/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "lang.h" #include "stickersetbox.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "window.h" #include "settingswidget.h" #include "boxes/confirmbox.h" #include "localstorage.h" StickerSetInner::StickerSetInner(const MTPInputStickerSet &set) : _loaded(false), _setId(0), _setAccess(0), _setCount(0), _setHash(0), _setFlags(0), _bottom(0), _input(set), _installRequest(0) { connect(App::wnd(), SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), this, SLOT(update())); switch (set.type()) { case mtpc_inputStickerSetID: _setId = set.c_inputStickerSetID().vid.v; _setAccess = set.c_inputStickerSetID().vaccess_hash.v; break; case mtpc_inputStickerSetShortName: _setShortName = qs(set.c_inputStickerSetShortName().vshort_name); break; } MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet(_input), rpcDone(&StickerSetInner::gotSet), rpcFail(&StickerSetInner::failedSet)); App::main()->updateStickers(); } void StickerSetInner::gotSet(const MTPmessages_StickerSet &set) { _pack.clear(); if (set.type() == mtpc_messages_stickerSet) { const MTPDmessages_stickerSet &d(set.c_messages_stickerSet()); const QVector &v(d.vdocuments.c_vector().v); _pack.reserve(v.size()); for (int32 i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) { DocumentData *doc = App::feedDocument(v.at(i)); if (!doc || !doc->sticker()) continue; _pack.push_back(doc); } if (d.vset.type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { const MTPDstickerSet &s(d.vset.c_stickerSet()); _setTitle = stickerSetTitle(s); _title = st::boxTitleFont->elided(_setTitle, width() - st::boxTitlePosition.x() - st::boxTitleHeight); _setShortName = qs(s.vshort_name); _setId = s.vid.v; _setAccess = s.vaccess_hash.v; _setCount = s.vcount.v; _setHash = s.vhash.v; _setFlags = s.vflags.v; } } if (_pack.isEmpty()) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_stickers_not_found))); } else { int32 rows = _pack.size() / StickerPanPerRow + ((_pack.size() % StickerPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); resize(st::stickersPadding.left() + StickerPanPerRow * st::stickersSize.width(), st::stickersPadding.top() + rows * st::stickersSize.height() + st::stickersPadding.bottom()); } _loaded = true; emit updateButtons(); } bool StickerSetInner::failedSet(const RPCError &error) { if (mtpIsFlood(error)) return false; _loaded = true; Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_stickers_not_found))); return true; } void StickerSetInner::installDone(const MTPBool &result) { StickerSets &sets(cRefStickerSets()); _setFlags &= ~MTPDstickerSet::flag_disabled; sets.insert(_setId, StickerSet(_setId, _setAccess, _setTitle, _setShortName, _setCount, _setHash, _setFlags)).value().stickers = _pack; StickerSetsOrder &order(cRefStickerSetsOrder()); int32 insertAtIndex = 0, currentIndex = order.indexOf(_setId); if (currentIndex != insertAtIndex) { if (currentIndex > 0) { order.removeAt(currentIndex); } order.insert(insertAtIndex, _setId); } StickerSets::iterator custom = sets.find(CustomStickerSetId); if (custom != sets.cend()) { for (int32 i = 0, l = _pack.size(); i < l; ++i) { int32 removeIndex = custom->stickers.indexOf(_pack.at(i)); if (removeIndex >= 0) custom->stickers.removeAt(removeIndex); } if (custom->stickers.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(custom); } } Local::writeStickers(); emit installed(_setId); Ui::hideLayer(); } bool StickerSetInner::installFailed(const RPCError &error) { if (mtpIsFlood(error)) return false; Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_stickers_not_found))); return true; } void StickerSetInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect r(e->rect()); Painter p(this); if (_pack.isEmpty()) return; int32 rows = _pack.size() / StickerPanPerRow + ((_pack.size() % StickerPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); int32 from = qFloor(e->rect().top() / st::stickersSize.height()), to = qFloor(e->rect().bottom() / st::stickersSize.height()) + 1; for (int32 i = from; i < to; ++i) { for (int32 j = 0; j < StickerPanPerRow; ++j) { int32 index = i * StickerPanPerRow + j; if (index >= _pack.size()) break; DocumentData *doc = _pack.at(index); QPoint pos(st::stickersPadding.left() + j * st::stickersSize.width(), st::stickersPadding.top() + i * st::stickersSize.height()); bool goodThumb = !doc->thumb->isNull() && ((doc->thumb->width() >= 128) || (doc->thumb->height() >= 128)); if (goodThumb) { doc->thumb->load(); } else { if (doc->status == FileReady) { doc->automaticLoad(0); } if (doc->sticker()->img->isNull() && doc->loaded() && doc->loaded(true)) { if (doc->data().isEmpty()) { doc->sticker()->img = ImagePtr(doc->already()); } else { doc->sticker()->img = ImagePtr(doc->data()); } } } float64 coef = qMin((st::stickersSize.width() - st::msgRadius * 2) / float64(doc->dimensions.width()), (st::stickersSize.height() - st::msgRadius * 2) / float64(doc->dimensions.height())); if (coef > 1) coef = 1; int32 w = qRound(coef * doc->dimensions.width()), h = qRound(coef * doc->dimensions.height()); if (w < 1) w = 1; if (h < 1) h = 1; QPoint ppos = pos + QPoint((st::stickersSize.width() - w) / 2, (st::stickersSize.height() - h) / 2); if (goodThumb) { p.drawPixmapLeft(ppos, width(), doc->thumb->pix(w, h)); } else if (!doc->sticker()->img->isNull()) { p.drawPixmapLeft(ppos, width(), doc->sticker()->img->pix(w, h)); } } } } void StickerSetInner::setScrollBottom(int32 bottom) { if (bottom == _bottom) return; _bottom = bottom; } bool StickerSetInner::loaded() const { return _loaded && !_pack.isEmpty(); } int32 StickerSetInner::notInstalled() const { if (!_loaded) return 0; StickerSets::const_iterator it = cStickerSets().constFind(_setId); if (it == cStickerSets().cend() || (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_disabled)) return _pack.size(); return 0; } bool StickerSetInner::official() const { return _loaded && _setShortName.isEmpty(); } QString StickerSetInner::title() const { return _loaded ? (_pack.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_attach_failed) : _title) : lang(lng_contacts_loading); } QString StickerSetInner::shortName() const { return _setShortName; } void StickerSetInner::install() { if (_installRequest) return; _installRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_InstallStickerSet(_input, MTP_bool(false)), rpcDone(&StickerSetInner::installDone), rpcFail(&StickerSetInner::installFailed)); } StickerSetInner::~StickerSetInner() { } StickerSetBox::StickerSetBox(const MTPInputStickerSet &set) : ScrollableBox(st::stickersScroll) , _inner(set) , _shadow(this) , _add(this, lang(lng_stickers_add_pack), st::defaultBoxButton) , _share(this, lang(lng_stickers_share_pack), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::cancelBoxButton) , _done(this, lang(lng_about_done), st::defaultBoxButton) { setMaxHeight(st::stickersMaxHeight); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(stickersUpdated()), this, SLOT(onStickersUpdated())); init(&_inner, st::boxButtonPadding.bottom() + _cancel.height() + st::boxButtonPadding.top()); connect(&_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onAddStickers())); connect(&_share, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onShareStickers())); connect(&_cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClose())); connect(&_done, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClose())); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(updateButtons()), this, SLOT(onUpdateButtons())); connect(&_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onScroll())); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(installed(uint64)), this, SIGNAL(installed(uint64))); onStickersUpdated(); onScroll(); prepare(); } void StickerSetBox::onStickersUpdated() { showAll(); } void StickerSetBox::onAddStickers() { _inner.install(); } void StickerSetBox::onShareStickers() { QString url = qsl("https://telegram.me/addstickers/") + _inner.shortName(); QApplication::clipboard()->setText(url); Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_stickers_copied))); } void StickerSetBox::onUpdateButtons() { if (!