/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "media/media_clip_reader.h" #include "boxes/abstract_box.h" #include "layerwidget.h" #include "application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_widgets.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "window/window_main_menu.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" namespace { constexpr int kStickerPreviewEmojiLimit = 10; } // namespace class LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget : public TWidget { public: BackgroundWidget(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent) { } void setDoneCallback(base::lambda callback) { _doneCallback = std::move(callback); } void setLayerBoxes(const QRect &specialLayerBox, const QRect &layerBox); void setCacheImages(QPixmap &&bodyCache, QPixmap &&mainMenuCache, QPixmap &&specialLayerCache, QPixmap &&layerCache); void startAnimation(Action action); void finishAnimation(); bool animating() const { return _a_mainMenuShown.animating() || _a_specialLayerShown.animating() || _a_layerShown.animating(); } protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; private: bool isShown() const { return _mainMenuShown || _specialLayerShown || _layerShown; } void checkIfDone(); void setMainMenuShown(bool shown); void setSpecialLayerShown(bool shown); void setLayerShown(bool shown); void checkWasShown(bool wasShown); void animationCallback(); QPixmap _bodyCache; QPixmap _mainMenuCache; int _mainMenuCacheWidth = 0; QPixmap _specialLayerCache; QPixmap _layerCache; base::lambda _doneCallback; bool _wasAnimating = false; bool _inPaintEvent = false; Animation _a_shown; Animation _a_mainMenuShown; Animation _a_specialLayerShown; Animation _a_layerShown; QRect _specialLayerBox, _specialLayerCacheBox; QRect _layerBox, _layerCacheBox; int _mainMenuRight = 0; bool _mainMenuShown = false; bool _specialLayerShown = false; bool _layerShown = false; }; void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::setCacheImages(QPixmap &&bodyCache, QPixmap &&mainMenuCache, QPixmap &&specialLayerCache, QPixmap &&layerCache) { _bodyCache = std::move(bodyCache); _mainMenuCache = std::move(mainMenuCache); _specialLayerCache = std::move(specialLayerCache); _layerCache = std::move(layerCache); _specialLayerCacheBox = _specialLayerBox; _layerCacheBox = _layerBox; setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, !_bodyCache.isNull()); } void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::startAnimation(Action action) { if (action == Action::ShowMainMenu) { setMainMenuShown(true); } else if (action != Action::HideLayer) { setMainMenuShown(false); } if (action == Action::ShowSpecialLayer) { setSpecialLayerShown(true); } else if (action == Action::ShowMainMenu || action == Action::HideAll) { setSpecialLayerShown(false); } if (action == Action::ShowLayer) { setLayerShown(true); } else { setLayerShown(false); } _wasAnimating = true; checkIfDone(); } void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::checkIfDone() { if (!_wasAnimating || _inPaintEvent || animating()) { return; } _wasAnimating = false; _bodyCache = _mainMenuCache = _specialLayerCache = _layerCache = QPixmap(); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false); if (_doneCallback) { _doneCallback(); } } void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::setMainMenuShown(bool shown) { auto wasShown = isShown(); if (_mainMenuShown != shown) { _mainMenuShown = shown; _a_mainMenuShown.start([this] { animationCallback(); }, _mainMenuShown ? 0. : 1., _mainMenuShown ? 