/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com */ #pragma once class mtpAuthKey { public: mtpAuthKey() : _isset(false), _dc(0) { } bool created() const { return _isset; } void setKey(const void *from) { memcpy(_key, from, 256); uchar sha1Buffer[20]; _keyId = *(uint64*)(hashSha1(_key, 256, sha1Buffer) + 3); _isset = true; } void setDC(uint32 dc) { _dc = dc; } uint32 getDC() const { if (!_isset) throw mtpErrorKeyNotReady("getDC()"); return _dc; } uint64 keyId() const { if (!_isset) throw mtpErrorKeyNotReady("keyId()"); return _keyId; } void prepareAES(const MTPint128 &msgKey, MTPint256 &aesKey, MTPint256 &aesIV, bool send = true) { if (!_isset) throw mtpErrorKeyNotReady(QString("prepareAES(.., %1)").arg(logBool(send))); uint32 x = send ? 0 : 8; uchar data_a[16 + 32], sha1_a[20]; memcpy(data_a, &msgKey, 16); memcpy(data_a + 16, _key + x, 32); hashSha1(data_a, 16 + 32, sha1_a); uchar data_b[16 + 16 + 16], sha1_b[20]; memcpy(data_b, _key + 32 + x, 16); memcpy(data_b + 16, &msgKey, 16); memcpy(data_b + 32, _key + 48 + x, 16); hashSha1(data_b, 16 + 16 + 16, sha1_b); uchar data_c[32 + 16], sha1_c[20]; memcpy(data_c, _key + 64 + x, 32); memcpy(data_c + 32, &msgKey, 16); hashSha1(data_c, 32 + 16, sha1_c); uchar data_d[16 + 32], sha1_d[20]; memcpy(data_d, &msgKey, 16); memcpy(data_d + 16, _key + 96 + x, 32); hashSha1(data_d, 16 + 32, sha1_d); uchar *key((uchar*)&aesKey), *iv((uchar*)&aesIV); memcpy(key, sha1_a, 8); memcpy(key + 8, sha1_b + 8, 12); memcpy(key + 8 + 12, sha1_c + 4, 12); memcpy(iv, sha1_a + 8, 12); memcpy(iv + 12, sha1_b, 8); memcpy(iv + 12 + 8, sha1_c + 16, 4); memcpy(iv + 12 + 8 + 4, sha1_d, 8); } void write(QDataStream &to) const { if (!_isset) throw mtpErrorKeyNotReady("write(..)"); to.writeRawData(_key, 256); } static const uint64 RecreateKeyId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; private: char _key[256]; uint64 _keyId; bool _isset; uint32 _dc; }; typedef QSharedPointer mtpAuthKeyPtr; inline void aesEncrypt(const void *src, void *dst, uint32 len, void *key, void *iv) { uchar aes_key[32], aes_iv[32]; memcpy(aes_key, key, 32); memcpy(aes_iv, iv, 32); AES_KEY aes; AES_set_encrypt_key(aes_key, 256, &aes); AES_ige_encrypt((const uchar*)src, (uchar*)dst, len, &aes, aes_iv, AES_ENCRYPT); } inline void aesEncrypt(const void *src, void *dst, uint32 len, mtpAuthKeyPtr authKey, const MTPint128 &msgKey) { MTPint256 aesKey, aesIV; authKey->prepareAES(msgKey, aesKey, aesIV); return aesEncrypt(src, dst, len, &aesKey, &aesIV); } inline void aesEncryptLocal(const void *src, void *dst, uint32 len, mtpAuthKey *authKey, const void *key128) { MTPint256 aesKey, aesIV; authKey->prepareAES(*(const MTPint128*)key128, aesKey, aesIV, false); return aesEncrypt(src, dst, len, &aesKey, &aesIV); } inline void aesDecrypt(const void *src, void *dst, uint32 len, void *key, void *iv) { uchar aes_key[32], aes_iv[32]; memcpy(aes_key, key, 32); memcpy(aes_iv, iv, 32); AES_KEY aes; AES_set_decrypt_key(aes_key, 256, &aes); AES_ige_encrypt((const uchar*)src, (uchar*)dst, len, &aes, aes_iv, AES_DECRYPT); } inline void aesDecrypt(const void *src, void *dst, uint32 len, mtpAuthKeyPtr authKey, const MTPint128 &msgKey) { MTPint256 aesKey, aesIV; authKey->prepareAES(msgKey, aesKey, aesIV, false); return aesDecrypt(src, dst, len, &aesKey, &aesIV); } inline void aesDecryptLocal(const void *src, void *dst, uint32 len, mtpAuthKey *authKey, const void *key128) { MTPint256 aesKey, aesIV; authKey->prepareAES(*(const MTPint128*)key128, aesKey, aesIV, false); return aesDecrypt(src, dst, len, &aesKey, &aesIV); }