_cancel.isHidden() || !_done.isHidden()) { showAll(); } } void StickerSetBox::onScroll() { _inner.setScrollBottom(_scroll.scrollTop() + _scroll.height()); } void StickerSetBox::hideAll() { ScrollableBox::hideAll(); _shadow.hide(); _cancel.hide(); _add.hide(); _share.hide(); _done.hide(); } void StickerSetBox::showAll() { ScrollableBox::showAll(); int32 cnt = _inner.notInstalled(); if (_inner.loaded()) { _shadow.show(); if (_inner.notInstalled()) { _add.show(); _cancel.show(); _share.hide(); _done.hide(); } else if (_inner.official()) { _add.hide(); _share.hide(); _cancel.hide(); _done.show(); } else { _share.show(); _cancel.show(); _add.hide(); _done.hide(); } } else { _shadow.hide(); _add.hide(); _share.hide(); _cancel.show(); _done.hide(); } resizeEvent(0); update(); } void StickerSetBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); if (paint(p)) return; paintTitle(p, _inner.title()); } void StickerSetBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { ScrollableBox::resizeEvent(e); _inner.resize(width(), _inner.height()); _shadow.setGeometry(0, height() - st::boxButtonPadding.bottom() - _cancel.height() - st::boxButtonPadding.top() - st::lineWidth, width(), st::lineWidth); _add.moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right(), height() - st::boxButtonPadding.bottom() - _add.height()); _share.moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right(), _add.y()); _done.moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right(), _add.y()); if (_add.isHidden() && _share.isHidden()) { _cancel.moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right(), _add.y()); } else if (_add.isHidden()) { _cancel.moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right() + _share.width() + st::boxButtonPadding.left(), _add.y()); } else { _cancel.moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right() + _add.width() + st::boxButtonPadding.left(), _add.y()); } } StickersInner::StickersInner() : TWidget() , _rowHeight(st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.bottom()) , _aboveShadowFadeStart(0) , _aboveShadowFadeOpacity(0, 0) , _a_shifting(animation(this, &StickersInner::step_shifting)) , _itemsTop(st::membersPadding.top()) , _saving(false) , _removeSel(-1) , _removeDown(-1) , _removeWidth(st::normalFont->width(lang(lng_stickers_remove))) , _returnWidth(st::normalFont->width(lang(lng_stickers_return))) , _restoreWidth(st::normalFont->width(lang(lng_stickers_restore))) , _selected(-1) , _started(-1) , _dragging(-1) , _above(-1) , _aboveShadow(st::boxShadow) , _scrollbar(0) { connect(App::wnd(), SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), this, SLOT(update())); setMouseTracking(true); } void StickersInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect r(e->rect()); Painter p(this); _a_shifting.step(); p.fillRect(r, st::white); p.setClipRect(r); if (_rows.isEmpty()) { p.setFont(st::noContactsFont->f); p.setPen(st::noContactsColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::noContactsHeight), lang(lng_contacts_loading), style::al_center); } else { p.translate(0, _itemsTop); int32 yFrom = r.y() - _itemsTop, yTo = r.y() + r.height() - _itemsTop; int32 from = floorclamp(yFrom - _rowHeight, _rowHeight, 0, _rows.size()); int32 to = ceilclamp(yTo + _rowHeight, _rowHeight, 0, _rows.size()); p.translate(0, from * _rowHeight); for (int32 i = from; i < to; ++i) { if (i != _above) { paintRow(p, i); } p.translate(0, _rowHeight); } if (from <= _above && _above < to) { p.translate(0, (_above - to) * _rowHeight); paintRow(p, _above); } } } void