1. : 0., st::boxDuration, anim::easeOutCirc); } _mainMenuCacheWidth = (_mainMenuCache.width() / cIntRetinaFactor()) - st::boxRoundShadow.extend.right(); _mainMenuRight = _mainMenuShown ? _mainMenuCacheWidth : 0; checkWasShown(wasShown); } void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::setSpecialLayerShown(bool shown) { auto wasShown = isShown(); if (_specialLayerShown != shown) { _specialLayerShown = shown; _a_specialLayerShown.start([this] { animationCallback(); }, _specialLayerShown ? 0. : 1., _specialLayerShown ? 1. : 0., st::boxDuration); } checkWasShown(wasShown); } void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::setLayerShown(bool shown) { auto wasShown = isShown(); if (_layerShown != shown) { _layerShown = shown; _a_layerShown.start([this] { animationCallback(); }, _layerShown ? 0. : 1., _layerShown ? 1. : 0., st::boxDuration); } checkWasShown(wasShown); } void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::checkWasShown(bool wasShown) { if (isShown() != wasShown) { _a_shown.start([this] { animationCallback(); }, wasShown ? 1. : 0., wasShown ? 0. : 1., st::boxDuration, anim::easeOutCirc); } } void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::setLayerBoxes(const QRect &specialLayerBox, const QRect &layerBox) { _specialLayerBox = specialLayerBox; _layerBox = layerBox; update(); } void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); _inPaintEvent = true; auto guard = base::scope_guard([this] { _inPaintEvent = false; checkIfDone(); }); if (!_bodyCache.isNull()) { p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _bodyCache); } auto specialLayerBox = _specialLayerCache.isNull() ? _specialLayerBox : _specialLayerCacheBox; auto layerBox = _layerCache.isNull() ? _layerBox : _layerCacheBox; auto ms = getms(); auto mainMenuProgress = _a_mainMenuShown.current(ms, -1); auto mainMenuRight = (_mainMenuCache.isNull() || mainMenuProgress < 0) ? _mainMenuRight : (mainMenuProgress < 0) ? _mainMenuRight : anim::interpolate(0, _mainMenuCacheWidth, mainMenuProgress); if (mainMenuRight) { // Move showing boxes to the right while main menu is hiding. if (!_specialLayerCache.isNull()) { specialLayerBox.moveLeft(specialLayerBox.left() + mainMenuRight / 2); } if (!_layerCache.isNull()) { layerBox.moveLeft(layerBox.left() + mainMenuRight / 2); } } auto bgOpacity = _a_shown.current(ms, isShown() ? 1. : 0.); auto specialLayerOpacity = _a_specialLayerShown.current(ms, _specialLayerShown ? 1. : 0.); auto layerOpacity = _a_layerShown.current(ms, _layerShown ? 1. : 0.); if (bgOpacity == 0.) { return; } p.setOpacity(bgOpacity); auto overSpecialOpacity = (layerOpacity * specialLayerOpacity); auto bg = myrtlrect(mainMenuRight, 0, width() - mainMenuRight, height()); if (_mainMenuCache.isNull() && mainMenuRight > 0) { // All cache images are taken together with their shadows, // so we paint shadow only when there is no cache. Ui::Shadow::paint(p, myrtlrect(0, 0, mainMenuRight, height()), width(), st::boxRoundShadow, RectPart::Right); } if (_specialLayerCache.isNull() && !specialLayerBox.isEmpty()) { // All cache images are taken together with their shadows, // so we paint shadow only when there is no cache. auto sides = RectPart::Left | RectPart::Right; auto topCorners = (specialLayerBox.y() > 0); auto bottomCorners = (specialLayerBox.y() + specialLayerBox.height() < height()); if (topCorners) { sides |= RectPart::Top; } if (bottomCorners) { sides |= RectPart::Bottom; } if (topCorners || bottomCorners) { p.setClipRegion(QRegion(rect()) - specialLayerBox.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::boxRadius, 0, st::boxRadius, 0)) - specialLayerBox.marginsRemoved(QMargins(0, st::boxRadius, 0, st::boxRadius))); } Ui::Shadow::paint(p, specialLayerBox, width(), st::boxRoundShadow, sides); if (topCorners || bottomCorners) { // In case of painting the shadow above the special layer we get // glitches in the corners, so we need to paint the corners once more. p.setClipping(false); auto parts = (topCorners ? (RectPart::TopLeft | RectPart::TopRight) : RectPart::None) | (bottomCorners ? (RectPart::BottomLeft | RectPart::BottomRight) : RectPart::None); App::roundRect(p, specialLayerBox, st::boxBg, BoxCorners, nullptr, parts); } } if (!layerBox.isEmpty() && !