Build with Visual Studio 2013, Windows 8.1 Prepare folder: Choose folder for future build, for example "D:\TBuild\". There you will have two folders, "Libraries" for third-party libs and "tdesktop" for the app. Clone sources: - By git: in Git Bash go to "/d/tbuild" and run "git clone" - Or download in ZIP and extract to "D:\TBuild\", rename "tdesktop-master" to "tdesktop" to have "D:\TBuild\tdesktop\Telegram.sln" solution Prepare libraries: OpenSSL (1.0.1g) > "OpenSSL for Windows" > "Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1g" (16 Mb) - Install to "D:\TBuild\Libraries\OpenSSL-Win32", while installing "Copy OpenSSL DLLs to" choose "The OpenSSL binaries (/bin) directory" LZMA (9.20) > Download 9.20 "LZMA SDK (C, C++, C#, Java)" - Extract to "D:\TBuild\Libraries\lzma\" Building Lib: - Open "D:\TBuild\Libraries\lzma\C\Util\LzmaLib\LzmaLib.dsw" with Visual Studio 2013 > One-way upgrade OK - For Debug and Release configurations: - LzmaLib Properties > General > Configuration Type = "Static library (.lib)" > OK - LzmaLib Properties > Librarian > General > Target Machine = "MachineX86 (/MACHINE:X86)" > OK - Build Debug - Build Release zlib (1.2.8) > "zlib source code, version 1.2.8, zipfile format" > - Extract to "D:\TBuild\Libraries\" Building Lib: - Open "D:\TBuild\Libraries\zlib-1.2.8\contrib\vstudio\vc11\zlibvc.sln" > Upgrade .. > OK - We are interested in only "zlibstat" project, but it depends on some custom pre-build step - For Debug configuration: - zlibstat Properties > C/C++ > Code Generation > Runtime Library = "Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)" > OK - For Release configuration: - zlibstat Properties > C/C++ > Code Generation > Runtime Library = "Multi-threaded (/MT)" > OK - Build Solution for Debug - only "zlibstat" project build successfully, and we need only it - Build Solution for Release - only "zlibstat" project build successfully, and we need only it libexif (0.6.20) - prepared - By git: in Git Bash go to "/d/tbuild/libraries" and run "git clone" - Or download in ZIP and extract to "D:\TBuild\Libraries\", rename "libexif-0.6.20-master" to "libexif-0.6.20" to have "D:\TBuild\Libraries\libexif-0.6.20\win32\lib_exif.sln" solution Building Lib: - Open "D:\TBuild\Libraries\libexif-0.6.20\win32\lib_exif.sln" - Build Debug - Build Release Qt (5.3.0) - Extract to "D:\TBuild\Libraries\Tmp\" - Copy everything from "D:\TBuild\Libraries\Tmp\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.3.0" to "D:\TBuild\Libraries\QtStatic" - Copy (with overwrite) everything from "D:\TBuild\tdesktop\_qt_5_3_0_patch" to "D:\TBuild\Libraries\QtStatic" Building Lib: - Install Python (3.3.2) from > "Windows x86 MSI Installer (3.3.2)" ( - Open "VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt.bat" (should be in "\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts") Go to Qt directory ("D:" > Enter > "cd TBuild\Libraries\QtStatic" > Enter) and run "configure -debug-and-release -opensource -static -opengl desktop -mp -nomake examples -platform win32-msvc2013", then "y" (accept), after configuration is complete run "nmake" and then "nmake install", nmake will take really long time. Qt Visual Studio Addin 1.2.3 - Install to default location Building Telegram Desktop: - Launch Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 - QT5 > Qt Options > Add: Version name: QtStatic.5.3.0 Path: D:\TBuild\Libraries\QtStatic\qtbase - Default Qt/Win version: QtStatic.5.3.0 > OK - File > Open > Project/Solution > D:\TBuild\tdesktop\Telegram.sln - Build > Build Solution Projects in Telegram solution: Telegram: tdesktop messenger Updater: little app, that is launched by Telegram when update is ready, replaces all files and launches it back Packer: compiles given files to single update file, compresses it with lzma and signs with a private key, it was not included to Telegram solution, because private key is inaccessible Prepare: prepares a release for deployment: puts all files to deploy/{version} folder current tsetup{version}exe installer current Telegram.exe current Telegram.pdb (debug info for crash minidumps view) current tupdate{updversion} binary lzma update archive MetaEmoji: from two folders SourceFiles/art/Emoji SourceFiles/art/Emoji_200x and some inner config creates four sprites and text2emoji replace code: SourceFiles/art/emoji.png SourceFiles/art/emoji_125x.png SourceFiles/art/emoji_150x.png SourceFiles/art/emoji_200x.png SourceFiles/gui/emoji_config.cpp MetaStyle: from two files and two sprites Resources/style_classes.txt Resources/style.txt SourceFiles/art/sprite.png SourceFiles/art/sprite_200x.png creates two other sprites, four sprite grids and style constants code: SourceFiles/art/sprite_125x.png SourceFiles/art/sprite_150x.png SourceFiles/art/grid.png SourceFiles/art/grid_125x.png Sourcefiles/art/grid_150x.png SourceFiles/art/grid_200x.png GeneratedFiles/style_classes.h GeneratedFiles/style_auto.h GeneratedFiles/style_auto.cpp MetaLang: from langpack file Resources/lang.txt creates lang constants code and lang file parse code: GeneratedFiles/lang.h GeneratedFiles/lang.cpp