/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "storage/details/storage_file_utilities.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_auth_key.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_file_utilities.h" #include "base/openssl_help.h" #include #include namespace Storage { namespace details { namespace { constexpr char TdfMagic[] = { 'T', 'D', 'F', '$' }; constexpr auto TdfMagicLen = int(sizeof(TdfMagic)); constexpr auto kStrongIterationsCount = 100'000; } // namespace QString ToFilePart(FileKey val) { QString result; result.reserve(0x10); for (int32 i = 0; i < 0x10; ++i) { uchar v = (val & 0x0F); result.push_back((v < 0x0A) ? ('0' + v) : ('A' + (v - 0x0A))); val >>= 4; } return result; } bool KeyAlreadyUsed(QString &name) { name += '0'; if (QFileInfo::exists(name)) { return true; } name[name.size() - 1] = '1'; if (QFileInfo::exists(name)) { return true; } name[name.size() - 1] = 's'; if (QFileInfo::exists(name)) { return true; } return false; } FileKey GenerateKey(const QString &basePath) { FileKey result; QString path; path.reserve(basePath.size() + 0x11); path += basePath; do { result = openssl::RandomValue(); path.resize(basePath.size()); path += ToFilePart(result); } while (!result || KeyAlreadyUsed(path)); return result; } void ClearKey(const FileKey &key, const QString &basePath) { QString name; name.reserve(basePath.size() + 0x11); name.append(basePath).append(ToFilePart(key)).append('0'); QFile::remove(name); name[name.size() - 1] = '1'; QFile::remove(name); name[name.size() - 1] = 's'; QFile::remove(name); } bool CheckStreamStatus(QDataStream &stream) { if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("Bad data stream status: %1").arg(stream.status())); return false; } return true; } MTP::AuthKeyPtr CreateLocalKey( const QByteArray &passcode, const QByteArray &salt) { const auto s = bytes::make_span(salt); const auto hash = openssl::Sha512(s, bytes::make_span(passcode), s); const auto iterationsCount = passcode.isEmpty() ? 1 // Don't slow down for no password. : kStrongIterationsCount; auto key = MTP::AuthKey::Data{ { gsl::byte{} } }; PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC( reinterpret_cast(hash.data()), hash.size(), reinterpret_cast(s.data()), s.size(), iterationsCount, EVP_sha512(), key.size(), reinterpret_cast(key.data())); return std::make_shared(key); } MTP::AuthKeyPtr CreateLegacyLocalKey( const QByteArray &passcode, const QByteArray &salt) { auto key = MTP::AuthKey::Data{ { gsl::byte{} } }; const auto iterationsCount = passcode.isEmpty() ? LocalEncryptNoPwdIterCount // Don't slow down for no password. : LocalEncryptIterCount; PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1( passcode.constData(), passcode.size(), (uchar*)salt.data(), salt.size(), iterationsCount, key.size(), (uchar*)key.data()); return std::make_shared(key); } FileReadDescriptor::~FileReadDescriptor() { if (version) { stream.setDevice(nullptr); if (buffer.isOpen()) { buffer.close(); } buffer.setBuffer(nullptr); } } EncryptedDescriptor::EncryptedDescriptor() { } EncryptedDescriptor::EncryptedDescriptor(uint32 size) { uint32 fullSize = sizeof(uint32) + size; if (fullSize & 0x0F) fullSize += 0x10 - (fullSize & 0x0F); data.reserve(fullSize); data.resize(sizeof(uint32)); buffer.setBuffer(&data); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); buffer.seek(sizeof(uint32)); stream.setDevice(&buffer); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); } EncryptedDescriptor::~EncryptedDescriptor() { finish(); } void EncryptedDescriptor::finish() { if (stream.device()) stream.setDevice(nullptr); if (buffer.isOpen()) buffer.close(); buffer.setBuffer(nullptr); } FileWriteDescriptor::FileWriteDescriptor( const FileKey &key, const QString &basePath) : FileWriteDescriptor(ToFilePart(key), basePath) { } FileWriteDescriptor::FileWriteDescriptor( const QString &name, const QString &basePath) : _basePath(basePath) { init(name); } FileWriteDescriptor::~FileWriteDescriptor() { finish(); } QString FileWriteDescriptor::path(char postfix) const { return _base + postfix; } template bool FileWriteDescriptor::open(File &file, char postfix) { const auto