/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "ui/filedialog.h" #include "application.h" #include "localstorage.h" #include "platform/platform_file_dialog.h" #include "core/task_queue.h" void filedialogInit() { if (cDialogLastPath().isEmpty()) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // hack to restore previous dir without hurting performance QSettings settings(QSettings::UserScope, qstr("QtProject")); settings.beginGroup(qstr("Qt")); QByteArray sd = settings.value(qstr("filedialog")).toByteArray(); QDataStream stream(&sd, QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (!stream.atEnd()) { int version = 3, _QFileDialogMagic = 190; QByteArray splitterState; QByteArray headerData; QList bookmarks; QStringList history; QString currentDirectory; qint32 marker; qint32 v; qint32 viewMode; stream >> marker; stream >> v; if (marker == _QFileDialogMagic && v == version) { stream >> splitterState >> bookmarks >> history >> currentDirectory >> headerData >> viewMode; cSetDialogLastPath(currentDirectory); } } if (cDialogHelperPath().isEmpty()) { QDir temppath(cWorkingDir() + "tdata/tdummy/"); if (!temppath.exists()) { temppath.mkpath(temppath.absolutePath()); } if (temppath.exists()) { cSetDialogHelperPath(temppath.absolutePath()); } } #else // Q_OS_WIN cSetDialogLastPath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation)); #endif // Q_OS_WIN } } namespace FileDialog { namespace internal { bool getFiles(QStringList &files, QByteArray &remoteContent, const QString &caption, const QString &filter, FileDialog::internal::Type type, QString startFile = QString()) { filedialogInit(); if (Platform::FileDialog::Supported()) { return Platform::FileDialog::Get(files, remoteContent, caption, filter, type, startFile); } #if defined Q_OS_LINUX || defined Q_OS_MAC // use native remoteContent = QByteArray(); if (startFile.isEmpty() || startFile.at(0) != '/') { startFile = cDialogLastPath() + '/' + startFile; } QString file; if (type == Type::ReadFiles) { files = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(App::wnd() ? App::wnd()->filedialogParent() : 0, caption, startFile, filter); QString path = files.isEmpty() ? QString() : QFileInfo(files.back()).absoluteDir().absolutePath(); if (!path.isEmpty() && path != cDialogLastPath()) { cSetDialogLastPath(path); Local::writeUserSettings(); } return !files.isEmpty(); } else if (type == Type::ReadFolder) { file = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(App::wnd() ? App::wnd()->filedialogParent() : 0, caption, startFile); } else if (type == Type::WriteFile) { file = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(App::wnd() ? App::wnd()->filedialogParent() : 0, caption, startFile, filter); } else { file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(App::wnd() ? App::wnd()->filedialogParent() : 0, caption, startFile, filter); } if (file.isEmpty()) { files = QStringList(); return false; } QString path = QFileInfo(file).absoluteDir().absolutePath(); if (!path.isEmpty() && path != cDialogLastPath()) { cSetDialogLastPath(path); Local::writeUserSettings(); } files = QStringList(file); return true; #else // Q_OS_LINUX || Q_OS_MAC // A hack for fast dialog create. There was some huge performance problem // if we open a file dialog in some folder with a large amount of files. // Some internal Qt watcher iterated over all of them, querying some information // that forced file icon and maybe other properties being resolved and this was // a blocking operation. auto helperPath = cDialogHelperPathFinal(); QFileDialog dialog(App::wnd() ? App::wnd()->filedialogParent() : 0, caption, helperPath, filter); dialog.setModal(true); if (type == Type::ReadFile || type == Type::ReadFiles) { dialog.setFileMode((type == Type::ReadFiles) ? QFileDialog::ExistingFiles : QFileDialog::ExistingFile); dialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptOpen); } else if (type == Type::ReadFolder) { // save dir dialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptOpen); // We use "obsolete" value ::DirectoryOnly instead of ::Directory + ::ShowDirsOnly // because in Windows XP native dialog this one works, while the "preferred" one // shows a native file choose dialog where you can't choose a directory, only open one. dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly); dialog.setOption(QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly); } else { // save file dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); dialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); } dialog.show(); auto realLastPath = cDialogLastPath(); if (realLastPath.isEmpty() || realLastPath.endsWith(qstr("/tdummy"))) { realLastPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation); } dialog.setDirectory(realLastPath); if (type == Type::WriteFile) { QString toSelect(startFile); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN int32 lastSlash = toSelect.