/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "boxes/sticker_set_box.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_layout.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "messenger.h" namespace { constexpr auto kStickersPanelPerRow = Stickers::kPanelPerRow; } // namespace StickerSetBox::StickerSetBox(QWidget*, const MTPInputStickerSet &set) : _set(set) { } void StickerSetBox::prepare() { setTitle(langFactory(lng_contacts_loading)); _inner = setInnerWidget(object_ptr(this, _set), st::stickersScroll); Auth().data().stickersUpdated() | rpl::start_with_next( [this] { updateButtons(); }, lifetime()); setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, st::stickersMaxHeight); onUpdateButtons(); connect(_inner, SIGNAL(updateButtons()), this, SLOT(onUpdateButtons())); _inner->setInstalled() | rpl::start_with_next([this](auto &&setId) { Auth().api().stickerSetInstalled(setId); this->closeBox(); }, lifetime()); } void StickerSetBox::onAddStickers() { _inner->install(); } void StickerSetBox::onShareStickers() { auto url = Messenger::Instance().createInternalLinkFull(qsl("addstickers/") + _inner->shortName()); QApplication::clipboard()->setText(url); Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_stickers_copied))); } void StickerSetBox::onUpdateButtons() { setTitle(_inner->title()); updateButtons(); } void StickerSetBox::updateButtons() { clearButtons(); if (_inner->loaded()) { if (_inner->notInstalled()) { addButton(langFactory(lng_stickers_add_pack), [this] { onAddStickers(); }); addButton(langFactory(lng_cancel), [this] { closeBox(); }); } else if (_inner->official()) { addButton(langFactory(lng_about_done), [this] { closeBox(); }); } else { addButton(langFactory(lng_stickers_share_pack), [this] { onShareStickers(); }); addButton(langFactory(lng_cancel), [this] { closeBox(); }); } } else { addButton(langFactory(lng_cancel), [this] { closeBox(); }); } update(); } void StickerSetBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { BoxContent::resizeEvent(e); _inner->resize(width(), _inner->height()); } StickerSetBox::Inner::Inner(QWidget *parent, const MTPInputStickerSet &set) : TWidget(parent) , _input(set) { switch (set.type()) { case mtpc_inputStickerSetID: _setId = set.c_inputStickerSetID().vid.v; _setAccess = set.c_inputStickerSetID().vaccess_hash.v; break; case mtpc_inputStickerSetShortName: _setShortName = qs(set.c_inputStickerSetShortName().vshort_name); break; } MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet(_input), rpcDone(&Inner::gotSet), rpcFail(&Inner::failedSet)); Auth().api().updateStickers(); subscribe(Auth().downloaderTaskFinished(), [this] { update(); }); setMouseTracking(true); _previewTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_previewTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onPreview())); } void StickerSetBox::Inner::gotSet(const MTPmessages_StickerSet &set) { _pack.clear(); _emoji.clear(); _packOvers.clear(); _selected = -1; setCursor(style::cur_default); if (set.type() == mtpc_messages_stickerSet) { auto &d = set.c_messages_stickerSet(); auto &v = d.vdocuments.v; _pack.reserve(v.size()); _packOvers.reserve(v.size()); for (int i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) { auto doc = App::feedDocument(v.at(i)); if (!doc || !doc->sticker()) continue; _pack.push_back(doc); _packOvers.push_back(Animation()); } auto &packs = d.vpacks.v; for (auto i = 0, l = packs.size(); i != l; ++i) { if (packs.at(i).type() != mtpc_stickerPack) continue; auto &pack = packs.at(i).c_stickerPack(); if (auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(qs(pack.vemoticon))) { emoji = emoji->original(); auto &stickers = pack.vdocuments.v; Stickers::Pack p; p.reserve(stickers.size()); for (auto j = 0, c = stickers.size(); j != c; ++j) { auto doc = App::document(stickers[j].v); if (!doc || !doc->sticker()) continue; p.push_back(doc); } _emoji.insert(emoji, p); } } if (d.vset.type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { auto &s = d.vset.c_stickerSet(); _setTitle = Stickers::GetSetTitle(s); _setShortName = qs(s.vshort_name); _setId = s.vid.v; _setAccess = s.vaccess_hash.v; _setCount = s.vcount.v; _setHash = s.vhash.v; _setFlags = s.vflags.v; auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto it = sets.find(_setId); if (it != sets.cend()) { auto clientFlags = it->flags & (MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special); _setFlags |= clientFlags; it->flags = _setFlags; it->stickers = _pack; it->emoji = _emoji; } } } if (_pack.isEmpty()) { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_stickers_not_found))); } else { int32 rows = _pack.size() / kStickersPanelPerRow + ((_pack.size() % kStickersPanelPerRow) ? 