32 from) : y(0) , id(msgId) , date(msgDate) , _from(from ? App::user(from) : history->peer) , _fromVersion(_from->nameVersion) , _history(history) , _block(block) , _flags(flags) { } void HistoryItem::destroy() { bool wasAtBottom = history()->loadedAtBottom(); _history->removeNotification(this); detach(); if (history()->isChannel()) { history()->asChannelHistory()->messageDeleted(this); } if (history()->lastMsg == this) { history()->fixLastMessage(wasAtBottom); } if (history()->lastKeyboardId == id) { history()->lastKeyboardId = 0; history()->lastKeyboardFrom = 0; if (App::main()) App::main()->updateBotKeyboard(); } HistoryMedia *m = getMedia(true); MediaOverviewType t = m ? mediaToOverviewType(m->type()) : OverviewCount; if (t != OverviewCount) { if (m->type() == MediaTypeDocument && static_cast(m)->document()->song()) { history()->eraseFromOverview(OverviewAudioDocuments, id); } else { history()->eraseFromOverview(t, id); } } if (hasTextLinks()) { history()->eraseFromOverview(OverviewLinks, id); } delete this; } void HistoryItem::detach() { if (_history) { if (_history->unreadBar == this) { _history->unreadBar = 0; } if (_history->isChannel()) { _history->asChannelHistory()->messageDetached(this); } } if (_block) { _block->removeItem(this); detachFast(); App::historyItemDetached(this); } else { if (_history->showFrom == this) { _history->showFrom = 0; } } if (_history && _history->unreadBar && _history->blocks.back()->items.back() == _history->unreadBar) { _history->unreadBar->destroy(); } } void HistoryItem::detachFast() { _block = 0; } HistoryItem::~HistoryItem() { itemAnimations().remove(this); App::historyUnregItem(this); if (id < 0) { App::app()->uploader()->cancel(fullId()); } } HistoryItem *regItem(HistoryItem *item, bool returnExisting) { if (!item) return 0; HistoryItem *existing = App::historyRegItem(item); if (existing) { delete item; return returnExisting ? existing : 0; } item->initDimensions(); return item; } HistoryPhoto::HistoryPhoto(const MTPDphoto &photo, const QString &caption, HistoryItem *parent) : HistoryMedia() , pixw(1), pixh(1) , data(App::feedPhoto(photo)) , _caption(st::minPhotoSize) , openl(new PhotoLink(data)) { if (!caption.isEmpty()) { _caption.setText(st::msgFont, caption + parent->skipBlock(), itemTextNoMonoOptions(parent)); } init(); } HistoryPhoto::HistoryPhoto(PeerData *chat, const MTPDphoto &photo, int32 width) : HistoryMedia(width) , pixw(1), pixh(1) , data(App::feedPhoto(photo)) , openl(new PhotoLink(data, chat)) { init(); } void HistoryPhoto::init() { data->thumb->load(); } void HistoryPhoto::initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent) { if (_caption.hasSkipBlock()) _caption.setSkipBlock(parent->skipBlockWidth(), parent->skipBlockHeight()); int32 tw = convertScale(data->full->width()), th = convertScale(data->full->height()); if (!tw || !th) { tw = th = 1; } int32 thumbw = tw; int32 thumbh = th; if (!w) { w = thumbw; } else { thumbh = w; // square chat photo updates } _maxw = qMax(w, int32(st::minPhotoSize)); _minh = qMax(thumbh, int32(st::minPhotoSize)); const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = toHistoryForwarded(parent); if (reply || (fwd && fwd->fromForwarded()->isChannel()) || !_caption.isEmpty()) { _maxw += st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaPadding.right(); if (reply) { _minh += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else { if (!parent->displayFromName() || !fwd) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top(); } if (fwd) { _minh += st::msgServiceNameFont->height + st::msgPadding.top(); } } if (parent->displayFromName()) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; } if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { _minh += st::webPagePhotoSkip + _caption.minHeight(); } _minh += st::mediaPadding.bottom(); } } int32 HistoryPhoto::resize(int32 width, const HistoryItem *parent) { const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = reply ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); pixw = qMin(width, _maxw); if (reply || (fwd && fwd->fromForwarded()->isChannel()) || !_caption.isEmpty()) { pixw -= st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaPadding.right(); } int32 tw = convertScale(data->full->width()), th = convertScale(data->full->height()); if (tw > st::maxMediaSize) { th = (st::maxMediaSize * th) / tw; tw = st::maxMediaSize; } if (th > st::maxMediaSize) { tw = (st::maxMediaSize * tw) / th; th = st::maxMediaSize; } pixh = th; if (tw > pixw) { pixh = (pixw * pixh / tw); } else { pixw = tw; } if (pixh > width) { pixw = (pixw * width) / pixh; pixh = width; } if (pixw < 1) pixw = 1; if (pixh < 1) pixh = 1; w = qMax(pixw, int16(st::minPhotoSize)); _height = qMax(pixh, int16(st::minPhotoSize)); if (reply || (fwd && fwd->fromForwarded()->isChannel()) || !_caption.isEmpty()) { if (reply) { _height += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else { if (!parent->displayFromName() || !fwd) { _height += st::msgPadding.top(); } if (fwd) { _height += st::msgServiceNameFont->height + st::msgPadding.top(); } } if (parent->displayFromName()) { _height += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; } if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { _height += st::webPagePhotoSkip + _caption.countHeight(w); } _height += st::mediaPadding.bottom(); w += st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaPadding.right(); } return _height; } const QString HistoryPhoto::inDialogsText() const { return _caption.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_in_dlg_photo) : _caption.original(0, 0xFFFF, Text::ExpandLinksNone); } const QString HistoryPhoto::inHistoryText() const { return qsl("[ ") + lang(lng_in_dlg_photo) + (_caption.isEmpty() ? QString() : (qsl(", ") + _caption.original(0, 0xFFFF, Text::ExpandLinksAll))) + qsl(" ]"); } bool HistoryPhoto::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < _height); } void HistoryPhoto::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width < 1) return; int skipx = 0, skipy = 0, height = _height; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = reply ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); int replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (reply || (fwd && fwd->fromForwarded()->isChannel()) || !_caption.isEmpty()) { skipx = st::mediaPadding.left(); if (reply) { skipy = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (fwd) { skipy = st::msgServiceNameFont->height + st::msgPadding.top(); } if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; if (x >= st::mediaPadding.left() && y >= st::msgPadding.top() && x < width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right() && x < st::mediaPadding.left() + parent->from()->nameText.maxWidth() && y < replyFrom) { lnk = parent->from()->lnk; return; } if (!reply && !fwd) skipy += st::msgPadding.top(); } else if (!reply) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } if (reply) { if (x >= 0 && y >= replyFrom + st::msgReplyPadding.top() && x < width && y < skipy - st::msgReplyPadding.bottom()) { lnk = reply->replyToLink(); return; } } else if (fwd) { if (y >= fwdFrom && y < fwdFrom + st::msgServiceNameFont->height) { return fwd->getForwardedState(lnk, state, x - st::mediaPadding.left(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } } height -= skipy + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); width -= st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaPadding.right(); if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { int32 fullRight = skipx + width + st::mediaPadding.right(), fullBottom = _height; bool inDate = parent->pointInTime(fullRight, fullBottom, x, y, InfoDisplayDefault); if (inDate) { state = HistoryInDateCursorState; } height -= _caption.countHeight(width) + st::webPagePhotoSkip; if (x >= skipx && y >= skipy + height + st::webPagePhotoSkip && x < skipx + width && y < _height) { bool inText = false; _caption.getState(lnk, inText, x - skipx, y - skipy - height - st::webPagePhotoSkip, width); state = inDate ? HistoryInDateCursorState : (inText ? HistoryInTextCursorState : HistoryDefaultCursorState); } } } if (x >= skipx && y >= skipy && x < skipx + width && y < skipy + height) { lnk = openl; if (_caption.isEmpty()) { int32 fullRight = skipx + width, fullBottom = _height - (skipx ? st::mediaPadding.bottom() : 0); bool inDate = parent->pointInTime(fullRight, fullBottom, x, y, InfoDisplayOverImage); if (inDate) { state = HistoryInDateCursorState; } } return; } } HistoryMedia *HistoryPhoto::clone() const { return new HistoryPhoto(*this); } void HistoryPhoto::updateFrom(const MTPMessageMedia &media) { if (media.type() == mtpc_messageMediaPhoto) { const MTPPhoto &photo(media.c_messageMediaPhoto().vphoto); if (photo.type() == mtpc_photo) { const QVector &sizes(photo.c_photo().vsizes.c_vector().v); for (QVector::const_iterator i = sizes.cbegin(), e = sizes.cend(); i != e; ++i) { char size = 0; const MTPFileLocation *loc = 0; switch (i->type()) { case mtpc_photoSize: { const string &s(i->c_photoSize().vtype.c_string().v); loc = &i->c_photoSize().vlocation; if (s.size()) size = s[0]; } break; case mtpc_photoCachedSize: { const string &s(i->c_photoCachedSize().vtype.c_string().v); loc = &i->c_photoCachedSize().vlocation; if (s.size()) size = s[0]; } break; } if (!loc || loc->type() != mtpc_fileLocation) continue; if (size == 's') { Local::writeImage(storageKey(loc->c_fileLocation()), data->thumb); } else if (size == 'm') { Local::writeImage(storageKey(loc->c_fileLocation()), data->medium); } else if (size == 'x') { Local::writeImage(storageKey(loc->c_fileLocation()), data->full); } } } } } void HistoryPhoto::draw(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, bool selected, int32 width) const { const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = reply ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); bool fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), out = parent->out(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; if (width < 0) width = w; int skipx = 0, skipy = 0, height = _height; if (reply || (fwd && fwd->fromForwarded()->isChannel()) || !_caption.isEmpty()) { skipx = st::mediaPadding.left(); style::color bg(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectBg : st::msgInSelectBg) : (outbg ? st::msgOutBg : st::msgInBg)); style::color sh(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectShadow : st::msgInSelectShadow) : (outbg ? st::msgOutShadow : st::msgInShadow)); RoundCorners cors(selected ? (outbg ? MessageOutSelectedCorners : MessageInSelectedCorners) : (outbg ? MessageOutCorners : MessageInCorners)); App::roundRect(p, 0, 0, width, _height, bg, cors, &sh); int replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; p.setFont(st::msgNameFont->f); if (fromChannel) { p.setPen(selected ? st::msgInServiceSelColor : st::msgInServiceColor); } else { p.setPen(parent->from()->color); } parent->from()->nameText.drawElided(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), st::msgPadding.top(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); if (!fwd && !reply) skipy += st::msgPadding.top(); } else if (!reply) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } if (reply) { skipy += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); reply->drawReplyTo(p, st::msgReplyPadding.left(), replyFrom, width - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right(), selected); } else if (fwd) { skipy += st::msgServiceNameFont->height + st::msgPadding.top(); fwd->drawForwardedFrom(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), fwdFrom, width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right(), selected); } width -= st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaPadding.right(); height -= skipy + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { height -= st::webPagePhotoSkip + _caption.countHeight(width); } } else { App::roundShadow(p, 0, 0, width, _height, selected ? st::msgInSelectShadow : st::msgInShadow, selected ? InSelectedShadowCorners : InShadowCorners); } data->full->load(false, false); bool full = data->full->loaded(); QPixmap pix; if (full) { pix = data->full->pixSingle(pixw, pixh, width, height); } else { pix = data->thumb->pixBlurredSingle(pixw, pixh, width, height); } p.drawPixmap(skipx, skipy, pix); if (!full) { uint64 dt = itemAnimations().animate(parent, getms()); int32 cnt = int32(st::photoLoaderCnt), period = int32(st::photoLoaderPeriod), t = dt % period, delta = int32(st::photoLoaderDelta); int32 x = (width - st::photoLoader.width()) / 2, y = (height - st::photoLoader.height()) / 2; p.fillRect(skipx + x, skipy + y, st::photoLoader.width(), st::photoLoader.height(), st::photoLoaderBg->b); x += (st::photoLoader.width() - cnt * st::photoLoaderPoint.width() - (cnt - 1) * st::photoLoaderSkip) / 2; y += (st::photoLoader.height() - st::photoLoaderPoint.height()) / 2; QColor c(st::white->c); QBrush b(c); for (int32 i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { t -= delta; while (t < 0) t += period; float64 alpha = (t >= st::photoLoaderDuration1 + st::photoLoaderDuration2) ? 0 : ((t > st::photoLoaderDuration1 ? ((st::photoLoaderDuration1 + st::photoLoaderDuration2 - t) / st::photoLoaderDuration2) : (t / st::photoLoaderDuration1))); c.setAlphaF(st::photoLoaderAlphaMin + alpha * (1 - st::photoLoaderAlphaMin)); b.setColor(c); p.fillRect(skipx + x + i * (st::photoLoaderPoint.width() + st::photoLoaderSkip), skipy + y, st::photoLoaderPoint.width(), st::photoLoaderPoint.height(), b); } } if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, skipx, skipy, width, height, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } // date QString time(parent->timeText()); if (_caption.isEmpty()) { int32 fullRight = skipx + width, fullBottom = _height - (skipx ? st::mediaPadding.bottom() : 0); parent->drawInfo(p, fullRight, fullBottom, selected, InfoDisplayOverImage); } else { p.setPen(st::black->p); _caption.draw(p, skipx, skipy + height + st::webPagePhotoSkip, width); int32 fullRight = skipx + width + st::mediaPadding.right(), fullBottom = _height; parent->drawInfo(p, fullRight, fullBottom, selected, InfoDisplayDefault); } } ImagePtr HistoryPhoto::replyPreview() { return data->makeReplyPreview(); } QString formatSizeText(qint64 size) { if (size >= 1024 * 1024) { // more than 1 mb qint64 sizeTenthMb = (size * 10 / (1024 * 1024)); return QString::number(sizeTenthMb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(sizeTenthMb % 10) + qsl(" MB"); } if (size >= 1024) { qint64 sizeTenthKb = (size * 10 / 1024); return QString::number(sizeTenthKb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(sizeTenthKb % 10) + qsl(" KB"); } return QString::number(size) + qsl(" B"); } QString formatDownloadText(qint64 ready, qint64 total) { QString readyStr, totalStr, mb; if (total >= 1024 * 1024) { // more than 1 mb qint64 readyTenthMb = (ready * 10 / (1024 * 1024)), totalTenthMb = (total * 10 / (1024 * 1024)); readyStr = QString::number(readyTenthMb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(readyTenthMb % 10); totalStr = QString::number(totalTenthMb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(totalTenthMb % 10); mb = qsl("MB"); } else if (total >= 1024) { qint64 readyKb = (ready / 1024), totalKb = (total / 1024); readyStr = QString::number(readyKb); totalStr = QString::number(totalKb); mb = qsl("KB"); } else { readyStr = QString::number(ready); totalStr = QString::number(total); mb = qsl("B"); } return lng_save_downloaded(lt_ready, readyStr, lt_total, totalStr, lt_mb, mb); } QString formatDurationText(qint64 duration) { qint64 hours = (duration / 3600), minutes = (duration % 3600) / 60, seconds = duration % 60; return (hours ? QString::number(hours) + ':' : QString()) + (minutes >= 10 ? QString() : QString('0')) + QString::number(minutes) + ':' + (seconds >= 10 ? QString() : QString('0')) + QString::number(seconds); } QString formatDurationAndSizeText(qint64 duration, qint64 size) { return lng_duration_and_size(lt_duration, formatDurationText(duration), lt_size, formatSizeText(size)); } int32 _downloadWidth = 0, _openWithWidth = 0, _cancelWidth = 0, _buttonWidth = 0; HistoryVideo::HistoryVideo(const MTPDvideo &video, const QString &caption, HistoryItem *parent) : HistoryMedia() , data(App::feedVideo(video)) , _openl(new VideoOpenLink(data)) , _savel(new VideoSaveLink(data)) , _cancell(new VideoCancelLink(data)) , _caption(st::minPhotoSize) , _dldDone(0) , _uplDone(0) { if (!caption.isEmpty()) { _caption.setText(st::msgFont, caption + parent->skipBlock(), itemTextNoMonoOptions(parent)); } _size = formatDurationAndSizeText(data->duration, data->size); if (!_openWithWidth) { _downloadWidth = st::mediaSaveButton.font->width(lang(lng_media_download)); _openWithWidth = st::mediaSaveButton.font->width(lang(lng_media_open_with)); _cancelWidth = st::mediaSaveButton.font->width(lang(lng_media_cancel)); _buttonWidth = (st::mediaSaveButton.width > 0) ? st::mediaSaveButton.width : ((_downloadWidth > _openWithWidth ? (_downloadWidth > _cancelWidth ? _downloadWidth : _cancelWidth) : _openWithWidth) - st::mediaSaveButton.width); } data->thumb->load(); int32 tw = data->thumb->width(), th = data->thumb->height(); if (data->thumb->isNull() || !tw || !th) { _thumbw = 0; } else if (tw > th) { _thumbw = (tw * st::mediaThumbSize) / th; } else { _thumbw = st::mediaThumbSize; } } void HistoryVideo::initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent) { if (_caption.hasSkipBlock()) _caption.setSkipBlock(parent->skipBlockWidth(), parent->skipBlockHeight()); _maxw = st::mediaMaxWidth; int32 tleft = st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right(); if (!parent->out() || parent->fromChannel()) { // add Download / Save As button _maxw += st::mediaSaveDelta + _buttonWidth; } _minh = st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); if (parent->displayFromName()) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; } if (const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent)) { _minh += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (const HistoryForwarded *fwd = toHistoryForwarded(parent)) { if (!parent->displayFromName()) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top(); } _minh += st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (_caption.isEmpty()) { _height = _minh; } else { _minh += st::webPagePhotoSkip + _caption.minHeight(); } } void HistoryVideo::regItem(HistoryItem *item) { App::regVideoItem(data, item); } void HistoryVideo::unregItem(HistoryItem *item) { App::unregVideoItem(data, item); } const QString HistoryVideo::inDialogsText() const { return _caption.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_in_dlg_video) : _caption.original(0, 0xFFFF, Text::ExpandLinksNone); } const QString HistoryVideo::inHistoryText() const { return qsl("[ ") + lang(lng_in_dlg_video) + (_caption.isEmpty() ? QString() : (qsl(", ") + _caption.original(0, 0xFFFF, Text::ExpandLinksAll))) + qsl(" ]"); } bool HistoryVideo::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { int32 height = _height; if (width < 0) { width = w; } else if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { height = countHeight(parent, width); } if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height); } int32 HistoryVideo::countHeight(const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (_caption.isEmpty()) return _height; if (width < 0) width = w; if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } int32 h = st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); if (parent->displayFromName()) { h += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; } if (const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent)) { h += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (const HistoryForwarded *fwd = toHistoryForwarded(parent)) { if (!parent->displayFromName()) { h += st::msgPadding.top(); } h += st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { int32 textw = width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right(); bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; if (!outbg) { // substract Download / Save As button textw -= st::mediaSaveDelta + _buttonWidth; } h += st::webPagePhotoSkip + _caption.countHeight(textw); } return h; } void HistoryVideo::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { int32 height = _height; if (width < 0) { width = w; } else if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { height = countHeight(parent, width); } if (width < 1) return; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = reply ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); int skipy = 0, replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (reply) { skipy = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (fwd) { skipy = st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; } else if (fwd) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel, hovered, pressed; if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } if (!outbg) { // draw Download / Save As button int32 h = height; if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { h -= st::webPagePhotoSkip + _caption.countHeight(width - _buttonWidth - st::mediaSaveDelta - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } int32 btnw = _buttonWidth, btnh = st::mediaSaveButton.height, btnx = width - _buttonWidth, btny = skipy + (h - skipy - btnh) / 2; if (x >= btnx && y >= btny && x < btnx + btnw && y < btny + btnh) { lnk = data->loader ? _cancell : _savel; return; } width -= btnw + st::mediaSaveDelta; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { if (x >= st::mediaPadding.left() && y >= st::msgPadding.top() && x < width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right() && x < st::mediaPadding.left() + parent->from()->nameText.maxWidth() && y < replyFrom) { lnk = parent->from()->lnk; return; } } if (reply) { if (x >= 0 && y >= replyFrom + st::msgReplyPadding.top() && x < width && y < skipy - st::msgReplyPadding.bottom()) { lnk = reply->replyToLink(); return; } } else if (fwd) { if (y >= fwdFrom && y < skipy) { return fwd->getForwardedState(lnk, state, x - st::mediaPadding.left(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } } bool inDate = parent->pointInTime(width, height, x, y, InfoDisplayDefault); if (inDate) { state = HistoryInDateCursorState; } int32 tw = width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right(); if (x >= st::mediaPadding.left() && y >= skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() && x < st::mediaPadding.left() + tw && y < skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize && !data->loader && data->access) { lnk = _openl; return; } if (!