_specialLayerCache.isNull() && overSpecialOpacity < bgOpacity) { // In case of moving special layer below the background while showing a box // we need to fill special layer rect below its cache with a complex opacity // (alpha_final - alpha_current) / (1 - alpha_current) so we won't get glitches // in the transparent special layer cache corners after filling special layer // rect above its cache with alpha_current opacity. auto region = QRegion(bg) - specialLayerBox; for (auto rect : region.rects()) { p.fillRect(rect, st::layerBg); } p.setOpacity((bgOpacity - overSpecialOpacity) / (1. - (overSpecialOpacity * st::layerBg->c.alphaF()))); p.fillRect(specialLayerBox, st::layerBg); p.setOpacity(bgOpacity); } else { p.fillRect(bg, st::layerBg); } if (!_specialLayerCache.isNull() && specialLayerOpacity > 0) { p.setOpacity(specialLayerOpacity); auto cacheLeft = specialLayerBox.x() - st::boxRoundShadow.extend.left(); auto cacheTop = specialLayerBox.y() - (specialLayerBox.y() > 0 ? st::boxRoundShadow.extend.top() : 0); p.drawPixmapLeft(cacheLeft, cacheTop, width(), _specialLayerCache); } if (!layerBox.isEmpty()) { if (!_specialLayerCache.isNull()) { p.setOpacity(overSpecialOpacity); p.fillRect(specialLayerBox, st::layerBg); } if (_layerCache.isNull()) { p.setOpacity(layerOpacity); Ui::Shadow::paint(p, layerBox, width(), st::boxRoundShadow); } } if (!_layerCache.isNull() && layerOpacity > 0) { p.setOpacity(layerOpacity); p.drawPixmapLeft(layerBox.topLeft() - QPoint(st::boxRoundShadow.extend.left(), st::boxRoundShadow.extend.top()), width(), _layerCache); } if (!_mainMenuCache.isNull() && mainMenuRight > 0) { p.setOpacity(1.); auto shownWidth = mainMenuRight + st::boxRoundShadow.extend.right(); auto sourceWidth = shownWidth * cIntRetinaFactor(); auto sourceRect = rtlrect(_mainMenuCache.width() - sourceWidth, 0, sourceWidth, _mainMenuCache.height(), _mainMenuCache.width()); p.drawPixmapLeft(0, 0, shownWidth, height(), width(), _mainMenuCache, sourceRect); } } void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::finishAnimation() { _a_shown.finish(); _a_mainMenuShown.finish(); _a_specialLayerShown.finish(); _a_layerShown.finish(); checkIfDone(); } void LayerStackWidget::BackgroundWidget::animationCallback() { update(); checkIfDone(); } LayerStackWidget::LayerStackWidget(QWidget *parent, Window::Controller *controller) : TWidget(parent) , _controller(controller) , _background(this) { setGeometry(parentWidget()->rect()); hide(); _background->setDoneCallback([this] { animationDone(); }); } void LayerWidget::setInnerFocus() { if (!isAncestorOf(App::wnd()->focusWidget())) { doSetInnerFocus(); } } bool LayerWidget::overlaps(const QRect &globalRect) { if (isHidden()) { return false; } auto testRect = QRect(mapFromGlobal(globalRect.topLeft()), globalRect.size()); if (testAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent)) { return rect().contains(testRect); } if (QRect(0, st::boxRadius, width(), height() - 2 * st::boxRadius).contains(testRect)) { return true; } if (QRect(st::boxRadius, 0, width() - 2 * st::boxRadius, height()).contains(testRect)) { return true; } return false; } void LayerStackWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { hideCurrent(); } } void LayerStackWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { hideCurrent(); } void LayerStackWidget::hideCurrent() { return currentLayer() ? hideLayers() : hideAll(); } void LayerStackWidget::hideLayers() { startAnimation([] {}, [this] { clearLayers(); }, Action::HideLayer); } void