/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "platform/platform_notifications_manager.h" #include "window/notifications_manager_default.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio_track.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" //#include "history/feed/history_feed_section.h" // #feed #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "api/api_updates.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_domain.h" #include "facades.h" #include "app.h" #include namespace Window { namespace Notifications { namespace { // not more than one sound in 500ms from one peer - grouping constexpr auto kMinimalAlertDelay = crl::time(500); constexpr auto kWaitingForAllGroupedDelay = crl::time(1000); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC constexpr auto kSystemAlertDuration = crl::time(1000); #else // !Q_OS_MAC constexpr auto kSystemAlertDuration = crl::time(0); #endif // Q_OS_MAC } // namespace System::System() : _waitTimer([=] { showNext(); }) , _waitForAllGroupedTimer([=] { showGrouped(); }) { subscribe(settingsChanged(), [=](ChangeType type) { if (type == ChangeType::DesktopEnabled) { App::wnd()->updateTrayMenu(); clearAll(); } else if (type == ChangeType::ViewParams) { updateAll(); } else if (type == ChangeType::IncludeMuted || type == ChangeType::CountMessages) { Core::App().domain().notifyUnreadBadgeChanged(); } }); } void System::createManager() { _manager = Platform::Notifications::Create(this); if (!_manager) { _manager = std::make_unique(this); } } Main::Session *System::findSession(uint64 sessionId) const { for (const auto &[index, account] : Core::App().domain().accounts()) { if (const auto session = account->maybeSession()) { if (session->uniqueId() == sessionId) { return session; } } } return nullptr; } System::SkipState System::skipNotification( not_null item) const { const auto history = item->history(); const auto notifyBy = item->specialNotificationPeer(); if (App::quitting() || !history->currentNotification()) { return { SkipState::Skip }; } else if (!Core::App().settings().notifyFromAll() && &history->session().account() != &Core::App().domain().active()) { return { SkipState::Skip }; } const auto scheduled = item->out() && item->isFromScheduled(); history->owner().requestNotifySettings(history->peer); if (notifyBy) { history->owner().requestNotifySettings(notifyBy); } if (history->owner().notifyMuteUnknown(history->peer)) { return { SkipState::Unknown, item->isSilent() }; } else if (!history->owner().notifyIsMuted(history->peer)) { return { SkipState::DontSkip, item->isSilent() }; } else if (!notifyBy) { return { scheduled ? SkipState::DontSkip : SkipState::Skip, item->isSilent() || scheduled }; } else if (history->owner().notifyMuteUnknown(notifyBy)) { return { SkipState::Unknown, item->isSilent() }; } else if (!history->owner().notifyIsMuted(notifyBy)) { return { SkipState::DontSkip, item->isSilent() }; } else { return { scheduled ? SkipState::DontSkip : SkipState::Skip, item->isSilent() || scheduled }; } } void System::schedule(not_null item) { const auto history = item->history(); const auto skip = skipNotification(item); if (skip.value == SkipState::Skip) { history->popNotification(item); return; } const auto notifyBy = item->specialNotificationPeer(); const auto ready = (skip.value != SkipState::Unknown) && item->notificationReady(); auto delay = item->Has() ? 500 : 100; const auto t = base::unixtime::now(); const auto ms = crl::now(); const auto &updates = history->session().updates(); const auto &config = history->session().serverConfig(); const bool isOnline = updates.lastWasOnline(); const auto otherNotOld = ((cOtherOnline() * 1000LL) + config.onlineCloudTimeout > t * 1000LL); const bool otherLaterThanMe = (cOtherOnline() * 1000LL + (ms - updates.lastSetOnline()) > t * 1000LL); if (!isOnline && otherNotOld && otherLaterThanMe) { delay = config.notifyCloudDelay; } else if (cOtherOnline() >= t) { delay = config.notifyDefaultDelay; } auto when = ms + delay; if (!skip.silent) { _whenAlerts[history].emplace(when, notifyBy); } if (Core::App().settings().desktopNotify() && !Platform::Notifications::SkipToast()) { auto &whenMap = _whenMaps[history]; if (whenMap.find(item->id) == whenMap.end()) { whenMap.emplace(item->id, when); } auto &addTo = ready ? _waiters : _settingWaiters; const auto it = addTo.find(history); if (it == addTo.end() || it->second.when > when) { addTo.emplace(history, Waiter{ .msg = item->id, .when = when, .notifyBy = notifyBy }); } } if (ready) { if (!