/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "api/api_peer_photo.h" #include "api/api_updates.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "base/random.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_peer.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_user_photos.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "storage/file_upload.h" #include "storage/localimageloader.h" #include "storage/storage_user_photos.h" #include namespace Api { namespace { constexpr auto kSharedMediaLimit = 100; [[nodiscard]] SendMediaReady PreparePeerPhoto( MTP::DcId dcId, PeerId peerId, QImage &&image) { PreparedPhotoThumbs photoThumbs; QVector photoSizes; QByteArray jpeg; QBuffer jpegBuffer(&jpeg); image.save(&jpegBuffer, "JPG", 87); const auto scaled = [&](int size) { return image.scaled( size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); }; const auto push = [&]( const char *type, QImage &&image, QByteArray bytes = QByteArray()) { photoSizes.push_back(MTP_photoSize( MTP_string(type), MTP_int(image.width()), MTP_int(image.height()), MTP_int(0))); photoThumbs.emplace(type[0], PreparedPhotoThumb{ .image = std::move(image), .bytes = std::move(bytes) }); }; push("a", scaled(160)); push("b", scaled(320)); push("c", std::move(image), jpeg); const auto id = base::RandomValue(); const auto photo = MTP_photo( MTP_flags(0), MTP_long(id), MTP_long(0), MTP_bytes(), MTP_int(base::unixtime::now()), MTP_vector(photoSizes), MTPVector(), MTP_int(dcId)); QString file, filename; int64 filesize = 0; QByteArray data; return SendMediaReady( SendMediaType::Photo, file, filename, filesize, data, id, id, u"jpg"_q, peerId, photo, photoThumbs, MTP_documentEmpty(MTP_long(0)), jpeg); } [[nodiscard]] std::optional PrepareMtpMarkup( not_null session, const PeerPhoto::UserPhoto &d) { const auto &documentId = d.markupDocumentId; const auto &colors = d.markupColors; if (!documentId || colors.empty()) { return std::nullopt; } const auto document = session->data().document(documentId); if (const auto sticker = document->sticker()) { if (sticker->isStatic()) { return std::nullopt; } const auto serializeColor = [](const QColor &color) { return (quint32(std::clamp(color.red(), 0, 255)) << 16) | (quint32(std::clamp(color.green(), 0, 255)) << 8) | quint32(std::clamp(color.blue(), 0, 255)); }; auto mtpColors = QVector(); mtpColors.reserve(colors.size()); ranges::transform( colors, ranges::back_inserter(mtpColors), [&](const QColor &c) { return MTP_int(serializeColor(c)); }); if (sticker->setType == Data::StickersType::Emoji) { return MTP_videoSizeEmojiMarkup( MTP_long(document->id), MTP_vector(mtpColors)); } else if (sticker->set.id && sticker->set.accessHash) { return MTP_videoSizeStickerMarkup( MTP_inputStickerSetID( MTP_long(sticker->set.id), MTP_long(sticker->set.accessHash)), MTP_long(document->id), MTP_vector(mtpColors)); } else if (!sticker->set.shortName.isEmpty()) { return MTP_videoSizeStickerMarkup( MTP_inputStickerSetShortName( MTP_string(sticker->set.shortName)), MTP_long(document->id), MTP_vector(mtpColors)); } else { return MTP_videoSizeEmojiMarkup( MTP_long(document->id), MTP_vector(mtpColors)); } } return std::nullopt; } } // namespace PeerPhoto::PeerPhoto(not_null api) : _session(&api->session()) , _api(&api->instance()) { crl::on_main(_session, [=] { // You can't use _session->lifetime() in the constructor, // only queued, because it is not constructed yet. _session->uploader().photoReady( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Storage::UploadedMedia &data) { ready(data.fullId, data.info.file, std::nullopt); }, _session->lifetime()); }); } void PeerPhoto::upload( not_null peer, UserPhoto &&photo, Fn done) { upload(peer, std::move(photo), UploadType::Default, std::move(done)); } void PeerPhoto::uploadFallback(not_null peer, UserPhoto &&photo) { upload(peer, std::move(photo), UploadType::Fallback, nullptr); } void