name: Issue closer. on: issues: types: opened jobs: comment: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Get the latest version. run: | tag=$(git ls-remote --tags git://$GITHUB_REPOSITORY | cut -f 2 | tail -n1) echo $tag echo ::set-env name=LATEST_TAG::$tag - name: Check a version from an issue. uses: actions/github-script@0.4.0 with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} script: | let errorStr = "Version not found."; let item1 = "Version of Telegram Desktop"; let item2 = "Used theme"; let body = context.payload.issue.body; console.log("Body of issue:\n" + body); let index1 = body.indexOf(item1); let index2 = body.indexOf(item2); index2 = (index2 == -1) ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : index2; console.log("Index 1: " + index1); console.log("Index 2: " + index2); if (index1 == -1) { console.log(errorStr); return; } function parseVersion(str) { let pattern = /[0-9]\.[0-9][0-9.]{0,}/g; return str.match(pattern); } function firstNum(version) { return version[0].split(".")[0]; } let issueVer = parseVersion(body.substring(index1 + item1.length, index2)); if (issueVer == undefined) { console.log(errorStr); return; } console.log("Version from issue: " + issueVer[0]); let latestVer = parseVersion(process.env.LATEST_TAG); if (latestVer == undefined) { console.log(errorStr); return; } console.log("Version from tags: " + latestVer[0]); let issueNum = firstNum(issueVer); let latestNum = firstNum(latestVer); if (issueNum <= latestNum && issueNum < 5) { console.log("Seems the version of this issue is fine!"); return; } let message = ` Sorry, but according to the version you specify in this issue, \ you are using the [Telegram for macOS](, \ not the [Telegram Desktop]( You can report your issue to [the group]( \ or to [the repository of Telegram for macOS]( If I made a mistake and closed your issue wrongly, please reopen it. Thanks! `; let params = { owner: context.issue.owner, repo: context.issue.repo, issue_number: context.issue.number }; github.issues.createComment({ ...params, body: message }); github.issues.addLabels({ ...params, labels: ['TG macOS Swift'] }); github.issues.update({ ...params, state: 'closed' });