name = path(postfix); file.setFileName(name); if (!writeHeader(file)) { LOG(("Storage Error: Could not open '%1' for writing.").arg(name)); return false; } return true; } bool FileWriteDescriptor::writeHeader(QFileDevice &file) { if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { const auto dir = QDir(_basePath); if (dir.exists()) { return false; } else if (!QDir().mkpath(dir.absolutePath())) { return false; } else if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { return false; } } file.write(TdfMagic, TdfMagicLen); const auto version = qint32(AppVersion); file.write((const char*)&version, sizeof(version)); return true; } void FileWriteDescriptor::writeFooter(QFileDevice &file) { file.write((const char*)_md5.result(), 0x10); } void FileWriteDescriptor::init(const QString &name) { _base = _basePath + name; _buffer.setBuffer(&_safeData); const auto opened = _buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); Assert(opened); _stream.setDevice(&_buffer); } void FileWriteDescriptor::writeData(const QByteArray &data) { if (!_stream.device()) { return; } _stream << data; quint32 len = data.isNull() ? 0xffffffff : data.size(); if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder != QSysInfo::BigEndian) { len = qbswap(len); } _md5.feed(&len, sizeof(len)); _md5.feed(data.constData(), data.size()); _fullSize += sizeof(len) + data.size(); } void FileWriteDescriptor::writeEncrypted( EncryptedDescriptor &data, const MTP::AuthKeyPtr &key) { writeData(PrepareEncrypted(data, key)); } void FileWriteDescriptor::finish() { if (!_stream.device()) { return; } _stream.setDevice(nullptr); _md5.feed(&_fullSize, sizeof(_fullSize)); qint32 version = AppVersion; _md5.feed(&version, sizeof(version)); _md5.feed(TdfMagic, TdfMagicLen); _buffer.close(); const auto safe = path('s'); const auto simple = path('0'); const auto backup = path('1'); QSaveFile save; if (open(save, 's')) { save.write(_safeData); writeFooter(save); if (save.commit()) { QFile::remove(simple); QFile::remove(backup); return; } LOG(("Storage Error: Could not commit '%1'.").arg(safe)); } QFile plain; if (open(plain, '0')) { plain.write(_safeData); writeFooter(plain); base::Platform::FlushFileData(plain); plain.close(); QFile::remove(backup); if (base::Platform::RenameWithOverwrite(simple, safe)) { return; } QFile::remove(safe); LOG(("Storage Error: Could not rename '%1' to '%2', removing.").arg( simple, safe)); } } [[nodiscard]] QByteArray PrepareEncrypted( EncryptedDescriptor &data, const MTP::AuthKeyPtr &key) { data.finish(); QByteArray &toEncrypt(data.data); // prepare for encryption uint32 size = toEncrypt.size(), fullSize = size; if (fullSize & 0x0F) { fullSize += 0x10 - (fullSize & 0x0F); toEncrypt.resize(fullSize); memset_rand(toEncrypt.data() + size, fullSize - size); } *(uint32*)toEncrypt.data() = size; QByteArray encrypted(0x10 + fullSize, Qt::Uninitialized); // 128bit of sha1 - key128, sizeof(data), data hashSha1(toEncrypt.constData(), toEncrypt.size(), encrypted.data()); MTP::aesEncryptLocal(toEncrypt.constData(), encrypted.data() + 0x10, fullSize, key, encrypted.constData()); return encrypted; } bool ReadFile( FileReadDescriptor &result, const QString &name, const QString &basePath) { const auto base = basePath + name; // detect order of read attempts QString toTry[2]; const auto modern = base + 's'; if (QFileInfo::exists(modern)) { toTry[0] = modern; } else { // Legacy way. toTry[0] = base + '0'; QFileInfo toTry0(toTry[0]); if (toTry0.exists()) { toTry[1] = basePath + name + '1'; QFileInfo toTry1(toTry[1]); if (toTry1.exists()) { QDateTime mod0 = toTry0.lastModified(); QDateTime mod1 = toTry1.lastModified(); if (mod0 < mod1) { qSwap(toTry[0], toTry[1]); } } else { toTry[1] = QString(); } } else { toTry[0][toTry[0].size() - 1] = '1'; } } for (int32 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { QString fname(toTry[i]); if (fname.isEmpty()) break; QFile f(fname); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: failed to open '%1' for reading" ).arg(name)); continue; } // check magic char magic[TdfMagicLen]; if (f.read(magic, TdfMagicLen) != TdfMagicLen) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: failed to read magic from '%1'" ).arg(name)); continue; } if (memcmp(magic, TdfMagic, TdfMagicLen)) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: bad magic %1 in '%2'").arg( Logs::mb(magic, TdfMagicLen).str(), name)); continue; } // read app version qint32 version; if (f.read((char*)&version, sizeof(version)) != sizeof(version)) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: failed to read version from '%1'" ).arg(name)); continue; } if (version > AppVersion) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: version too big %1 for '%2', my version %3" ).arg(version ).arg(name ).arg(AppVersion)); continue; } // read data QByteArray bytes = f.read(f.size()); int32 dataSize = bytes.size() - 16; if (dataSize < 0) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: bad file '%1', could not read sign part" ).arg(name)); continue; } // check signature HashMd5 md5; md5.feed(bytes.constData(), dataSize); md5.feed(&dataSize, sizeof(dataSize)); md5.feed(&version, sizeof(version)); md5.feed(magic, TdfMagicLen); if (memcmp(md5.result(), bytes.constData() + dataSize, 16)) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: bad file '%1', signature did not match" ).arg(name)); continue; } bytes.resize(dataSize); result.data = bytes; bytes = QByteArray(); result.version = version; result.buffer.setBuffer(&result.data); result.buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); result.stream.setDevice(&result.buffer); result.stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); if ((i == 0 && !toTry[1].isEmpty()) || i == 1) { QFile::remove(toTry[1 - i]); } return true; } return false; } bool DecryptLocal( EncryptedDescriptor &result, const QByteArray &encrypted, const MTP::AuthKeyPtr &key) { if (encrypted.size() <= 16 || (encrypted.size() & 0x0F)) { LOG(("App Error: bad encrypted part size: %1").arg(encrypted.size())); return false; } uint32 fullLen = encrypted.size() - 16; QByteArray decrypted; decrypted.resize(fullLen); const char *encryptedKey = encrypted.constData(), *encryptedData = encrypted.constData() + 16; aesDecryptLocal(encryptedData, decrypted.data(), fullLen, key, encryptedKey); uchar sha1Buffer[20]; if (memcmp(hashSha1(decrypted.constData(), decrypted.size(), sha1Buffer), encryptedKey, 16)) { LOG(("App Info: bad decrypt key, data not decrypted - incorrect password?")); return false; } uint32 dataLen = *(const uint32*)decrypted.constData(); if (dataLen > uint32(decrypted.size()) || dataLen <= fullLen - 16 || dataLen < sizeof(uint32)) { LOG(("App Error: bad decrypted part size: %1, fullLen: %2, decrypted size: %3").arg(dataLen).arg(fullLen).arg(decrypted.size())); return false; } decrypted.resize(dataLen); result.data = decrypted; decrypted = QByteArray(); result.buffer.setBuffer(&result.data); result.buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); result.buffer.seek(sizeof(uint32)); // skip len result.stream.setDevice(&result.buffer); result.stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); return true; } bool ReadEncryptedFile( FileReadDescriptor &result, const QString &name, const QString &basePath, const MTP::AuthKeyPtr &key) { if (!ReadFile(result, name, basePath)) { return false; } QByteArray encrypted; result.stream >> encrypted; EncryptedDescriptor data; if (!DecryptLocal(data, encrypted, key)) { result.stream.setDevice(nullptr); if (result.buffer.isOpen()) result.buffer.close(); result.buffer.setBuffer(nullptr); result.data = QByteArray(); result.version = 0; return false; } result.stream.setDevice(0); if (result.buffer.isOpen()) { result.buffer.close(); } result.buffer.setBuffer(0); result.data = data.data; result.buffer.setBuffer(&result.data); result.buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); result.buffer.seek(data.buffer.pos()); result.stream.setDevice(&result.buffer); result.stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); return true; } bool ReadEncryptedFile( FileReadDescriptor &result, const FileKey &fkey, const QString &basePath, const MTP::AuthKeyPtr &key) { return ReadEncryptedFile(result, ToFilePart(fkey), basePath, key); } } // namespace details } // namespace Storage