/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stickers/emoji_pan.h" #include "styles/style_stickers.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "boxes/confirmbox.h" #include "boxes/stickersetbox.h" #include "boxes/stickers_box.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_layout.h" #include "stickers/stickers.h" #include "historywidget.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "lang.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "auth_session.h" namespace internal { namespace { constexpr auto kSaveRecentEmojiTimeout = 3000; } // namespace EmojiColorPicker::EmojiColorPicker(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent) { setMouseTracking(true); auto w = st::emojiPanMargins.left() + st::emojiPanSize.width() + st::emojiColorsSep + st::emojiPanMargins.right(); auto h = st::emojiPanMargins.top() + 2 * st::emojiColorsPadding + st::emojiPanSize.height() + st::emojiPanMargins.bottom(); resize(w, h); _hideTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_hideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hideAnimated())); } void EmojiColorPicker::showEmoji(EmojiPtr emoji) { if (!emoji || !emoji->hasVariants()) { return; } _ignoreShow = false; _variants.resize(emoji->variantsCount() + 1); for (auto i = 0, size = _variants.size(); i != size; ++i) { _variants[i] = emoji->variant(i); } auto w = st::emojiPanMargins.left() + st::emojiPanSize.width() * _variants.size() + (_variants.size() - 2) * st::emojiColorsPadding + st::emojiColorsSep + st::emojiPanMargins.right(); auto h = st::emojiPanMargins.top() + 2 * st::emojiColorsPadding + st::emojiPanSize.height() + st::emojiPanMargins.bottom(); resize(w, h); if (!_cache.isNull()) _cache = QPixmap(); showAnimated(); } void EmojiColorPicker::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto opacity = _a_opacity.current(getms(), _hiding ? 0. : 1.); if (opacity < 1.) { if (opacity > 0.) { p.setOpacity(opacity); } else { return; } } if (e->rect() != rect()) { p.setClipRect(e->rect()); } auto inner = rect().marginsRemoved(st::emojiPanMargins); if (!_cache.isNull()) { p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _cache); return; } Ui::Shadow::paint(p, inner, width(), st::defaultRoundShadow); App::roundRect(p, inner, st::boxBg, BoxCorners); auto x = st::emojiPanMargins.left() + 2 * st::emojiColorsPadding + st::emojiPanSize.width(); if (rtl()) x = width() - x - st::emojiColorsSep; p.fillRect(x, st::emojiPanMargins.top() + st::emojiColorsPadding, st::emojiColorsSep, inner.height() - st::emojiColorsPadding * 2, st::emojiColorsSepColor); if (_variants.isEmpty()) return; for (auto i = 0, count = _variants.size(); i != count; ++i) { drawVariant(p, i); } } void EmojiColorPicker::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) { _hideTimer.stop(); if (_hiding) showAnimated(); TWidget::enterEventHook(e); } void EmojiColorPicker::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { TWidget::leaveEventHook(e); } void EmojiColorPicker::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); _pressedSel = _selected; } void EmojiColorPicker::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { handleMouseRelease(e->globalPos()); } void EmojiColorPicker::handleMouseRelease(QPoint globalPos) { _lastMousePos = globalPos; int32 pressed = _pressedSel; _pressedSel = -1; updateSelected(); if (_selected >= 0 && (pressed < 0 || _selected == pressed)) { emit emojiSelected(_variants[_selected]); } _ignoreShow = true; hideAnimated(); } void EmojiColorPicker::handleMouseMove(QPoint globalPos) { _lastMousePos = globalPos; updateSelected(); } void EmojiColorPicker::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { handleMouseMove(e->globalPos()); } void EmojiColorPicker::animationCallback() { update(); if (!_a_opacity.animating()) { _cache = QPixmap(); if (_hiding) { hide(); emit hidden(); } else { _lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); } } } void EmojiColorPicker::hideFast() { clearSelection(); _a_opacity.finish(); _cache = QPixmap(); hide(); emit hidden(); } void EmojiColorPicker::hideAnimated() { if (_cache.isNull()) { _cache = myGrab(this); clearSelection(); } _hiding = true; _a_opacity.start([this] { animationCallback(); }, 1., 0., st::emojiPanDuration); } void EmojiColorPicker::showAnimated() { if (_ignoreShow) return; if (!isHidden() && !_hiding) { return; } _hiding = false; if (_cache.isNull()) { _cache = myGrab(this); clearSelection(); } show(); _a_opacity.start([this] { animationCallback(); }, 0., 1., st::emojiPanDuration); } void EmojiColorPicker::clearSelection() { _pressedSel = -1; setSelected(-1); _lastMousePos = mapToGlobal(QPoint(-10, -10)); } void EmojiColorPicker::updateSelected() { auto newSelected = -1; auto p = mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos); auto sx = rtl() ? (width() - p.x()) : p.x(), y = p.y() - st::emojiPanMargins.top() - st::emojiColorsPadding; if (y >= 0 && y < st::emojiPanSize.height()) { auto x = sx - st::emojiPanMargins.left() - st::emojiColorsPadding; if (x >= 0 && x < st::emojiPanSize.width()) { newSelected = 0; } else { x -= st::emojiPanSize.width() + 2 * st::emojiColorsPadding + st::emojiColorsSep; if (x >= 0 && x < st::emojiPanSize.width() * (_variants.size() - 1)) { newSelected = (x / st::emojiPanSize.width()) + 1; } } } setSelected(newSelected); } void EmojiColorPicker::setSelected(int newSelected) { if (_selected == newSelected) { return; } auto updateSelectedRect = [this] { if (_selected < 0) return; rtlupdate(st::emojiPanMargins.left() + st::emojiColorsPadding + _selected * st::emojiPanSize.width() + (_selected ? 2 * st::emojiColorsPadding + st::emojiColorsSep : 0), st::emojiPanMargins.top() + st::emojiColorsPadding, st::emojiPanSize.width(), st::emojiPanSize.height()); }; updateSelectedRect(); _selected = newSelected; updateSelectedRect(); setCursor((_selected >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } void EmojiColorPicker::drawVariant(Painter &p, int variant) { QPoint w(st::emojiPanMargins.left() + st::emojiColorsPadding + variant * st::emojiPanSize.width() + (variant ? 2 * st::emojiColorsPadding + st::emojiColorsSep : 0), st::emojiPanMargins.top() + st::emojiColorsPadding); if (variant == _selected) { QPoint tl(w); if (rtl()) tl.setX(width() - tl.x() - st::emojiPanSize.width()); App::roundRect(p, QRect(tl, st::emojiPanSize), st::emojiPanHover, StickerHoverCorners); } auto esize = Ui::Emoji::Size(Ui::Emoji::Index() + 1); p.drawPixmapLeft(w.x() + (st::emojiPanSize.width() - (esize / cIntRetinaFactor())) / 2, w.y() + (st::emojiPanSize.height() - (esize / cIntRetinaFactor())) / 2, width(), App::emojiLarge(), QRect(_variants[variant]->x() * esize, _variants[variant]->y() * esize, esize, esize)); } EmojiPanInner::EmojiPanInner(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent) , _maxHeight(st::emojiPanMaxHeight - st::emojiCategory.height) , _picker(this) { resize(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::buttonRadius, countHeight()); setMouseTracking(true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); _picker->hide(); _esize = Ui::Emoji::Size(Ui::Emoji::Index() + 1); for (auto i = 0; i != emojiTabCount; ++i) { _counts[i] = Ui::Emoji::GetPackCount(emojiTabAtIndex(i)); } _showPickerTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_showPickerTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onShowPicker())); connect(_picker, SIGNAL(emojiSelected(EmojiPtr)), this, SLOT(onColorSelected(EmojiPtr))); connect(_picker, SIGNAL(hidden()), this, SLOT(onPickerHidden())); } void EmojiPanInner::setMaxHeight(int maxHeight) { _maxHeight = maxHeight; resize(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width, countHeight()); } void EmojiPanInner::setVisibleTopBottom(int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { _visibleTop = visibleTop; _visibleBottom = visibleBottom; } int EmojiPanInner::countHeight() { auto result = 0; for (auto i = 0; i != emojiTabCount; ++i) { auto cnt = Ui::Emoji::GetPackCount(emojiTabAtIndex(i)); auto rows = (cnt / EmojiPanPerRow) + ((cnt % EmojiPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); result += st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::emojiPanSize.height(); } return result + st::emojiPanPadding; } void EmojiPanInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); QRect r = e ? e->rect() : rect(); if (r != rect()) { p.setClipRect(r); } p.fillRect(r, st::emojiPanBg); int32 fromcol = floorclamp(r.x() - st::emojiPanPadding, st::emojiPanSize.width(), 0, EmojiPanPerRow); int32 tocol = ceilclamp(r.x() + r.width() - st::emojiPanPadding, st::emojiPanSize.width(), 0, EmojiPanPerRow); if (rtl()) { qSwap(fromcol, tocol); fromcol = EmojiPanPerRow - fromcol; tocol = EmojiPanPerRow - tocol; } int32 y, tilly = 0; for (int c = 0; c < emojiTabCount; ++c) { y = tilly; int32 size = _counts[c]; int32 rows = (size / EmojiPanPerRow) + ((size % EmojiPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); tilly = y + st::emojiPanHeader + (rows * st::emojiPanSize.height()); if (r.top() >= tilly) continue; y += st::emojiPanHeader; if (_emojis[c].isEmpty()) { _emojis[c] = Ui::Emoji::GetPack(emojiTabAtIndex(c)); if (emojiTabAtIndex(c) != dbietRecent) { for (auto &emoji : _emojis[c]) { if (emoji->hasVariants()) { auto j = cEmojiVariants().constFind(emoji->nonColoredId()); if (j != cEmojiVariants().cend()) { emoji = emoji->variant(j.value()); } } } } } int32 fromrow = floorclamp(r.y() - y, st::emojiPanSize.height(), 0, rows); int32 torow = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height() - y, st::emojiPanSize.height(), 0, rows); for (int32 i = fromrow; i < torow; ++i) { for (int32 j = fromcol; j < tocol; ++j) { int32 index = i * EmojiPanPerRow + j; if (index >= size) break; auto selected = (!_picker->isHidden() && c * MatrixRowShift + index == _pickerSel) || (c * MatrixRowShift + index == _selected); QPoint w(st::emojiPanPadding + j * st::emojiPanSize.width(), y + i * st::emojiPanSize.height()); if (selected) { QPoint tl(w); if (rtl()) tl.setX(width() - tl.x() - st::emojiPanSize.width()); App::roundRect(p, QRect(tl, st::emojiPanSize), st::emojiPanHover, StickerHoverCorners); } p.drawPixmapLeft(w.x() + (st::emojiPanSize.width() - (_esize / cIntRetinaFactor())) / 2, w.y() + (st::emojiPanSize.height() - (_esize / cIntRetinaFactor())) / 2, width(), App::emojiLarge(), QRect(_emojis[c][index]->x() * _esize, _emojis[c][index]->y() * _esize, _esize, _esize)); } } } } bool EmojiPanInner::checkPickerHide() { if (!_picker->isHidden() && _pickerSel >= 0) { _picker->hideAnimated(); _pickerSel = -1; updateSelected(); return true; } return false; } void EmojiPanInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); if (checkPickerHide() || e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } _pressedSel = _selected; if (_selected >= 0) { int tab = (_selected / MatrixRowShift), sel = _selected % MatrixRowShift; if (tab < emojiTabCount && sel < _emojis[tab].size() && _emojis[tab][sel]->hasVariants()) { _pickerSel = _selected; setCursor(style::cur_default); if (!cEmojiVariants().contains(_emojis[tab][sel]->nonColoredId())) { onShowPicker(); } else { _showPickerTimer.start(500); } } } } void EmojiPanInner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { int32 pressed = _pressedSel; _pressedSel = -1; _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); if (!_picker->isHidden()) { if (_picker->rect().contains(_picker->mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos))) { return _picker->handleMouseRelease(QCursor::pos()); } else if (_pickerSel >= 0) { int tab = (_pickerSel / MatrixRowShift), sel = _pickerSel % MatrixRowShift; if (tab < emojiTabCount && sel < _emojis[tab].size() && _emojis[tab][sel]->hasVariants()) { if (cEmojiVariants().contains(_emojis[tab][sel]->nonColoredId())) { _picker->hideAnimated(); _pickerSel = -1; } } } } updateSelected(); if (_showPickerTimer.isActive()) { _showPickerTimer.stop(); _pickerSel = -1; _picker->hide(); } if (_selected < 0 || _selected != pressed) return; if (_selected >= emojiTabCount * MatrixRowShift) { return; } int tab = (_selected / MatrixRowShift), sel = _selected % MatrixRowShift; if (sel < _emojis[tab].size()) { EmojiPtr emoji(_emojis[tab][sel]); if (emoji->hasVariants() && !_picker->isHidden()) return; selectEmoji(emoji); } } void EmojiPanInner::selectEmoji(EmojiPtr emoji) { auto &recent = cGetRecentEmoji(); auto i = recent.begin(), e = recent.end(); for (; i != e; ++i) { if (i->first == emoji) { ++i->second; if (i->second > 0x8000) { for (RecentEmojiPack::iterator j = recent.begin(); j != e; ++j) { if (j->second > 1) { j->second /= 2; } else { j->second = 1; } } } for (; i != recent.begin(); --i) { if ((i - 1)->second > i->second) { break; } qSwap(*i, *(i - 1)); } break; } } if (i == e) { while (recent.size() >= EmojiPanPerRow * EmojiPanRowsPerPage) recent.pop_back(); recent.push_back(qMakePair(emoji, 1)); for (i = recent.end() - 1; i != recent.begin(); --i) { if ((i - 1)->second > i->second) { break; } qSwap(*i, *(i - 1)); } } emit saveConfigDelayed(kSaveRecentEmojiTimeout); emit selected(emoji); } void EmojiPanInner::onShowPicker() { if (_pickerSel < 0) return; int tab = (_pickerSel / MatrixRowShift), sel = _pickerSel % MatrixRowShift; if (tab < emojiTabCount && sel < _emojis[tab].size() && _emojis[tab][sel]->hasVariants()) { _picker->showEmoji(_emojis[tab][sel]); int32 y = 0; for (int c = 0; c <= tab; ++c) { int32 size = (c == tab) ? (sel - (sel % EmojiPanPerRow)) : _counts[c], rows = (size / EmojiPanPerRow) + ((size % EmojiPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); y += st::emojiPanHeader + (rows * st::emojiPanSize.height()); } y -= _picker->height() - st::buttonRadius + _visibleTop; if (y < st::emojiPanHeader) { y += _picker->height() - st::buttonRadius + st::emojiPanSize.height() - st::buttonRadius; } int xmax = width() - _picker->width(); float64 coef = float64(sel % EmojiPanPerRow) / float64(EmojiPanPerRow - 1); if (rtl()) coef = 1. - coef; _picker->move(qRound(xmax * coef), y); emit disableScroll(true); } } void EmojiPanInner::onPickerHidden() { _pickerSel = -1; update(); emit disableScroll(false); _lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); } QRect EmojiPanInner::emojiRect(int tab, int sel) { int x = 0, y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < emojiTabCount; ++i) { if (i == tab) { int rows = (sel / EmojiPanPerRow); y += st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::emojiPanSize.height(); x = st::emojiPanPadding + ((sel % EmojiPanPerRow) * st::emojiPanSize.width()); break; } else { int cnt = _counts[i]; int rows = (cnt / EmojiPanPerRow) + ((cnt % EmojiPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); y += st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::emojiPanSize.height(); } } return QRect(x, y, st::emojiPanSize.width(), st::emojiPanSize.height()); } void EmojiPanInner::onColorSelected(EmojiPtr emoji) { if (emoji->hasVariants()) { cRefEmojiVariants().insert(emoji->nonColoredId(), emoji->variantIndex(emoji)); } if (_pickerSel >= 0) { int tab = (_pickerSel / MatrixRowShift), sel = _pickerSel % MatrixRowShift; if (tab >= 0 && tab < emojiTabCount) { _emojis[tab][sel] = emoji; rtlupdate(emojiRect(tab, sel)); } } selectEmoji(emoji); _picker->hideAnimated(); } void EmojiPanInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); if (!