/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "codegen/style/parsed_file.h" #include #include #include #include #include "codegen/common/basic_tokenized_file.h" #include "codegen/common/logging.h" using BasicToken = codegen::common::BasicTokenizedFile::Token; using BasicType = BasicToken::Type; namespace codegen { namespace style { using structure::logFullName; namespace { constexpr int kErrorInIncluded = 801; constexpr int kErrorTypeMismatch = 802; constexpr int kErrorUnknownField = 803; constexpr int kErrorIdentifierNotFound = 804; constexpr int kErrorAlreadyDefined = 805; constexpr int kErrorBadString = 806; constexpr int kErrorIconDuplicate = 807; constexpr int kErrorBadIconModifier = 808; QString findInputFile(const Options &options) { for (const auto &dir : options.includePaths) { QString tryPath = QDir(dir).absolutePath() + '/' + options.inputPath; if (QFileInfo(tryPath).exists()) { return tryPath; } } return options.inputPath; } QString tokenValue(const BasicToken &token) { if (token.type == BasicType::String) { return token.value; } return token.original.toStringUnchecked(); } bool isValidColor(const QString &str) { auto len = str.size(); if (len != 6 && len != 8) { return false; } for (auto ch : str) { auto code = ch.unicode(); if ((code < '0' || code > '9') && (code < 'a' || code > 'f')) { return false; } } return true; } uchar toGray(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) { return qMax(qMin(int(0.21 * r + 0.72 * g + 0.07 * b), 255), 0); } uchar readHexUchar(QChar ch) { auto code = ch.unicode(); return (code >= '0' && code <= '9') ? ((code - '0') & 0xFF) : ((code + 10 - 'a') & 0xFF); } uchar readHexUchar(QChar char1, QChar char2) { return ((readHexUchar(char1) & 0x0F) << 4) | (readHexUchar(char2) & 0x0F); } structure::data::color convertWebColor(const QString &str, const QString &fallback = QString()) { uchar r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255; if (isValidColor(str)) { r = readHexUchar(str.at(0), str.at(1)); g = readHexUchar(str.at(2), str.at(3)); b = readHexUchar(str.at(4), str.at(5)); if (str.size() == 8) { a = readHexUchar(str.at(6), str.at(7)); } } return { r, g, b, a, fallback }; } structure::data::color convertIntColor(int r, int g, int b, int a) { return { uchar(r & 0xFF), uchar(g & 0xFF), uchar(b & 0xFF), uchar(a & 0xFF) }; } std::string logType(const structure::Type &type) { if (type.tag == structure::TypeTag::Struct) { return "struct " + logFullName(type.name); } static auto builtInTypes = new QMap { { structure::TypeTag::Int , "int" }, { structure::TypeTag::Double , "double" }, { structure::TypeTag::Pixels , "pixels" }, { structure::TypeTag::String , "string" }, { structure::TypeTag::Color , "color" }, { structure::TypeTag::Point , "point" }, { structure::TypeTag::Size , "size" }, { structure::TypeTag::Align , "align" }, { structure::TypeTag::Margins , "margins" }, { structure::TypeTag::Font , "font" }, }; return builtInTypes->value(type.tag, "invalid"); } bool validateAnsiString(const QString &value) { for (auto ch : value) { if (ch.unicode() > 127) { return false; } } return true; } bool validateAlignString(const QString &value) { return QRegularExpression("^[a-z_]+$").match(value).hasMatch(); } } // namespace Modifier GetModifier(const QString &name) { static QMap modifiers; if (modifiers.empty()) { modifiers.insert("invert", [](QImage &png100x, QImage &png200x) { png100x.invertPixels(); png200x.invertPixels(); }); modifiers.insert("flip_horizontal", [](QImage &png100x, QImage &png200x) { png100x = png100x.mirrored(true, false); png200x = png200x.mirrored(true, false); }); modifiers.insert("flip_vertical", [](QImage &png100x, QImage &png200x) { png100x = png100x.mirrored(false, true); png200x = png200x.mirrored(false, true); }); } return modifiers.value(name); } ParsedFile::ParsedFile(const Options &options) : filePath_(findInputFile(options)) , file_(filePath_) , options_(options) { } bool ParsedFile::read() { if (!file_.read()) { return false; } auto absolutePath = QFileInfo(filePath_).absoluteFilePath(); module_ = std::make_unique(absolutePath); do { if (auto startToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (tokenValue(startToken) == "using") { if (auto includedResult = readIncluded()) { module_->addIncluded(std::move(includedResult)); continue; } } else if (auto braceOpen = file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) { if (auto structResult = readStruct(tokenValue(startToken))) { if (module_->addStruct(structResult)) { continue; } logError(kErrorAlreadyDefined) << "struct '" << logFullName(structResult.name) << "' already defined"; break; } } else if (auto colonToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Colon)) { if (auto variableResult = readVariable(tokenValue(startToken))) { if (module_->addVariable(variableResult)) { continue; } logError(kErrorAlreadyDefined) << "variable '" << logFullName(variableResult.name) << "' already defined"; break; } } } if (file_.atEnd()) { break; } logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "using keyword, or struct definition, or variable definition"; } while (!failed()); if (failed()) { module_ = nullptr; } return !failed(); } common::LogStream ParsedFile::logErrorTypeMismatch() { return logError(kErrorTypeMismatch) << "type mismatch: "; } ParsedFile::ModulePtr ParsedFile::readIncluded() { if (auto usingFile = assertNextToken(BasicType::String)) { if (assertNextToken(BasicType::Semicolon)) { ParsedFile included(includedOptions(tokenValue(usingFile))); if (included.read()) { return included.getResult(); } else { logError(kErrorInIncluded) << "error while parsing '" << tokenValue(usingFile).toStdString() << "'"; } } } return nullptr; } structure::Struct ParsedFile::readStruct(const QString &name) { if (options_.isPalette) { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "unique color variable for the palette"; return {}; } structure::Struct result = { composeFullName(name) }; do { if (auto fieldName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (auto field = readStructField(tokenValue(fieldName))) { result.fields.push_back(field); } } else if (assertNextToken(BasicType::RightBrace)) { if (result.fields.isEmpty()) { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "at least one field in struct"; } break; } } while (!failed()); return result; } structure::Variable ParsedFile::readVariable(const QString &name) { structure::Variable result = { composeFullName(name) }; if (auto value = readValue()) { result.value = value; if (options_.isPalette && value.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Color) { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "unique color variable for the palette"; return {}; } if (value.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Struct || !value.copyOf().empty()) { assertNextToken(BasicType::Semicolon); result.description = file_.getCurrentLineComment(); } } return result; } structure::StructField ParsedFile::readStructField(const QString &name) { structure::StructField result = { composeFullName(name) }; if (auto colonToken = assertNextToken(BasicType::Colon)) { if (auto type = readType()) { result.type = type; assertNextToken(BasicType::Semicolon); } } return result; } structure::Type ParsedFile::readType() { structure::Type result; if (auto nameToken = assertNextToken(BasicType::Name)) { auto name = tokenValue(nameToken); if (auto builtInType = typeNames_.value(name.toStdString())) { result = builtInType; } else { auto fullName = composeFullName(name); if (module_->findStruct(fullName)) { result.tag = structure::TypeTag::Struct; result.name = fullName; } else { logError(kErrorIdentifierNotFound) << "type name '" << logFullName(fullName) << "' not found"; } } } return result; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readValue() { if (auto colorValue = readColorValue()) { return colorValue; } else if (auto pointValue = readPointValue()) { return pointValue; } else if (auto sizeValue = readSizeValue()) { return sizeValue; } else if (auto alignValue = readAlignValue()) { return alignValue; } else if (auto marginsValue = readMarginsValue()) { return marginsValue; } else if (auto fontValue = readFontValue()) { return fontValue; } else if (auto iconValue = readIconValue()) { return iconValue; } else if (auto numericValue = readNumericValue()) { return numericValue; } else if (auto stringValue = readStringValue()) { return stringValue; } else if (auto structValue = readStructValue()) { return structValue; } else if (auto copyValue = readCopyValue()) { return copyValue; } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "variable value"; } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readStructValue() { if (auto structName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (auto result = defaultConstructedStruct(composeFullName(tokenValue(structName)))) { if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis)) { if (!readStructParents(result)) { return {}; } } if (assertNextToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) { readStructValueInner(result); } return result; } file_.putBack(); } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::defaultConstructedStruct(const structure::FullName &structName) { if (auto pattern = module_->findStruct(structName)) { QList fields; fields.reserve(pattern->fields.size()); for (const auto &fieldType : pattern->fields) { fields.push_back({ { // variable fieldType.name, { fieldType.type, Qt::Uninitialized }, // value }, structure::data::field::Status::Uninitialized, // status }); } return { structName, fields }; } return {}; } void ParsedFile::applyStructParent(structure::Value &result, const structure::FullName &parentName) { bool fromTheSameModule = false; if (auto parent = module_->findVariable(parentName, &fromTheSameModule)) { if (parent->value.type() != result.type()) { logErrorTypeMismatch() << "parent '" << logFullName(parentName) << "' has type '" << logType(parent->value.type()) << "' while child value has type " << logType(result.type()); return; } const auto *srcFields(parent->value.Fields()); auto *dstFields(result.Fields()); if (!srcFields || !dstFields) { logAssert(false) << "struct data check failed"; return; } logAssert(srcFields->size() == dstFields->size()) << "struct size check failed"; for (int i = 0, s = srcFields->size(); i != s; ++i) { const auto &srcField(srcFields->at(i)); auto &dstField((*dstFields)[i]); using Status = structure::data::field::Status; if (srcField.status == Status::Explicit || dstField.status == Status::Uninitialized) { const auto &srcValue(srcField.variable.value); auto &dstValue(dstField.variable.value); logAssert(srcValue.type() == dstValue.type()) << "struct field type check failed"; // Optimization: don't let the style files to contain unnamed inherited // icons from the other (included) style files, because they will // duplicate the binary data across different style c++ source files. // // Example: // a.style has "A: Struct { icon: icon { ..file.. } };" and // b.style has "B: Struct(A) { .. };" with non-overriden icon field. // Then both style_a.cpp and style_b.cpp will contain binary data of "file". if (!fromTheSameModule && srcValue.type().tag == structure::TypeTag::Icon && !srcValue.Icon().parts.empty() && srcValue.copyOf().isEmpty()) { logError(kErrorIconDuplicate) << "an unnamed icon field '" << logFullName(srcField.variable.name) << "' is inherited from parent '" << logFullName(parentName) << "'"; return; } dstValue = srcValue; dstField.status = Status::Implicit; } } } else { logError(kErrorIdentifierNotFound) << "parent '" << logFullName(parentName) << "' not found"; } } bool ParsedFile::readStructValueInner(structure::Value &result) { do { if (auto fieldName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (!assertNextToken(BasicType::Colon)) { return false; } if (auto field = readVariable(tokenValue(fieldName))) { if (!assignStructField(result, field)) { return false; } } } else if (assertNextToken(BasicType::RightBrace)) { return true; } } while (!failed()); return false; } bool ParsedFile::assignStructField(structure::Value &result, const structure::Variable &field) { auto *fields = result.Fields(); if (!fields) { logAssert(false) << "struct data check failed"; return false; } for (auto &already : *fields) { if (already.variable.name == field.name) { if (already.variable.value.type() == field.value.type()) { already.variable.value = field.value; already.status = structure::data::field::Status::Explicit; return true; } else { logErrorTypeMismatch() << "field '" << logFullName(already.variable.name) << "' has type '" << logType(already.variable.value.type()) << "' while value has type '" << logType(field.value.type()) << "'"; return false; } } } logError(kErrorUnknownField) << "field '" << logFullName(field.name) << "' was not found in struct of type '" << logType(result.type()) << "'"; return false; } bool ParsedFile::readStructParents(structure::Value &result) { do { if (auto parentName = assertNextToken(BasicType::Name)) { applyStructParent(result, composeFullName(tokenValue(parentName))); if (file_.getToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis)) { return true; } else { assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma); } } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "struct variable parent"; } } while (!failed()); return false; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readPositiveValue() { auto numericToken = file_.getAnyToken(); if (numericToken.type == BasicType::Int) { return { structure::TypeTag::Int, tokenValue(numericToken).toInt() }; } else if (numericToken.type == BasicType::Double) { return { structure::TypeTag::Double, tokenValue(numericToken).toDouble() }; } else if (numericToken.type == BasicType::Name) { auto value = tokenValue(numericToken); auto match = QRegularExpression("^\\d+px$").match(value); if (match.hasMatch()) { return { structure::TypeTag::Pixels, value.mid(0, value.size() - 2).toInt() }; } } file_.putBack(); return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readNumericValue() { if (auto value = readPositiveValue()) { return value; } else if (auto minusToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Minus)) { if (auto positiveValue = readNumericValue()) { return { positiveValue.type().tag, -positiveValue.Int() }; } logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "numeric value"; } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readStringValue() { if (auto stringToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::String)) { auto value = tokenValue(stringToken); if (validateAnsiString(value)) { return { structure::TypeTag::String, stringToken.value.toStdString() }; } logError(kErrorBadString) << "unicode symbols are not supported"; } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readColorValue() { if (auto numberSign = file_.getToken(BasicType::Number)) { if (options_.isPalette) { auto color = file_.getAnyToken(); if (color.type == BasicType::Int || color.type == BasicType::Name) { auto chars = tokenValue(color).toLower(); if (isValidColor(chars)) { if (auto fallbackSeparator = file_.getToken(BasicType::Or)) { if (options_.isPalette) { if (auto fallbackName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { structure::FullName name = { tokenValue(fallbackName) }; if (auto variable = module_->findVariableInModule(name, *module_)) { return { convertWebColor(chars, tokenValue(fallbackName)) }; } else { logError(kErrorIdentifierNotFound) << "fallback color name"; } } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "fallback color name"; } } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "';', color fallbacks are only allowed in palette module"; } } else { return { convertWebColor(chars) }; } } } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "color value in #ccc, #ccca, #cccccc or #ccccccaa format"; } } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "color value alias, unique color values are only allowed in palette module"; } } else if (auto transparentName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (tokenValue(transparentName) == "transparent") { return { structure::data::color { 255, 255, 255, 0 } }; } file_.putBack(); } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readPointValue() { if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (tokenValue(font) == "point") { assertNextToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis); auto x = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma); auto y = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); if (x.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels || y.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels) { logErrorTypeMismatch() << "expected two px values for the point"; } assertNextToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis); return { structure::data::point { x.Int(), y.Int() } }; } file_.putBack(); } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readSizeValue() { if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (tokenValue(font) == "size") { assertNextToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis); auto w = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma); auto h = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); if (w.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels || h.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels) { logErrorTypeMismatch() << "expected two px values for the size"; } assertNextToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis); return { structure::data::size { w.Int(), h.Int() } }; } file_.putBack(); } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readAlignValue() { if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (tokenValue(font) == "align") { assertNextToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis); auto align = tokenValue(assertNextToken(BasicType::Name)); assertNextToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis); if (validateAlignString(align)) { return { structure::TypeTag::Align, align.toStdString() }; } else { logError(kErrorBadString) << "bad align string"; } } file_.putBack(); } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readMarginsValue() { if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (tokenValue(font) == "margins") { assertNextToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis); auto l = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma); auto t = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma); auto r = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); assertNextToken(BasicType::Comma); auto b = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue(); if (l.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels || t.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels || r.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels || b.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels) { logErrorTypeMismatch() << "expected four px values for the margins"; } assertNextToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis); return { structure::data::margins { l.Int(), t.Int(), r.Int(), b.Int() } }; } file_.putBack(); } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readFontValue() { if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (tokenValue(font) == "font") { assertNextToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis); int flags = 0; structure::Value family, size; do { if (auto formatToken = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (tokenValue(formatToken) == "bold") { flags |= structure::data::font::Bold; } else if (tokenValue(formatToken) == "italic") { flags |= structure::data::font::Italic; } else if (tokenValue(formatToken) == "underline") { flags |= structure::data::font::Underline; } else { file_.putBack(); } } if (auto familyValue = readStringOrStringCopyValue()) { family = familyValue; } else if (auto sizeValue = readNumericOrNumericCopyValue()) { size = sizeValue; } else if (file_.getToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis)) { break; } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "font family, font size or ')'"; } } while (!failed()); if (size.type().tag != structure::TypeTag::Pixels) { logErrorTypeMismatch() << "px value for the font size expected"; } return { structure::data::font { family.String(), size.Int(), flags } }; } file_.putBack(); } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readIconValue() { if (auto font = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { if (tokenValue(font) == "icon") { std::vector parts; if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) { // complex icon do { if (file_.getToken(BasicType::RightBrace)) { break; } else if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftBrace)) { if (auto part = readMonoIconFields()) { assertNextToken(BasicType::RightBrace); parts.push_back(part); file_.getToken(BasicType::Comma); continue; } return {}; } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon part or '}'"; return {}; } } while (true); } else if (file_.getToken(BasicType::LeftParenthesis)) { // short icon if (auto theOnlyPart = readMonoIconFields()) { assertNextToken(BasicType::RightParenthesis); parts.push_back(theOnlyPart); } } return { structure::data::icon { parts } }; } file_.putBack(); } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readCopyValue() { if (auto copyName = file_.getToken(BasicType::Name)) { structure::FullName name = { tokenValue(copyName) }; if (auto variable = module_->findVariable(name)) { return variable->value.makeCopy(variable->name); } file_.putBack(); } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readNumericOrNumericCopyValue() { if (auto result = readNumericValue()) { return result; } else if (auto copy = readCopyValue()) { auto type = copy.type().tag; if (type == structure::TypeTag::Int || type == structure::TypeTag::Double || type == structure::TypeTag::Pixels) { return copy; } else { file_.putBack(); } } return {}; } structure::Value ParsedFile::readStringOrStringCopyValue() { if (auto result = readStringValue()) { return result; } else if (auto copy = readCopyValue()) { auto type = copy.type().tag; if (type == structure::TypeTag::String) { return copy; } else { file_.putBack(); } } return {}; } structure::data::monoicon ParsedFile::readMonoIconFields() { structure::data::monoicon result; result.filename = readMonoIconFilename(); if (!result.filename.isEmpty() && file_.getToken(BasicType::Comma)) { if (auto color = readValue()) { if (color.type().tag == structure::TypeTag::Color) { result.color = color; if (file_.getToken(BasicType::Comma)) { if (auto offset = readValue()) { if (offset.type().tag == structure::TypeTag::Point) { result.offset = offset; } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon offset"; } } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon offset"; } } else { result.offset = { structure::data::point { 0, 0 } }; } } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon color"; } } else { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon color"; } } return result; } QString ParsedFile::readMonoIconFilename() { if (auto filename = readValue()) { if (filename.type().tag == structure::TypeTag::String) { auto fullpath = QString::fromStdString(filename.String()); auto pathAndModifiers = fullpath.split('-'); auto filepath = pathAndModifiers[0]; auto modifiers = pathAndModifiers.mid(1); for (auto modifierName : modifiers) { if (!GetModifier(modifierName)) { logError(kErrorBadIconModifier) << "unknown modifier: " << modifierName.toStdString(); return QString(); } } for (auto &path : options_.includePaths) { QFileInfo fileinfo(path + '/' + filepath + ".png"); if (fileinfo.exists()) { return path + '/' + fullpath; } } for (auto &path : options_.includePaths) { QFileInfo fileinfo(path + "/icons/" + filepath + ".png"); if (fileinfo.exists()) { return path + "/icons/" + fullpath; } } logError(common::kErrorFileNotFound) << "could not open icon file '" << filename.String() << "'"; } else if (filename.type().tag == structure::TypeTag::Size) { return QString("size://%1,%2").arg(filename.Size().width).arg(filename.Size().height); } } logErrorUnexpectedToken() << "icon filename or rect size"; return QString(); } BasicToken ParsedFile::assertNextToken(BasicToken::Type type) { auto result = file_.getToken(type); if (!result) { logErrorUnexpectedToken() << type; } return result; } Options ParsedFile::includedOptions(const QString &filepath) { auto result = options_; result.inputPath = filepath; result.includePaths[0] = QFileInfo(filePath_).dir().absolutePath(); result.isPalette = (QFileInfo(filepath).suffix() == "palette"); return result; } // Compose context-dependent full name. structure::FullName ParsedFile::composeFullName(const QString &name) { return { name }; } } // namespace style } // namespace codegen