_caption.isEmpty() && x >= st::mediaPadding.left() && x < st::mediaPadding.left() + tw && y >= skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::webPagePhotoSkip) { bool inText = false; _caption.getState(lnk, inText, x - st::mediaPadding.left(), y - skipy - st::mediaPadding.top() - st::mediaThumbSize - st::webPagePhotoSkip, tw); state = inDate ? HistoryInDateCursorState : (inText ? HistoryInTextCursorState : HistoryDefaultCursorState); } } HistoryMedia *HistoryVideo::clone() const { return new HistoryVideo(*this); } void HistoryVideo::draw(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, bool selected, int32 width) const { int32 height = _height; if (width < 0) { width = w; } else if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { height = countHeight(parent, width); } if (width < 1) return; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = reply ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); int skipy = 0, replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (reply) { skipy = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (fwd) { skipy = st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; } else if (fwd) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } data->thumb->checkload(); bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel, hovered, pressed; if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } if (!outbg) { // draw Download / Save As button hovered = ((data->loader ? _cancell : _savel) == textlnkOver()); pressed = hovered && ((data->loader ? _cancell : _savel) == textlnkDown()); if (hovered && !pressed && textlnkDown()) hovered = false; int32 h = height; if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { h -= st::webPagePhotoSkip + _caption.countHeight(width - _buttonWidth - st::mediaSaveDelta - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } int32 btnw = _buttonWidth, btnh = st::mediaSaveButton.height, btnx = width - _buttonWidth, btny = skipy + (h - skipy - btnh) / 2; style::color bg(selected ? st::msgInSelectBg : (hovered ? st::mediaSaveButton.overBgColor : st::mediaSaveButton.bgColor)); style::color sh(selected ? st::msgInSelectShadow : st::msgInShadow); RoundCorners cors(selected ? MessageInSelectedCorners : (hovered ? ButtonHoverCorners : MessageInCorners)); App::roundRect(p, btnx, btny, btnw, btnh, bg, cors, &sh); p.setPen((hovered ? st::mediaSaveButton.overColor : st::mediaSaveButton.color)->p); p.setFont(st::mediaSaveButton.font->f); QString btnText(lang(data->loader ? lng_media_cancel : (data->already().isEmpty() ? lng_media_download : lng_media_open_with))); int32 btnTextWidth = data->loader ? _cancelWidth : (data->already().isEmpty() ? _downloadWidth : _openWithWidth); p.drawText(btnx + (btnw - btnTextWidth) / 2, btny + (pressed ? st::mediaSaveButton.downTextTop : st::mediaSaveButton.textTop) + st::mediaSaveButton.font->ascent, btnText); width -= btnw + st::mediaSaveDelta; } style::color bg(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectBg : st::msgInSelectBg) : (outbg ? st::msgOutBg : st::msgInBg)); style::color sh(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectShadow : st::msgInSelectShadow) : (outbg ? st::msgOutShadow : st::msgInShadow)); RoundCorners cors(selected ? (outbg ? MessageOutSelectedCorners : MessageInSelectedCorners) : (outbg ? MessageOutCorners : MessageInCorners)); App::roundRect(p, 0, 0, width, height, bg, cors, &sh); if (parent->displayFromName()) { p.setFont(st::msgNameFont->f); if (fromChannel) { p.setPen(selected ? st::msgInServiceSelColor : st::msgInServiceColor); } else { p.setPen(parent->from()->color); } parent->from()->nameText.drawElided(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), st::msgPadding.top(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } if (reply) { reply->drawReplyTo(p, st::msgReplyPadding.left(), replyFrom, width - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right(), selected); } else if (fwd) { fwd->drawForwardedFrom(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), fwdFrom, width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right(), selected); } if (_thumbw) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top()), data->thumb->pixSingle(_thumbw, 0, st::mediaThumbSize, st::mediaThumbSize)); } else { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top()), App::sprite(), (outbg ? st::mediaDocOutImg : st::mediaDocInImg)); } if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top(), st::mediaThumbSize, st::mediaThumbSize, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } int32 tleft = st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 twidth = width - tleft - st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 secondwidth = width - tleft - st::msgPadding.right() - parent->skipBlockWidth(); p.setFont(st::mediaFont->f); p.setPen(st::black->c); p.drawText(tleft, skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaNameTop + st::mediaFont->ascent, lang(lng_media_video)); QString statusText; style::color status(selected ? (outbg ? st::mediaOutSelectColor : st::mediaInSelectColor) : (outbg ? st::mediaOutColor : st::mediaInColor)); p.setPen(status->p); if (data->loader) { int32 offset = data->loader->currentOffset(); if (_dldTextCache.isEmpty() || _dldDone != offset) { _dldDone = offset; _dldTextCache = formatDownloadText(_dldDone, data->size); } statusText = _dldTextCache; } else { if (data->status == FileFailed) { statusText = lang(lng_attach_failed); } else if (data->status == FileUploading) { if (_uplTextCache.isEmpty() || _uplDone != data->uploadOffset) { _uplDone = data->uploadOffset; _uplTextCache = formatDownloadText(_uplDone, data->size); } statusText = _uplTextCache; } else { statusText = _size; } } int32 texty = skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize - st::mediaDetailsShift - st::mediaFont->height; p.drawText(tleft, texty + st::mediaFont->ascent, statusText); if (parent->isMediaUnread()) { int32 w = st::mediaFont->width(statusText); if (w + st::mediaUnreadSkip + st::mediaUnreadSize <= twidth) { p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush((outbg ? (selected ? st::mediaOutUnreadSelectColor : st::mediaOutUnreadColor) : (selected ? st::mediaInUnreadSelectColor : st::mediaInUnreadColor))->b); p.drawEllipse(QRect(tleft + w + st::mediaUnreadSkip, texty + ((st::mediaFont->height - st::mediaUnreadSize) / 2), st::mediaUnreadSize, st::mediaUnreadSize)); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, false); } } p.setFont(st::msgDateFont->f); if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(st::black->p); _caption.draw(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::webPagePhotoSkip, width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } int32 fullRight = width, fullBottom = height; parent->drawInfo(p, fullRight, fullBottom, selected, InfoDisplayDefault); } int32 HistoryVideo::resize(int32 width, const HistoryItem *parent) { w = qMin(width, _maxw); if (_caption.isEmpty()) return _height; _height = st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); if (parent->displayFromName()) { _height += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; } if (const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent)) { _height += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (const HistoryForwarded *fwd = toHistoryForwarded(parent)) { if (!parent->displayFromName()) { _height += st::msgPadding.top(); } _height += st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { int32 textw = w - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right(); bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; if (!outbg) { // substract Download / Save As button textw -= st::mediaSaveDelta + _buttonWidth; } _height += st::webPagePhotoSkip + _caption.countHeight(textw); } return _height; } ImagePtr HistoryVideo::replyPreview() { if (data->replyPreview->isNull() && !data->thumb->isNull()) { if (data->thumb->loaded()) { int w = data->thumb->width(), h = data->thumb->height(); if (w <= 0) w = 1; if (h <= 0) h = 1; data->replyPreview = ImagePtr(w > h ? data->thumb->pix(w * st::msgReplyBarSize.height() / h, st::msgReplyBarSize.height()) : data->thumb->pix(st::msgReplyBarSize.height()), "PNG"); } else { data->thumb->load(); } } return data->replyPreview; } HistoryAudio::HistoryAudio(const MTPDaudio &audio) : HistoryMedia() , data(App::feedAudio(audio)) , _openl(new AudioOpenLink(data)) , _savel(new AudioSaveLink(data)) , _cancell(new AudioCancelLink(data)) , _dldDone(0) , _uplDone(0) { _size = formatDurationAndSizeText(data->duration, data->size); if (!_openWithWidth) { _downloadWidth = st::mediaSaveButton.font->width(lang(lng_media_download)); _openWithWidth = st::mediaSaveButton.font->width(lang(lng_media_open_with)); _cancelWidth = st::mediaSaveButton.font->width(lang(lng_media_cancel)); _buttonWidth = (st::mediaSaveButton.width > 0) ? st::mediaSaveButton.width : ((_downloadWidth > _openWithWidth ? (_downloadWidth > _cancelWidth ? _downloadWidth : _cancelWidth) : _openWithWidth) - st::mediaSaveButton.width); } } void HistoryAudio::initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent) { _maxw = st::mediaMaxWidth; int32 tleft = st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right(); bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; if (!outbg) { // add Download / Save As button _maxw += st::mediaSaveDelta + _buttonWidth; } _minh = st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); if (parent->displayFromName()) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; } if (const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent)) { _minh += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (const HistoryForwarded *fwd = toHistoryForwarded(parent)) { if (!parent->displayFromName()) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top(); } _minh += st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } _height = _minh; } void HistoryAudio::draw(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, bool selected, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width < 1) return; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = reply ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); int skipy = 0, replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (reply) { skipy = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (fwd) { skipy = st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; } else if (fwd) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel, hovered, pressed; bool already = !data->already().isEmpty(), hasdata = !data->data.isEmpty(); if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } if (!data->loader && data->status != FileFailed && !already && !hasdata && data->size < AudioVoiceMsgInMemory) { data->save(QString()); } if (!outbg) { // draw Download / Save As button hovered = ((data->loader ? _cancell : _savel) == textlnkOver()); pressed = hovered && ((data->loader ? _cancell : _savel) == textlnkDown()); if (hovered && !pressed && textlnkDown()) hovered = false; int32 btnw = _buttonWidth, btnh = st::mediaSaveButton.height, btnx = width - _buttonWidth, btny = skipy + (_height - skipy - btnh) / 2; style::color bg(selected ? st::msgInSelectBg : (hovered ? st::mediaSaveButton.overBgColor : st::mediaSaveButton.bgColor)); style::color sh(selected ? st::msgInSelectShadow : st::msgInShadow); RoundCorners cors(selected ? MessageInSelectedCorners : (hovered ? ButtonHoverCorners : MessageInCorners)); App::roundRect(p, btnx, btny, btnw, btnh, bg, cors, &sh); p.setPen((hovered ? st::mediaSaveButton.overColor : st::mediaSaveButton.color)->p); p.setFont(st::mediaSaveButton.font->f); QString btnText(lang(data->loader ? lng_media_cancel : (already ? lng_media_open_with : lng_media_download))); int32 btnTextWidth = data->loader ? _cancelWidth : (already ? _openWithWidth : _downloadWidth); p.drawText(btnx + (btnw - btnTextWidth) / 2, btny + (pressed ? st::mediaSaveButton.downTextTop : st::mediaSaveButton.textTop) + st::mediaSaveButton.font->ascent, btnText); width -= btnw + st::mediaSaveDelta; } style::color bg(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectBg : st::msgInSelectBg) : (outbg ? st::msgOutBg : st::msgInBg)); style::color sh(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectShadow : st::msgInSelectShadow) : (outbg ? st::msgOutShadow : st::msgInShadow)); RoundCorners cors(selected ? (outbg ? MessageOutSelectedCorners : MessageInSelectedCorners) : (outbg ? MessageOutCorners : MessageInCorners)); App::roundRect(p, 0, 0, width, _height, bg, cors, &sh); if (parent->displayFromName()) { p.setFont(st::msgNameFont->f); if (fromChannel) { p.setPen(selected ? st::msgInServiceSelColor : st::msgInServiceColor); } else { p.setPen(parent->from()->color); } parent->from()->nameText.drawElided(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), st::msgPadding.top(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } if (reply) { reply->drawReplyTo(p, st::msgReplyPadding.left(), replyFrom, width - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right(), selected); } else if (fwd) { fwd->drawForwardedFrom(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), fwdFrom, width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right(), selected); } AudioMsgId playing; AudioPlayerState playingState = AudioPlayerStopped; int64 playingPosition = 0, playingDuration = 0; int32 playingFrequency = 0; if (audioPlayer()) { audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, &playingState, &playingPosition, &playingDuration, &playingFrequency); } QRect img; QString statusText; if (data->status == FileFailed) { statusText = lang(lng_attach_failed); img = outbg ? st::mediaAudioOutImg : st::mediaAudioInImg; } else if (data->status == FileUploading) { if (_uplTextCache.isEmpty() || _uplDone != data->uploadOffset) { _uplDone = data->uploadOffset; _uplTextCache = formatDownloadText(_uplDone, data->size); } statusText = _uplTextCache; img = outbg ? st::mediaAudioOutImg : st::mediaAudioInImg; } else if (already || hasdata) { bool showPause = false; if (playing.msgId == parent->fullId() && !(playingState & AudioPlayerStoppedMask) && playingState != AudioPlayerFinishing) { statusText = formatDurationText(playingPosition / (playingFrequency ? playingFrequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency)) + qsl(" / ") + formatDurationText(playingDuration / (playingFrequency ? playingFrequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency)); showPause = (playingState == AudioPlayerPlaying || playingState == AudioPlayerResuming || playingState == AudioPlayerStarting); } else { statusText = formatDurationText(data->duration); } img = outbg ? (showPause ? st::mediaPauseOutImg : st::mediaPlayOutImg) : (showPause ? st::mediaPauseInImg : st::mediaPlayInImg); } else { if (data->loader) { int32 offset = data->loader->currentOffset(); if (_dldTextCache.isEmpty() || _dldDone != offset) { _dldDone = offset; _dldTextCache = formatDownloadText(_dldDone, data->size); } statusText = _dldTextCache; } else { statusText = _size; } img = outbg ? st::mediaAudioOutImg : st::mediaAudioInImg; } p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top()), App::sprite(), img); if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top(), st::mediaThumbSize, st::mediaThumbSize, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } int32 tleft = st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 twidth = width - tleft - st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 secondwidth = width - tleft - st::msgPadding.right() - parent->skipBlockWidth(); p.setFont(st::mediaFont->f); p.setPen(st::black->c); p.drawText(tleft, skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaNameTop + st::mediaFont->ascent, lang(lng_media_audio)); style::color status(selected ? (outbg ? st::mediaOutSelectColor : st::mediaInSelectColor) : (outbg ? st::mediaOutColor : st::mediaInColor)); p.setPen(status->p); int32 texty = skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize - st::mediaDetailsShift - st::mediaFont->height; p.drawText(tleft, texty + st::mediaFont->ascent, statusText); if (parent->isMediaUnread()) { int32 w = st::mediaFont->width(statusText); if (w + st::mediaUnreadSkip + st::mediaUnreadSize <= twidth) { p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush((outbg ? (selected ? st::mediaOutUnreadSelectColor : st::mediaOutUnreadColor) : (selected ? st::mediaInUnreadSelectColor : st::mediaInUnreadColor))->b); p.drawEllipse(QRect(tleft + w + st::mediaUnreadSkip, texty + ((st::mediaFont->height - st::mediaUnreadSize) / 2), st::mediaUnreadSize, st::mediaUnreadSize)); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, false); } } p.setFont(st::msgDateFont->f); style::color date(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectDateColor : st::msgInSelectDateColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateColor : st::msgInDateColor)); p.setPen(date->p); int32 fullRight = width, fullBottom = _height; parent->drawInfo(p, fullRight, fullBottom, selected, InfoDisplayDefault); } void HistoryAudio::regItem(HistoryItem *item) { App::regAudioItem(data, item); } void HistoryAudio::unregItem(HistoryItem *item) { App::unregAudioItem(data, item); } void HistoryAudio::updateFrom(const MTPMessageMedia &media) { if (media.type() == mtpc_messageMediaAudio) { App::feedAudio(media.c_messageMediaAudio().vaudio, data); if (!data->data.isEmpty()) { Local::writeAudio(mediaKey(mtpToLocationType(mtpc_inputAudioFileLocation), data->dc, data->id), data->data); } } } const QString HistoryAudio::inDialogsText() const { return lang(lng_in_dlg_audio); } const QString HistoryAudio::inHistoryText() const { return qsl("[ ") + lang(lng_in_dlg_audio) + qsl(" ]"); } bool HistoryAudio::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < _height); } void HistoryAudio::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width < 1) return; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = reply ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); int skipy = 0, replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (reply) { skipy = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (fwd) { skipy = st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; } else if (fwd) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel, hovered, pressed; if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } if (!outbg) { // draw Download / Save As button int32 btnw = _buttonWidth, btnh = st::mediaSaveButton.height, btnx = width - _buttonWidth, btny = skipy + (_height - skipy - btnh) / 2; if (x >= btnx && y >= btny && x < btnx + btnw && y < btny + btnh) { lnk = data->loader ? _cancell : _savel; return; } width -= btnw + st::mediaSaveDelta; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { if (x >= st::mediaPadding.left() && y >= st::msgPadding.top() && x < width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right() && x < st::mediaPadding.left() + parent->from()->nameText.maxWidth() && y < replyFrom) { lnk = parent->from()->lnk; return; } } if (reply) { if (x >= 0 && y >= replyFrom + st::msgReplyPadding.top() && x < width && y < skipy - st::msgReplyPadding.bottom()) { lnk = reply->replyToLink(); return; } } else if (fwd) { if (y >= fwdFrom && y < skipy) { return fwd->getForwardedState(lnk, state, x - st::mediaPadding.left(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } } if (x >= 0 && y >= skipy && x < width && y < _height && !data->loader && data->access) { lnk = _openl; bool inDate = parent->pointInTime(width, _height, x, y, InfoDisplayDefault); if (inDate) { state = HistoryInDateCursorState; } return; } } HistoryMedia *HistoryAudio::clone() const { return new HistoryAudio(*this); } namespace { QString documentName(DocumentData *document) { SongData *song = document->song(); if (!song || (song->title.isEmpty() && song->performer.isEmpty())) return document->name; if (song->performer.isEmpty()) return song->title; return song->performer + QString::fromUtf8(" \xe2\x80\x93 ") + (song->title.isEmpty() ? qsl("Unknown Track") : song->title); } } HistoryDocument::HistoryDocument(DocumentData *document) : HistoryMedia() , data(document) , _openl(new DocumentOpenLink(data)) , _savel(new DocumentSaveLink(data)) , _cancell(new DocumentCancelLink(data)) , _name(documentName(data)) , _dldDone(0) , _uplDone(0) { _namew = st::mediaFont->width(_name.isEmpty() ? qsl("Document") : _name); _size = document->song() ? formatDurationAndSizeText(document->song()->duration, data->size) : formatSizeText(data->size); _height = _minh = st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); if (!