/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "pspecific.h" #include "settings.h" #include "lang.h" bool gRtl = false; Qt::LayoutDirection gLangDir = gRtl ? Qt::RightToLeft : Qt::LeftToRight; mtpDcOptions gDcOptions; bool gDevVersion = DevVersion; bool gTestMode = false; bool gDebug = false; bool gManyInstance = false; QString gKeyFile; QString gWorkingDir, gExeDir, gExeName; QStringList gSendPaths; QString gStartUrl; QString gLangErrors; QString gDialogLastPath, gDialogHelperPath; // optimize QFileDialog bool gSoundNotify = true; bool gIncludeMuted = true; bool gDesktopNotify = true; DBINotifyView gNotifyView = dbinvShowPreview; bool gWindowsNotifications = true; bool gStartMinimized = false; bool gStartInTray = false; bool gAutoStart = false; bool gSendToMenu = false; bool gAutoUpdate = true; TWindowPos gWindowPos; bool gFromAutoStart = false; bool gSupportTray = true; DBIWorkMode gWorkMode = dbiwmWindowAndTray; DBIConnectionType gConnectionType = dbictAuto; ConnectionProxy gConnectionProxy; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN bool gTryIPv6 = false; #else bool gTryIPv6 = true; #endif bool gSeenTrayTooltip = false; bool gRestartingUpdate = false, gRestarting = false, gRestartingToSettings = false, gWriteProtected = false; int32 gLastUpdateCheck = 0; bool gNoStartUpdate = false; bool gStartToSettings = false; int32 gMaxGroupCount = 200; int32 gMaxMegaGroupCount = 500; DBIDefaultAttach gDefaultAttach = dbidaDocument; bool gReplaceEmojis = true; bool gAskDownloadPath = false; QString gDownloadPath; bool gNeedConfigResave = false; bool gCtrlEnter = false; QPixmapPointer gChatBackground = 0; int32 gChatBackgroundId = 0; QPixmapPointer gChatDogImage = 0; bool gTileBackground = false; uint32 gConnectionsInSession = 1; QString gLoggedPhoneNumber; QByteArray gLocalSalt; DBIScale gRealScale = dbisAuto, gScreenScale = dbisOne, gConfigScale = dbisAuto; bool gCompressPastedImage = true; QString gTimeFormat = qsl("hh:mm"); int32 gAutoLock = 3600; bool gHasPasscode = false; bool gHasAudioPlayer = true; bool gHasAudioCapture = true; DBIEmojiTab gEmojiTab = dbietRecent; RecentEmojiPack gRecentEmojis; RecentEmojisPreload gRecentEmojisPreload; EmojiColorVariants gEmojiVariants; QByteArray gStickersHash; RecentStickerPreload gRecentStickersPreload; RecentStickerPack gRecentStickers; StickerSets gStickerSets; StickerSetsOrder gStickerSetsOrder; uint64 gLastStickersUpdate = 0; RecentHashtagPack gRecentWriteHashtags, gRecentSearchHashtags; bool gPasswordRecovered = false; int32 gPasscodeBadTries = 0; uint64 gPasscodeLastTry = 0; int32 gLang = -2; // auto QString gLangFile; bool gRetina = false; float64 gRetinaFactor = 1.; int32 gIntRetinaFactor = 1; bool gCustomNotifies = true; uint64 gInstance = 0.; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN DBIPlatform gPlatform = dbipWindows; QUrl gUpdateURL = QUrl(qsl("http://tdesktop.com/win/tupdates/current")); #elif defined Q_OS_MAC DBIPlatform gPlatform = dbipMac; QUrl gUpdateURL = QUrl(qsl("http://tdesktop.com/mac/tupdates/current")); #elif defined Q_OS_LINUX32 DBIPlatform gPlatform = dbipLinux32; QUrl gUpdateURL = QUrl(qsl("http://tdesktop.com/linux32/tupdates/current")); #elif defined Q_OS_LINUX64 DBIPlatform gPlatform = dbipLinux64; QUrl gUpdateURL = QUrl(qsl("http://tdesktop.com/linux/tupdates/current")); #else #error Unknown platform #endif bool gContactsReceived = false; bool gDialogsReceived = false; bool gWideMode = true; int gOnlineUpdatePeriod = 120000; int gOfflineBlurTimeout = 5000; int gOfflineIdleTimeout = 30000; int gOnlineFocusTimeout = 1000; int gOnlineCloudTimeout = 300000; int gNotifyCloudDelay = 30000; int gNotifyDefaultDelay = 1500; int gOtherOnline = 0; float64 gSongVolume = 0.9; SavedPeers gSavedPeers; SavedPeersByTime