LayerStackWidget::hideAll() { startAnimation([] {}, [this] { clearLayers(); clearSpecialLayer(); _mainMenu.destroyDelayed(); }, Action::HideAll); } void LayerStackWidget::hideTopLayer() { if (_specialLayer) { hideLayers(); } else { hideAll(); } } bool LayerStackWidget::layerShown() const { return _specialLayer || currentLayer(); } void LayerStackWidget::setCacheImages() { auto bodyCache = QPixmap(), mainMenuCache = QPixmap(); auto specialLayerCache = QPixmap(); if (_specialLayer) { auto sides = RectPart::Left | RectPart::Right; if (_specialLayer->y() > 0) { sides |= RectPart::Top; } if (_specialLayer->y() + _specialLayer->height() < height()) { sides |= RectPart::Bottom; } specialLayerCache = Ui::Shadow::grab(_specialLayer, st::boxRoundShadow, sides); } auto layerCache = QPixmap(); if (auto layer = currentLayer()) { layerCache = Ui::Shadow::grab(layer, st::boxRoundShadow); } if (isAncestorOf(App::wnd()->focusWidget())) { setFocus(); } if (_mainMenu) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false); hideChildren(); bodyCache = myGrab(App::wnd()->bodyWidget()); showChildren(); mainMenuCache = Ui::Shadow::grab(_mainMenu, st::boxRoundShadow, RectPart::Right); } setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, !bodyCache.isNull()); updateLayerBoxes(); _background->setCacheImages(std::move(bodyCache), std::move(mainMenuCache), std::move(specialLayerCache), std::move(layerCache)); } void LayerStackWidget::onLayerClosed(LayerWidget *layer) { if (!layer->setClosing()) { // This layer is already closing. return; } layer->deleteLater(); if (layer == _specialLayer) { hideAll(); } else if (layer == currentLayer()) { if (_layers.size() == 1) { hideCurrent(); } else { if (layer->inFocusChain()) setFocus(); layer->hide(); _layers.pop_back(); layer = currentLayer(); layer->parentResized(); if (!_background->animating()) { layer->show(); showFinished(); } } } else { for (auto i = _layers.begin(), e = _layers.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (layer == *i) { _layers.erase(i); break; } } } } void LayerStackWidget::onLayerResized() { updateLayerBoxes(); } void LayerStackWidget::updateLayerBoxes() { auto getLayerBox = [this]() { if (auto layer = currentLayer()) { return layer->geometry(); } return QRect(); }; auto getSpecialLayerBox = [this]() { return _specialLayer ? _specialLayer->geometry() : QRect(); }; _background->setLayerBoxes(getSpecialLayerBox(), getLayerBox()); update(); } void LayerStackWidget::finishAnimation() { _background->finishAnimation(); } bool LayerStackWidget::canSetFocus() const { return (currentLayer() || _specialLayer || _mainMenu); } void LayerStackWidget::setInnerFocus() { if (_background->animating()) { setFocus(); } else if (auto l = currentLayer()) { l->setInnerFocus(); } else if (_specialLayer) { _specialLayer->setInnerFocus(); } else if (_mainMenu) { _mainMenu->setInnerFocus(); } } bool LayerStackWidget::contentOverlapped(const QRect &globalRect) { if (isHidden()) { return false; } if (_specialLayer && _specialLayer->overlaps(globalRect)) { return true; } if (auto layer = currentLayer()) { return layer->overlaps(globalRect); } return false; } template void LayerStackWidget::startAnimation(SetupNew setupNewWidgets, ClearOld clearOldWidgets, Action action) { if (App::quitting()) return; setupNewWidgets(); setCacheImages(); clearOldWidgets(); prepareForAnimation(); _background->startAnimation(action); } void LayerStackWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _background->setGeometry(rect()); if (_specialLayer) { _specialLayer->parentResized(); } if (auto layer = currentLayer()) { layer->parentResized(); } if (_mainMenu) { _mainMenu->resize(_mainMenu->width(), height()); } updateLayerBoxes(); } void LayerStackWidget::showBox(object_ptr box) { auto pointer = pushBox(std::move(box)); while (!