/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "api/api_who_reacted.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "data/data_peer.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "main/main_app_config.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "base/weak_ptr.h" #include "ui/controls/who_reacted_context_action.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" namespace Api { namespace { constexpr auto kContextReactionsLimit = 50; struct Peers { std::vector list; bool unknown = false; }; inline bool operator==(const Peers &a, const Peers &b) noexcept { return (a.list == b.list) && (a.unknown == b.unknown); } struct PeerWithReaction { PeerId peer = 0; QString reaction; }; inline bool operator==( const PeerWithReaction &a, const PeerWithReaction &b) noexcept { return (a.peer == b.peer) && (a.reaction == b.reaction); } struct PeersWithReactions { std::vector list; std::vector read; int fullReactionsCount = 0; bool unknown = false; }; inline bool operator==( const PeersWithReactions &a, const PeersWithReactions &b) noexcept { return (a.fullReactionsCount == b.fullReactionsCount) && (a.list == b.list) && (a.read == b.read) && (a.unknown == b.unknown); } struct CachedRead { CachedRead() : data(Peers{ .unknown = true }) { } rpl::variable data; mtpRequestId requestId = 0; }; struct CachedReacted { CachedReacted() : data(PeersWithReactions{ .unknown = true }) { } rpl::variable data; mtpRequestId requestId = 0; }; struct Context { base::flat_map, CachedRead> cachedRead; base::flat_map< not_null, base::flat_map> cachedReacted; base::flat_map, rpl::lifetime> subscriptions; [[nodiscard]] CachedRead &cacheRead(not_null item) { const auto i = cachedRead.find(item); if (i != end(cachedRead)) { return i->second; } return cachedRead.emplace(item, CachedRead()).first->second; } [[nodiscard]] CachedReacted &cacheReacted( not_null item, const QString &reaction) { auto &map = cachedReacted[item]; const auto i = map.find(reaction); if (i != end(map)) { return i->second; } return map.emplace(reaction, CachedReacted()).first->second; } }; struct Userpic { not_null peer; QString reaction; mutable std::shared_ptr view; mutable InMemoryKey uniqueKey; }; struct State { std::vector userpics; Ui::WhoReadContent current; base::has_weak_ptr guard; bool someUserpicsNotLoaded = false; bool scheduled = false; }; [[nodiscard]] auto Contexts() -> base::flat_map, std::unique_ptr> & { static auto result = base::flat_map< not_null, std::unique_ptr>(); return result; } [[nodiscard]] not_null ContextAt(not_null key) { auto &contexts = Contexts(); const auto i = contexts.find(key); if (i != end(contexts)) { return i->second.get(); } const auto result = contexts.emplace( key, std::make_unique()).first->second.get(); QObject::connect(key.get(), &QObject::destroyed, [=] { auto &contexts = Contexts(); const auto i = contexts.find(key); for (auto &[item, entry] : i->second->cachedRead) { if (const auto requestId = entry.requestId) { item->history()->session().api().request(requestId).cancel(); } } for (auto &[item, map] : i->second->cachedReacted) { for (auto &[reaction, entry] : map) { if (const auto requestId = entry.requestId) { item->history()->session().api().request(requestId).cancel(); } } } contexts.erase(i); }); return result; } [[nodiscard]] not_null PreparedContextAt( not_null key, not_null session) { const auto context = ContextAt(key); if (context->subscriptions.contains(session)) { return context; } session->changes().messageUpdates( Data::MessageUpdate::Flag::Destroyed ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::MessageUpdate &update) { const auto i = context->cachedRead.find(update.item); if (i != end(context->cachedRead)) { session->api().request(i->second.requestId).cancel(); context->cachedRead.erase(i); } const auto j = context->cachedReacted.find(update.item); if (j != end(context->cachedReacted)) { for (auto &[reaction, entry] : j->second) { session->api().request(entry.requestId).cancel(); } context->cachedReacted.erase(j); } }, context->subscriptions[session]); return context; } [[nodiscard]] QImage GenerateUserpic(Userpic &userpic, int size) { size *= style::DevicePixelRatio(); auto result = userpic.peer->generateUserpicImage(userpic.view, size); result.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); return result; } [[nodiscard]] Ui::WhoReadType DetectSeenType(not_null item) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (!media->webpage()) { if (const auto document = media->document()) { if (document->isVoiceMessage()) { return Ui::WhoReadType::Listened; } else if (document->isVideoMessage()) { return Ui::WhoReadType::Watched; } } } } return Ui::WhoReadType::Seen; } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer WhoReadIds( not_null item, not_null context) { auto weak = QPointer(context.get()); const auto session = &item->history()->session(); return [=](auto consumer) { if (!weak) { return rpl::lifetime(); } const auto context = PreparedContextAt(weak.data(), session); auto &entry = context->cacheRead(item); if (!entry.requestId) { entry.requestId = session->api().request( MTPmessages_GetMessageReadParticipants( item->history()->peer->input, MTP_int(item->id) ) ).done([=](const MTPVector &result) { auto &entry = context->cacheRead(item); entry.requestId = 0; auto parsed = Peers(); parsed.list.reserve(result.v.size()); for (const auto &id : result.v) { parsed.list.push_back(UserId(id)); } entry.data = std::move(parsed); }).fail([=] { auto &entry = context->cacheRead(item); entry.requestId = 0; if (entry.data.current().unknown) { entry.data = Peers(); } }).send(); } return entry.data.value().start_existing(consumer); }; } [[nodiscard]] PeersWithReactions WithEmptyReactions( Peers &&peers) { auto result = PeersWithReactions{ .list = peers.list | ranges::views::transform([](PeerId peer) { return PeerWithReaction{.peer = peer }; }) | ranges::to_vector, .unknown = peers.unknown, }; result.read = std::move(peers.list); return result; } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer WhoReactedIds( not_null item, const QString &reaction, not_null context) { auto weak = QPointer(context.get()); const auto session = &item->history()->session(); return [=](auto consumer) { if (!weak) { return rpl::lifetime(); } const auto context = PreparedContextAt(weak.data(), session); auto &entry = context->cacheReacted(item, reaction); if (!entry.requestId) { using Flag = MTPmessages_GetMessageReactionsList::Flag; entry.requestId = session->api().request( MTPmessages_GetMessageReactionsList( MTP_flags(reaction.isEmpty() ? Flag(0) : Flag::f_reaction), item->history()->peer->input, MTP_int(item->id), MTP_string(reaction), MTPstring(), // offset MTP_int(kContextReactionsLimit) ) ).done([=](const MTPmessages_MessageReactionsList &result) { auto &entry = context->cacheReacted(item, reaction); entry.requestId = 0; result.match([&]( const MTPDmessages_messageReactionsList &data) { session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); session->data().processChats(data.vchats()); auto parsed = PeersWithReactions{ .fullReactionsCount = data.vcount().v, }; parsed.list.reserve(data.vreactions().v.size()); for (const auto &vote : data.vreactions().v) { vote.match([&](const auto &data) { parsed.list.push_back(PeerWithReaction{ .peer = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer_id()), .reaction = qs(data.vreaction()), }); }); } entry.data = std::move(parsed); }); }).fail([=] { auto &entry = context->cacheReacted(item, reaction); entry.requestId = 0; if (entry.data.current().unknown) { entry.data = PeersWithReactions(); } }).send(); } return entry.data.value().start_existing(consumer); }; } [[nodiscard]] auto WhoReadOrReactedIds( not_null item, not_null context) -> rpl::producer { return rpl::combine( WhoReactedIds(item, QString(), context), WhoReadIds(item, context) ) | rpl::map([=](PeersWithReactions &&reacted, Peers &&read) { if (reacted.unknown || read.unknown) { return PeersWithReactions{ .unknown = true }; } auto &list = reacted.list; for (const auto &peer : read.list) { if (!ranges::contains(list, peer, &PeerWithReaction::peer)) { list.push_back({ .peer = peer }); } } reacted.read = std::move(read.list); return std::move(reacted); }); } bool UpdateUserpics( not_null state, not_null item, const std::vector &ids) { auto &owner = item->history()->owner(); struct ResolvedPeer { PeerData *peer = nullptr; QString reaction; }; const auto peers = ranges::views::all( ids ) | ranges::views::transform([&](PeerWithReaction id) { return ResolvedPeer{ .peer = owner.peerLoaded(id.peer), .reaction = id.reaction, }; }) | ranges::views::filter([](ResolvedPeer resolved) { return resolved.peer != nullptr; }) | ranges::to_vector; const auto same = ranges::equal( state->userpics, peers, ranges::equal_to(), &Userpic::peer, [](const ResolvedPeer &r) { return not_null{ r.peer }; }); if (same) { return false; } auto &was = state->userpics; auto now = std::vector(); for (const auto &resolved : peers) { const auto peer = not_null{ resolved.peer }; if (ranges::contains(now, peer, &Userpic::peer)) { continue; } const auto i = ranges::find(was, peer, &Userpic::peer); if (i != end(was)) { now.push_back(std::move(*i)); continue; } now.push_back(Userpic{ .peer = peer, .reaction = resolved.reaction, }); auto &userpic = now.back(); userpic.uniqueKey = peer->userpicUniqueKey(userpic.view); peer->loadUserpic(); } was = std::move(now); return true; } void RegenerateUserpics(not_null state, int small, int large) { Expects(state->userpics.size() == state->current.participants.size()); state->someUserpicsNotLoaded = false; const auto count = int(state->userpics.size()); for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { auto &userpic = state->userpics[i]; auto &participant = state->current.participants[i]; const auto peer = userpic.peer; const auto key = peer->userpicUniqueKey(userpic.view); if (peer->hasUserpic() && peer->useEmptyUserpic(userpic.view)) { state->someUserpicsNotLoaded = true; } if (userpic.uniqueKey == key) { continue; } participant.userpicKey = userpic.uniqueKey = key; participant.userpicLarge = GenerateUserpic(userpic, large); if (i < Ui::WhoReadParticipant::kMaxSmallUserpics) { participant.userpicSmall = GenerateUserpic(userpic, small); } } } void RegenerateParticipants(not_null state, int small, int large) { auto old = base::take(state->current.participants); auto &now = state->current.participants; now.reserve(state->userpics.size()); for (auto &userpic : state->userpics) { const auto peer = userpic.peer; const auto id = peer->id.value; const auto was = ranges::find(old, id, &Ui::WhoReadParticipant::id); if (was != end(old)) { was->name = peer->name; now.push_back(std::move(*was)); continue; } now.push_back({ .name = peer->name, .reaction = userpic.reaction, .userpicLarge = GenerateUserpic(userpic, large), .userpicKey = userpic.uniqueKey, .id = id, }); if (now.size() <= Ui::WhoReadParticipant::kMaxSmallUserpics) { now.back().userpicSmall = GenerateUserpic(userpic, small); } } RegenerateUserpics(state, small, large); } rpl::producer WhoReacted( not_null item, const QString &reaction, not_null context, const style::WhoRead &st, std::shared_ptr whoReadIds) { const auto small = st.userpics.size; const auto large = st.photoSize; return [=](auto consumer) { auto lifetime = rpl::lifetime(); const auto resolveWhoRead = reaction.isEmpty() && WhoReadExists(item); const auto state = lifetime.make_state(); const auto pushNext = [=] { consumer.put_next_copy(state->current); }; const auto resolveWhoReacted = !reaction.isEmpty() || item->canViewReactions(); auto idsWithReactions = (resolveWhoRead && resolveWhoReacted) ? WhoReadOrReactedIds(item, context) : resolveWhoRead ? (WhoReadIds(item, context) | rpl::map(WithEmptyReactions)) : WhoReactedIds(item, reaction, context); state->current.type = resolveWhoRead ? DetectSeenType(item) : Ui::WhoReadType::Reacted; if (resolveWhoReacted) { const auto &list = item->reactions(); state->current.fullReactionsCount = reaction.isEmpty() ? ranges::accumulate( list, 0, ranges::plus{}, [](const auto &pair) { return pair.second; }) : list.contains(reaction) ? list.find(reaction)->second : 0; // #TODO reactions state->current.singleReaction = !reaction.isEmpty() ? reaction : (list.size() == 1) ? list.front().first : QString(); } std::move( idsWithReactions ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](PeersWithReactions &&peers) { if (peers.unknown) { state->userpics.clear(); consumer.put_next(Ui::WhoReadContent{ .type = state->current.type, .fullReactionsCount = state->current.fullReactionsCount, .fullReadCount = state->current.fullReadCount, .unknown = true, }); return; } state->current.fullReadCount = int(peers.read.size()); state->current.fullReactionsCount = peers.fullReactionsCount; if (whoReadIds) { const auto reacted = peers.list.size() - ranges::count( peers.list, QString(), &PeerWithReaction::reaction); whoReadIds->list = (peers.read.size() > reacted) ? std::move(peers.read) : std::vector(); } if (UpdateUserpics(state, item, peers.list)) { RegenerateParticipants(state, small, large); pushNext(); } else if (peers.list.empty()) { pushNext(); } }, lifetime); item->history()->session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return state->someUserpicsNotLoaded && !state->scheduled; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { for (const auto &userpic : state->userpics) { if (userpic.peer->userpicUniqueKey(userpic.view) != userpic.uniqueKey) { state->scheduled = true; crl::on_main(&state->guard, [=] { state->scheduled = false; RegenerateUserpics(state, small, large); pushNext(); }); return; } } }, lifetime); return lifetime; }; } } // namespace bool WhoReadExists(not_null item) { if (!item->out()) { return false; } const auto type = DetectSeenType(item); const auto unseen = (type == Ui::WhoReadType::Seen) ? item->unread() : item->isUnreadMedia(); if (unseen) { return false; } const auto history = item->history(); const auto peer = history->peer; const auto chat = peer->asChat(); const auto megagroup = peer->asMegagroup(); if (!chat && !megagroup) { return false; } const auto &appConfig = peer->session().account().appConfig(); const auto expirePeriod = TimeId(appConfig.get( "chat_read_mark_expire_period", 7 * 86400.)); if (item->date() + expirePeriod <= base::unixtime::now()) { return false; } const auto maxCount = int(appConfig.get( "chat_read_mark_size_threshold", 50)); const auto count = megagroup ? megagroup->membersCount() : chat->count; if (count <= 0 || count > maxCount) { return false; } return true; } bool WhoReactedExists(not_null item) { return item->canViewReactions() || WhoReadExists(item); } rpl::producer WhoReacted( not_null item, not_null context, const style::WhoRead &st, std::shared_ptr whoReadIds) { return WhoReacted(item, QString(), context, st, std::move(whoReadIds)); } rpl::producer WhoReacted( not_null item, const QString &reaction, not_null context, const style::WhoRead &st) { return WhoReacted(item, reaction, context, st, nullptr); } } // namespace Api