StickersInner::paintRow(Painter &p, int32 index) { const StickerSetRow *s(_rows.at(index)); int32 xadd = 0, yadd = s->yadd.current(); if (xadd || yadd) p.translate(xadd, yadd); bool removeSel = (index == _removeSel && (_removeDown < 0 || index == _removeDown)); bool removeDown = removeSel && (index == _removeDown); p.setFont((removeSel ? st::linkOverFont : st::linkFont)->f); if (removeDown) { p.setPen(st::btnDefLink.downColor->p); } else { p.setPen(st::btnDefLink.color->p); } int32 remWidth = s->disabled ? (s->official ? _restoreWidth : _returnWidth) : _removeWidth; QString remText = lang(s->disabled ? (s->official ? lng_stickers_restore : lng_stickers_return) : lng_stickers_remove); p.drawTextRight(st::contactsPadding.right() + st::contactsCheckPosition.x(), st::contactsPadding.top() + (st::contactsPhotoSize - st::normalFont->height) / 2, width(), remText, remWidth); if (index == _above) { float64 current = _aboveShadowFadeOpacity.current(); if (_started >= 0) { float64 o = aboveShadowOpacity(); if (o > current) { _aboveShadowFadeOpacity = anim::fvalue(o, o); current = o; } } p.setOpacity(current); QRect row(myrtlrect(_aboveShadow.getDimensions(st::boxShadowShift).left(), st::contactsPadding.top() / 2, width() - (st::contactsPadding.left() / 2) - _scrollbar - _aboveShadow.getDimensions(st::boxShadowShift).right(), _rowHeight - ((st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsPadding.bottom()) / 2))); _aboveShadow.paint(p, row, st::boxShadowShift); p.fillRect(row, st::white); p.setOpacity(1); } if (s->disabled) p.setOpacity(st::stickersRowDisabledOpacity); if (s->sticker) { s->sticker->thumb->load(); QPixmap pix(s->sticker->thumb->pix(s->pixw, s->pixh)); p.drawPixmapLeft(st::contactsPadding.left() + (st::contactsPhotoSize - s->pixw) / 2, st::contactsPadding.top() + (st::contactsPhotoSize - s->pixh) / 2, width(), pix); } p.setFont(st::contactsNameFont); p.setPen(st::black); int32 namex = st::contactsPadding.left() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.left(); p.drawTextLeft(namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsNameTop, width(), s->title); p.setFont(st::contactsStatusFont); p.setPen(st::contactsStatusFg); p.drawTextLeft(namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width(), lng_stickers_count(lt_count, s->count)); p.setOpacity(1); if (xadd || yadd) p.translate(-xadd, -yadd); } void StickersInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_saving) return; if (_dragging >= 0) mouseReleaseEvent(e); _mouse = e->globalPos(); onUpdateSelected(); if (_removeSel >= 0) { _removeDown = _removeSel; update(0, _itemsTop + _removeSel * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); } else if (_selected >= 0) { _above = _dragging = _started = _selected; _dragStart = mapFromGlobal(_mouse); } } void StickersInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_saving) return; _mouse = e->globalPos(); onUpdateSelected(); } void StickersInner::onUpdateSelected() { if (_saving) return; QPoint local(mapFromGlobal(_mouse)); if (_dragging >= 0) { int32 shift = 0; uint64 ms = getms(); if (_dragStart.y() > local.y() && _dragging > 0) { shift = -floorclamp(_dragStart.y() - local.y() + (_rowHeight / 2), _rowHeight, 0, _dragging); for (int32 from = _dragging, to = _dragging + shift; from > to; --from) { qSwap(_rows[from], _rows[from - 1]); _rows.at(from)->yadd = anim::ivalue(_rows.at(from)->yadd.current() - _rowHeight, 0); _animStartTimes[from] = ms; } } else if (_dragStart.y() < local.y() && _dragging + 1 < _rows.size()) { shift = floorclamp(local.y() - _dragStart.y() + (_rowHeight / 2), _rowHeight, 0, _rows.size() - _dragging - 1); for (int32 from = _dragging, to = _dragging + shift; from < to; ++from) { qSwap(_rows[from], _rows[from + 1]); _rows.at(from)->yadd = anim::ivalue(_rows.at(from)->yadd.current() + _rowHeight, 0); _animStartTimes[from] = ms; } } if (shift) { _dragging += shift; _above = _dragging; _dragStart.setY(_dragStart.y() + shift * _rowHeight); if (!