_picker->isHidden()) { if (_picker->rect().contains(_picker->mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos))) { return _picker->handleMouseMove(QCursor::pos()); } else { _picker->clearSelection(); } } updateSelected(); } void EmojiPanInner::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { clearSelection(); } void EmojiPanInner::leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { clearSelection(); } void EmojiPanInner::enterFromChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { _lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); } void EmojiPanInner::clearSelection() { _lastMousePos = mapToGlobal(QPoint(-10, -10)); _pressedSel = -1; setSelected(-1); } DBIEmojiTab EmojiPanInner::currentTab(int yOffset) const { int y, ytill = 0; for (int c = 0; c < emojiTabCount; ++c) { int cnt = _counts[c]; y = ytill; ytill = y + st::emojiPanHeader + ((cnt / EmojiPanPerRow) + ((cnt % EmojiPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0)) * st::emojiPanSize.height(); if (yOffset < ytill) { return emojiTabAtIndex(c); } } return emojiTabAtIndex(emojiTabCount - 1); } void EmojiPanInner::hideFinish() { if (!_picker->isHidden()) { _picker->hideFast(); _pickerSel = -1; clearSelection(); } } void EmojiPanInner::refreshRecent() { clearSelection(); _counts[0] = Ui::Emoji::GetPackCount(dbietRecent); _emojis[0] = Ui::Emoji::GetPack(dbietRecent); int32 h = countHeight(); if (h != height()) { resize(width(), h); emit needRefreshPanels(); } } void EmojiPanInner::fillPanels(QVector &panels) { if (_picker->parentWidget() != parentWidget()) { _picker->setParent(parentWidget()); } for (int32 i = 0; i < panels.size(); ++i) { panels.at(i)->hide(); panels.at(i)->deleteLater(); } panels.clear(); int y = 0; panels.reserve(emojiTabCount); for (int c = 0; c < emojiTabCount; ++c) { panels.push_back(new EmojiPanel(parentWidget(), lang(LangKey(lng_emoji_category0 + c)), Stickers::NoneSetId, true, y)); connect(panels.back(), SIGNAL(mousePressed()), this, SLOT(checkPickerHide())); int cnt = _counts[c], rows = (cnt / EmojiPanPerRow) + ((cnt % EmojiPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); panels.back()->show(); y += st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::emojiPanSize.height(); } _picker->raise(); } void EmojiPanInner::refreshPanels(QVector &panels) { if (panels.size() != emojiTabCount) return fillPanels(panels); int32 y = 0; for (int c = 0; c < emojiTabCount; ++c) { panels.at(c)->setWantedY(y); int cnt = _counts[c], rows = (cnt / EmojiPanPerRow) + ((cnt % EmojiPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); y += st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::emojiPanSize.height(); } } void EmojiPanInner::updateSelected() { if (_pressedSel >= 0 || _pickerSel >= 0) return; auto newSelected = -1; auto p = mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos); int y, ytill = 0, sx = (rtl() ? width() - p.x() : p.x()) - st::emojiPanPadding; for (int c = 0; c < emojiTabCount; ++c) { int cnt = _counts[c]; y = ytill; ytill = y + st::emojiPanHeader + ((cnt / EmojiPanPerRow) + ((cnt % EmojiPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0)) * st::emojiPanSize.height(); if (p.y() >= y && p.y() < ytill) { y += st::emojiPanHeader; if (p.y() >= y && sx >= 0 && sx < EmojiPanPerRow * st::emojiPanSize.width()) { newSelected = qFloor((p.y() - y) / st::emojiPanSize.height()) * EmojiPanPerRow + qFloor(sx / st::emojiPanSize.width()); if (newSelected >= _emojis[c].size()) { newSelected = -1; } else { newSelected += c * MatrixRowShift; } } break; } } setSelected(newSelected); } void EmojiPanInner::setSelected(int newSelected) { if (_selected == newSelected) { return; } auto updateSelected = [this]() { if (_selected < 0) return; rtlupdate(emojiRect(_selected / MatrixRowShift, _selected % MatrixRowShift)); }; updateSelected(); _selected = newSelected; updateSelected(); setCursor((_selected >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); if (_selected >= 0 && !_picker->isHidden()) { if (_selected != _pickerSel) { _picker->hideAnimated(); } else { _picker->showAnimated(); } } } void EmojiPanInner::showEmojiPack(DBIEmojiTab packIndex) { clearSelection(); refreshRecent(); int32 y = 0; for (int c = 0; c < emojiTabCount; ++c) { if (emojiTabAtIndex(c) == packIndex) break; int rows = (_counts[c] / EmojiPanPerRow) + ((_counts[c] % EmojiPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); y += st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::emojiPanSize.height(); } emit scrollToY(y); _lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); update(); } StickerPanInner::StickerPanInner(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent) , _section(cShowingSavedGifs() ? Section::Gifs : Section::Stickers) , _addText(lang(lng_stickers_featured_add).toUpper()) , _addWidth(st::stickersTrendingAdd.font->width(_addText)) , _settings(this, lang(lng_stickers_you_have)) { setMaxHeight(st::emojiPanMaxHeight - st::emojiCategory.height); setMouseTracking(true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); connect(_settings, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSettings())); _previewTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_previewTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onPreview())); _updateInlineItems.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_updateInlineItems, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onUpdateInlineItems())); subscribe(AuthSession::CurrentDownloaderTaskFinished(), [this] { update(); readVisibleSets(); }); } void StickerPanInner::setMaxHeight(int maxHeight) { _maxHeight = maxHeight; resize(st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::buttonRadius, countHeight()); _settings->moveToLeft((st::emojiPanWidth - _settings->width()) / 2, height() / 3); } void StickerPanInner::setVisibleTopBottom(int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { _visibleBottom = visibleBottom; if (_visibleTop != visibleTop) { _visibleTop = visibleTop; _lastScrolled = getms(); } if (_section == Section::Featured) { readVisibleSets(); } } void StickerPanInner::readVisibleSets() { auto itemsVisibleTop = _visibleTop - st::emojiPanHeader; auto itemsVisibleBottom = _visibleBottom - st::emojiPanHeader; auto rowHeight = featuredRowHeight(); int rowFrom = floorclamp(itemsVisibleTop, rowHeight, 0, _featuredSets.size()); int rowTo = ceilclamp(itemsVisibleBottom, rowHeight, 0, _featuredSets.size()); for (int i = rowFrom; i < rowTo; ++i) { auto &set = _featuredSets[i]; if (!(set.flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread)) { continue; } if (i * rowHeight < itemsVisibleTop || (i + 1) * rowHeight > itemsVisibleBottom) { continue; } int count = qMin(set.pack.size(), static_cast(StickerPanPerRow)); int loaded = 0; for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) { if (set.pack[j]->thumb->loaded() || set.pack[j]->loaded()) { ++loaded; } } if (loaded == count) { Stickers::markFeaturedAsRead(set.id); } } } int StickerPanInner::featuredRowHeight() const { return st::stickersTrendingHeader + st::stickerPanSize.height() + st::stickersTrendingSkip; } int StickerPanInner::countHeight(bool plain) { auto result = 0; auto minLastH = plain ? 0 : (_maxHeight - st::stickerPanPadding); if (showingInlineItems()) { result = st::emojiPanHeader; if (_switchPmButton) { result += _switchPmButton->height() + st::inlineResultsSkip; } for (int i = 0, l = _inlineRows.count(); i < l; ++i) { result += _inlineRows[i].height; } } else if (_section == Section::Featured) { result = st::emojiPanHeader + shownSets().size() * featuredRowHeight(); } else { auto &sets = shownSets(); for (auto i = 0; i != sets.size(); ++i) { auto cnt = sets[i].pack.size(); auto rows = (cnt / StickerPanPerRow) + ((cnt % StickerPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); auto h = st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::stickerPanSize.height(); if (i == sets.size() - 1 && h < minLastH) { h = minLastH; } result += h; } } return qMax(minLastH, result) + st::stickerPanPadding; } void StickerPanInner::installedLocally(uint64 setId) { _installedLocallySets.insert(setId); } void StickerPanInner::notInstalledLocally(uint64 setId) { _installedLocallySets.remove(setId); } void StickerPanInner::clearInstalledLocally() { if (!_installedLocallySets.empty()) { _installedLocallySets.clear(); refreshStickers(); } } StickerPanInner::~StickerPanInner() { clearInlineRows(true); deleteUnusedGifLayouts(); deleteUnusedInlineLayouts(); } int StickerPanInner::stickersLeft() const { return (st::stickerPanPadding - st::buttonRadius); } QRect StickerPanInner::stickerRect(int tab, int sel) { int x = 0, y = 0; if (_section == Section::Featured) { y += st::emojiPanHeader + (tab * featuredRowHeight()) + st::stickersTrendingHeader; x = stickersLeft() + (sel * st::stickerPanSize.width()); } else { auto &sets = shownSets(); for (int i = 0; i < sets.size(); ++i) { if (i == tab) { int rows = (((sel >= sets[i].pack.size()) ? (sel - sets[i].pack.size()) : sel) / StickerPanPerRow); y += st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::stickerPanSize.height(); x = stickersLeft() + ((sel % StickerPanPerRow) * st::stickerPanSize.width()); break; } else { int cnt = sets[i].pack.size(); int rows = (cnt / StickerPanPerRow) + ((cnt % StickerPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); y += st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::stickerPanSize.height(); } } } return QRect(x, y, st::stickerPanSize.width(), st::stickerPanSize.height()); } void StickerPanInner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); QRect r = e ? e->rect() : rect(); if (r != rect()) { p.setClipRect(r); } p.fillRect(r, st::emojiPanBg); if (showingInlineItems()) { paintInlineItems(p, r); } else { paintStickers(p, r); } } void StickerPanInner::paintInlineItems(Painter &p, const QRect &r) { if (_inlineRows.isEmpty() && !_switchPmButton) { p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.setPen(st::noContactsColor); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), (height() / 3) * 2 + st::normalFont->height), lang(lng_inline_bot_no_results), style::al_center); return; } auto gifPaused = Ui::isLayerShown() || Ui::isMediaViewShown() || _previewShown || !App::wnd()->isActive(); InlineBots::Layout::PaintContext context(getms(), false, gifPaused, false); auto top = st::emojiPanHeader; if (_switchPmButton) { top += _switchPmButton->height() + st::inlineResultsSkip; } auto fromx = rtl() ? (width() - r.x() - r.width()) : r.x(); auto tox = rtl() ? (width() - r.x()) : (r.x() + r.width()); for (auto row = 0, rows = _inlineRows.size(); row != rows; ++row) { auto &inlineRow = _inlineRows[row]; if (top >= r.top() + r.height()) break; if (top + inlineRow.height > r.top()) { auto left = st::inlineResultsLeft - st::buttonRadius; if (row == rows - 1) context.lastRow = true; for (int col = 0, cols = inlineRow.items.size(); col < cols; ++col) { if (left >= tox) break; auto item = inlineRow.items.at(col); auto w = item->width(); if (left + w > fromx) { p.translate(left, top); item->paint(p, r.translated(-left, -top), &context); p.translate(-left, -top); } left += w; if (item->hasRightSkip()) { left += st::inlineResultsSkip; } } } top += inlineRow.height; } } void StickerPanInner::paintStickers(Painter &p, const QRect &r) { int32 fromcol = floorclamp(r.x() - stickersLeft(), st::stickerPanSize.width(), 0, StickerPanPerRow); int32 tocol = ceilclamp(r.x() + r.width() - stickersLeft(), st::stickerPanSize.width(), 0, StickerPanPerRow); if (rtl()) { qSwap(fromcol, tocol); fromcol = StickerPanPerRow - fromcol; tocol = StickerPanPerRow - tocol; } auto &sets = shownSets(); auto seltab = (_selected >= 0) ? (_selected / MatrixRowShift) : -1; auto selindex = (seltab >= 0) ? (_selected % MatrixRowShift) : -1; auto seldelete = false; if (seltab >= sets.size()) { seltab = -1; } else if (seltab >= 0 && selindex >= sets[seltab].pack.size()) { selindex -= sets[seltab].pack.size(); seldelete = true; } auto tilly = 0; auto ms = getms(); if (_section == Section::Featured) { tilly += st::emojiPanHeader; for (int c = 0, l = sets.size(); c < l; ++c) { auto y = tilly; auto &set = sets[c]; tilly = y + featuredRowHeight(); if (r.top() >= tilly) continue; if (y >= r.y() + r.height()) break; int size = set.pack.size(); int widthForTitle = featuredContentWidth() - (st::emojiPanHeaderLeft - st::buttonRadius); if (featuredHasAddButton(c)) { auto add = featuredAddRect(c); auto selected = (_selectedFeaturedSetAdd == c) || (_pressedFeaturedSetAdd == c); auto &textBg = selected ? st::stickersTrendingAdd.textBgOver : st::stickersTrendingAdd.textBg; App::roundRect(p, myrtlrect(add), textBg, ImageRoundRadius::Small); if (set.ripple) { set.ripple->paint(p, add.x(), add.y(), width(), ms); if (set.ripple->empty()) { set.ripple.reset(); } } p.setFont(st::stickersTrendingAdd.font); p.setPen(selected ? st::stickersTrendingAdd.textFgOver : st::stickersTrendingAdd.textFg); p.drawTextLeft(add.x() - (st::stickersTrendingAdd.width / 2), add.y() + st::stickersTrendingAdd.textTop, width(), _addText, _addWidth); widthForTitle -= add.width() - (st::stickersTrendingAdd.width / 2); } else { auto add = featuredAddRect(c); int checkx = add.left() + (add.width() - st::stickersFeaturedInstalled.width()) / 2; int checky = add.top() + (add.height() - st::stickersFeaturedInstalled.height()) / 2; st::stickersFeaturedInstalled.paint(p, QPoint(checkx, checky), width()); } if (set.flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread) { widthForTitle -= st::stickersFeaturedUnreadSize + st::stickersFeaturedUnreadSkip; } auto titleText = set.title; auto titleWidth = st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont->width(titleText); if (titleWidth > widthForTitle) { titleText = st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont->elided(titleText, widthForTitle); titleWidth = st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont->width(titleText); } p.setFont(st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont); p.setPen(st::stickersTrendingHeaderFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::emojiPanHeaderLeft - st::buttonRadius, y + st::stickersTrendingHeaderTop, width(), titleText, titleWidth); if (set.flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread) { p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st::stickersFeaturedUnreadBg); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(rtlrect(st::emojiPanHeaderLeft - st::buttonRadius + titleWidth + st::stickersFeaturedUnreadSkip, y + st::stickersTrendingHeaderTop + st::stickersFeaturedUnreadTop, st::stickersFeaturedUnreadSize, st::stickersFeaturedUnreadSize, width())); } } p.setFont(st::stickersTrendingSubheaderFont); p.setPen(st::stickersTrendingSubheaderFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::emojiPanHeaderLeft - st::buttonRadius, y + st::stickersTrendingSubheaderTop, width(), lng_stickers_count(lt_count, size)); y += st::stickersTrendingHeader; if (y >= r.y() + r.height()) break; for (int j = fromcol; j < tocol; ++j) { int index = j; if (index >= size) break; auto selected = (seltab == c && selindex == index); auto deleteSelected = selected && seldelete; paintSticker(p, set, y, index, selected, deleteSelected); } } } else { for (int c = 0, l = sets.size(); c < l; ++c) { auto y = tilly; auto &set = sets[c]; auto size = set.pack.size(); auto rows = (size / StickerPanPerRow) + ((size % StickerPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); tilly = y + st::emojiPanHeader + (rows * st::stickerPanSize.height()); if (r.y() >= tilly) continue; bool special = (set.flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_official); y += st::emojiPanHeader; if (y >= r.y() + r.height()) break; int fromrow = floorclamp(r.y() - y, st::stickerPanSize.height(), 0, rows); int torow = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height() - y, st::stickerPanSize.height(), 0, rows); for (int i = fromrow; i < torow; ++i) { for (int j = fromcol; j < tocol; ++j) { int index = i * StickerPanPerRow + j; if (index >= size) break; auto selected = (seltab == c && selindex == index); auto deleteSelected = selected && seldelete; paintSticker(p, set, y, index, selected, deleteSelected); } } } } } void StickerPanInner::paintSticker(Painter &p, Set &set, int y, int index, bool selected, bool deleteSelected) { auto sticker = set.pack[index]; if (!sticker->sticker()) return; int row = (index / StickerPanPerRow), col = (index % StickerPanPerRow); QPoint pos(stickersLeft() + col * st::stickerPanSize.width(), y + row * st::stickerPanSize.height()); if (selected) { QPoint tl(pos); if (rtl()) tl.setX(width() - tl.x() - st::stickerPanSize.width()); App::roundRect(p, QRect(tl, st::stickerPanSize), st::emojiPanHover, StickerHoverCorners); } bool goodThumb = !sticker->thumb->isNull() && ((sticker->thumb->width() >= 128) || (sticker->thumb->height() >= 128)); if (goodThumb) { sticker->thumb->load(); } else { sticker->checkSticker(); } float64 coef = qMin((st::stickerPanSize.width() - st::buttonRadius * 2) / float64(sticker->dimensions.width()), (st::stickerPanSize.height() - st::buttonRadius * 2) / float64(sticker->dimensions.height())); if (coef > 1) coef = 1; int32 w = qRound(coef * sticker->dimensions.width()), h = qRound(coef * sticker->dimensions.height()); if (w < 1) w = 1; if (h < 1) h = 1; QPoint ppos = pos + QPoint((st::stickerPanSize.width() - w) / 2, (st::stickerPanSize.height() - h) / 2); if (goodThumb) { p.drawPixmapLeft(ppos, width(), sticker->thumb->pix(w, h)); } else if (!sticker->sticker()->img->isNull()) { p.drawPixmapLeft(ppos, width(), sticker->sticker()->img->pix(w, h)); } if (selected && set.id == Stickers::RecentSetId && _custom.at(index)) { QPoint xPos = pos + QPoint(st::stickerPanSize.width() - st::stickerPanDelete.width(), 0); if (!deleteSelected) p.setOpacity(st::stickerPanDeleteOpacity); st::stickerPanDelete.paint(p, xPos, width()); if (!deleteSelected) p.setOpacity(1.); } } bool StickerPanInner::featuredHasAddButton(int index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= _featuredSets.size()) { return false; } auto flags = _featuredSets[index].flags; return !(flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed) || (flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived); } int StickerPanInner::featuredContentWidth() const { return stickersLeft() + (StickerPanPerRow * st::stickerPanSize.width()); } QRect StickerPanInner::featuredAddRect(int index) const { int addw = _addWidth - st::stickersTrendingAdd.width; int addh = st::stickersTrendingAdd.height; int addx = featuredContentWidth() - addw; int addy = st::emojiPanHeader + index * featuredRowHeight() + st::stickersTrendingAddTop; return QRect(addx, addy, addw, addh); } void StickerPanInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); _pressed = _selected; _pressedFeaturedSet = _selectedFeaturedSet; setPressedFeaturedSetAdd(_selectedFeaturedSetAdd); ClickHandler::pressed(); _previewTimer.start(QApplication::startDragTime()); } void StickerPanInner::setPressedFeaturedSetAdd(int newPressedFeaturedSetAdd) { if (_pressedFeaturedSetAdd >= 0 && _pressedFeaturedSetAdd < _featuredSets.size()) { auto &set = _featuredSets[_pressedFeaturedSetAdd]; if (set.ripple) { set.ripple->lastStop(); } } _pressedFeaturedSetAdd = newPressedFeaturedSetAdd; if (_pressedFeaturedSetAdd >= 0 && _pressedFeaturedSetAdd < _featuredSets.size()) { auto &set = _featuredSets[_pressedFeaturedSetAdd]; if (!set.ripple) { auto maskSize = QSize(_addWidth - st::stickersTrendingAdd.width, st::stickersTrendingAdd.height); auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::roundRectMask(maskSize, st::buttonRadius); set.ripple = MakeShared(st::stickersTrendingAdd.ripple, std::move(mask), [this, index = _pressedFeaturedSetAdd] { update(myrtlrect(featuredAddRect(index))); }); } auto rect = myrtlrect(featuredAddRect(_pressedFeaturedSetAdd)); set.ripple->add(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - rect.topLeft()); } } void StickerPanInner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _previewTimer.stop(); auto pressed = std::exchange(_pressed, -1); auto pressedFeaturedSet = std::exchange(_pressedFeaturedSet, -1); auto pressedFeaturedSetAdd = _pressedFeaturedSetAdd; setPressedFeaturedSetAdd(-1); if (pressedFeaturedSetAdd != _selectedFeaturedSetAdd) { update(); } auto activated = ClickHandler::unpressed(); if (_previewShown) { _previewShown = false; return; } _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); if (showingInlineItems()) { if (_selected < 0 || _selected != pressed || !activated) { return; } if (dynamic_cast(activated.data())) { int row = _selected / MatrixRowShift, column = _selected % MatrixRowShift; selectInlineResult(row, column); } else { App::activateClickHandler(activated, e->button()); } return; } auto &sets = shownSets(); if (_selected >= 0 && _selected < MatrixRowShift * sets.size() && _selected == pressed) { int tab = (_selected / MatrixRowShift), sel = _selected % MatrixRowShift; if (sets[tab].id == Stickers::RecentSetId && sel >= sets[tab].pack.size() && sel < sets[tab].pack.size() * 2 && _custom.at(sel - sets[tab].pack.size())) { removeRecentSticker(tab, sel - sets[tab].pack.size()); return; } if (sel < sets[tab].pack.size()) { emit selected(sets[tab].pack[sel]); } } else if (_selectedFeaturedSet >= 0 && _selectedFeaturedSet < sets.size() && _selectedFeaturedSet == pressedFeaturedSet) { emit displaySet(sets[_selectedFeaturedSet].id); } else if (_selectedFeaturedSetAdd >= 0 && _selectedFeaturedSetAdd < sets.size() && _selectedFeaturedSetAdd == pressedFeaturedSetAdd) { emit installSet(sets[_selectedFeaturedSetAdd].id); } } void StickerPanInner::selectInlineResult(int row, int column) { if (row >= _inlineRows.size() || column >= _inlineRows.at(row).items.size()) { return; } auto item = _inlineRows[row].items[column]; if (auto photo = item->getPhoto()) { if (photo->medium->loaded() || photo->thumb->loaded()) { emit selected(photo); } else if (!photo->medium->loading()) { photo->thumb->loadEvenCancelled(); photo->medium->loadEvenCancelled(); } } else if (auto document = item->getDocument()) { if (document->loaded()) { emit selected(document); } else if (document->loading()) { document->cancel(); } else { DocumentOpenClickHandler::doOpen(document, nullptr, ActionOnLoadNone); } } else if (auto inlineResult = item->getResult()) { if (inlineResult->onChoose(item)) { emit selected(inlineResult, _inlineBot); } } } void StickerPanInner::removeRecentSticker(int tab, int index) { if (_section != Section::Stickers || tab >= _mySets.size() || _mySets[tab].id != Stickers::RecentSetId) { return; } clearSelection(); bool refresh = false; auto sticker = _mySets[tab].pack[index]; auto &recent = cGetRecentStickers(); for (int32 i = 0, l = recent.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (recent.at(i).first == sticker) { recent.removeAt(i); Local::writeUserSettings(); refresh = true; break; } } auto &sets = Global::RefStickerSets(); auto it = sets.find(Stickers::CustomSetId); if (it != sets.cend()) { for (int i = 0, l = it->stickers.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (it->stickers.at(i) == sticker) { it->stickers.removeAt(i); if (it->stickers.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(it); } Local::writeInstalledStickers(); refresh = true; break; } } } if (refresh) { refreshRecentStickers(); updateSelected(); update(); } } void StickerPanInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); } void StickerPanInner::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { clearSelection(); } void StickerPanInner::leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { clearSelection(); } void StickerPanInner::enterFromChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { _lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); } bool StickerPanInner::showSectionIcons() const { return !inlineResultsShown(); } void StickerPanInner::clearSelection() { if (showingInlineItems()) { if (_selected >= 0) { int srow = _selected / MatrixRowShift, scol = _selected % MatrixRowShift; t_assert(srow >= 0 && srow < _inlineRows.size() && scol >= 0 && scol < _inlineRows.at(srow).items.size()); ClickHandler::clearActive(_inlineRows.at(srow).items.at(scol)); setCursor(style::cur_default); } _selected = _pressed = -1; } else { _pressed = -1; _pressedFeaturedSet = -1; setSelected(-1, -1, -1); setPressedFeaturedSetAdd(-1); } update(); } void StickerPanInner::hideFinish(bool completely) { if (completely) { auto itemForget = [](auto &item) { if (auto document = item->getDocument()) { document->forget(); } if (auto photo = item->getPhoto()) { photo->forget(); } if (auto result = item->getResult()) { result->forget(); } }; clearInlineRows(false); for_const (auto &item, _gifLayouts) { itemForget(item.second); } for_const (auto &item, _inlineLayouts) { itemForget(item.second); } clearInstalledLocally(); } // Reset to the recent stickers section. if (_section == Section::Featured) { _section = Section::Stickers; } } void StickerPanInner::refreshStickers() { auto stickersShown = (_section == Section::Stickers || _section == Section::Featured); if (stickersShown) { clearSelection(); } _mySets.clear(); _mySets.reserve(Global::StickerSetsOrder().size() + 1); refreshRecentStickers(false); for_const (auto setId, Global::StickerSetsOrder()) { appendSet(_mySets, setId, AppendSkip::Archived); } _featuredSets.clear(); _featuredSets.reserve(Global::FeaturedStickerSetsOrder().size()); for_const (auto setId, Global::FeaturedStickerSetsOrder()) { appendSet(_featuredSets, setId, AppendSkip::Installed); } if (stickersShown) { int h = countHeight(); if (h != height()) resize(width(), h); _settings->setVisible(_section == Section::Stickers && _mySets.isEmpty()); } else { _settings->hide(); } emit refreshIcons(kRefreshIconsNoAnimation); if (stickersShown) updateSelected(); } bool StickerPanInner::inlineRowsAddItem(DocumentData *savedGif, InlineResult *result, InlineRow &row, int32 &sumWidth) { InlineItem *layout = nullptr; if (savedGif) { layout = layoutPrepareSavedGif(savedGif, (_inlineRows.size() * MatrixRowShift) + row.items.size()); } else if (result) { layout = layoutPrepareInlineResult(result, (_inlineRows.size() * MatrixRowShift) + row.items.size()); } if (!layout) return false; layout->preload(); if (inlineRowFinalize(row, sumWidth, layout->isFullLine())) { layout->setPosition(_inlineRows.size() * MatrixRowShift); } sumWidth += layout->maxWidth(); if (!row.items.isEmpty() && row.items.back()->hasRightSkip()) { sumWidth += st::inlineResultsSkip; } row.items.push_back(layout); return true; } bool StickerPanInner::inlineRowFinalize(InlineRow &row, int32 &sumWidth, bool force) { if (row.items.isEmpty()) return false; auto full = (row.items.size() >= kInlineItemsMaxPerRow); auto big = (sumWidth >= st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiScroll.width - st::inlineResultsLeft); if (full || big || force) { _inlineRows.push_back(layoutInlineRow(row, (full || big) ? sumWidth : 0)); row = InlineRow(); row.items.reserve(kInlineItemsMaxPerRow); sumWidth = 0; return true; } return false; } void StickerPanInner::refreshSavedGifs() { if (_section == Section::Gifs) { _settings->hide(); clearInlineRows(false); auto &saved = cSavedGifs(); if (saved.isEmpty()) { showStickerSet(Stickers::RecentSetId); return; } else { _inlineRows.reserve(saved.size()); auto row = InlineRow(); row.items.reserve(kInlineItemsMaxPerRow); auto sumWidth = 0; for_const (auto &gif, saved) { inlineRowsAddItem(gif, 0, row, sumWidth); } inlineRowFinalize(row, sumWidth, true); } deleteUnusedGifLayouts(); int32 h = countHeight(); if (h != height()) resize(width(), h); update(); } emit refreshIcons(kRefreshIconsNoAnimation); updateSelected(); } void StickerPanInner::inlineBotChanged() { refreshInlineRows(nullptr, nullptr, true); } void StickerPanInner::clearInlineRows(bool resultsDeleted) { if (resultsDeleted) { if (showingInlineItems()) { _selected = _pressed = -1; } } else { if (showingInlineItems()) { clearSelection(); } for_const (auto &row, _inlineRows) { for_const (auto &item, row.items) { item->setPosition(-1); } } } _inlineRows.clear(); } InlineItem *StickerPanInner::layoutPrepareSavedGif(DocumentData *doc, int32 position) { auto it = _gifLayouts.find(doc); if (it == _gifLayouts.cend()) { if (auto layout = InlineItem::createLayoutGif(this, doc)) { it = _gifLayouts.emplace(doc, std::move(layout)).first; it->second->initDimensions(); } else { return nullptr; } } if (!it->second->maxWidth()) return nullptr; it->second->setPosition(position); return it->second.get(); } InlineItem *StickerPanInner::layoutPrepareInlineResult(InlineResult *result, int32 position) { auto it = _inlineLayouts.find(result); if (it == _inlineLayouts.cend()) { if (auto layout = InlineItem::createLayout(this, result, _inlineWithThumb)) { it = _inlineLayouts.emplace(result, std::move(layout)).first; it->second->initDimensions(); } else { return nullptr; } } if (!it->second->maxWidth()) return nullptr; it->second->setPosition(position); return it->second.get(); } void StickerPanInner::deleteUnusedGifLayouts() { if (_inlineRows.isEmpty() || _section != Section::Gifs) { // delete all _gifLayouts.clear(); } else { for (auto i = _gifLayouts.begin(); i != _gifLayouts.cend();) { if (i->second->position() < 0) { i = _gifLayouts.