_waitTimer.isActive() || _waitTimer.remainingTime() > delay) { _waitTimer.callOnce(delay); } } } void System::clearAll() { if (_manager) { _manager->clearAll(); } for (auto i = _whenMaps.cbegin(), e = _whenMaps.cend(); i != e; ++i) { i->first->clearNotifications(); } _whenMaps.clear(); _whenAlerts.clear(); _waiters.clear(); _settingWaiters.clear(); } void System::clearFromHistory(not_null history) { if (_manager) { _manager->clearFromHistory(history); } history->clearNotifications(); _whenMaps.remove(history); _whenAlerts.remove(history); _waiters.remove(history); _settingWaiters.remove(history); _waitTimer.cancel(); showNext(); } void System::clearFromSession(not_null session) { if (_manager) { _manager->clearFromSession(session); } for (auto i = _whenMaps.begin(); i != _whenMaps.end();) { const auto history = i->first; if (&history->session() != session) { ++i; continue; } history->clearNotifications(); i = _whenMaps.erase(i); _whenAlerts.remove(history); _waiters.remove(history); _settingWaiters.remove(history); } const auto clearFrom = [&](auto &map) { for (auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end();) { if (&i->first->session() == session) { i = map.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } }; clearFrom(_whenAlerts); clearFrom(_waiters); clearFrom(_settingWaiters); } void System::clearIncomingFromHistory(not_null history) { if (_manager) { _manager->clearFromHistory(history); } history->clearIncomingNotifications(); _whenAlerts.remove(history); } void System::clearFromItem(not_null item) { if (_manager) { _manager->clearFromItem(item); } } void System::clearAllFast() { if (_manager) { _manager->clearAllFast(); } _whenMaps.clear(); _whenAlerts.clear(); _waiters.clear(); _settingWaiters.clear(); } void System::checkDelayed() { for (auto i = _settingWaiters.begin(); i != _settingWaiters.end();) { const auto history = i->first; const auto peer = history->peer; auto loaded = false; auto muted = false; if (!peer->owner().notifyMuteUnknown(peer)) { if (!peer->owner().notifyIsMuted(peer)) { loaded = true; } else if (const auto from = i->second.notifyBy) { if (!peer->owner().notifyMuteUnknown(from)) { if (!peer->owner().notifyIsMuted(from)) { loaded = true; } else { loaded = muted = true; } } } else { loaded = muted = true; } } if (loaded) { const auto fullId = FullMsgId( history->channelId(), i->second.msg); if (const auto item = peer->owner().message(fullId)) { if (!item->notificationReady()) { loaded = false; } } else { muted = true; } } if (loaded) { if (!muted) { _waiters.emplace(i->first, i->second); } i = _settingWaiters.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } _waitTimer.cancel(); showNext(); } void System::showGrouped() { Expects(_manager != nullptr); if (const auto session = findSession(_lastHistorySessionId)) { if (const auto lastItem = session->data().message(_lastHistoryItemId)) { _waitForAllGroupedTimer.cancel(); _manager->showNotification(lastItem, _lastForwardedCount); _lastForwardedCount = 0; _lastHistoryItemId = FullMsgId(); _lastHistorySessionId = 0; } } } void System::showNext() { Expects(_manager != nullptr); if (App::quitting()) { return; } const auto isSameGroup = [=](HistoryItem *item) { if (!_lastHistorySessionId || !_lastHistoryItemId || !item) { return false; } else if (item->history()->session().uniqueId() != _lastHistorySessionId) { return false; } const auto lastItem = item->history()->owner().message( _lastHistoryItemId); if (lastItem) { return (lastItem->groupId() == item->groupId()) || (lastItem->author() == item->author()); } return false; }; auto ms = crl::now(), nextAlert = crl::time(0); bool alert = false; int32 now = base::unixtime::now(); for (auto i = _whenAlerts.begin(); i != _whenAlerts.end();) { while (!i->second.empty() && i->second.begin()->first <= ms) { const auto peer = i->first->peer; const auto peerUnknown = peer->owner().notifyMuteUnknown(peer); const auto peerAlert = !peerUnknown && !peer->owner().notifyIsMuted(peer); const auto from = i->second.begin()->second; const auto fromUnknown = (!from || peer->owner().notifyMuteUnknown(from)); const auto fromAlert = !fromUnknown && !peer->owner().notifyIsMuted(from); if (peerAlert || fromAlert) { alert = true; } while (!i->second.empty() && i->second.begin()->first <= ms + kMinimalAlertDelay) { i->second.erase(i->second.begin()); } } if (i->second.empty()) { i = _whenAlerts.erase(i); } else { if (!nextAlert || nextAlert > i->second.begin()->first) { nextAlert = i->second.begin()->first; } ++i; } } const auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); if (alert) { if (settings.flashBounceNotify() && !Platform::Notifications::SkipFlashBounce()) { if (const auto