_openWithWidth) { _downloadWidth = st::mediaSaveButton.font->width(lang(lng_media_download)); _openWithWidth = st::mediaSaveButton.font->width(lang(lng_media_open_with)); _cancelWidth = st::mediaSaveButton.font->width(lang(lng_media_cancel)); _buttonWidth = (st::mediaSaveButton.width > 0) ? st::mediaSaveButton.width : ((_downloadWidth > _openWithWidth ? (_downloadWidth > _cancelWidth ? _downloadWidth : _cancelWidth) : _openWithWidth) - st::mediaSaveButton.width); } data->thumb->load(); int32 tw = data->thumb->width(), th = data->thumb->height(); if (data->thumb->isNull() || !tw || !th) { _thumbw = 0; } else if (tw > th) { _thumbw = (tw * st::mediaThumbSize) / th; } else { _thumbw = st::mediaThumbSize; } } void HistoryDocument::initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent) { if (parent == animated.msg) { _maxw = animated.w / cIntRetinaFactor(); _minh = animated.h / cIntRetinaFactor(); } else { _maxw = st::mediaMaxWidth; int32 tleft = st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right(); if (_namew + tleft + st::mediaPadding.right() > _maxw) { _maxw = _namew + tleft + st::mediaPadding.right(); } bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; if (!outbg) { // add Download / Save As button _maxw += st::mediaSaveDelta + _buttonWidth; } _minh = st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); if (parent->displayFromName()) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; } if (const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent)) { _minh += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (const HistoryForwarded *fwd = toHistoryForwarded(parent)) { if (!data->song()) { if (!parent->displayFromName()) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top(); } _minh += st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } } } _height = _minh; } void HistoryDocument::draw(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, bool selected, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width < 1) return; bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel, hovered, pressed; bool already = !data->already().isEmpty(), hasdata = !data->data.isEmpty(); if (parent == animated.msg) { int32 pw = animated.w / cIntRetinaFactor(), ph = animated.h / cIntRetinaFactor(); if (width < pw) { pw = width; ph = (pw == w) ? _height : (pw * animated.h / animated.w); if (ph < 1) ph = 1; } App::roundShadow(p, 0, 0, pw, ph, selected ? st::msgInSelectShadow : st::msgInShadow, selected ? InSelectedShadowCorners : InShadowCorners); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, animated.current(pw * cIntRetinaFactor(), ph * cIntRetinaFactor(), true)); if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, 0, 0, pw, ph, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } return; } const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = (reply || data->song()) ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); int skipy = 0, replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (reply) { skipy = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (fwd) { skipy = st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; } else if (fwd) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } if (!outbg) { // draw Download / Save As button hovered = ((data->loader ? _cancell : _savel) == textlnkOver()); pressed = hovered && ((data->loader ? _cancell : _savel) == textlnkDown()); if (hovered && !pressed && textlnkDown()) hovered = false; int32 btnw = _buttonWidth, btnh = st::mediaSaveButton.height, btnx = width - _buttonWidth, btny = skipy + (_height - skipy - btnh) / 2; style::color bg(selected ? st::msgInSelectBg : (hovered ? st::mediaSaveButton.overBgColor : st::mediaSaveButton.bgColor)); style::color sh(selected ? st::msgInSelectShadow : st::msgInShadow); RoundCorners cors(selected ? MessageInSelectedCorners : (hovered ? ButtonHoverCorners : MessageInCorners)); App::roundRect(p, btnx, btny, btnw, btnh, bg, cors, &sh); p.setPen((hovered ? st::mediaSaveButton.overColor : st::mediaSaveButton.color)->p); p.setFont(st::mediaSaveButton.font->f); QString btnText(lang(data->loader ? lng_media_cancel : (already ? lng_media_open_with : lng_media_download))); int32 btnTextWidth = data->loader ? _cancelWidth : (already ? _openWithWidth : _downloadWidth); p.drawText(btnx + (btnw - btnTextWidth) / 2, btny + (pressed ? st::mediaSaveButton.downTextTop : st::mediaSaveButton.textTop) + st::mediaSaveButton.font->ascent, btnText); width -= btnw + st::mediaSaveDelta; } style::color bg(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectBg : st::msgInSelectBg) : (outbg ? st::msgOutBg : st::msgInBg)); style::color sh(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectShadow : st::msgInSelectShadow) : (outbg ? st::msgOutShadow : st::msgInShadow)); RoundCorners cors(selected ? (outbg ? MessageOutSelectedCorners : MessageInSelectedCorners) : (outbg ? MessageOutCorners : MessageInCorners)); App::roundRect(p, 0, 0, width, _height, bg, cors, &sh); if (parent->displayFromName()) { p.setFont(st::msgNameFont->f); if (fromChannel) { p.setPen(selected ? st::msgInServiceSelColor : st::msgInServiceColor); } else { p.setPen(parent->from()->color); } parent->from()->nameText.drawElided(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), st::msgPadding.top(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } if (reply) { reply->drawReplyTo(p, st::msgReplyPadding.left(), replyFrom, width - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right(), selected); } else if (fwd) { fwd->drawForwardedFrom(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), fwdFrom, width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right(), selected); } QString statusText; if (data->song()) { SongMsgId playing; AudioPlayerState playingState = AudioPlayerStopped; int64 playingPosition = 0, playingDuration = 0; int32 playingFrequency = 0; if (audioPlayer()) { audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, &playingState, &playingPosition, &playingDuration, &playingFrequency); } QRect img; if (data->status == FileFailed) { statusText = lang(lng_attach_failed); img = outbg ? st::mediaMusicOutImg : st::mediaMusicInImg; } else if (data->status == FileUploading) { if (_uplTextCache.isEmpty() || _uplDone != data->uploadOffset) { _uplDone = data->uploadOffset; _uplTextCache = formatDownloadText(_uplDone, data->size); } statusText = _uplTextCache; img = outbg ? st::mediaMusicOutImg : st::mediaMusicInImg; } else if (already || hasdata) { bool showPause = false; if (playing.msgId == parent->fullId() && !(playingState & AudioPlayerStoppedMask) && playingState != AudioPlayerFinishing) { statusText = formatDurationText(playingPosition / (playingFrequency ? playingFrequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency)) + qsl(" / ") + formatDurationText(playingDuration / (playingFrequency ? playingFrequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency)); showPause = (playingState == AudioPlayerPlaying || playingState == AudioPlayerResuming || playingState == AudioPlayerStarting); } else { statusText = formatDurationText(data->song()->duration); } if (!showPause && playing.msgId == parent->fullId() && App::main() && App::main()->player()->seekingSong(playing)) showPause = true; img = outbg ? (showPause ? st::mediaPauseOutImg : st::mediaPlayOutImg) : (showPause ? st::mediaPauseInImg : st::mediaPlayInImg); } else { if (data->loader) { int32 offset = data->loader->currentOffset(); if (_dldTextCache.isEmpty() || _dldDone != offset) { _dldDone = offset; _dldTextCache = formatDownloadText(_dldDone, data->size); } statusText = _dldTextCache; } else { statusText = _size; } img = outbg ? st::mediaMusicOutImg : st::mediaMusicInImg; } p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top()), App::sprite(), img); } else { if (data->status == FileFailed) { statusText = lang(lng_attach_failed); } else if (data->status == FileUploading) { if (_uplTextCache.isEmpty() || _uplDone != data->uploadOffset) { _uplDone = data->uploadOffset; _uplTextCache = formatDownloadText(_uplDone, data->size); } statusText = _uplTextCache; } else if (data->loader) { int32 offset = data->loader->currentOffset(); if (_dldTextCache.isEmpty() || _dldDone != offset) { _dldDone = offset; _dldTextCache = formatDownloadText(_dldDone, data->size); } statusText = _dldTextCache; } else { statusText = _size; } if (_thumbw) { data->thumb->checkload(); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top()), data->thumb->pixSingle(_thumbw, 0, st::mediaThumbSize, st::mediaThumbSize)); } else { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top()), App::sprite(), (outbg ? st::mediaDocOutImg : st::mediaDocInImg)); } } if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top(), st::mediaThumbSize, st::mediaThumbSize, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } int32 tleft = st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 twidth = width - tleft - st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 secondwidth = width - tleft - st::msgPadding.right() - parent->skipBlockWidth(); p.setFont(st::mediaFont->f); p.setPen(st::black->c); if (twidth < _namew) { p.drawText(tleft, skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaNameTop + st::mediaFont->ascent, st::mediaFont->elided(_name, twidth)); } else { p.drawText(tleft, skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaNameTop + st::mediaFont->ascent, _name); } style::color status(selected ? (outbg ? st::mediaOutSelectColor : st::mediaInSelectColor) : (outbg ? st::mediaOutColor : st::mediaInColor)); p.setPen(status->p); p.drawText(tleft, skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize - st::mediaDetailsShift - st::mediaFont->descent, statusText); p.setFont(st::msgDateFont->f); style::color date(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectDateColor : st::msgInSelectDateColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateColor : st::msgInDateColor)); p.setPen(date->p); int32 fullRight = width, fullBottom = _height; parent->drawInfo(p, fullRight, fullBottom, selected, InfoDisplayDefault); } void HistoryDocument::drawInPlaylist(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, bool selected, bool over, int32 width) const { bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; bool already = !data->already().isEmpty(), hasdata = !data->data.isEmpty(); int32 height = st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); style::color bg(selected ? st::msgInSelectBg : (over ? st::playlistHoverBg : st::msgInBg)); p.fillRect(0, 0, width, height, bg->b); QString statusText; if (data->song()) { SongMsgId playing; AudioPlayerState playingState = AudioPlayerStopped; int64 playingPosition = 0, playingDuration = 0; int32 playingFrequency = 0; if (audioPlayer()) { audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, &playingState, &playingPosition, &playingDuration, &playingFrequency); } QRect img; if (data->status == FileFailed) { statusText = lang(lng_attach_failed); img = st::mediaMusicInImg; } else if (data->status == FileUploading) { if (_uplTextCache.isEmpty() || _uplDone != data->uploadOffset) { _uplDone = data->uploadOffset; _uplTextCache = formatDownloadText(_uplDone, data->size); } statusText = _uplTextCache; img = st::mediaMusicInImg; } else if (already || hasdata) { bool isPlaying = (playing.msgId == parent->fullId()); bool showPause = false; if (playing.msgId == parent->fullId() && !(playingState & AudioPlayerStoppedMask) && playingState != AudioPlayerFinishing) { statusText = formatDurationText(playingPosition / (playingFrequency ? playingFrequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency)) + qsl(" / ") + formatDurationText(playingDuration / (playingFrequency ? playingFrequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency)); showPause = (playingState == AudioPlayerPlaying || playingState == AudioPlayerResuming || playingState == AudioPlayerStarting); } else { statusText = formatDurationText(data->song()->duration); } if (!showPause && playing.msgId == parent->fullId() && App::main() && App::main()->player()->seekingSong(playing)) showPause = true; img = isPlaying ? (showPause ? st::mediaPauseOutImg : st::mediaPlayOutImg) : (showPause ? st::mediaPauseInImg : st::mediaPlayInImg); } else { if (data->loader) { int32 offset = data->loader->currentOffset(); if (_dldTextCache.isEmpty() || _dldDone != offset) { _dldDone = offset; _dldTextCache = formatDownloadText(_dldDone, data->size); } statusText = _dldTextCache; } else { statusText = _size; } img = st::mediaMusicInImg; } p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::mediaPadding.left(), st::mediaPadding.top()), App::sprite(), img); } else { if (data->status == FileFailed) { statusText = lang(lng_attach_failed); } else if (data->status == FileUploading) { if (_uplTextCache.isEmpty() || _uplDone != data->uploadOffset) { _uplDone = data->uploadOffset; _uplTextCache = formatDownloadText(_uplDone, data->size); } statusText = _uplTextCache; } else if (data->loader) { int32 offset = data->loader->currentOffset(); if (_dldTextCache.isEmpty() || _dldDone != offset) { _dldDone = offset; _dldTextCache = formatDownloadText(_dldDone, data->size); } statusText = _dldTextCache; } else { statusText = _size; } if (_thumbw) { data->thumb->checkload(); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::mediaPadding.left(), st::mediaPadding.top()), data->thumb->pixSingle(_thumbw, 0, st::mediaThumbSize, st::mediaThumbSize)); } else { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(st::mediaPadding.left(), st::mediaPadding.top()), App::sprite(), st::mediaDocInImg); } } if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), st::mediaPadding.top(), st::mediaThumbSize, st::mediaThumbSize, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } int32 tleft = st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 twidth = width - tleft - st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 secondwidth = width - tleft - st::msgPadding.right() - parent->skipBlockWidth(); p.setFont(st::mediaFont->f); p.setPen(st::black->c); if (twidth < _namew) { p.drawText(tleft, st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaNameTop + st::mediaFont->ascent, st::mediaFont->elided(_name, twidth)); } else { p.drawText(tleft, st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaNameTop + st::mediaFont->ascent, _name); } style::color status(selected ? st::mediaInSelectColor : st::mediaInColor); p.setPen(status->p); p.drawText(tleft, st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize - st::mediaDetailsShift - st::mediaFont->descent, statusText); } TextLinkPtr HistoryDocument::linkInPlaylist() { if (!data->loader && data->access) { return _openl; } return TextLinkPtr(); } void HistoryDocument::regItem(HistoryItem *item) { App::regDocumentItem(data, item); } void HistoryDocument::unregItem(HistoryItem *item) { App::unregDocumentItem(data, item); } void HistoryDocument::updateFrom(const MTPMessageMedia &media) { if (media.type() == mtpc_messageMediaDocument) { App::feedDocument(media.c_messageMediaDocument().vdocument, data); } } int32 HistoryDocument::resize(int32 width, const HistoryItem *parent) { w = qMin(width, _maxw); if (parent == animated.msg) { if (w > st::maxMediaSize) { w = st::maxMediaSize; } _height = animated.h / cIntRetinaFactor(); if (animated.w / cIntRetinaFactor() > w) { _height = (w * _height / (animated.w / cIntRetinaFactor())); if (_height <= 0) _height = 1; } } else { _height = _minh; } return _height; } const QString HistoryDocument::inDialogsText() const { return _name.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_in_dlg_file) : _name; } const QString HistoryDocument::inHistoryText() const { return qsl("[ ") + lang(lng_in_dlg_file) + (_name.isEmpty() ? QString() : (qsl(" : ") + _name)) + qsl(" ]"); } bool HistoryDocument::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } if (parent == animated.msg) { int32 h = (width == w) ? _height : (width * animated.h / animated.w); if (h < 1) h = 1; return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < h); } return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < _height); } int32 HistoryDocument::countHeight(const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } if (parent == animated.msg) { int32 h = (width == w) ? _height : (width * animated.h / animated.w); if (h < 1) h = 1; return h; } return _height; } void HistoryDocument::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width < 1) return; bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel, hovered, pressed; if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } if (parent == animated.msg) { int32 h = (width == w) ? _height : (width * animated.h / animated.w); if (h < 1) h = 1; lnk = (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < h) ? _openl : TextLinkPtr(); return; } const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = (reply || data->song()) ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); int skipy = 0, replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (reply) { skipy = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (fwd) { skipy = st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; } else if (fwd) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } if (!outbg) { // draw Download / Save As button int32 btnw = _buttonWidth, btnh = st::mediaSaveButton.height, btnx = width - _buttonWidth, btny = skipy + (_height - skipy - btnh) / 2; if (x >= btnx && y >= btny && x < btnx + btnw && y < btny + btnh) { lnk = data->loader ? _cancell : _savel; return; } width -= btnw + st::mediaSaveDelta; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { if (x >= st::mediaPadding.left() && y >= st::msgPadding.top() && x < width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right() && x < st::mediaPadding.left() + parent->from()->nameText.maxWidth() && y < replyFrom) { lnk = parent->from()->lnk; return; } } if (reply) { if (x >= 0 && y >= replyFrom + st::msgReplyPadding.top() && x < width && y < skipy - st::msgReplyPadding.bottom()) { lnk = reply->replyToLink(); return; } } else if (fwd) { if (y >= fwdFrom && y < skipy) { return fwd->getForwardedState(lnk, state, x - st::mediaPadding.left(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } } if (x >= 0 && y >= skipy && x < width && y < _height && !data->loader && data->access) { lnk = _openl; bool inDate = parent->pointInTime(width, _height, x, y, InfoDisplayDefault); if (inDate) { state = HistoryInDateCursorState; } return; } } HistoryMedia *HistoryDocument::clone() const { return new HistoryDocument(*this); } ImagePtr HistoryDocument::replyPreview() { return data->makeReplyPreview(); } HistorySticker::HistorySticker(DocumentData *document) : HistoryMedia() , pixw(1), pixh(1), data(document), lastw(0) { data->thumb->load(); if (!data->sticker()->alt.isEmpty()) { _emoji = data->sticker()->alt; int32 elen = 0; if (EmojiPtr e = emojiFromText(_emoji.constData(), _emoji.constEnd(), elen)) { _emoji = emojiString(e); } } } void HistorySticker::initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent) { pixw = data->dimensions.width(); pixh = data->dimensions.height(); if (pixw > st::maxStickerSize) { pixh = (st::maxStickerSize * pixh) / pixw; pixw = st::maxStickerSize; } if (pixh > st::maxStickerSize) { pixw = (st::maxStickerSize * pixw) / pixh; pixh = st::maxStickerSize; } if (pixw < 1) pixw = 1; if (pixh < 1) pixh = 1; _maxw = qMax(pixw, int16(st::minPhotoSize)); _minh = qMax(pixh, int16(st::minPhotoSize)); if (const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent)) { _maxw += st::msgReplyPadding.left() + reply->replyToWidth(); } _height = _minh; w = qMin(lastw, _maxw); } void HistorySticker::draw(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, bool selected, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width < 1) return; if (width > _maxw) width = _maxw; bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel, hovered, pressed; bool already = !data->already().isEmpty(), hasdata = !data->data.isEmpty(); int32 usew = _maxw, usex = 0; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); if (reply) { usew -= st::msgReplyPadding.left() + reply->replyToWidth(); if (fromChannel) { } else if (out) { usex = width - usew; } } if (!data->loader && data->status != FileFailed && !already && !hasdata) { data->save(QString()); } if (data->sticker()->img->isNull() && (already || hasdata)) { if (already) { data->sticker()->img = ImagePtr(data->already()); } else { data->sticker()->img = ImagePtr(data->data); } } if (selected) { if (data->sticker()->img->isNull()) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(usex + (usew - pixw) / 2, (_minh - pixh) / 2), data->thumb->pixBlurredColored(st::msgStickerOverlay, pixw, pixh)); } else { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(usex + (usew - pixw) / 2, (_minh - pixh) / 2), data->sticker()->img->pixColored(st::msgStickerOverlay, pixw, pixh)); } } else { if (data->sticker()->img->isNull()) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(usex + (usew - pixw) / 2, (_minh - pixh) / 2), data->thumb->pixBlurred(pixw, pixh)); } else { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(usex + (usew - pixw) / 2, (_minh - pixh) / 2), data->sticker()->img->pix(pixw, pixh)); } } parent->drawInfo(p, usex + usew, _height, selected, InfoDisplayOverImage); if (reply) { int32 rw = width - usew - st::msgReplyPadding.left(), rh = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); int32 rx = fromChannel ? (usew + st::msgReplyPadding.left()) : (out ? 0 : (usew + st::msgReplyPadding.left())), ry = _height - rh; App::roundRect(p, rx, ry, rw, rh, selected ? App::msgServiceSelectBg() : App::msgServiceBg(), selected ? ServiceSelectedCorners : ServiceCorners); reply->drawReplyTo(p, rx + st::msgReplyPadding.left(), ry, rw - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right(), selected, true); } } int32 HistorySticker::resize(int32 width, const HistoryItem *parent) { w = qMin(width, _maxw); lastw = width; return _height; } void HistorySticker::regItem(HistoryItem *item) { App::regDocumentItem(data, item); } void HistorySticker::unregItem(HistoryItem *item) { App::unregDocumentItem(data, item); } void HistorySticker::updateFrom(const MTPMessageMedia &media) { if (media.type() == mtpc_messageMediaDocument) { App::feedDocument(media.c_messageMediaDocument().vdocument, data); if (!data->data.isEmpty()) { Local::writeStickerImage(mediaKey(mtpToLocationType(mtpc_inputDocumentFileLocation), data->dc, data->id), data->data); } } } const QString HistorySticker::inDialogsText() const { return _emoji.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_in_dlg_sticker) : lng_in_dlg_sticker_emoji(lt_emoji, _emoji); } const QString HistorySticker::inHistoryText() const { return qsl("[ ") + inDialogsText() + qsl(" ]"); } bool HistorySticker::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < _maxw && y < _minh); } int32 HistorySticker::countHeight(const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { return _minh; } void HistorySticker::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width < 1) return; if (width > _maxw) width = _maxw; bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; int32 usew = _maxw, usex = 0; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); if (reply) { usew -= reply->replyToWidth(); if (fromChannel) { } else if (out) { usex = width - usew; } int32 rw = width - usew, rh = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); int32 rx = fromChannel ? (usew + st::msgReplyPadding.left()) : (out ? 