/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "mtproto/core_types.h" #include "mtproto/auth_key.h" #include "mtproto/dc_options.h" #include "core/single_timer.h" namespace MTP { class Instance; bool IsPrimeAndGood(const QByteArray &data, int g); namespace internal { class AbstractConnection; class ConnectionPrivate; class SessionData; class RSAPublicKey; class Thread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: Thread() { static int ThreadCounter = 0; _threadIndex = ++ThreadCounter; } int getThreadIndex() const { return _threadIndex; } private: int _threadIndex = 0; }; class Connection { public: enum ConnectionType { TcpConnection, HttpConnection }; Connection(Instance *instance); void start(SessionData *data, ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId); void kill(); void waitTillFinish(); ~Connection(); static const int UpdateAlways = 666; int32 state() const; QString transport() const; private: Instance *_instance = nullptr; std::unique_ptr thread; ConnectionPrivate *data = nullptr; }; class ConnectionPrivate : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: ConnectionPrivate(Instance *instance, QThread *thread, Connection *owner, SessionData *data, ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId); ~ConnectionPrivate(); void stop(); int32 getShiftedDcId() const; int32 getState() const; QString transport() const; signals: void needToReceive(); void needToRestart(); void stateChanged(qint32 newState); void sessionResetDone(); void needToSendAsync(); void sendAnythingAsync(qint64 msWait); void sendHttpWaitAsync(); void sendPongAsync(quint64 msgId, quint64 pingId); void sendMsgsStateInfoAsync(quint64 msgId, QByteArray data); void resendAsync(quint64 msgId, qint64 msCanWait, bool forceContainer, bool sendMsgStateInfo); void resendManyAsync(QVector msgIds, qint64 msCanWait, bool forceContainer, bool sendMsgStateInfo); void resendAllAsync(); void finished(internal::Connection *connection); public slots: void retryByTimer(); void restartNow(); void onPingSender(); void onPingSendForce(); void onWaitConnectedFailed(); void onWaitReceivedFailed(); void onWaitIPv4Failed(); void onOldConnection(); void onSentSome(uint64 size); void onReceivedSome(); void onReadyData(); void onConnected4(); void onConnected6(); void onDisconnected4(); void onDisconnected6(); void onError4(qint32 errorCode); void onError6(qint32 errorCode); // Auth key creation packet receive slots void pqAnswered(); void dhParamsAnswered(); void dhClientParamsAnswered(); // General packet receive slot, connected to conn->receivedData signal void handleReceived(); // Sessions signals, when we need to send something void tryToSend(); void updateAuthKey(); void onConfigLoaded(); void onCDNConfigLoaded(); private: void connectToServer(bool afterConfig = false); void doDisconnect(); void restart(); void finishAndDestroy(); void requestCDNConfig(); void handleError(int errorCode); void createConn(bool createIPv4, bool createIPv6); void destroyConn(AbstractConnection **conn = 0); // 0 - destory all mtpMsgId placeToContainer(mtpRequest &toSendRequest, mtpMsgId &bigMsgId, mtpMsgId *&haveSentArr, mtpRequest &req); mtpMsgId prepareToSend(mtpRequest &request, mtpMsgId currentLastId); mtpMsgId replaceMsgId(mtpRequest &request, mtpMsgId newId); bool sendRequest(mtpRequest &request, bool needAnyResponse, QReadLocker &lockFinished); mtpRequestId wasSent(mtpMsgId msgId) const; enum class HandleResult { Success, Ignored, RestartConnection, ResetSession, }; HandleResult handleOneReceived(const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end, uint64 msgId, int32 serverTime, uint64 serverSalt, bool badTime); mtpBuffer ungzip(const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) const; void handleMsgsStates(const QVector &ids, const QByteArray &states, QVector &acked); void clearMessages(); bool setState(int32 state, int32 ifState = Connection::UpdateAlways); std::string encryptPQInnerRSA(const MTPP_Q_inner_data &data, const MTP::internal::RSAPublicKey &key); std::string encryptClientDHInner(const MTPClient_DH_Inner_Data &data); Instance *_instance = nullptr; DcType _dcType = DcType::Regular; mutable QReadWriteLock stateConnMutex; int32 _state = DisconnectedState; bool _needSessionReset = false; void resetSession(); ShiftedDcId _shiftedDcId = 0; Connection *_owner = nullptr; AbstractConnection *_conn = nullptr; AbstractConnection *_conn4 = nullptr; AbstractConnection *_conn6 = nullptr;; SingleTimer retryTimer; // exp retry timer int retryTimeout = 1; qint64 retryWillFinish; SingleTimer oldConnectionTimer; bool oldConnection = true; SingleTimer _waitForConnectedTimer, _waitForReceivedTimer, _waitForIPv4Timer; uint32 _waitForReceived, _waitForConnected; TimeMs firstSentAt = -1; QVector ackRequestData, resendRequestData; // if badTime received - search for ids in sessionData->haveSent and sessionData->wereAcked and sync time/salt, return true if found bool requestsFixTimeSalt(const QVector &ids, int32 serverTime, uint64 serverSalt); // remove msgs with such ids from sessionData->haveSent, add to sessionData->wereAcked void requestsAcked(const QVector &ids, bool byResponse = false); mtpPingId _pingId = 0; mtpPingId _pingIdToSend = 0; TimeMs _pingSendAt = 0; mtpMsgId _pingMsgId = 0; SingleTimer _pingSender; void resend(quint64 msgId, qint64 msCanWait = 0, bool forceContainer = false, bool sendMsgStateInfo = false); void resendMany(QVector msgIds, qint64 msCanWait = 0, bool forceContainer = false, bool sendMsgStateInfo = false); template void sendRequestNotSecure(const TRequest &request); template bool readResponseNotSecure(TResponse &response); bool restarted = false; bool _finished = false; uint64 keyId = 0; QReadWriteLock sessionDataMutex; SessionData *sessionData = nullptr; bool myKeyLock = false; void lockKey(); void unlockKey(); // Auth key creation fields and methods struct AuthKeyCreateData { AuthKeyCreateData() : new_nonce(*(MTPint256*)((uchar*)new_nonce_buf)) , auth_key_aux_hash(*(MTPlong*)((uchar*)new_nonce_buf + 33)) { } MTPint128 nonce, server_nonce; uchar new_nonce_buf[41] = { 0 }; // 32 bytes new_nonce + 1 check byte + 8 bytes of auth_key_aux_hash MTPint256 &new_nonce; MTPlong &auth_key_aux_hash; uint32 retries = 0; MTPlong retry_id; int32 g = 0; uchar aesKey[32] = { 0 }; uchar aesIV[32] = { 0 }; MTPlong auth_key_hash; uint32 req_num = 0; // sent not encrypted request number uint32 msgs_sent = 0; }; struct AuthKeyCreateStrings { QByteArray dh_prime; QByteArray g_a; AuthKey::Data auth_key = { { 0 } }; }; std::unique_ptr _authKeyData; std::unique_ptr _authKeyStrings; void dhClientParamsSend(); void authKeyCreated(); void clearAuthKeyData(); }; } // namespace internal } // namespace MTP