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } } void StickerPanInner::deleteUnusedInlineLayouts() { if (_inlineRows.isEmpty() || _section == Section::Gifs) { // delete all _inlineLayouts.clear(); } else { for (auto i = _inlineLayouts.begin(); i != _inlineLayouts.cend();) { if (i->second->position() < 0) { i = _inlineLayouts.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } } StickerPanInner::InlineRow &StickerPanInner::layoutInlineRow(InlineRow &row, int32 sumWidth) { auto count = int(row.items.size()); t_assert(count <= kInlineItemsMaxPerRow); // enumerate items in the order of growing maxWidth() // for that sort item indices by maxWidth() int indices[kInlineItemsMaxPerRow]; for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { indices[i] = i; } std::sort(indices, indices + count, [&row](int a, int b) -> bool { return row.items.at(a)->maxWidth() < row.items.at(b)->maxWidth(); }); row.height = 0; int availw = width() - (st::inlineResultsLeft - st::buttonRadius); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int index = indices[i]; int w = sumWidth ? (row.items.at(index)->maxWidth() * availw / sumWidth) : row.items.at(index)->maxWidth(); int actualw = qMax(w, int(st::inlineResultsMinWidth)); row.height = qMax(row.height, row.items.at(index)->resizeGetHeight(actualw)); if (sumWidth) { availw -= actualw; sumWidth -= row.items.at(index)->maxWidth(); if (index > 0 && row.items.at(index - 1)->hasRightSkip()) { availw -= st::inlineResultsSkip; sumWidth -= st::inlineResultsSkip; } } } return row; } void StickerPanInner::preloadImages() { if (showingInlineItems()) { for (int32 row = 0, rows = _inlineRows.size(); row < rows; ++row) { for (int32 col = 0, cols = _inlineRows.at(row).items.size(); col < cols; ++col) { _inlineRows.at(row).items.at(col)->preload(); } } return; } auto &sets = shownSets(); for (int i = 0, l = sets.size(), k = 0; i < l; ++i) { int count = sets[i].pack.size(); if (_section == Section::Featured) { accumulate_min(count, static_cast(StickerPanPerRow)); } for (int j = 0; j != count; ++j) { if (++k > StickerPanPerRow * (StickerPanPerRow + 1)) break; auto sticker = sets.at(i).pack.at(j); if (!sticker || !sticker->sticker()) continue; bool goodThumb = !sticker->thumb->isNull() && ((sticker->thumb->width() >= 128) || (sticker->thumb->height() >= 128)); if (goodThumb) { sticker->thumb->load(); } else { sticker->automaticLoad(0); } } if (k > StickerPanPerRow * (StickerPanPerRow + 1)) break; } } uint64 StickerPanInner::currentSet(int yOffset) const { if (showingInlineItems()) { return Stickers::NoneSetId; } else if (_section == Section::Featured) { return Stickers::FeaturedSetId; } int y, ytill = 0; for (int i = 0, l = _mySets.size(); i < l; ++i) { int cnt = _mySets[i].pack.size(); y = ytill; ytill = y + st::emojiPanHeader + ((cnt / StickerPanPerRow) + ((cnt % StickerPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0)) * st::stickerPanSize.height(); if (yOffset < ytill) { return _mySets[i].id; } } return _mySets.isEmpty() ? Stickers::RecentSetId : _mySets.back().id; } void StickerPanInner::hideInlineRowsPanel() { clearInlineRows(false); if (showingInlineItems()) { _section = cShowingSavedGifs() ? Section::Gifs : Section::Inlines; if (_section == Section::Gifs) { refreshSavedGifs(); emit scrollToY(0); emit scrollUpdated(); } else { showStickerSet(Stickers::RecentSetId); } } } void StickerPanInner::clearInlineRowsPanel() { clearInlineRows(false); } void StickerPanInner::refreshSwitchPmButton(const InlineCacheEntry *entry) { if (!entry || entry->switchPmText.isEmpty()) { _switchPmButton.destroy(); _switchPmStartToken.clear(); } else { if (!_switchPmButton) { _switchPmButton.create(this, QString(), st::switchPmButton); _switchPmButton->show(); _switchPmButton->setTextTransform(Ui::RoundButton::TextTransform::NoTransform); connect(_switchPmButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSwitchPm())); } _switchPmButton->setText(entry->switchPmText); // doesn't perform text.toUpper() _switchPmStartToken = entry->switchPmStartToken; auto buttonTop = entry->results.empty() ? (2 * st::emojiPanHeader) : st::emojiPanHeader; _switchPmButton->move(st::inlineResultsLeft - st::buttonRadius, buttonTop); } update(); } int StickerPanInner::refreshInlineRows(UserData *bot, const InlineCacheEntry *entry, bool resultsDeleted) { _inlineBot = bot; refreshSwitchPmButton(entry); auto clearResults = [this, entry]() { if (!entry) { return true; } if (entry->results.empty() && entry->switchPmText.isEmpty()) { if (!_inlineBot) { return true; } } return false; }; auto clearResultsResult = clearResults(); // Clang segfault workaround. if (clearResultsResult) { if (resultsDeleted) { clearInlineRows(true); deleteUnusedInlineLayouts(); } emit emptyInlineRows(); return 0; } clearSelection(); t_assert(_inlineBot != 0); _inlineBotTitle = lng_inline_bot_results(lt_inline_bot, _inlineBot->username.isEmpty() ? _inlineBot->name : ('@' + _inlineBot->username)); _section = Section::Inlines; _settings->hide(); auto count = int(entry->results.size()); auto from = validateExistingInlineRows(entry->results); auto added = 0; if (count) { _inlineRows.reserve(count); auto row = InlineRow(); row.items.reserve(kInlineItemsMaxPerRow); auto sumWidth = 0; for (auto i = from; i != count; ++i) { if (inlineRowsAddItem(0, entry->results[i].get(), row, sumWidth)) { ++added; } } inlineRowFinalize(row, sumWidth, true); } int32 h = countHeight(); if (h != height()) resize(width(), h); update(); emit refreshIcons(kRefreshIconsNoAnimation); _lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); return added; } int StickerPanInner::validateExistingInlineRows(const InlineResults &results) { int count = results.size(), until = 0, untilrow = 0, untilcol = 0; for (; until < count;) { if (untilrow >= _inlineRows.size() || _inlineRows[untilrow].items[untilcol]->getResult() != results[until].get()) { break; } ++until; if (++untilcol == _inlineRows[untilrow].items.size()) { ++untilrow; untilcol = 0; } } if (until == count) { // all items are layed out if (untilrow == _inlineRows.size()) { // nothing changed return until; } for (int i = untilrow, l = _inlineRows.size(), skip = untilcol; i < l; ++i) { for (int j = 0, s = _inlineRows[i].items.size(); j < s; ++j) { if (skip) { --skip; } else { _inlineRows[i].items[j]->setPosition(-1); } } } if (!untilcol) { // all good rows are filled _inlineRows.resize(untilrow); return until; } _inlineRows.resize(untilrow + 1); _inlineRows[untilrow].items.resize(untilcol); _inlineRows[untilrow] = layoutInlineRow(_inlineRows[untilrow]); return until; } if (untilrow && !untilcol) { // remove last row, maybe it is not full --untilrow; untilcol = _inlineRows[untilrow].items.size(); } until -= untilcol; for (int i = untilrow, l = _inlineRows.size(); i < l; ++i) { for (int j = 0, s = _inlineRows[i].items.size(); j < s; ++j) { _inlineRows[i].items[j]->setPosition(-1); } } _inlineRows.resize(untilrow); if (_inlineRows.isEmpty()) { _inlineWithThumb = false; for (int i = until; i < count; ++i) { if (results.at(i)->hasThumbDisplay()) { _inlineWithThumb = true; break; } } } return until; } void StickerPanInner::inlineItemLayoutChanged(const InlineItem *layout) { if (_selected < 0 || !showingInlineItems() || !isVisible()) { return; } int row = _selected / MatrixRowShift, col = _selected % MatrixRowShift; if (row < _inlineRows.size() && col < _inlineRows.at(row).items.size()) { if (layout == _inlineRows.at(row).items.at(col)) { updateSelected(); } } } void StickerPanInner::inlineItemRepaint(const InlineItem *layout) { auto ms = getms(); if (_lastScrolled + 100 <= ms) { update(); } else { _updateInlineItems.start(_lastScrolled + 100 - ms); } } bool StickerPanInner::inlineItemVisible(const InlineItem *layout) { int32 position = layout->position(); if (!showingInlineItems() || position < 0 || !isVisible()) { return false; } int row = position / MatrixRowShift, col = position % MatrixRowShift; t_assert((row < _inlineRows.size()) && (col < _inlineRows[row].items.size())); auto &inlineItems = _inlineRows[row].items; int top = st::emojiPanHeader; for (int32 i = 0; i < row; ++i) { top += _inlineRows.at(i).height; } return (top < _visibleTop + _maxHeight) && (top + _inlineRows[row].items[col]->height() > _visibleTop); } bool StickerPanInner::ui_isInlineItemBeingChosen() { return showingInlineItems(); } void StickerPanInner::appendSet(Sets &to, uint64 setId, AppendSkip skip) { auto &sets = Global::StickerSets(); auto it = sets.constFind(setId); if (it == sets.cend() || it->stickers.isEmpty()) return; if ((skip == AppendSkip::Archived) && (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived)) return; if ((skip == AppendSkip::Installed) && (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed) && !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived)) { if (!_installedLocallySets.contains(setId)) { return; } } to.push_back(Set(it->id, it->flags, it->title, it->stickers.size() + 1, it->stickers)); } void StickerPanInner::refreshRecent() { if (_section == Section::Gifs) { refreshSavedGifs(); } else if (_section == Section::Stickers) { refreshRecentStickers(); } } void StickerPanInner::refreshRecentStickers(bool performResize) { _custom.clear(); clearSelection(); auto &sets = Global::StickerSets(); auto &recent = cGetRecentStickers(); auto customIt = sets.constFind(Stickers::CustomSetId); auto cloudIt = sets.constFind(Stickers::CloudRecentSetId); if (recent.isEmpty() && (customIt == sets.cend() || customIt->stickers.isEmpty()) && (cloudIt == sets.cend() || cloudIt->stickers.isEmpty())) { if (!_mySets.isEmpty() && _mySets.at(0).id == Stickers::RecentSetId) { _mySets.pop_front(); } } else { StickerPack recentPack; int customCnt = (customIt == sets.cend()) ? 0 : customIt->stickers.size(); int cloudCnt = (cloudIt == sets.cend()) ? 0 : cloudIt->stickers.size(); recentPack.reserve(cloudCnt + recent.size() + customCnt); _custom.reserve(cloudCnt + recent.size() + customCnt); if (cloudCnt > 0) { for_const (auto sticker, cloudIt->stickers) { recentPack.push_back(sticker); _custom.push_back(false); } } for_const (auto &recentSticker, recent) { auto sticker = recentSticker.first; recentPack.push_back(sticker); _custom.push_back(false); } if (customCnt > 0) { for_const (auto &sticker, customIt->stickers) { auto index = recentPack.indexOf(sticker); if (index >= cloudCnt) { _custom[index] = true; // mark stickers from recent as custom } else { recentPack.push_back(sticker); _custom.push_back(true); } } } if (_mySets.isEmpty() || _mySets.at(0).id != Stickers::RecentSetId) { _mySets.push_back(Set(Stickers::RecentSetId, MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_official | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special, lang(lng_recent_stickers), recentPack.size() * 2, recentPack)); } else { _mySets[0].pack = recentPack; } } if (performResize && (_section == Section::Stickers || _section == Section::Featured)) { int32 h = countHeight(); if (h != height()) { resize(width(), h); emit needRefreshPanels(); } updateSelected(); } } void StickerPanInner::fillIcons(QList &icons) { icons.clear(); icons.reserve(_mySets.size() + 1); if (!cSavedGifs().isEmpty()) { icons.push_back(StickerIcon(Stickers::NoneSetId)); } if (Global::FeaturedStickerSetsUnreadCount() && !_featuredSets.isEmpty()) { icons.push_back(StickerIcon(Stickers::FeaturedSetId)); } if (!_mySets.isEmpty()) { int i = 0; if (_mySets[0].id == Stickers::RecentSetId) { ++i; icons.push_back(StickerIcon(Stickers::RecentSetId)); } for (int l = _mySets.size(); i < l; ++i) { auto s = _mySets[i].pack[0]; int32 availw = st::emojiCategory.width - 2 * st::stickerIconPadding, availh = st::emojiCategory.height - 2 * st::stickerIconPadding; int32 thumbw = s->thumb->width(), thumbh = s->thumb->height(), pixw = 1, pixh = 1; if (availw * thumbh > availh * thumbw) { pixh = availh; pixw = (pixh * thumbw) / thumbh; } else { pixw = availw; pixh = thumbw ? ((pixw * thumbh) / thumbw) : 1; } if (pixw < 1) pixw = 1; if (pixh < 1) pixh = 1; icons.push_back(StickerIcon(_mySets[i].id, s, pixw, pixh)); } } if (!Global::FeaturedStickerSetsUnreadCount() && !_featuredSets.isEmpty()) { icons.push_back(StickerIcon(Stickers::FeaturedSetId)); } } void StickerPanInner::fillPanels(QVector &panels) { for (int32 i = 0; i < panels.size(); ++i) { panels.at(i)->hide(); panels.at(i)->deleteLater(); } panels.clear(); if (_section != Section::Stickers) { auto title = [this]() -> QString { if (_section == Section::Gifs) { return lang(lng_saved_gifs); } else if (_section == Section::Inlines) { return _inlineBotTitle; } return lang(lng_stickers_featured); }; panels.push_back(new EmojiPanel(parentWidget(), title(), Stickers::NoneSetId, true, 0)); panels.back()->show(); return; } if (_mySets.isEmpty()) return; int y = 0; panels.reserve(_mySets.size()); for (int32 i = 0, l = _mySets.size(); i < l; ++i) { bool special = (_mySets[i].flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_official); panels.push_back(new EmojiPanel(parentWidget(), _mySets[i].title, _mySets[i].id, special, y)); panels.back()->show(); connect(panels.back(), SIGNAL(deleteClicked(quint64)), this, SIGNAL(removeSet(quint64))); int cnt = _mySets[i].pack.size(), rows = (cnt / StickerPanPerRow) + ((cnt % StickerPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); int h = st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::stickerPanSize.height(); y += h; } } void StickerPanInner::refreshPanels(QVector &panels) { if (_section != Section::Stickers) return; if (panels.size() != _mySets.size()) { return fillPanels(panels); } int y = 0; for (int i = 0, l = _mySets.size(); i < l; ++i) { panels.at(i)->setWantedY(y); int cnt = _mySets[i].pack.size(), rows = (cnt / StickerPanPerRow) + ((cnt % StickerPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); int h = st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::stickerPanSize.height(); y += h; } } void StickerPanInner::updateSelected() { if (_pressed >= 0 && !