_layers.isEmpty() && _layers.front() != pointer) { auto removingLayer = _layers.front(); _layers.pop_front(); removingLayer->setClosing(); if (removingLayer->inFocusChain()) setFocus(); removingLayer->hide(); removingLayer->deleteLater(); } } void LayerStackWidget::prepareForAnimation() { if (isHidden()) { show(); } if (_mainMenu) { _mainMenu->hide(); } if (_specialLayer) { _specialLayer->hide(); } if (auto layer = currentLayer()) { layer->hide(); } } void LayerStackWidget::animationDone() { bool hidden = true; if (_mainMenu) { _mainMenu->show(); hidden = false; } if (_specialLayer) { _specialLayer->show(); hidden = false; } if (auto layer = currentLayer()) { layer->show(); hidden = false; } if (hidden) { App::wnd()->layerFinishedHide(this); } else { showFinished(); } setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false); } void LayerStackWidget::showFinished() { fixOrder(); sendFakeMouseEvent(); updateLayerBoxes(); if (_mainMenu) { _mainMenu->showFinished(); } if (_specialLayer) { _specialLayer->showFinished(); } if (auto layer = currentLayer()) { layer->showFinished(); } if (auto window = App::wnd()) { window->setInnerFocus(); } } void LayerStackWidget::showSpecialLayer(object_ptr layer) { startAnimation([this, layer = std::move(layer)]() mutable { _specialLayer.destroyDelayed(); _specialLayer = std::move(layer); initChildLayer(_specialLayer); }, [this] { clearLayers(); _mainMenu.destroyDelayed(); }, Action::ShowSpecialLayer); } void LayerStackWidget::showMainMenu() { startAnimation([this] { _mainMenu.create(this); _mainMenu->setGeometryToLeft(0, 0, _mainMenu->width(), height()); _mainMenu->setParent(this); }, [this] { clearLayers(); _specialLayer.destroyDelayed(); }, Action::ShowMainMenu); } void LayerStackWidget::appendBox(object_ptr box) { pushBox(std::move(box)); } LayerWidget *LayerStackWidget::pushBox(object_ptr box) { auto oldLayer = currentLayer(); if (oldLayer) { if (oldLayer->inFocusChain()) setFocus(); oldLayer->hide(); } auto layer = object_ptr(this, _controller, std::move(box)); _layers.push_back(layer); initChildLayer(layer); if (_layers.size() > 1) { if (!_background->animating()) { layer->show(); showFinished(); } } else { startAnimation([] {}, [this] { _mainMenu.destroyDelayed(); }, Action::ShowLayer); } return layer.data(); } void LayerStackWidget::prependBox(object_ptr box) { if (_layers.empty()) { return showBox(std::move(box)); } auto layer = object_ptr(this, _controller, std::move(box)); layer->hide(); _layers.push_front(layer); initChildLayer(layer); } void LayerStackWidget::clearLayers() { for (auto layer : base::take(_layers)) { layer->setClosing(); if (layer->inFocusChain()) setFocus(); layer->hide(); layer->deleteLater(); } } void LayerStackWidget::clearSpecialLayer() { if (_specialLayer) { _specialLayer->setClosing(); _specialLayer.destroyDelayed(); } } void LayerStackWidget::initChildLayer(LayerWidget *layer) { layer->setParent(this); layer->setClosedCallback([this, layer] { onLayerClosed(layer); }); layer->setResizedCallback([this] { onLayerResized(); }); connect(layer, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(onLayerDestroyed(QObject*))); layer->parentResized(); } void LayerStackWidget::fixOrder() { if (auto layer = currentLayer()) { _background->raise(); layer->raise(); } else if (_specialLayer) { _specialLayer->raise(); } if (_mainMenu) { _mainMenu->raise(); } } void LayerStackWidget::sendFakeMouseEvent() { sendSynteticMouseEvent(this, QEvent::MouseMove, Qt::NoButton); } void LayerStackWidget::onLayerDestroyed(QObject *obj) { if (obj == _specialLayer) { _specialLayer = nullptr; hideAll(); } else if (obj == currentLayer()) { _layers.pop_back(); if (auto newLayer = currentLayer()) { newLayer->parentResized(); if (!_background->animating()) { newLayer->show(); showFinished(); } } else if (!