_a_shifting.animating()) { _a_shifting.start(); } } _rows.at(_dragging)->yadd = anim::ivalue(local.y() - _dragStart.y(), local.y() - _dragStart.y()); _animStartTimes[_dragging] = 0; _a_shifting.step(getms(), true); emit checkDraggingScroll(local.y()); } else { bool in = rect().marginsRemoved(QMargins(0, _itemsTop, 0, st::membersPadding.bottom())).contains(local); _selected = in ? floorclamp(local.y() - _itemsTop, _rowHeight, 0, _rows.size() - 1) : -1; int32 removeSel = -1; if (_selected >= 0) { int32 remw = _rows.at(_selected)->disabled ? (_rows.at(_selected)->official ? _restoreWidth : _returnWidth) : _removeWidth; QRect rem(myrtlrect(width() - st::contactsPadding.right() - st::contactsCheckPosition.x() - remw, st::contactsPadding.top() + (st::contactsPhotoSize - st::normalFont->height) / 2, remw, st::normalFont->height)); removeSel = rem.contains(local.x(), local.y() - _itemsTop - _selected * _rowHeight) ? _selected : -1; } setRemoveSel(removeSel); emit noDraggingScroll(); } } float64 StickersInner::aboveShadowOpacity() const { if (_above < 0) return 0; int32 dx = 0; int32 dy = qAbs(_above * _rowHeight + _rows.at(_above)->yadd.current() - _started * _rowHeight); return qMin((dx + dy) * 2. / _rowHeight, 1.); } void StickersInner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_saving) return; _mouse = e->globalPos(); onUpdateSelected(); if (_removeDown == _removeSel && _removeSel >= 0) { _rows[_removeDown]->disabled = !_rows[_removeDown]->disabled; } else if (_dragging >= 0) { QPoint local(mapFromGlobal(_mouse)); _rows[_dragging]->yadd.start(0); _aboveShadowFadeStart = _animStartTimes[_dragging] = getms(); _aboveShadowFadeOpacity = anim::fvalue(aboveShadowOpacity(), 0); if (!_a_shifting.animating()) { _a_shifting.start(); } _dragging = _started = -1; } if (_removeDown >= 0) { update(0, _itemsTop + _removeDown * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); _removeDown = -1; } } void StickersInner::step_shifting(uint64 ms, bool timer) { bool animating = false; int32 updateMin = -1, updateMax = 0; for (int32 i = 0, l = _animStartTimes.size(); i < l; ++i) { uint64 start = _animStartTimes.at(i); if (start) { if (updateMin < 0) updateMin = i; updateMax = i; if (start + st::stickersRowDuration > ms && ms >= start) { _rows.at(i)->yadd.update((ms - start) / st::stickersRowDuration, anim::sineInOut); animating = true; } else { _rows.at(i)->yadd.finish(); _animStartTimes[i] = 0; } } } if (_aboveShadowFadeStart) { if (updateMin < 0 || updateMin > _above) updateMin = _above; if (updateMax < _above) updateMin = _above; if (_aboveShadowFadeStart + st::stickersRowDuration > ms && ms > _aboveShadowFadeStart) { _aboveShadowFadeOpacity.update((ms - _aboveShadowFadeStart) / st::stickersRowDuration, anim::sineInOut); animating = true; } else { _aboveShadowFadeOpacity.finish(); _aboveShadowFadeStart = 0; } } if (timer) { if (_dragging >= 0) { if (updateMin < 0 || updateMin > _dragging) updateMin = _dragging; if (updateMax < _dragging) updateMax = _dragging; } if (updateMin >= 0) { update(0, _itemsTop + _rowHeight * (updateMin - 1), width(), _rowHeight * (updateMax - updateMin + 3)); } } if (!animating) { _above = _dragging; _a_shifting.stop(); } } void StickersInner::clear() { for (int32 i = 0, l = _rows.size(); i < l; ++i) { delete _rows.at(i); } _rows.clear(); _animStartTimes.clear(); _aboveShadowFadeStart = 0; _aboveShadowFadeOpacity = anim::fvalue(0, 0); _a_shifting.stop(); _above = _dragging = _started = -1; _selected = -1; _removeDown = -1; setRemoveSel(-1); update(); } void StickersInner::setRemoveSel(int32 removeSel) { if (removeSel != _removeSel) { if (_removeSel >= 0) update(0, _itemsTop + _removeSel * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); _removeSel = removeSel; if (_removeSel >= 0) update(0, _itemsTop + _removeSel * _rowHeight, width(), _rowHeight); setCursor((_removeSel >= 0 && (_removeDown < 0 || _removeDown == _removeSel)) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } void StickersInner::rebuild() { QList rows, rowsDisabled; int32 namex = st::contactsPadding.left() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.left(); int32 namew = st::boxWideWidth - namex - st::contactsPadding.right() - st::contactsCheckPosition.x() - qMax(qMax(_returnWidth, _removeWidth), _restoreWidth); clear(); const StickerSetsOrder &order(cStickerSetsOrder()); _animStartTimes.reserve(order.size()); const StickerSets &sets(cStickerSets()); for (int32 i = 0, l = order.size(); i < l; ++i) { StickerSets::const_iterator it = sets.constFind(order.at(i)); if (it != sets.cend()) { bool disabled = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_disabled); DocumentData *sticker = it->stickers.isEmpty() ? 0 : it->stickers.at(0); int32 pixw = 0, pixh = 0; if (sticker) { pixw = sticker->thumb->width(); pixh = sticker->thumb->height(); if (pixw > st::contactsPhotoSize) { if (pixw > pixh) { pixh = (pixh * st::contactsPhotoSize) / pixw; pixw = st::contactsPhotoSize; } else { pixw = (pixw * st::contactsPhotoSize) / pixh; pixh = st::contactsPhotoSize; } } else if (pixh > st::contactsPhotoSize) { pixw = (pixw * st::contactsPhotoSize) / pixh; pixh = st::contactsPhotoSize; } } QString title = it->title; int32 titleWidth = st::contactsNameFont->width(title); if (titleWidth > namew) { title = st::contactsNameFont->elided(title, namew); } bool official = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_official); (disabled ? rowsDisabled : rows).push_back(new StickerSetRow(it->id, sticker, it->stickers.size(), title, official, disabled, pixw, pixh)); _animStartTimes.push_back(0); if (it->stickers.isEmpty() || (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_flag_NOT_LOADED)) { App::api()->scheduleStickerSetRequest(it->id, it->access); } } } App::api()->requestStickerSets(); _rows = rows + rowsDisabled; resize(width(), _itemsTop + _rows.size() * _rowHeight + st::membersPadding.bottom()); } QVector StickersInner::getOrder() const { QVector result; result.reserve(_rows.size()); for (int32 i = 0, l = _rows.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (_rows.at(i)->disabled) { StickerSets::const_iterator it = cStickerSets().constFind(_rows.at(i)->id); if (it == cStickerSets().cend() || !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_official)) { continue; } } result.push_back(_rows.at(i)->id); } return result; } QVector StickersInner::getDisabledSets() const { QVector result; result.reserve(_rows.size()); for (int32 i = 0, l = _rows.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (_rows.at(i)->disabled) { result.push_back(_rows.at(i)->id); } } return result; } void StickersInner::setVisibleScrollbar(int32 width) { _scrollbar = width; } StickersInner::~StickersInner() { clear(); } StickersBox::StickersBox() : ItemListBox(st::boxScroll) , _save(this, lang(lng_settings_save), st::defaultBoxButton) , _cancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::cancelBoxButton) , _reorderRequest(0) , _topShadow(this, st::contactsAboutShadow) , _bottomShadow(this) , _scrollDelta(0) , _aboutWidth(st::boxWideWidth - st::contactsPadding.left() - st::contactsPadding.left()) , _about(st::boxTextFont, lang(lng_stickers_reorder), _defaultOptions, _aboutWidth) , _aboutHeight(st::stickersReorderPadding.top() + _about.countHeight(_aboutWidth) + st::stickersReorderPadding.bottom()) { ItemListBox::init(&_inner, st::boxButtonPadding.top() + _save.height() + st::boxButtonPadding.bottom(), st::boxTitleHeight + _aboutHeight); setMaxHeight(snap(countHeight(), int32(st::sessionsHeight), int32(st::boxMaxListHeight))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(stickersUpdated()), this, SLOT(onStickersUpdated())); connect(&_cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClose())); connect(&_save, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSave())); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(checkDraggingScroll(int)), this, SLOT(onCheckDraggingScroll(int))); connect(&_inner, SIGNAL(noDraggingScroll()), this, SLOT(onNoDraggingScroll())); connect(&_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), &_inner, SLOT(onUpdateSelected())); connect(&_scrollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onScrollTimer())); _scrollTimer.setSingleShot(false); onStickersUpdated(); prepare(); } int32 StickersBox::countHeight() const { return st::boxTitleHeight + _aboutHeight + _inner.height() + st::boxButtonPadding.top() + _save.height() + st::boxButtonPadding.bottom(); } void StickersBox::disenableDone(const MTPBool & result, mtpRequestId req) { _disenableRequests.remove(req); if (_disenableRequests.isEmpty()) { saveOrder(); } } bool StickersBox::disenableFail(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (mtpIsFlood(error)) return false; _disenableRequests.remove(req); if (_disenableRequests.isEmpty()) { saveOrder(); } return true; } void StickersBox::saveOrder() { QVector order = _inner.getOrder(); if (order.size() > 1) { QVector mtpOrder; mtpOrder.reserve(order.size()); for (int32 i = 0, l = order.size(); i < l; ++i) { mtpOrder.push_back(MTP_long(order.at(i))); } _reorderRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_ReorderStickerSets(MTP_vector(mtpOrder)), rpcDone(&StickersBox::reorderDone), rpcFail(&StickersBox::reorderFail)); } else { reorderDone(MTP_boolTrue()); } } void StickersBox::reorderDone(const MTPBool &result) { _reorderRequest = 0; onClose(); } bool StickersBox::reorderFail(const RPCError &result) { if (mtpIsFlood(result)) return false; _reorderRequest = 0; cSetLastStickersUpdate(0); App::main()->updateStickers(); onClose(); return true; } void StickersBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); if (paint(p)) return; paintTitle(p, lang(lng_stickers_packs)); p.translate(0, st::boxTitleHeight); p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), _aboutHeight, st::contactsAboutBg); p.setPen(st::stickersReorderFg); _about.draw(p, st::contactsPadding.left(), st::stickersReorderPadding.top(), _aboutWidth, style::al_center); } void StickersBox::closePressed() { if (!_disenableRequests.isEmpty()) { for (QMap::const_iterator i = _disenableRequests.cbegin(), e = _disenableRequests.cend(); i != e; ++i) { MTP::cancel(i.key()); } _disenableRequests.clear(); cSetLastStickersUpdate(0); App::main()->updateStickers(); } else if (_reorderRequest) { MTP::cancel(_reorderRequest); _reorderRequest = 0; cSetLastStickersUpdate(0); App::main()->updateStickers(); } } void StickersBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { ItemListBox::resizeEvent(e); _save.moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right(), height() - st::boxButtonPadding.bottom() - _save.height()); _cancel.moveToRight(st::boxButtonPadding.right() + _save.width() + st::boxButtonPadding.left(), _save.y()); _inner.resize(width(), _inner.height()); _topShadow.setGeometry(0, st::boxTitleHeight + _aboutHeight, width(), st::lineWidth); _bottomShadow.setGeometry(0, height() - st::boxButtonPadding.bottom() - _save.height() - st::boxButtonPadding.top() - st::lineWidth, width(), st::lineWidth); _inner.setVisibleScrollbar((_scroll.scrollTopMax() > 0) ? (st::boxScroll.width - st::boxScroll.deltax) : 0); } void StickersBox::onStickersUpdated() { _inner.rebuild(); setMaxHeight(snap(countHeight(), int32(st::sessionsHeight), int32(st::boxMaxListHeight))); _inner.setVisibleScrollbar((_scroll.scrollTopMax() > 0) ? (st::boxScroll.width - st::boxScroll.deltax) : 0); } void StickersBox::onCheckDraggingScroll(int localY) { if (localY < _scroll.scrollTop()) { _scrollDelta = localY - _scroll.scrollTop(); } else if (localY >= _scroll.scrollTop() + _scroll.height()) { _scrollDelta = localY - _scroll.scrollTop() - _scroll.height() + 1; } else { _scrollDelta = 0; } if (_scrollDelta) { _scrollTimer.start(15); } else { _scrollTimer.stop(); } } void StickersBox::onNoDraggingScroll() { _scrollTimer.stop(); } void StickersBox::onScrollTimer() { int32 d = (_scrollDelta > 0) ? qMin(_scrollDelta * 3 / 20 + 1, int32(MaxScrollSpeed)) : qMax(_scrollDelta * 3 / 20 - 1, -int32(MaxScrollSpeed)); _scroll.scrollToY(_scroll.scrollTop() + d); } void StickersBox::onSave() { if (!