/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ using "basic.style"; using "basic_types.style"; profileBg: windowBg; profileTopBarHeight: topBarHeight; profileTopBarBackIconFg: #51b3e0; profileTopBarBackIcon: icon { { "topbar_back_arrow", profileTopBarBackIconFg }, }; profileTopBarBackIconPosition: point(15px, 19px); profileTopBarBackFont: font(14px); profileTopBarBackFg: #1485c2; profileTopBarBackPosition: point(32px, 17px); profileFixedBarButton: flatButton(topBarButton) { } profileMarginTop: 13px; profilePhotoSize: 112px; profilePhotoLeftMin: 18px; profilePhotoLeftMax: 45px; profilePhotoDuration: 500; profileNameLeft: 26px; profileNameTop: 9px; profileNameLabel: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { margin: margins(10px, 5px, 10px, 5px); font: font(16px); width: 160px; maxHeight: 24px; } profileNameTextStyle: textStyle(defaultTextStyle) { } profileStatusLeft: 27px; profileStatusTop: 35px; profileStatusFont: normalFont; profileStatusFg: windowSubTextFg; profileMarginBottom: 30px; profileButtonLeft: 27px; profileButtonTop: 88px; profileButtonSkip: 10px; profilePrimaryButton: BoxButton { textFg: #ffffff; textFgOver: #ffffff; textBg: #3fb0e4; textBgOver: #3fb0e4; width: -34px; height: 34px; textTop: 8px; font: semiboldFont; duration: 200; } profileSecondaryButton: BoxButton(profilePrimaryButton) { textFg: #189dda; textFgOver: #189dda; textBg: #ffffff; textBgOver: #f2f7fa; } profileAddMemberIcon: icon { { "profile_add_member", #3fb0e4, point(20px, 10px) }, }; profileAddMemberButton: BoxButton(profileSecondaryButton) { width: 62px; icon: profileAddMemberIcon; } profileDropAreaBg: profileBg; profileDropAreaFg: #3fb0e4; profileDropAreaPadding: margins(25px, 3px, 25px, 20px); profileDropAreaTitleFont: font(24px); profileDropAreaTitleTop: 30px; profileDropAreaSubtitleFont: font(16px); profileDropAreaSubtitleTop: 68px; profileDropAreaBorderFg: profileDropAreaFg; profileDropAreaBorderWidth: 3px; profileDropAreaDuration: 200; profileDividerFg: windowShadowFg; profileDividerLeft: icon { { "profile_divider_left", profileDividerFg }, }; profileDividerFill: icon { { "profile_divider_fill", profileDividerFg }, }; profileBlocksTop: 7px; profileBlocksBottom: 20px; profileBlockLeftMin: 8px; profileBlockLeftMax: 25px; profileBlockNarrowWidthMin: 220px; profileBlockWideWidthMin: 300px; profileBlockWideWidthMax: 340px; profileBlockMarginTop: 21px; profileBlockMarginRight: 10px; profileBlockMarginBottom: 4px; profileBlockTitleHeight: 22px; profileBlockTitleFont: font(14px semibold); profileBlockTitleFg: black; profileBlockTitlePosition: point(24px, -7px); profileBlockLabel: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { textFg: windowSubTextFg; } profileBlockTextPart: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { width: 180px; margin: margins(5px, 5px, 5px, 5px); } profileBlockOneLineTextPart: flatLabel(profileBlockTextPart) { width: 0px; // No need to set minWidth in one-line text. maxHeight: 20px; } profileBlockOneLineSkip: 9px;