1 : 0); resize(st::stickersPadding.left() + kStickersPanelPerRow * st::stickersSize.width(), st::stickersPadding.top() + rows * st::stickersSize.height() + st::stickersPadding.bottom()); } _loaded = true; updateSelected(); emit updateButtons(); } bool StickerSetBox::Inner::failedSet(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; _loaded = true; Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_stickers_not_found))); return true; } void StickerSetBox::Inner::installDone(const MTPmessages_StickerSetInstallResult &result) { auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); bool wasArchived = (_setFlags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived); if (wasArchived) { auto index = Auth().data().archivedStickerSetsOrderRef().indexOf(_setId); if (index >= 0) { Auth().data().archivedStickerSetsOrderRef().removeAt(index); } } _setFlags &= ~MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived; _setFlags |= MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed; auto it = sets.find(_setId); if (it == sets.cend()) { it = sets.insert(_setId, Stickers::Set(_setId, _setAccess, _setTitle, _setShortName, _setCount, _setHash, _setFlags)); } else { it->flags = _setFlags; } it->stickers = _pack; it->emoji = _emoji; auto &order = Auth().data().stickerSetsOrderRef(); int insertAtIndex = 0, currentIndex = order.indexOf(_setId); if (currentIndex != insertAtIndex) { if (currentIndex > 0) { order.removeAt(currentIndex); } order.insert(insertAtIndex, _setId); } auto custom = sets.find(Stickers::CustomSetId); if (custom != sets.cend()) { for_const (auto sticker, _pack) { int removeIndex = custom->stickers.indexOf(sticker); if (removeIndex >= 0) custom->stickers.removeAt(removeIndex); } if (custom->stickers.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(custom); } } if (result.type() == mtpc_messages_stickerSetInstallResultArchive) { Stickers::ApplyArchivedResult(result.c_messages_stickerSetInstallResultArchive()); } else { if (wasArchived) { Local::writeArchivedStickers(); } Local::writeInstalledStickers(); Auth().data().markStickersUpdated(); } _setInstalled.fire_copy(_setId); } bool StickerSetBox::Inner::installFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_stickers_not_found))); return true; } void StickerSetBox::Inner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { int index = stickerFromGlobalPos(e->globalPos()); if (index >= 0 && index < _pack.size()) { _previewTimer.start(QApplication::startDragTime()); } } void StickerSetBox::Inner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { updateSelected(); if (_previewShown >= 0) { int index = stickerFromGlobalPos(e->globalPos()); if (index >= 0 && index < _pack.size() && index != _previewShown) { _previewShown = index; Ui::showMediaPreview(_pack.at(_previewShown)); } } } void StickerSetBox::Inner::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { setSelected(-1); } void StickerSetBox::Inner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_previewShown >= 0) { _previewShown = -1; return; } if (_previewTimer.isActive()) { _previewTimer.stop(); int index = stickerFromGlobalPos(e->globalPos()); if (index >= 0 && index < _pack.size() && !isMasksSet()) { if (auto main = App::main()) { if (main->onSendSticker(_pack.at(index))) { Ui::hideSettingsAndLayer(); } } } } } void StickerSetBox::Inner::updateSelected() { auto selected = stickerFromGlobalPos(QCursor::pos()); setSelected(isMasksSet() ? -1 : selected); } void StickerSetBox::Inner::setSelected(int selected) { if (_selected != selected) { startOverAnimation(_selected, 1., 0.); _selected = selected; startOverAnimation(_selected, 0., 1.); setCursor(_selected >= 0 ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } void StickerSetBox::Inner::startOverAnimation(int index, float64 from, float64 to) { if (index >= 0 && index < _packOvers.size()) { _packOvers[index].start([this, index] { int row = index / kStickersPanelPerRow; int column = index % kStickersPanelPerRow; int left = st::stickersPadding.left() + column * st::stickersSize.width(); int top = st::stickersPadding.top() + row * st::stickersSize.height(); rtlupdate(left, top, st::stickersSize.width(), st::stickersSize.height()); }, from, to, st::emojiPanDuration); } } void StickerSetBox::Inner::onPreview() { int index = stickerFromGlobalPos(QCursor::pos()); if (index >= 0 && index < _pack.size()) { _previewShown = index; Ui::showMediaPreview(_pack.at(_previewShown)); } } int32 StickerSetBox::Inner::stickerFromGlobalPos(const QPoint &p) const { QPoint l(mapFromGlobal(p)); if (rtl()) l.setX(width() - l.x()); int32 row = (l.y() >= st::stickersPadding.top()) ? qFloor((l.y() - st::stickersPadding.top()) / st::stickersSize.height()) : -1; int32 col = (l.x() >= st::stickersPadding.left()) ? qFloor((l.x() - st::stickersPadding.left()) / st::stickersSize.width()) : -1; if (row >= 0 && col >= 0 && col < kStickersPanelPerRow) { int32 result = row * kStickersPanelPerRow + col; return (result < _pack.size()) ? result : -1; } return -1; } void StickerSetBox::Inner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect r(e->rect()); Painter p(this); if (_pack.isEmpty()) return; auto ms = getms(); int32 rows = _pack.size() / kStickersPanelPerRow + ((_pack.size() % kStickersPanelPerRow) ? 1 : 0); int32 from = qFloor(e->rect().top() / st::stickersSize.height()), to = qFloor(e->rect().bottom() / st::stickersSize.height()) + 1; for (int32 i = from; i < to; ++i) { for (int32 j = 0; j < kStickersPanelPerRow; ++j) { int32 index = i * kStickersPanelPerRow + j; if (index >= _pack.size()) break; Assert(index < _packOvers.size()); DocumentData *doc = _pack.at(index); QPoint pos(st::stickersPadding.left() + j * st::stickersSize.width(), st::stickersPadding.top() + i * st::stickersSize.height()); if (auto over = _packOvers[index].current(ms, (index == _selected) ? 1. : 0.)) { p.setOpacity(over); QPoint tl(pos); if (rtl()) tl.setX(width() - tl.x() - st::stickersSize.width()); App::roundRect(p, QRect(tl, st::stickersSize), st::emojiPanHover, StickerHoverCorners); p.setOpacity(1); } bool goodThumb = !doc->thumb->isNull() && ((doc->thumb->width() >= 128) || (doc->thumb->height() >= 128)); if (goodThumb) { doc->thumb->load(); } else { if (doc->status == FileReady) { doc->automaticLoad(0); } if (doc->sticker()->img->isNull() && doc->loaded(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked)) { doc->sticker()->img = doc->data().isEmpty() ? ImagePtr(doc->filepath()) : ImagePtr(doc->data()); } } float64 coef = qMin((st::stickersSize.width() - st::buttonRadius * 2) / float64(doc->dimensions.width()), (st::stickersSize.height() - st::buttonRadius * 2) / float64(doc->dimensions.height())); if (coef > 1) coef = 1; int32 w = qRound(coef * doc->dimensions.width()), h = qRound(coef * doc->dimensions.height()); if (w < 1) w = 1; if (h < 1) h = 1; QPoint ppos = pos + QPoint((st::stickersSize.width() - w) / 2, (st::stickersSize.height() - h) / 2); if (goodThumb) { p.drawPixmapLeft(ppos, width(), doc->thumb->pix(w, h)); } else if (!doc->sticker()->img->isNull()) { p.drawPixmapLeft(ppos, width(), doc->sticker()->img->pix(w, h)); } } } } bool StickerSetBox::Inner::loaded() const { return _loaded && !_pack.isEmpty(); } int32 StickerSetBox::Inner::notInstalled() const { if (!_loaded) return 0; auto it = Auth().data().stickerSets().constFind(_setId); if (it == Auth().data().stickerSets().cend() || !(it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed) || (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived)) return _pack.size(); return 0; } bool StickerSetBox::Inner::official() const { return _loaded && _setShortName.isEmpty(); } base::lambda StickerSetBox::Inner::title() const { auto text = TextWithEntities { _setTitle }; if (_loaded) { if (_pack.isEmpty()) { return [] { return TextWithEntities { lang(lng_attach_failed), EntitiesInText() }; }; } else { TextUtilities::ParseEntities(text, TextParseMentions); } } else { return [] { return TextWithEntities { lang(lng_contacts_loading), EntitiesInText() }; }; } return [text] { return text; }; } QString StickerSetBox::Inner::shortName() const { return _setShortName; } void StickerSetBox::Inner::install() { if (isMasksSet()) { Ui::show( Box(lang(lng_stickers_masks_pack)), LayerOption::KeepOther); return; } if (_installRequest) return; _installRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_InstallStickerSet(_input, MTP_bool(false)), rpcDone(&Inner::installDone), rpcFail(&Inner::installFail)); } StickerSetBox::Inner::~Inner() { }