_previewShown) { return; } auto newSelected = -1; auto p = mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePos); if (showingInlineItems()) { int sx = (rtl() ? width() - p.x() : p.x()) - (st::inlineResultsLeft - st::buttonRadius); int sy = p.y() - st::emojiPanHeader; if (_switchPmButton) { sy -= _switchPmButton->height() + st::inlineResultsSkip; } int row = -1, col = -1, sel = -1; ClickHandlerPtr lnk; ClickHandlerHost *lnkhost = nullptr; HistoryCursorState cursor = HistoryDefaultCursorState; if (sy >= 0) { row = 0; for (int rows = _inlineRows.size(); row < rows; ++row) { if (sy < _inlineRows.at(row).height) { break; } sy -= _inlineRows.at(row).height; } } if (sx >= 0 && row >= 0 && row < _inlineRows.size()) { auto &inlineItems = _inlineRows[row].items; col = 0; for (int cols = inlineItems.size(); col < cols; ++col) { int width = inlineItems.at(col)->width(); if (sx < width) { break; } sx -= width; if (inlineItems.at(col)->hasRightSkip()) { sx -= st::inlineResultsSkip; } } if (col < inlineItems.size()) { sel = row * MatrixRowShift + col; inlineItems.at(col)->getState(lnk, cursor, sx, sy); lnkhost = inlineItems.at(col); } else { row = col = -1; } } else { row = col = -1; } int srow = (_selected >= 0) ? (_selected / MatrixRowShift) : -1; int scol = (_selected >= 0) ? (_selected % MatrixRowShift) : -1; if (_selected != sel) { if (srow >= 0 && scol >= 0) { t_assert(srow >= 0 && srow < _inlineRows.size() && scol >= 0 && scol < _inlineRows.at(srow).items.size()); _inlineRows[srow].items[scol]->update(); } _selected = sel; if (row >= 0 && col >= 0) { t_assert(row >= 0 && row < _inlineRows.size() && col >= 0 && col < _inlineRows.at(row).items.size()); _inlineRows[row].items[col]->update(); } if (_previewShown && _selected >= 0 && _pressed != _selected) { _pressed = _selected; if (row >= 0 && col >= 0) { auto layout = _inlineRows.at(row).items.at(col); if (auto previewDocument = layout->getPreviewDocument()) { Ui::showMediaPreview(previewDocument); } else if (auto previewPhoto = layout->getPreviewPhoto()) { Ui::showMediaPreview(previewPhoto); } } } } if (ClickHandler::setActive(lnk, lnkhost)) { setCursor(lnk ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } return; } auto newSelectedFeaturedSet = -1; auto newSelectedFeaturedSetAdd = -1; auto featured = (_section == Section::Featured); auto &sets = shownSets(); int y, ytill = 0, sx = (rtl() ? width() - p.x() : p.x()) - stickersLeft(); if (featured) { ytill += st::emojiPanHeader; } for (int c = 0, l = sets.size(); c < l; ++c) { auto &set = sets[c]; bool special = featured ? false : bool(set.flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_official); y = ytill; if (featured) { ytill = y + featuredRowHeight(); } else { int cnt = set.pack.size(); ytill = y + st::emojiPanHeader + ((cnt / StickerPanPerRow) + ((cnt % StickerPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0)) * st::stickerPanSize.height(); } if (p.y() >= y && p.y() < ytill) { if (featured) { if (p.y() < y + st::stickersTrendingHeader) { if (featuredHasAddButton(c) && myrtlrect(featuredAddRect(c)).contains(p.x(), p.y())) { newSelectedFeaturedSetAdd = c; } else { newSelectedFeaturedSet = c; } break; } y += st::stickersTrendingHeader; } else { y += st::emojiPanHeader; } if (p.y() >= y && sx >= 0 && sx < StickerPanPerRow * st::stickerPanSize.width()) { auto rowIndex = qFloor((p.y() - y) / st::stickerPanSize.height()); if (!featured || !rowIndex) { newSelected = rowIndex * StickerPanPerRow + qFloor(sx / st::stickerPanSize.width()); if (newSelected >= set.pack.size()) { newSelected = -1; } else { if (set.id == Stickers::RecentSetId && _custom[newSelected]) { auto inx = sx - (newSelected % StickerPanPerRow) * st::stickerPanSize.width(); auto iny = p.y() - y - ((newSelected / StickerPanPerRow) * st::stickerPanSize.height()); if (inx >= st::stickerPanSize.width() - st::stickerPanDelete.width() && iny < st::stickerPanDelete.height()) { newSelected += set.pack.size(); } } newSelected += c * MatrixRowShift; } } } break; } } setSelected(newSelected, newSelectedFeaturedSet, newSelectedFeaturedSetAdd); } void StickerPanInner::setSelected(int newSelected, int newSelectedFeaturedSet, int newSelectedFeaturedSetAdd) { if (_selected != newSelected || _selectedFeaturedSet != newSelectedFeaturedSet || _selectedFeaturedSetAdd != newSelectedFeaturedSetAdd) { setCursor((newSelected >= 0 || newSelectedFeaturedSet >= 0 || newSelectedFeaturedSetAdd >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } if (_selected != newSelected) { auto &sets = shownSets(); auto updateSelected = [this, &sets]() { if (_selected < 0) return; auto tab = _selected / MatrixRowShift, sel = _selected % MatrixRowShift; if (tab < sets.size() && sel >= sets[tab].pack.size()) { sel -= sets[tab].pack.size(); } rtlupdate(stickerRect(tab, sel)); }; updateSelected(); _selected = newSelected; updateSelected(); if (_previewShown && _selected >= 0 && _pressed != _selected) { _pressed = _selected; auto tab = _selected / MatrixRowShift, sel = _selected % MatrixRowShift; if (tab < sets.size() && sel < sets[tab].pack.size()) { Ui::showMediaPreview(sets[tab].pack[sel]); } } } if (_selectedFeaturedSet != newSelectedFeaturedSet) { _selectedFeaturedSet = newSelectedFeaturedSet; } if (_selectedFeaturedSetAdd != newSelectedFeaturedSetAdd) { _selectedFeaturedSetAdd = newSelectedFeaturedSetAdd; update(); } } void StickerPanInner::onSettings() { Ui::show(Box(StickersBox::Section::Installed)); } void StickerPanInner::onPreview() { if (_pressed < 0) return; if (showingInlineItems()) { int row = _pressed / MatrixRowShift, col = _pressed % MatrixRowShift; if (row < _inlineRows.size() && col < _inlineRows.at(row).items.size()) { auto layout = _inlineRows.at(row).items.at(col); if (auto previewDocument = layout->getPreviewDocument()) { Ui::showMediaPreview(previewDocument); _previewShown = true; } else if (auto previewPhoto = layout->getPreviewPhoto()) { Ui::showMediaPreview(previewPhoto); _previewShown = true; } } } else { auto &sets = shownSets(); if (_pressed < MatrixRowShift * sets.size()) { int tab = (_pressed / MatrixRowShift), sel = _pressed % MatrixRowShift; if (sel < sets[tab].pack.size()) { Ui::showMediaPreview(sets[tab].pack[sel]); _previewShown = true; } } } } void StickerPanInner::onUpdateInlineItems() { if (!showingInlineItems()) return; auto ms = getms(); if (_lastScrolled + 100 <= ms) { update(); } else { _updateInlineItems.start(_lastScrolled + 100 - ms); } } void StickerPanInner::onSwitchPm() { if (_inlineBot && _inlineBot->botInfo) { _inlineBot->botInfo->startToken = _switchPmStartToken; Ui::showPeerHistory(_inlineBot, ShowAndStartBotMsgId); } } void StickerPanInner::showStickerSet(uint64 setId) { clearSelection(); if (setId == Stickers::NoneSetId) { if (!showingInlineItems()) { _section = Section::Gifs; cSetShowingSavedGifs(true); emit saveConfigDelayed(kSaveRecentEmojiTimeout); } refreshSavedGifs(); emit scrollToY(0); emit scrollUpdated(); return; } if (showingInlineItems()) { cSetShowingSavedGifs(false); emit saveConfigDelayed(kSaveRecentEmojiTimeout); Notify::clipStopperHidden(ClipStopperSavedGifsPanel); } if (setId == Stickers::FeaturedSetId) { if (_section != Section::Featured) { _section = Section::Featured; refreshRecentStickers(true); emit refreshIcons(kRefreshIconsScrollAnimation); update(); } emit scrollToY(0); emit scrollUpdated(); return; } bool needRefresh = (_section != Section::Stickers); if (needRefresh) { _section = Section::Stickers; refreshRecentStickers(true); } int32 y = 0; for (int c = 0; c < _mySets.size(); ++c) { if (_mySets.at(c).id == setId) break; int rows = (_mySets[c].pack.size() / StickerPanPerRow) + ((_mySets[c].pack.size() % StickerPanPerRow) ? 1 : 0); y += st::emojiPanHeader + rows * st::stickerPanSize.height(); } emit scrollToY(y); emit scrollUpdated(); if (needRefresh) { emit refreshIcons(kRefreshIconsScrollAnimation); } _lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); update(); } void StickerPanInner::updateShowingSavedGifs() { if (cShowingSavedGifs()) { if (!showingInlineItems()) { clearSelection(); _section = Section::Gifs; if (_inlineRows.isEmpty()) refreshSavedGifs(); } } else if (!showingInlineItems()) { clearSelection(); } } EmojiPanel::EmojiPanel(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, uint64 setId, bool special, int32 wantedY) : TWidget(parent) , _wantedY(wantedY) , _setId(setId) , _special(special) , _deleteVisible(false) , _delete(special ? 0 : new Ui::IconButton(this, st::hashtagClose)) { // Stickers::NoneSetId if in emoji resize(st::emojiPanWidth - 2 * st::buttonRadius, st::emojiPanHeader); setMouseTracking(true); setText(text); if (_delete) { _delete->hide(); _delete->moveToRight(st::emojiPanHeaderLeft - ((_delete->width() - st::hashtagClose.icon.width()) / 2) - st::buttonRadius, (st::emojiPanHeader - _delete->height()) / 2, width()); connect(_delete, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onDelete())); } } void EmojiPanel::onDelete() { emit deleteClicked(_setId); } void EmojiPanel::setText(const QString &text) { _fullText = text; updateText(); } void EmojiPanel::updateText() { int32 availw = st::emojiPanWidth - st::emojiPanHeaderLeft * 2; if (_deleteVisible) { if (!_special && _setId != Stickers::NoneSetId) { availw -= st::hashtagClose.icon.width() + st::emojiPanHeaderLeft; } } else { auto switchText = ([this]() { if (_setId != Stickers::NoneSetId) { return lang(lng_switch_emoji); } if (cSavedGifs().isEmpty()) { return lang(lng_switch_stickers); } return lang(lng_switch_stickers_gifs); })(); availw -= st::emojiSwitchSkip + st::emojiPanHeaderFont->width(switchText); } _text = st::emojiPanHeaderFont->elided(_fullText, availw); update(); } void EmojiPanel::setDeleteVisible(bool isVisible) { if (_deleteVisible != isVisible) { _deleteVisible = isVisible; updateText(); if (_delete) { _delete->setVisible(_deleteVisible); } } } void EmojiPanel::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { emit mousePressed(); } void EmojiPanel::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); if (!_deleteVisible) { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), st::emojiPanHeader, st::emojiPanHeaderBg); } p.setFont(st::emojiPanHeaderFont); p.setPen(st::emojiPanHeaderFg); p.drawTextLeft(st::emojiPanHeaderLeft - st::buttonRadius, st::emojiPanHeaderTop, width(), _text); } EmojiSwitchButton::EmojiSwitchButton(QWidget *parent, bool toStickers) : AbstractButton(parent) , _toStickers(toStickers) { setCursor(style::cur_pointer); updateText(); } void EmojiSwitchButton::updateText(const QString &inlineBotUsername) { if (_toStickers) { if (inlineBotUsername.isEmpty()) { _text = lang(cSavedGifs().isEmpty() ? lng_switch_stickers : lng_switch_stickers_gifs); } else { _text = '@' + inlineBotUsername; } } else { _text = lang(lng_switch_emoji); } _textWidth = st::emojiPanHeaderFont->width(_text); if (_toStickers && !inlineBotUsername.isEmpty()) { int32 maxw = 0; for (int c = 0; c < emojiTabCount; ++c) { accumulate_max(maxw, st::emojiPanHeaderFont->width(lang(LangKey(lng_emoji_category0 + c)))); } maxw += st::emojiPanHeaderLeft + st::emojiSwitchSkip + (st::emojiSwitchSkip - st::emojiSwitchImgSkip); if (_textWidth > st::emojiPanWidth - maxw) { _text = st::emojiPanHeaderFont->elided(_text, st::emojiPanWidth - maxw); _textWidth = st::emojiPanHeaderFont->width(_text); } } int32 w = st::emojiSwitchSkip + _textWidth + (st::emojiSwitchSkip - st::emojiSwitchImgSkip) - st::buttonRadius; resize(w, st::emojiPanHeader); } void EmojiSwitchButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); p.setFont(st::emojiPanHeaderFont); p.setPen(st::emojiSwitchColor); if (_toStickers) { p.drawTextRight(st::emojiSwitchSkip, st::emojiPanHeaderTop, width(), _text, _textWidth); st::emojiSwitchStickers.paint(p, width() - st::emojiSwitchImgSkip, (st::emojiPanHeader - st::emojiSwitchStickers.height()) / 2, width()); } else { p.drawTextRight(st::emojiSwitchImgSkip - st::emojiSwitchEmoji.width(), st::emojiPanHeaderTop, width(), lang(lng_switch_emoji), _textWidth); st::emojiSwitchEmoji.paint(p, width() - st::emojiSwitchSkip - _textWidth, (st::emojiPanHeader - st::emojiSwitchEmoji.height()) / 2, width()); } } } // namespace internal namespace { FORCE_INLINE uint32 oneImageOnBgWithAlpha( const anim::Shifted shiftedBg, const uint32 sourceAlpha, const uint32 source, const uint32 alpha) { auto sourcePattern = anim::reshifted(anim::shifted(source) * sourceAlpha); auto bgAlpha = 256 - anim::getAlpha(sourcePattern); auto mixedPattern = anim::reshifted(shiftedBg * bgAlpha) + sourcePattern; return anim::unshifted(mixedPattern * alpha); }; } // namespace class EmojiPan::SlideAnimation : public Ui::RoundShadowAnimation { public: enum class Direction { LeftToRight, RightToLeft, }; void setFinalImages(Direction direction, QImage &&left, QImage &&right, QRect inner); void start(); void paintFrame(QPainter &p, float64 dt, float64 opacity); private: Direction _direction = Direction::LeftToRight; QPixmap _leftImage, _rightImage; int _width = 0; int _height = 0; int _innerLeft = 0; int _innerTop = 0; int _innerRight = 0; int _innerBottom = 0; int _innerWidth = 0; int _innerHeight = 0; int _painterInnerLeft = 0; int _painterInnerTop = 0; int _painterInnerWidth = 0; int _painterInnerBottom = 0; int _painterCategoriesTop = 0; int _painterInnerHeight = 0; int _painterInnerRight = 0; int _frameIntsPerLineAdd = 0; }; void EmojiPan::SlideAnimation::setFinalImages(Direction direction, QImage &&left, QImage &&right, QRect inner) { t_assert(!started()); _direction = direction; _leftImage = QPixmap::fromImage(std::move(left).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied), Qt::ColorOnly); _rightImage = QPixmap::fromImage(std::move(right).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied), Qt::ColorOnly); t_assert(!_leftImage.isNull()); t_assert(!_rightImage.isNull()); _width = _leftImage.width(); _height = _rightImage.height(); t_assert(!(_width % cIntRetinaFactor())); t_assert(!(_height % cIntRetinaFactor())); t_assert(_leftImage.devicePixelRatio() == _rightImage.devicePixelRatio()); t_assert(_rightImage.width() == _width); t_assert(_rightImage.height() == _height); t_assert(QRect(0, 0, _width, _height).contains(inner)); _innerLeft = inner.x(); _innerTop = inner.y(); _innerWidth = inner.width(); _innerHeight = inner.height(); t_assert(!(_innerLeft % cIntRetinaFactor())); t_assert(!(_innerTop % cIntRetinaFactor())); t_assert(!(_innerWidth % cIntRetinaFactor())); t_assert(!(_innerHeight % cIntRetinaFactor())); _innerRight = _innerLeft + _innerWidth; _innerBottom = _innerTop + _innerHeight; _painterInnerLeft = _innerLeft / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterInnerTop = _innerTop / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterInnerRight = _innerRight / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterInnerBottom = _innerBottom / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterInnerWidth = _innerWidth / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterInnerHeight = _innerHeight / cIntRetinaFactor(); _painterCategoriesTop = _painterInnerBottom - st::emojiCategory.height; setShadow(st::emojiPanAnimation.shadow); } void EmojiPan::SlideAnimation::start() { t_assert(!_leftImage.isNull()); t_assert(!