gSavedPeersByTime; ReportSpamStatuses gReportSpamStatuses; void settingsParseArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if (QSysInfo::macVersion() < QSysInfo::MV_10_8) { gUpdateURL = QUrl(qsl("http://tdesktop.com/mac32/tupdates/current")); } else { gCustomNotifies = false; } #endif memset_rand(&gInstance, sizeof(gInstance)); gExeDir = psCurrentExeDirectory(argc, argv); gExeName = psCurrentExeName(argc, argv); for (int32 i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if (string("-testmode") == argv[i]) { gTestMode = true; } else if (string("-debug") == argv[i]) { gDebug = true; } else if (string("-many") == argv[i]) { gManyInstance = true; } else if (string("-key") == argv[i] && i + 1 < argc) { gKeyFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[++i]); } else if (string("-autostart") == argv[i]) { gFromAutoStart = true; } else if (string("-noupdate") == argv[i]) { gNoStartUpdate = true; } else if (string("-tosettings") == argv[i]) { gStartToSettings = true; } else if (string("-startintray") == argv[i]) { gStartInTray = true; } else if (string("-sendpath") == argv[i] && i + 1 < argc) { for (++i; i < argc; ++i) { gSendPaths.push_back(QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[i])); } } else if (string("-workdir") == argv[i] && i + 1 < argc) { QString dir = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[++i]); if (QDir().exists(dir)) { gWorkingDir = dir; } } else if (string("--") == argv[i] && i + 1 < argc) { gStartUrl = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[++i]); } } } RecentEmojiPack &cGetRecentEmojis() { if (cRecentEmojis().isEmpty()) { RecentEmojiPack r; if (!cRecentEmojisPreload().isEmpty()) { RecentEmojisPreload p(cRecentEmojisPreload()); cSetRecentEmojisPreload(RecentEmojisPreload()); r.reserve(p.size()); for (RecentEmojisPreload::const_iterator i = p.cbegin(), e = p.cend(); i != e; ++i) { uint64 code = ((!(i->first & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000LLU) && (i->first & 0xFFFFU) == 0xFE0FU)) ? ((i->first >> 16) & 0xFFFFU) : i->first; EmojiPtr ep(emojiFromKey(code)); if (!ep) continue; if (ep->postfix) { int32 j = 0, l = r.size(); for (; j < l; ++j) { if (emojiKey(r[j].first) == code) { break; } } if (j < l) { continue; } } r.push_back(qMakePair(ep, i->second)); } } uint64 defaultRecent[] = { 0xD83DDE02LLU, 0xD83DDE18LLU, 0x2764LLU, 0xD83DDE0DLLU, 0xD83DDE0ALLU, 0xD83DDE01LLU, 0xD83DDC4DLLU, 0x263ALLU, 0xD83DDE14LLU, 0xD83DDE04LLU, 0xD83DDE2DLLU, 0xD83DDC8BLLU, 0xD83DDE12LLU, 0xD83DDE33LLU, 0xD83DDE1CLLU, 0xD83DDE48LLU, 0xD83DDE09LLU, 0xD83DDE03LLU, 0xD83DDE22LLU, 0xD83DDE1DLLU, 0xD83DDE31LLU, 0xD83DDE21LLU, 0xD83DDE0FLLU, 0xD83DDE1ELLU, 0xD83DDE05LLU, 0xD83DDE1ALLU, 0xD83DDE4ALLU, 0xD83DDE0CLLU, 0xD83DDE00LLU, 0xD83DDE0BLLU, 0xD83DDE06LLU, 0xD83DDC4CLLU, 0xD83DDE10LLU, 0xD83DDE15LLU, }; for (int32 i = 0, s = sizeof(defaultRecent) / sizeof(defaultRecent[0]); i < s; ++i) { if (r.size() >= EmojiPanPerRow * EmojiPanRowsPerPage) break; EmojiPtr ep(emojiGet(defaultRecent[i])); if (!ep || ep == TwoSymbolEmoji) continue; int32 j = 0, l = r.size(); for (; j < l; ++j) { if (r[j].first == ep) { break; } } if (j < l) continue; r.push_back(qMakePair(ep, 1)); } cSetRecentEmojis(r); } return cRefRecentEmojis(); } RecentStickerPack &cGetRecentStickers() { if (cRecentStickers().isEmpty() && !cRecentStickersPreload().isEmpty()) { RecentStickerPreload p(cRecentStickersPreload()); cSetRecentStickersPreload(RecentStickerPreload()); RecentStickerPack &recent(cRefRecentStickers()); recent.reserve(p.size()); for (RecentStickerPreload::const_iterator i = p.cbegin(), e = p.cend(); i != e; ++i) { DocumentData *doc = App::document(i->first); if (!doc || !doc->sticker()) continue; recent.push_back(qMakePair(doc, i->second)); } } return cRefRecentStickers(); }