_specialLayer) { hideAll(); } } else { for (auto i = _layers.begin(), e = _layers.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (obj == *i) { _layers.erase(i); break; } } } } LayerStackWidget::~LayerStackWidget() { // We must destroy all layers before we destroy LayerStackWidget. // Some layers in destructor call layer-related methods, like hiding // other layers, that call methods of LayerStackWidget and access // its fields, so if it is destroyed already everything crashes. for (auto layer : base::take(_layers)) { layer->setClosing(); layer->hide(); delete layer; } if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->noLayerStack(this); } MediaPreviewWidget::MediaPreviewWidget(QWidget *parent, gsl::not_null controller) : TWidget(parent) , _controller(controller) , _emojiSize(Ui::Emoji::Size(Ui::Emoji::Index() + 1) / cIntRetinaFactor()) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); subscribe(AuthSession::CurrentDownloaderTaskFinished(), [this] { update(); }); } void MediaPreviewWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); QRect r(e->rect()); auto image = currentImage(); int w = image.width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), h = image.height() / cIntRetinaFactor(); auto shown = _a_shown.current(getms(), _hiding ? 0. : 1.); if (!_a_shown.animating()) { if (_hiding) { hide(); _controller->disableGifPauseReason(Window::GifPauseReason::MediaPreview); return; } } else { p.setOpacity(shown); // w = qMax(qRound(w * (st::stickerPreviewMin + ((1. - st::stickerPreviewMin) * shown)) / 2.) * 2 + int(w % 2), 1); // h = qMax(qRound(h * (st::stickerPreviewMin + ((1. - st::stickerPreviewMin) * shown)) / 2.) * 2 + int(h % 2), 1); } p.fillRect(r, st::stickerPreviewBg); p.drawPixmap((width() - w) / 2, (height() - h) / 2, image); if (!_emojiList.empty()) { auto emojiCount = _emojiList.size(); auto emojiWidth = (emojiCount * _emojiSize) + (emojiCount - 1) * st::stickerEmojiSkip; auto emojiLeft = (width() - emojiWidth) / 2; auto esize = Ui::Emoji::Size(Ui::Emoji::Index() + 1); for (auto emoji : _emojiList) { p.drawPixmapLeft(emojiLeft, (height() - h) / 2 - (_emojiSize * 2), width(), App::emojiLarge(), QRect(emoji->x() * esize, emoji->y() * esize, esize, esize)); emojiLeft += _emojiSize + st::stickerEmojiSkip; } } } void MediaPreviewWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { update(); } void MediaPreviewWidget::showPreview(DocumentData *document) { if (!document || (!document->isAnimation() && !document->sticker()) || document->isRoundVideo()) { hidePreview(); return; } startShow(); _photo = nullptr; _document = document; fillEmojiString(); resetGifAndCache(); } void MediaPreviewWidget::showPreview(PhotoData *photo) { if (!photo || photo->full->isNull()) { hidePreview(); return; } startShow(); _photo = photo; _document = nullptr; fillEmojiString(); resetGifAndCache(); } void MediaPreviewWidget::startShow() { _cache = QPixmap(); if (isHidden() || _a_shown.animating()) { if (isHidden()) { show(); _controller->enableGifPauseReason(Window::GifPauseReason::MediaPreview); } _hiding = false; _a_shown.start([this] { update(); }, 0., 1., st::stickerPreviewDuration); } else { update(); } } void MediaPreviewWidget::hidePreview() { if (isHidden()) { return; } if (_gif) _cache = currentImage(); _hiding = true; _a_shown.start([this] { update(); }, 1., 0., st::stickerPreviewDuration); _photo = nullptr; _document = nullptr; resetGifAndCache(); } void MediaPreviewWidget::fillEmojiString() { if (_photo) { _emojiList.clear(); } else if (auto sticker = _document->sticker()) { _emojiList = Stickers::GetEmojiListFromSet(_document); if (_emojiList.empty()) { if (auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(sticker->alt)) { _emojiList.push_back(emoji); } } else { while (_emojiList.size() > kStickerPreviewEmojiLimit) { _emojiList.pop_back(); } } } else { _emojiList.clear(); } } void MediaPreviewWidget::resetGifAndCache() { _gif.reset(); _cacheStatus = CacheNotLoaded; _cachedSize = QSize(); } QSize MediaPreviewWidget::currentDimensions() const { if (!