/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "lottie/lottie_cache.h" #include "lottie/lottie_frame_renderer.h" #include "ffmpeg/ffmpeg_utility.h" #include "base/bytes.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Lottie { namespace { constexpr auto kAlignStorage = 16; // Must not exceed max database allowed entry size. constexpr auto kMaxCacheSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; void Xor(EncodedStorage &to, const EncodedStorage &from) { Expects(to.size() == from.size()); using Block = std::conditional_t< sizeof(void*) == sizeof(uint64), uint64, uint32>; constexpr auto kBlockSize = sizeof(Block); const auto amount = from.size(); const auto fromBytes = reinterpret_cast(from.data()); const auto toBytes = reinterpret_cast(to.data()); const auto blocks = amount / kBlockSize; const auto fromBlocks = reinterpret_cast(fromBytes); const auto toBlocks = reinterpret_cast(toBytes); for (auto i = 0; i != blocks; ++i) { toBlocks[i] ^= fromBlocks[i]; } const auto left = amount - (blocks * kBlockSize); for (auto i = amount - left; i != amount; ++i) { toBytes[i] ^= fromBytes[i]; } } bool UncompressToRaw(EncodedStorage &to, bytes::const_span from) { if (from.empty() || from.size() > to.size()) { return false; } else if (from.size() == to.size()) { memcpy(to.data(), from.data(), from.size()); return true; } const auto result = LZ4_decompress_safe( reinterpret_cast(from.data()), to.data(), from.size(), to.size()); return (result == to.size()); } void CompressFromRaw(QByteArray &to, const EncodedStorage &from) { const auto size = from.size(); const auto max = sizeof(qint32) + LZ4_compressBound(size); to.reserve(max); to.resize(max); const auto compressed = LZ4_compress_default( from.data(), to.data() + sizeof(qint32), size, to.size() - sizeof(qint32)); Assert(compressed > 0); if (compressed >= size + sizeof(qint32)) { to.resize(size + sizeof(qint32)); memcpy(to.data() + sizeof(qint32), from.data(), size); } else { to.resize(compressed + sizeof(qint32)); } const auto length = qint32(to.size() - sizeof(qint32)); bytes::copy( bytes::make_detached_span(to), bytes::object_as_span(&length)); } void CompressAndSwapFrame( QByteArray &to, QByteArray *additional, EncodedStorage &frame, EncodedStorage &previous) { CompressFromRaw(to, frame); std::swap(frame, previous); if (!additional) { return; } // Check if XOR-d delta compresses better. Xor(frame, previous); CompressFromRaw(*additional, frame); if (additional->size() >= to.size()) { return; } std::swap(to, *additional); // Negative length means we XOR-d with the previous frame. const auto negativeLength = -qint32(to.size() - sizeof(qint32)); bytes::copy( bytes::make_detached_span(to), bytes::object_as_span(&negativeLength)); } void DecodeYUV2RGB( QImage &to, const EncodedStorage &from, FFmpeg::SwscalePointer &context) { context = FFmpeg::MakeSwscalePointer( to.size(), AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, to.size(), AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA, &context); Assert(context != nullptr); // AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS defined in AVFrame struct const uint8_t *src[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { from.yData(), from.uData(), from.vData(), nullptr }; int srcLineSize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { from.yBytesPerLine(), from.uBytesPerLine(), from.vBytesPerLine(), 0 }; uint8_t *dst[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { to.bits(), nullptr }; int dstLineSize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { to.bytesPerLine(), 0 }; const auto lines = sws_scale( context.get(), src, srcLineSize, 0, to.height(), dst, dstLineSize); Ensures(lines == to.height()); } void DecodeAlpha(QImage &to, const EncodedStorage &from) { auto bytes = to.bits(); auto alpha = from.aData(); const auto perLine = to.bytesPerLine(); const auto width = to.width(); const auto height = to.height(); for (auto i = 0; i != height; ++i) { auto ints = reinterpret_cast(bytes); const auto till = ints + width; while (ints != till) { const auto value = uint32(*alpha++); *ints = (*ints & 0x00FFFFFFU) | ((value & 0xF0U) << 24) | ((value & 0xF0U) << 20); ++ints; *ints = (*ints & 0x00FFFFFFU) | (value << 28) | ((value & 0x0FU) << 24); ++ints; } bytes += perLine; } } void Decode( QImage &to, const EncodedStorage &from, const QSize &fromSize, FFmpeg::SwscalePointer &context) { if (!FFmpeg::GoodStorageForFrame(to, fromSize)) { to = FFmpeg::CreateFrameStorage(fromSize); } DecodeYUV2RGB(to, from, context); DecodeAlpha(to, from); FFmpeg::PremultiplyInplace(to); } void EncodeRGB2YUV( EncodedStorage &to, const QImage &from, FFmpeg::SwscalePointer &context) { context = FFmpeg::MakeSwscalePointer( from.size(), AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA, from.size(), AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, &context); Assert(context != nullptr); // AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS defined in AVFrame struct const uint8_t *src[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { from.bits(), nullptr }; int srcLineSize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { from.bytesPerLine(), 0 }; uint8_t *dst[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { to.yData(), to.uData(), to.vData(), nullptr }; int dstLineSize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS] = { to.yBytesPerLine(), to.uBytesPerLine(), to.vBytesPerLine(), 0 }; const auto lines = sws_scale( context.get(), src, srcLineSize, 0, from.height(), dst, dstLineSize); Ensures(lines == from.height()); } void EncodeAlpha(EncodedStorage &to, const QImage &from) { auto bytes = from.bits(); auto alpha = to.aData(); const auto perLine = from.bytesPerLine(); const auto width = from.width(); const auto height = from.height(); for (auto i = 0; i != height; ++i) { auto ints = reinterpret_cast(bytes); const auto till = ints + width; for (; ints != till; ints += 2) { *alpha++ = (((*ints) >> 24) & 0xF0U) | ((*(ints + 1)) >> 28); } bytes += perLine; } } void Encode( EncodedStorage &to, const QImage &from, QImage &cache, FFmpeg::SwscalePointer &context) { FFmpeg::UnPremultiply(cache, from); EncodeRGB2YUV(to, cache, context); EncodeAlpha(to, cache); } int YLineSize(int width) { return ((width + kAlignStorage - 1) / kAlignStorage) * kAlignStorage; } int UVLineSize(int width) { return (((width / 2) + kAlignStorage - 1) / kAlignStorage) * kAlignStorage; } int YSize(int width, int height) { return YLineSize(width) * height; } int UVSize(int width, int height) { return UVLineSize(width) * (height / 2); } int ASize(int width, int height) { return (width * height) / 2; } } // namespace void EncodedStorage::allocate(int width, int height) { Expects((width % 2) == 0 && (height % 2) == 0); if (YSize(width, height) != YSize(_width, _height) || UVSize(width, height) != UVSize(_width, _height) || ASize(width, height) != ASize(_width, _height)) { _width = width; _height = height; reallocate(); } } void EncodedStorage::reallocate() { const auto total = YSize(_width, _height) + 2 * UVSize(_width, _height) + ASize(_width, _height); _data = QByteArray(total + kAlignStorage - 1, 0); } int EncodedStorage::width() const { return _width; } int EncodedStorage::height() const { return _height; } int EncodedStorage::size() const { return YSize(_width, _height) + 2 * UVSize(_width, _height) + ASize(_width, _height); } char *EncodedStorage::data() { const auto result = reinterpret_cast(_data.data()); return reinterpret_cast(kAlignStorage * ((result + kAlignStorage - 1) / kAlignStorage)); } const char *EncodedStorage::data() const { const auto result = reinterpret_cast(_data.data()); return reinterpret_cast(kAlignStorage * ((result + kAlignStorage - 1) / kAlignStorage)); } uint8_t *EncodedStorage::yData() { return reinterpret_cast(data()); } const uint8_t *EncodedStorage::yData() const { return reinterpret_cast(data()); } int EncodedStorage::yBytesPerLine() const { return YLineSize(_width); } uint8_t *EncodedStorage::uData() { return yData() + YSize(_width, _height); } const uint8_t *EncodedStorage::uData() const { return yData() + YSize(_width, _height); } int EncodedStorage::uBytesPerLine() const { return UVLineSize(_width); } uint8_t *EncodedStorage::vData() { return uData() + UVSize(_width, _height); } const uint8_t *EncodedStorage::vData() const { return uData() + UVSize(_width, _height); } int EncodedStorage::vBytesPerLine() const { return UVLineSize(_width); } uint8_t *EncodedStorage::aData() { return uData() + 2 * UVSize(_width, _height); } const uint8_t *EncodedStorage::aData() const { return uData() + 2 * UVSize(_width, _height); } int EncodedStorage::aBytesPerLine() const { return _width / 2; } Cache::Cache( const QByteArray &data, const FrameRequest &request, FnMut put) : _data(data) , _put(std::move(put)) { if (!readHeader(request)) { _framesReady = 0; _data = QByteArray(); } } void Cache::init( QSize original, int frameRate, int framesCount, const FrameRequest &request) { _size = request.size(original); _original = original; _frameRate = frameRate; _framesCount = framesCount; _framesReady = 0; prepareBuffers(); } int Cache::frameRate() const { return _frameRate; } int Cache::framesReady() const { return _framesReady; } int Cache::framesCount() const { return _framesCount; } QSize Cache::originalSize() const { return _original; } bool Cache::readHeader(const FrameRequest &request) { if (_data.isEmpty()) { return false; } QDataStream stream(&_data, QIODevice::ReadOnly); auto encoder = qint32(0); stream >> encoder; if (static_cast(encoder) != Encoder::YUV420A4_LZ4) { return false; } auto size = QSize(); auto original = QSize(); auto frameRate = qint32(0); auto framesCount = qint32(0); auto framesReady = qint32(0); stream >> size >> original >> frameRate >> framesCount >> framesReady; if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok || original.isEmpty() || (original.width() > kMaxSize) || (original.height() > kMaxSize) || (frameRate <= 0) || (frameRate > kNormalFrameRate && frameRate != kMaxFrameRate) || (framesCount <= 0) || (framesCount > kMaxFramesCount) || (framesReady <= 0) || (framesReady > framesCount) || request.size(original) != size) { return false; } _encoder = static_cast(encoder); _size = size; _original = original; _frameRate = frameRate; _framesCount = framesCount; _framesReady = framesReady; prepareBuffers(); return renderFrame(_firstFrame, request, 0); } QImage Cache::takeFirstFrame() { return std::move(_firstFrame); } bool Cache::renderFrame( QImage &to, const FrameRequest &request, int index) { Expects(index >= _framesReady || index == _offsetFrameIndex || index == 0); if (index >= _framesReady) { return false; } else if (request.size(_original) != _size) { return false; } else if (index == 0) { _offset = headerSize(); _offsetFrameIndex = 0; } const auto [ok, xored] = readCompressedFrame(); if (!ok || (xored && index == 0)) { _framesReady = 0; _data = QByteArray(); return false; } else if (index + 1 == _framesReady && _data.size() > _offset) { _data.resize(_offset); } if (xored) { Xor(_previous, _uncompressed); } else { std::swap(_uncompressed, _previous); } Decode(to, _previous, _size, _decodeContext); return true; } void Cache::appendFrame( const QImage &frame, const FrameRequest &request, int index) { if (request.size(_original) != _size) { _framesReady = 0; _data = QByteArray(); } if (index != _framesReady) { return; } if (index == 0) { _size = request.size(_original); _encode = EncodeFields(); _encode.compressedFrames.reserve(_framesCount); prepareBuffers(); } Assert(frame.size() == _size); Encode(_uncompressed, frame, _encode.cache, _encode.context); CompressAndSwapFrame( _encode.compressBuffer, (index != 0) ? &_encode.xorCompressBuffer : nullptr, _uncompressed, _previous); const auto compressed = _encode.compressBuffer; const auto nowSize = (_data.isEmpty() ? headerSize() : _data.size()) + _encode.totalSize; const auto totalSize = nowSize + compressed.size(); if (nowSize <= kMaxCacheSize && totalSize > kMaxCacheSize) { // Write to cache while we still can. finalizeEncoding(); } _encode.totalSize += compressed.size(); _encode.compressedFrames.push_back(compressed); _encode.compressedFrames.back().detach(); if (++_framesReady == _framesCount) { finalizeEncoding(); } } void Cache::finalizeEncoding() { if (_encode.compressedFrames.empty()) { return; } const auto size = (_data.isEmpty() ? headerSize() : _data.size()) + _encode.totalSize; if (_data.isEmpty()) { _data.reserve(size); writeHeader(); } else { updateFramesReadyCount(); } const auto offset = _data.size(); _data.resize(size); auto to = _data.data() + offset; for (const auto &block : _encode.compressedFrames) { const auto amount = qint32(block.size()); memcpy(to, block.data(), amount); to += amount; } if (_data.size() <= kMaxCacheSize) { _put(QByteArray(_data)); } _encode = EncodeFields(); } int Cache::headerSize() const { return 8 * sizeof(qint32); } void Cache::writeHeader() { Expects(_data.isEmpty()); QDataStream stream(&_data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream << static_cast(_encoder) << _size << _original << qint32(_frameRate) << qint32(_framesCount) << qint32(_framesReady); } void Cache::updateFramesReadyCount() { Expects(_data.size() >= headerSize()); QDataStream stream(&_data, QIODevice::ReadWrite); stream.device()->seek(headerSize() - sizeof(qint32)); stream << qint32(_framesReady); } void Cache::prepareBuffers() { // 12 bit per pixel in YUV420P. const auto bytesPerLine = _size.width(); _uncompressed.allocate(bytesPerLine, _size.height()); _previous.allocate(bytesPerLine, _size.height()); } Cache::ReadResult Cache::readCompressedFrame() { if (_data.size() < _offset) { return { false }; } auto length = qint32(0); const auto part = bytes::make_span(_data).subspan(_offset); if (part.size() < sizeof(length)) { return { false }; } bytes::copy( bytes::object_as_span(&length), part.subspan(0, sizeof(length))); const auto bytes = part.subspan(sizeof(length)); const auto xored = (length < 0); if (xored) { length = -length; } _offset += sizeof(length) + length; ++_offsetFrameIndex; const auto ok = (length <= bytes.size()) ? UncompressToRaw(_uncompressed, bytes.subspan(0, length)) : false; return { ok, xored }; } Cache::~Cache() { finalizeEncoding(); } } // namespace Lottie