0 : (usew + st::msgReplyPadding.left())), ry = _height - rh; if (x >= rx && y >= ry && x < rx + rw && y < ry + rh) { lnk = reply->replyToLink(); return; } } bool inDate = parent->pointInTime(usex + usew, _height, x, y, InfoDisplayOverImage); if (inDate) { state = HistoryInDateCursorState; } } HistoryMedia *HistorySticker::clone() const { return new HistorySticker(*this); } HistoryContact::HistoryContact(int32 userId, const QString &first, const QString &last, const QString &phone) : HistoryMedia(0) , userId(userId) , phone(App::formatPhone(phone)) , contact(App::userLoaded(userId)) { App::regSharedContactPhone(userId, phone); _maxw = st::mediaMaxWidth; name.setText(st::mediaFont, lng_full_name(lt_first_name, first, lt_last_name, last).trimmed(), _textNameOptions); phonew = st::mediaFont->width(phone); if (contact) { contact->photo->load(); } } HistoryContact::HistoryContact(int32 userId, const QString &fullname, const QString &phone) : HistoryMedia(0) , userId(userId) , phone(App::formatPhone(phone)) , contact(App::userLoaded(userId)) { App::regSharedContactPhone(userId, phone); _maxw = st::mediaMaxWidth; name.setText(st::mediaFont, fullname.trimmed(), _textNameOptions); phonew = st::mediaFont->width(phone); if (contact) { contact->photo->load(); } } void HistoryContact::initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent) { int32 tleft = st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 fullInfoWidth = parent->skipBlockWidth() + st::msgPadding.right(); if (name.maxWidth() + tleft + fullInfoWidth > _maxw) { _maxw = name.maxWidth() + tleft + fullInfoWidth; } if (phonew + tleft + st::mediaPadding.right() > _maxw) { _maxw = phonew + tleft + st::mediaPadding.right(); } _minh = st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); if (parent->displayFromName()) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; } if (const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent)) { _minh += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (const HistoryForwarded *fwd = toHistoryForwarded(parent)) { if (!parent->displayFromName()) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top(); } _minh += st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } _height = _minh; } const QString HistoryContact::inDialogsText() const { return lang(lng_in_dlg_contact); } const QString HistoryContact::inHistoryText() const { return qsl("[ ") + lang(lng_in_dlg_contact) + qsl(" : ") + name.original() + qsl(", ") + phone + qsl(" ]"); } bool HistoryContact::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; return (x >= 0 && y <= 0 && x < w && y < _height); } void HistoryContact::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = reply ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); int skipy = 0, replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (reply) { skipy = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (fwd) { skipy = st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; } else if (fwd) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { if (x >= st::mediaPadding.left() && y >= st::msgPadding.top() && x < width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right() && x < st::mediaPadding.left() + parent->from()->nameText.maxWidth() && y < replyFrom) { lnk = parent->from()->lnk; return; } } if (reply) { if (x >= 0 && y >= replyFrom + st::msgReplyPadding.top() && x < width && y < skipy - st::msgReplyPadding.bottom()) { lnk = reply->replyToLink(); return; } } else if (fwd) { if (y >= fwdFrom && y < skipy) { return fwd->getForwardedState(lnk, state, x - st::mediaPadding.left(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } } if (x >= 0 && y >= skipy && x < width && y < _height && contact) { lnk = contact->lnk; bool inDate = parent->pointInTime(width, _height, x, y, InfoDisplayDefault); if (inDate) { state = HistoryInDateCursorState; } return; } } HistoryMedia *HistoryContact::clone() const { return new HistoryContact(userId, name.original(), phone); } void HistoryContact::draw(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, bool selected, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width < 1) return; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = reply ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); int skipy = 0, replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (reply) { skipy = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (fwd) { skipy = st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; } else if (fwd) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; if (width >= _maxw) { width = _maxw; } style::color bg(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectBg : st::msgInSelectBg) : (outbg ? st::msgOutBg : st::msgInBg)); style::color sh(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectShadow : st::msgInSelectShadow) : (outbg ? st::msgOutShadow : st::msgInShadow)); RoundCorners cors(selected ? (outbg ? MessageOutSelectedCorners : MessageInSelectedCorners) : (outbg ? MessageOutCorners : MessageInCorners)); App::roundRect(p, 0, 0, width, _height, bg, cors, &sh); if (parent->displayFromName()) { p.setFont(st::msgNameFont->f); if (fromChannel) { p.setPen(selected ? st::msgInServiceSelColor : st::msgInServiceColor); } else { p.setPen(parent->from()->color); } parent->from()->nameText.drawElided(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), st::msgPadding.top(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } if (reply) { reply->drawReplyTo(p, st::msgReplyPadding.left(), replyFrom, width - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right(), selected); } else if (fwd) { fwd->drawForwardedFrom(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), fwdFrom, width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right(), selected); } p.drawPixmap(st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top(), (contact ? contact->photo : userDefPhoto(1))->pixRounded(st::mediaThumbSize)); if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy + st::mediaPadding.top(), st::mediaThumbSize, st::mediaThumbSize, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } int32 tleft = st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 twidth = width - tleft - st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 secondwidth = width - tleft - st::msgPadding.right() - parent->skipBlockWidth(); p.setFont(st::mediaFont->f); p.setPen(st::black->c); if (twidth < phonew) { p.drawText(tleft, skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaNameTop + st::mediaFont->ascent, st::mediaFont->elided(phone, twidth)); } else { p.drawText(tleft, skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaNameTop + st::mediaFont->ascent, phone); } style::color status(selected ? (outbg ? st::mediaOutSelectColor : st::mediaInSelectColor) : (outbg ? st::mediaOutColor : st::mediaInColor)); p.setPen(status->p); name.drawElided(p, tleft, skipy + st::mediaPadding.top() + st::mediaThumbSize - st::mediaDetailsShift - st::mediaFont->height, secondwidth); int32 fullRight = width, fullBottom = _height; parent->drawInfo(p, fullRight, fullBottom, selected, InfoDisplayDefault); } void HistoryContact::updateFrom(const MTPMessageMedia &media) { if (media.type() == mtpc_messageMediaContact) { userId = media.c_messageMediaContact().vuser_id.v; contact = App::userLoaded(userId); if (contact) { if (contact->phone.isEmpty()) { contact->setPhone(phone); } if (contact->contact < 0) { contact->contact = 0; } contact->photo->load(); } } } HistoryWebPage::HistoryWebPage(WebPageData *data) : HistoryMedia() , data(data) , _openl(0) , _attachl(0) , _asArticle(false) , _title(st::msgMinWidth - st::webPageLeft) , _description(st::msgMinWidth - st::webPageLeft) , _siteNameWidth(0) , _durationWidth(0) , _docNameWidth(0) , _docThumbWidth(0) , _docDownloadDone(0) , _pixw(0), _pixh(0) { } void HistoryWebPage::initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent) { if (data->pendingTill) { _maxw = _minh = _height = 0; //_maxw = st::webPageLeft + st::linkFont->width(lang((data->pendingTill < 0) ? lng_attach_failed : lng_profile_loading)); //_minh = st::replyHeight; //_height = _minh; return; } if (!_openl && !data->url.isEmpty()) _openl = TextLinkPtr(new TextLink(data->url)); if (!_attachl && data->photo && data->type != WebPageVideo) _attachl = TextLinkPtr(new PhotoLink(data->photo)); if (!_attachl && data->doc) _attachl = TextLinkPtr(new DocumentOpenLink(data->doc)); if (data->photo && data->type != WebPagePhoto && data->type != WebPageVideo) { if (data->type == WebPageProfile) { _asArticle = true; } else if (data->siteName == qstr("Twitter") || data->siteName == qstr("Facebook")) { _asArticle = false; } else { _asArticle = true; } } else { _asArticle = false; } if (_asArticle) { w = st::webPagePhotoSize; _maxw = st::webPageLeft + st::webPagePhotoSize; _minh = st::webPagePhotoSize; _minh += st::webPagePhotoSkip + (st::msgDateFont->height - st::msgDateDelta.y()); } else if (data->photo) { int32 tw = convertScale(data->photo->full->width()), th = convertScale(data->photo->full->height()); if (!tw || !th) { tw = th = 1; } if (tw > st::maxMediaSize) { th = (st::maxMediaSize * th) / tw; tw = st::maxMediaSize; } if (th > st::maxMediaSize) { tw = (st::maxMediaSize * tw) / th; th = st::maxMediaSize; } int32 thumbw = tw; int32 thumbh = th; w = thumbw; _maxw = st::webPageLeft + qMax(thumbh, qMax(w, int32(st::minPhotoSize))) + parent->skipBlockWidth(); _minh = qMax(thumbh, int32(st::minPhotoSize)); _minh += st::webPagePhotoSkip; } else if (data->doc) { if (!data->doc->thumb->isNull()) { data->doc->thumb->load(); int32 tw = data->doc->thumb->width(), th = data->doc->thumb->height(); if (data->doc->thumb->isNull() || !tw || !th) { _docThumbWidth = 0; } else if (tw > th) { _docThumbWidth = (tw * st::mediaThumbSize) / th; } else { _docThumbWidth = st::mediaThumbSize; } } _docName = documentName(data->doc); _docSize = data->doc->song() ? formatDurationAndSizeText(data->doc->song()->duration, data->doc->size) : formatSizeText(data->doc->size); _docNameWidth = st::mediaFont->width(_docName.isEmpty() ? qsl("Document") : _docName); if (parent == animated.msg) { _maxw = st::webPageLeft + (animated.w / cIntRetinaFactor()) + parent->skipBlockWidth(); _minh = animated.h / cIntRetinaFactor(); _minh += st::webPagePhotoSkip; } else { _maxw = qMax(st::webPageLeft + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right() + _docNameWidth + st::mediaPadding.right(), st::mediaMaxWidth); _minh = st::mediaThumbSize; } } else { _maxw = st::webPageLeft; _minh = 0; } if (!data->siteName.isEmpty()) { _siteNameWidth = st::webPageTitleFont->width(data->siteName); if (_asArticle) { _maxw = qMax(_maxw, int32(st::webPageLeft + _siteNameWidth + st::webPagePhotoDelta + st::webPagePhotoSize)); } else { _maxw = qMax(_maxw, int32(st::webPageLeft + _siteNameWidth + parent->skipBlockWidth())); _minh += st::webPageTitleFont->height; } } QString title(data->title.isEmpty() ? data->author : data->title); if (!title.isEmpty()) { title = textClean(title); if (!_asArticle && !data->photo && data->description.isEmpty()) title += parent->skipBlock(); _title.setText(st::webPageTitleFont, title, _webpageTitleOptions); if (_asArticle) { _maxw = qMax(_maxw, int32(st::webPageLeft + _title.maxWidth() + st::webPagePhotoDelta + st::webPagePhotoSize)); } else { _maxw = qMax(_maxw, int32(st::webPageLeft + _title.maxWidth())); _minh += qMin(_title.minHeight(), 2 * st::webPageTitleFont->height); } } if (!data->description.isEmpty()) { QString text = textClean(data->description); if (!_asArticle && !data->photo) text += parent->skipBlock(); const TextParseOptions *opts = &_webpageDescriptionOptions; if (data->siteName == qstr("Twitter")) { opts = &_twitterDescriptionOptions; } else if (data->siteName == qstr("Instagram")) { opts = &_instagramDescriptionOptions; } _description.setText(st::webPageDescriptionFont, text, *opts); if (_asArticle) { _maxw = qMax(_maxw, int32(st::webPageLeft + _description.maxWidth() + st::webPagePhotoDelta + st::webPagePhotoSize)); } else { _maxw = qMax(_maxw, int32(st::webPageLeft + _description.maxWidth())); _minh += qMin(_description.minHeight(), 3 * st::webPageTitleFont->height); } } if (!_asArticle && (data->photo || data->doc) && (_siteNameWidth || !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty())) { _minh += st::webPagePhotoSkip; } if (data->type == WebPageVideo && data->duration) { _duration = formatDurationText(data->duration); _durationWidth = st::msgDateFont->width(_duration); } _height = _minh; } void HistoryWebPage::draw(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, bool selected, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width < 1 || data->pendingTill) return; int16 animw = 0, animh = 0; if (data->doc && animated.msg == parent) { animw = animated.w / cIntRetinaFactor(); animh = animated.h / cIntRetinaFactor(); if (width - st::webPageLeft < animw) { animw = width - st::webPageLeft; animh = (animw * animated.h / animated.w); if (animh < 1) animh = 1; } } int32 bottomSkip = 0; if (data->photo) { bottomSkip += st::webPagePhotoSkip; if (_asArticle || (st::webPageLeft + qMax(_pixw, int16(st::minPhotoSize)) + parent->skipBlockWidth() > width)) { bottomSkip += (st::msgDateFont->height - st::msgDateDelta.y()); } } else if (data->doc && animated.msg == parent) { bottomSkip += st::webPagePhotoSkip; if (st::webPageLeft + qMax(animw, int16(st::minPhotoSize)) + parent->skipBlockWidth() > width) { bottomSkip += (st::msgDateFont->height - st::msgDateDelta.y()); } } bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; style::color bar = (selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutReplyBarSelColor : st::msgInReplyBarSelColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutReplyBarColor : st::msgInReplyBarColor)); style::color semibold = (selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceSelColor : st::msgInServiceSelColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceColor : st::msgInServiceColor)); style::color regular = (selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectDateColor : st::msgInSelectDateColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateColor : st::msgInDateColor)); p.fillRect(0, 0, st::webPageBar, _height - bottomSkip, bar->b); p.save(); p.translate(st::webPageLeft, 0); width -= st::webPageLeft; if (_asArticle) { int32 pixwidth = st::webPagePhotoSize, pixheight = st::webPagePhotoSize; data->photo->medium->load(false, false); bool full = data->photo->medium->loaded(); QPixmap pix; if (full) { pix = data->photo->medium->pixSingle(_pixw, _pixh, pixwidth, pixheight); } else { pix = data->photo->thumb->pixBlurredSingle(_pixw, _pixh, pixwidth, pixheight); } p.drawPixmap(width - pixwidth, 0, pix); if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, width - pixwidth, 0, pixwidth, pixheight, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } } int32 articleLines = 5; if (_siteNameWidth) { int32 availw = width; if (_asArticle) { availw -= st::webPagePhotoSize + st::webPagePhotoDelta; } else if (_title.isEmpty() && _description.isEmpty() && !data->photo) { availw -= parent->skipBlockWidth(); } p.setFont(st::webPageTitleFont->f); p.setPen(semibold->p); p.drawText(0, st::webPageTitleFont->ascent, (availw >= _siteNameWidth) ? data->siteName : st::webPageTitleFont->elided(data->siteName, availw)); p.translate(0, st::webPageTitleFont->height); --articleLines; } if (!_title.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(st::black->p); int32 availw = width, endskip = 0; if (_asArticle) { availw -= st::webPagePhotoSize + st::webPagePhotoDelta; } else if (_description.isEmpty() && !data->photo) { endskip = parent->skipBlockWidth(); } _title.drawElided(p, 0, 0, availw, 2, style::al_left, 0, -1, endskip); int32 h = _title.countHeight(availw); if (h > st::webPageTitleFont->height) { articleLines -= 2; p.translate(0, st::webPageTitleFont->height * 2); } else { --articleLines; p.translate(0, h); } } if (!_description.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(st::black->p); int32 availw = width, endskip = 0; if (_asArticle) { availw -= st::webPagePhotoSize + st::webPagePhotoDelta; if (articleLines > 3) articleLines = 3; } else { if (!data->photo) endskip = parent->skipBlockWidth(); articleLines = 3; } _description.drawElided(p, 0, 0, availw, articleLines, style::al_left, 0, -1, endskip); p.translate(0, qMin(_description.countHeight(availw), st::webPageDescriptionFont->height * articleLines)); } if (!_asArticle && data->photo) { if (_siteNameWidth || !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { p.translate(0, st::webPagePhotoSkip); } int32 pixwidth = qMax(_pixw, int16(st::minPhotoSize)), pixheight = qMax(_pixh, int16(st::minPhotoSize)); data->photo->full->load(false, false); bool full = data->photo->full->loaded(); QPixmap pix; if (full) { pix = data->photo->full->pixSingle(_pixw, _pixh, pixwidth, pixheight); } else { pix = data->photo->thumb->pixBlurredSingle(_pixw, _pixh, pixwidth, pixheight); } p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pix); if (!full) { uint64 dt = itemAnimations().animate(parent, getms()); int32 cnt = int32(st::photoLoaderCnt), period = int32(st::photoLoaderPeriod), t = dt % period, delta = int32(st::photoLoaderDelta); int32 x = (pixwidth - st::photoLoader.width()) / 2, y = (pixheight - st::photoLoader.height()) / 2; p.fillRect(x, y, st::photoLoader.width(), st::photoLoader.height(), st::photoLoaderBg->b); x += (st::photoLoader.width() - cnt * st::photoLoaderPoint.width() - (cnt - 1) * st::photoLoaderSkip) / 2; y += (st::photoLoader.height() - st::photoLoaderPoint.height()) / 2; QColor c(st::white->c); QBrush b(c); for (int32 i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { t -= delta; while (t < 0) t += period; float64 alpha = (t >= st::photoLoaderDuration1 + st::photoLoaderDuration2) ? 0 : ((t > st::photoLoaderDuration1 ? ((st::photoLoaderDuration1 + st::photoLoaderDuration2 - t) / st::photoLoaderDuration2) : (t / st::photoLoaderDuration1))); c.setAlphaF(st::photoLoaderAlphaMin + alpha * (1 - st::photoLoaderAlphaMin)); b.setColor(c); p.fillRect(x + i * (st::photoLoaderPoint.width() + st::photoLoaderSkip), y, st::photoLoaderPoint.width(), st::photoLoaderPoint.height(), b); } } if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, 0, 0, pixwidth, pixheight, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } if (data->type == WebPageVideo) { if (data->siteName == qstr("YouTube")) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint((pixwidth - st::youtubeIcon.pxWidth()) / 2, (pixheight - st::youtubeIcon.pxHeight()) / 2), App::sprite(), st::youtubeIcon); } else { p.drawPixmap(QPoint((pixwidth - st::videoIcon.pxWidth()) / 2, (pixheight - st::videoIcon.pxHeight()) / 2), App::sprite(), st::videoIcon); } if (_durationWidth) { int32 dateX = pixwidth - _durationWidth - st::msgDateImgDelta - 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x(); int32 dateY = pixheight - st::msgDateFont->height - 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y() - st::msgDateImgDelta; int32 dateW = pixwidth - dateX - st::msgDateImgDelta; int32 dateH = pixheight - dateY - st::msgDateImgDelta; App::roundRect(p, dateX, dateY, dateW, dateH, selected ? st::msgDateImgSelectBg : st::msgDateImgBg, selected ? DateSelectedCorners : DateCorners); p.setFont(st::msgDateFont->f); p.setPen(st::msgDateImgColor->p); p.drawText(dateX + st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateY + st::msgDateImgPadding.y() + st::msgDateFont->ascent, _duration); } } p.translate(0, pixheight); } else if (!_asArticle && data->doc) { if (_siteNameWidth || !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { p.translate(0, st::webPagePhotoSkip); } if (parent == animated.msg) { p.drawPixmap(0, 0, animated.current(animw * cIntRetinaFactor(), animh * cIntRetinaFactor(), true)); if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, 0, 0, animw, animh, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } } else { QString statusText; if (data->doc->song()) { SongMsgId playing; AudioPlayerState playingState = AudioPlayerStopped; int64 playingPosition = 0, playingDuration = 0; int32 playingFrequency = 0; if (audioPlayer()) { audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, &playingState, &playingPosition, &playingDuration, &playingFrequency); } bool already = !data->doc->already().isEmpty(), hasdata = !data->doc->data.isEmpty(); QRect img; if (data->doc->status == FileFailed) { statusText = lang(lng_attach_failed); img = outbg ? st::mediaMusicOutImg : st::mediaMusicInImg; } else if (already || hasdata) { bool showPause = false; if (playing.msgId == parent->fullId() && !(playingState & AudioPlayerStoppedMask) && playingState != AudioPlayerFinishing) { statusText = formatDurationText(playingPosition / (playingFrequency ? playingFrequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency)) + qsl(" / ") + formatDurationText(playingDuration / (playingFrequency ? playingFrequency : AudioVoiceMsgFrequency)); showPause = (playingState == AudioPlayerPlaying || playingState == AudioPlayerResuming || playingState == AudioPlayerStarting); } else { statusText = formatDurationText(data->doc->song()->duration); } if (!showPause && playing.msgId == parent->fullId() && App::main() && App::main()->player()->seekingSong(playing)) showPause = true; img = outbg ? (showPause ? st::mediaPauseOutImg : st::mediaPlayOutImg) : (showPause ? st::mediaPauseInImg : st::mediaPlayInImg); } else { if (data->doc->loader) { int32 offset = data->doc->loader->currentOffset(); if (_docDownloadTextCache.isEmpty() || _docDownloadDone != offset) { _docDownloadDone = offset; _docDownloadTextCache = formatDownloadText(_docDownloadDone, data->doc->size); } statusText = _docDownloadTextCache; } else { statusText = _docSize; } img = outbg ? st::mediaMusicOutImg : st::mediaMusicInImg; } p.drawPixmap(QPoint(0, 0), App::sprite(), img); } else { if (data->doc->status == FileFailed) { statusText = lang(lng_attach_failed); } else if (data->doc->loader) { int32 offset = data->doc->loader->currentOffset(); if (_docDownloadTextCache.isEmpty() || _docDownloadDone != offset) { _docDownloadDone = offset; _docDownloadTextCache = formatDownloadText(_docDownloadDone, data->doc->size); } statusText = _docDownloadTextCache; } else { statusText = _docSize; } if (_docThumbWidth) { data->doc->thumb->checkload(); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(0, 0), data->doc->thumb->pixSingle(_docThumbWidth, 0, st::mediaThumbSize, st::mediaThumbSize)); } else { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(0, 0), App::sprite(), (outbg ? st::mediaDocOutImg : st::mediaDocInImg)); } } if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, 0, 0, st::mediaThumbSize, st::mediaThumbSize, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } int32 tleft = st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaThumbSize + st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 twidth = width - tleft - st::mediaPadding.right(); int32 secondwidth = width - tleft - st::msgPadding.right() - parent->skipBlockWidth(); p.setFont(st::mediaFont->f); p.setPen(st::black->c); if (twidth < _docNameWidth) { p.drawText(tleft, st::mediaNameTop + st::mediaFont->ascent, st::mediaFont->elided(_docName, twidth)); } else { p.drawText(tleft, st::mediaNameTop + st::mediaFont->ascent, _docName); } style::color status(selected ? (outbg ? st::mediaOutSelectColor : st::mediaInSelectColor) : (outbg ? st::mediaOutColor : st::mediaInColor)); p.setPen(status->p); p.drawText(tleft, st::mediaThumbSize - st::mediaDetailsShift - st::mediaFont->descent, statusText); } } p.restore(); } int32 HistoryWebPage::resize(int32 width, const HistoryItem *parent) { if (data->pendingTill) { w = width; _height = _minh; return _height; } w = width; width -= st::webPageLeft; if (_asArticle) { int32 tw = convertScale(data->photo->medium->width()), th = convertScale(data->photo->medium->height()); if (tw > st::webPagePhotoSize) { if (th > tw) { th = th * st::webPagePhotoSize / tw; tw = st::webPagePhotoSize; } else if (th > st::webPagePhotoSize) { tw = tw * st::webPagePhotoSize / th; th = st::webPagePhotoSize; } } _pixw = tw; _pixh = th; if (_pixw < 1) _pixw = 1; if (_pixh < 1) _pixh = 1; _height = st::webPagePhotoSize; _height += st::webPagePhotoSkip + (st::msgDateFont->height - st::msgDateDelta.y()); } else if (data->photo) { _pixw = qMin(width, int32(_maxw - st::webPageLeft - parent->skipBlockWidth())); int32 tw = convertScale(data->photo->full->width()), th = convertScale(data->photo->full->height()); if (tw > st::maxMediaSize) { th = (st::maxMediaSize * th) / tw; tw = st::maxMediaSize; } if (th > st::maxMediaSize) { tw = (st::maxMediaSize * tw) / th; th = st::maxMediaSize; } _pixh = th; if (tw > _pixw) { _pixh = (_pixw * _pixh / tw); } else { _pixw = tw; } if (_pixh > width) { _pixw = (_pixw * width) / _pixh; _pixh = width; } if (_pixw < 1) _pixw = 1; if (_pixh < 1) _pixh = 1; _height = qMax(_pixh, int16(st::minPhotoSize)); _height += st::webPagePhotoSkip; if (qMax(_pixw, int16(st::minPhotoSize)) + parent->skipBlockWidth() > width) { _height += (st::msgDateFont->height - st::msgDateDelta.y()); } } else if (data->doc) { if (parent == animated.msg) { int32 w = qMin(width, int32(animated.w / cIntRetinaFactor())); if (w > st::maxMediaSize) { w = st::maxMediaSize; } _height = animated.h / cIntRetinaFactor(); if (animated.w / cIntRetinaFactor() > w) { _height = (w * _height / (animated.w / cIntRetinaFactor())); if (_height <= 0) _height = 1; } _height += st::webPagePhotoSkip; if (w + parent->skipBlockWidth() > width) { _height += (st::msgDateFont->height - st::msgDateDelta.y()); } } else { _height = st::mediaThumbSize; } } else { _height = 0; } if (!