_cachedSize.isEmpty()) { return _cachedSize; } if (!_document && !_photo) { _cachedSize = QSize(_cache.width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), _cache.height() / cIntRetinaFactor()); return _cachedSize; } QSize result, box; if (_photo) { result = QSize(_photo->full->width(), _photo->full->height()); box = QSize(width() - 2 * st::boxVerticalMargin, height() - 2 * st::boxVerticalMargin); } else { result = _document->dimensions; if (_gif && _gif->ready()) { result = QSize(_gif->width(), _gif->height()); } if (_document->sticker()) { box = QSize(st::maxStickerSize, st::maxStickerSize); } else { box = QSize(2 * st::maxStickerSize, 2 * st::maxStickerSize); } } result = QSize(qMax(convertScale(result.width()), 1), qMax(convertScale(result.height()), 1)); if (result.width() > box.width()) { result.setHeight(qMax((box.width() * result.height()) / result.width(), 1)); result.setWidth(box.width()); } if (result.height() > box.height()) { result.setWidth(qMax((box.height() * result.width()) / result.height(), 1)); result.setHeight(box.height()); } if (_photo) { _cachedSize = result; } return result; } QPixmap MediaPreviewWidget::currentImage() const { if (_document) { if (_document->sticker()) { if (_cacheStatus != CacheLoaded) { _document->checkSticker(); if (_document->sticker()->img->isNull()) { if (_cacheStatus != CacheThumbLoaded && _document->thumb->loaded()) { QSize s = currentDimensions(); _cache = _document->thumb->pixBlurred(s.width(), s.height()); _cacheStatus = CacheThumbLoaded; } } else { QSize s = currentDimensions(); _cache = _document->sticker()->img->pix(s.width(), s.height()); _cacheStatus = CacheLoaded; } } } else { _document->automaticLoad(nullptr); if (_document->loaded()) { if (!_gif && !_gif.isBad()) { auto that = const_cast(this); that->_gif = Media::Clip::MakeReader(_document, FullMsgId(), [this, that](Media::Clip::Notification notification) { that->clipCallback(notification); }); if (_gif) _gif->setAutoplay(); } } if (_gif && _gif->started()) { auto s = currentDimensions(); auto paused = _controller->isGifPausedAtLeastFor(Window::GifPauseReason::MediaPreview); return _gif->current(s.width(), s.height(), s.width(), s.height(), ImageRoundRadius::None, ImageRoundCorner::None, paused ? 0 : getms()); } if (_cacheStatus != CacheThumbLoaded && _document->thumb->loaded()) { QSize s = currentDimensions(); _cache = _document->thumb->pixBlurred(s.width(), s.height()); _cacheStatus = CacheThumbLoaded; } } } else if (_photo) { if (_cacheStatus != CacheLoaded) { if (_photo->full->loaded()) { QSize s = currentDimensions(); _cache = _photo->full->pix(s.width(), s.height()); _cacheStatus = CacheLoaded; } else { if (_cacheStatus != CacheThumbLoaded && _photo->thumb->loaded()) { QSize s = currentDimensions(); _cache = _photo->thumb->pixBlurred(s.width(), s.height()); _cacheStatus = CacheThumbLoaded; } _photo->thumb->load(); _photo->full->load(); } } } return _cache; } void MediaPreviewWidget::clipCallback(Media::Clip::Notification notification) { using namespace Media::Clip; switch (notification) { case NotificationReinit: { if (_gif && _gif->state() == State::Error) { _gif.setBad(); } if (_gif && _gif->ready() && !_gif->started()) { QSize s = currentDimensions(); _gif->start(s.width(), s.height(), s.width(), s.height(), ImageRoundRadius::None, ImageRoundCorner::None); } update(); } break; case NotificationRepaint: { if (_gif && !_gif->currentDisplayed()) { update(); } } break; } } MediaPreviewWidget::~MediaPreviewWidget() { }