/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "data/data_audio_msg_id.h" #include "ui/image/image_prepare.h" #include "ui/rect_part.h" namespace Media { inline constexpr auto kTimeUnknown = std::numeric_limits::min(); inline constexpr auto kDurationMax = crl::time(std::numeric_limits::max()); inline constexpr auto kDurationUnavailable = std::numeric_limits::max(); namespace Audio { bool SupportsSpeedControl(); } // namespace Audio namespace Streaming { inline bool SupportsSpeedControl() { return Media::Audio::SupportsSpeedControl(); } class VideoTrack; class AudioTrack; enum class Mode { Both, Audio, Video, Inspection, }; struct PlaybackOptions { Mode mode = Mode::Both; crl::time position = 0; float64 speed = 1.; // Valid values between 0.5 and 2. AudioMsgId audioId; bool syncVideoByAudio = true; bool waitForMarkAsShown = false; bool hwAllowed = false; bool loop = false; }; struct TrackState { crl::time position = kTimeUnknown; crl::time receivedTill = kTimeUnknown; crl::time duration = kTimeUnknown; }; struct VideoInformation { TrackState state; QSize size; QImage cover; int rotation = 0; bool alpha = false; }; struct AudioInformation { TrackState state; }; struct Information { VideoInformation video; AudioInformation audio; int headerSize = 0; }; template struct PreloadedUpdate { crl::time till = kTimeUnknown; }; template struct PlaybackUpdate { crl::time position = kTimeUnknown; }; using PreloadedVideo = PreloadedUpdate; using UpdateVideo = PlaybackUpdate; using PreloadedAudio = PreloadedUpdate; using UpdateAudio = PlaybackUpdate; struct WaitingForData { bool waiting = false; }; struct MutedByOther { }; struct Finished { }; struct Update { std::variant< Information, PreloadedVideo, UpdateVideo, PreloadedAudio, UpdateAudio, WaitingForData, MutedByOther, Finished> data; }; enum class Error { OpenFailed, LoadFailed, InvalidData, NotStreamable, }; struct FrameRequest { QSize resize; QSize outer; Images::CornersMaskRef rounding; QImage mask; QColor colored = QColor(0, 0, 0, 0); bool blurredBackground = false; bool requireARGB32 = true; bool keepAlpha = false; bool strict = true; static FrameRequest NonStrict() { auto result = FrameRequest(); result.strict = false; return result; } [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return blurredBackground ? outer.isEmpty() : resize.isEmpty(); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const FrameRequest &other) const { return (resize == other.resize) && (outer == other.outer) && (rounding == other.rounding) && (mask.constBits() == other.mask.constBits()) && (colored == other.colored) && (keepAlpha == other.keepAlpha) && (requireARGB32 == other.requireARGB32) && (blurredBackground == other.blurredBackground); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const FrameRequest &other) const { return !(*this == other); } [[nodiscard]] bool goodFor(const FrameRequest &other) const { return (blurredBackground == other.blurredBackground) && (requireARGB32 == other.requireARGB32) && (keepAlpha == other.keepAlpha) && (colored == other.colored) && ((strict && !other.strict) || (*this == other)); } }; enum class FrameFormat { None, ARGB32, YUV420, NV12, }; struct FrameChannel { const void *data = nullptr; int stride = 0; }; struct FrameYUV { QSize size; QSize chromaSize; FrameChannel y; FrameChannel u; FrameChannel v; }; struct FrameWithInfo { QImage image; FrameYUV *yuv = nullptr; FrameFormat format = FrameFormat::None; int index = -1; bool alpha = false; }; } // namespace Streaming } // namespace Media