_asArticle) { if (!data->siteName.isEmpty()) { _height += st::webPageTitleFont->height; } if (!_title.isEmpty()) { _height += qMin(_title.countHeight(width), st::webPageTitleFont->height * 2); } if (!_description.isEmpty()) { _height += qMin(_description.countHeight(width), st::webPageDescriptionFont->height * 3); } if ((data->photo || data->doc) && (_siteNameWidth || !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty())) { _height += st::webPagePhotoSkip; } } return _height; } void HistoryWebPage::regItem(HistoryItem *item) { App::regWebPageItem(data, item); if (data->doc) App::regDocumentItem(data->doc, item); } void HistoryWebPage::unregItem(HistoryItem *item) { App::unregWebPageItem(data, item); if (data->doc) App::unregDocumentItem(data->doc, item); } const QString HistoryWebPage::inDialogsText() const { return QString(); } const QString HistoryWebPage::inHistoryText() const { return QString(); } bool HistoryWebPage::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width >= _maxw) width = _maxw; return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < _height); } void HistoryWebPage::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; if (width < 1) return; width -= st::webPageLeft; x -= st::webPageLeft; if (_asArticle) { int32 pixwidth = st::webPagePhotoSize, pixheight = st::webPagePhotoSize; if (x >= width - pixwidth && x < width && y >= 0 && y < pixheight) { lnk = _openl; return; } } int32 articleLines = 5; if (_siteNameWidth) { y -= st::webPageTitleFont->height; --articleLines; } if (!_title.isEmpty()) { int32 availw = width; if (_asArticle) { availw -= st::webPagePhotoSize + st::webPagePhotoDelta; } int32 h = _title.countHeight(availw); if (h > st::webPageTitleFont->height) { articleLines -= 2; y -= st::webPageTitleFont->height * 2; } else { --articleLines; y -= h; } } if (!_description.isEmpty()) { int32 availw = width; if (_asArticle) { availw -= st::webPagePhotoSize + st::webPagePhotoDelta; if (articleLines > 3) articleLines = 3; } else if (!data->photo) { articleLines = 3; } int32 desch = qMin(_description.countHeight(width), st::webPageDescriptionFont->height * articleLines); if (y >= 0 && y < desch) { bool inText = false; _description.getState(lnk, inText, x, y, availw); state = inText ? HistoryInTextCursorState : HistoryDefaultCursorState; return; } y -= desch; } if (_siteNameWidth || !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { y -= st::webPagePhotoSkip; } if (!_asArticle) { if (data->doc && parent == animated.msg) { int32 h = (width == w) ? _height : (width * animated.h / animated.w); if (h < 1) h = 1; if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < h) { lnk = _attachl; return; } } else { int32 attachwidth = data->doc ? (width - st::mediaPadding.right()) : qMax(_pixw, int16(st::minPhotoSize)); int32 attachheight = data->doc ? st::mediaThumbSize : qMax(_pixh, int16(st::minPhotoSize)); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < attachwidth && y < attachheight) { lnk = _attachl ? _attachl : _openl; return; } } } } HistoryMedia *HistoryWebPage::clone() const { return new HistoryWebPage(*this); } ImagePtr HistoryWebPage::replyPreview() { return data->photo ? data->photo->makeReplyPreview() : (data->doc ? data->doc->makeReplyPreview() : ImagePtr()); } namespace { QRegularExpression reYouTube1(qsl("^(https?://)?(www\\.|m\\.)?youtube\\.com/watch\\?([^#]+&)?v=([a-z0-9_-]+)(&[^\\s]*)?$"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); QRegularExpression reYouTube2(qsl("^(https?://)?(www\\.)?youtu\\.be/([a-z0-9_-]+)([/\\?#][^\\s]*)?$"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); QRegularExpression reInstagram(qsl("^(https?://)?(www\\.)?instagram\\.com/p/([a-z0-9_-]+)([/\\?][^\\s]*)?$"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); QRegularExpression reVimeo(qsl("^(https?://)?(www\\.)?vimeo\\.com/([0-9]+)([/\\?][^\\s]*)?$"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); ImageLinkManager manager; } void ImageLinkManager::init() { if (manager) delete manager; manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(); App::setProxySettings(*manager); connect(manager, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply*, QAuthenticator*)), this, SLOT(onFailed(QNetworkReply*))); connect(manager, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*, const QList&)), this, SLOT(onFailed(QNetworkReply*))); connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(onFinished(QNetworkReply*))); if (black) delete black; QImage b(cIntRetinaFactor(), cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); { QPainter p(&b); p.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, cIntRetinaFactor(), cIntRetinaFactor()), st::white->b); } QPixmap p = QPixmap::fromImage(b, Qt::ColorOnly); p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); black = new ImagePtr(p, "PNG"); } void ImageLinkManager::reinit() { if (manager) App::setProxySettings(*manager); } void ImageLinkManager::deinit() { if (manager) { delete manager; manager = 0; } if (black) { delete black; black = 0; } dataLoadings.clear(); imageLoadings.clear(); } void initImageLinkManager() { manager.init(); } void reinitImageLinkManager() { manager.reinit(); } void deinitImageLinkManager() { manager.deinit(); } void ImageLinkManager::getData(ImageLinkData *data) { if (!manager) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Error: getting image link data without manager init!")); return failed(data); } QString url; switch (data->type) { case YouTubeLink: { url = qsl("https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/") + data->id.mid(8) + qsl("?v=2&alt=json"); QNetworkReply *reply = manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url))); dataLoadings[reply] = data; } break; case VimeoLink: { url = qsl("https://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/") + data->id.mid(6) + qsl(".json"); QNetworkReply *reply = manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url))); dataLoadings[reply] = data; } break; case InstagramLink: { //url = qsl("https://api.instagram.com/oembed?url=http://instagr.am/p/") + data->id.mid(10) + '/'; url = qsl("https://instagram.com/p/") + data->id.mid(10) + qsl("/media/?size=l"); QNetworkReply *reply = manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url))); imageLoadings[reply] = data; } break; case GoogleMapsLink: { int32 w = st::locationSize.width(), h = st::locationSize.height(); int32 zoom = 13, scale = 1; if (cScale() == dbisTwo || cRetina()) { scale = 2; } else { w = convertScale(w); h = convertScale(h); } url = qsl("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=") + data->id.mid(9) + qsl("&zoom=%1&size=%2x%3&maptype=roadmap&scale=%4&markers=color:red|size:big|").arg(zoom).arg(w).arg(h).arg(scale) + data->id.mid(9) + qsl("&sensor=false"); QNetworkReply *reply = manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url))); imageLoadings[reply] = data; } break; default: { failed(data); } break; } } void ImageLinkManager::onFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { if (!manager) return; if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) return onFailed(reply); QVariant statusCode = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); if (statusCode.isValid()) { int status = statusCode.toInt(); if (status == 301 || status == 302) { QString loc = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader).toString(); if (!loc.isEmpty()) { QMap::iterator i = dataLoadings.find(reply); if (i != dataLoadings.cend()) { ImageLinkData *d = i.value(); if (serverRedirects.constFind(d) == serverRedirects.cend()) { serverRedirects.insert(d, 1); } else if (++serverRedirects[d] > MaxHttpRedirects) { DEBUG_LOG(("Network Error: Too many HTTP redirects in onFinished() for image link: %1").arg(loc)); return onFailed(reply); } dataLoadings.erase(i); dataLoadings.insert(manager->get(QNetworkRequest(loc)), d); return; } else if ((i = imageLoadings.find(reply)) != imageLoadings.cend()) { ImageLinkData *d = i.value(); if (serverRedirects.constFind(d) == serverRedirects.cend()) { serverRedirects.insert(d, 1); } else if (++serverRedirects[d] > MaxHttpRedirects) { DEBUG_LOG(("Network Error: Too many HTTP redirects in onFinished() for image link: %1").arg(loc)); return onFailed(reply); } imageLoadings.erase(i); imageLoadings.insert(manager->get(QNetworkRequest(loc)), d); return; } } } if (status != 200) { DEBUG_LOG(("Network Error: Bad HTTP status received in onFinished() for image link: %1").arg(status)); return onFailed(reply); } } ImageLinkData *d = 0; QMap::iterator i = dataLoadings.find(reply); if (i != dataLoadings.cend()) { d = i.value(); dataLoadings.erase(i); QJsonParseError e; QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll(), &e); if (e.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { DEBUG_LOG(("JSON Error: Bad json received in onFinished() for image link")); return onFailed(reply); } switch (d->type) { case YouTubeLink: { QJsonObject obj = doc.object(); QString thumb; int32 seconds = 0; QJsonObject::const_iterator entryIt = obj.constFind(qsl("entry")); if (entryIt != obj.constEnd() && entryIt.value().isObject()) { QJsonObject entry = entryIt.value().toObject(); QJsonObject::const_iterator mediaIt = entry.constFind(qsl("media$group")); if (mediaIt != entry.constEnd() && mediaIt.value().isObject()) { QJsonObject media = mediaIt.value().toObject(); // title from media QJsonObject::const_iterator titleIt = media.constFind(qsl("media$title")); if (titleIt != media.constEnd() && titleIt.value().isObject()) { QJsonObject title = titleIt.value().toObject(); QJsonObject::const_iterator tIt = title.constFind(qsl("$t")); if (tIt != title.constEnd() && tIt.value().isString()) { d->title = tIt.value().toString(); } } // thumb QJsonObject::const_iterator thumbnailsIt = media.constFind(qsl("media$thumbnail")); int32 bestLevel = 0; if (thumbnailsIt != media.constEnd() && thumbnailsIt.value().isArray()) { QJsonArray thumbnails = thumbnailsIt.value().toArray(); for (int32 i = 0, l = thumbnails.size(); i < l; ++i) { QJsonValue thumbnailVal = thumbnails.at(i); if (!thumbnailVal.isObject()) continue; QJsonObject thumbnail = thumbnailVal.toObject(); QJsonObject::const_iterator urlIt = thumbnail.constFind(qsl("url")); if (urlIt == thumbnail.constEnd() || !urlIt.value().isString()) continue; int32 level = 0; if (thumbnail.constFind(qsl("time")) == thumbnail.constEnd()) { level += 10; } QJsonObject::const_iterator wIt = thumbnail.constFind(qsl("width")); if (wIt != thumbnail.constEnd()) { int32 w = 0; if (wIt.value().isDouble()) { w = qMax(qRound(wIt.value().toDouble()), 0); } else if (wIt.value().isString()) { w = qMax(qRound(wIt.value().toString().toDouble()), 0); } switch (w) { case 640: level += 4; break; case 480: level += 3; break; case 320: level += 2; break; case 120: level += 1; break; } } if (level > bestLevel) { thumb = urlIt.value().toString(); bestLevel = level; } } } // duration QJsonObject::const_iterator durationIt = media.constFind(qsl("yt$duration")); if (durationIt != media.constEnd() && durationIt.value().isObject()) { QJsonObject duration = durationIt.value().toObject(); QJsonObject::const_iterator secondsIt = duration.constFind(qsl("seconds")); if (secondsIt != duration.constEnd()) { if (secondsIt.value().isDouble()) { seconds = qRound(secondsIt.value().toDouble()); } else if (secondsIt.value().isString()) { seconds = qRound(secondsIt.value().toString().toDouble()); } } } } // title field if (d->title.isEmpty()) { QJsonObject::const_iterator titleIt = entry.constFind(qsl("title")); if (titleIt != entry.constEnd() && titleIt.value().isObject()) { QJsonObject title = titleIt.value().toObject(); QJsonObject::const_iterator tIt = title.constFind(qsl("$t")); if (tIt != title.constEnd() && tIt.value().isString()) { d->title = tIt.value().toString(); } } } } if (seconds > 0) { d->duration = formatDurationText(seconds); } if (thumb.isEmpty()) { failed(d); } else { imageLoadings.insert(manager->get(QNetworkRequest(thumb)), d); } } break; case VimeoLink: { QString thumb; int32 seconds = 0; QJsonArray arr = doc.array(); if (!arr.isEmpty()) { QJsonObject obj = arr.at(0).toObject(); QJsonObject::const_iterator titleIt = obj.constFind(qsl("title")); if (titleIt != obj.constEnd() && titleIt.value().isString()) { d->title = titleIt.value().toString(); } QJsonObject::const_iterator thumbnailsIt = obj.constFind(qsl("thumbnail_large")); if (thumbnailsIt != obj.constEnd() && thumbnailsIt.value().isString()) { thumb = thumbnailsIt.value().toString(); } QJsonObject::const_iterator secondsIt = obj.constFind(qsl("duration")); if (secondsIt != obj.constEnd()) { if (secondsIt.value().isDouble()) { seconds = qRound(secondsIt.value().toDouble()); } else if (secondsIt.value().isString()) { seconds = qRound(secondsIt.value().toString().toDouble()); } } } if (seconds > 0) { d->duration = formatDurationText(seconds); } if (thumb.isEmpty()) { failed(d); } else { imageLoadings.insert(manager->get(QNetworkRequest(thumb)), d); } } break; case InstagramLink: failed(d); break; case GoogleMapsLink: failed(d); break; } if (App::main()) App::main()->update(); } else { i = imageLoadings.find(reply); if (i != imageLoadings.cend()) { d = i.value(); imageLoadings.erase(i); QPixmap thumb; QByteArray format; QByteArray data(reply->readAll()); { QBuffer buffer(&data); QImageReader reader(&buffer); thumb = QPixmap::fromImageReader(&reader, Qt::ColorOnly); format = reader.format(); thumb.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); if (format.isEmpty()) format = QByteArray("JPG"); } d->loading = false; d->thumb = thumb.isNull() ? (*black) : ImagePtr(thumb, format); serverRedirects.remove(d); if (App::main()) App::main()->update(); } } } void ImageLinkManager::onFailed(QNetworkReply *reply) { if (!manager) return; ImageLinkData *d = 0; QMap::iterator i = dataLoadings.find(reply); if (i != dataLoadings.cend()) { d = i.value(); dataLoadings.erase(i); } else { i = imageLoadings.find(reply); if (i != imageLoadings.cend()) { d = i.value(); imageLoadings.erase(i); } } DEBUG_LOG(("Network Error: failed to get data for image link %1, error %2").arg(d ? d->id : 0).arg(reply->errorString())); if (d) { failed(d); } } void ImageLinkManager::failed(ImageLinkData *data) { data->loading = false; data->thumb = *black; serverRedirects.remove(data); } void ImageLinkData::load() { if (!thumb->isNull()) return thumb->load(false, false); if (loading) return; loading = true; manager.getData(this); } HistoryImageLink::HistoryImageLink(const QString &url, const QString &title, const QString &description) : HistoryMedia(), _title(st::msgMinWidth), _description(st::msgMinWidth) { if (!title.isEmpty()) { _title.setText(st::webPageTitleFont, textClean(title), _webpageTitleOptions); } if (!description.isEmpty()) { _description.setText(st::webPageDescriptionFont, textClean(description), _webpageDescriptionOptions); } if (url.startsWith(qsl("location:"))) { QString lnk = qsl("https://maps.google.com/maps?q=") + url.mid(9) + qsl("&ll=") + url.mid(9) + qsl("&z=17"); link.reset(new TextLink(lnk)); data = App::imageLinkSet(url, GoogleMapsLink, lnk); } else { link.reset(new TextLink(url)); int matchIndex = 4; QRegularExpressionMatch m = reYouTube1.match(url); if (!m.hasMatch()) { m = reYouTube2.match(url); matchIndex = 3; } if (m.hasMatch()) { data = App::imageLinkSet(qsl("youtube:") + m.captured(matchIndex), YouTubeLink, url); } else { m = reVimeo.match(url); if (m.hasMatch()) { data = App::imageLinkSet(qsl("vimeo:") + m.captured(3), VimeoLink, url); } else { m = reInstagram.match(url); if (m.hasMatch()) { data = App::imageLinkSet(qsl("instagram:") + m.captured(3), InstagramLink, url); data->title = qsl("instagram.com/p/") + m.captured(3); } else { data = 0; } } } } } int32 HistoryImageLink::fullWidth() const { if (data) { switch (data->type) { case YouTubeLink: return 640; case VimeoLink: return 640; case InstagramLink: return 640; case GoogleMapsLink: return st::locationSize.width(); } } return st::minPhotoSize; } int32 HistoryImageLink::fullHeight() const { if (data) { switch (data->type) { case YouTubeLink: return 480; case VimeoLink: return 480; case InstagramLink: return 640; case GoogleMapsLink: return st::locationSize.height(); } } return st::minPhotoSize; } void HistoryImageLink::initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent) { int32 tw = convertScale(fullWidth()), th = convertScale(fullHeight()); int32 thumbw = qMax(tw, int32(st::minPhotoSize)), maxthumbh = thumbw; int32 thumbh = qRound(th * float64(thumbw) / tw); if (thumbh > maxthumbh) { thumbw = qRound(thumbw * float64(maxthumbh) / thumbh); thumbh = maxthumbh; if (thumbw < st::minPhotoSize) { thumbw = st::minPhotoSize; } } if (thumbh < st::minPhotoSize) { thumbh = st::minPhotoSize; } if (!w) { w = thumbw; } _maxw = w; _minh = thumbh; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = toHistoryForwarded(parent); if (reply || !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { _maxw += st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaPadding.right(); if (reply) { _minh += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else { if (!parent->displayFromName() || !fwd) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top(); } if (fwd) { _minh += st::msgServiceNameFont->height + st::msgPadding.top(); } } if (parent->displayFromName()) { _minh += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; } if (!_title.isEmpty()) { _maxw = qMax(_maxw, int32(st::webPageLeft + _title.maxWidth())); _minh += qMin(_title.minHeight(), 2 * st::webPageTitleFont->height); } if (!_description.isEmpty()) { _maxw = qMax(_maxw, int32(st::webPageLeft + _description.maxWidth())); _minh += qMin(_description.minHeight(), 3 * st::webPageTitleFont->height); } if (!_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { _minh += st::webPagePhotoSkip; } _minh += st::mediaPadding.bottom(); } _height = _minh; } void HistoryImageLink::draw(Painter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, bool selected, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; int skipx = 0, skipy = 0, height = _height; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = toHistoryForwarded(parent); bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; if (reply || !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { skipx = st::mediaPadding.left(); style::color bg(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectBg : st::msgInSelectBg) : (outbg ? st::msgOutBg : st::msgInBg)); style::color sh(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectShadow : st::msgInSelectShadow) : (outbg ? st::msgOutShadow : st::msgInShadow)); RoundCorners cors(selected ? (outbg ? MessageOutSelectedCorners : MessageInSelectedCorners) : (outbg ? MessageOutCorners : MessageInCorners)); App::roundRect(p, 0, 0, width, _height, bg, cors, &sh); int replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; p.setFont(st::msgNameFont->f); if (fromChannel) { p.setPen(selected ? st::msgInServiceSelColor : st::msgInServiceColor); } else { p.setPen(parent->from()->color); } parent->from()->nameText.drawElided(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), st::msgPadding.top(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); if (!fwd && !reply) skipy += st::msgPadding.top(); } else if (!reply) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } if (reply) { skipy += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); reply->drawReplyTo(p, st::msgReplyPadding.left(), replyFrom, width - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right(), selected); } else if (fwd) { skipy += st::msgServiceNameFont->height + st::msgPadding.top(); fwd->drawForwardedFrom(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), fwdFrom, width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right(), selected); } width -= st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaPadding.right(); if (!_title.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(st::black->p); _title.drawElided(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy, width, 2); skipy += qMin(_title.countHeight(width), 2 * st::webPageTitleFont->height); } if (!_description.isEmpty()) { p.setPen(st::black->p); _description.drawElided(p, st::mediaPadding.left(), skipy, width, 3); skipy += qMin(_description.countHeight(width), 3 * st::webPageDescriptionFont->height); } if (!_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { skipy += st::webPagePhotoSkip; } height -= skipy + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); } else { App::roundShadow(p, 0, 0, width, _height, selected ? st::msgInSelectShadow : st::msgInShadow, selected ? InSelectedShadowCorners : InShadowCorners); } data->load(); QPixmap toDraw; if (data && !data->thumb->isNull()) { int32 w = data->thumb->width(), h = data->thumb->height(); QPixmap pix; if (width * h == height * w || (w == convertScale(fullWidth()) && h == convertScale(fullHeight()))) { pix = data->thumb->pixSingle(width, height, width, height); } else if (width * h > height * w) { int32 nw = height * w / h; pix = data->thumb->pixSingle(nw, height, width, height); } else { int32 nh = width * h / w; pix = data->thumb->pixSingle(width, nh, width, height); } p.drawPixmap(QPoint(skipx, skipy), pix); } else { App::roundRect(p, skipx, skipy, width, height, st::black, BlackCorners); } if (data) { switch (data->type) { case YouTubeLink: p.drawPixmap(QPoint(skipx + (width - st::youtubeIcon.pxWidth()) / 2, skipy + (height - st::youtubeIcon.pxHeight()) / 2), App::sprite(), st::youtubeIcon); break; case VimeoLink: p.drawPixmap(QPoint(skipx + (width - st::vimeoIcon.pxWidth()) / 2, skipy + (height - st::vimeoIcon.pxHeight()) / 2), App::sprite(), st::vimeoIcon); break; } if (!data->title.isEmpty() || !data->duration.isEmpty()) { p.fillRect(skipx, skipy, width, st::msgDateFont->height + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y(), st::msgDateImgBg->b); p.setFont(st::msgDateFont->f); p.setPen(st::msgDateImgColor->p); int32 titleWidth = width - 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x(); if (!data->duration.isEmpty()) { int32 durationWidth = st::msgDateFont->width(data->duration); p.drawText(skipx + width - st::msgDateImgPadding.x() - durationWidth, skipy + st::msgDateImgPadding.y() + st::msgDateFont->ascent, data->duration); titleWidth -= durationWidth + st::msgDateImgPadding.x(); } if (!data->title.isEmpty()) { p.drawText(skipx + st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), skipy + st::msgDateImgPadding.y() + st::msgDateFont->ascent, st::msgDateFont->elided(data->title, titleWidth)); } } } if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, skipx, skipy, width, height, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } int32 fullRight = skipx + width, fullBottom = _height - (skipx ? st::mediaPadding.bottom() : 0); parent->drawInfo(p, fullRight, fullBottom, selected, InfoDisplayOverImage); } int32 HistoryImageLink::resize(int32 width, const HistoryItem *parent) { const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = toHistoryForwarded(parent); w = qMin(width, _maxw); if (reply || !