_inner.savingStart()) { return; } bool writeRecent = false; RecentStickerPack &recent(cGetRecentStickers()); StickerSets &sets(cRefStickerSets()); QVector reorder = _inner.getOrder(), disabled = _inner.getDisabledSets(); for (int32 i = 0, l = disabled.size(); i < l; ++i) { StickerSets::iterator it = sets.find(disabled.at(i)); if (it != sets.cend()) { for (RecentStickerPack::iterator i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) { if (it->stickers.indexOf(i->first) >= 0) { i = recent.erase(i); writeRecent = true; } else { ++i; } } if (!(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_disabled)) { MTPInputStickerSet setId = (it->id && it->access) ? MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(it->id), MTP_long(it->access)) : MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(it->shortName)); if (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_official) { _disenableRequests.insert(MTP::send(MTPmessages_InstallStickerSet(setId, MTP_boolTrue()), rpcDone(&StickersBox::disenableDone), rpcFail(&StickersBox::disenableFail), 0, 5), NullType()); it->flags |= MTPDstickerSet::flag_disabled; } else { _disenableRequests.insert(MTP::send(MTPmessages_UninstallStickerSet(setId), rpcDone(&StickersBox::disenableDone), rpcFail(&StickersBox::disenableFail), 0, 5), NullType()); int32 removeIndex = cStickerSetsOrder().indexOf(it->id); if (removeIndex >= 0) cRefStickerSetsOrder().removeAt(removeIndex); sets.erase(it); } } } } StickerSetsOrder &order(cRefStickerSetsOrder()); order.clear(); for (int32 i = 0, l = reorder.size(); i < l; ++i) { StickerSets::iterator it = sets.find(reorder.at(i)); if (it != sets.cend()) { if ((it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_disabled) && !disabled.contains(it->id)) { MTPInputStickerSet setId = (it->id && it->access) ? MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(it->id), MTP_long(it->access)) : MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(it->shortName)); _disenableRequests.insert(MTP::send(MTPmessages_InstallStickerSet(setId, MTP_boolFalse()), rpcDone(&StickersBox::disenableDone), rpcFail(&StickersBox::disenableFail), 0, 5), NullType()); it->flags &= ~MTPDstickerSet::flag_disabled; } order.push_back(reorder.at(i)); } } for (StickerSets::iterator it = sets.begin(); it != sets.cend();) { if (it->id == CustomStickerSetId || it->id == RecentStickerSetId || order.contains(it->id)) { ++it; } else { it = sets.erase(it); } } Local::writeStickers(); if (writeRecent) Local::writeUserSettings(); emit App::main()->stickersUpdated(); if (_disenableRequests.isEmpty()) { saveOrder(); } else { MTP::sendAnything(); } } void StickersBox::hideAll() { _save.hide(); _cancel.hide(); _topShadow.hide(); _bottomShadow.hide(); ItemListBox::hideAll(); } void StickersBox::showAll() { _save.show(); _cancel.show(); _topShadow.show(); _bottomShadow.show(); ItemListBox::showAll(); } int32 stickerPacksCount(bool includeDisabledOfficial) { int32 result = 0; const StickerSetsOrder &order(cStickerSetsOrder()); const StickerSets &sets(cStickerSets()); for (int32 i = 0, l = order.size(); i < l; ++i) { StickerSets::const_iterator it = sets.constFind(order.at(i)); if (it != sets.cend()) { if (!(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_disabled) || ((it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::flag_official) && includeDisabledOfficial)) { ++result; } } } return result; }