PeerPhoto::updateSelf( not_null photo, Data::FileOrigin origin, Fn done) { const auto send = [=](auto resend) -> void { const auto usedFileReference = photo->fileReference(); _api.request(MTPphotos_UpdateProfilePhoto( MTP_flags(0), MTPInputUser(), // bot photo->mtpInput() )).done([=](const MTPphotos_Photo &result) { result.match([&](const MTPDphotos_photo &data) { _session->data().processPhoto(data.vphoto()); _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); }); if (done) { done(); } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { if (error.code() == 400 && error.type().startsWith(u"FILE_REFERENCE_"_q)) { photo->session().api().refreshFileReference(origin, [=]( const auto &) { if (photo->fileReference() != usedFileReference) { resend(resend); } }); } }).send(); }; send(send); } void PeerPhoto::upload( not_null peer, UserPhoto &&photo, UploadType type, Fn done) { peer = peer->migrateToOrMe(); const auto mtpMarkup = PrepareMtpMarkup(_session, photo); const auto fakeId = FullMsgId( peer->id, _session->data().nextLocalMessageId()); const auto already = ranges::find( _uploads, peer, [](const auto &pair) { return pair.second.peer; }); if (already != end(_uploads)) { _session->uploader().cancel(already->first); _uploads.erase(already); } _uploads.emplace( fakeId, UploadValue{ peer, type, std::move(done) }); if (mtpMarkup) { ready(fakeId, std::nullopt, mtpMarkup); } else { const auto ready = PreparePeerPhoto( _api.instance().mainDcId(), peer->id, base::take(photo.image)); _session->uploader().uploadMedia(fakeId, ready); } } void PeerPhoto::suggest(not_null peer, UserPhoto &&photo) { upload(peer, std::move(photo), UploadType::Suggestion, nullptr); } void PeerPhoto::clear(not_null photo) { const auto self = _session->user(); if (self->userpicPhotoId() == photo->id) { _api.request(MTPphotos_UpdateProfilePhoto( MTP_flags(0), MTPInputUser(), // bot MTP_inputPhotoEmpty() )).done([=](const MTPphotos_Photo &result) { self->setPhoto(MTP_userProfilePhotoEmpty()); }).send(); } else if (photo->peer && photo->peer->userpicPhotoId() == photo->id) { const auto applier = [=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _session->updates().applyUpdates(result); }; if (const auto chat = photo->peer->asChat()) { _api.request(MTPmessages_EditChatPhoto( chat->inputChat, MTP_inputChatPhotoEmpty() )).done(applier).send(); } else if (const auto channel = photo->peer->asChannel()) { _api.request(MTPchannels_EditPhoto( channel->inputChannel, MTP_inputChatPhotoEmpty() )).done(applier).send(); } } else { const auto fallbackPhotoId = SyncUserFallbackPhotoViewer(self); if (fallbackPhotoId && (*fallbackPhotoId) == photo->id) { _api.request(MTPphotos_UpdateProfilePhoto( MTP_flags(MTPphotos_UpdateProfilePhoto::Flag::f_fallback), MTPInputUser(), // bot MTP_inputPhotoEmpty() )).send(); _session->storage().add(Storage::UserPhotosSetBack( peerToUser(self->id), PhotoId())); } else { _api.request(MTPphotos_DeletePhotos( MTP_vector(1, photo->mtpInput()) )).send(); _session->storage().remove(Storage::UserPhotosRemoveOne( peerToUser(self->id), photo->id)); } } } void PeerPhoto::clearPersonal(not_null user) { _api.request(MTPphotos_UploadContactProfilePhoto( MTP_flags(MTPphotos_UploadContactProfilePhoto::Flag::f_save), user->inputUser, MTPInputFile(), MTPInputFile(), // video MTPdouble(), // video_start_ts MTPVideoSize() // video_emoji_markup )).done([=](const MTPphotos_Photo &result) { result.match([&](const MTPDphotos_photo &data) { _session->data().processPhoto(data.vphoto()); _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); }); }).send(); if (!user->userpicPhotoUnknown() && user->hasPersonalPhoto()) { _session->storage().remove(Storage::UserPhotosRemoveOne( peerToUser(user->id), user->userpicPhotoId())); } } void PeerPhoto::set(not_null peer, not_null photo) { if (peer->userpicPhotoId() == photo->id) { return; } if (peer == _session->user()) { _api.request(MTPphotos_UpdateProfilePhoto( MTP_flags(0), MTPInputUser(), // bot photo->mtpInput() )).done([=](const MTPphotos_Photo &result) { result.match([&](const MTPDphotos_photo &data) { _session->data().processPhoto(data.vphoto()); _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); }); }).send(); } else { const auto applier = [=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _session->updates().applyUpdates(result); }; if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { _api.request(MTPmessages_EditChatPhoto( chat->inputChat, MTP_inputChatPhoto(photo->mtpInput()) )).done(applier).send(); } else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { _api.request(MTPchannels_EditPhoto( channel->inputChannel, MTP_inputChatPhoto(photo->mtpInput()) )).done(applier).send(); } } } void PeerPhoto::ready( const FullMsgId &msgId, std::optional file, std::optional videoSize) { const auto maybeUploadValue = _uploads.take(msgId); if (!maybeUploadValue) { return; } const auto peer = maybeUploadValue->peer; const auto type = maybeUploadValue->type; const auto done = maybeUploadValue->done; const auto applier = [=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _session->updates().applyUpdates(result); if (done) { done(); } }; const auto botUserInput = [&] { const auto user = peer->asUser(); return (user && user->botInfo && user->botInfo->canEditInformation) ? std::make_optional(user->inputUser) : std::nullopt; }(); if (peer->isSelf() || botUserInput) { using Flag = MTPphotos_UploadProfilePhoto::Flag; const auto none = MTPphotos_UploadProfilePhoto::Flags(0); _api.request(MTPphotos_UploadProfilePhoto( MTP_flags((file ? Flag::f_file : none) | (botUserInput ? Flag::f_bot : none) | (videoSize ? Flag::f_video_emoji_markup : none) | ((type == UploadType::Fallback) ? Flag::f_fallback : none)), botUserInput ? (*botUserInput) : MTPInputUser(), // bot file ? (*file) : MTPInputFile(), MTPInputFile(), // video MTPdouble(), // video_start_ts videoSize ? (*videoSize) : MTPVideoSize() // video_emoji_markup )).done([=](const MTPphotos_Photo &result) { const auto photoId = _session->data().processPhoto( result.data().vphoto())->id; _session->data().processUsers(result.data().vusers()); if (type == UploadType::Fallback) { _session->storage().add(Storage::UserPhotosSetBack( peerToUser(peer->id), photoId)); } if (done) { done(); } }).send(); } else if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { const auto history = _session->data().history(chat); using Flag = MTPDinputChatUploadedPhoto::Flag; const auto none = MTPDinputChatUploadedPhoto::Flags(0); history->sendRequestId = _api.request(MTPmessages_EditChatPhoto( chat->inputChat, MTP_inputChatUploadedPhoto( MTP_flags((file ? Flag::f_file : none) | (videoSize ? Flag::f_video_emoji_markup : none)), file ? (*file) : MTPInputFile(), MTPInputFile(), // video MTPdouble(), // video_start_ts videoSize ? (*videoSize) : MTPVideoSize()) // video_emoji_markup )).done(applier).afterRequest(history->sendRequestId).send(); } else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { using Flag = MTPDinputChatUploadedPhoto::Flag; const auto none = MTPDinputChatUploadedPhoto::Flags(0); const auto history = _session->data().history(channel); history->sendRequestId = _api.request(MTPchannels_EditPhoto( channel->inputChannel, MTP_inputChatUploadedPhoto( MTP_flags((file ? Flag::f_file : none) | (videoSize ? Flag::f_video_emoji_markup : none)), file ? (*file) : MTPInputFile(), MTPInputFile(), // video MTPdouble(), // video_start_ts videoSize ? (*videoSize) : MTPVideoSize()) // video_emoji_markup )).done(applier).afterRequest(history->sendRequestId).send(); } else if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { using Flag = MTPphotos_UploadContactProfilePhoto::Flag; const auto none = MTPphotos_UploadContactProfilePhoto::Flags(0); _api.request(MTPphotos_UploadContactProfilePhoto( MTP_flags((file ? Flag::f_file : none) | (videoSize ? Flag::f_video_emoji_markup : none) | ((type == UploadType::Suggestion) ? Flag::f_suggest : Flag::f_save)), user->inputUser, file ? (*file) : MTPInputFile(), MTPInputFile(), // video MTPdouble(), // video_start_ts videoSize ? (*videoSize) : MTPVideoSize() // video_emoji_markup )).done([=](const MTPphotos_Photo &result) { result.match([&](const MTPDphotos_photo &data) { _session->data().processPhoto(data.vphoto()); _session->data().processUsers(data.vusers()); }); if (type != UploadType::Suggestion) { user->updateFullForced(); } if (done) { done(); } }).send(); } } void PeerPhoto::requestUserPhotos( not_null user, UserPhotoId afterId) { if (_userPhotosRequests.contains(user)) { return; } const auto requestId = _api.request(MTPphotos_GetUserPhotos( user->inputUser, MTP_int(0), MTP_long(afterId), MTP_int(kSharedMediaLimit) )).done([this, user](const MTPphotos_Photos &result) { _userPhotosRequests.remove(user); auto fullCount = result.match([](const MTPDphotos_photos &d) { return int(d.vphotos().v.size()); }, [](const MTPDphotos_photosSlice &d) { return d.vcount().v; }); auto &owner = _session->data(); auto photoIds = result.match([&](const auto &data) { owner.processUsers(data.vusers()); auto photoIds = std::vector(); photoIds.reserve(data.vphotos().v.size()); for (const auto &single : data.vphotos().v) { const auto photo = owner.processPhoto(single); if (!photo->isNull()) { photoIds.push_back(photo->id); } } return photoIds; }); if (!user->userpicPhotoUnknown() && user->hasPersonalPhoto()) { const auto photo = owner.photo(user->userpicPhotoId()); if (!photo->isNull()) { ++fullCount; photoIds.insert(begin(photoIds), photo->id); } } _session->storage().add(Storage::UserPhotosAddSlice( peerToUser(user->id), std::move(photoIds), fullCount )); }).fail([this, user] { _userPhotosRequests.remove(user); }).send(); _userPhotosRequests.emplace(user, requestId); } auto PeerPhoto::emojiList(EmojiListType type) -> EmojiListData & { switch (type) { case EmojiListType::Profile: return _profileEmojiList; case EmojiListType::Group: return _groupEmojiList; case EmojiListType::Background: return _backgroundEmojiList; } Unexpected("Type in PeerPhoto::emojiList."); } auto PeerPhoto::emojiList(EmojiListType type) const -> const EmojiListData & { return const_cast(this)->emojiList(type); } void PeerPhoto::requestEmojiList(EmojiListType type) { auto &list = emojiList(type); if (list.requestId) { return; } const auto send = [&](auto &&request) { return _api.request( std::move(request) ).done([=](const MTPEmojiList &result) { auto &list = emojiList(type); list.requestId = 0; result.match([](const MTPDemojiListNotModified &data) { }, [&](const MTPDemojiList &data) { list.list = ranges::views::all( data.vdocument_id().v ) | ranges::views::transform( &MTPlong::v ) | ranges::to_vector; }); }).fail([=] { emojiList(type).requestId = 0; }).send(); }; list.requestId = (type == EmojiListType::Profile) ? send(MTPaccount_GetDefaultProfilePhotoEmojis()) : (type == EmojiListType::Group) ? send(MTPaccount_GetDefaultGroupPhotoEmojis()) : send(MTPaccount_GetDefaultBackgroundEmojis()); } rpl::producer PeerPhoto::emojiListValue( EmojiListType type) { auto &list = emojiList(type); if (list.list.current().empty() && !list.requestId) { requestEmojiList(type); } return list.list.value(); } // Non-personal photo in case a personal photo is set. void PeerPhoto::registerNonPersonalPhoto( not_null user, not_null photo) { _nonPersonalPhotos.emplace_or_assign(user, photo); } void PeerPhoto::unregisterNonPersonalPhoto(not_null user) { _nonPersonalPhotos.erase(user); } PhotoData *PeerPhoto::nonPersonalPhoto( not_null user) const { const auto i = _nonPersonalPhotos.find(user); return (i != end(_nonPersonalPhotos)) ? i->second.get() : nullptr; } } // namespace Api