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { w -= st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaPadding.right(); } int32 tw = convertScale(fullWidth()), th = convertScale(fullHeight()); if (tw > st::maxMediaSize) { th = (st::maxMediaSize * th) / tw; tw = st::maxMediaSize; } _height = th; if (tw > w) { _height = (w * _height / tw); } else { w = tw; } if (_height > width) { w = (w * width) / _height; _height = width; } if (w < st::minPhotoSize) { w = st::minPhotoSize; } if (_height < st::minPhotoSize) { _height = st::minPhotoSize; } if (reply || !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { if (parent->displayFromName()) { _height += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; } if (reply) { _height += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else { if (!parent->displayFromName() || !fwd) { _height += st::msgPadding.top(); } if (fwd) { _height += st::msgServiceNameFont->height + st::msgPadding.top(); } } if (!_title.isEmpty()) { _height += qMin(_title.countHeight(w), st::webPageTitleFont->height * 2); } if (!_description.isEmpty()) { _height += qMin(_description.countHeight(w), st::webPageDescriptionFont->height * 3); } if (!_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { _height += st::webPagePhotoSkip; } _height += st::mediaPadding.bottom(); w += st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaPadding.right(); } return _height; } const QString HistoryImageLink::inDialogsText() const { if (data) { switch (data->type) { case YouTubeLink: return qsl("YouTube Video"); case VimeoLink: return qsl("Vimeo Video"); case InstagramLink: return qsl("Instagram Link"); case GoogleMapsLink: return lang(lng_maps_point); } } return QString(); } const QString HistoryImageLink::inHistoryText() const { if (data) { switch (data->type) { case YouTubeLink: return qsl("[ YouTube Video : ") + link->text() + qsl(" ]"); case VimeoLink: return qsl("[ Vimeo Video : ") + link->text() + qsl(" ]"); case InstagramLink: return qsl("[ Instagram Link : ") + link->text() + qsl(" ]"); case GoogleMapsLink: return qsl("[ ") + lang(lng_maps_point) + qsl(" : ") + link->text() + qsl(" ]"); } } return qsl("[ Link : ") + link->text() + qsl(" ]"); } bool HistoryImageLink::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < _height); } void HistoryImageLink::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent, int32 width) const { if (width < 0) width = w; bool out = parent->out(), fromChannel = parent->fromChannel(), outbg = out && !fromChannel; int skipx = 0, skipy = 0, height = _height; const HistoryReply *reply = toHistoryReply(parent); const HistoryForwarded *fwd = reply ? 0 : toHistoryForwarded(parent); int replyFrom = 0, fwdFrom = 0; if (reply || !_title.isEmpty() || !_description.isEmpty()) { skipx = st::mediaPadding.left(); if (reply) { skipy = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); } else if (fwd) { skipy = st::msgServiceNameFont->height + st::msgPadding.top(); } if (parent->displayFromName()) { replyFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height; skipy += replyFrom; if (x >= st::mediaPadding.left() && y >= st::msgPadding.top() && x < width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right() && x < st::mediaPadding.left() + parent->from()->nameText.maxWidth() && y < replyFrom) { lnk = parent->from()->lnk; return; } if (!fwd && !reply) skipy += st::msgPadding.top(); } else if (!reply) { fwdFrom = st::msgPadding.top(); skipy += fwdFrom; } if (reply) { if (x >= 0 && y >= replyFrom + st::msgReplyPadding.top() && x < width && y < skipy - st::msgReplyPadding.bottom()) { lnk = reply->replyToLink(); return; } } else if (fwd) { if (y >= fwdFrom && y < fwdFrom + st::msgServiceNameFont->height) { return fwd->getForwardedState(lnk, state, x - st::mediaPadding.left(), width - st::mediaPadding.left() - st::mediaPadding.right()); } } height -= skipy + st::mediaPadding.bottom(); width -= st::mediaPadding.left() + st::mediaPadding.right(); } if (x >= skipx && y >= skipy && x < skipx + width && y < skipy + height && data) { lnk = link; int32 fullRight = skipx + width, fullBottom = _height - (skipx ? st::mediaPadding.bottom() : 0); bool inDate = parent->pointInTime(fullRight, fullBottom, x, y, InfoDisplayOverImage); if (inDate) { state = HistoryInDateCursorState; } return; } } HistoryMedia *HistoryImageLink::clone() const { return new HistoryImageLink(*this); } HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const MTPDmessage &msg) : HistoryItem(history, block, msg.vid.v, msg.vflags.v, ::date(msg.vdate), msg.has_from_id() ? msg.vfrom_id.v : 0) , _text(st::msgMinWidth) , _textWidth(0) , _textHeight(0) , _media(0) , _views(msg.has_views() ? msg.vviews.v : -1) { QString text(textClean(qs(msg.vmessage))); initTime(); initMedia(msg.has_media() ? (&msg.vmedia) : 0, text); setText(text, msg.has_entities() ? entitiesFromMTP(msg.ventities.c_vector().v) : EntitiesInText()); } HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId msgId, int32 flags, QDateTime date, int32 from, const QString &msg, const EntitiesInText &entities, HistoryMedia *fromMedia) : HistoryItem(history, block, msgId, flags, date, from) , _text(st::msgMinWidth) , _textWidth(0) , _textHeight(0) , _media(0) , _views(fromChannel() ? 1 : -1) { initTime(); if (fromMedia) { _media = fromMedia->clone(); _media->regItem(this); } setText(msg, entities); } HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId msgId, int32 flags, QDateTime date, int32 from, DocumentData *doc) : HistoryItem(history, block, msgId, flags, date, from) , _text(st::msgMinWidth) , _textWidth(0) , _textHeight(0) , _media(0) , _views(fromChannel() ? 1 : -1) { initTime(); initMediaFromDocument(doc); setText(QString(), EntitiesInText()); } QString formatViewsCount(int32 views) { if (views > 999999) { views /= 100000; if (views % 10) { return QString::number(views / 10) + '.' + QString::number(views % 10) + 'M'; } return QString::number(views / 10) + 'M'; } else if (views > 9999) { views /= 100; if (views % 10) { return QString::number(views / 10) + '.' + QString::number(views % 10) + 'K'; } return QString::number(views / 10) + 'K'; } else if (views > 0) { return QString::number(views); } return qsl("1"); } void HistoryMessage::initTime() { _timeText = date.toString(cTimeFormat()); _timeWidth = st::msgDateFont->width(_timeText); _viewsText = (_views >= 0) ? formatViewsCount(_views) : QString(); _viewsWidth = _viewsText.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::msgDateFont->width(_viewsText); } void HistoryMessage::initMedia(const MTPMessageMedia *media, QString ¤tText) { switch (media ? media->type() : mtpc_messageMediaEmpty) { case mtpc_messageMediaContact: { const MTPDmessageMediaContact &d(media->c_messageMediaContact()); _media = new HistoryContact(d.vuser_id.v, qs(d.vfirst_name), qs(d.vlast_name), qs(d.vphone_number)); } break; case mtpc_messageMediaGeo: { const MTPGeoPoint &point(media->c_messageMediaGeo().vgeo); if (point.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) { const MTPDgeoPoint &d(point.c_geoPoint()); _media = new HistoryImageLink(qsl("location:%1,%2").arg(d.vlat.v).arg(d.vlong.v)); } } break; case mtpc_messageMediaVenue: { const MTPDmessageMediaVenue &d(media->c_messageMediaVenue()); if (d.vgeo.type() == mtpc_geoPoint) { const MTPDgeoPoint &g(d.vgeo.c_geoPoint()); _media = new HistoryImageLink(qsl("location:%1,%2").arg(g.vlat.v).arg(g.vlong.v), qs(d.vtitle), qs(d.vaddress)); } } break; case mtpc_messageMediaPhoto: { const MTPDmessageMediaPhoto &photo(media->c_messageMediaPhoto()); if (photo.vphoto.type() == mtpc_photo) { _media = new HistoryPhoto(photo.vphoto.c_photo(), qs(photo.vcaption), this); } } break; case mtpc_messageMediaVideo: { const MTPDmessageMediaVideo &video(media->c_messageMediaVideo()); if (video.vvideo.type() == mtpc_video) { _media = new HistoryVideo(video.vvideo.c_video(), qs(video.vcaption), this); } } break; case mtpc_messageMediaAudio: { const MTPAudio &audio(media->c_messageMediaAudio().vaudio); if (audio.type() == mtpc_audio) { _media = new HistoryAudio(audio.c_audio()); } } break; case mtpc_messageMediaDocument: { const MTPDocument &document(media->c_messageMediaDocument().vdocument); if (document.type() == mtpc_document) { DocumentData *doc = App::feedDocument(document); return initMediaFromDocument(doc); } } break; case mtpc_messageMediaWebPage: { const MTPWebPage &d(media->c_messageMediaWebPage().vwebpage); switch (d.type()) { case mtpc_webPageEmpty: initMediaFromText(currentText); break; case mtpc_webPagePending: { WebPageData *webPage = App::feedWebPage(d.c_webPagePending()); _media = new HistoryWebPage(webPage); } break; case mtpc_webPage: { _media = new HistoryWebPage(App::feedWebPage(d.c_webPage())); } break; } } break; default: initMediaFromText(currentText); break; }; if (_media) _media->regItem(this); } void HistoryMessage::initMediaFromText(QString ¤tText) { QString lnk = currentText.trimmed(); if (/*reYouTube1.match(currentText).hasMatch() || reYouTube2.match(currentText).hasMatch() || reInstagram.match(currentText).hasMatch() || */reVimeo.match(currentText).hasMatch()) { _media = new HistoryImageLink(lnk); currentText = QString(); } } void HistoryMessage::initMediaFromDocument(DocumentData *doc) { if (doc->sticker()) { _media = new HistorySticker(doc); } else { _media = new HistoryDocument(doc); } _media->regItem(this); } void HistoryMessage::initDimensions() { if (justMedia()) { _media->initDimensions(this); _maxw = _media->maxWidth(); _minh = _media->minHeight(); } else { _maxw = _text.maxWidth(); _minh = _text.minHeight(); _maxw += st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); if (_media) { _media->initDimensions(this); if (_media->isDisplayed() && _text.hasSkipBlock()) { _text.removeSkipBlock(); _textWidth = 0; _textHeight = 0; } else if (!_media->isDisplayed() && !_text.hasSkipBlock()) { _text.setSkipBlock(skipBlockWidth(), skipBlockHeight()); _textWidth = 0; _textHeight = 0; } if (_media->isDisplayed()) { int32 maxw = _media->maxWidth() + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); if (maxw > _maxw) _maxw = maxw; _minh += st::msgPadding.bottom() + _media->minHeight(); } } } fromNameUpdated(); } void HistoryMessage::fromNameUpdated() const { if (_media) return; int32 _namew = (displayFromName() ? _from->nameText.maxWidth() : 0) + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); if (_namew > _maxw) _maxw = _namew; } bool HistoryMessage::uploading() const { return _media ? _media->uploading() : false; } QString HistoryMessage::selectedText(uint32 selection) const { if (_media && selection == FullItemSel) { QString text = _text.original(0, 0xFFFF, Text::ExpandLinksAll), mediaText = _media->inHistoryText(); return text.isEmpty() ? mediaText : (mediaText.isEmpty() ? text : (text + ' ' + mediaText)); } uint16 selectedFrom = (selection == FullItemSel) ? 0 : ((selection >> 16) & 0xFFFF); uint16 selectedTo = (selection == FullItemSel) ? 0xFFFF : (selection & 0xFFFF); return _text.original(selectedFrom, selectedTo, Text::ExpandLinksAll); } QString HistoryMessage::inDialogsText() const { QString result = _media ? _media->inDialogsText() : QString(); return result.isEmpty() ? _text.original(0, 0xFFFF, Text::ExpandLinksNone) : result; } HistoryMedia *HistoryMessage::getMedia(bool inOverview) const { return _media; } void HistoryMessage::setMedia(const MTPMessageMedia *media, bool allowEmitResize) { if ((!_media || _media->isImageLink()) && (!media || media->type() == mtpc_messageMediaEmpty)) return; bool mediaWasDisplayed = false; if (_media) { mediaWasDisplayed = _media->isDisplayed(); delete _media; _media = 0; } QString t; initMedia(media, t); if (_media && _media->isDisplayed() && !mediaWasDisplayed) { _text.removeSkipBlock(); _textWidth = 0; _textHeight = 0; } else if (mediaWasDisplayed && (!_media || !_media->isDisplayed())) { _text.setSkipBlock(skipBlockWidth(), skipBlockHeight()); _textWidth = 0; _textHeight = 0; } initDimensions(); if (allowEmitResize && App::main()) App::main()->itemResized(this); } void HistoryMessage::setText(const QString &text, const EntitiesInText &entities) { if (!_media || !text.isEmpty()) { // !justMedia() if (_media && _media->isDisplayed()) { _text.setMarkedText(st::msgFont, text, entities, itemTextOptions(this)); } else { _text.setMarkedText(st::msgFont, text + skipBlock(), entities, itemTextOptions(this)); } if (id > 0) { for (int32 i = 0, l = entities.size(); i != l; ++i) { if (entities.at(i).type == EntityInTextUrl || entities.at(i).type == EntityInTextCustomUrl || entities.at(i).type == EntityInTextEmail) { _flags |= MTPDmessage_flag_HAS_TEXT_LINKS; break; } } } _textWidth = 0; _textHeight = 0; } } QString HistoryMessage::originalText() const { return _text.isEmpty() ? QString() : _text.original(); } EntitiesInText HistoryMessage::originalEntities() const { return _text.isEmpty() ? EntitiesInText() : _text.originalEntities(); } bool HistoryMessage::textHasLinks() { return _text.hasLinks(); } void HistoryMessage::drawInfo(Painter &p, int32 right, int32 bottom, bool selected, InfoDisplayType type) const { p.setFont(st::msgDateFont->f); bool outbg = out() && !fromChannel(), overimg = (type == InfoDisplayOverImage); int32 infoRight = right, infoBottom = bottom; switch (type) { case InfoDisplayDefault: infoRight -= st::msgPadding.right() - st::msgDateDelta.x(); infoBottom -= st::msgPadding.bottom() - st::msgDateDelta.y(); p.setPen((selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectDateColor : st::msgInSelectDateColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateColor : st::msgInDateColor))->p); break; case InfoDisplayOverImage: infoRight -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.x(); infoBottom -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.y(); p.setPen(st::msgDateImgColor->p); break; } int32 infoW = HistoryMessage::infoWidth(); int32 dateX = infoRight - infoW; int32 dateY = infoBottom - st::msgDateFont->height; if (type == InfoDisplayOverImage) { int32 dateW = infoW + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateH = st::msgDateFont->height + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.y(); App::roundRect(p, dateX - st::msgDateImgPadding.x(), dateY - st::msgDateImgPadding.y(), dateW, dateH, selected ? st::msgDateImgSelectBg : st::msgDateImgBg, selected ? DateSelectedCorners : DateCorners); } dateX += HistoryMessage::timeLeft(); p.drawText(dateX, dateY + st::msgDateFont->ascent, _timeText); QPoint iconPos; const QRect *iconRect = 0; if (!_viewsText.isEmpty()) { iconPos = QPoint(infoRight - infoW + st::msgViewsPos.x(), infoBottom - st::msgViewsImg.pxHeight() + st::msgViewsPos.y()); if (id > 0) { if (out() && !fromChannel()) { iconRect = &(overimg ? st::msgInvViewsImg : (selected ? st::msgSelectOutViewsImg : st::msgOutViewsImg)); } else { iconRect = &(overimg ? st::msgInvViewsImg : (selected ? st::msgSelectViewsImg : st::msgViewsImg)); } p.drawText(iconPos.x() + st::msgViewsImg.pxWidth() + st::msgDateCheckSpace, infoBottom - st::msgDateFont->descent, _viewsText); } else { iconPos.setX(iconPos.x() + st::msgDateViewsSpace + _viewsWidth); if (out() && !fromChannel()) { iconRect = &(overimg ? st::msgInvSendingViewsImg : st::msgSendingOutViewsImg); } else { iconRect = &(overimg ? st::msgInvSendingViewsImg : st::msgSendingViewsImg); } } p.drawPixmap(iconPos, App::sprite(), *iconRect); } else if (id < 0 && history()->peer->isSelf()) { iconPos = QPoint(infoRight - infoW, infoBottom - st::msgViewsImg.pxHeight() + st::msgViewsPos.y()); iconRect = &(overimg ? st::msgInvSendingViewsImg : st::msgSendingViewsImg); p.drawPixmap(iconPos, App::sprite(), *iconRect); } if (out() && !fromChannel()) { iconPos = QPoint(infoRight - st::msgCheckImg.pxWidth() + st::msgCheckPos.x(), infoBottom - st::msgCheckImg.pxHeight() + st::msgCheckPos.y()); if (id > 0) { if (unread()) { iconRect = &(overimg ? st::msgInvCheckImg : (selected ? st::msgSelectCheckImg : st::msgCheckImg)); } else { iconRect = &(overimg ? st::msgInvDblCheckImg : (selected ? st::msgSelectDblCheckImg : st::msgDblCheckImg)); } } else { iconRect = &(overimg ? st::msgInvSendingImg : st::msgSendingImg); } p.drawPixmap(iconPos, App::sprite(), *iconRect); } } void HistoryMessage::setViewsCount(int32 count) { if (_views == count || (count >= 0 && _views > count)) return; int32 was = _viewsWidth; _views = count; _viewsText = (_views >= 0) ? formatViewsCount(_views) : QString(); _viewsWidth = _viewsText.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::msgDateFont->width(_viewsText); if (was == _viewsWidth) { if (App::main()) App::main()->msgUpdated(this); } else { if (_text.hasSkipBlock()) { _text.setSkipBlock(HistoryMessage::skipBlockWidth(), HistoryMessage::skipBlockHeight()); _textWidth = 0; _textHeight = 0; } initDimensions(); if (App::main()) App::main()->itemResized(this); } } void HistoryMessage::setId(MsgId newId) { bool wasPositive = (id > 0), positive = (newId > 0); id = newId; if (wasPositive == positive) { if (App::main()) App::main()->msgUpdated(this); } else { if (_text.hasSkipBlock()) { _text.setSkipBlock(HistoryMessage::skipBlockWidth(), HistoryMessage::skipBlockHeight()); _textWidth = 0; _textHeight = 0; } initDimensions(); if (App::main()) App::main()->itemResized(this); } } void HistoryMessage::draw(Painter &p, uint32 selection) const { bool outbg = out() && !fromChannel(); textstyleSet(&(outbg ? st::outTextStyle : st::inTextStyle)); uint64 ms = App::main() ? App::main()->animActiveTime(this) : 0; if (ms) { if (ms > st::activeFadeInDuration + st::activeFadeOutDuration) { App::main()->stopAnimActive(); } else { float64 dt = (ms > st::activeFadeInDuration) ? (1 - (ms - st::activeFadeInDuration) / float64(st::activeFadeOutDuration)) : (ms / float64(st::activeFadeInDuration)); float64 o = p.opacity(); p.setOpacity(o * dt); p.fillRect(0, 0, _history->width, _height, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay->b); p.setOpacity(o); } } bool selected = (selection == FullItemSel); if (_from->nameVersion > _fromVersion) { fromNameUpdated(); _fromVersion = _from->nameVersion; } int32 left = fromChannel() ? (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.left()) / 2 : (out() ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left()), width = _history->width - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(), mwidth = st::msgMaxWidth; if (justMedia()) { if (_media->maxWidth() > mwidth) mwidth = _media->maxWidth(); if (_media->currentWidth() < mwidth) mwidth = _media->currentWidth(); } if (width > mwidth) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - mwidth) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - mwidth; } width = mwidth; } if (displayFromPhoto()) { p.drawPixmap(left, _height - st::msgMargin.bottom() - st::msgPhotoSize, _from->photo->pixRounded(st::msgPhotoSize)); // width -= st::msgPhotoSkip; left += st::msgPhotoSkip; } if (width < 1) return; if (width >= _maxw) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - _maxw) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - _maxw; } width = _maxw; } if (justMedia()) { p.save(); p.translate(left, st::msgMargin.top()); _media->draw(p, this, selected); p.restore(); } else { QRect r(left, st::msgMargin.top(), width, _height - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); style::color bg(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectBg : st::msgInSelectBg) : (outbg ? st::msgOutBg : st::msgInBg)); style::color sh(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectShadow : st::msgInSelectShadow) : (outbg ? st::msgOutShadow : st::msgInShadow)); RoundCorners cors(selected ? (outbg ? MessageOutSelectedCorners : MessageInSelectedCorners) : (outbg ? MessageOutCorners : MessageInCorners)); App::roundRect(p, r, bg, cors, &sh); if (displayFromName()) { p.setFont(st::msgNameFont->f); if (fromChannel()) { p.setPen(selected ? st::msgInServiceSelColor : st::msgInServiceColor); } else { p.setPen(_from->color); } _from->nameText.drawElided(p, r.left() + st::msgPadding.left(), r.top() + st::msgPadding.top(), width - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right()); r.setTop(r.top() + st::msgNameFont->height); } QRect trect(r.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding)); drawMessageText(p, trect, selection); if (_media) { p.save(); p.translate(left + st::msgPadding.left(), _height - st::msgMargin.bottom() - st::msgPadding.bottom() - _media->height()); _media->draw(p, this, selected); p.restore(); } HistoryMessage::drawInfo(p, r.x() + r.width(), r.y() + r.height(), selected, InfoDisplayDefault); } } void HistoryMessage::drawMessageText(Painter &p, const QRect &trect, uint32 selection) const { p.setPen(st::msgColor->p); p.setFont(st::msgFont->f); uint16 selectedFrom = (selection == FullItemSel) ? 0 : (selection >> 16) & 0xFFFF; uint16 selectedTo = (selection == FullItemSel) ? 