/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "codegen/common/clean_file.h" #include #include #include "codegen/common/logging.h" namespace codegen { namespace common { namespace { bool readFile(const QString &filepath, QByteArray *outResult) { QFile f(filepath); if (!f.exists()) { logError(kErrorFileNotFound, filepath) << ": error: file does not exist."; return false; } auto limit = CleanFile::MaxSize; if (f.size() > limit) { logError(kErrorFileTooLarge, filepath) << "' is too large, size=" << f.size() << " > maxsize=" << limit; return false; } if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { logError(kErrorFileNotOpened, filepath) << "' for read."; return false; } *outResult = f.readAll(); return true; } } // namespace CleanFile::CleanFile(const QString &filepath) : filepath_(filepath) , read_(true) { } CleanFile::CleanFile(const QByteArray &content, const QString &filepath) : filepath_(filepath) , content_(content) , read_(false) { } bool CleanFile::read() { if (read_) { if (!readFile(filepath_, &content_)) { return false; } } filepath_ = QFileInfo(filepath_).absoluteFilePath(); enum class InsideComment { None, SingleLine, MultiLine, }; auto insideComment = InsideComment::None; bool insideString = false; const char *begin = content_.cbegin(), *end = content_.cend(), *offset = begin; auto feedContent = [this, &offset, end](const char *ch) { if (ch > offset) { if (result_.isEmpty()) result_.reserve(end - offset - 2); result_.append(offset, ch - offset); offset = ch; } }; auto lineNumber = 0; auto feedComment = [this, &offset, end, &lineNumber](const char *ch, bool save = false) { if (ch > offset) { if (save) { singleLineComments_.resize(lineNumber + 1); singleLineComments_[lineNumber] = QByteArray(offset, ch - offset); } if (result_.isEmpty()) { result_.reserve(end - offset - 2); } result_.append(' '); offset = ch; } }; for (const char *ch = offset; ch != end;) { char currentChar = *ch; char nextChar = (ch + 1 == end) ? 0 : *(ch + 1); if (insideComment == InsideComment::None && currentChar == '"') { bool escaped = ((ch > begin) && *(ch - 1) == '\\') && ((ch - 1 < begin) || *(ch - 2) != '\\'); if (!escaped) { insideString = !insideString; } } if (insideString) { if (currentChar == '\n') { ++lineNumber; } ++ch; continue; } if (insideComment == InsideComment::None && currentChar == '/' && nextChar == '/') { feedContent(ch); insideComment = InsideComment::SingleLine; ch += 2; } else if (insideComment == InsideComment::SingleLine && currentChar == '\r' && nextChar == '\n') { feedComment(ch, true); ch += 2; ++lineNumber; insideComment = InsideComment::None; } else if (insideComment == InsideComment::SingleLine && currentChar == '\n') { feedComment(ch, true); ++ch; ++lineNumber; insideComment = InsideComment::None; } else if (insideComment == InsideComment::None && currentChar == '/' && nextChar == '*') { feedContent(ch); ch += 2; insideComment = InsideComment::MultiLine; } else if (insideComment == InsideComment::MultiLine && currentChar == '*' && nextChar == '/') { ch += 2; feedComment(ch); insideComment = InsideComment::None; } else if (insideComment == InsideComment::MultiLine && currentChar == '\r' && nextChar == '\n') { feedComment(ch); ch += 2; ++lineNumber; feedContent(ch); } else if (insideComment == InsideComment::MultiLine && currentChar == '\n') { feedComment(ch); ++ch; ++lineNumber; feedContent(ch); } else { if (currentChar == '\n') { ++lineNumber; } ++ch; } } singleLineComments_.resize(lineNumber + 1); if (insideComment == InsideComment::MultiLine) { common::logError(kErrorUnexpectedEndOfFile, filepath_); return false; } if (insideComment == InsideComment::None && end > offset) { if (result_.isEmpty()) { result_ = content_; } else { result_.append(offset, end - offset); } } return true; } QVector CleanFile::singleLineComments() const { return singleLineComments_; } LogStream CleanFile::logError(int code, int line) const { return common::logError(code, filepath_, line); } } // namespace common } // namespace codegen