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlash >= 0) { toSelect = toSelect.mid(lastSlash + 1); } int32 lastBackSlash = toSelect.lastIndexOf('\\'); if (lastBackSlash >= 0) { toSelect = toSelect.mid(lastBackSlash + 1); } #endif dialog.selectFile(toSelect); } int res = dialog.exec(); QString path = dialog.directory().absolutePath(); if (path != cDialogLastPath()) { cSetDialogLastPath(path); Local::writeUserSettings(); } if (res == QDialog::Accepted) { if (type == Type::ReadFiles) { files = dialog.selectedFiles(); } else { files = dialog.selectedFiles().mid(0, 1); } if (type == Type::ReadFile || type == Type::ReadFiles) { #if defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined Q_OS_WINRT remoteContent = dialog.selectedRemoteContent(); #endif // Q_OS_WIN && !Q_OS_WINRT } return true; } files = QStringList(); remoteContent = QByteArray(); return false; #endif // Q_OS_WIN } } // namespace internal } // namespace FileDialog bool filedialogGetOpenFiles(QStringList &files, QByteArray &remoteContent, const QString &caption, const QString &filter) { return FileDialog::internal::getFiles(files, remoteContent, caption, filter, FileDialog::internal::Type::ReadFiles); } bool filedialogGetOpenFile(QString &file, QByteArray &remoteContent, const QString &caption, const QString &filter) { QStringList files; bool result = FileDialog::internal::getFiles(files, remoteContent, caption, filter, FileDialog::internal::Type::ReadFile); file = files.isEmpty() ? QString() : files.at(0); return result; } bool filedialogGetSaveFile(QString &file, const QString &caption, const QString &filter, const QString &startName) { QStringList files; QByteArray remoteContent; bool result = FileDialog::internal::getFiles(files, remoteContent, caption, filter, FileDialog::internal::Type::WriteFile, startName); file = files.isEmpty() ? QString() : files.at(0); return result; } bool filedialogGetDir(QString &dir, const QString &caption) { QStringList files; QByteArray remoteContent; bool result = FileDialog::internal::getFiles(files, remoteContent, caption, QString(), FileDialog::internal::Type::ReadFolder); dir = files.isEmpty() ? QString() : files.at(0); return result; } QString filedialogDefaultName(const QString &prefix, const QString &extension, const QString &path, bool skipExistance) { filedialogInit(); time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm tm; mylocaltime(&tm, &t); QChar zero('0'); QString name; QString base = prefix + qsl("_%1-%2-%3_%4-%5-%6").arg(tm.tm_year + 1900).arg(tm.tm_mon + 1, 2, 10, zero).arg(tm.tm_mday, 2, 10, zero).arg(tm.tm_hour, 2, 10, zero).arg(tm.tm_min, 2, 10, zero).arg(tm.tm_sec, 2, 10, zero); if (skipExistance) { name = base + extension; } else { QDir dir(path.isEmpty() ? cDialogLastPath() : path); QString nameBase = dir.absolutePath() + '/' + base; name = nameBase + extension; for (int i = 0; QFileInfo(name).exists(); ++i) { name = nameBase + qsl(" (%1)").arg(i + 2) + extension; } } return name; } QString filedialogNextFilename(const QString &name, const QString &cur, const QString &path) { QDir dir(path.isEmpty() ? cDialogLastPath() : path); int32 extIndex = name.lastIndexOf('.'); QString prefix = name, extension; if (extIndex >= 0) { extension = name.mid(extIndex); prefix = name.mid(0, extIndex); } QString nameBase = dir.absolutePath() + '/' + prefix, result = nameBase + extension; for (int i = 0; result.toLower() != cur.toLower() && QFileInfo(result).exists(); ++i) { result = nameBase + qsl(" (%1)").arg(i + 2) + extension; } return result; } QString filedialogAllFilesFilter() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN return qsl("All files (*.