0 : selection & 0xFFFF; _text.draw(p, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), Qt::AlignLeft, 0, -1, selectedFrom, selectedTo); textstyleRestore(); } int32 HistoryMessage::resize(int32 width) { if (width < st::msgMinWidth) return _height; width -= st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.right(); if (justMedia()) { _height = _media->resize(width, this); } else { if (width < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) { width = st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1; } else if (width > st::msgMaxWidth) { width = st::msgMaxWidth; } int32 nwidth = qMax(width - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(), 0); if (nwidth != _textWidth) { _textWidth = nwidth; _textHeight = _text.countHeight(nwidth); } if (width >= _maxw) { _height = _minh; if (_media) _media->resize(_maxw - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(), this); } else { _height = _textHeight; if (_media && _media->isDisplayed()) _height += st::msgPadding.bottom() + _media->resize(nwidth, this); } if (displayFromName()) { _height += st::msgNameFont->height; } _height += st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgPadding.bottom(); } _height += st::msgMargin.top() + st::msgMargin.bottom(); return _height; } bool HistoryMessage::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const { int32 left = fromChannel() ? (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.left()) / 2 : (out() ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left()), width = _history->width - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(), mwidth = st::msgMaxWidth; if (justMedia()) { if (_media->maxWidth() > mwidth) mwidth = _media->maxWidth(); if (_media->currentWidth() < mwidth) mwidth = _media->currentWidth(); } if (width > mwidth) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - mwidth) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - mwidth; } width = mwidth; } if (displayFromPhoto()) { // from user left photo left += st::msgPhotoSkip; } if (width < 1) return false; if (width >= _maxw) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - _maxw) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - _maxw; } width = _maxw; } if (justMedia()) { return _media->hasPoint(x - left, y - st::msgMargin.top(), this); } QRect r(left, st::msgMargin.top(), width, _height - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); return r.contains(x, y); } bool HistoryMessage::pointInTime(int32 right, int32 bottom, int32 x, int32 y, InfoDisplayType type) const { int32 infoRight = right, infoBottom = bottom; switch (type) { case InfoDisplayDefault: infoRight -= st::msgPadding.right() - st::msgDateDelta.x(); infoBottom -= st::msgPadding.bottom() - st::msgDateDelta.y(); break; case InfoDisplayOverImage: infoRight -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.x(); infoBottom -= st::msgDateImgDelta + st::msgDateImgPadding.y(); break; } int32 dateX = infoRight - HistoryMessage::infoWidth() + HistoryMessage::timeLeft(); int32 dateY = infoBottom - st::msgDateFont->height; return QRect(dateX, dateY, HistoryMessage::timeWidth(), st::msgDateFont->height).contains(x, y); } void HistoryMessage::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y) const { state = HistoryDefaultCursorState; lnk = TextLinkPtr(); int32 left = fromChannel() ? (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.left()) / 2 : (out() ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left()), width = _history->width - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(), mwidth = st::msgMaxWidth; if (justMedia()) { if (_media->maxWidth() > mwidth) mwidth = _media->maxWidth(); if (_media->currentWidth() < mwidth) mwidth = _media->currentWidth(); } if (width > mwidth) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - mwidth) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - mwidth; } width = mwidth; } if (displayFromPhoto()) { // from user left photo if (x >= left && x < left + st::msgPhotoSize && y >= _height - st::msgMargin.bottom() - st::msgPhotoSize && y < _height - st::msgMargin.bottom()) { lnk = _from->lnk; return; } // width -= st::msgPhotoSkip; left += st::msgPhotoSkip; } if (width < 1) return; if (width >= _maxw) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - _maxw) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - _maxw; } width = _maxw; } if (justMedia()) { _media->getState(lnk, state, x - left, y - st::msgMargin.top(), this); return; } QRect r(left, st::msgMargin.top(), width, _height - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); if (displayFromName()) { // from user left name if (x >= r.left() + st::msgPadding.left() && y >= r.top() + st::msgPadding.top() && y < r.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + st::msgNameFont->height && x < r.left() + r.width() - st::msgPadding.right() && x < r.left() + st::msgPadding.left() + _from->nameText.maxWidth()) { lnk = _from->lnk; return; } r.setTop(r.top() + st::msgNameFont->height); } getStateFromMessageText(lnk, state, x, y, r); } void HistoryMessage::getStateFromMessageText(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const QRect &r) const { bool inDate = HistoryMessage::pointInTime(r.x() + r.width(), r.y() + r.height(), x, y, InfoDisplayDefault); QRect trect(r.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding)); TextLinkPtr medialnk; if (_media && _media->isDisplayed()) { if (y >= trect.bottom() - _media->height() && y < trect.bottom()) { _media->getState(lnk, state, x - trect.left(), y + _media->height() - trect.bottom(), this); if (inDate) state = HistoryInDateCursorState; return; } trect.setBottom(trect.bottom() - _media->height() - st::msgPadding.bottom()); } bool inText = false; _text.getState(lnk, inText, x - trect.x(), y - trect.y(), trect.width()); if (inDate) { state = HistoryInDateCursorState; } else if (inText) { state = HistoryInTextCursorState; } else { state = HistoryDefaultCursorState; } } void HistoryMessage::getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y) const { symbol = 0; after = false; upon = false; if (justMedia()) return; int32 left = fromChannel() ? (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.left()) / 2 : (out() ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left()), width = _history->width - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(), mwidth = st::msgMaxWidth; if (width > mwidth) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - mwidth) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - mwidth; } width = mwidth; } if (displayFromPhoto()) { // from user left photo // width -= st::msgPhotoSkip; left += st::msgPhotoSkip; } if (width < 1) return; if (width >= _maxw) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - _maxw) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - _maxw; } width = _maxw; } QRect r(left, st::msgMargin.top(), width, _height - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); if (displayFromName()) { // from user left name r.setTop(r.top() + st::msgNameFont->height); } QRect trect(r.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding)); if (_media && _media->isDisplayed()) { trect.setBottom(trect.bottom() - _media->height() - st::msgPadding.bottom()); } _text.getSymbol(symbol, after, upon, x - trect.x(), y - trect.y(), trect.width()); } void HistoryMessage::drawInDialog(Painter &p, const QRect &r, bool act, const HistoryItem *&cacheFor, Text &cache) const { if (cacheFor != this) { cacheFor = this; QString msg(inDialogsText()); if ((!_history->peer->isUser() || out()) && !fromChannel()) { TextCustomTagsMap custom; custom.insert(QChar('c'), qMakePair(textcmdStartLink(1), textcmdStopLink())); msg = lng_message_with_from(lt_from, textRichPrepare((_from == App::self()) ? lang(lng_from_you) : _from->shortName()), lt_message, textRichPrepare(msg)); cache.setRichText(st::dlgHistFont, msg, _textDlgOptions, custom); } else { cache.setText(st::dlgHistFont, msg, _textDlgOptions); } } if (r.width()) { textstyleSet(&(act ? st::dlgActiveTextStyle : st::dlgTextStyle)); p.setFont(st::dlgHistFont->f); p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveColor : (justMedia() ? st::dlgSystemColor : st::dlgTextColor))->p); cache.drawElided(p, r.left(), r.top(), r.width(), r.height() / st::dlgHistFont->height); textstyleRestore(); } } QString HistoryMessage::notificationHeader() const { return (!_history->peer->isUser() && !fromChannel()) ? from()->name : QString(); } QString HistoryMessage::notificationText() const { QString msg(inDialogsText()); if (msg.size() > 0xFF) msg = msg.mid(0, 0xFF) + qsl(".."); return msg; } HistoryMessage::~HistoryMessage() { if (_media) { _media->unregItem(this); delete _media; } if (_flags & MTPDmessage::flag_reply_markup) { App::clearReplyMarkup(channelId(), id); } } HistoryForwarded::HistoryForwarded(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const MTPDmessage &msg) : HistoryMessage(history, block, msg) , fwdDate(::date(msg.vfwd_date)) , fwdFrom(App::peer(peerFromMTP(msg.vfwd_from_id))) , fwdFromVersion(fwdFrom->nameVersion) , fromWidth(st::msgServiceFont->width(lang(lng_forwarded_from)) + st::msgServiceFont->spacew) { fwdNameUpdated(); } HistoryForwarded::HistoryForwarded(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId id, QDateTime date, int32 from, HistoryMessage *msg) : HistoryMessage(history, block, id, newMessageFlags(history->peer) | (!history->peer->isChannel() && msg->getMedia() && (msg->getMedia()->type() == MediaTypeAudio/* || msg->getMedia()->type() == MediaTypeVideo*/) ? MTPDmessage::flag_media_unread : 0), date, from, msg->HistoryMessage::originalText(), msg->HistoryMessage::originalEntities(), msg->getMedia()) , fwdDate(msg->dateForwarded()) , fwdFrom(msg->fromForwarded()) , fwdFromVersion(fwdFrom->nameVersion) , fromWidth(st::msgServiceFont->width(lang(lng_forwarded_from)) + st::msgServiceFont->spacew) { fwdNameUpdated(); } QString HistoryForwarded::selectedText(uint32 selection) const { if (selection != FullItemSel) return HistoryMessage::selectedText(selection); QString result, original = HistoryMessage::selectedText(selection); result.reserve(lang(lng_forwarded_from).size() + fwdFrom->name.size() + 4 + original.size()); result.append('[').append(lang(lng_forwarded_from)).append(' ').append(fwdFrom->name).append(qsl("]\n")).append(original); return result; } void HistoryForwarded::initDimensions() { HistoryMessage::initDimensions(); fwdNameUpdated(); } void HistoryForwarded::fwdNameUpdated() const { fwdFromName.setText(st::msgServiceNameFont, App::peerName(fwdFrom), _textNameOptions); if (justMedia()) return; int32 _namew = fromWidth + fwdFromName.maxWidth() + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); if (_namew > _maxw) _maxw = _namew; } void HistoryForwarded::draw(Painter &p, uint32 selection) const { if (!justMedia() && fwdFrom->nameVersion > fwdFromVersion) { fwdNameUpdated(); fwdFromVersion = fwdFrom->nameVersion; } HistoryMessage::draw(p, selection); } void HistoryForwarded::drawForwardedFrom(Painter &p, int32 x, int32 y, int32 w, bool selected) const { style::font serviceFont(st::msgServiceFont), serviceName(st::msgServiceNameFont); bool outbg = out() && !fromChannel(); p.setPen((selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceSelColor : st::msgInServiceSelColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceColor : st::msgInServiceColor))->p); p.setFont(serviceFont->f); if (w >= fromWidth) { p.drawText(x, y + serviceFont->ascent, lang(lng_forwarded_from)); p.setFont(serviceName->f); fwdFromName.drawElided(p, x + fromWidth, y, w - fromWidth); } else { p.drawText(x, y + serviceFont->ascent, serviceFont->elided(lang(lng_forwarded_from), w)); } } void HistoryForwarded::drawMessageText(Painter &p, const QRect &trect, uint32 selection) const { drawForwardedFrom(p, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), (selection == FullItemSel)); QRect realtrect(trect); realtrect.setY(trect.y() + st::msgServiceNameFont->height); HistoryMessage::drawMessageText(p, realtrect, selection); } int32 HistoryForwarded::resize(int32 width) { HistoryMessage::resize(width); if (!justMedia()) _height += st::msgServiceNameFont->height; return _height; } bool HistoryForwarded::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const { if (!justMedia()) { int32 left = fromChannel() ? (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.left()) / 2 : (out() ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left()), width = _history->width - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(), mwidth = st::msgMaxWidth; if (width > mwidth) { if (fromChannel()) { //f left += (width - mwidth) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - mwidth; } width = mwidth; } if (displayFromPhoto()) { // from user left photo // width -= st::msgPhotoSkip; left += st::msgPhotoSkip; } if (width < 1) return false; if (width >= _maxw) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - _maxw) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - _maxw; } width = _maxw; } QRect r(left, st::msgMargin.top(), width, _height - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); return r.contains(x, y); } return HistoryMessage::hasPoint(x, y); } void HistoryForwarded::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y) const { lnk = TextLinkPtr(); state = HistoryDefaultCursorState; if (!justMedia()) { int32 left = fromChannel() ? (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.left()) / 2 : (out() ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left()), width = _history->width - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(), mwidth = st::msgMaxWidth; if (width > mwidth) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - mwidth) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - mwidth; } width = mwidth; } if (displayFromPhoto()) { // from user left photo if (x >= left && x < left + st::msgPhotoSize) { return HistoryMessage::getState(lnk, state, x, y); } // width -= st::msgPhotoSkip; left += st::msgPhotoSkip; } if (width < 1) return; if (width >= _maxw) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - _maxw) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - _maxw; } width = _maxw; } QRect r(left, st::msgMargin.top(), width, _height - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); if (displayFromName()) { style::font nameFont(st::msgNameFont); if (y >= r.top() + st::msgPadding.top() && y < r.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + nameFont->height) { return HistoryMessage::getState(lnk, state, x, y); } r.setTop(r.top() + nameFont->height); } QRect trect(r.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding)); if (y >= trect.top() && y < trect.top() + st::msgServiceNameFont->height) { return getForwardedState(lnk, state, x - trect.left(), trect.right() - trect.left()); } y -= st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } return HistoryMessage::getState(lnk, state, x, y); } void HistoryForwarded::getStateFromMessageText(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const QRect &r) const { QRect realr(r); realr.setHeight(r.height() - st::msgServiceNameFont->height); HistoryMessage::getStateFromMessageText(lnk, state, x, y, realr); } void HistoryForwarded::getForwardedState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 w) const { state = HistoryDefaultCursorState; if (x >= fromWidth && x < w && x < fromWidth + fwdFromName.maxWidth()) { lnk = fwdFrom->lnk; } else { lnk = TextLinkPtr(); } } void HistoryForwarded::getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y) const { symbol = 0; after = false; upon = false; if (!justMedia()) { int32 left = fromChannel() ? (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.left()) / 2 : (out() ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left()), width = _history->width - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(), mwidth = st::msgMaxWidth; if (width > mwidth) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - mwidth) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - mwidth; } width = mwidth; } if (displayFromPhoto()) { // from user left photo // width -= st::msgPhotoSkip; left += st::msgPhotoSkip; } if (width < 1) return; if (width >= _maxw) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - _maxw) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - _maxw; } width = _maxw; } QRect r(left, st::msgMargin.top(), width, _height - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); if (displayFromName()) { style::font nameFont(st::msgNameFont); if (y >= r.top() + st::msgPadding.top() && y < r.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + nameFont->height) { return HistoryMessage::getSymbol(symbol, after, upon, x, y); } r.setTop(r.top() + nameFont->height); } QRect trect(r.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding)); y -= st::msgServiceNameFont->height; } return HistoryMessage::getSymbol(symbol, after, upon, x, y); } HistoryReply::HistoryReply(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const MTPDmessage &msg) : HistoryMessage(history, block, msg) , replyToMsgId(msg.vreply_to_msg_id.v) , replyToMsg(0) , replyToVersion(0) , _maxReplyWidth(0) { if (!updateReplyTo() && App::api()) { App::api()->requestReplyTo(this, history->peer->asChannel(), replyToMsgId); } } HistoryReply::HistoryReply(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId msgId, int32 flags, MsgId replyTo, QDateTime date, int32 from, DocumentData *doc) : HistoryMessage(history, block, msgId, flags, date, from, doc) , replyToMsgId(replyTo) , replyToMsg(0) , replyToVersion(0) , _maxReplyWidth(0) { if (!updateReplyTo() && App::api()) { App::api()->requestReplyTo(this, history->peer->asChannel(), replyToMsgId); } } QString HistoryReply::selectedText(uint32 selection) const { if (selection != FullItemSel || !replyToMsg) return HistoryMessage::selectedText(selection); QString result, original = HistoryMessage::selectedText(selection); result.reserve(lang(lng_in_reply_to).size() + replyToMsg->from()->name.size() + 4 + original.size()); result.append('[').append(lang(lng_in_reply_to)).append(' ').append(replyToMsg->from()->name).append(qsl("]\n")).append(original); return result; } void HistoryReply::initDimensions() { if (!replyToMsg) { _maxReplyWidth = st::msgReplyBarSkip + st::msgDateFont->width(lang(replyToMsgId ? lng_profile_loading : lng_deleted_message)) + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); } HistoryMessage::initDimensions(); if (replyToMsg) { replyToNameUpdated(); } else if (!justMedia()) { int maxw = _maxReplyWidth - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right() + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); if (maxw > _maxw) _maxw = maxw; } } bool HistoryReply::updateReplyTo(bool force) { if (replyToMsg || !replyToMsgId) return true; replyToMsg = App::histItemById(channelId(), replyToMsgId); if (replyToMsg) { App::historyRegReply(this, replyToMsg); replyToText.setText(st::msgFont, replyToMsg->inReplyText(), _textDlgOptions); replyToNameUpdated(); replyToLnk = TextLinkPtr(new MessageLink(replyToMsg->history()->peer->id, replyToMsg->id)); } else if (force) { replyToMsgId = 0; } if (force) { initDimensions(); if (App::main()) App::main()->itemResized(this); } return (replyToMsg || !replyToMsgId); } void HistoryReply::replyToNameUpdated() const { if (!replyToMsg) return; replyToName.setText(st::msgServiceNameFont, App::peerName(replyToMsg->from()), _textNameOptions); replyToVersion = replyToMsg->from()->nameVersion; bool hasPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia() ? replyToMsg->getMedia()->hasReplyPreview() : false; int previewSkip = hasPreview ? (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x()) : 0; _maxReplyWidth = st::msgReplyPadding.left() + st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip + replyToName.maxWidth() + st::msgReplyPadding.right(); int32 _textw = st::msgReplyPadding.left() + st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip + qMin(replyToText.maxWidth(), 4 * replyToName.maxWidth()) + st::msgReplyPadding.right(); if (_textw > _maxReplyWidth) _maxReplyWidth = _textw; if (!justMedia()) { int maxw = _maxReplyWidth - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.right() + st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right(); if (maxw > _maxw) _maxw = maxw; } } int32 HistoryReply::replyToWidth() const { return _maxReplyWidth; } TextLinkPtr HistoryReply::replyToLink() const { return replyToLnk; } MsgId HistoryReply::replyToId() const { return replyToMsgId; } HistoryItem *HistoryReply::replyToMessage() const { return replyToMsg; } void HistoryReply::replyToReplaced(HistoryItem *oldItem, HistoryItem *newItem) { if (replyToMsg == oldItem) { replyToMsg = newItem; if (!newItem) { replyToMsgId = 0; initDimensions(); } } } void HistoryReply::draw(Painter &p, uint32 selection) const { if (replyToMsg && replyToMsg->from()->nameVersion > replyToVersion) { replyToNameUpdated(); } HistoryMessage::draw(p, selection); } void HistoryReply::drawReplyTo(Painter &p, int32 x, int32 y, int32 w, bool selected, bool likeService) const { style::color bar; bool outbg = out() && !fromChannel(); if (likeService) { bar = st::white; } else { bar = (selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutReplyBarSelColor : st::msgInReplyBarSelColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutReplyBarColor : st::msgInReplyBarColor)); } p.fillRect(x + st::msgReplyBarPos.x(), y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarPos.y(), st::msgReplyBarSize.width(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), bar->b); if (w > st::msgReplyBarSkip) { if (replyToMsg) { bool hasPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia() ? replyToMsg->getMedia()->hasReplyPreview() : false; int previewSkip = hasPreview ? (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyBarSkip - st::msgReplyBarSize.width() - st::msgReplyBarPos.x()) : 0; if (hasPreview) { ImagePtr replyPreview = replyToMsg->getMedia()->replyPreview(); if (!replyPreview->isNull()) { QRect to(x + st::msgReplyBarSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarPos.y(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height(), st::msgReplyBarSize.height()); p.drawPixmap(to.x(), to.y(), replyPreview->pixSingle(replyPreview->width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), replyPreview->height() / cIntRetinaFactor(), to.width(), to.height())); if (selected) { App::roundRect(p, to, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay, SelectedOverlayCorners); } } } if (w > st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip) { if (likeService) { p.setPen(st::white->p); } else { p.setPen((selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceSelColor : st::msgInServiceSelColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutServiceColor : st::msgInServiceColor))->p); } replyToName.drawElided(p, x + st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top(), w - st::msgReplyBarSkip - previewSkip); HistoryMessage *replyToAsMsg = replyToMsg->toHistoryMessage(); if (likeService) { } else if ((replyToAsMsg && replyToAsMsg->justMedia()) || replyToMsg->serviceMsg()) { style::color date(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectDateColor : st::msgInSelectDateColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateColor : st::msgInDateColor)); p.setPen(date->p); } else { p.setPen(st::msgColor->p); } replyToText.drawElided(p, x + st::msgReplyBarSkip + previewSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgServiceNameFont->height, w - st::msgReplyBarSkip - previewSkip); } } else { p.setFont(st::msgDateFont->f); style::color date(selected ? (outbg ? st::msgOutSelectDateColor : st::msgInSelectDateColor) : (outbg ? st::msgOutDateColor : st::msgInDateColor)); if (likeService) { p.setPen(st::white->p); } else { p.setPen(date->p); } p.drawText(x + st::msgReplyBarSkip, y + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + (st::msgReplyBarSize.height() - st::msgDateFont->height) / 2 + st::msgDateFont->ascent, st::msgDateFont->elided(lang(replyToMsgId ? lng_profile_loading : lng_deleted_message), w - st::msgReplyBarSkip)); } } } void HistoryReply::drawMessageText(Painter &p, const QRect &trect, uint32 selection) const { int32 h = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); drawReplyTo(p, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), (selection == FullItemSel)); QRect realtrect(trect); realtrect.setY(trect.y() + h); HistoryMessage::drawMessageText(p, realtrect, selection); } int32 HistoryReply::resize(int32 width) { HistoryMessage::resize(width); if (!justMedia()) _height += st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); return _height; } bool HistoryReply::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const { if (!justMedia()) { int32 left = fromChannel() ? (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.left()) / 2 : (out() ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left()), width = _history->width - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(), mwidth = st::msgMaxWidth; if (width > mwidth) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - mwidth) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - mwidth; } width = mwidth; } if (displayFromPhoto()) { // from user left photo // width -= st::msgPhotoSkip; left += st::msgPhotoSkip; } if (width < 1) return false; if (width >= _maxw) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - _maxw) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - _maxw; } width = _maxw; } QRect r(left, st::msgMargin.top(), width, _height - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); return r.contains(x, y); } return HistoryMessage::hasPoint(x, y); } void HistoryReply::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y) const { lnk = TextLinkPtr(); state = HistoryDefaultCursorState; if (!justMedia()) { int32 left = fromChannel() ? (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.left()) / 2 : (out() ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left()), width = _history->width - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(), mwidth = st::msgMaxWidth; if (width > mwidth) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - mwidth) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - mwidth; } width = mwidth; } if (displayFromPhoto()) { // from user left photo if (x >= left && x < left + st::msgPhotoSize) { return HistoryMessage::getState(lnk, state, x, y); } // width -= st::msgPhotoSkip; left += st::msgPhotoSkip; } if (width < 1) return; if (width >= _maxw) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - _maxw) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - _maxw; } width = _maxw; } QRect r(left, st::msgMargin.top(), width, _height - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); if (displayFromName()) { style::font nameFont(st::msgNameFont); if (y >= r.top() + st::msgPadding.top() && y < r.