_rightImage.isNull()); RoundShadowAnimation::start(_width, _height, _leftImage.devicePixelRatio()); auto checkCorner = [this](const Corner &corner) { if (!corner.valid()) return; t_assert(corner.width <= _innerWidth); t_assert(corner.height <= _innerHeight); }; checkCorner(_topLeft); checkCorner(_topRight); checkCorner(_bottomLeft); checkCorner(_bottomRight); _frameIntsPerLineAdd = (_width - _innerWidth) + _frameIntsPerLineAdded; } void EmojiPan::SlideAnimation::paintFrame(QPainter &p, float64 dt, float64 opacity) { t_assert(started()); t_assert(dt >= 0.); _frameAlpha = anim::interpolate(1, 256, opacity); auto frameInts = _frameInts + _innerLeft + _innerTop * _frameIntsPerLine; auto leftToRight = (_direction == Direction::LeftToRight); auto easeOut = anim::easeOutCirc(1., dt); auto easeIn = anim::easeInCirc(1., dt); auto arrivingCoord = anim::interpolate(_innerWidth, 0, easeOut); auto departingCoord = anim::interpolate(0, _innerWidth, easeIn); if (auto decrease = (arrivingCoord % cIntRetinaFactor())) { arrivingCoord -= decrease; } if (auto decrease = (departingCoord % cIntRetinaFactor())) { departingCoord -= decrease; } auto arrivingAlpha = easeIn; auto departingAlpha = 1. - easeOut; auto leftCoord = (leftToRight ? arrivingCoord : departingCoord) * -1; auto leftAlpha = (leftToRight ? arrivingAlpha : departingAlpha); auto rightCoord = (leftToRight ? departingCoord : arrivingCoord); auto rightAlpha = (leftToRight ? departingAlpha : arrivingAlpha); // _innerLeft ..(left).. leftTo ..(both).. bothTo ..(none).. noneTo ..(right).. _innerRight auto leftTo = _innerLeft + snap(_innerWidth + leftCoord, 0, _innerWidth); auto rightFrom = _innerLeft + snap(rightCoord, 0, _innerWidth); auto painterRightFrom = rightFrom / cIntRetinaFactor(); if (opacity < 1.) { _frame.fill(Qt::transparent); } { Painter p(&_frame); p.setOpacity(opacity); p.fillRect(_painterInnerLeft, _painterInnerTop, _painterInnerWidth, _painterCategoriesTop - _painterInnerTop, st::emojiPanBg); p.fillRect(_painterInnerLeft, _painterCategoriesTop, _painterInnerWidth, _painterInnerBottom - _painterCategoriesTop, st::emojiPanCategories); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); if (leftTo > _innerLeft) { p.setOpacity(opacity * leftAlpha); p.drawPixmap(_painterInnerLeft, _painterInnerTop, _leftImage, _innerLeft - leftCoord, _innerTop, leftTo - _innerLeft, _innerHeight); } if (rightFrom < _innerRight) { p.setOpacity(opacity * rightAlpha); p.drawPixmap(painterRightFrom, _painterInnerTop, _rightImage, _innerLeft, _innerTop, _innerRight - rightFrom, _innerHeight); } } // Draw corners paintCorner(_topLeft, _innerLeft, _innerTop); paintCorner(_topRight, _innerRight - _topRight.width, _innerTop); paintCorner(_bottomLeft, _innerLeft, _innerBottom - _bottomLeft.height); paintCorner(_bottomRight, _innerRight - _bottomRight.width, _innerBottom - _bottomRight.height); // Draw shadow upon the transparent auto outerLeft = _innerLeft; auto outerTop = _innerTop; auto outerRight = _innerRight; auto outerBottom = _innerBottom; if (_shadow.valid()) { outerLeft -= _shadow.extend.left(); outerTop -= _shadow.extend.top(); outerRight += _shadow.extend.right(); outerBottom += _shadow.extend.bottom(); } if (cIntRetinaFactor() > 1) { if (auto skipLeft = (outerLeft % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerLeft -= skipLeft; } if (auto skipTop = (outerTop % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerTop -= skipTop; } if (auto skipRight = (outerRight % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerRight += (cIntRetinaFactor() - skipRight); } if (auto skipBottom = (outerBottom % cIntRetinaFactor())) { outerBottom += (cIntRetinaFactor() - skipBottom); } } if (opacity == 1.) { // Fill above the frame top with transparent. auto fillTopInts = (_frameInts + outerTop * _frameIntsPerLine + outerLeft); auto fillWidth = (outerRight - outerLeft) * sizeof(uint32); for (auto fillTop = _innerTop - outerTop; fillTop != 0; --fillTop) { memset(fillTopInts, 0, fillWidth); fillTopInts += _frameIntsPerLine; } // Fill to the left and to the right of the frame with transparent. auto fillLeft = (_innerLeft - outerLeft) * sizeof(uint32); auto fillRight = (outerRight - _innerRight) * sizeof(uint32); if (fillLeft || fillRight) { auto fillInts = _frameInts + _innerTop * _frameIntsPerLine; for (auto y = _innerTop; y != _innerBottom; ++y) { memset(fillInts + outerLeft, 0, fillLeft); memset(fillInts + _innerRight, 0, fillRight); fillInts += _frameIntsPerLine; } } // Fill below the frame bottom with transparent. auto fillBottomInts = (_frameInts + _innerBottom * _frameIntsPerLine + outerLeft); for (auto fillBottom = outerBottom - _innerBottom; fillBottom != 0; --fillBottom) { memset(fillBottomInts, 0, fillWidth); fillBottomInts += _frameIntsPerLine; } } if (_shadow.valid()) { paintShadow(outerLeft, outerTop, outerRight, outerBottom); } // Debug //frameInts = _frameInts; //auto pattern = anim::shifted((static_cast(0xFF) << 24) | (static_cast(0xFF) << 16) | (static_cast(0xFF) << 8) | static_cast(0xFF)); //for (auto y = 0; y != _finalHeight; ++y) { // for (auto x = 0; x != _finalWidth; ++x) { // auto source = *frameInts; // auto sourceAlpha = (source >> 24); // *frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(source) * 256 + pattern * (256 - sourceAlpha)); // ++frameInts; // } // frameInts += _frameIntsPerLineAdded; //} p.drawImage(outerLeft / cIntRetinaFactor(), outerTop / cIntRetinaFactor(), _frame, outerLeft, outerTop, outerRight - outerLeft, outerBottom - outerTop); } EmojiPan::EmojiPan(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent) , _contentMaxHeight(st::emojiPanMaxHeight) , _contentHeight(_contentMaxHeight) , _contentHeightEmoji(_contentHeight - st::emojiCategory.height) , _contentHeightStickers(_contentHeight - st::emojiCategory.height) , _recent(this, st::emojiCategoryRecent) , _people(this, st::emojiCategoryPeople) , _nature(this, st::emojiCategoryNature) , _food(this, st::emojiCategoryFood) , _activity(this, st::emojiCategoryActivity) , _travel(this, st::emojiCategoryTravel) , _objects(this, st::emojiCategoryObjects) , _symbols(this, st::emojiCategorySymbols) , _a_icons(animation(this, &EmojiPan::step_icons)) , e_scroll(this, st::emojiScroll) , e_switch(e_scroll, true) , s_scroll(this, st::emojiScroll) , s_switch(s_scroll, false) { resize(QRect(0, 0, st::emojiPanWidth, _contentHeight).marginsAdded(innerPadding()).size()); _width = width(); _height = height(); e_scroll->resize(st::emojiPanWidth - st::buttonRadius, _contentHeightEmoji); s_scroll->resize(st::emojiPanWidth - st::buttonRadius, _contentHeightStickers); e_scroll->move(verticalRect().topLeft()); e_inner = e_scroll->setOwnedWidget(object_ptr(this)); s_scroll->move(verticalRect().topLeft()); s_inner = s_scroll->setOwnedWidget(object_ptr(this)); e_inner->moveToLeft(0, 0, e_scroll->width()); s_inner->moveToLeft(0, 0, s_scroll->width()); int32 left = _iconsLeft = innerRect().x() + (st::emojiPanWidth - 8 * st::emojiCategory.width) / 2; int32 top = _iconsTop = innerRect().y() + innerRect().height() - st::emojiCategory.height; prepareTab(left, top, _width, _recent, dbietRecent); prepareTab(left, top, _width, _people, dbietPeople); prepareTab(left, top, _width, _nature, dbietNature); prepareTab(left, top, _width, _food, dbietFood); prepareTab(left, top, _width, _activity, dbietActivity); prepareTab(left, top, _width, _travel, dbietTravel); prepareTab(left, top, _width, _objects, dbietObjects); prepareTab(left, top, _width, _symbols, dbietSymbols); e_inner->fillPanels(e_panels); updatePanelsPositions(e_panels, 0); setCurrentTabIcon(dbietRecent); _hideTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_hideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hideByTimerOrLeave())); connect(e_inner, SIGNAL(scrollToY(int)), e_scroll, SLOT(scrollToY(int))); connect(e_inner, SIGNAL(disableScroll(bool)), e_scroll, SLOT(disableScroll(bool))); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(scrollToY(int)), s_scroll, SLOT(scrollToY(int))); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(scrollUpdated()), this, SLOT(onScrollStickers())); connect(e_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onScrollEmoji())); connect(s_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onScrollStickers())); connect(e_inner, SIGNAL(selected(EmojiPtr)), this, SIGNAL(emojiSelected(EmojiPtr))); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(selected(DocumentData*)), this, SIGNAL(stickerSelected(DocumentData*))); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(selected(PhotoData*)), this, SIGNAL(photoSelected(PhotoData*))); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(selected(InlineBots::Result*,UserData*)), this, SIGNAL(inlineResultSelected(InlineBots::Result*,UserData*))); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(emptyInlineRows()), this, SLOT(onEmptyInlineRows())); connect(s_switch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSwitch())); connect(e_switch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSwitch())); s_switch->moveToRight(st::buttonRadius, 0, st::emojiPanWidth); e_switch->moveToRight(st::buttonRadius, 0, st::emojiPanWidth); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(displaySet(quint64)), this, SLOT(onDisplaySet(quint64))); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(installSet(quint64)), this, SLOT(onInstallSet(quint64))); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(removeSet(quint64)), this, SLOT(onRemoveSet(quint64))); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(refreshIcons(bool)), this, SLOT(onRefreshIcons(bool))); connect(e_inner, SIGNAL(needRefreshPanels()), this, SLOT(onRefreshPanels())); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(needRefreshPanels()), this, SLOT(onRefreshPanels())); _saveConfigTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_saveConfigTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onSaveConfig())); connect(e_inner, SIGNAL(saveConfigDelayed(int32)), this, SLOT(onSaveConfigDelayed(int32))); connect(s_inner, SIGNAL(saveConfigDelayed(int32)), this, SLOT(onSaveConfigDelayed(int32))); // inline bots _inlineRequestTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_inlineRequestTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onInlineRequest())); if (cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) { connect(App::wnd()->windowHandle(), SIGNAL(activeChanged()), this, SLOT(onWndActiveChanged())); } setMouseTracking(true); // setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false); } void EmojiPan::setMinTop(int minTop) { _minTop = minTop; updateContentHeight(); } void EmojiPan::setMinBottom(int minBottom) { _minBottom = minBottom; updateContentHeight(); } void EmojiPan::moveBottom(int bottom) { _bottom = bottom; updateContentHeight(); } void EmojiPan::updateContentHeight() { auto wantedBottom = countBottom(); auto maxContentHeight = wantedBottom - st::emojiPanMargins.top() - st::emojiPanMargins.bottom(); auto contentHeight = qMin(_contentMaxHeight, maxContentHeight); accumulate_max(contentHeight, st::emojiPanMinHeight); auto resultTop = wantedBottom - st::emojiPanMargins.bottom() - contentHeight - st::emojiPanMargins.top(); accumulate_max(resultTop, _minTop); auto he = contentHeight - st::emojiCategory.height; auto hs = contentHeight - (s_inner->showSectionIcons() ? st::emojiCategory.height : 0); if (contentHeight == _contentHeight && he == _contentHeightEmoji && hs == _contentHeightStickers) { move(x(), resultTop); return; } auto was = _contentHeight; auto wase = _contentHeightEmoji; auto wass = _contentHeightStickers; _contentHeight = contentHeight; _contentHeightEmoji = he; _contentHeightStickers = hs; resize(QRect(0, 0, innerRect().width(), _contentHeight).marginsAdded(innerPadding()).size()); _height = height(); move(x(), resultTop); if (was > _contentHeight || (was == _contentHeight && wass > _contentHeightStickers)) { e_scroll->resize(e_scroll->width(), _contentHeightEmoji); s_scroll->resize(s_scroll->width(), _contentHeightStickers); s_inner->setMaxHeight(_contentHeightStickers); e_inner->setMaxHeight(_contentHeightEmoji); } else { s_inner->setMaxHeight(_contentHeightStickers); e_inner->setMaxHeight(_contentHeightEmoji); e_scroll->resize(e_scroll->width(), _contentHeightEmoji); s_scroll->resize(s_scroll->width(), _contentHeightStickers); } _iconsTop = innerRect().y() + innerRect().height() - st::emojiCategory.height; _recent->move(_recent->x(), _iconsTop); _people->move(_people->x(), _iconsTop); _nature->move(_nature->x(), _iconsTop); _food->move(_food->x(), _iconsTop); _activity->move(_activity->x(), _iconsTop); _travel->move(_travel->x(), _iconsTop); _objects->move(_objects->x(), _iconsTop); _symbols->move(_symbols->x(), _iconsTop); update(); } void EmojiPan::prepareTab(int &left, int top, int _width, Ui::IconButton *tab, DBIEmojiTab value) { tab->moveToLeft(left, top, _width); left += tab->width(); tab->setClickedCallback([this, value] { setActiveTab(value); }); } void EmojiPan::onWndActiveChanged() { if (!App::wnd()->windowHandle()->isActive() && !isHidden()) { leaveEvent(0); } } void EmojiPan::onSaveConfig() { Local::writeUserSettings(); } void EmojiPan::onSaveConfigDelayed(int32 delay) { _saveConfigTimer.start(delay); } void EmojiPan::paintStickerSettingsIcon(Painter &p) const { int settingsLeft = _iconsLeft + 7 * st::emojiCategory.width; st::stickersSettings.paint(p, settingsLeft + st::emojiCategory.iconPosition.x(), _iconsTop + st::emojiCategory.iconPosition.y(), width()); } void EmojiPan::paintFeaturedStickerSetsBadge(Painter &p, int iconLeft) const { if (auto unread = Global::FeaturedStickerSetsUnreadCount()) { Dialogs::Layout::UnreadBadgeStyle unreadSt; unreadSt.sizeId = Dialogs::Layout::UnreadBadgeInStickersPanel; unreadSt.size = st::stickersSettingsUnreadSize; int unreadRight = iconLeft + st::emojiCategory.width - st::stickersSettingsUnreadPosition.x(); if (rtl()) unreadRight = width() - unreadRight; int unreadTop = _iconsTop + st::stickersSettingsUnreadPosition.y(); Dialogs::Layout::paintUnreadCount(p, QString::number(unread), unreadRight, unreadTop, unreadSt); } } void EmojiPan::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto ms = getms(); // This call can finish _a_show animation and destroy _showAnimation. auto opacityAnimating = _a_opacity.animating(ms); auto switching = (_slideAnimation != nullptr); auto showAnimating = _a_show.animating(ms); if (_showAnimation && !showAnimating) { _showAnimation.reset(); if (!switching && !opacityAnimating) { showAll(); } } if (showAnimating) { t_assert(_showAnimation != nullptr); if (auto opacity = _a_opacity.current(_hiding ? 0. : 1.)) { _showAnimation->paintFrame(p, 0, 0, width(), _a_show.current(1.), opacity); } } else if (!switching && opacityAnimating) { p.setOpacity(_a_opacity.current(_hiding ? 0. : 1.)); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _cache); } else if ((!switching && _hiding) || isHidden()) { hideFinished(); } else if (switching) { auto slideDt = _a_slide.current(ms, 1.); _slideAnimation->paintFrame(p, slideDt, _a_opacity.current(_hiding ? 