set -e FullExecPath=$PWD pushd `dirname $0` > /dev/null FullScriptPath=`pwd` popd > /dev/null if [ ! -d "$FullScriptPath/../../../DesktopPrivate" ]; then echo "" echo "This script is for building the production version of Telegram Desktop." echo "" echo "For building custom versions please visit the build instructions page at:" echo "" exit fi Error () { cd $FullExecPath echo "$1" exit 1 } DeployTarget="$1" if [ ! -f "$FullScriptPath/target" ]; then Error "Build target not found!" fi while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do BuildTarget="$line" done < "$FullScriptPath/target" while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do set $line eval $1="$2" done < "$FullScriptPath/version" if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then AppVersion="$AlphaVersion" AppVersionStrFull="${AppVersionStr}_${AlphaVersion}" AlphaKeyFile="talpha_${AppVersion}_key" elif [ "$BetaChannel" == "0" ]; then AppVersionStrFull="$AppVersionStr" else AppVersionStrFull="$AppVersionStr.beta" fi echo "" HomePath="$FullScriptPath/.." DeployMac="0" DeployWin="0" DeployWin64="0" DeployLinux="0" if [ "$DeployTarget" == "mac" ]; then DeployMac="1" echo "Deploying version $AppVersionStrFull for macOS.." elif [ "$DeployTarget" == "win" ]; then DeployWin="1" echo "Deploying version $AppVersionStrFull for Windows 32 bit.." elif [ "$DeployTarget" == "win64" ]; then DeployWin64="1" echo "Deploying version $AppVersionStrFull for Windows 64 bit.." elif [ "$DeployTarget" == "linux" ]; then DeployLinux="1" echo "Deploying version $AppVersionStrFull for Linux 64 bit.." else DeployMac="1" DeployWin="1" DeployWin64="1" DeployLinux="1" echo "Deploying four versions of $AppVersionStrFull: for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit, macOS and Linux 64 bit.." fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ]; then BackupPath="$HOME/Projects/backup/tdesktop" elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "linux" ]; then BackupPath="/media/psf/Home/Projects/backup/tdesktop" if [ ! -d "$BackupPath" ]; then BackupPath="/mnt/c/Telegram/Projects/backup/tdesktop" fi else Error "Can't deploy here" fi MacDeployPath="$BackupPath/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull/tmac" MacUpdateFile="tmacupd$AppVersion" ARMacUpdateFile="tarmacupd$AppVersion" MacSetupFile="tsetup.$AppVersionStrFull.dmg" MacRemoteFolder="tmac" WinDeployPath="$BackupPath/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull/tsetup" WinUpdateFile="tupdate$AppVersion" WinSetupFile="tsetup.$AppVersionStrFull.exe" WinPortableFile="tportable.$" WinRemoteFolder="tsetup" Win64DeployPath="$BackupPath/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull/tx64" Win64UpdateFile="tx64upd$AppVersion" Win64SetupFile="tsetup-x64.$AppVersionStrFull.exe" Win64PortableFile="tportable-x64.$" Win64RemoteFolder="tx64" LinuxDeployPath="$BackupPath/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull/tlinux" LinuxUpdateFile="tlinuxupd$AppVersion" LinuxSetupFile="tsetup.$AppVersionStrFull.tar.xz" LinuxRemoteFolder="tlinux" DeployPath="$BackupPath/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull" if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then if [ "$DeployTarget" == "win" ]; then AlphaFilePath="$WinDeployPath/$AlphaKeyFile" elif [ "$DeployTarget" == "win64" ]; then AlphaFilePath="$Win64DeployPath/$AlphaKeyFile" elif [ "$DeployTarget" == "linux" ]; then AlphaFilePath="$LinuxDeployPath/$AlphaKeyFile" else AlphaFilePath="$MacDeployPath/$AlphaKeyFile" fi if [ ! -f "$AlphaFilePath" ]; then Error "Alpha key file for $AppVersionStrFull not found." fi while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do AlphaSignature="$line" done < "$AlphaFilePath" MacUpdateFile="${MacUpdateFile}_${AlphaSignature}" ARMacUpdateFile="${ARMacUpdateFile}_${AlphaSignature}" MacSetupFile="talpha${AlphaVersion}_${AlphaSignature}.zip" WinUpdateFile="${WinUpdateFile}_${AlphaSignature}" WinPortableFile="talpha${AlphaVersion}_${AlphaSignature}.zip" Win64UpdateFile="${Win64UpdateFile}_${AlphaSignature}" Win64PortableFile="talpha${AlphaVersion}_${AlphaSignature}.zip" LinuxUpdateFile="${LinuxUpdateFile}_${AlphaSignature}" LinuxSetupFile="talpha${AlphaVersion}_${AlphaSignature}.tar.xz" fi if [ "$DeployMac" == "1" ]; then if [ ! -f "$MacDeployPath/$MacUpdateFile" ]; then Error "$MacDeployPath/$MacUpdateFile not found!"; fi if [ ! -f "$MacDeployPath/$ARMacUpdateFile" ]; then Error "$MacDeployPath/$ARMacUpdateFile not found!"; fi if [ ! -f "$MacDeployPath/$MacSetupFile" ]; then Error "$MacDeployPath/$MacSetupFile not found!" fi fi if [ "$DeployWin" == "1" ]; then if [ ! -f "$WinDeployPath/$WinUpdateFile" ]; then Error "$WinUpdateFile not found!" fi if [ "$AlphaVersion" == "0" ]; then if [ ! -f "$WinDeployPath/$WinSetupFile" ]; then Error "$WinSetupFile not found!" fi fi if [ ! -f "$WinDeployPath/$WinPortableFile" ]; then Error "$WinPortableFile not found!" fi fi if [ "$DeployWin64" == "1" ]; then if [ ! -f "$Win64DeployPath/$Win64UpdateFile" ]; then Error "$Win64UpdateFile not found!" fi if [ "$AlphaVersion" == "0" ]; then if [ ! -f "$Win64DeployPath/$Win64SetupFile" ]; then Error "$Win64SetupFile not found!" fi fi if [ ! -f "$Win64DeployPath/$Win64PortableFile" ]; then Error "$Win64PortableFile not found!" fi fi if [ "$DeployLinux" == "1" ]; then if [ ! -f "$LinuxDeployPath/$LinuxUpdateFile" ]; then Error "$LinuxDeployPath/$LinuxUpdateFile not found!" fi if [ ! -f "$LinuxDeployPath/$LinuxSetupFile" ]; then Error "$LinuxDeployPath/$LinuxSetupFile not found!" fi fi $FullScriptPath/../../../DesktopPrivate/ declare -a Files if [ "$DeployMac" == "1" ]; then Files+=("tmac/$MacUpdateFile" "tmac/$ARMacUpdateFile" "tmac/$MacSetupFile") fi if [ "$DeployWin" == "1" ]; then Files+=("tsetup/$WinUpdateFile" "tsetup/$WinPortableFile") if [ "$AlphaVersion" == "0" ]; then Files+=("tsetup/$WinSetupFile") fi fi if [ "$DeployWin64" == "1" ]; then Files+=("tx64/$Win64UpdateFile" "tx64/$Win64PortableFile") if [ "$AlphaVersion" == "0" ]; then Files+=("tx64/$Win64SetupFile") fi fi if [ "$DeployLinux" == "1" ]; then Files+=("tlinux/$LinuxUpdateFile" "tlinux/$LinuxSetupFile") fi cd $DeployPath rsync -avR --progress ${Files[@]} "$FullScriptPath/../../../DesktopPrivate/remote/files" echo "Version $AppVersionStrFull was deployed!" cd $FullExecPath