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + nameFont->height) { return HistoryMessage::getState(lnk, state, x, y); } r.setTop(r.top() + nameFont->height); } QRect trect(r.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding)); int32 h = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); if (y >= trect.top() && y < trect.top() + h) { if (replyToMsg && y >= trect.top() + st::msgReplyPadding.top() && y < trect.top() + st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() && x >= trect.left() && x < trect.right()) { lnk = replyToLnk; } return; } y -= h; } return HistoryMessage::getState(lnk, state, x, y); } void HistoryReply::getStateFromMessageText(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y, const QRect &r) const { int32 h = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); QRect realr(r); realr.setHeight(r.height() - h); HistoryMessage::getStateFromMessageText(lnk, state, x, y, realr); } void HistoryReply::getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y) const { symbol = 0; after = false; upon = false; if (!justMedia()) { int32 left = fromChannel() ? (st::msgMargin.left() + st::msgMargin.left()) / 2 : (out() ? st::msgMargin.right() : st::msgMargin.left()), width = _history->width - st::msgMargin.left() - st::msgMargin.right(), mwidth = st::msgMaxWidth; if (width > mwidth) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - mwidth) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - mwidth; } width = mwidth; } if (displayFromPhoto()) { // from user left photo // width -= st::msgPhotoSkip; left += st::msgPhotoSkip; } if (width < 1) return; if (width >= _maxw) { if (fromChannel()) { // left += (width - _maxw) / 2; } else if (out()) { left += width - _maxw; } width = _maxw; } QRect r(left, st::msgMargin.top(), width, _height - st::msgMargin.top() - st::msgMargin.bottom()); if (displayFromName()) { style::font nameFont(st::msgNameFont); if (y >= r.top() + st::msgPadding.top() && y < r.top() + st::msgPadding.top() + nameFont->height) { return HistoryMessage::getSymbol(symbol, after, upon, x, y); } r.setTop(r.top() + nameFont->height); } QRect trect(r.marginsAdded(-st::msgPadding)); int32 h = st::msgReplyPadding.top() + st::msgReplyBarSize.height() + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom(); y -= h; } return HistoryMessage::getSymbol(symbol, after, upon, x, y); } HistoryReply::~HistoryReply() { if (replyToMsg) { App::historyUnregReply(this, replyToMsg); } else if (replyToMsgId && App::api()) { App::api()->itemRemoved(this); } } void HistoryServiceMsg::setMessageByAction(const MTPmessageAction &action) { TextLinkPtr second, third; LangString text = lang(lng_message_empty); QString from = textcmdLink(1, _from->name); switch (action.type()) { case mtpc_messageActionChatAddUser: { const MTPDmessageActionChatAddUser &d(action.c_messageActionChatAddUser()); const QVector &v(d.vusers.c_vector().v); bool foundSelf = false; for (int32 i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (v.at(i).v == MTP::authedId()) { foundSelf = true; break; } } if (v.size() == 1) { UserData *u = App::user(peerFromUser(v.at(0))); if (u == _from) { text = lng_action_user_joined(lt_from, from); } else { second = TextLinkPtr(new PeerLink(u)); text = lng_action_add_user(lt_from, from, lt_user, textcmdLink(2, u->name)); } } else if (v.size() == 2) { UserData *u1 = App::user(peerFromUser(v.at(0))), *u2 = App::user(peerFromUser(v.at(1))); second = TextLinkPtr(new PeerLink(u1)); third = TextLinkPtr(new PeerLink(u2)); text = lng_action_add_user_and_user(lt_from, from, lt_user, textcmdLink(2, u1->name), lt_second_user, textcmdLink(3, u2->name)); } else { UserData *u = App::user(peerFromUser(foundSelf ? MTP::authedId() : v.at(0).v)); second = TextLinkPtr(new PeerLink(u)); text = lng_action_add_users(lt_from, from, lt_user, textcmdLink(2, u->name), lt_count, v.size() - 1); } if (unread() && foundSelf) { if (history()->peer->isChat() && !history()->peer->asChat()->inviterForSpamReport && _from->isUser()) { history()->peer->asChat()->inviterForSpamReport = peerToUser(_from->id); } } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatJoinedByLink: { const MTPDmessageActionChatJoinedByLink &d(action.c_messageActionChatJoinedByLink()); if (true || peerFromUser(d.vinviter_id) == _from->id) { text = lng_action_user_joined_by_link(lt_from, from); //} else { //UserData *u = App::user(App::peerFromUser(d.vinviter_id)); //second = TextLinkPtr(new PeerLink(u)); //text = lng_action_user_joined_by_link_from(lt_from, from, lt_inviter, textcmdLink(2, u->name)); } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatCreate: { const MTPDmessageActionChatCreate &d(action.c_messageActionChatCreate()); text = lng_action_created_chat(lt_from, from, lt_title, textClean(qs(d.vtitle))); if (unread()) { if (history()->peer->isChat() && !history()->peer->asChat()->inviterForSpamReport && _from->isUser() && peerToUser(_from->id) != MTP::authedId()) { history()->peer->asChat()->inviterForSpamReport = peerToUser(_from->id); } } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChannelCreate: { const MTPDmessageActionChannelCreate &d(action.c_messageActionChannelCreate()); if (fromChannel()) { text = lng_action_created_channel(lt_title, textClean(qs(d.vtitle))); } else { text = lng_action_created_chat(lt_from, from, lt_title, textClean(qs(d.vtitle))); } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatDeletePhoto: { text = fromChannel() ? lang(lng_action_removed_photo_channel) : lng_action_removed_photo(lt_from, from); } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatDeleteUser: { const MTPDmessageActionChatDeleteUser &d(action.c_messageActionChatDeleteUser()); if (peerFromUser(d.vuser_id) == _from->id) { text = lng_action_user_left(lt_from, from); } else { UserData *u = App::user(peerFromUser(d.vuser_id)); second = TextLinkPtr(new PeerLink(u)); text = lng_action_kick_user(lt_from, from, lt_user, textcmdLink(2, u->name)); } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatEditPhoto: { const MTPDmessageActionChatEditPhoto &d(action.c_messageActionChatEditPhoto()); if (d.vphoto.type() == mtpc_photo) { _media = new HistoryPhoto(history()->peer, d.vphoto.c_photo(), st::msgServicePhotoWidth); } text = fromChannel() ? lang(lng_action_changed_photo_channel) : lng_action_changed_photo(lt_from, from); } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatEditTitle: { const MTPDmessageActionChatEditTitle &d(action.c_messageActionChatEditTitle()); text = fromChannel() ? lng_action_changed_title_channel(lt_title, textClean(qs(d.vtitle))) : lng_action_changed_title(lt_from, from, lt_title, textClean(qs(d.vtitle))); } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatMigrateTo: { _flags |= MTPDmessage_flag_IS_GROUP_MIGRATE; const MTPDmessageActionChatMigrateTo &d(action.c_messageActionChatMigrateTo()); if (true/*PeerData *channel = App::peerLoaded(peerFromChannel(d.vchannel_id))*/) { text = lang(lng_action_group_migrate); } else { text = lang(lng_contacts_loading); } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom: { _flags |= MTPDmessage_flag_IS_GROUP_MIGRATE; const MTPDmessageActionChannelMigrateFrom &d(action.c_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom()); if (true/*PeerData *chat = App::peerLoaded(peerFromChannel(d.vchat_id))*/) { text = lang(lng_action_group_migrate); } else { text = lang(lng_contacts_loading); } } break; default: from = QString(); break; } _text.setText(st::msgServiceFont, text, _historySrvOptions); if (!from.isEmpty()) { _text.setLink(1, TextLinkPtr(new PeerLink(_from))); } if (second) { _text.setLink(2, second); } if (third) { _text.setLink(3, third); } return ; } HistoryServiceMsg::HistoryServiceMsg(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const MTPDmessageService &msg) : HistoryItem(history, block, msg.vid.v, msg.vflags.v, ::date(msg.vdate), msg.has_from_id() ? msg.vfrom_id.v : 0) , _text(st::msgMinWidth) , _media(0) { setMessageByAction(msg.vaction); } HistoryServiceMsg::HistoryServiceMsg(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId msgId, QDateTime date, const QString &msg, int32 flags, HistoryMedia *media, int32 from) : HistoryItem(history, block, msgId, flags, date, from) , _text(st::msgServiceFont, msg, _historySrvOptions, st::dlgMinWidth) , _media(media) { } void HistoryServiceMsg::initDimensions() { _maxw = _text.maxWidth() + st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right(); _minh = _text.minHeight(); if (_media) _media->initDimensions(this); } QString HistoryServiceMsg::selectedText(uint32 selection) const { uint16 selectedFrom = (selection == FullItemSel) ? 0 : (selection >> 16) & 0xFFFF; uint16 selectedTo = (selection == FullItemSel) ? 0xFFFF : (selection & 0xFFFF); return _text.original(selectedFrom, selectedTo); } QString HistoryServiceMsg::inDialogsText() const { return _text.original(0, 0xFFFF, Text::ExpandLinksNone); } QString HistoryServiceMsg::inReplyText() const { QString result = HistoryServiceMsg::inDialogsText(); return result.trimmed().startsWith(from()->name) ? result.trimmed().mid(from()->name.size()).trimmed() : result; } void HistoryServiceMsg::setServiceText(const QString &text) { _text.setText(st::msgServiceFont, text, _historySrvOptions); initDimensions(); } void HistoryServiceMsg::draw(Painter &p, uint32 selection) const { uint64 ms = App::main() ? App::main()->animActiveTime(this) : 0; if (ms) { if (ms > st::activeFadeInDuration + st::activeFadeOutDuration) { App::main()->stopAnimActive(); } else { textstyleSet(&st::inTextStyle); float64 dt = (ms > st::activeFadeInDuration) ? (1 - (ms - st::activeFadeInDuration) / float64(st::activeFadeOutDuration)) : (ms / float64(st::activeFadeInDuration)); float64 o = p.opacity(); p.setOpacity(o * dt); p.fillRect(0, 0, _history->width, _height, textstyleCurrent()->selectOverlay->b); p.setOpacity(o); } } textstyleSet(&st::serviceTextStyle); int32 left = st::msgServiceMargin.left(), width = _history->width - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - st::msgServiceMargin.left(), height = _height - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom(); // two small margins if (width < 1) return; if (_media) { height -= st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->height(); p.save(); p.translate(st::msgServiceMargin.left() + (width - _media->maxWidth()) / 2, st::msgServiceMargin.top() + height + st::msgServiceMargin.top()); _media->draw(p, this, selection == FullItemSel); p.restore(); } QRect trect(QRect(left, st::msgServiceMargin.top(), width, height).marginsAdded(-st::msgServicePadding)); if (width > _maxw) { left += (width - _maxw) / 2; width = _maxw; } App::roundRect(p, left, st::msgServiceMargin.top(), width, height, App::msgServiceBg(), (selection == FullItemSel) ? ServiceSelectedCorners : ServiceCorners); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.setPen(st::msgServiceColor->p); p.setFont(st::msgServiceFont->f); uint16 selectedFrom = (selection == FullItemSel) ? 0 : (selection >> 16) & 0xFFFF; uint16 selectedTo = (selection == FullItemSel) ? 0 : selection & 0xFFFF; _text.draw(p, trect.x(), trect.y(), trect.width(), Qt::AlignCenter, 0, -1, selectedFrom, selectedTo); textstyleRestore(); } int32 HistoryServiceMsg::resize(int32 width) { width -= st::msgServiceMargin.left() + st::msgServiceMargin.left(); // two small margins if (width < st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right() + 1) width = st::msgServicePadding.left() + st::msgServicePadding.right() + 1; int32 nwidth = qMax(width - st::msgPadding.left() - st::msgPadding.right(), 0); if (nwidth != _textWidth) { _textWidth = nwidth; _textHeight = _text.countHeight(nwidth); } if (width >= _maxw) { _height = _minh; } else { _height = _textHeight; } _height += st::msgServicePadding.top() + st::msgServicePadding.bottom() + st::msgServiceMargin.top() + st::msgServiceMargin.bottom(); if (_media) { _height += st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->resize(_media->currentWidth(), this); } return _height; } bool HistoryServiceMsg::hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const { int32 left = st::msgServiceMargin.left(), width = _history->width - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - st::msgServiceMargin.left(), height = _height - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom(); // two small margins if (width < 1) return false; if (_media) { height -= st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->height(); } return QRect(left, st::msgServiceMargin.top(), width, height).contains(x, y); } void HistoryServiceMsg::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y) const { lnk = TextLinkPtr(); state = HistoryDefaultCursorState; int32 left = st::msgServiceMargin.left(), width = _history->width - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - st::msgServiceMargin.left(), height = _height - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom(); // two small margins if (width < 1) return; if (_media) { height -= st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->height(); } QRect trect(QRect(left, st::msgServiceMargin.top(), width, height).marginsAdded(-st::msgServicePadding)); if (trect.contains(x, y)) { bool inText = false; _text.getState(lnk, inText, x - trect.x(), y - trect.y(), trect.width(), Qt::AlignCenter); state = inText ? HistoryInTextCursorState : HistoryDefaultCursorState; } else if (_media) { _media->getState(lnk, state, x - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - (width - _media->maxWidth()) / 2, y - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - height - st::msgServiceMargin.top(), this); } } void HistoryServiceMsg::getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y) const { symbol = 0; after = false; upon = false; int32 left = st::msgServiceMargin.left(), width = _history->width - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - st::msgServiceMargin.left(), height = _height - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom(); // two small margins if (width < 1) return; if (_media) { height -= st::msgServiceMargin.top() + _media->height(); } QRect trect(QRect(left, st::msgServiceMargin.top(), width, height).marginsAdded(-st::msgServicePadding)); return _text.getSymbol(symbol, after, upon, x - trect.x(), y - trect.y(), trect.width(), Qt::AlignCenter); } void HistoryServiceMsg::drawInDialog(Painter &p, const QRect &r, bool act, const HistoryItem *&cacheFor, Text &cache) const { if (cacheFor != this) { cacheFor = this; cache.setText(st::dlgHistFont, inDialogsText(), _textDlgOptions); } QRect tr(r); p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveColor : st::dlgSystemColor)->p); cache.drawElided(p, tr.left(), tr.top(), tr.width(), tr.height() / st::dlgHistFont->height); } QString HistoryServiceMsg::notificationText() const { QString msg = _text.original(); if (msg.size() > 0xFF) msg = msg.mid(0, 0xFF) + qsl(".."); return msg; } HistoryMedia *HistoryServiceMsg::getMedia(bool inOverview) const { return inOverview ? 0 : _media; } HistoryServiceMsg::~HistoryServiceMsg() { delete _media; } HistoryDateMsg::HistoryDateMsg(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const QDate &date) : HistoryServiceMsg(history, block, clientMsgId(), QDateTime(date), langDayOfMonth(date)) { } HistoryItem *createDayServiceMsg(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, QDateTime date) { return regItem(new HistoryDateMsg(history, block, date.date())); } HistoryGroup::HistoryGroup(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const MTPDmessageGroup &group, const QDateTime &date) : HistoryServiceMsg(history, block, clientMsgId(), date, lng_channel_comments_count(lt_count, group.vcount.v)/* + qsl(" (%1 .. %2)").arg(group.vmin_id.v).arg(group.vmax_id.v)*/), _minId(group.vmin_id.v), _maxId(group.vmax_id.v), _count(group.vcount.v), _lnk(new CommentsLink(this)) { } HistoryGroup::HistoryGroup(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, HistoryItem *newItem, const QDateTime &date) : HistoryServiceMsg(history, block, clientMsgId(), date, lng_channel_comments_count(lt_count, 1)/* + qsl(" (%1 .. %2)").arg(newItem->id - 1).arg(newItem->id + 1)*/), _minId(newItem->id - 1), _maxId(newItem->id + 1), _count(1), _lnk(new CommentsLink(this)) { } void HistoryGroup::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y) const { lnk = TextLinkPtr(); state = HistoryDefaultCursorState; int32 left = st::msgServiceMargin.left(), width = _history->width - st::msgServiceMargin.left() - st::msgServiceMargin.left(), height = _height - st::msgServiceMargin.top() - st::msgServiceMargin.bottom(); // two small margins if (width < 1) return; QRect trect(QRect(left, st::msgServiceMargin.top(), width, height).marginsAdded(-st::msgServicePadding)); if (width > _maxw) { left += (width - _maxw) / 2; width = _maxw; } if (QRect(left, st::msgServiceMargin.top(), width, height).contains(x, y)) { lnk = _lnk; } } void HistoryGroup::uniteWith(MsgId minId, MsgId maxId, int32 count) { if (minId < 0 || maxId < 0) return; if (minId == _minId && maxId == _maxId && count == _count) return; if (minId < _minId) { if (maxId <= _minId + 1) { _count += count; } else if (maxId <= _maxId) { // :( smth not precise _count += qMax(0, count - (maxId - _minId - 1)); } else { // :( smth not precise _count = qMax(count, _count); _maxId = maxId; } _minId = minId; } else if (maxId > _maxId) { if (minId + 1 >= _maxId) { _count += count; } else if (minId >= _minId) { // :( smth not precise _count += qMax(0, count - (_maxId - minId - 1)); } else { // :( smth not precise _count = qMax(count, _count); _minId = minId; } _maxId = maxId; } else if (count > _count) { // :( smth not precise _count = count; } updateText(); } bool HistoryGroup::decrementCount() { if (_count > 1) { --_count; updateText(); return true; } return false; } void HistoryGroup::updateText() { setServiceText(lng_channel_comments_count(lt_count, _count)/* + qsl(" (%1 .. %2)").arg(_minId).arg(_maxId)*/); } HistoryCollapse::HistoryCollapse(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId wasMinId, const QDateTime &date) : HistoryServiceMsg(history, block, clientMsgId(), date, qsl("-")), _wasMinId(wasMinId) { } void HistoryCollapse::draw(Painter &p, uint32 selection) const { } void HistoryCollapse::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, HistoryCursorState &state, int32 x, int32 y) const { lnk = TextLinkPtr(); state = HistoryDefaultCursorState; } HistoryJoined::HistoryJoined(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const QDateTime &inviteDate, UserData *inviter, int32 flags) : HistoryServiceMsg(history, block, clientMsgId(), inviteDate, QString(), flags) { if (peerToUser(inviter->id) == MTP::authedId()) { _text.setText(st::msgServiceFont, lang(history->isMegagroup() ? lng_action_you_joined_group : lng_action_you_joined), _historySrvOptions); } else { _text.setText(st::msgServiceFont, history->isMegagroup() ? lng_action_add_you_group(lt_from, textcmdLink(1, inviter->name)) : lng_action_add_you(lt_from, textcmdLink(1, inviter->name)), _historySrvOptions); _text.setLink(1, TextLinkPtr(new PeerLink(inviter))); } } HistoryUnreadBar::HistoryUnreadBar(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, int32 count, const QDateTime &date) : HistoryItem(history, block, clientMsgId(), 0, date, 0), freezed(false) { setCount(count); initDimensions(); } void HistoryUnreadBar::initDimensions() { _maxw = st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1; _minh = st::unreadBarHeight; } void HistoryUnreadBar::setCount(int32 count) { if (!count) freezed = true; if (freezed) return; text = lng_unread_bar(lt_count, count); } void HistoryUnreadBar::draw(Painter &p, uint32 selection) const { p.fillRect(0, st::lineWidth, _history->width, st::unreadBarHeight - 2 * st::lineWidth, st::unreadBarBG->b); p.fillRect(0, st::unreadBarHeight - st::lineWidth, _history->width, st::lineWidth, st::unreadBarBorder->b); p.setFont(st::unreadBarFont->f); p.setPen(st::unreadBarColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, _history->width, st::unreadBarHeight - st::lineWidth), text, style::al_center); } int32 HistoryUnreadBar::resize(int32 width) { _height = st::unreadBarHeight; return _height; } void HistoryUnreadBar::drawInDialog(Painter &p, const QRect &r, bool act, const HistoryItem *&cacheFor, Text &cache) const { } QString HistoryUnreadBar::notificationText() const { return QString(); }