0. : 1.)); if (!_a_slide.animating()) { _slideAnimation.reset(); if (!opacityAnimating) showAll(); } } else { if (!_cache.isNull()) _cache = QPixmap(); if (!_inPanelGrab) Ui::Shadow::paint(p, innerRect(), width(), st::emojiPanAnimation.shadow); paintContent(p); } } void EmojiPan::paintContent(Painter &p) { auto inner = innerRect(); App::roundRect(p, inner, st::emojiPanBg, ImageRoundRadius::Small, App::RectPart::TopFull); auto showSectionIcons = _emojiShown || s_inner->showSectionIcons(); auto &bottomBg = showSectionIcons ? st::emojiPanCategories : st::emojiPanBg; auto bottomParts = showSectionIcons ? (App::RectPart::NoTopBottom | App::RectPart::BottomFull) : App::RectPart::BottomFull; App::roundRect(p, inner.x(), _iconsTop - st::buttonRadius, inner.width(), st::emojiCategory.height + st::buttonRadius, bottomBg, ImageRoundRadius::Small, bottomParts); auto horizontal = horizontalRect(); auto sidesTop = horizontal.y(); auto sidesHeight = e_scroll->y() + e_scroll->height() - sidesTop; p.fillRect(myrtlrect(inner.x() + inner.width() - st::emojiScroll.width, sidesTop, st::emojiScroll.width, sidesHeight), st::emojiPanBg); p.fillRect(myrtlrect(inner.x(), sidesTop, st::buttonRadius, sidesHeight), st::emojiPanBg); if (_emojiShown) { auto vertical = verticalRect(); p.fillRect(vertical.x(), _iconsTop, vertical.width(), st::emojiCategory.height - st::buttonRadius, st::emojiPanCategories); } else if (showSectionIcons) { paintStickerSettingsIcon(p); if (!_icons.isEmpty()) { auto x = _iconsLeft; auto selxrel = _iconsLeft + qRound(_iconSelX.current()); auto selx = selxrel - qRound(_iconsX.current()); QRect clip(x, _iconsTop, _iconsLeft + 7 * st::emojiCategory.width - x, st::emojiCategory.height); if (rtl()) clip.moveLeft(width() - x - clip.width()); p.setClipRect(clip); auto getSpecialSetIcon = [](uint64 setId, bool active) { if (setId == Stickers::NoneSetId) { return active ? &st::emojiSavedGifsActive : &st::emojiSavedGifs; } else if (setId == Stickers::FeaturedSetId) { return active ? &st::stickersTrendingActive : &st::stickersTrending; } return active ? &st::emojiRecentActive : &st::emojiRecent; }; int i = 0; auto iconsX = qRound(_iconsX.current()); i += iconsX / int(st::emojiCategory.width); x -= iconsX % int(st::emojiCategory.width); selxrel -= iconsX; for (int l = qMin(_icons.size(), i + 8); i < l; ++i) { auto &s = _icons.at(i); if (s.sticker) { s.sticker->thumb->load(); QPixmap pix(s.sticker->thumb->pix(s.pixw, s.pixh)); p.drawPixmapLeft(x + (st::emojiCategory.width - s.pixw) / 2, _iconsTop + (st::emojiCategory.height - s.pixh) / 2, width(), pix); x += st::emojiCategory.width; } else { getSpecialSetIcon(s.setId, false)->paint(p, x + st::emojiCategory.iconPosition.x(), _iconsTop + st::emojiCategory.iconPosition.y(), width()); if (s.setId == Stickers::FeaturedSetId) { paintFeaturedStickerSetsBadge(p, x); } x += st::emojiCategory.width; } } if (rtl()) selx = width() - selx - st::emojiCategory.width; p.fillRect(selx, _iconsTop + st::emojiCategory.height - st::stickerIconPadding, st::emojiCategory.width, st::stickerIconSel, st::stickerIconSelColor); auto o_left = snap(_iconsX.current() / st::stickerIconLeft.width(), 0., 1.); if (o_left > 0) { p.setOpacity(o_left); st::stickerIconLeft.fill(p, rtlrect(_iconsLeft, _iconsTop, st::stickerIconLeft.width(), st::emojiCategory.height, width())); p.setOpacity(1.); } auto o_right = snap((_iconsMax - _iconsX.current()) / st::stickerIconRight.width(), 0., 1.); if (o_right > 0) { p.setOpacity(o_right); st::stickerIconRight.fill(p, rtlrect(_iconsLeft + 7 * st::emojiCategory.width - st::stickerIconRight.width(), _iconsTop, st::stickerIconRight.width(), st::emojiCategory.height, width())); p.setOpacity(1.); } p.setClipRect(QRect()); } } else { p.fillRect(myrtlrect(inner.x() + inner.width() - st::emojiScroll.width, _iconsTop, st::emojiScroll.width, st::emojiCategory.height - st::buttonRadius), st::emojiPanBg); p.fillRect(myrtlrect(inner.x(), _iconsTop, st::buttonRadius, st::emojiCategory.height - st::buttonRadius), st::emojiPanBg); } } bool EmojiPan::inlineResultsShown() const { return !_emojiShown && s_inner->inlineResultsShown(); } int EmojiPan::countBottom() const { return (parentWidget()->height() - _minBottom); } void EmojiPan::moveByBottom() { moveToRight(0, y()); updateContentHeight(); } void EmojiPan::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) { _hideTimer.stop(); if (_hiding) { showAnimated(); } } bool EmojiPan::preventAutoHide() const { return _removingSetId || _displayingSetId; } void EmojiPan::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { if (preventAutoHide()) { return; } auto ms = getms(); if (_a_show.animating(ms) || _a_opacity.animating(ms)) { hideAnimated(); } else { _hideTimer.start(300); } return TWidget::leaveEventHook(e); } void EmojiPan::otherEnter() { _hideTimer.stop(); showAnimated(); } void EmojiPan::otherLeave() { if (preventAutoHide() || s_inner->inlineResultsShown()) return; auto ms = getms(); if (_a_opacity.animating(ms)) { hideByTimerOrLeave(); } else { _hideTimer.start(0); } } void EmojiPan::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_emojiShown || e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) return; _iconsMousePos = e ? e->globalPos() : QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); if (_iconOver == _icons.size()) { Ui::show(Box(StickersBox::Section::Installed)); } else { _iconDown = _iconOver; _iconsMouseDown = _iconsMousePos; _iconsStartX = qRound(_iconsX.current()); } } void EmojiPan::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_emojiShown) return; _iconsMousePos = e ? e->globalPos() : QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); if (!_iconsDragging && !_icons.isEmpty() && _iconDown >= 0) { if ((_iconsMousePos - _iconsMouseDown).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { _iconsDragging = true; } } if (_iconsDragging) { auto newX = snap(_iconsStartX + (rtl() ? -1 : 1) * (_iconsMouseDown.x() - _iconsMousePos.x()), 0, _iconsMax); if (newX != qRound(_iconsX.current())) { _iconsX = anim::value(newX, newX); _iconsStartAnim = 0; _a_icons.stop(); updateIcons(); } } } void EmojiPan::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_emojiShown || _icons.isEmpty()) return; int32 wasDown = _iconDown; _iconDown = -1; _iconsMousePos = e ? e->globalPos() : QCursor::pos(); if (_iconsDragging) { auto newX = snap(_iconsStartX + _iconsMouseDown.x() - _iconsMousePos.x(), 0, _iconsMax); if (newX != qRound(_iconsX.current())) { _iconsX = anim::value(newX, newX); _iconsStartAnim = 0; _a_icons.stop(); updateIcons(); } _iconsDragging = false; updateSelected(); } else { updateSelected(); if (wasDown == _iconOver && _iconOver >= 0 && _iconOver < _icons.size()) { _iconSelX = anim::value(_iconOver * st::emojiCategory.width, _iconOver * st::emojiCategory.width); s_inner->showStickerSet(_icons.at(_iconOver).setId); } } } bool EmojiPan::event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchBegin) { } else if (e->type() == QEvent::Wheel) { if (!_icons.isEmpty() && _iconOver >= 0 && _iconOver < _icons.size() && _iconDown < 0) { QWheelEvent *ev = static_cast(e); bool hor = (ev->angleDelta().x() != 0 || ev->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal); bool ver = (ev->angleDelta().y() != 0 || ev->orientation() == Qt::Vertical); if (hor) _horizontal = true; auto newX = qRound(_iconsX.current()); if (/*_horizontal && */hor) { newX = snap(newX - (rtl() ? -1 : 1) * (ev->pixelDelta().x() ? ev->pixelDelta().x() : ev->angleDelta().x()), 0, _iconsMax); } else if (/*!_horizontal && */ver) { newX = snap(newX - (ev->pixelDelta().y() ? ev->pixelDelta().y() : ev->angleDelta().y()), 0, _iconsMax); } if (newX != qRound(_iconsX.current())) { _iconsX = anim::value(newX, newX); _iconsStartAnim = 0; _a_icons.stop(); updateSelected(); updateIcons(); } } } return TWidget::event(e); } void EmojiPan::hideFast() { if (isHidden()) return; _hideTimer.stop(); _hiding = false; _a_opacity.finish(); hideFinished(); } void EmojiPan::refreshStickers() { s_inner->refreshStickers(); if (_emojiShown) { s_inner->preloadImages(); } update(); } void EmojiPan::refreshSavedGifs() { e_switch->updateText(); e_switch->moveToRight(st::buttonRadius, 0, st::emojiPanWidth); s_inner->refreshSavedGifs(); if (_emojiShown) { s_inner->preloadImages(); } } void EmojiPan::onRefreshIcons(bool scrollAnimation) { _iconOver = -1; s_inner->fillIcons(_icons); s_inner->fillPanels(s_panels); _iconsX.finish(); _iconSelX.finish(); _iconsStartAnim = 0; _a_icons.stop(); if (_icons.isEmpty()) { _iconsMax = 0; } else { _iconsMax = qMax(int((_icons.size() - 7) * st::emojiCategory.width), 0); } if (_iconsX.current() > _iconsMax) { _iconsX = anim::value(_iconsMax, _iconsMax); } updatePanelsPositions(s_panels, s_scroll->scrollTop()); updateSelected(); if (!_emojiShown) { validateSelectedIcon(scrollAnimation ? ValidateIconAnimations::Scroll : ValidateIconAnimations::None); updateContentHeight(); } updateIcons(); } void EmojiPan::onRefreshPanels() { e_inner->refreshPanels(e_panels); s_inner->refreshPanels(s_panels); if (_emojiShown) { updatePanelsPositions(e_panels, e_scroll->scrollTop()); } else { updatePanelsPositions(s_panels, s_scroll->scrollTop()); } } void EmojiPan::leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { if (_emojiShown) return; _iconsMousePos = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); } void EmojiPan::updateSelected() { if (_iconDown >= 0) { return; } QPoint p(mapFromGlobal(_iconsMousePos)); int32 x = p.x(), y = p.y(), newOver = -1; if (rtl()) x = width() - x; x -= _iconsLeft; if (x >= st::emojiCategory.width * 7 && x < st::emojiCategory.width * 8 && y >= _iconsTop && y < _iconsTop + st::emojiCategory.height) { newOver = _icons.size(); } else if (!_icons.isEmpty()) { if (y >= _iconsTop && y < _iconsTop + st::emojiCategory.height && x >= 0 && x < 7 * st::emojiCategory.width && x < _icons.size() * st::emojiCategory.width) { x += qRound(_iconsX.current()); newOver = qFloor(x / st::emojiCategory.width); } } if (newOver != _iconOver) { if (newOver < 0) { setCursor(style::cur_default); } else if (_iconOver < 0) { setCursor(style::cur_pointer); } _iconOver = newOver; } } void EmojiPan::updateIcons() { if (_emojiShown || !s_inner->showSectionIcons()) return; auto verticalInner = rect().marginsRemoved(st::emojiPanMargins).marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::buttonRadius, 0, st::buttonRadius, 0)); update(verticalInner.left(), _iconsTop, verticalInner.width(), st::emojiCategory.height); } void EmojiPan::step_icons(TimeMs ms, bool timer) { if (_emojiShown) { _a_icons.stop(); return; } if (_iconsStartAnim) { float64 dt = (ms - _iconsStartAnim) / float64(st::stickerIconMove); if (dt >= 1) { _iconsStartAnim = 0; _iconsX.finish(); _iconSelX.finish(); } else { _iconsX.update(dt, anim::linear); _iconSelX.update(dt, anim::linear); } if (timer) updateSelected(); } if (timer) updateIcons(); if (!_iconsStartAnim) { _a_icons.stop(); } } void EmojiPan::opacityAnimationCallback() { update(); if (!_a_opacity.animating()) { if (_hiding) { _hiding = false; hideFinished(); } else if (!_a_show.animating() && !_a_slide.animating()) { showAll(); } } } void EmojiPan::hideByTimerOrLeave() { if (isHidden() || preventAutoHide()) return; hideAnimated(); } void EmojiPan::prepareCache() { if (_a_opacity.animating()) return; auto showAnimation = base::take(_a_show); auto showAnimationData = base::take(_showAnimation); auto slideAnimation = base::take(_slideAnimation); showAll(); _cache = myGrab(this); _slideAnimation = base::take(slideAnimation); _showAnimation = base::take(showAnimationData); _a_show = base::take(showAnimation); if (_a_show.animating()) { hideAll(); } } void EmojiPan::startOpacityAnimation(bool hiding) { _hiding = false; prepareCache(); _hiding = hiding; hideAll(); _a_opacity.start([this] { opacityAnimationCallback(); }, _hiding ? 1. : 0., _hiding ? 0. : 1., st::emojiPanDuration); } void EmojiPan::startShowAnimation() { if (!_a_show.animating()) { auto cache = base::take(_cache); auto opacityAnimation = base::take(_a_opacity); auto slideAnimationData = base::take(_slideAnimation); auto slideAnimation = base::take(_a_slide); showAll(); auto image = grabForPanelAnimation(); _a_slide = base::take(slideAnimation); _slideAnimation = base::take(slideAnimationData); _a_opacity = base::take(opacityAnimation); _cache = base::take(_cache); _showAnimation = std::make_unique(st::emojiPanAnimation, Ui::PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomRight); auto inner = rect().marginsRemoved(st::emojiPanMargins); _showAnimation->setFinalImage(std::move(image), QRect(inner.topLeft() * cIntRetinaFactor(), inner.size() * cIntRetinaFactor())); auto corners = App::cornersMask(ImageRoundRadius::Small); _showAnimation->setCornerMasks(QImage(*corners[0]), QImage(*corners[1]), QImage(*corners[2]), QImage(*corners[3])); _showAnimation->start(); } hideAll(); _a_show.start([this] { update(); }, 0., 1., st::emojiPanShowDuration); } QImage EmojiPan::grabForPanelAnimation() { myEnsureResized(this); auto result = QImage(size() * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); result.fill(Qt::transparent); _inPanelGrab = true; render(&result); _inPanelGrab = false; return result; } void EmojiPan::hideAnimated() { if (isHidden()) return; if (_hiding) return; _hideTimer.stop(); startOpacityAnimation(true); } EmojiPan::~EmojiPan() = default; void EmojiPan::hideFinished() { hide(); e_inner->hideFinish(); s_inner->hideFinish(true); _a_show.finish(); _showAnimation.reset(); _a_slide.finish(); _slideAnimation.reset(); _cache = QPixmap(); _horizontal = false; _hiding = false; e_scroll->scrollToY(0); setCurrentTabIcon(dbietRecent); s_scroll->scrollToY(0); _iconOver = _iconDown = -1; _iconSel = 0; _iconsX = anim::value(); _iconSelX = anim::value(); _iconsStartAnim = 0; _a_icons.stop(); Notify::clipStopperHidden(ClipStopperSavedGifsPanel); } void EmojiPan::showAnimated() { _hideTimer.stop(); showStarted(); } void EmojiPan::showStarted() { if (isHidden()) { emit updateStickers(); e_inner->refreshRecent(); if (s_inner->inlineResultsShown() && refreshInlineRows()) { _emojiShown = false; _shownFromInlineQuery = true; } else { s_inner->refreshRecent(); _emojiShown = true; _shownFromInlineQuery = false; _cache = QPixmap(); // clear after refreshInlineRows() } recountContentMaxHeight(); s_inner->preloadImages(); _a_slide.finish(); _slideAnimation.reset(); moveByBottom(); show(); startShowAnimation(); } else if (_hiding) { if (s_inner->inlineResultsShown() && refreshInlineRows()) { onSwitch(); } startOpacityAnimation(false); } } bool EmojiPan::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::Enter) { //if (dynamic_cast(obj)) { // enterEvent(e); //} else { otherEnter(); //} } else if (e->type() == QEvent::Leave) { //if (dynamic_cast(obj)) { // leaveEvent(e); //} else { otherLeave(); //} } else if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && static_cast(e)->button() == Qt::LeftButton/* && !dynamic_cast(obj)*/) { if (isHidden() || _hiding) { _hideTimer.stop(); showAnimated(); } else { hideAnimated(); } } return false; } void EmojiPan::stickersInstalled(uint64 setId) { _emojiShown = false; if (isHidden()) { moveByBottom(); startShowAnimation(); show(); } showAll(); s_inner->showStickerSet(setId); updateContentHeight(); showAnimated(); } bool EmojiPan::ui_isInlineItemBeingChosen() { if (!