/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "editor/photo_editor_layer_widget.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/boxes/confirm_box.h" // InformBox #include "editor/editor_layer_widget.h" #include "editor/photo_editor.h" #include "storage/localimageloader.h" #include "storage/storage_media_prepare.h" #include "ui/chat/attach/attach_prepare.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include namespace Editor { void OpenWithPreparedFile( not_null parent, std::shared_ptr show, not_null file, int previewWidth, Fn &&doneCallback) { using ImageInfo = Ui::PreparedFileInformation::Image; const auto image = std::get_if(&file->information->media); if (!image) { return; } const auto photoType = (file->type == Ui::PreparedFile::Type::Photo); const auto modifiedFileType = (file->type == Ui::PreparedFile::Type::File) && !image->modifications.empty(); if (!photoType && !modifiedFileType) { return; } const auto sideLimit = PhotoSideLimit(); auto callback = [=, done = std::move(doneCallback)]( const PhotoModifications &mods) { image->modifications = mods; Storage::UpdateImageDetails(*file, previewWidth, sideLimit); { using namespace Ui; const auto size = file->preview.size(); file->type = ValidateThumbDimensions(size.width(), size.height()) ? PreparedFile::Type::Photo : PreparedFile::Type::File; } done(); }; auto copy = image->data; const auto fileImage = std::make_shared(std::move(copy)); auto editor = base::make_unique_q( parent, show, show, fileImage, image->modifications); const auto raw = editor.get(); auto layer = std::make_unique(parent, std::move(editor)); InitEditorLayer(layer.get(), raw, std::move(callback)); show->showLayer(std::move(layer), Ui::LayerOption::KeepOther); } void PrepareProfilePhoto( not_null parent, not_null controller, EditorData data, Fn &&doneCallback, QImage &&image) { const auto resizeToMinSize = [=]( QImage &&image, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode) { const auto &minSize = kProfilePhotoSize; if ((image.width() < minSize) || (image.height() < minSize)) { return image.scaled( minSize, minSize, mode, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } return std::move(image); }; if (image.isNull() || (image.width() > (10 * image.height())) || (image.height() > (10 * image.width()))) { controller->show(Ui::MakeInformBox(tr::lng_bad_photo())); return; } image = resizeToMinSize( std::move(image), Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding); const auto fileImage = std::make_shared(std::move(image)); auto applyModifications = [=, done = std::move(doneCallback)]( const PhotoModifications &mods) { done(resizeToMinSize( ImageModified(fileImage->original(), mods), Qt::KeepAspectRatio)); }; auto crop = [&] { const auto &i = fileImage; const auto minSide = std::min(i->width(), i->height()); return QRect( (i->width() - minSide) / 2, (i->height() - minSide) / 2, minSide, minSide); }(); auto editor = base::make_unique_q( parent, controller, fileImage, PhotoModifications{ .crop = std::move(crop) }, data); const auto raw = editor.get(); auto layer = std::make_unique(parent, std::move(editor)); InitEditorLayer(layer.get(), raw, std::move(applyModifications)); controller->showLayer(std::move(layer), Ui::LayerOption::KeepOther); } void PrepareProfilePhotoFromFile( not_null parent, not_null controller, EditorData data, Fn &&doneCallback) { const auto callback = [=, done = std::move(doneCallback)]( const FileDialog::OpenResult &result) mutable { if (result.paths.isEmpty() && result.remoteContent.isEmpty()) { return; } auto image = Images::Read({ .path = result.paths.isEmpty() ? QString() : result.paths.front(), .content = result.remoteContent, .forceOpaque = true, }).image; PrepareProfilePhoto( parent, controller, data, std::move(done), std::move(image)); }; FileDialog::GetOpenPath( parent.get(), tr::lng_choose_image(tr::now), FileDialog::ImagesOrAllFilter(), crl::guard(parent, callback)); } } // namespace Editor