widget = App::wnd()) { if (const auto window = widget->windowHandle()) { window->alert(kSystemAlertDuration); // (window, SLOT(_q_clearAlert())); in the future. } } } if (settings.soundNotify() && !Platform::Notifications::SkipAudio()) { ensureSoundCreated(); _soundTrack->playOnce(); emit Media::Player::mixer()->suppressAll(_soundTrack->getLengthMs()); emit Media::Player::mixer()->faderOnTimer(); } } if (_waiters.empty() || !settings.desktopNotify() || Platform::Notifications::SkipToast()) { if (nextAlert) { _waitTimer.callOnce(nextAlert - ms); } return; } while (true) { auto next = 0LL; HistoryItem *notifyItem = nullptr; History *notifyHistory = nullptr; for (auto i = _waiters.begin(); i != _waiters.end();) { const auto history = i->first; if (history->currentNotification() && history->currentNotification()->id != i->second.msg) { auto j = _whenMaps.find(history); if (j == _whenMaps.end()) { history->clearNotifications(); i = _waiters.erase(i); continue; } do { auto k = j->second.find(history->currentNotification()->id); if (k != j->second.cend()) { i->second.msg = k->first; i->second.when = k->second; break; } history->skipNotification(); } while (history->currentNotification()); } if (!history->currentNotification()) { _whenMaps.remove(history); i = _waiters.erase(i); continue; } auto when = i->second.when; if (!notifyItem || next > when) { next = when; notifyItem = history->currentNotification(); notifyHistory = history; } ++i; } if (notifyItem) { if (next > ms) { if (nextAlert && nextAlert < next) { next = nextAlert; nextAlert = 0; } _waitTimer.callOnce(next - ms); break; } else { const auto isForwarded = notifyItem->Has(); const auto isAlbum = notifyItem->groupId(); auto groupedItem = (isForwarded || isAlbum) ? notifyItem : nullptr; // forwarded and album notify grouping auto forwardedCount = isForwarded ? 1 : 0; const auto history = notifyItem->history(); const auto j = _whenMaps.find(history); if (j == _whenMaps.cend()) { history->clearNotifications(); } else { auto nextNotify = (HistoryItem*)nullptr; do { history->skipNotification(); if (!history->hasNotification()) { break; } j->second.remove((groupedItem ? groupedItem : notifyItem)->id); do { const auto k = j->second.find(history->currentNotification()->id); if (k != j->second.cend()) { nextNotify = history->currentNotification(); _waiters.emplace(notifyHistory, Waiter{ .msg = k->first, .when = k->second }); break; } history->skipNotification(); } while (history->hasNotification()); if (nextNotify) { if (groupedItem) { const auto canNextBeGrouped = (isForwarded && nextNotify->Has()) || (isAlbum && nextNotify->groupId()); const auto nextItem = canNextBeGrouped ? nextNotify : nullptr; if (nextItem && qAbs(int64(nextItem->date()) - int64(groupedItem->date())) < 2) { if (isForwarded && groupedItem->author() == nextItem->author()) { ++forwardedCount; groupedItem = nextItem; continue; } if (isAlbum && groupedItem->groupId() == nextItem->groupId()) { groupedItem = nextItem; continue; } } } nextNotify = nullptr; } } while (nextNotify); } if (!_lastHistoryItemId && groupedItem) { _lastHistorySessionId = groupedItem->history()->session().uniqueId(); _lastHistoryItemId = groupedItem->fullId(); } // If the current notification is grouped. if (isAlbum || isForwarded) { // If the previous notification is grouped // then reset the timer. if (_waitForAllGroupedTimer.isActive()) { _waitForAllGroupedTimer.cancel(); // If this is not the same group // then show the previous group immediately. if (!isSameGroup(groupedItem)) { showGrouped(); } } // We have to wait until all the messages in this group are loaded. _lastForwardedCount += forwardedCount; _lastHistorySessionId = groupedItem->history()->session().uniqueId(); _lastHistoryItemId = groupedItem->fullId(); _waitForAllGroupedTimer.callOnce(kWaitingForAllGroupedDelay); } else { // If the current notification is not grouped // then there is no reason to wait for the timer // to show the previous notification. showGrouped(); _manager->showNotification(notifyItem, forwardedCount); } if (!history->hasNotification()) { _waiters.remove(history); _whenMaps.remove(history); continue; } } } else { break; } } if (nextAlert) { _waitTimer.callOnce(nextAlert - ms); } } void System::ensureSoundCreated() { if (_soundTrack) { return; } _soundTrack = Media::Audio::Current().createTrack(); _soundTrack->fillFromFile( Core::App().settings().getSoundPath(qsl("msg_incoming"))); } void System::updateAll() { if (_manager) { _manager->updateAll(); } } Manager::DisplayOptions Manager::GetNotificationOptions(HistoryItem *item) { const auto hideEverything = Core::App().passcodeLocked() || Global::ScreenIsLocked(); const auto view = Core::App().settings().notifyView(); DisplayOptions result; result.hideNameAndPhoto = hideEverything || (view > dbinvShowName); result.hideMessageText = hideEverything || (view > dbinvShowPreview); result.hideReplyButton = result.hideMessageText || !item || ((item->out() || item->history()->peer->isSelf()) && item->isFromScheduled()) || !item->history()->peer->canWrite() || (item->history()->peer->slowmodeSecondsLeft() > 0); return result; } QString Manager::addTargetAccountName( const QString &title, not_null session) { const auto add = [&] { for (const auto &[index, account] : Core::App().domain().accounts()) { if (const auto other = account->maybeSession()) { if (other != session) { return true; } } } return false; }(); return add ? (title + accountNameSeparator() + (session->user()->username.isEmpty() ? session->user()->name : session->user()->username)) : title; } QString Manager::accountNameSeparator() { return QString::fromUtf8(" \xE2\x9E\x9C "); } void Manager::notificationActivated(NotificationId id) { onBeforeNotificationActivated(id); if (const auto session = system()->findSession(id.full.sessionId)) { if (session->windows().empty()) { Core::App().domain().activate(&session->account()); } if (!session->windows().empty()) { const auto window = session->windows().front(); const auto history = session->data().history(id.full.peerId); window->widget()->showFromTray(); window->widget()->reActivateWindow(); if (Core::App().passcodeLocked()) { window->widget()->setInnerFocus(); system()->clearAll(); } else { openNotificationMessage(history, id.msgId); } } } onAfterNotificationActivated(id); } void Manager::openNotificationMessage( not_null history, MsgId messageId) { const auto openExactlyMessage = [&] { if (history->peer->isUser() || history->peer->isChannel() || !IsServerMsgId(messageId)) { return false; } const auto item = history->owner().message(history->channelId(), messageId); if (!item || !item->mentionsMe()) { return false; } return true; }(); //const auto messageFeed = [&] { // #feed // if (const auto channel = history->peer->asChannel()) { // return channel->feed(); // } // return (Data::Feed*)nullptr; //}(); if (openExactlyMessage) { Ui::showPeerHistory(history, messageId); //} else if (messageFeed) { // #feed // App::wnd()->sessionController()->showSection( // HistoryFeed::Memento(messageFeed)); } else { Ui::showPeerHistory(history, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } system()->clearFromHistory(history); } void Manager::notificationReplied( NotificationId id, const TextWithTags &reply) { if (!id.full.sessionId || !id.full.peerId) { return; } const auto session = system()->findSession(id.full.sessionId); if (!session) { return; } const auto history = session->data().history(id.full.peerId); auto message = Api::MessageToSend(history); message.textWithTags = reply; message.action.replyTo = (id.msgId > 0 && !history->peer->isUser()) ? id.msgId : 0; message.action.clearDraft = false; history->session().api().sendMessage(std::move(message)); const auto item = history->owner().message( history->channelId(), id.msgId); if (item && item->isUnreadMention() && !item->isUnreadMedia()) { history->session().api().markMediaRead(item); } } void NativeManager::doShowNotification( not_null item, int forwardedCount) { const auto options = GetNotificationOptions(item); const auto peer = item->history()->peer; const auto scheduled = !options.hideNameAndPhoto && (item->out() || peer->isSelf()) && item->isFromScheduled(); const auto title = options.hideNameAndPhoto ? qsl("Telegram Desktop") : (scheduled && peer->isSelf()) ? tr::lng_notification_reminder(tr::now) : peer->name; const auto fullTitle = addTargetAccountName(title, &peer->session()); const auto subtitle = options.hideNameAndPhoto ? QString() : item->notificationHeader(); const auto text = options.hideMessageText ? tr::lng_notification_preview(tr::now) : (forwardedCount < 2 ? (item->groupId() ? tr::lng_in_dlg_album(tr::now) : item->notificationText()) : tr::lng_forward_messages(tr::now, lt_count, forwardedCount)); // #TODO optimize auto userpicView = item->history()->peer->createUserpicView(); doShowNativeNotification( item->history()->peer, userpicView, item->id, scheduled ? WrapFromScheduled(fullTitle) : fullTitle, subtitle, text, options.hideNameAndPhoto, options.hideReplyButton); } System::~System() = default; QString WrapFromScheduled(const QString &text) { return QString::fromUtf8("\xF0\x9F\x93\x85 ") + text; } } // namespace Notifications } // namespace Window