_emojiShown && !isHidden()) { return s_inner->ui_isInlineItemBeingChosen(); } return false; } void EmojiPan::showAll() { if (_emojiShown) { s_scroll->hide(); _recent->show(); _people->show(); _nature->show(); _food->show(); _activity->show(); _travel->show(); _objects->show(); _symbols->show(); e_scroll->show(); } else { s_scroll->show(); _recent->hide(); _people->hide(); _nature->hide(); _food->hide(); _activity->hide(); _travel->hide(); _objects->hide(); _symbols->hide(); e_scroll->hide(); } } void EmojiPan::hideAll() { _recent->hide(); _people->hide(); _nature->hide(); _food->hide(); _activity->hide(); _travel->hide(); _objects->hide(); _symbols->hide(); e_scroll->hide(); s_scroll->hide(); e_inner->clearSelection(); s_inner->clearSelection(); } void EmojiPan::setActiveTab(DBIEmojiTab tab) { e_inner->showEmojiPack(tab); } void EmojiPan::updatePanelsPositions(const QVector &panels, int32 st) { for (int32 i = 0, l = panels.size(); i < l; ++i) { int32 y = panels.at(i)->wantedY() - st; if (y < 0) { y = (i + 1 < l) ? qMin(panels.at(i + 1)->wantedY() - st - int(st::emojiPanHeader), 0) : 0; } panels.at(i)->move(0, y); panels.at(i)->setDeleteVisible(y >= st::emojiPanHeader); // Somehow the panels gets hidden (not displayed) when scrolling // by clicking on the scroll bar to the middle of the panel. // This bug occurs only in the Section::Featured stickers. if (s_inner->currentSet(0) == Stickers::FeaturedSetId) { panels.at(i)->repaint(); } } } void EmojiPan::onScrollEmoji() { auto st = e_scroll->scrollTop(); updatePanelsPositions(e_panels, st); setCurrentTabIcon(e_inner->currentTab(st)); e_inner->setVisibleTopBottom(st, st + e_scroll->height()); } void EmojiPan::setCurrentTabIcon(DBIEmojiTab tab) { _recent->setIconOverride((tab == dbietRecent) ? &st::emojiRecentActive : nullptr); _people->setIconOverride((tab == dbietPeople) ? &st::emojiPeopleActive : nullptr); _nature->setIconOverride((tab == dbietNature) ? &st::emojiNatureActive : nullptr); _food->setIconOverride((tab == dbietFood) ? &st::emojiFoodActive : nullptr); _activity->setIconOverride((tab == dbietActivity) ? &st::emojiActivityActive : nullptr); _travel->setIconOverride((tab == dbietTravel) ? &st::emojiTravelActive : nullptr); _objects->setIconOverride((tab == dbietObjects) ? &st::emojiObjectsActive : nullptr); _symbols->setIconOverride((tab == dbietSymbols) ? &st::emojiSymbolsActive : nullptr); } void EmojiPan::onScrollStickers() { auto st = s_scroll->scrollTop(); updatePanelsPositions(s_panels, st); validateSelectedIcon(ValidateIconAnimations::Full); if (st + s_scroll->height() > s_scroll->scrollTopMax()) { onInlineRequest(); } s_inner->setVisibleTopBottom(st, st + s_scroll->height()); } void EmojiPan::validateSelectedIcon(ValidateIconAnimations animations) { uint64 setId = s_inner->currentSet(s_scroll->scrollTop()); int32 newSel = 0; for (int i = 0, l = _icons.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (_icons.at(i).setId == setId) { newSel = i; break; } } if (newSel != _iconSel) { _iconSel = newSel; auto iconSelXFinal = newSel * st::emojiCategory.width; if (animations == ValidateIconAnimations::Full) { _iconSelX.start(iconSelXFinal); } else { _iconSelX = anim::value(iconSelXFinal, iconSelXFinal); } auto iconsXFinal = snap((2 * newSel - 7) * int(st::emojiCategory.width) / 2, 0, _iconsMax); if (animations == ValidateIconAnimations::None) { _iconsX = anim::value(iconsXFinal, iconsXFinal); _a_icons.stop(); } else { _iconsX.start(iconsXFinal); _iconsStartAnim = getms(); _a_icons.start(); } updateSelected(); updateIcons(); } } style::margins EmojiPan::innerPadding() const { return st::emojiPanMargins; } QRect EmojiPan::innerRect() const { return rect().marginsRemoved(innerPadding()); } QRect EmojiPan::horizontalRect() const { return innerRect().marginsRemoved(style::margins(0, st::buttonRadius, 0, st::buttonRadius)); } QRect EmojiPan::verticalRect() const { return innerRect().marginsRemoved(style::margins(st::buttonRadius, 0, st::buttonRadius, 0)); } void EmojiPan::onSwitch() { auto cache = base::take(_cache); auto opacityAnimation = base::take(_a_opacity); auto showAnimationData = base::take(_showAnimation); auto showAnimation = base::take(_a_show); showAll(); auto leftImage = grabForPanelAnimation(); performSwitch(); showAll(); auto rightImage = grabForPanelAnimation(); if (_emojiShown) { std::swap(leftImage, rightImage); } _a_show = base::take(showAnimation); _showAnimation = base::take(showAnimationData); _a_opacity = base::take(opacityAnimation); _cache = base::take(_cache); auto direction = _emojiShown ? SlideAnimation::Direction::LeftToRight : SlideAnimation::Direction::RightToLeft; _slideAnimation = std::make_unique(); auto inner = rect().marginsRemoved(st::emojiPanMargins); _slideAnimation->setFinalImages(direction, std::move(leftImage), std::move(rightImage), QRect(inner.topLeft() * cIntRetinaFactor(), inner.size() * cIntRetinaFactor())); auto corners = App::cornersMask(ImageRoundRadius::Small); _slideAnimation->setCornerMasks(QImage(*corners[0]), QImage(*corners[1]), QImage(*corners[2]), QImage(*corners[3])); _slideAnimation->start(); hideAll(); if (_emojiShown) { s_inner->hideFinish(false); } else { e_inner->hideFinish(); } _a_slide.start([this] { update(); }, 0., 1., st::emojiPanSlideDuration, anim::linear); update(); } void EmojiPan::performSwitch() { _emojiShown = !_emojiShown; if (_emojiShown) { Notify::clipStopperHidden(ClipStopperSavedGifsPanel); } else { if (cShowingSavedGifs() && cSavedGifs().isEmpty()) { s_inner->showStickerSet(Stickers::DefaultSetId); } else if (!cShowingSavedGifs() && !cSavedGifs().isEmpty() && Global::StickerSetsOrder().isEmpty()) { s_inner->showStickerSet(Stickers::NoneSetId); } else { s_inner->updateShowingSavedGifs(); } validateSelectedIcon(ValidateIconAnimations::None); updateContentHeight(); } _iconOver = -1; _a_icons.stop(); } void EmojiPan::onDisplaySet(quint64 setId) { auto &sets = Global::StickerSets(); auto it = sets.constFind(setId); if (it != sets.cend()) { _displayingSetId = setId; auto box = Ui::show(Box(Stickers::inputSetId(*it)), KeepOtherLayers); connect(box, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(onDelayedHide())); } } void EmojiPan::onInstallSet(quint64 setId) { auto &sets = Global::StickerSets(); auto it = sets.constFind(setId); if (it != sets.cend()) { request(MTPmessages_InstallStickerSet(Stickers::inputSetId(*it), MTP_bool(false))).done([this](const MTPmessages_StickerSetInstallResult &result) { if (result.type() == mtpc_messages_stickerSetInstallResultArchive) { Stickers::applyArchivedResult(result.c_messages_stickerSetInstallResultArchive()); } }).fail([this, setId](const RPCError &error) { s_inner->notInstalledLocally(setId); Stickers::undoInstallLocally(setId); }).send(); s_inner->installedLocally(setId); Stickers::installLocally(setId); } } void EmojiPan::onRemoveSet(quint64 setId) { auto &sets = Global::StickerSets(); auto it = sets.constFind(setId); if (it != sets.cend() && !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_official)) { _removingSetId = it->id; auto text = lng_stickers_remove_pack(lt_sticker_pack, it->title); Ui::show(Box(text, lang(lng_box_remove), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { Ui::hideLayer(); auto &sets = Global::RefStickerSets(); auto it = sets.find(_removingSetId); if (it != sets.cend() && !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_official)) { if (it->id && it->access) { request(MTPmessages_UninstallStickerSet(MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(it->id), MTP_long(it->access)))).send(); } else if (!it->shortName.isEmpty()) { request(MTPmessages_UninstallStickerSet(MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(it->shortName)))).send(); } bool writeRecent = false; RecentStickerPack &recent(cGetRecentStickers()); for (RecentStickerPack::iterator i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) { if (it->stickers.indexOf(i->first) >= 0) { i = recent.erase(i); writeRecent = true; } else { ++i; } } it->flags &= ~MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed; if (!(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured) && !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special)) { sets.erase(it); } int removeIndex = Global::StickerSetsOrder().indexOf(_removingSetId); if (removeIndex >= 0) Global::RefStickerSetsOrder().removeAt(removeIndex); refreshStickers(); Local::writeInstalledStickers(); if (writeRecent) Local::writeUserSettings(); } _removingSetId = 0; onDelayedHide(); }), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { onDelayedHide(); }))); } } void EmojiPan::onDelayedHide() { if (!rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()))) { _hideTimer.start(3000); } _removingSetId = 0; _displayingSetId = 0; } void EmojiPan::clearInlineBot() { inlineBotChanged(); e_switch->updateText(); e_switch->moveToRight(st::buttonRadius, 0, st::emojiPanWidth); } bool EmojiPan::overlaps(const QRect &globalRect) const { if (isHidden() || !_cache.isNull()) return false; auto testRect = QRect(mapFromGlobal(globalRect.topLeft()), globalRect.size()); auto inner = rect().marginsRemoved(st::emojiPanMargins); return inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::buttonRadius, 0, st::buttonRadius, 0)).contains(testRect) || inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(0, st::buttonRadius, 0, st::buttonRadius)).contains(testRect); } void EmojiPan::inlineBotChanged() { if (!_inlineBot) return; if (!isHidden() && !_hiding) { if (!rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()))) { hideAnimated(); } } if (_inlineRequestId) MTP::cancel(_inlineRequestId); _inlineRequestId = 0; _inlineQuery = _inlineNextQuery = _inlineNextOffset = QString(); _inlineBot = nullptr; _inlineCache.clear(); s_inner->inlineBotChanged(); s_inner->hideInlineRowsPanel(); Notify::inlineBotRequesting(false); } void EmojiPan::inlineResultsDone(const MTPmessages_BotResults &result) { _inlineRequestId = 0; Notify::inlineBotRequesting(false); auto it = _inlineCache.find(_inlineQuery); auto adding = (it != _inlineCache.cend()); if (result.type() == mtpc_messages_botResults) { auto &d = result.c_messages_botResults(); auto &v = d.vresults.v; auto queryId = d.vquery_id.v; if (it == _inlineCache.cend()) { it = _inlineCache.emplace(_inlineQuery, std::make_unique()).first; } auto entry = it->second.get(); entry->nextOffset = qs(d.vnext_offset); if (d.has_switch_pm() && d.vswitch_pm.type() == mtpc_inlineBotSwitchPM) { auto &switchPm = d.vswitch_pm.c_inlineBotSwitchPM(); entry->switchPmText = qs(switchPm.vtext); entry->switchPmStartToken = qs(switchPm.vstart_param); } if (auto count = v.size()) { entry->results.reserve(entry->results.size() + count); } auto added = 0; for_const (const auto &res, v) { if (auto result = InlineBots::Result::create(queryId, res)) { ++added; entry->results.push_back(std::move(result)); } } if (!added) { entry->nextOffset = QString(); } } else if (adding) { it->second->nextOffset = QString(); } if (!showInlineRows(!adding)) { it->second->nextOffset = QString(); } onScrollStickers(); } void EmojiPan::queryInlineBot(UserData *bot, PeerData *peer, QString query) { bool force = false; _inlineQueryPeer = peer; if (bot != _inlineBot) { inlineBotChanged(); _inlineBot = bot; force = true; //if (_inlineBot->isBotInlineGeo()) { // Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_bot_inline_geo_unavailable))); //} } //if (_inlineBot && _inlineBot->isBotInlineGeo()) { // return; //} if (_inlineQuery != query || force) { if (_inlineRequestId) { MTP::cancel(_inlineRequestId); _inlineRequestId = 0; Notify::inlineBotRequesting(false); } if (_inlineCache.find(query) != _inlineCache.cend()) { _inlineRequestTimer.stop(); _inlineQuery = _inlineNextQuery = query; showInlineRows(true); } else { _inlineNextQuery = query; _inlineRequestTimer.start(InlineBotRequestDelay); } } } void EmojiPan::onInlineRequest() { if (_inlineRequestId || !_inlineBot || !_inlineQueryPeer) return; _inlineQuery = _inlineNextQuery; QString nextOffset; auto it = _inlineCache.find(_inlineQuery); if (it != _inlineCache.cend()) { nextOffset = it->second->nextOffset; if (nextOffset.isEmpty()) return; } Notify::inlineBotRequesting(true); _inlineRequestId = request(MTPmessages_GetInlineBotResults(MTP_flags(0), _inlineBot->inputUser, _inlineQueryPeer->input, MTPInputGeoPoint(), MTP_string(_inlineQuery), MTP_string(nextOffset))).done([this](const MTPmessages_BotResults &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { inlineResultsDone(result); }).fail([this](const RPCError &error) { // show error? Notify::inlineBotRequesting(false); _inlineRequestId = 0; }).handleAllErrors().send(); } void EmojiPan::onEmptyInlineRows() { if (_shownFromInlineQuery) { hideAnimated(); s_inner->clearInlineRowsPanel(); } else if (!_inlineBot) { s_inner->hideInlineRowsPanel(); } else { s_inner->clearInlineRowsPanel(); } } bool EmojiPan::refreshInlineRows(int32 *added) { auto it = _inlineCache.find(_inlineQuery); const internal::InlineCacheEntry *entry = nullptr; if (it != _inlineCache.cend()) { if (!it->second->results.empty() || !it->second->switchPmText.isEmpty()) { entry = it->second.get(); } _inlineNextOffset = it->second->nextOffset; } if (!entry) prepareCache(); auto result = s_inner->refreshInlineRows(_inlineBot, entry, false); if (added) *added = result; return (entry != nullptr); } int32 EmojiPan::showInlineRows(bool newResults) { int32 added = 0; bool clear = !refreshInlineRows(&added); if (newResults) s_scroll->scrollToY(0); e_switch->updateText(s_inner->inlineResultsShown() ? _inlineBot->username : QString()); e_switch->moveToRight(0, 0, st::emojiPanWidth); bool hidden = isHidden(); if (!hidden && !clear) { recountContentMaxHeight(); } if (clear) { if (!_hiding) { _cache = QPixmap(); // clear after refreshInlineRows() } } else { _hideTimer.stop(); if (hidden || _hiding) { showAnimated(); } else if (_emojiShown) { onSwitch(); } } return added; } void EmojiPan::recountContentMaxHeight() { if (_shownFromInlineQuery) { _contentMaxHeight = qMin(s_inner->countHeight(true), st::emojiPanMaxHeight); } else { _contentMaxHeight = st::emojiPanMaxHeight; } updateContentHeight(); }