*)"); #else // Q_OS_WIN return qsl("All files (*)"); #endif // Q_OS_WIN } namespace FileDialog { namespace { base::Observable QueryDoneObservable; struct Query { enum class Type { ReadFile, ReadFiles, WriteFile, ReadFolder, }; Query(Type type , const QString &caption = QString() , const QString &filter = QString() , const QString &filePath = QString()) : id(rand_value()) , type(type) , caption(caption) , filter(filter) , filePath(filePath) { } QueryId id; Type type; QString caption, filter, filePath; }; using QueryList = QList; NeverFreedPointer Queries; void StartCallback() { Queries.createIfNull(); } } // namespace QueryId queryReadFile(const QString &caption, const QString &filter) { Queries.createIfNull(); Queries->push_back(Query(Query::Type::ReadFile, caption, filter)); Global::RefHandleFileDialogQueue().call(); return Queries->back().id; } QueryId queryReadFiles(const QString &caption, const QString &filter) { Queries.createIfNull(); Queries->push_back(Query(Query::Type::ReadFiles, caption, filter)); Global::RefHandleFileDialogQueue().call(); return Queries->back().id; } QueryId queryWriteFile(const QString &caption, const QString &filter, const QString &filePath) { Queries.createIfNull(); Queries->push_back(Query(Query::Type::WriteFile, caption, filter, filePath)); Global::RefHandleFileDialogQueue().call(); return Queries->back().id; } QueryId queryReadFolder(const QString &caption) { Queries.createIfNull(); Queries->push_back(Query(Query::Type::ReadFolder, caption)); Global::RefHandleFileDialogQueue().call(); return Queries->back().id; } bool processQuery() { if (!Queries || !Global::started() || Queries->isEmpty()) return false; auto query = Queries->front(); Queries->pop_front(); QueryUpdate update(query.id); switch (query.type) { case Query::Type::ReadFile: { QString file; QByteArray remoteContent; if (filedialogGetOpenFile(file, remoteContent, query.caption, query.filter)) { if (!file.isEmpty()) { update.filePaths.push_back(file); } update.remoteContent = remoteContent; } } break; case Query::Type::ReadFiles: { QStringList files; QByteArray remoteContent; if (filedialogGetOpenFiles(files, remoteContent, query.caption, query.filter)) { update.filePaths = files; update.remoteContent = remoteContent; } } break; case Query::Type::WriteFile: { QString file; if (filedialogGetSaveFile(file, query.caption, query.filter, query.filePath)) { if (!file.isEmpty()) { update.filePaths.push_back(file); } } } break; case Query::Type::ReadFolder: { QString folder; if (filedialogGetDir(folder, query.caption)) { if (!folder.isEmpty()) { update.filePaths.push_back(folder); } } } break; } // No one knows what happened during filedialogGet*() call in the event loop. if (!Queries || !Global::started()) return false; QueryDone().notify(std_::move(update)); return true; } base::Observable &QueryDone() { return QueryDoneObservable; } void askOpenPath(const QString &caption, const QString &filter, base::lambda &&callback, base::lambda &&failed) { base::TaskQueue::Main().Put([caption, filter, callback = std_::move(callback), failed = std_::move(failed)] { auto file = QString(); auto remoteContent = QByteArray(); if (filedialogGetOpenFile(file, remoteContent, caption, filter) && (!file.isEmpty() || !remoteContent.isEmpty())) { if (callback) { auto result = OpenResult(); if (!file.isEmpty()) { result.paths.push_back(file); } result.remoteContent = remoteContent; callback(result); } } else if (failed) { failed(); } }); } void askOpenPaths(const QString &caption, const QString &filter, base::lambda &&callback, base::lambda &&failed) { base::TaskQueue::Main().Put([caption, filter, callback = std_::move(callback), failed = std_::move(failed)] { auto files = QStringList(); auto remoteContent = QByteArray(); if (filedialogGetOpenFiles(files, remoteContent, caption, filter) && (!files.isEmpty() || !remoteContent.isEmpty())) { if (callback) { auto result = OpenResult(); result.paths = files; result.remoteContent = remoteContent; callback(result); } } else if (failed) { failed(); } }); } void askWritePath(const QString &caption, const QString &filter, const QString &initialPath, base::lambda &&callback, base::lambda &&failed) { base::TaskQueue::Main().Put([caption, filter, initialPath, callback = std_::move(callback), failed = std_::move(failed)] { auto file = QString(); if (filedialogGetSaveFile(file, caption, filter, initialPath)) { if (callback) { callback(file); } } else if (failed) { failed(); } }); } void askFolder(const QString &caption, base::lambda &&callback, base::lambda &&failed) { base::TaskQueue::Main().Put([caption, callback = std_::move(callback), failed = std_::move(failed)] { auto folder = QString(); if (filedialogGetDir(folder, caption) && !folder.isEmpty()) { if (callback) { callback(folder); } } else if (failed) { failed(); } }); } } // namespace FileDialog